Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Q153090901 des Produzenten HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP Ultr ium tape dr i v es T ec hni cal r ef er ence man ual G ene r a t i on 3 d r i v e s V olume 3—the S C S I interf ace <Bold Header> P ar t Number: Q15 30–909 01 V olume 3 E dition 6, .
<Bold Header> Legal and n otice in formatio n © Copy right 2000–2004—Hewlett-P ackar d Development Co mp an y , L.P . The infor ma ti on contained in this document is subject to change without noti ce .
Cont ents Cont ents 3 Related docume nts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Documents specific to HP Ultrium drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4C o n t e n t s Illegal C ommand check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1 Illegal F ield/Request check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cont ents Cont ents 5 Read-Write Er ror Recovery mode page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Disconnect- Reconnect page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6C o n t e n t s Fixed fo rmat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Descriptor format 152 Sense data mana gement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Related documents 7 R elated doc umen ts This is one of si x volume s that document HP Ultr ium dri ves . T his volume pr ov ides back gr ound infor mation for dr iv er and appli cation de velo pers.
8 Oper ation Car tridges Inte rface Opti mi zing pe rf orm ance (SC SI only) 1 HW Int egr atio n: ch. 8n / a 2 SW I n t e g ra t i o n : ch. 4 UNIX configurati on 5 UNIX Confi g SCS I D rive s FC Driv es External dr iv es (SCSI only) 1 HW In teg r ation: ch.
Related documents 9 Maint enance and tr oubl eshooting Dealing w ith err ors Ultrium f eatures SCS I D ri ves FC Drives Cleani ng 2 SW I n t e g r a t i o n : ch. 5 2 SW I n t e g ra t i o n : ch. 7 External dr iv es (SCSI only) 1 HW Int egr atio n: ch.
10 Gener al do c uments an d standar di z ation • Enhanced Small Compute r S ys tem Interface (S CSI- 2), ANSI X3T9 .2 -199 3 Rev . 10L, av ailable thr ough ANSI • See http: //www .
The SCSI interface Interface Impl ementation 11 1 Inter face Imp lem entation HP Ultrium dri ves u se SCSI-3 as the i nterface to c onne ct to th e host sy st em. This chap ter gives an o vervi ew of how the inte r f ace operates. F ull details of the messages ar e give n in Chapter 2 and of commands in Chapter 3 and Chap ter 4 .
SCSI features Interface Impl ementation 13 The fo l lo wing additional commands ar e su pp orted fo r CD -ROM mode: F or implem entation details o n these co mmands, se e Chapte r 3, “Commands—intr oducti on ” and Cha pter 4, “Comma nds ” .
Interface Implementation 14 • A UNIT A T TENTION conditi on is set , based on the type of r eset The driv e will respond to INQU IR Y , TES T UNIT READ Y , REPOR T L UNS and REQUE ST SENSE wi th in 250 ms of the r eset line bein g rel eased.
SCSI features Interface Impl ementation 15 L UN iden tifi cation (parallel S CSI only) Identify messages are u sed to ident i fy the L UN being addressed b y the ini tiato r , and to identify whic h L UN is r eselecting the initia tor . The old L UN fi eld in the CDB fr om the SC SI- 2 standar ds is obsol ete and should not be used (set t o 0 ).
Interface Implementation 16 If Infor mati on Units is enabled (parallel SC S I only), the dri v e will drop the bus o n detecting a CRC err or dur ing a LQ_IU. If the CR C err or occurs dur ing the Infor mation Units com mand phase or data out phase , the dr ive w i ll retur n CHECK CONDITION with a CRC er ror .
SCSI features Interface Impl ementation 17 Multi-initiator suppor t All dri ves are design to operate w i thin a mul ti-initiator env ironment. T h e maximum number of concur r ently connected initiat.
Interface Implementation 18 Sense Data, Unit Atten tion and Defer red Er ror s are maintained for each initi ator . M ode P ara meter s are c ommon to all initi ator s. The untagged queuing model implemented by the dri ves guar antees that all commands are ex ecuted in str ict or der of rece ipt.
Fibre Channel operatio n Interface Impl ementation 19 • IEEE Company ID (2 4 bits) . Assigned by IEEE to th e comp a ny . • V endor Specif i ed ID (3 6 bits) . Assigned by the compan y . Addresse s Ea ch Fibr e Channel port also has a P ort Address w hich is assigned dur ing loop initializ ation and/or Fa bri c Login.
Interface Implementation 20 The values of the na mes can be obtained using the Dev ice Identification Vital Pr od uct Information P age (par t of the INQ UIR Y comma nd) . Implica tions for libraries • Normall y a standalone dr iv e wil l operate using its o wn ‘har d’ names.
CD-RO M emu latio n Interface Impl ementation 21 Although ther e are no actual Fi e l d R eplace able Units on HP Ultrium dri ves , the follow ing sub- assemblies can be replac e d at R epair Centr es.
Interface Implementation 22 • A S CS I bus r e set occ ur s f ollo w ing the r eading o f at leas t 100 bloc ks of CD-R OM data b y a hos t. • The u ser pow er -cyc les the dri ve or r esets it using the for ced-eject mechanism .
Mes sages 23 2M e s s a g e s This chap ter includes all SCS I m essages , both supported and unsupported. P arts of this chapter come fr om Section 5, Logical Char acter istics, of the S CSI standar ds (see page 11) . The message s y stem pr o v i des an initiator and a tar get on the S CSI bu s wit h a means of ma naging communicatio n.
Messages 24 Mes sage In su ppor t Name Code Suppo rt Command Compl ete 00h This mes sage is sent b y the dri ve at the end of the s tatus phase to indicate that a command is complete . Once the mess age is sent , the dri ve r eleases the bus and goes to Bus F ree .
Mes sages 25 Extended M essage sup port S y nc hro no u s Data T ransf er R e q ues t Wide D ata T r ans fer Request Name Code Sup port S ynchr onous D ata T ran sfer Req uest 01h T h e driv e can initiate a S ynchr on ou s data tr ansfer negotiati on.
Messages 26 P a r allel Pr otocol R equest Fi e l d s : St a t us A Status b yte is sent fr om the driv e to the host during the S tatus phase at the end of each com mand a s spec if ie d in th e S CSI s pec ifi catio n, unles s the comman d ha s been c lear ed b y an ABOR T message , by a BUS DEVICE RE SET message , or by a har d re set .
Status Mes sages 27 The St atus b y tes t hat the dri ve r eturns ar e as follo ws: 00h GOOD: T his status indicates that the dri ve has successfull y completed the command. 02 h CHECK CONDIT I ON: An y err or , ex ception, or abnormal condition that causes sense data to be set r eturns CHECK CONDIT ION.
Messages 28.
Summary Co mm ands—intr oductio n 29 3 C ommands—intr oducti on This chapter contains notes r elati ng to the SC SI co mmands listed in Chapter . Summar y The foll owing table is a s umma ry of th.
Command s—introductio n 30 Pr e -e x ec uti on chec ks NO TE: In compliance w ith the SC SI spec ific ation, the dr i ve ter minates a command w ith a CHECK CONDITIO N status and sets the sense k ey to ILLE G AL RE QU E S T w hen a re served bit , b yte , fi eld or code is r ecei ved w hich i s not z er o.
Pre-execution checks Co mm ands—intr oductio n 31 r eported. If suc h an er r or ex ists, then the dr iv e reports CHE CK CONDITION . The sense data f or the command is se t to D EFERRED ERRO R (w h ic h was ge nerated wh en some pr evi ous command f ailed) .
Command s—introductio n 32 • a r eserved f ield • the contr ol fi eld • two or mor e fie lds to logically conf li cting v alue s If a field has been set to an illegal value: • C HECK CONDITION status i s reported to the host w ith a sense k ey of ILLEG AL REQ UES T and additional s ense of 2 400h “inv alid f ield in CDB” .
Pre-execution checks Co mm ands—intr oductio n 33 Media Inf ormati on c heck During pow er -on a nd f ollowing a S CSI r eset, kno wledge of the wher e abou ts of the c a rtr idge is unav ailable .
Command s—introductio n 34 P a ra m e t er Li s t c h e ck Fo r LO G SE L EC T , MO D E SEL ECT and some diag nostic com mand s, the associated data s ent to t he dri ve is in the form of par a meter lists. These are descr ibed under the comm and names in the next chapt er .
Command descriptor bloc k Co mm ands—intr oductio n 35 C ommand d esc r ipto r bloc k A SCSI command descr iptor bloc k (CDB) is a sequence of 6 , 10, 12 or 16 b ytes sent by a host to a SC SI target w ith the bus in command phase . The CDB tells the dri ve what action should be pe r for me d.
Command s—introductio n 36.
Co mm ands 37 4C o m m a n d s This chap ter describes all S CSI commands. P arts of the chapter are based on sectio ns of the S CSI sp ecificatio n ( see page 11 ).
Comm ands 38 ER A SE 19h The ERASE command is u sed to er ase data on ta p e fr om the curr ent logical position . The Lo ng bit is used to deci de whether the ‘ old’ data is ph ysic ally ov erwritten or not . E RA SE comm ands (short or long) to a dri ve containing a WORM cartri dge will not ov erwr ite or eras e u ser data on ta p e .
INQUIRY 12h Co mm ands 39 INQUIR Y 12h I NQUIR Y tells the dr iv e to retu rn infor mation a bout the basi c operating par ameter s to the host . Th ese p ar amet er s cann ot be c hang ed. The dr iv e r etur ns Inq uiry d ata t o t he ho st in a d ata -in phase.
Comm ands 40 INQUIR Y data pages R eturned data: I NQUIR Y retur ns its standar d data if the EVPD bit is ze r o , or r etur ns a page of data as s pecif ied b y the P age Code f ield when EVPD is one.
INQUIRY 12h Co mm ands 41 The St anda r d Inquir y Data is based on the S CSI 3 standard f or Standar d Inquir y Data . F o r the L U N to which the drive is atta ched, the P e r i pheral Q ua lifier .
Comm ands 42 NACA 0 The Normal A CA flag is 0, indicating that i t is not supported . HiSup 0 T he Hi erar chical Support flag is 0, ind i cating that the hier archic al addres sing model is not supported. Response Data F ormat 2 The Inquiry Data format complies w ith the SCS I-3 standard .
INQUIRY 12h Co mm ands 43 V endor Spec i f ic data ma y be sent after t he Product R evisi on Lev el. Produc t Revision L evel A vendor -specif ic string of fo ur AS CII character s: “ CNNV ”: • C is the codename ( G for a G e n 3 SCSI drive, L for G en 3 F C d rive) • NN ar e two digits that indicate the build of the v ariant .
Comm ands 44 V ital Pr oduct Data pages The fo l lo wing tables desc ribe the vital pr od uct data pages. T hese p ages ar e retur ned by the INQUIR Y comm and when the EVPD bit is set and the appr opri ate P age Code is set in the Command Descr iptor Block .
INQUIRY 12h Co mm ands 45 Unit Ser ial Number page The Unit Seri al Number page contains a single value which is a 10 -byte AS CI I string . The string , with th e V endor Iden tificati on and Pr od uct Iden tifica tion fi elds in the standar d Inquir y data , un iquely ident ifies the d rive .
Comm ands 46 Def in ed identif iers The f ollo wing identif iers w ill b e r eturned in the gi ven or der . What P ort Name is retu rned depends on whic h port the Inquiry is sent to . Logical Unit Identifier Po r t N a m e ( F C o n l y ) PIV 1 The Pr otocol Identifie r field is v alid.
INQUIRY 12h Co mm ands 47 Po r t I d e n t i f i e r ( F C o n l y ) The P ort Identifi er w ill be se t to 1 if t he addr es sed port is port A, and se t to 2 if the addr essed port is P ort B.
Comm ands 48 Extended INQUIR Y Da ta VP D page This page pr ov ides an applicati on client with a means of obtaining infor mation about the dr iv e. Sequential Acce ss D e vi ce Capabilities page This page pr ov ides the application c lient with a means of determining whic h features ar e supported b y the D e vice Ser ver .
INQUIRY 12h Co mm ands 49 Dr iv e Component Re vision L ev els pag es The Driv e Compon ent Re vis ion Levels pa ges conta in de tails of the revisions of each of the m ajor sub a ss e mb li es of the dr i v e .
Comm ands 50 LO A D / U N LO A D 1 B h The LOA D / UNL O AD command allo ws the host to spec ify that a tape cartridge pr esent in the dri ve is either made r eady for data tr ansfer (“loaded”) or disabled fo r data transfer (if Pr ev ent Media R emo val is s et).
LOAD/UNLOAD 1Bh Co mm ands 51 Load/ Unlo ad sp ecif ic stat us : F ollowing a succ essful LOA D comma nd , CHEC K CONDI TI ON is posted to all in itiat ors other than the initiator o f the LOA D com mand. The sense ke y i s set to UNIT A TTENTION , w ith additional sense of 2800h (not r e ady t o r ead y tr ansition).
Comm ands 52 4. G OOD st atus is r epor ted if the tape unloaded succe ssfully . Otherw ise, another unload operati on is initiat ed on behalf of the ho st that issued the unload r equest . F ollow ing an unload, an y media access commands will be r ejected b y the M edia Access c h eck .
LOCATE 2Bh Co mm ands 53 LO C A T E 2 B h The LO CAT E comm and m ov es the cu rr ent logica l po sit ion to th e p osition spe cified by the command. T he new position is spec i f ied b y the off set fr om start of the media in ter ms of blocks. The f irst block (that is , BO T) i s bloc k add r ess 0.
Comm ands 54 Locate sp ecific status: CP Chang e P a rt ition. This f ield is not supported and should be set to z er o. Immed 0 The dr ive o nly reports status after the Locate command has completed . 1 The dr i ve r eports status whe n it starts the command and contin ues with the positioning in the back ground .
LOG SELECT 4Ch Co mm ands 55 LO G S E L E C T 4 C h The Log S elect comma nd cau ses log data on the dr ive t o be r eset to its default v alue or t o be set t o an initiator spec ifi c value .
Comm ands 56 PC The Pa g e C o n t ro l fi eld defines the type of par ameter values to be selec ted: 00b or 10b N o o p era t ion i s p e r fo rme d. Th e P ara m et er Li st Le ng t h m us t be zero. If i t i s no t, c he ck condi tion i n val id field in CDB is set.
LOG SENSE 4Dh Co mm ands 57 LO G S E N S E 4 D h LO G SE NS E allo w s the ho st t o rea d the dr i v e ’s log s. A sin gle l og is r etur ned wit h each i n voca tio n of LO G SE N S E . Pr e - ex ec ution c hecks: The P age Code must matc h one of the supported log page codes.
Comm ands 58 L og page f orm at All log pages e xcept P age 0 consist of a page code header follo wed b y a number of paramete rs. The page header has the follo wing for mat: The P age Code specif ies whi ch Log page is be ing r eturned . T he P age Length indicates the number of additional b ytes in the parameter s.
LOG SENSE 4Dh Co mm ands 59 Supp or ted L og P ages pa ge This S CSI log may be r ecove red using a Log Sen s e command with the PC f ield set to an ything and the P age Code field set to 00h . T he page lists the page codes of ot her logs support ed by the dr i v e .
Comm ands 60 W r ite Err or C ounter s log page The W rite Err or Counters log is p age 02h . T he P age Leng th is 38h. Ther e are sev e n parameters , 0 thr ough 6. All fi eld s are f our b ytes lo ng . All these counters ar e updated when the data set is phy sically wr itten.
LOG SENSE 4Dh Co mm ands 61 Sequential A ccess Dev ice log page The Sequential A ccess De v ice L og page is page 0Ch . T he P age Length is 40h . F i v e par ameters ar e supported , all eight b ytes lo n g .
Comm ands 62 T emper atur e log page The T emperatur e Log page is page 0D h . The follo wing parameter s are supported: D TD Status log page The Data T ransf er D e vice (D TD) Statu s Log page is page 11h. T he follow ing par ameters are supported: Pa r m .
LOG SENSE 4Dh Co mm ands 63 Ve r y H i g h F r e q u e n c y D a t a ( V H F ) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 (MSB) P a r ameter Code (000 0h) 1 (LSB) 2 DU (0) DS ( 1) T SD (0) ET C (0) TMC (0) LBIN (1) LP (1) 3 P.
Comm ands 64 V er y High F r equen cy P ollin g Dela y The VHF P olling Dela y is 16 milliseconds. D TD Pr imary P ort S tatu s P aral l e l SC SI RRqst R ecov er y Reque sted. Set to 1 as lo ng as a r ecov ery pr ocedure is a v ailable. In these circ umstan ces, InXtn mus t be 0.
LOG SENSE 4Dh Co mm ands 65 Fibr e Chann el Po r t 0 Po r t 1 T apeAlert log page The T apeAlert log page is page 2 Eh. Ther e a r e 6 4 pa r am eters number e d fr om 1 through 64. Only par a mete rs 1 thr ough 1 8 , 20 throu gh 2 3, 29 thr ough 3 9 a nd 5 5 have definitions f or tape dr ives witho ut attached loaders.
Comm ands 66 con diti o n and b y a Log Select command. Specif ic flags m a y be clear ed w hen corr ecti v e acti on has re mov ed the condition that cau sed the flag to be set .
LOG SENSE 4Dh Co mm ands 67 T ape Usage log page The T ap e Usage l og page code is 30 h . Ther e ar e nine p ar ameters. These ar e all r ead dir ectly fr om the L T O-CM T ape Usage Log. This data r elates to the curr ent tape and can be neither r eset nor wr itten.
Comm ands 68 T ape Capac it y log page The T ape Capacity log page code is 31h. The P age Length is 20h. T h er e are fo ur parameters , 1 thr ough 4. P ar ameters 2 and 4 ar e not supported and ar e re tu r ned as zer o . All parameter s are 4 b yte s lon g .
LOG SENSE 4Dh Co mm ands 69 P e r f ormance Dat a log page The P erfor mance Data log page is 34h . This log is intended to r eport data of inter est to a user/ applicati on on how effi cientl y the d r iv e is being used. The P a r ameter Con tro l Byte is 60h f or all the paramet ers.
Comm ands 70 De v i ce S tatus log page The De vice S tatus log page is 3Eh, w ith a page length o f 28h. P CB = P aramete r Con trol B yte . Dev ice Status Bits The parameter ha s the follo wing for mat: Pa ra m e t e r De scripti on Length U pdated PCB 0 Dev ice T ype 4 Obsolete .
MODE SELECT 15h/55h Co mm ands 71 M ODE SELE CT 15h/5 5h M ODE SELECT is us ed to send confi gur ation data to the dr i v e. Bot h 6- b yt e and 10 -b yte ve r sions of the comma nd ar e supported. The Mode Select pa r ameter list is transfer red f r om the host to the dri ve during the data-ou t phase .
Comm ands 72 10 -byte v er sion CDB f ields: Specific s tatus : F ollow ing a succ essf ul Mode S elect command, Unit Attention status is posted to all i nitiat or s other than the initi ator o f the Mode Selec t command . The s ense k e y is set to UNI T A TTENT ION .
MODE SELECT 15h/55h Co mm ands 73 Mode pa ge r e pr es e nt ati on Certain con ventions ar e used in the follo wing Mode P a r ameter pages in order to desc ribe the natur e of the p ar amete r s. Mo st par amet er s ar e gi v en b y name , foll o wed b y a n umber in b r ack e ts .
Comm ands 74 • 18h (FC dr iv es on ly) 18h (SC SI dr iv es onl y) “S CSI LUN C ontr ol mode page” on page 84 • 19h (FC dr iv es on ly) 19h (S CSI dri ves only) “S CSI P ort Contr ol Mode pag.
MODE SELECT 15h/55h Co mm ands 75 Header fields Mode Da ta Len gth MODE SELECT : Mode Data Le ngth f ield must be z ero . MODE SENSE: Mode Data Length field is set to the number o f bytes of data av a.
Comm ands 76 Mode blo c k descr iptor The fo rmat of the Mode P arameter bloc k de sc ript or is as follo ws: Mod e P arameter block de scr ip tor fields: Re a d -W ri t e E r ro r Re c over y m o d e.
MODE SELECT 15h/55h Co mm ands 77 PER P ost Er ror . Althoug h this bit is changeable , the driv e’s inter nal behavi or a l way s corr esponds to P ER=0. 0 The drive does not report CHE CK C ONDIT ION for re c overe d er ror s. Th e DTE bit must al so be z ero.
Comm ands 78 Disc on nect -Recon ne ct p age SC S I d riv e s Th e Disconne ct-R econn ect page h as the f oll ow ing f or mat f or S CSI dr iv es: Disco nnect-Reconnec t page f ields: NO TE: If the hos t does not gr ant disconnect pri vilege in its IDENT IFY m essage these paramet ers become meaningless.
MODE SELECT 15h/55h Co mm ands 79 Co n t rol m o d e p a g e The Contr ol Mode p age is defined as f ollows: Co ntr ol mode page f ie lds: Da ta Compr ession Ch ar a cter ist ics page The Data Com pre.
Comm ands 80 Data C ompr essi on Char act eri stics mode page f ields: DCE Data Compre ssion Enable. T his bit contr ols whe ther the dri ve us es compr ession w hen wr iting.
MODE SELECT 15h/55h Co mm ands 81 De v ice C onf igur ation page The dri ve supports the Dev ice Configur ation page, which has the f o llo wing format: Pr e - ex ec ution c hecks: The onl y check made when this page is sent in Mode Selec t data is P arame ter List .
Comm ands 82 Unchan g eable parameters: WTR E WORM T amper Read Ena ble. Con trols the beha vio r of the dri ve wh en reading W ORM media if it appears that the integrity of the tape has been compromised by tamper ing. WTRE has no effect on r eads of normal (non-W ORM) media.
MODE SELECT 15h/55h Co mm ands 83 Medium P ar titions mode page The Medium P artitions mode page has t he follo wing for mat . Note that none of the f ields are changeable. T he P artition Siz e will be patroni z e d . None of the fields in this mode page a r e changeable.
Comm ands 84 F ibr e Channel L ogical Unit Co n tr ol mode page This page is supported f or Fibr e Channel only : S CS I L UN Contr ol mode page NO TE: This page is supported f or S CS I dri ves onl y , fr om Gen 3 onw ards .
MODE SELECT 15h/55h Co mm ands 85 F ibr e Channel P ort Contr ol mode page NO TE: This page is supported f or F ibre Channel only . The F ibre Channel P ort Contr ol page a llow s you to set the initializ ation and addressing behav ior of the F ibre Channel interface .
Comm ands 86 RHA Requir e Hard Addre ss. If the dri ve is n ot at tac hed to an arbitr ated loop, the RH A bit is ignored. 0 The dri ve fo llows the normal initi a li z ation procedur e, inc lu ding the possibi lit y of obtaining a soft address dur ing the loop initiali z ation proces s.
MODE SELECT 15h/55h Co mm ands 87 SCS I P o r t C o n t rol M o d e p a g e NO TE: This page is supported f or S CS I dri ves onl y , fr om Gen 3 onw ards .
Comm ands 88 Sub-pa ge 01h—Mar gin Con tr ol None of the fi elds ar e supported on this p age , so they should all be ze ro . Sub-pa ge 0 2h—Sa ved T r aining C onf igur atio n V alues 7 6 5 4 3 2.
MODE SELECT 15h/55h Co mm ands 89 All the fields on this page ar e vendor -specif ic. None are support ed, so the y should al l be zer o. Sub-pa ge 03h— Negotiate d Settings 96 AT N Va l u e ( 0 ) 9.
Comm ands 90 Sub-pa ge 04h—R eport T r ansfer Capab ilities Tra n s c e iv e r M o d e The c u rren t bus mode: Code Bus Mo d e 00b Unknown 01b SE 10b LV D 11b HVD (Note that this will nev er be reported since the dri ve w ill not operate on an HVD bus) Sent PC OMP_EN The v alue of the PC OMP_EN bit sent .
MODE SELECT 15h/55h Co mm ands 91 Inf ormati on Ex c epti ons mode page The Infor mation Ex c eptions Mode page is used to contro l ex ception repo r ting thr ough the “T apeAlert log p age ” on p.
Comm ands 92 Note that if an attempt is made to set o r c lear a flag t hat i s not sup p orted b y the dri ve , CHE CK CONDITION will be r epor ted w ith a sens e k ey o f ILLEG AL REQUE S T and additional sense of 26 0 0h (inv alid f ield in par ameter list) .
MODE SELECT 15h/55h Co mm ands 93 P ow e r-on time descr iptor W orld time desc ripto r Library ti me descriptor 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 Timebase Identifier (00h) 5 Timebase F ield Length (06h) 6 (MSB) Cur .
Comm ands 94 CD-RO M Emulati on/Disaster Re cov er y mode page This page can be used irr espective o f whether the d r iv e is acting as a tape or a CD devi ce.
MODE SELECT 15h/55h Co mm ands 95 MOD E S ELEC T This f la g can be us ed to sw i tc h the dri ve betwee n normal operatio n and CD-RO M emu lation mo de: • If this bit is s et t o its ex isting v alue, the re is no c hange. • If this bit is c hanged from 0 to 1, the driv e w ill enter CD-emulation mode.
Comm ands 96 M ODE SENSE 1Ah/5A h M ODE SENSE allow s the d r iv e to return its curr ent confi g ur ation and report whi ch configur ation parameter s ca n be changed thro ugh MODE SELE C T . The mode sense header , bloc k descript or (optional) , and z ero or mor e of the ar e sent to the host .
MODE SENSE 1Ah/5Ah Co mm ands 97 10 -byte v er sion CDB f ields: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 Oper ation Code (5Ah) 1 Rese r ved (0 ) DB D Re ser ve d (0 ) 2 PC P a ge Co d e 3 Su b P age C ode 4 Re se r ve d ( .
Comm ands 98 PE RSI ST E N T R E S E RV E I N 5 E h PER S IS TENT RESER VE IN is used to ob tain inf o r mati on abo u t per sis ten t r eservat i ons an d r ese rv a tio n k e y s tha t ar e ac ti v e w ithin a tap e dr ive l ogical unit .
PERSISTE NT RESERVE IN 5Eh Co mm ands 99 R eturned data for se r v ice ac tions: Read K ey s ser vice action The dri ve w ill r eturn a parameter list containing an 8-b y te header and list of each curr ently re g ist ered I_T nex us ’ reserva tion ke y .
Comm ands 100 Read Capabilities service action This pr ov ides a mechanism for the dr ive t o report whic h featur es of P ersisten t Reserv ation are implemented .
PERSISTEN T RESERVE OUT 5Fh Co mm ands 101 PE RSI ST E N T R E S E RV E O U T 5 F h P ER S IS TENT RE SERVE OUT is u sed to r e qu est service acti ons that cr eate a persis tent re servatio n in a logi cal unit with in the t ape dr iv e fo r the e x clu siv e or shar ed us e of a par tic ular I_ T nex us.
Comm ands 102 P a rame ter data Ty p e T he c harac ter isti cs of the persiste nt r eservation c ur r entl y held. P ersistent r es ervation ty pes supported by the dri v e are: 3h 6h 8h Ex clusi ve .
PERSISTEN T RESERVE OUT 5Fh Co mm ands 103 This is a summary of the f ield validity in the parameter data: Addi tional p arame ter data Fo r t h e P reempt and Pr eempt and Abo rt service ac ti ons, t.
Comm ands 104 Fibr e Chann el T ransport ID P arall el SCSI Tr a nsp ort ID 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 F ormat Code (0 0b) Reserved (0) Protocol Identifier (0) 1 Re se r ve d ( 0 ) 7 8 (MSB) W orld Wide Nam e .
PREVENT/ALLOW MEDIUM REMOVAL 1 Eh Co mm ands 105 P REVENT/ALL O W MED IUM REM O V AL 1Eh PREVENT / ALL O W MEDIUM REMO V AL te lls the drive to e nable or d isable the r e mov al of the cartr id ge. When cart r idge remo val is pr ev ented, the fr ont panel eject button is completely disabled (though a ‘for ced eject’ w ill still wor k).
Comm ands 106 READ 08h READ tr ansfers z ero or mor e data blocks to t he host starting at the cur rent logical positi on. Pr e - ex ec ution c hecks: If both the SILI and F ix ed bits are se t, CHECK CONDITION status is r eported . Sense data is as descr ibed in the I llegal Fi eld Checks.
READ 08h Co mm ands 107 descr ibed below). The curr ent position is set after the last block that w as return e d or partiall y ret u rn ed SILI Suppres s Incorr ec t Length Indicato r 0 Th e r ead operati on is terminated w hen the length of a block (on the tape) differ s f r om the T r ansfer Length.
Comm ands 108 Read spe c i fic status: NO TE: Earl y war ning end of medium i nformati on is not r eported on r eads. R esidue inf ormati on: The V alid bit w il l be set . The infor mation bytes w ill be as f ollows: Event Status Key Notes SILI error CHE CK COND ’N NO SENSE ILI and V alid bits ar e set.
READ 6 (CD-ROM mode) 08 h Co mm ands 109 READ 6 (CD- RO M mo de) 08h T ransfer Lengt h blocks of dat a ar e tr ansferr e d to the host , starting fr om the cur r ent logical position specif ied by L ogical Block Address. An y spacing perfor med to loc ate to t h e spec ified block address is perf or me d with mar k counting disabled.
Comm ands 110 READ 10 (CD-ROM mode) 28 h T ransfer Lengt h blocks of dat a ar e tr ansferr e d to the host , starting fr om the cur r ent logical position specif ied by L ogical Block Address. An y spacing perfor med to loc ate to t h e spec ified block address is perf or me d with mar k counting disabled.
READ A TTRIBUT E 8Ch Co mm ands 111 READ A TTRIBUTE 8Ch The RE AD A TT RIBUTE command al lo ws an application client t o read attribu te values to MAM (Medium A u xi liary Memo ry). It sho uld be e x ecut ed be for e sendi ng a WRITE A T TRIBUTE comman d.
Comm ands 112 R eturned data for serv ice ac tions: Attribute V alu es service action This servi ce reads the v alues of attribut es for the spec ifi ed volume and partition, starting at the F ir st Attr ibute ID . T he attr ibute s ar e r etur ned in a scen ding nume ri cal or der .
READ A TTRIBUT E 8Ch Co mm ands 113 Attribute List service action This se r v ice action is used to r etr iev e the identif ier s of all the attr ibutes that ar e supported and ex ist . The F irst Attribu te ID fi eld in the CDB is ignor ed . The attr ibut e ide ntif ier s ar e r etur ned in asce nding numeri cal order .
Comm ands 114 V olume List service action The V olume List s ervice acti on is used to r eport the number of v olumes that t he dev ice serve r supports , w h ic h in the case o f Ultrium dr iv es is 1. The V olume Number , P a rtitio n Number and Attr ibute f ields in the CDB a re i gnor ed.
READ A TTRIBUT E 8Ch Co mm ands 115 MAM at tr ibute data Attribu te data s ent w ith a WRI T E A TTRIB UT E co mm a nd o r re tu rn e d i n res po n se t o a REA D A T TRI BUTE command has the follo wing f ormat: The fo rmat implies not h ing about the ph ysical r epr esentation of the data in the Medium Au xiliary Mem ory .
Comm ands 116 Attribute ID values Attribut es can be Standar d or V endor -Unique . Ther e are thr ee gr oups of attr ibutes: Dev ice, Mediu m and Host attr ibut es .
READ A TTRIBUT E 8Ch Co mm ands 117 02 2 4 h–03FFh Res er ved Rema ining capacity in partition and Maximum capacit y in pa rtition Native capac ities in MB , assuming no data compre ssion. Ta p e A l e r t f l a g s The bits s pecify flags that were s et during the pr ev i ous load.
Comm ands 118 S tanda r d medi um ty pe attr ibu tes St andar d host type attribu tes These onl y ex ist if they ar e initializ ed by an appli cation: ID Attri bute Size (bytes) Format Descri ption 0400h Medi um manufactu r er 8 ASCII T h e name of the manufact ur er .
READ A TTRIBUT E 8Ch Co mm ands 119 *0809h and 080Ah are opti onal for L T O dri ves becau se they onl y support a single partition. T ext locali zation indentifiers The T ext L ocal i z ation Identif.
Comm ands 120 READ BL OCK LIMI T S 0 5 h R EAD BL OCK LIMIT S tells the dri ve to r etu rn data defining the max imum block siz e that it c an support .
READ BUFFER 3Ch Co mm ands 121 READ B UFFER 3C h R EAD BUFFER re ad s data f ro m the m emory on the dri ve and sends it to the initiator . The v alue of the Mo de fi eld determines whether only the 4- b yte descriptor is r eturned , only the data is returned , or whether both are returned.
Comm ands 122 Memory si z es: 0 2h SC SI burst buffer RAM 4 bytes 10h C M EEP ROM EEPRO M 1 byte 11h Mechanical EEPR OM EEPR OM 1 byte 12h H ead assembl y EEPRO M EEP ROM 1 by te 13h PCA EEPR OM EEPR .
READ BUFFER 3Ch Co mm ands 123 R eturned data: The f ormat of t he 4 -byt e descr iptor for Mode 00000b is as follo ws: The f ormat of t he 4 -byt e descr iptor for Mode 00011b is as follo ws: The fo .
Comm ands 124 READ CAP A CI T Y (CD-R OM m ode) 25 h R EAD capac ity transf ers Read Ca pacity data to the host . Pr e - ex ec ution c hecks: If the dri ve is not in CD-ROM mode , the req u est w ill ret ur n CHECK COND ITION statu s with a sense ke y Illega l Command.
READ MEDI A SERIA L NUMBE R ABh Co mm ands 125 READ MEDIA SERIAL NUMBER ABh R EAD MEDIA SERIAL NUMBER pr o v i des a method f or the host applicati on to r ead the ser ial number of the cartridge c urr ently loaded in the driv e .
Comm ands 126 No barcode stored: Ba rcode st ored: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 (MSB) Ser ial Numb er Length (0Ch) 3 (LSB) 4 (MSB) C artri dge Ser ial Number 13 (LSB) 14 (MSB) A SCII NUL character s ( 00h ) 15 (LSB) Car tridge Seri al Number The ser ial number of 1 0 A SCII c haracte rs stor ed in the L T O-CM Cartridge Manufacture r ’s Information page.
READ PO SIT ION 34h Co mm ands 127 R E A D POSI TI O N 34 h The RE AD POSITION c om m a nd ret u rn s da ta re pres e nt i ng t he cu rre nt lo g ic a l p o si t io n to th e ho st. The position is the count of all marks and bloc k s between BOM and the cur rent logi cal positi on.
Comm ands 128 Short F orm Bl ock ID Returned data fields: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 BOP EOP L OCU (1) B Y CU (1) Rsvd ( 0) L OL U (0) PERR R svd (0) 1 Pa r t i t i o n N u m b e r ( 0 ) 2 Re se r ve d ( 0 ) 3.
READ PO SIT ION 34h Co mm ands 129 Lo ng B l o ck Form I D Returned data fields: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 BOP EOP R eserved (0) MP U L ONU (0) Re served (0 ) 1 Re se r ve d ( 0 ) 3 4 (MSB) Pa r t i t i o n N.
Comm ands 130 Extended Bl ock F orm ID 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 BOP EOP L OCU (1) B Y CU (1) Rsvd ( 0) L OLU (0 ) Re served (0) 1 Pa r t i t i o n N u m b e r ( 0 ) 2 Additi onal L e ngt h (1Ch) 3 4 Re se r .
READ TOC (CD- ROM mode ) 43h Co mm ands 131 READ T OC (CD-R OM m ode) 43 h R EAD T OC transfers the T able of Co ntents data to the host. Pr e - ex ec ution c hecks: If the dri ve is not in CD-ROM mode , the req u est w ill ret ur n CHECK COND ITION statu s with a sense ke y Illega l Command.
Comm ands 132 Rea d T O C d a ta The fo l lo wing data is alw ay s retur ned: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 (MSB) T OC Data L ength (12h) 1 (LSB) 2 Fi r s t Tra c k N um be r ( 1 ) 3 Last T r ack N umber (1) 4 Re.
RECEIVE DIAGNOSTICS R ESULTS 1Ch Co mm ands 133 RE CEIVE DIA GNO S T ICS RE S UL T S 1C h R EC EI V E D IAG N OSTI C RE SU L TS tell s the driv e to return data fr om the last d iagn o stic te s t reque sted thr ough the SEND DIA GNOS TIC command. If none has been se nt , the data r e fe rs t o the po w er -on self -tes t.
Comm ands 134 Data r etur ned P age code 7 0 h — Self- Tes t (Read/W rite) Pa g e F o r m a t f o r Wr i t e : No parameter s are needed. Sending this page is equiv ale n t to a Send Diagno stic command wi th both the Self T est a nd Un itO fl bits set.
RELEASE UNIT 17h/57 h Co mm ands 135 RELEA SE UNI T 17h/5 7h R ELEASE UNIT en ables the host to release a n y reservation it may have on the d r ive . Reserving a dev ice is a w ay of ensur ing ex clusiv e access to t hat dev ice fr om a single initiator f or the per iod of the re ser v ation.
Comm ands 136 R elease Unit spec ifi c status: Statu s is retur ned as follo ws: • If the dri ve is not re serv ed , GOOD status is reported . • If the dr iv e is res erved by another host , GOOD status is reported . • If the dr iv e is re served b y this host f or this host , the res er vation st atus is clear ed.
REPO RT DEN SITY S UPPOR T 44 h Co mm ands 137 REP OR T DEN S ITY S UP P OR T 44h The Re p o r t D e n s i t y S up p o r t com mand r eturns details about the ta pe for mats supported by th e dr ive . The data is r eturned as a header and a seri es of descr iptor blocks.
Comm ands 138 Desc rip tor bloc ks The header is follow ed by one or mor e Report Density Support descr iptor blocks w ith the follow ing form at : The values reported for Ultrium 3 form at tapes a r .
REPO RT DEN SITY S UPPOR T 44 h Co mm ands 139 If this command is sen t to the HP Ultr ium 3 dr iv e w ith the Media bit set t o 0, thr ee descr iptor bl ocks will be r eturned w ith ke y values as f ollo ws: Medi a W i d th 12 7 T ape wi dth is 1/2” or 12 .
Comm ands 140 REP OR T DE VICE I DENT IFI ER A3h Desc ri ption: The REPORT DEVICE I DENTIFIER co mmand returns the identifier of the cur rent de vice to the in itiator .
REPOR T LUNS A0 h Co mm ands 141 REP OR T L UNS A0h Desc ri ption: The Repo rt LUNS c ommand allows the host to r etr iev e infor mation about what logical units the dri ve supports.
Comm ands 142 Data r etur ned: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 (MSB) LUN Li st L e n g th (0 8 h ) 3 (LSB) 4 (MSB) Reser ve d ( 0) 7 (LSB) Li st of LUN s 8 (MSB) LUN 0 ( 0 ) 15 (LSB).
REPORT SU PPORTED OPCODE S A0h Co mm ands 143 REP OR T S UP P OR TED OP C ODE S A0h Desc ri ption: The R E PORT SUPPO RT E D OPCOD ES command r eque sts infor mati on on comman ds support ed by logical unit that is addressed .
Comm ands 144 Data r etur ned The r eturned P a r ameter Data contains a 4 -byte header f ol lo wed b y one or mor e command descr iptor s: Ea ch com mand desc riptor con tain s either a support ed O per ation Code or an Operati on Code/ Servi ce Action co mbination .
REPORT SU PPORTED TASK M ANAGEMENT F UNCTIONS A3h Co mm ands 145 REP OR T S UPP OR TED T A SK MANA GEMENT FUNCTION S A3h Desc ri ption: The R E PORT SUPPORTE D T ASK M ANAGEME NT F U NC TI ONS c ommand r eturns infor mation about which ta sk management f unctions ar e supported b y the log i cal unit that is addr essed.
Comm ands 146 CTS S 1 The C l ear T ask S e t task mana gement f uncti on is supp orted. LUR S 1 Th e Logical Unit Reset task m anageme nt function i s suppo rted. QTS 0 Th e Quer y T ask tas k mana gement function is not s upported. TRS 0 The Tar g et Reset tas k mana gement funct ion is no t suppo rted.
REQUEST SENSE 03h Co mm ands 147 RE QUE S T SENSE 0 3h The REQUE S T S EN SE command transf er s s ense data held within the dr i ve to the host dur ing a data- in phase . The data is valid in the f ollow ing cir cumstances: • Aft e r repo r t in g CHECK COND ITION status to the host .
Comm ands 148 R e quest Sen se data Sense data is r ecov ered f rom th e d r iv e by means of a REQUE S T SENSE command f ollo wing the rep or t i ng o f CHECK C ONDIT ION by the dri ve . There ar e t wo f ormats in whic h the data can be re turned: F ixed and Descr iptor .
REQUEST SENSE 03h Co mm ands 149 71h Indicates that the er r or is deferr ed . A defer red error oc curs whe n there i s a failure f or an operation that has alr eady been terminated w ith a GOOD status, or w hen failure oc curs in “ cleanup ” activ ity follo wing an operati on that was te rminated by BUS RELEASE .
Comm ands 150 71h Indicates that the er r or is deferr ed . A de ferr ed err or occur s when ther e is a failure f or an operation that has alr eady been terminated w ith a GOOD status, or w hen failure oc curs in “ cleanup ” activ ity follo wing an operati on that was te rminated by BUS RELEASE .
REQUEST SENSE 03h Co mm ands 151 BPV Bit P ointer V alid 0 The Bit P ointer fi eld is in valid . 1 The Bit P ointer f i eld is v alid . If the SK SV bi t is s et then the BPV b it mu st be se t as well . Bit P ointe r Identif i es the bit positi on o f the fi eld in err or , whether it is a command desc riptor or a command paramete r list field .
Comm ands 152 Desc riptor f ormat The Descr iptor f ormat of the r eturned data is as follo ws: R eturned S ense dat a fi elds: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 V al id Response Code 1 Re s er ved (0 ) S en se Ke y .
REQUEST SENSE 03h Co mm ands 153 Inf ormati on Sens e data des cr iptor Sen se Ke y Specific Sense data d escr i p tor Only one o f these is report ed: Fie ld P ointer or Pr ogr e ss Indi cation . Fie ld P o in te r The Sen se Ke y i s set to Ille gal Reques t .
Comm ands 154 St ream Commands Sense dat a desc ri ptor Dr i ve Er r or Cod e S en se data des c r ip to r (V endor S pecif ic) Cleaning Needed Sens e data des cr iptor (V end or Spe c i fic) Sense data management The dri ve maintains thr e e sets of sense data f or ev ery initiator o n the bus.
REQUEST SENSE 03h Co mm ands 155 • It is cl eared in r esponse to the ar ri val of an y command other t han RE QUE ST SENSE or INQUIR Y . • It is cle ared foll o wing ex ec utio n of a REQUE ST SENSE co mmand.
Comm ands 156 It is possible for multiple UNIT A T TENTION conditio n s to ar ise (for ex a mple , after a pow er -on follo wed by a ta pe load) , such that the initiator does not r ead one c ondition bef ore the ne xt occur s. In this case a prio riti zing scheme is us ed.
REQUEST SENSE 03h Co mm ands 157 repo rted. When the host r eads sense data w ith a REQU E ST SE NSE , it will see an err or fo r the WRI TE with r esidue info rmation indi cating data los t for that w rite and pr evi ous w rites .
Comm ands 158 5h ILLEG AL R E QUE ST The last command sent to the dri v e or the data assoc iat ed with the command violat ed conditions imposed b y the dri v e on its acceptance. See also the Illegal Co mm a nd , Illegal F ield, F ix ed Bit, Re servation and P arameter L ist pre-exec ution ch eck s.
REQUEST SENSE 03h Co mm ands 159 Additi onal Sens e codes This secti on contains a list of all the additional sense codes that an HP Ul tr ium dr i ve can r etur n, in numeri cal order . The Sense K ey s under which each code could appear are also listed .
Comm ands 160 14 03h En d of data not found A read-type operation failed becaus e a format vi olation r elated to a missing E OD data set , or ther e was an attempt to r ead a br and new tape .
REQUEST SENSE 03h Co mm ands 161 2A 0 4h Reservations r eleased The or iginal persistent r eservation has been r eplaced with another of a differ ent type or remo ved completely . 2A 05h Registr ations pre -empted A PER SIS TENT R E SERVE OUT command w as exec uted and al l re gi st ra ti on s rem ove d.
Comm ands 162 3E 00h Logical unit has n o t s elf-configur ed yet The dr iv e has just po we red on and has not completed its self-test sequence , so it cannot process commands. 3F 0 1h F irm ware upgraded The f irmw are in the dri ve has j ust been changed by a Wri t e Buf fer com mand.
REQUEST SENSE 03h Co mm ands 163 Err or codes The err o r codes that can be r eported in bytes 16 and 17 ar e listed in Chapter 10 of the Har dw are Integration Guide , V olume 1 of the HP Ultrium T echnical Ref er ence Manual.
Comm ands 164 RE SER V E UNIT 16h/5 6h This command enables the host to r eserve the dr ive . R eser v ing a device is a wa y of ensuring ex clus ive acc ess to that device fr om a s ingl e in itia tor for th e period of the reservatio n.
RESERVE U NIT 16h/56h Co mm ands 165 10 -byte 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 Operation Code (56h) 1 Reserved (0) 3 r d Pt y Reserved ( 0) LongID( 0) Rsv d( 0) 2 Re se r ve d ( 0 ) 3 Thi rd - P ar t y D evice I D 4.
Comm ands 166 REWIND 01h R EWIND causes the dr i v e to wr ite all buff er ed logical objects t o tape and then positi ons the tape at BOM (begin ning of media) . Once a r ew ind is started , it will complete ev en if the S CSI oper ation is aborted (for e xample , if the host selects and sends an abort message) .
SEEK (CD-ROM mode) 2Bh Co mm ands 167 SEEK (CD-ROM mode ) 2Bh S EEK is execute d for 2 Bh whe n the driv e is in CD -ROM mod e . When out of CD- ROM, th e LO C A T E command , which shar es the opcode , is ex ecut ed. Assumin g the p re-e xe cut ion c hecks a re pa ssed , GOOD statu s is alwa ys r eported .
Comm ands 168 SEND DIA GNO S T IC 1Dh S END DIA GNOS TIC tells the dr i v e to perfor m eit he r its standar d s elf -tes t , or diagnosti cs specif i ed in the parameter list on itself .
SEND DIAGNOSTIC 1Dh Co mm ands 169 Data requir ed No data is re quired if the standar d self-test is t o be perfor med. Otherwise , a single diagnosti c page must be pr o vided as a paramet er .
Comm ands 170 SE T CA P A CI T Y 0Bh This pr ov ides a means of ch a nging the logical length of the curr ently -loaded media . The pr imary use en visaged is fo r testing purposes, althou gh it may also be used in other cir c umstances wher e a shortened tape may be benefi ci al.
SET DEVICE IDENTIFIER A4h Co mm ands 171 SE T D EVICE ID ENT I FIER A4h S ET DEVICE IDENTIFIER allow s a initiato r to set the Dev ice ID in f ormatio n to t h at supplied in the P aramet er List . This inf ormati on can be later r etr iev ed by the REPOR T DEVICE IDENTIFIER com mand.
Comm ands 172 SP A CE 11h S PA C E pr o v ides a v ar iety of positioning functio ns that are deter mined by Code and Count f ields in the Command Descr iptor Block . Both forwar d (tow a r ds EOM) and re ver se (tow ards BOM) positioning ar e pro vi ded.
SPA CE 11 h Co mm ands 173 CDB f ields: Spac e specific status: If the dri ve f a ils to space either f rom a medium err o r or f rom some sort o f non- f atal dri ve err or , CHE CK CO NDIT ION statu s is r eported . The sense k ey w ill be set to MEDIUM ERR OR .
Comm ands 174 res po n d wit h GOOD status to a reques t to space to E OD , and wi th CHECK C ONDIT ION to any other forwar d spaci ng reques t. Additional s ense is set to 14 03h ( End of data not found ). • E ar ly war ning end of medium informati on is not reported .
START/STOP ( CD-ROM mode) 1Bh Co mm ands 175 ST A R T / STO P (CD-ROM mode) 1Bh S TA R T / S T O P is ex ecut ed f or 1Bh wh en the dr iv e is in CD- RO M mode. When out of CD-RO M mode, the LOA D / U N LOA D command, w h i ch shares t he opcode, is e xec uted .
Comm ands 176 TE S T UNI T READ Y 00h T EST U N IT R EA DY checks if the dr ive is r eady f or commands that access the tape . This is done by the pre-ex e cuti on M edia A c cess chec k; it is not a r equest for a self -test . I f the dr iv e has a tape loaded, t he c ommand r eturns a GOOD statu s.
VERIFY 13h Co mm ands 177 VERIFY 13h V ERIFY v erif ies one or m ore bloc ks begin ning wit h the next bloc k on the tape. T he ve rif ication is media ver ifi cation only . It reads data f rom the tape as it w ould for a r ead but then immed iat ely discards it .
Comm ands 178 WRI TE 0Ah Ze ro or mor e bloc k s of data ar e tr ansferr ed fr om the host to ta pe starting at the curr ent logic a l position . It is recommende d that the Buffered Mode f ield of th.
WRIT E 0A h Co mm ands 179 W rite specific stat us: See also the “ Additi onal Sense c odes ” on page 15 9 fo r a vari et y of possible hard er ror s. An attempt to wr ite to a wr ite -pr otected cartridge w ill produce a CHEC K CONDIT ION with a sen se key of DATA P R OT E C T a nd additional sense of 2 700h ( writ e -pr otected).
Comm ands 180 WRI TE A TTRIBUTE 8Dh The WR ITE A T TRI BUT E command a llo ws an application cli ent to writ e attribute values t o M AM (Me dium Au x il iary Memory) . Application c lients should issue READ A T TRIB UTE comman ds bef ore using this command to discov er what support the dev ice server has f or MAM.
WRITE ATTRIBUTE 8Dh Co mm ands 181 P arameter list format: The par ameter list has the follo wing f ormat . The attr ibutes should be sent in ascending numer ical or der .
Comm ands 182 T he parameter data attempts to change a r ead- only attribut e , that is, o ne that has the R ead- Only bit (see “MAM attr ibute data ” on page 115) set to one w hen read w ith the READ A T TRIBUTE command . None of the attribut es are c han ged .
WRITE BUFFER 3Bh Co mm ands 183 WRI TE BUFFER 3Bh W rite Buf fer is used to transfer data into me mory on the d r ive for the purposes of d iagnostics, tests or fir mw are upgr ade . The data is placed into one of the dr ive buff ers depending on the M ode and Buffe r ID f ields of t he command .
Comm ands 184 04h T his mode is used to tr ansfer ne w firm ware t o the dr iv e. T he dri ve r ecei ves Allocation L eng th byte s of data fro m th e host . The data is stor ed in the dri ve’s buffer .The location in the buffer at whic h the data is wr itten is determined b y the f irmw are .
WRITE BUFFER 3Bh Co mm ands 185 Memory si z es Main buf fer memory: The Main Buffer memory is 128 MB. Ar eas of th e Main Buff er memo ry ar e used b y the f irm war e. T hes e should n ot be w ritt en to an d shou ld no t be expecte d to retain va lues that a re written to the m.
Comm ands 186 WRI TE FI LEMARK S 10h W RITE FILEMARK S causes the sp ecif ied number of filemarks to be written beginn ing at the curr ent logical po sition on tape . If the Immed bit is set , GOOD status ma y b e r eported and the marks left in the data buff er .
Glossary Glossar y 187 Glo ssary algori thm rigor ous set of r ules f or a pr o cedur e . In the conte xt of data compr ession , the ru les are for tr ansforming the w ay data is r eprese nted. ANSI Amer i can National Standar ds Institute , whic h sets standards for , amongst other things , SC SI and the s afety of elec trical dev ices .
Glossary 188 ECMA Eur opean Computer M anufactur ers Assoc iation . The E uropean equi valen t of ANSI . enhanced commands SCS I commands that ar e ve ndor-uni que and not part of the com mon SC SI s et. EOD End Of Data. An area that si gnifies the end of the vali d data.
Glossary Glossar y 189 SCSI S mall Comput er Sy stem Interface—a standar d command spec ifi cation and command se t that enables compu ters and per ipherals to c ommunicate w ith each other .
Glossary 190 Ultr a SC SI supports both SE and L VD interfaces . In nor mal situations , slow er de vices c an coex ist w ith fa ster dev ices , and narr o w dev ices can be u sed on the same S CSI bu s as wi de dev ices using a suitable adapter . HP’s Gener ation 1 Ultr ium dri ves ar e Ultra2 , w ide S CSI-3 compatible de vi ces.
Inde x Index 191 A abort handling 14 Aborted Command 158 additional sense codes 149 , 150 , 152 , 159 addressing, fibre channel 18 algorithms 187 comp ress ion 80 decompression 80 ANSI 7 , 187 append .
Index 192 SET DEVICE IDEN TIFIER 171 SPACE 172 START/S TOP 21 , 175 supported 12 VERIFY 177 WRITE 178 WRITE ATTRIBUTE 180 WRITE BUFFER 183 WRITE FILE MARKS 186 compatibility 161 comp ress ion 187 algo.
Inde x Index 193 G GOOD status 27 group code 35 H HARDWARE E RROR 157 heads, cleaning 151 hold bit 50 hold position 50 , 79 Host 188 I IDENTIFY message, invalid bits 161 identifying LUNs 15 ILI bit 14.
Index 194 Read-Write Error Recovery page 76 SCSI LUN Co ntro l Mode page 84 SCSI Port Control Mode page 87 monitoring condition 65 , 190 MOVE MEDIUM command 105 multi-initiator support 17 N names, fib.
Inde x Index 195 descriptor format 152 fixed format 148 management 154 sense data des criptors Cleaning Needed 154 Drive Error Code 154 Information 153 Sense K ey Specif i c 153 Stream Commands 154 Se.
Index 196.
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Wenn Sie aber schon HP (Hewlett-Packard) Q153090901 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von HP (Hewlett-Packard) Q153090901 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit HP (Hewlett-Packard) Q153090901. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei HP (Hewlett-Packard) Q153090901 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.