Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung K Series des Produzenten HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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Yo u r B a s i c G u i d e HP OfficeJet K Series Page 1 Friday, June 28, 2002 3:06 PM.
©Copyright Hewlet t-Packard Company 2001 All rights are reserved. No par t of the document may be photocop ied, reprod uced, or tr anslated to an other langu age witho ut the prior writte n co nsent of H ewlett- Pack ard Company. Publicati on number: C67 47-90278 First ed ition: M arch 2001 Printed i n U.
Conten ts i Content s 1 Review your unit ’s front panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 Use your HP OfficeJet with a PC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Review the Director . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ii Conte nts Set up for network printing u sing Windows sharing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Use you r HP OfficeJet with Windows 2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Set basi c fax se ttings us ing the fro nt panel .
Chapter 1—Re view your unit’s fr ont panel 1 1 Review your un it’s front pan el You can p erform many func tions using eithe r the front pan el or the HP OfficeJet K Series softwa re. The m ethod yo u choos e may dep end on th e function you nee d to perf orm, or it may depe nd on which is the mo st co nveni ent.
2 Chapter 1 — Revie w your unit ’ s front panel HP OfficeJet K Series The follow ing shows the right side of the front pa nel. Arrows: Scroll through scan-copy-fax-set t ing options. Move forward and backward in a te xt entry. Keypad: Use keypad to dial fax numbers or enter text.
Chapter 2 — Use your HP OfficeJe t with a PC 3 2 Use your HP OfficeJet with a PC If you conne ct your HP OfficeJet to a PC, you can work f rom the front panel or fro m the HP OfficeJet K Series software on y our Windows desktop . The software offers more featu res and ease o f use.
4 Chapter 2 — Use yo ur HP O fficeJet with a PC HP OfficeJet K Series Review the st atus w indow The sta tus win dow is si milar to the disp lay incl uded on t he front panel of your HP OfficeJet.
Chapter 3 — Get help 5 3 Get hel p This s ection e xplains where y ou can fin d informati on ab out your unit. For compreh ensiv e informat ion, see the fully sea rcha ble Onscre en Guide . To access the guide , go to the Di recto r, clic k Help , and ch oose On screen Guide.
6 Chapter 3 — Get help HP OfficeJet K Series Page 6 Friday, June 28, 2002 3:06 PM.
Chapter 4 — Load paper or transparency film, or load originals 7 4 Load paper o r transparency film, o r load orig inals Your un it is desig ned to print and cop y onto a vari ety of tr anspa renc y film s and p aper types, weights, and sizes. It is important, h owever, that you ch oose the right paper and make sure t hat it is no t dama ged.
8 Chapter 4 — Load paper or transparency film, or load originals HP OfficeJet K Series 4 Slide th e paper-w idth and -length a djusters in until th ey stop at the ed ges of the paper, a nd be sur e that the paper sta ck lies fla t in the in put tray a nd fits un der the tab of the pape r- len gth a dju ste r.
Chapter 4 — Load pape r or transparenc y film, or lo ad originals 9 HP Offi ceJet K Se ries 6 To preve nt legal- or A4-size paper fr om possibl y falling off the tray , pull out the output-tr ay extende r.
10 Chapter 4 — Load paper or transparency film, or load originals HP OfficeJet K Series Load the input tray with e nvelopes (only works with printing) Your HP Office Jet provide s two method s for working with en velopes. Do not use shin y or emb ossed envel opes or enve lopes that h ave clas ps or windo ws.
Chapter 4 — Load pape r or transparency film, or lo ad originals 11 HP Offi ceJet K Se ries • If you are printing m ultiple e nvelopes, remove all paper from the input tray, and then slide a stack of env elo pes int o the t ray, with th e enve lope f laps up and to the left (print-side down), until they stop.
12 Chapter 4 — Load paper or transparency film, or load originals HP OfficeJet K Series Set the paper ty pe After you have loa ded paper o r film in the unit, select the ne w paper type. Chang e this settin g when ever you chan ge the type of pape r or fil m.
Chapter 4 — Load pape r or transparency film, or lo ad originals 13 HP Offi ceJet K Se ries Load originals If you are wor king with origina ls that are pri nted on 16 -24 lb . (60-90 gsm) plain pa per or HP Premi um Ink jet pape r, you ca n load more than one in th e autom atic do cume nt fee der (ADF).
14 Chapter 4 — Load paper or transparency film, or load originals HP OfficeJet K Series Page 14 F riday, June 28, 20 02 3:06 PM.
Chapter 5 — Use the print features 15 5 Use the print f eatures Most p rint setting s are a utomatically handled by the program y ou are printing fr om or by HP ’ s ColorSmart t echnolog y.
16 Chapter 5 — Use t he print fe ature s HP OfficeJet K Series Start a prin t job Follow these steps to start a print jo b from the software program that you used to cr eate your docum ent. 1 Load the i nput tray with the a ppropriate paper. For more information, see “ Load pa per or tra nsparen cy film, or load or iginals.
Chapter 6 — Use the scan features 17 6 Use the scan features To use the scan feature s, your HP OfficeJet an d PC m ust be conn ected. NOTE Scann ing funct ion s can va ry. F or th e most up -to- dat e scan ning infor mati on f or you r print er, se e the ful ly searc hable Onscre en Guid e.
18 Chapter 6 — Us e the scan featu res HP OfficeJet K Series You can scan ju st abou t anyth ing , such as : • Photos - to send ou t or place in docum ents. • Magazi ne a rticl es - to st ore on yo ur PC . • Text doc uments - to avoid re typing.
Chapter 6 — Use the scan featu res 19 HP Offi ceJet K Se ries To do t his from your PC ➤ In the Director, click SCAN . To do this from with in a p rogram ➤ Go to your progr am ’ s File or sy stem men u, choos e Scan or Acquire , choose Select Sou rce , an d then choose HP OfficeJet K Se ries .
20 Chapter 6 — Us e the scan featu res HP OfficeJet K Series Page 20 F riday, June 28, 20 02 3:06 PM.
Chapter 7 — Use the copy features 21 7 Use the copy featu res Using your HP Of ficeJ et, y ou can: • Produ ce high -qual ity co lor and black -and- whit e copi es using a vari ety of pa per types an d sizes, including iron-on tra nsfers.
22 Chapter 7 — Use th e copy featu res HP OfficeJet K Series Make co pies You ca n make cop ies using the fro n t panel o f your unit or usi ng your PC.
Chapter 7 — Use the copy features 23 HP Offi ceJet K Se ries 3 In the Director, click COP Y . The Copy dialog b ox appe ars, with the Settin gs tab vis ible. 4 Change any ap plica ble settin gs, such as redu ctio n, enl argem ent, or specia l feat ures.
24 Chapter 7 — Use th e copy featu res HP OfficeJet K Series Page 24 F riday, June 28, 20 02 3:06 PM.
Chapter 8 — Use the fax feature s 25 8 Use the fax features Using your HP Of ficeJ et, y ou can: • Send an d re ceiv e pap er fa xes, and se nd PC faxe s.
26 Chapter 8 — Use the fax featur es HP OfficeJet K Series Enable fax confirmation Your HP Offic eJet is set to print a report o nly if ther e is a problem with s ending or receiv ing a fax . A confi rmati on messa ge that indic ates whe ther an item was succ essf ully sent ap pears brie fly on the fron t-panel display afte r each tr ansaction.
Chapter 8 — Use the f ax features 27 HP Offi ceJet K Se ries 2 In the Automatic Rep ort Printing list, choose A fter a Fax Send , and then clic k OK . Send a fax Your HP Of fic eJet le ts you se nd a f ax in a va riety of conf igura tion s. Thes e inc lude: • Send a paper fax (using the fro nt panel or PC).
28 Chapter 8 — Use the fax featur es HP OfficeJet K Series Initia te the fax process from your PC This s ecti on d escr ibes how to init iat e a fax f rom your PC usin g th e Dire cto r. Fo r informa tion on send ing a f ax fro m a spe cific so ftwar e prog ram, s ee “ Initiate the process from within a p rogram.
Chapter 8 — Use the f ax features 29 HP Offi ceJet K Se ries 3 In the Send Fax dialog box, ente r the fax number ( or select one from the addre ss book or Rece nt Faxes list) and other recip ient infor mation. For more information, see “ Save frequentl y used fax nu mbers.
30 Chapter 8 — Use the fax featur es HP OfficeJet K Series Initia te the proce ss from within a pr ogram You ca n fax direc tly from o ther softw are prog rams suc h as word p rocessing or spre adsheet progr ams. 1 Open the file that you want to fax.
Chapter 8 — Use the f ax features 31 HP Offi ceJet K Se ries Recei ve a fax Dependin g on how y ou set up y our HP OfficeJet, you w ill either receive faxes automat ically or ma nually. For m ore informa tion, see “ Set the an swer mode. ” Your HP OfficeJet is automatically set to print received faxes.
32 Chapter 8 — Use the fax featur es HP OfficeJet K Series 3 In the P hone answering area, select Manual . 4 After you are finished, c lick OK . 5 When yo ur H P Off iceJ et ring s, pick up the ha nds et of a tele phon e that is on the same telephon e line as your HP OfficeJet.
Chapter 9 — Additional setup informatio n 33 9 Addi tiona l setu p inform ation This sec tion provid es assista nce in res olving installa tion and config uration issu es, setting fax -header inform ation us ing the fron t panel, a nd adding a nd remov ing softwar e.
34 Chapter 9 — Additional setup information HP OfficeJet K Series • If the pre vious steps do not solv e the problem, remove and reinstall the softwa re.
Chapter 9 — Additional setup info rmation 35 HP Offi ceJet K Se ries Your PC is unable to communicate with your HP OfficeJet If commu nication cannot b e establishe d between your PC and HP OfficeJe.
36 Chapter 9 — Additional setup information HP OfficeJet K Series Use your HP Office Jet with Windows 200 0 For the late st information reg arding networking, vi sit the HP Web site at : www.
Chapter 9 — Additional setup info rmation 37 HP Offi ceJet K Se ries Enter text The followin g list provides ti ps for entering text u sing the fron t-panel keypa d. • Press the keypa d numbers tha t correspond to the lette rs of a name. • Press a button multiple times to see a letter first in uppercase and then in lowercase.
38 Chapter 9 — Additional setup information HP OfficeJet K Series Check for dial tone Befor e usin g the f ax featur es, ver ify th at the connect ions are co rrectl y estab lished. 1 Press Star t Fax , Bla ck or Colo r , and listen for a dial tone.
Chapter 10 — Use Hewle tt-Pack ard ’ s su pport se rvices 39 10 Use Hewlett-Pac kard’s supp ort services This section expla ins the service informat ion pro vided by Hewlett-Packa rd. For comprehensive in formation, see the fully sear chable Onscreen Guide.
40 Chap ter 10 — Use Hewlett-Pac k ard ’ s su pport se rvice s HP OfficeJet K Series Call in the U. S. post-warranty If your produ ct is not unde r warranty, you can call (800) 999-1148. A per-call, out-o f-warran ty support fee will be charged to your credi t card.
Chapter 1 0 — Use Hewlett -Packar d ’ s suppor t servic es 41 HP Offi ceJet K Se ries HP Distribution Center To order HP OfficeJet soft ware, a copy of t he print ed Basic Gu ide, a Setup P oster, or ot her custo mer-repla ceable parts, call th e appropriat e number.
42 Chap ter 10 — Use Hewlett-Pac k ard ’ s su pport se rvice s HP OfficeJet K Series Page 42 F riday, June 28, 20 02 3:06 PM.
Chapter 11 — Technic al informa tion 43 11 Technical info rmation For comprehensive in formation, see the fully sear chable Onscreen Guide. To access the guide, go to the Direct or, click Help, and cho ose Onscreen Guide.
44 Chapter 11 — Tech nic al inf orm ati on HP OfficeJet K Series This equipment may no t be used on coin service provid ed by the telephon e company. Conne ction to party lines is subject to state t ariffs. C ontac t your state's public utility c ommiss ion, pu blic se rvice com missi on, or corpor ation commissio n for more info rmation.
Chapter 1 1 — Te chni cal in form at ion 4 5 HP Offi ceJet K Se ries Notice to use rs of the Canad ian telephone net work The Industry Canada label ide ntifies certified equi pment.
46 Chapter 11 — Tech nic al inf orm ati on HP OfficeJet K Series Notice to us ers of the German tele phone network The HP OfficeJet K Series products are designed to connect onl y to the analogue public-swi tched telepho ne network ( PSTN).
Chapter 1 1 — Te chni cal in form at ion 4 7 HP Offi ceJet K Se ries Declaration of Conformity According to ISO/I EC Guide 2 2 and EN 45014 Manufa cturer ’ s Name and Address: Hewlett-Packard C om.
48 Chapter 11 — Tech nic al inf orm ati on HP OfficeJet K Series Page 48 F riday, June 28, 20 02 3:06 PM.
Index 49 Index A add printer 35 programs 3 8 answer mode - Au to Answer 37 B buttons - front-panel description 1 C cancel a copy 23 cartridges - orde r 43 connection - unable to establish 3 5 copy fro.
50 Index scan 17 P paper avoid jam 13 load 7 tips on loading 9 paper type - set 12 PC copy from 22 fax from 28 PC fi les - f ax 30 phone numbers - support s ervices 39 postcards 10 print introduction .
1:Photo Mode 2:Paper Type 3:Paper Size 4:Text En hance 5: Mar gin S hif t 6:Mirror 7:Set C opy Defaults 8:Restore Copy Factory Se tt ings 9:Copy Quality (models K60 and K60xi only) 1:Automa tic Report.
Visit the HP All-in-One Information Center. It’s everything you need to get the most value from your HP OfficeJet. • Technica l Support • Suppl ies and Or dering Info rma tion • Project T ips • Ways to Enhance Your Pro duct www.of ficejet support.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts HP (Hewlett-Packard) K Series (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie HP (Hewlett-Packard) K Series noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für HP (Hewlett-Packard) K Series - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von HP (Hewlett-Packard) K Series reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über HP (Hewlett-Packard) K Series erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon HP (Hewlett-Packard) K Series besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von HP (Hewlett-Packard) K Series verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit HP (Hewlett-Packard) K Series. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei HP (Hewlett-Packard) K Series gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.