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HP Officejet Pro X451 and X551 MFP Series User Guide.
Copyright and License © 2012 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under the copyright laws. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
Conventions used in this guide TIP: Tips provide helpful hints or sh ortcuts. NOTE: Notes provid e important infor mation to explain a co ncept or to complete a task. CAUTION: Cautions indicate procedures th at you should follow to avoid losing data or damaging the product.
iv Conventions used i n this guide ENWW.
Table of contents 1 Produc t basics ........... ............ ........... ............ ............ .......... ............ ............ ............. .... .......... ............ .......... ... 1 Product overview ................... .......... .......
Connect the prod uct to a wireless network using the Wireless Set up Wizard (Officeje t Pro X551) .................... ........... ............... ............... ........... .............. ............ .............. ..... ...... 35 Conne ct the pro duct to a w ireless n etwork us ing WPS .
Load Tray 2 or optional Tray 3 ................... ............... ............. ............ ............. ............... .... 56 Configure trays ........ ........... ........ ........... .......... ........... ........ ........... ........... .....
Create a booklet with Wi ndows ....... .......................... ...................... .......................... ........ 91 Additional print tasks (Mac OS X) ................ ................ ................. ................ .................. .
Firewa ll ............ ............... .............. ............. ................. ............... .............. ............. ..... .. .... 113 Scan- to and Fax-t o Folder A uthenticat ion ................. .................... ..................
Clean th e print head .......... ................ .................... ................. ..................... ............... ...... 1 40 Use the p rinter dr iver that be st meets y our printi ng needs ..... ............................. ............
OpenSSL ........ ............. .......... ............ ............. .......... ............. ............. .......... ............ ..... ................ ... 158 Custome r support ........... ............ .............. ........... .......... .......
EMC statement (Korea) ........... .......... ........... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........... .. ........... 174 GS statement (Germany) ........... .......... ............ ............ ............ .......... .
1 Product basics ● Product overview ● Environmental features ● Accessibility features ● Product views ENWW 1.
Product overview HP Officejet Pro X451 MFP Series models Officejet Pro X451dn models CN459A Paper handling: ● Tray 1 (50-sheet capacity for 75 GSM or 20 lb. Bond paper ) ● Tray 2 (500-sheet capacity for 75 GSM or 20 lb. Bond paper ) ● Optional Tray 3 (500- sheet capacity for 75 GSM or 20 lb.
HP Officejet Pro X551 MFP Series models Officejet Pro X551dw models CN596A Paper handling: ● Tray 1 (50-sheet capacity for 75 GSM or 20 lb. Bond paper) ● Tray 2 (500-sheet capacity for 75 GSM or 20 lb. Bond paper) ● Optional Tray 3 (500- sheet capacity for 75 GSM or 20 lb.
Accessibility features The product includes several features that aid use rs with limited vision, hea ri ng, dexterity or strength . ● Online user guide th at is compatible with text screen-readers. ● Ink cartridges can b e installed and re moved using one ha nd.
Front view (X551 Series) 1 7 8 2 4 3 5 6 1 Control panel 2 Output bin door 3 Output bin 4 Output bin extension 5 Tray 2 (Main paper tray) 6 On/Off button 7 Ink cartridge door 8 USB 2.0 Host port that accepts USB storage devices for Plug and Print USB Drive printing.
Back view 4 5 3 1 2 1 Left door (access for clearing jams) 2 Tray 1 (Multi-purpose tray) 3 Power connection 4 Hi-Speed USB 2.0 ports 5 Ethernet port 6 Chapter 1 Product basics ENWW.
Interface ports 1 2 3 1 Ethernet port 2 USB Device port accepts a USB cable from a PC (a lter native to Network and Wireless con nections). 3 USB Host port accepts USB storage devices for Plug and Print (Officejet Pro X551 on ly).
Serial number and model number location Open the ink ca rtridge door to view the se rial number and product model number labe l. 8 Chapter 1 Product basics ENWW.
Control panel layout (X451 Series) 1 Display screen area 2 Help button: provides access to the prod uct help system. 3 Wireless button: provides a number of menu items to view and adjust network settings on wireless models. 4 HP ePrint button: provides quick access to HP Web Services featur es, in cluding HP ePrint.
Buttons on the Home screen (X451 Series) The Home screen p rovides access to the product fea tures, and it indicate s the product statu s. NOTE: Depending on the product conf iguration, the features o n the Home screen can vary. T he layout might also be re versed for some l anguages.
Control panel help system The product has a built-in Help system that explai ns how to use each screen. To open the Help system, touch the Help button to the ri ght of the control pane l (Officejet Pro X451) or the u pper-right corner of the control panel (Officejet Pro X551).
7 Home button: provides quick access to the Home scre en. This button only illu minates only when the current screen can use this feature. 8 Wireless light: indicates the wireless network is enabled. The light blinks while the product is establish ing a connection to the wireless network.
Buttons on the Home screen (X551 Series) The Home screen p rovides access to the product fea tures, and it indicate s the product statu s. NOTE: Depending on the product conf iguration, the features o n the Home screen can vary. T he layout might also be re versed for some l anguages.
7 Status display. When the product is idle, this area of the control panel displays the time and date and allows for access to the time and date settings by touching this area . When the product is processing a job, job status information replaces the time and date display.
Control panel help system The product has a built-in Help system that explai ns how to use each screen. To open the Help system, touch the Help button in the upper-righ t corner of the screen. For screens that contain settings for individual tasks, the Help open s to a topic that explains the options for that t ask.
16 Chapter 1 Product basics ENWW.
2 Control panel menus ● Status menu ● Apps ● Plug and Print (Officejet Pro X551 models only) ● Setup Menu Status menu To access the Status menu, select Status from the Home scree n on the Contro l Panel. The Stat us menu is available o n Officejet Pro X451mod els only.
Setup Menu To open this menu , press (X451 Series) or touch (X551 Series) th e Setup button from the control panel. The following sub menus are available: ● Network ● HP Web Services (HP OfficeJet.
Network menu In the following ta ble, items that have an asterisk (*) indicate the factory default settin g. NOTE: Wireless menu options are o nly available on pr oducts that support wireless connectivity. F or more information, re fer to the Product Basics chapter of this user guide.
Menu item Sub-menu item Sub-menu item Description Legacy Default IP On Off Restore Network Defaults Resets all network configurations to their factory d efaults.
HP Web Services menu (Officej et Pro X451 models only) Menu item Sub-menu item Description Enable Web Services Yes No Enables HP Web Services so y ou can use H P ePrint and the Apps menu. HP ePrint is a tool that prints documents by using any e-mail enabled device to send them to the product’s e-mail address.
Device Setup menu In the following ta ble, items that have an asterisk (*) indicate the factory default settin g. Menu item Sub-menu item Sub-menu item Sub-menu item Description Preferences Time/Date Sets the time format, current time, date format, and current date for the prod uct.
Menu item Sub-menu item Sub-menu item Sub-menu item Description Default Paper Type Plain Paper Premium Inkjet ... For a compl ete list of paper sizes, see Supported paper types and tray capacity . Sets the paper type for printing inter nal reports, or any print job that does not specify a type.
Menu item Sub-menu item Sub-menu item Sub-menu item Description Tray Lock Tray 1 Tray 2 Tray 3 None * Tray Lock is a feature that “locks" a tray so that the only time the printer will draw from that tray is when it is specifically requested. This is useful when putting special paper in a tray, such as letterhead.
Menu item Sub-menu item Sub-menu item Sub-menu item Description Print Settings Personality Automatic * PCL5 Only PCL6 Only PS Only Sets the printe r language. By default, the product automatically selects which language to use. Copies Sets the number of co pies (0–99) to make when the Copy button is touched.
Tools menu Use the Tools menu to im prove the product's print quality and view estima ted ink levels. Menu item Description Display Estimated Ink Levels Displays a graph of how much ink has been consumed for ea ch cartridge. Clean Printhead Use this feature to clean, adjust, and align the print heads.
Print Reports menu Use the Print Reports menu to print reports that provide in formation about th e product. Menu item Sub-menu item Description Printer Status Report Prints current product information, cartridge status, and other product information.
28 Chapter 2 Co ntrol panel menus ENWW.
3 Connect the product ● Connect the pr oduct using a USB ca ble ● Connect the product to a netw ork ● Connect the product to a wirele ss network (wireless models only) Connect the product using a USB cable This product supports a USB 2.0 connection.
4. When the software promp ts you, connect the U SB cable to the computer and the product. 5. When the installa tion is complete, print a page from any program to make sure that the printing software is correctly installed.
Obtain the IP address 1. Connect the ehte rnet cable to the produ ct and to the network. Turn the product on. 2. Wait for 60 second s before continuin g. During this time, th e network recogn izes the product and assigns an IP add ress or host name for the product.
4. When prompted, select the Wired Network - Connect the pr inter to your network using an Ethernet cable. option, and then click the Next button. 5. From the list of available p rinters, select the printer that has the correct IP address.
4. Select the IPv4 option. 5. Select the Manual option. 6. Select the IP Address option. 7. Use the numeric keypad to enter the IP address, and tou ch the OK bu tton. Touch the Yes button to confirm. 8. Use the numeric keyp ad to enter the su bnet mask, and to uch the OK button.
Link speed and duplex settings NOTE: This information applies only to Ethe rnet ne tworks. It does no t apply to wireless networks. The link speed a nd communication mode of the print server must match the netwo rk hub. For most situations, leave th e product in automatic m ode.
Connect the product to a wireless network (wireless models only) Before installing the product software, make sure the product is not connected to the network usi ng a ehternet c able.
NOTE: If this method is not successful, try using t he Wireless Setup Wizard on the product contro l panel or try usi ng the USB cable connecti on method.
NOTE: The “xx” in the network is name is the last two chara cters of the prod uct's MAC address . The product name will be either HP Officejet Pro X451 MFP Series or HP Officejet Pro X551 MFP Series. 1. From a wireless enab led product, conn ect to the setup network for the device.
38 Chapter 3 Co nnect the product ENWW.
4 Use the product with Windows ● Supported operating systems and printe r drivers for Windows ● Select the correct printer driver for Wind ows ● Change print job setting s for Windows ● Remove.
HP PCL 6 driver (This print dr iver is provided on the in-box CD and is also available from go/ support .) ● Provided as the default driver.
HP Universal Print Driver (UPD) The HP Universal Print Dr iver (UPD) for Windows is a single driver that gives you instant ac cess to virtually any HP Officejet pr oduct, from any loc ation , without downloading separate drivers. It is built on proven HP p rint driver technology and has been teste d thoroughly and used with ma ny software programs.
settings anywhere else in the printing software, but will be applied if no conflicting command is sent with a pri nt job. You can chan ge most of the print settin gs here.
Remove the printer driver from Windows Windows XP 1. Click Start , Control Panel , an d then Add or Remove Programs . 2. Find and select the product from the list. 3. Click the Change/Rem ove button t o remove th e softwar e. Windows Vista 1. Click Start , Control Panel , an d then Programs an d Features .
44 Chapter 4 Use the product with Windows ENWW.
5 Use the product with Mac ● Supported operating system s and printer drivers for Mac ● Software for Mac computers ● Priority for print settings for Mac ● Change printer-drive r settings for M.
HP Utility features Use the HP Utility software to perform the following tasks: ● Obtain information about supplies status. ● Obtain information a bout the produ ct, such as the firmware version an d the serial numbe r. ● Print a configuration page.
Change the default settings for all print jobs 1. On the File menu, cl ick the Print button. 2. Change the settings that yo u want on the various menus. 3. On the Presets menu, cl ick the Save As... option and type a name for the preset. These settings are sa ved in the Pre sets menu.
Remove the printer driver from Mac operating systems You must have administrator righ ts to remove the software. 1. Open System Preference s . 2. Select Print & Scan . 3. Highlight t he product. 4. Click the minus (-) symbol to delete the print qu eue.
6 Paper and print media ● Understand paper use ● Change the printer driver to match the pape r type and si ze in Windows ● Supported paper sizes ● Supported paper types and tray capacity ● Load paper trays ● Configure tr ays Understand paper use HP Officejet inks for business are specificall y developed for use with HP printheads.
Media type Do Do not Envelopes ● Store envelopes flat. ● Use envelopes where the seam extends all the way to the corner of the envelope. ● Do not use envelopes that are wrinkled, nicked, stuc k together, or otherwise damaged. ● Do not use envelopes that have clasps, snaps, windows, or coated linings.
Table 6-1 Supported pap er and print media si zes Size Dimensions Tray 1 Tray 2 Tray 3 Automatic du plex printing Letter 216 x 279 mm (8.5 x 11 inches) Oficio 8.5 x 13 (8.5 x 13 inches) Oficio 216x340 mm 216 x 340 mm Legal 216 x 356 mm (8.5 x 14 inches) A4 210 x 297 mm (8.
Table 6-2 Supporte d envelopes (conti nued) Size Dim ensions Tray 1 Tray 2 Tray 3 Automatic duplex printing Envelope C6 114 x 162 mm (4.5 x 6.4 inches) Envelope Monarch 98 x 191 mm (3.9 x 7.5 inches) Japanese Envelope Chou #3 120 x 235 mm (4.7 x 9.3 inches) Japanese Envelope Chou #4 90 x 205 mm (3.
Table 6-4 Supported ph oto media (continued) Size Dimensions Tray 1 Tray 2 Tray 3 Automatic duplex printing Japanese Postcard (100 x 148 mm) (3.9 x 5.8 inches) Custom Minimum: (3 to 5 inches) Maximum: (8.5 to 14 inches) Width: (3 to 8.5 inches) Length: (5 to 14 inches) Width: ( 4 to 8.
Table 6-6 Tray 1 (multi-purpose) on left si de of th e product (continued) Paper type Weight Capacity 1 Paper orientation ● Envelope ● Heavy Envelope ● Labels Up to 7 envelopes or labels Side to.
Load paper t rays Load Tray 1 (multi-pur pose tray on left side of the product) 1. Open Tray 1. 2. Pull out the extension tray. 3. Extend the paper guides fullyand then lo ad the paper sta ck into Tray 1. Adjust the paper guides to the size of the pa per.
Load Tray 2 or optional Tray 3 1. Pull the tray out of the product. 2. Slide open the p aper length and width g uides. 3. Place the paper in the tray and make sure that it is flat at all fo ur corners. Slide the side paper width guides so that they align w ith the paper-size marking in the bottom of the tray.
4. Push down on the paper to make sure that the paper sta ck is below the paper limit tabs on the side of the tray. 5. Slide the tray into the product. Configure trays By default, the p roduct pulls paper fr om Tray 2. If Tray 2 is e mpty, the produc t pulls paper from Tr ay 1, or Tray 3 if it is installed.
Paper use Configure the product Print Occasionally use special paper, such as heavy paper or letterhead, from a tray that usually contains plain paper. Load special paper in Tray 1. From the software progra m print dialog, choose the paper type that matche s the special paper loaded in the tray before sending the print job.
7 Ink cartridges The information contain ed herein is subje ct to ch ange without notice. For the late st User Guide information go to support/ojpx451 or www.
Supplies views Ink cartridge view 1 1 Metal connector and ink nozzle. Do not touch. Fingerprin ts may cause supply er ror mess ages. Dust may also cause supply error messages; do not leave ink cartridges outside the product for prolonged pe riods of time.
Modify the Low Ink Warning Level settin gs from the control panel You can enable or disable the default se ttings at any time, and you do not have to re-enable them when you install a new ink cartridge. 1. From the Home screen on the control panel, pr ess (X451 Series) or touch (X551 Series) the Setup button.
Your ink cartridge might not be a ge nuine HP i nk cartridge if you noti ce the follo wing: ● The supplies status page indicates that a used or cou nterfeit supply is installed. ● You are experiencing a high number of p roblems with the ink ca rtridge.
3. Grasp the edge of the old ink cartridge and then pull the cartridge straight out to remo ve it. 4. Remove the new ink cartridge from the packaging. 5. Do not touch the metal connector of the in k cartridge. Fingerprints o n the connecto r can cause print-quality problems.
6. Insert the new ink cartridge in to the product. 7. Close the ink cartridge door. 8. Place the old ink cartri dge in the box and ref er to HP's recycling instruct ions at http://wwww. recycle . Solve issues with supplies Check the ink cartridges If you are experiencing p rint quality problems, see Improve print quality on page 132 .
quality. If you are us ing a refilled or remanu factured i nk cartridge and are n ot satisfied with the print quality, replace th e cartridge with a genuine HP cartridge.
Section Ink cartridge 3 Magenta 4 Yellow ● If dots or streaks appear in one or more group s, clean the printhead. If thi s does not solve the problem, contact HP. ● If streaks appear in multiple color bands, see if the problem still persists by performing an additional print head cleaning, and then contact HP.
Interpret control pane l messages for supplies Non-HP ink cartridges installed Description No action neces sary, this is a notifica tion only. Recommende d action Use SETUP Cartridges Description The SETUP cartridges have been removed before the p roduct has completed initialization.
Recommende d action Click OK to continue prin ting or replace with g enuine HP cartridge. Genuine HP supply installed Description A genuine HP supply was installed. Recommende d action No action necessary. Incompatible <color> Description You have installed an in k cartridge that is intended for u se in a different HP product model.
Recommende d action You have a used, but sti ll genuine, HP cartridge in stalled. No action required . ENWW Solve issues with suppl ies 69.
70 Chapter 7 Ink cartridge s ENWW.
8P r i n t ● Print tasks (Windows) ● Print tasks (Mac) ● Additional prin t tasks (Windows) ● Additiona l print task s (Mac OS X ) ● Use HP ePrint ● Use the HP ePrint Mobile Driver ● AirP.
Get help for any printi ng option with Windows 1. Click the Help button to open the online Help. 72 Chapter 8 Print ENWW.
Change the number of p rint copies with Windows 1. On the File menu in the soft ware progr am, click Print . 2. Select the product, and then se lect the number of copie s. Save custom print settings for reuse with Windows Use a printing shortcu t with Windows 1.
3. Click the Printing Shortcuts tab. 4. Select one of th e shortcuts, and th en click the OK button. NOTE: When you select a shortcut, the corresponding settings chan ge on the other tabs in the printer driver . Create printi ng shortcuts 1. On the File menu in the softwar e program, click Print .
2. Select the product, and then click the Properties or Preferences button . 3. Click the Printing Shortcuts tab. 4. Select an existing short cut as a base. NOTE: Always select a shortcut before adjusting any of the settings on the ri ght side of the screen.
5. Select the print options for the new sho rtcut. 6. Click the Save As button. 7. Type a name for the shortcut, and click the OK button. Improve print quality with Windows Select the page size with Windows 1. On the File menu in the soft ware progr am, click Print .
3. Click the Paper/Quality tab. 4. Select a size from the Paper size drop-down list. Select a custom page size with Windows 1. On the File menu in the soft ware progr am, click Print . 2. Select the product, and then cli ck the Properties or Preferences button.
2. Select the product, and then click the Properties or Preferences button . 3. Click the Finishing tab. 4. Select the Print on both sides check box. Click the OK button to print the job.
Print multiple pages per sheet with Windows 1. On the File menu in the softwar e program, click Print . 2. Select the product, and then click the Properties or Preferences button .
4. Select the number of pa ges per sheet from the Pages per sheet drop-down list. 5. Select the correct Print page borders , Page order , and Orientation options. Select page orientation with Windows 1. On the File menu in the softwar e program, click Print .
3. Click the Finishing tab. 4. In the Orientation area, select the Portrait or Landscape op tion. To print the pa ge image upside down , select the Rotate by 180 d egrees option. Set Advanced color options with Windows 1. On the File menu in the soft ware progr am, click Print .
Create a printin g preset 1. On the File menu, cl ick the Print option. 2. Select the product from the printer list. 3. Select the print sett ings that you wa nt to save for reuse. 4. In the Presets menu, click the Save As... option, and type a name for the preset.
4. From the Pages per Sheet menu, select the number of p ages that you want to prin t on each sheet (1, 2, 4, 6, 9, or 16). 5. In the Layout Direction area, select the order and p lacement of the pages o n the sheet. 6. From the Borders menu, select the type of borde r to print around each page on the shee t.
Additional print tasks (Windows) Cancel a print jo b Cancel a print jo b with Windows 1. If the print job is currently p rinting , ca ncel it by pressing the Cancel button on the pr oduct control panel. NOTE: Pressing the Cancel button clears th e job that the product is currently processing.
2. Select the product, and then click the Properties or Preferences button . 3. Click the Paper/Quality tab. 4. From the Paper type drop-dow n list, click the More.
5. Expand the list of Typ e is: options. 6. Expand the category of paper types that best describes your paper. NOTE: Labels are in the list of Other options. 7. Select the option for the type of paper you are using, and click the OK button. Print the first or last page on different paper with Wi ndows 1.
2. Select the product, and then click the Properties or Preferences button . 3. Click the Paper/Quality tab. 4. In the Special pages area, click the Print pages on differen t paper option, and then click the Settings button.
5. In the Pages in document area, select either the First or Last option. 6. Select the correct optio ns from the Paper source and Paper type drop-down lists.
7. If you are printing both the first and last pag es on different pa per, repeat steps 5 and 6, selecting the options for the othe r page. 8. Click the OK button. Scale a document to fit pa ge size with Windows 1. On the File menu in the softwar e program, click Print .
3. Click the Effects tab. 4. Select the Print document on option, and then select a size from the drop-down list. Add a watermark to a do cument with Windows 1. On the File menu in the soft ware progr am, click Print . 2. Select the product, and then cli ck the Properties or Preferences button.
Create a booklet with Windows 1. On the File menu in the softwar e program, click Print . 2. Select the product, and then click the Properties or Preferences button .
4. Select the Print on both sides check box. 5. In the Booklet lay out drop-down list, click the Left binding or Right binding opt ion. The Pages per shee t option automatically changes to 2 page s per sheet . Additional print tasks (Mac OS X) Cancel a print job with Mac 1.
Change the paper size and type with Mac 1. On the File menu in the soft ware progr am, click the Print option. 2. Select a size from the Paper Size drop-down list. 3. Open the Paper/Quality panel. 4. Select a type from the Media Type drop-down list. 5.
NOTE: The product mu st be connected to a wir ed or wireless netw ork and have Intern et access to use HP ePrint. 1. To use HP ePrint, you must fi rst enable HP Web Services. a. From the Home screen on the product contro l panel , press (X451 Series) or touch (X551 Series) the Web Service s button.
For Windows, the HP ePrint Mobil e Driver also suppor ts traditional direct IP pr inting to local network printers on the network (LAN or WA N) to supporte d PostScript® products.
Connect the printer with HP Wireless Direct Connect a computer, smart phone, ta blet, or other Wi -Fi capable device direct ly to your HP printer with HP Wireless Direct. With an HP Wireless Dire ct connection you can print wirelessly, without a router, from your Wi-Fi capable devi ces.
Connect and print from a WiFi capable computer over a wireless router and Wireless Direct 1. Setup and install you r printer over a wireless r outer. Make sure you can su ccessfully print over your wireless router before p roceeding. 2. Turn on your printer’s Wireless Direct connection .
● Open the Wireless Direct menu. ● Select On to enable Wireles s Direct connection s or select On With Secu rity to enab le secure, Wireless Direct connection s to the printer.
1. Insert the USB drive into the USB port on the front or back of the product. The Plug and Print menu opens. 2. Select a document from the list o f documents and folder s on the USB device. 3. Touch the Settings... button to modify the print settings fo r the job, if necessary.
100 Chapter 8 Print ENWW.
9 Color ● Adjust color ● Use the HP EasyColor option ● Match colors to your computer screen ● Print fade- and wate r-resistant prints Adjust color Manage color b y changing the settings on the Color (Win dows) and Color Options tab (Mac) in the printer driver.
● Photo (Adobe RGB 1998) : Use this theme with printing digital photos that use the AdobeRGB color sp ace rather than sRGB. Turn off co lor management in the software program when using t his theme.
NOTE: Changing colo r settings manu ally can impa ct output. HP re commends that only color graphics experts change these settings. 6. Click OK so save your adjustments and close the window , or click Reset to return the settings to the factory defaults (Win dows).
If you are using the HP Po stscript printer driver for Mac, HP EasyCol or technology scans a ll documents and automati cally adjusts all photog raph ic images with th e same improved ph otographic results. In the following examp le, the images on th e left were created wi thout using the HP EasyColor option.
Many factors can influenc e your ability to matc h printed colors to those on your monitor: ● Print media ● Printer colorants (inks or toners, for exa mple) ● Printing process (inkjet, press, or.
106 Chapter 9 Color ENWW.
10 Manage and maintain ● Print information pages ● Use the HP Embedded Web Server ● Use HP Web Jetadmin software ● Product security feature s ● Economy settin gs ● Clean the product ● Product update s Print information pages Information pages reside within the product me mo ry.
Menu Item Sub Me nu Item Description Network Configuration Page Displays status for: ● Network hardware configuration ● Enabled features ● TCP/IP and SNMP information ● Network statistics ● .
You can configure your b rowser to accept all cookie s, or you can co nfigure it to alert you every time a cookie is offered, which all ows you to decide which cookies to accept or refuse.
NOTE: Not all of the followi ng items are visible by de fault. Use the Personalize this page button show or hide th e items of your choice. ● Recently Visited : Displays 5 most recently visited embedded HP EWS links ● Printer Status : Displays current printer status.
Utilities ● Bookmarkin g : Bookmark pages in the HP EWS. ● Print Quality Toolbox : Run maintenance to ols to improve the print quality of you r printouts. ● Asset Tracking : Assign an asset numbe r/location to this device. Backup and Restore ● Backup : Create a password-encrypted file that stores the printer's settings.
Assign an administrator password in the HP Embedded Web Server The HP Embedded Web Server allows you to assign an administrator passwor d so that unauthorized users cannot chan ge product config uration sett in gs in the HP Embedded Web Server.
● LLMNR disable /enable : Link-Local Multicast Name Resolu ti on (LLMNR) is a pro tocol based on the Domain Name Syste m (DNS) pac ket format t hat allows both IPv4 and IPv6 hosts to perform name resolution for hosts o n the same local link. LLMNR can be enabled or disa bled.
network folder is located. In a ddition, appropriate privileg es may be required to have write access to the network folder. Syslog Support of Sysl og, a standard protocol fo r logg ing status messages to a designated serve r, can be used to track the a ctivities and status of devic es on the networ k.
The Schedule On/Off fe ature turns the product on or off after a certain length of time. You can adjust this time-delay setting. The Auto Power Off fea ture turns the product off after a certain length of time. You can adju st this time delay setting.
Clean the product Clean the control panel Clean the touch scr een whenever it is ne cessary to remove fingerprints or dust. Wipe the contro l panel gently with a clean, wa ter-dampened, lint-free cloth. CAUTION: Use water only. Solvents or clea ners ca n damage the control pane l.
11 Solve problems ● Customer support ● Problem-solving checklist ● Restore the factory-set defaults ● Paper feeds incorrectly or becomes jammed ● Clear jams ● Improve print qua lity ● Th.
● Step 2: Check the control panel for err or messages ● Step 3: Test print functionali ty ● Step 4: Try sending a print job from a computer ● Step 5: Test the Plug and Print USB Dr ive printing functionality (X551 Series) ● Factors that affect product performance Step 1: Check that th e product power is on 1.
Factors that affect product performance Several factors affect the ti me it takes to print a job: ● The software program that you are using and its settings ● The use of special pap er (such as tr.
Paper feeds incorrectly or becomes jammed ● The product does not pick up paper ● The product pick s up multiple sh eets of paper ● Prevent paper jams The product does not pick up paper If the product does no t pick up paper fro m the tray, try these solutions.
4. Make sure the tray is not overfilled. If it is, remove the entire sta ck of paper from the tray, straighten the stack, an d then return some of the paper to th e tray. 5. Make sure the paper g uides in the tray are adju sted correctly for the si ze of paper.
Clear jams in Tray 1(Multi-purpose tray) 1. If the jammed sheet i s visible and easily accessible in Tray 1, pull it fr om Tray 1. NOTE: If the sheet tears, ma ke sure th at all of the fragments are remo ved before you resume printing.
4. If the paper is still not visible or accessible, remove the duplexer b y pulling it out with both hands. Set the dup lexer aside, upri ght, on a piece of paper to prevent ink spills. CAUTION: When pulling out the duplexer, avoid making direct contact with the bl ack cylinder to prevent in k smear on skin or clothes.
7. Reinstall the duplexer. 8. Close the left door. 124 Chapter 11 Solve problems ENWW.
Clear jams in Tray 2 1. Open Tray 2 by pulling it out and releasing the latch at the rear le ft of the tray. 2. Remove the jammed sheet by pulling it to the right and then out of the product. 3. Close Tray 2. NOTE: To close the tray, push in the middl e or with even pressu re on both sides.
Clear jams in optional Tray 3 1. Open Tray 3. 2. Remove the jammed sheet by pulling it to the right and then out of the product. 126 Chapter 11 Solve problems ENWW.
3. If the jam cann ot be cleared at the tray, try clearing the jam from the Tray 3 left door. 4. Close Tray 3. NOTE: To close the tray, push in the middl e or with even pressu re on both sides. Avoid pushing on one side only. Clear jams in the left door 1.
2. Gently remove any vi sible paper from the rollers and deliv ery area. NOTE: If the sheet tears, ma ke sure th at all fragments are removed b efore you resume printing.
Clear jams in the output bin 1. Look for jammed paper in the outpu t bin area. 2. Remove any visible media. NOTE: If the sheet tears, ma ke sure th at all fragments are remov ed before resuming printi ng. 3. Open and then close the left door to clear the message.
Clear jams in the duplexer 1. Open the left do or. 2. If you can see the trailing edge of the sheet, remove the sheet from the product. 3. If the paper is not visible or accessible, remove the duplexer b y pulling it out with both hands. Set the dup lexer aside, upri ght, on a piece of paper to prevent ink spills.
4. Lower the plat en by pressing do wn on the green tab. This will caus e the product to try to feed the sheet throug h the print zone. You may need to gently pull on the sheet if it does not feed. Remove th e sheet. 5. Lift the green tab to place the platen b ack into its operating position.
6. Reinstall the duplexer. 7. Close the left door. Improve print quality You can prevent most pr int-quality problems by following these g uidelines. ● Use the correct paper typ e setting in the pri.
Use the correct paper type set ting in the printer driver Check the paper type settin g if you ar e having any of the following proble ms: ● Ink is smearing on the printed pa ges. ● Repeated marks occur on the printed pages. ● Printed pages are cu rled.
● Default (sRGB) : This theme sets the product to pr int RGB data in ra w device mod e. When using this theme, man age color in the softwa re program or in the o perating system for correct rendering. ● Vivid : The product increases th e color saturation in the midtones.
4. Clear the HP EasyColor check box. 5. Click the Ink Settings button (Windows) or expand th e Advanced menu (Mac), an d then use the slider to make the follow ing adjustmen ts: ● Dry Time ● Saturation ● Black Ink Spread NOTE: Changing col or settings manually can impa ct output.
7. Click the Print in Grayscale option (Windows) or Print Color as Gray (Mac) to print a color document in b lack and shades of gray. Use this option to print color documents for photocopying or faxing. You can also use this option to prin t draft copies or to save co lor cartridge life.
Use paper that meets HP specifications Use different paper if you are having an y of the following problems: ● The printing is too light or seems faded in areas. ● Specks of ink are on the printed pages. ● Ink is smearing on the printed pa ges. ● Printed characters see m misformed.
quality. If you are us ing a refilled or remanu factured i nk cartridge and are n ot satisfied with the print quality, replace th e cartridge with a genuine HP cartridge.
Section Ink cartridge 3 Magenta 4 Yellow ● If dots or streaks appear in one or more group s, clean the printhead. If thi s does not solve the problem, contact HP. ● If streaks appear in multiple color bands, see if the problem still persists by performing an additional print head cleaning, and then contact HP.
Clean ink smears Print a cleaning page to re move dust and excess in k fro m the printhead and p aper path if you are having any of the followin g problems: ● Specks of ink are on the printed pages. ● Ink is smearing on the printed pa ges. ● Repeated marks occur on the printed pages.
HP PCL 6 driver ● Provided as the default driver. This dr iver is automatically installed when using the CD. ● Recommended for all Windows environments ● Provides the overall best speed, print q.
The product does not print or it prints slowly The product does not print If the product does no t print at all, try the following solutions. 1. Make sure the produ ct is turned on and th at the control panel in dicates it is ready . ◦ If the control panel does not indicate the pro duct is ready, turn the product off and then on again.
The product prints slowly If the product prints, but it seems slow, try the following solutions. 1. Make sure the computer me ets the minimum sp ecifications for this product. For a list of specifications, go to this Web site: go/support .
The file that you want to print is not listed in the USB Print menu 1. You might be trying to print a file type that the USB printing feature doe s not support. The product supports .PDF, PNG, .and JPEG file types. 2. You might have too many files in a single fo lder on the USB storage accessory.
The computer is using the inco rrect IP address fo r the product 1. On the computer, o pen the printer prop erties and click th e Ports tab. Verify that the current IP address for the product is sele cted. The product IP address is listed on t he product configuration page or through th e control panel.
Solve wireless network problems ● Wireless connectivity checklist ● The control pan el displays the messa ge: The wirele ss feature on this pr oduct has bee n turned off ● The product does not p.
The control panel displays the m essage: The wireless feature on this product has been turned off 1. Touch the Setup button, and then touch the Wireless Setup menu. 2. Touch the Turn Wireless On/Off button, and then touch th e On button. The product does not prin t after the wireless co nfiguration completes 1.
The wireless connection does not work after moving the wireless router or product Make sure that the router or prod uct connects to the same network that your computer connects to. 1. From the control pa nel, touch the Setup button, and then touch the Print Reports menu.
The wireless product loses communi cation when conne cted to a VPN ● Typically, you cannot connect to a VPN and other networks at the sa me time. The network does not appear in the wireless networks list ● Make sure the wirele ss router is turned on and has power.
Problem So lution The product is in Ready mode, but nothing prints Print a Configuration page, and ve rify the product functionality. Verify that all of the cables are correctly seated and within specifications . This includes the USB and power cables.
● When connected with a USB cable, the product does not appear in the Print & Fax list after the driver is selected. ● You are using a gen eric printer dr iver when using a USB connection The printer driver is not li sted in the Print & Fax list 1.
Hardware troublesh ooting 1. Make sure that the product is turned on. 2. Make sure that the USB cab le is connected correctly. 3. Make sure that you a re using the a ppropriate high-speed USB cable. 4. Make sure that you d o not have too many USB device s drawing power from the chain.
A Supplies and accessories ● Order parts, accessories, and supplies ● Part numbers Order parts, accessories, and supplies Order supplies and paper www Order genuine HP parts or accessories buy/parts Order through service or support provid ers Contac t an HP-authorized service or su pport provider.
NOTE: For inform ation about the yie ld for the cartridg es, see go/pageyield . Actual yield depends on spe cific use. Some ink cartridges may not b e available in all regions.
B Service and support ● Hewlett-Pa ckard limited warr anty statement ● End User License Ag reement ● OpenSSL ● Customer support Hewlett-Packard limited warranty statement HP PRODUCT DURATION O.
HP's limited warranty is valid in any country/region or locality whe r e HP has a suppo rt presence for this product and where HP has mark eted this product.
MADE AVAILABLE WITH ANOTHER HP PRODUC T, YOU MAY RETURN THE ENTIRE UNUSED PRODUCT. 1. THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE. The S oftware may incl ude, in addition to HP proprietary software (“HP Software”), so ftware under lice nses from third partie s (“Third Party Softwar e” and “Third Party License”).
6. LIMITATION ON REVERSE ENGINEERING. You may not reve rse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the HP Softwa re, except and only to the e xtent that the right to do so is allowed under applicable law.
160 Appendix B Service and su pport ENWW.
C Product specifications ● Physical specifications ● Power consumption, ele ctrical spec ifications, and acoustic emissions ● Acoustic emissions ● Environmental specifi cations ENWW 161.
Physical specifications Table C -1 Physica l specific ations Product Height Depth Width Weight HP Officejet Pro X451 MFP Series 380 mm (15.0 inches) 3 99 mm (15.7 inches) 513 mm (20.2 inches) With supplies: 23.7 kg (50.0 lb) Without supplies: 16.7 kg (16.
Table C -3 Environmental spec ifications 1 (continued) Operating Transporting Relative humidity 20 to 80% 90% or less (non-condensing) Altitude 0 to 3048 m (0 to 10,000 ft) Tilt IMPORTANT: This printer is designe d to be used on a level surface.
164 Appendix C Produ ct specifications ENWW.
D Environmental product stewardship program ● Protecting the environment ● Ozone production ● Power consumption ● Paper use ● Plastics ● HP Officejet print supplies ● Return and recyclin.
Power consumption Power usage d rops significantly while in Ready or Sle ep mode, which saves natural re sources and saves money without affe cting the high performa nce of this pro duct. Hewlett-Packard printing and imaging equipment mar ked with the ENERGY STAR ® logo is qualified to th e U.
Return and recycling instructions United States and Puerto Rico Go to for compl ete recycling information and to order post-paid labels an d envelopes or bo xes. Please follow the applicable instructio ns below. Multiple returns (more than one cartridge) 1.
Non-U.S. returns To particip ate in HP Planet Part ners return and re cycling program, just fo llow the simple direc tions in the recycling guide (f ound inside the packa ging of your new product su pply item) or visit . Select your country/region for informat ion on how to ret urn your HP Officejet printing supplies.
For recycling inform ation, you can go to rec ycle , or contact your local authorities or th e Electronics Industries Alliance: . Disposal of waste equipment by users This symbol means do not dispose of your pr oduc t with your other household w aste.
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Material Safety Dat a Sheets (MSDS) for supplie s containing chem ical substances (for ex ample, ink) can be obtain ed by accessing the HP Web si te at go/msds or hpinfo/ community/environment/productinfo/sa fety .
For more information To obtain informa tion about these environ mental topics: ● Product environmental profile she et for this and many related HP products ● HP’s commitmen t to the env ironment ● HP’s environmental management system ● HP’s end-of-life product return and recyclin g program ● Material Safety Data Sheets Visit www.
Restriction on Hazardous Substances statement (Ukraine) Обладнання відповідає вимогам Технічного регламенту щодо обмеження використ�.
E Regulatory information ● Regulatory Noti ces ● VCCI statement (Japan) ● Power cord instructions ● Power cord statement (Japan) ● EMC statement (Korea) ● GS statement (Germany) ● Europe.
NOTE: Any changes or mod ifications to the printer th at are not e xpressly approved by HP could void the user’s auth ority to operate th is equipment. Use of a shielded interface cable is required to comply with the Class B li mits of Part 15 of FCC rule s.
GS statement (Germany) Das Gerät ist nicht für die Benutzung im un mittelbaren Gesichtsfeld am Bildschi rmarbeitsplatz vorgesehen. Um störend e Reflexionen am Bildschirm arbeitsplatz zu vermeiden, d arf dieses Produkt nicht im unmittelbare n Gesichtsfeld platziert ward en.
Some countries may have specific ob ligations or specia l requirements about the operation of Wireless LAN networks such as in door use only or restrictions of the channe ls available. Ple ase make sure that the country settings of the wireless network are correct.
Canadian statements Under Industry Canada regulatio ns, this radio tr ansmitter may only op erate using an antenna of a type and maximum (or lesser) gain approved for th e transmitter by Industry Canada .
Mexico statement Aviso para los usuarios de México La operación de este equipo está suj eta a las siguientes dos co ndiciones: (1) es posible que este equipo o dispositivo no cause inte rferencia perjudicial y (2) este equipo o dispo sitivo debe aceptar cualquier interferencia , incluyendo la que p ueda causar su op eración no deseada.
F How do I? ● Connect the product on page 29 ● Use the product with Windows on page 39 ● Use the produc t with Mac on page 45 ● Paper and prin t media on page 49 ● Ink cartridges on page 59 .
180 Appendix F How do I? ENWW.
Index A accessories ordering 153 acoustic specifications 162 AirPrint 95 anticounterfeit supp lies 61 B batteries included 168 bin, output jams, clearing 129 locating 4, 5 booklets creating (Windows) .
grayscale printing (Windows) 84 H help printing options (Windows ) 72 help, control panel 11, 15 Home screen, control pa nel 10, 13 HP Customer Care 117, 159 HP Easy Color disabling 103 using 103 HP E.
operating enviro nment, specifications 162 operating systems supported 39, 45 ordering supplies and accessories 153 ordering supplies Web sites 153 orientation selecting, Windows 80 output bin jams, c.
software embedded Web server 43 HP Utility 45 installing, USB connection s 29 installing, wired networks 31 problems 149 settings 41, 46 software license agreement 156 supported operating systems 39, .
Third-party licenses LICENSE.aes-pubdom--crypto ----------- ---------- /* rijndael-alg-fst.c * * @version 3.0 (December 2000) * * Optimised ANSI C code for the Rijndael cipher (now AES) * * @aut hor Vince nt Rijmen <vin
This package is an SSL implementation w ritten by Eric Young ( The implementation was written so as to conform with Netsca pes SSL. This library is free for commercial and non-comm ercial use as long as the following conditions are ahear ed to.
ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF TH IS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADV ISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or derivative of this code cannot be changed . i.e . this code cannot simply be copied and put under another distribution licence [including the GNU Public Licence.
"This product includes software developed b y the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.op" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE OpenSSL PROJECT ``AS IS'&ap.
* may be used to endorse or promo te products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE PR OJECT AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS''.
LICENSE.md4-pubdom--jm_share_folder --------------------- LibTomCrypt is public domain. As should all quality software be. All of the software was either written by or donated to Tom St Denis for the purposes of this project. The only exception is the SAFER.
© 20 1 2 Hew lett-P ack ar d De velopmen t Compan y , L.P . www .hp .com.
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Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit HP (Hewlett-Packard) CV037AB1H. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei HP (Hewlett-Packard) CV037AB1H gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.