Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung cp1700 series des Produzenten HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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cp1700 series user’s guide P age 1 Monday, July 16, 2 001 5:34 PM.
Copyright Informatio n © 2001 Hewlett-Packard Company All Rights Reserved. First edition, 10/2001 Notice The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Hewlett-Packar d makes no warranty of any kind with respe c t to th i s info rm a t ion .
ENWW i Contents Getting started Other resou rces for p roduct info rmation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Setting up Printer p arts and location s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2- 1 Front of prin ter . . . . . .
ii ENWW Printing e nvelopes and cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10 Printing o n transp arencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11 Printing o n media of user-defi ned size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11 Using the rear manua l feed .
ENWW iii Media is not picked up from Tray 1 or Tray 2 . . . . . . . . 8-12 Media is not pick ed up fro m the fron t manual f eed . . . 8-13 Media is not picked up from th e rear man ual fee d . . . . 8-13 Paper ou tput prob lem . . . . . . . . . . . .
ENWW 1-1 1 Getting started Thank y ou for bu ying the HP Colo r Inkjet CP 1700 ser ies printe r. This guide pr ovides details abou t how to set up yo ur compu ter, per form simple print er tasks, a nd reso lve pri nter pro blems.
ENWW 2-1 2 Setting up In this c hapter, you will lea rn about th e compone nts of the printer and how to set up the p rinter. Printer parts and lo cations Front of pri nter 1 Paper guides – Guide the print med ia int o the prin ter. 2T r a y 1 – Holds the print med ia.
2-2 ENWW 7 Ink ca rtridge cover – Pr ovides access to the ink c artridges . 8 Printhe ad cover – Prov ides ac cess to the pr intheads . 9 Printhe ad acces s latch – Lifts to allow e ach printhe ad to be removed from its color-cod ed sock et. 10 Hook – Connect s to the c arriage lo ck.
ENWW 2-3 4 POWER button – Controls power to th e printer. Press to tu rn the printer on or off . 5 RESUME button – Resumes current pri nt operation aft er tempo rary interrupti on, for ex ample, wh en adding print med ia to pri nter. 6 CANCEL button – Cancels the curre nt print job .
2-4 ENWW 7 Buttons – Push thes e buttons to remov e the rear access panel fr om the prin ter. Auto-duplex unit (optional acces sory) The printe r can au tomatical ly print o n both si des of a s heet of pape r using a pr inting acces sory call ed the aut o-duplex uni t.
ENWW 2-5 Step 2: Unpack the pri nter Unpack th e printe r and remov e the pac king tape and any s hipping materials from ins ide the pri nter and i nside the tr ays. Step 3: Install Tray 2 (opt ional accessory) 1 Positio n Tray 2 a t the lo catio n where you want to p lace the p rinter.
2-6 ENWW 3 Set the pr inter on top of Tray 2. Step 4: Install the auto-dupl ex unit To instal l the auto- duplex u nit, you m ust first rem ove the p re-instal led rear acc ess pane l. The rear manual feed is no t availa ble whe n you insta ll the aut o-duplex unit.
ENWW 2-7 2 Slide th e auto-dup lex u nit in to the back of the printer until bot h sid es snap int o plac e. For in formatio n about usi ng the auto-dupl ex unit, see “ Two- sided printin g (dup lexing) . ” Step 5: Turn on the printer 1 Connect th e power c ord to the printer, an d plug it in.
2-8 ENWW 3 Remove ea ch in k cartrid ge from i ts pack age. 4 Install e ach ink cartri dge into i ts own c olor-cod ed sock et. Foll ow the colo red arrows to prope rly insta ll the ink cartrid ges. 5 Press fir mly on each ink cartridg e to ensure proper con tact af ter insta llation.
ENWW 2-9 3 Lift and pu sh the printhea d access latch towa rd the back of the printer . 4 Remove ea ch prin thead fr om its p ackage. R emove the protec tive film fro m each pr inthead. 5 Insert e ach printhe ad into its own col or-coded soc ket. 6 Press fir mly on each printh ead to e nsure pro per conta ct after insta llation.
2-10 ENWW 9 Wait w hile the pr inter init ializes the prin theads. This can tak e a few minutes. When ini tiali zation i s comple te, an a lignment page prin ts.
ENWW 2-1 1 Tips for loading paper l The defa ult size o f Tray 1 and Tr ay 2 is 8.5 by 1 4 in (215.9 by 35 5.6 mm). Wh en you want to print on media s maller tha n this, y ou need to adjust the pa per width and pa per length gu ides in the tray before you load t he m edi a.
2-12 ENWW 4 For Tray 1, place u p to 150 sheets o f paper o r 30 tran sparenc ies (up to .58 in or 15 mm thick) in to the tray . For Tray 2, remove the cover and pla ce up to 2 50 sheets of paper (up to .98 in or 25 mm thick) in to the tray . Do not ov erload the tray.
ENWW 2-1 3 For Ma cinto sh If your com puter has a USB po rt and is using M ac OS 8 .6 or late r, you can conn ect the pr inter to the compu ter usin g a USB c able. If y our comput er does no t have a USB por t, you can c onnect the pri nter to the compu ter using a n LIO module.
ENWW 3-1 3 Connecting to a network The printe r can be shared on a net work using an HP J etdirect p rint server/In ternet conn ector (LI O modul e) or an HP Je tdirect exter nal pr int serv er. This chap ter expla ins how to set up th e printer for network p rinting on a peer-to-p eer or cl ient-server network.
3-2 ENWW The followi ng ope ratin g systems su ppor t peer -to- pe er printin g : l Microsoft Wind ows 95 l Microsoft Wind ows 98 l Microsoft Wind ows Me l Microsoft Wind ows NT 4.0 (with Se rvice Pa ck 4 o r later) l Microsoft Wind ows 2000 l Macintosh OS 8.
ENWW 3-3 HP suppo rts the fo llowing n etwork op erating sy stems ( NOS): l Windows 2000 l Windows NT 4.0 ( with Serv ice Pa ck 4 or later) l Novell Netwar e 4.11 (Bi ndery, NDS) l Novell Netware 5.0 and 5.1 (Bin der y, NDS and NDPS) l Windows Terminal Server E ditio n 4.
3-4 ENWW To install a network printer on a client computer 1 Click Start , clic k Setting s , and then c lick Printers . 2 Double-click Add Pri nt er . 3 In Window s 95, W indow s 98, and W indow s Me, cli ck Netw or k Printer . In Window s NT 4.0 (with Ser vice Pac k 4 or late r) and W indows 2000, cli ck N etw ork Print Se rve r , when prom pted.
ENWW 3-5 4 Clos e th e Chooser window. P age 5 Monday, July 16, 2 001 5:34 PM.
ENWW 4-1 4 Installing printer software Printer s oftware e nables th e compute r to com municate with the p rinter. One of the printer drivers on the st arter CD mus t be in stalled on your comput er to allow you to take full advantage of the pr inter feat ures.
4-2 ENWW Making copies of the software The sta rter CD cont ains a uti lity that le ts yo u copy th e printer softw are on to disks. Wh en you run the Installer, select Custo miz at i on U t il i t y to copy di sks. You can also use this utili ty to copy the printer softwar e to your ha rd drive or to a network dri ve.
ENWW 4-3 b Follow the instr uctions that app ear on th e scre en to com plete the softwa re insta llation fo r a local connec tion. 8 If the printer is se t up for network pri nting, click Con nected via the netw ork , and the n click Next. 9 Click Client Se tup if the pri nter is co nnected to a s erver or to someone's computer .
4-4 ENWW T o install the printer driver 1 Insert th e starter C D into y our CD-R OM drive. 2 Double -click the Inst all er icon for the Mac OS that you are using. 3 Follow the instr uctions on the sc reen to c omplete t he inst allation . 4 Connect th e USB cab le (purch ased sep arately ; part num ber C6518A).
ENWW 4-5 4 When the Main Ins tallation dialog box appears, s elect Uninst all from the pu ll-down menu loca ted in th e upper-le ft part of the dialog box.
ENWW 5-1 5 Using the Printer In this c hapter, y ou will lea rn how to u se the printer dr iver to ch ange printer settings an d to perfo rm basi c print er tasks. Y ou wil l also lea rn about the spe cial media y ou can use with the printer and how to prin t on that media.
5-2 ENWW duplexi ng from th e printer driver , the LCD dis plays instructio ns on how to ins ert pape r into th e printer . To le arn more a bout du plexing, see “ Tw o-sided p rinting (d uplexing ). ” l Create a banner . Create a b anner us ing so ftware su ch as Cor el ® Print Ho use, Micro soft Publis her, or Broderbun d Print Shop.
ENWW 5-3 4 Once y ou have m ade the nec essary changes , click OK to activate the chang e and c lose the Prope rties dialo g box. Prin ter dr iver h elp The printe r driver help ca n be activ ated fro.
5-4 ENWW A4 (8.3 by 1 1.7 in; 21 0 by 297 mm) A5 ( 5.8 by 8.3 in ; 14 8 x 210 mm) B4 (10.12 by 14.33 in; 257 by 364 mm) JIS B5 (7.17 by 10.1 2 in; 182 by 257 mm) Envelope U .S. #1 0 (4.12 by 9. 5 in; 105 by 241 mm) Envelope D L (8.66 by 4. 33 in; 200 by 11 0 mm) Envelope C 6 (4.
ENWW 5-5 Media handling Sel e ct i ng a t r a y The prin ter only picks up m edia in the curren tly sele cted tr ay unles s you turn on A uto-Pick . If the cur rently se lected tr ay runs o ut of prin t media and Auto- Pick is not selecte d, you will re ceive a message that i nstruct s you to add more paper to that tray.
5-6 ENWW 2 Right-c lick the ic on for th e printer, a nd then cl ick Properties (Windo ws 95 and W indow s 98), or P rinting P reference s (Windows 2000 ), or Document Defaults (Windows NT 4.0) . 3 Click t he Features tab, and then c lick Advanced Fea tures .
ENWW 5-7 l Top: .12 in (3.0 mm) l Bottom: .46 in ( 11.8 mm) A4, A5, B 5, envelo pes, car ds, other m edia siz es l Left: .13 in (3.4 mm) l Right: .13 i n (3.
5-8 ENWW To perform auto-duplexing 1 Load the ap propri ate paper in Tray 1 , Tray 2, o r the front m anual feed. 2 From the Start menu, click Settings , and then click Printers to open the P rinters fo lder.
ENWW 5-9 7 Change any other pr int setting s, if n ecessary , and then click OK to close t he dialog box. 8 Click OK to print. 9 After the fi rst side o f the page(s) is printed, turn the pa per over and reload i t into the printer. Ref er to the d irectio ns on the LCD for guidance about h ow to reload the pap er in the printer .
5-10 ENWW The dev ice projects a solid infrared b eam to the printe r during th e info rmatio n trans fer pr ocess. W hen the inform ation t ransfe r is comp lete, the beam tu rns off. Printing on special m edia This sec tion pro vides inform ation o n how to pr int on med ia such as envelope s, postc ards, an d transp arencie s.
ENWW 5-1 1 Printing on transparencie s For best r esults, use HP P remium T ransparen cy Film, which is specifi cally des igned to wor k with the p rinter, o r other tran sparenc y film that is de sign ed for inkj et printe rs. To print on transpar encies 1 Remove al l media f rom Tray 1.
5-12 ENWW To print on media of user-defined size 1 Lift the ou tput tray and remo ve exis ting medi a from Tra y 1 or Tray 2. 2 Insert th e media into the tray y ou want to print fr om. 3 Slide the wi dth and length guides until they st op at the edges of the medi a.
ENWW 5-1 3 To print using the rear manual feed 1 From the p rinter driver , select Options . 2 In the P rinter Propert ies dialog b ox, under Paper Tra y , sele ct Rear Manual Feed . 3 Under Paper S ize s elect the media size you a re usin g. 4 Click OK to clo se the Printer P roperties d ialog box , and then OK to send y our job to pr int.
ENWW 6-1 6 Using the Toolbox The Toolb ox prov ides st atus and m ainten ance info rmation a bout your printer . It also gives you s tep-by -step gu idance fo r basic printing ta sks and prov ides hel p solving printer problem s. After in stallin g your pri nter, you can open the Tool box by cli cking the Toolbox i con on y our desk top.
6-2 ENWW Printer Services tab The Printer Se rvice s tab provides utilit ies that h elp you m aintain a nd test your printer. You can clean and alig n your prin theads, and ca librate the color on your printo uts. You can prin t a test or di agnostic page, and test your printe r commu nication .
ENWW 7-1 7 Maintaining the printer This c hapter e xplains basic p rinter maintenan ce, in cluding cleaning the printer , and mai ntaining the prin theads an d ink c artridges . You ca n find informat ion ab out the stat e of the printer, the printhe ads, and th e ink cartri dges fro m the Too lbox if y ou ha ve it ins talled.
7-2 ENWW Maintaining t he printheads The printh eads re quire ve ry litt le mainte nance. Yo u can pr int up to 16,000 blac k and white pag es and 24,0 00 color pa ges before you ne ed to repla ce a printhe ad. Wh en a prin thead needs to be re placed, t he LCD displays an alert mes sage.
ENWW 7-3 3 Release t he PO WER button. The pri nter begins the prin thead cleanin g proces s. To perform a level 3 printhead cleani ng 1 Press and hold d own the POWER bu tton. 2 While hol ding down the POWER butto n, pres s the CANCEL button twice and then press the RESUME b utton twice.
7-4 ENWW 5 Press fir mly on the print head to ensure pro per cont act after insta llation. 6 Close the printhea d acces s latch fir mly, ens uring the h ook catc hes the ca rriage loc k, and the n close the printh ead cove r. You will need to use so me force to close th e printhead a ccess la tch.
ENWW 8-1 8 Troubleshooting This cha pter pro vides infor mation a bout how to troubl eshoot co mmon printer problem s, such as paper jams an d poor qu ality pr inting . If the infor mation in th is chap ter does not help y ou troubles hoot the printer pr oblem, try to pr int a diagn ostic p age, and the n contact HP Customer Support .
8-2 ENWW Unexpected printer shutdow n Check th e power l Make su re the p ower co rd is connecte d firmly to t he print er and to a working outlet, and that the printer is turned o n. The P OWER light on the LC D panel o f the printer s hould b e gre en.
ENWW 8-3 without fir st speci fying whi ch prin ter you want t o use w ith an applica tion. The defaul t printer s hould be the pr inter tha t you use most often . If the pri nter selec tion is a problem , open the Printer s folder by click ing Settings and then Printer s .
8-4 ENWW Check th e status of t he ink car tridges l You can view the s tatus of th e ink cartridge s from th e Toolb ox. Replace a ny ink c artri dges that a re low on ink. Resolving print ing problems This sec tion pro vides sol utions to common pr inting p roblems.
ENWW 8-5 Move close r to the p rinter l Make su re the dev ice is no more than three feet (one meter) f rom the prin ter when y ou send th e print j ob. If you ar e still having pr oblems sending a job t o print usi ng the infrared fe ature, consult the infrar ed docume ntation for the handheld or la ptop device .
8-6 ENWW Check th e margin settin gs l If the text or graph ics are c ut off at the edges of t he page , make sure the margin settin gs for th e documen t do not exceed th e printabl e area of your pr inter. For in formatio n about mar gin sett ings, see “ Minim um mar gin s.
ENWW 8-7 Check th e document f ile l Occasio nally, a doc ument file is dama ged. If you can print o ther document s from th e same so ftware pac kage, tr y to pri nt using a backup cop y of your docume nt, if availa ble.
8-8 ENWW Check the paper type print setting l When pr inting on transpar encies or other special m edia, select th e corre sponding med ia typ e in the Print Setti ngs dialo g box. Check th e ink cartrid ges l Check tha t all the l ines are c onnected and have print ed properl y.
ENWW 8-9 Blee ding c olors in pr intout Check the print sett ings l Some pape r typ e setting s (such as Transpar ency Films and Photo Papers ) and print qua lity se ttings (such as Best ) require more ink than othe rs. Choose d ifferent print se ttings in the Pr int Settings dialog bo x.
8-10 ENWW 1 Remove al l media f rom the ou tput tray . 2 Open the top cover to locate th e jam. When you lift the to p cover, the carri age should r eturn to its positio n on the right sid e of the printer . 3 If the carriag e does not retu rn to the right si de of the printe r, turn the printer off.
ENWW 8-1 1 6 If you h ave t he rear a ccess panel i nstalled , remov e the re ar acces s panel and check f or ja mmed medi a. If you do not hav e the re ar access panel i nstalle d, proc eed to ste p 7. a To remov e the rear ac cess pane l, push th e button s on eith er side of th e rear access pan el, and pu ll the panel out o f the printer .
8-12 ENWW To avoid jams l Make su re nothin g is blo cking th e paper pa th. l Do not overlo ad the trays. Tray 1 hol ds 150 sheets of plain paper or 30 trans parenci es. Tray 2 h olds 250 sheets of pap er. The fr ont manual fe ed hold s up to ten sheet s of pa per or thr ee transpa rencies.
ENWW 8-1 3 Media i s not picked up from t he front manual feed l Check th at the wid th guide is snug , but not t ight, a gainst the e dge of the paper . l Make su re there is not mo re than 10 sheet s of paper or thr ee transpa rencies l oaded in th e front ma nual feed.
8-14 ENWW 3 Release t he PO WER button. Your printer pr ints a di agnostic page. If you stil l cannot res olve the p roblem af ter reviewi ng the diagn ostic page, cal l the HP Cu stomer Car e Center.
ENWW 8-1 5 3 What is the brand and model of your computer ? 4 What is the vers ion of pr inter s oftware y ou are usin g? 5 What p rinter dr iver did y ou selec t? For customers in North America For c.
8-16 ENWW Australia Calling from else where in the world Contact y our local dealer or n earest HP Sales and Su pport Offic e for tech nica l ass ist an ce or hard ware r epair ser vices.
ENWW A-1 A HP Supplies and Accessories You can order HP supplie s and ac cessor ies fro m the HP website. Visit HPshoppi m ( http://ww w.hpshoppi ng.
A-2 ENWW P arallel c ables USB cable Netw ork interface HP Bright Whi te Ink j et Paper HP Prem ium Pl us Pho to P a per HP IEEE-1284 A-B Parallel Ca ble (2 m) C2950A HP IEEE-1284 A-B Parallel Ca ble .
ENWW A-3 HP Premium Photo Pa per HP Photo P a per HP ColorFast Photo P aper HP Photo Quality Inkjet /Desi gn Glossy P aper 50 sheets , glossy US Letter (8 .
A-4 ENWW HP Pr ofessional Br ochure and Flye r P ap er HP Premi um Inkj et Paper HP Design Hea vywei gh t P aper HP Heavywei ght Premium P aper HP Premi um Inkj et T ransparenc y 50 sheets , two-sided , glossy US Letter (8.5 b y 11 in) C6817A 50 sheets , matte US Letter (8 .
ENWW A-5 HP Banner Pa per HP T extured Greeting Car ds HP Greeting Card P aper HP Iron-on T -shir t T ransfer s 50 sh eet s A4 (210 by 297 m m) C383 5A 100 sheet s US Letter (8 .5 by 11 i n ) C1820 A 100 sheet s A4 (210 b y 297 mm ) C1821 A 20 sheets , 20 envelope s, felt-textured, ivory/ half-fold US Letter (8 .
ENWW B-1 B LCD Messages Many dif ferent mes sages c an appear on the LCD . Some messages inform y ou of the c urrent sta tus of the print er, such as INITIALIZI NG . Other m essages r equire a n action, such as CLOSE A LL COVERS . The following table des cribes som e of the messages th at might ap pear on the LCD.
B-2 ENWW [COLOR] INK CA RTRIDGE MISSING The printer canno t detec t the ink cartri dge becau se it is missing , improperly installe d, or defectiv e. Open t he ink cartridge door and check fo r a missing , incom patibl e, or impro perly instal led ca rtrid ge.
ENWW B-3 LOAD [MED IA SIZE] MEDIA IN [TRAY ] PRESS RESUME TO CONTINU E For a print j ob that automatic al ly selects the media type, the prin ter requires m edia of the speci fied size to b e loaded into the specifie d paper tray. Follow the ins tructions in the print er me ss age.
B-4 ENWW AUTO-DUPL EX UNIT NOT AVAILABLE PRESS RESUME OR CANCEL The aut o-duplex u nit comes with the CP170 0D mod el. You can also purchase it as an opt ional acce ssory . If yo u have not p urchased the auto- duplex un it, you cannot p rint an auto-dup lex job.
ENWW C-1 C Printer Specifications Pri nt M e t hod Dr op on- dem and th erm al ink jet pr int i ng Print Speed: (Letter/A4) Fast Norm al Best Black Text Mixed Te xt Color 4 in by 6 in Photo Full Page C olor 16 ppm 14.5 pp m 1.4 ppm 5.5 ppm 8 ppm 7 ppm 0.
C-2 ENWW Media H andling Tray 1, fron t manual feed, re ar manual feed, Tray 2 (optional, part C8220A), outp ut tray Recomm ended Media Weight Pap e r : 16 to 36 lb Bond using Tray 1 or front ma nual .
ENWW C-3 Syst em Re quir emen ts Minim um Windows 95/98: Pen tium 60 MHz, 16MB RAM Windows NT 4.0: P entium 60 MHz, 2 4 MB RAM Windows M e: Pentium 150 M Hz, 32 MB RAM Windows 2000: Pent ium 133 MHz, 32 MB RAM Mac OS 8 .6 or la ter: 32 MB R AM (USB/Ap pleTalk) Mac OS 8.
ENWW Hewlett-Packard Limited Warran ty Statement Extent of Limited W arranty 1 Hewlett-Pac kard warr ants to the end-us er cust omer that t he HP product s speci fied abov e will be free fro m defects in mat erials and workman ship for the duration specifi ed above , which du ration begin s on the da te of pu rchase by the cu stomer.
ENWW 7 HP shall have no obliga tion to repair, r eplace, o r refund un til the cust omer retur ns the def ective p roduct to HP. 8 Any re placemen t prod uct may b e either new or li ke new, pr ovided that it has function ality at least equal to th at of the product being replaced.
ENWW 2 To the ex tent that this Warran ty Stateme nt is inco nsisten t with lo cal law, this Warra nty Statem ent sh all be dee med modifi ed to b e consis tent w ith suc h local law. Under such lo cal l aw, ce rtain discla imers a nd limita tions of this W arranty S tatemen t may not apply to the cu stomer.
ENWW DECLARATION OF C ONFORMITY accordi n g to ISO /IE C Guide 22 an d EN 45014 Supple mentar y Inform ation: (1) The prod uct herewi th compli es with the re qui re ments of the Lo w Volta ge D i re ctive 73/23/ EEC and the EMC Directive 89/336/E EC, and carries t he CE m arking according ly.
ENWW I- 1 Index A accessories installing 2-6 part numbers A-1 adding paper 2-10 ADI AutoCAD drivers 4-5 aligning printheads 7-3 Apple Macintosh. See Macintosh AppleTalk, configuring 3-4 AutoCAD driver.
I-2 ENWW customer s upport telephone 8-14 websites 8-14 Customization Utility 4- 2 custom-size media 5-11 cut-off pages, troubleshootin g 8-5 D declaration of conformity 9 default settings, printer dr iver 5-2 diagnostic page, printing 8-13 dimensions, printer C-2 disks, copying software to 4-2 display.
ENWW I- 3 trays supporting 2-10 help customer s upport 8-14 online 1-1 printer driver 5-3 Toolbox 6-1 hook, carriage lock 2-2 HP Autoduplex unit. See auto-duplex unit HP Banner Paper 5-2, A-5 HP Brigh.
I-4 ENWW troubleshooting 8-4 LCD panel buttons and lights 2-2 language, selecting 2-13 messages B-1 legal paper, loading 2-11 length guides, paper 2-11 lights 2-2, 8-3 limited warranty 5 Linux drivers.
ENWW I- 5 P page orientation 2-11 pages per month C-2 panel, rear access error messages B-4 locating 2-3 removing 8-11 paper capacities, trays 2-10, 5-5 custom-size 5-1 1 error messages B-2 guides 2-1.
I-6 ENWW aligning 7-3 cleaning 7-2 cover, locating 2- 2 error messages B-2 installing 2-8 part numbers A-1 replacing 7-3 status 6-1 Properties 5-2 Q quality, troubleshooting 8-6 R rear access panel er.
ENWW I- 7 Information tab 6-1 installing 1-1 opening 6-1 Printer Services tab 6-2 Printer Status tab 6-1 test page, printing f rom 8- 1 top cover 2-1 transparencies capacities, trays 5-5 HP Premium Tr.
I-8 ENWW settings 5-2 system r equirements C-3 uninstalling software 4-3 wireless printing troubleshooting 8-4 using infrared lens 5-9 utilities 4-5 Z ZoomSmart 5-1 EulerUG.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts HP (Hewlett-Packard) cp1700 series (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie HP (Hewlett-Packard) cp1700 series noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für HP (Hewlett-Packard) cp1700 series - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von HP (Hewlett-Packard) cp1700 series reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über HP (Hewlett-Packard) cp1700 series erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon HP (Hewlett-Packard) cp1700 series besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von HP (Hewlett-Packard) cp1700 series verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit HP (Hewlett-Packard) cp1700 series. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei HP (Hewlett-Packard) cp1700 series gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.