Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung B.06.X des Produzenten HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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P ay P er Use (PPU) User’ s Guide for versions B.06.x F ifth Edition Manufacturing P art Number: T23 51-90031 March 2004 United State s © Copyrig ht 2003 -2004 He wlett-Packard Develo pment Comp any , L.
2 Legal Notices The inf ormati on in this docu ment is subj ect to change w ithout n otic e. Hewlett-P ac kard makes no warranty of any k ind with regard to this manual, includ ing , but not limited to , the implied warrant ies of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpo se .
3 Copyright 1979 , 1980, 1983, 19 85-93 Re gents of the U niversity of California . This s oftware is ba sed in pa rt on t he F o urth B erkeley Softwar e Distr ibuti on u nder licen se fr om th e Reg ents of t he Un iversi ty of Califo rnia.
4 Publication Hi story The manual publication date and part number indicate its current editio n. The publi cation date will chan ge wh en a new e dition is re leased .
5 Conventions in this Guide This guide us es these t ypographic conve ntion s: Bold face W ords defined for the first time appe ar in boldface . Compute r Comp uter font indicate s syst em comma nds, file names, and literal it ems — wh ich may be displayed by the computer .
Cont ent s 7 1. About this guide Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 W elcom e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Con tents 8 4. Usin g the P PU S oftware PPU W e b P ortal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 PPU Usag e Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 1 9 1 About this guide This chapter covers the following topics: • “Introd uction ” on pa ge 10 • “Ove rview” on page 1 2 • “PPU Informa tion” on page 1 5 F or more in-depth information, see t he manpage ppu (5).
About this guide Intro duction Chapter 1 10 Introduction We l c o m e W elcome t o the P ay P er Use (PPU) User’ s Guide for versio ns B .06.x. HP’s pay pe r use (PPU) B .06.x softw are product provides you cost sa vings by charging for only t he percen t util ization of the p rocesso rs in y our HP enterprise server .
About this guide Intr oducti on Chapter 1 11 • Appendix A, Open Source and L icenses li sts t he op en so urc e components used by the P PU softwa re — and the CURL MIT X and OpenSSL licenses .
About this guide Overview Chapter 1 12 Overview System Overview PPU vers ions B .06.x consist s of the f ollowing compone nts: 1. PPU system ( h ttps client) 2.
About this guide Overview Chapter 1 13 https Client The https client, which runs on the PPU syst em as a dae mon, reports the fol lowing info rmation to th e utili ty mete r: • Syste m-ide ntifi cat.
About this guide Overview Chapter 1 14 Most Recent PPU V ersion and Support ed Platforms PPU Supported Hard ware Platforms Currently , the PPU v ersions B .06.x software is sup ported on t he followin g HP s ervers: •H P - U X 1 1 i v 2 1. hp In tegri ty Superd ome 2.
About this guide PPU Info rmation Chapter 1 15 PPU Info rmation PPU User’s Guide History This is the fifth e dition of the P ay P er Use (PPU) User’ s Guide f or versio ns B. 0 6 . x . Locat ing the P PU User’ s Guide for versi ons B.06. x Y ou can find the P ay P er Use (PPU) User’s Guide fo r versions B .
About this guide PPU Inf ormation Chapter 1 16.
Chapter 2 17 2 Understanding PPU Requirements This chapter covers the following topics: • “PP U Program R equir ements ” on pag e 18 • “PP U Softw are Requir ements” on page 19 • “PP U System Mov e Requir ements” on page 21 F or more in-depth information, see t he manpage ppu (5).
Understanding PPU Requirements PPU Pr ogram Requirement s Chapter 2 18 PPU Pro gram Req uirem ents Y ou mus t comp ly w ith th e foll owin g HP On D emand Solu tion s progr am conditio ns to particip .
Understanding PPU Requirements PPU Software Requirements Chapter 2 19 PPU Softwa re Requiremen ts PPU syst ems are require d to run the PPU softw are on every parti tion which report s information to the u tility meter (located on y our network).
Understanding PPU Requirements PPU Software Requirements Chapter 2 20 HP-UX 11i v1 Requirements For PPU V ersions B.06.x on HP-UX 11 i v1 The follow ing software is req uired for PPU vers ions B .06.x on HP-UX 11i v1: ❏ HP-UX 11 i v1 ❏ PPU softw are bundle T2351A A (ver sio n B.
Understanding PPU Requirements PPU System Move Requirements Chapter 2 21 PPU System Move Requirements If you are planni ng to move your PPU sys tem from its current st reet address , refer to your Master Le ase Agreement for de tails .
Understanding PPU Requirements PPU System Mov e Requirements Chapter 2 22.
Chapter 3 23 3 Installing and Configuring PPU Software This chapter covers the following topics: • “Getti ng Star ted” on pag e 24 belo w • “Installing PPU So ftware” on page 26 belo w •.
Installing and Configuring PPU Software Getting Started Chapter 3 24 Getting Star ted F act ory Int egr ated Systems Y ou d o not need t o install t he PPU B .06.x softw are if your processors a nd softw are were ordered with your HP enterprise server in (or after) J anuary 2003.
Installing and Configur ing PPU Software Getting Started Chapter 3 25 Step 3. Ve r i f y t h e ppud daemo n is running on the syst em/partition by exe cuting the following command: /usr/bi n/ps - e | grep ppud Y ou should see t he ppud daemon list ed a s an active pr oces s on t he syste m/parti tion.
Installing and Configuring PPU Software Installing PPU Softwar e Chapter 3 26 Installing PPU Software If you currently have P PU software installed that is prior t o version B .05.00 (fo r exam ple, version B .04.01), contact y our HP sales represe ntativ e to f ind out how to updat e to PP U B.
Installing and Configur ing PPU Software Installing PPU Software Chapter 3 27 Step 4. Mount the drive to the desired direct ory . The following exa mple uses the /dev/ds k/c1t2 d0 device file (from Step 2 , above) and the /cdrom directory . T o mount the drive, enter a similar command as: Mount Exa mple: mount - r /dev /dsk/c1t 2d0 / cdrom Step 5.
Installing and Configuring PPU Software Installing PPU Softwar e Chapter 3 28 F or HP-UX 11i v1 or 11i v2 - Installing from the HP Software Depot Step 1. Do a search for the PPU product T23 51AA at HP’s Software Depot web site: software.hp. com Step 2.
Installing and Configur ing PPU Software Configurin g PPU Soft ware Chapter 3 29 Configuring PPU Soft ware After you hav e successful ly installed t he PPU B .06.x software , using the swinsta ll command, you need to configure the PPU https clie nt connectio n to the u tility meter .
Installing and Configuring PPU Software Configur ing PPU So ftware Chapter 3 30 Configuring the Proxy Server (if necessary) Most networks do no t require a proxy server to connect to devices within their in tranet.
Installing and Configur ing PPU Software Configurin g PPU Soft ware Chapter 3 31 NO TE Y ou can set the utilit y meter , proxy server , username/passwo rd, and system ide ntifier (or any combi nation).
Installing and Configuring PPU Software Configur ing PPU So ftware Chapter 3 32 Manually Starting the ppud Daemon The ppud daem on is start ed au tomatically when you specif y the u tility meter u sing th e /usr/ sbin/ppuc onfig -m meter command. It is also automatical ly starte d at sy stem bo ot if a u tility me ter is conf igured.
Installing and Configur ing PPU Software Re-installing PPU Software Chapter 3 33 Re-installing PPU Software If you re- install HP -UX on a PPU sy stem ( for example, in stallin g HP-UX by eithe r cold-instal ling or ins talling fro m a “golden image”), you need to perform the fo llowi ng steps to restore your PP U configurat ion: Step 1.
Installing and Configuring PPU Software Un-installing PPU Softwar e Chapter 3 34 Un-installing PPU Software Y o u sho uld no t un- install the PPU so ftware from y our PPU syste m. W A RNING If you un-install t he PPU software, you may be charged for 100% utilization of the processors in your PPU s ystem.
Chapter 4 35 4 Using the PPU Software This chapter covers the following topics: • “PPU W e b Po rtal” on page 36 • “PPU Usa ge Report” o n page 37 • “Understa nding Ut ilization Ca ppi.
Using the PPU Software PPU Web P or tal Chapter 4 36 PPU W eb P ortal PPU customers have acces s to detailed usage information via a web portal. The PPU web portal contains the following info rmation:.
Using the PPU Software PPU Usage R eport Chapter 4 37 PPU Usage Report The most recent PPU usage rep ort is retained on your PPU system/partition. Y o u can access the usage report at: /var/pp u/PPUR eport.xm l If you op en a PPU u sage report with a browse r that unders tands XM L, it makes t he usage repo rt easie r to read .
Using the PPU Software PPU Usage Repor t Chapter 4 38 -<UsageEntry> <CPUID>4</CPUID> <CPUSpeed>440</CPUSpeed> <PercentCPUUsage>75.000</PercentCPUUsage> </UsageEntry> -<UsageEntry> <CPUID>5</CPUID> <CPUSpeed>440</CPUSpeed> <PercentCPUUsage>80.
Using the PPU Software PPU Usage R eport Chapter 4 39 <PercentCPUUsage>36.000</PercentCPUUsage> </UsageEntry> </Usage> -<Usage> <TotalNumCPUs>4</TotalNumCPUs>.
Using the PPU Software PPU Usage Repor t Chapter 4 40 <PercentCPUUsage>63.000</PercentCPUUsage> </UsageEntry> -<UsageEntry> <CPUID>6</CPUID> <CPUSpeed>440</CPUSpeed> <PercentCPUUsage>55.
Using the PPU Software PPU Usage R eport Chapter 4 41 <Timezone>MDT</Timezone> <SampleDuration>300</SampleDuration> -<UsageEntry> <CPUID>4</CPUID> <CPUSpeed>440</CPUSpeed> <PercentCPUUsage>44.
Using the PPU Software Unders tanding Utilization Capping Chapter 4 42 Understanding Utilization Capping Y ou are billed by HP according to the usag e of the act ive process ors in your PPU sys tem.
Using the PPU Software New P artition Creation Chapter 4 43 New P ar tition C reation Y ou must install and conf igure the PP U softw are on any newl y created partition , including virt ual pa rtitions. See “ Insta lling P PU Software” on page 2 6 for install ati on de tails.
Using the PPU Software New P artition Creation Chapter 4 44.
Chapter 5 45 5 T roubleshooting This chapter covers the following topics: • “Tr oubl esho otin g the PPU Soft ware” on page 46.
T roubleshooting T roub leshooting the PPU Software Chapter 5 46 T roub leshoo tin g the PPU S oftwar e In the even t the P PU software is no t func tionin g, perform the f ollowi ng step: Step 1.
T roubleshooting T roub leshoo ting the PPU Software Chapter 5 47 3. Ensure t he ppud da emon is running by execut ing the following command: /usr/bi n/ps - e | grep ppud Y ou should see a ppud process runni ng. If yo u do not, then start the ppud proces s by executin g the foll owing command : /sbin/i nit.
T roubleshooting T roub leshooting the PPU Software Chapter 5 48.
Chapter 6 49 6 F requently Asked Questions This ch apter covers frequently a sked questi ons on the fo llowin g topics: • “Pa y Pe r U s e P r o g r a m” o n p a g e 5 0 • “Pa y Pe r U s e S.
F requently Asked Questions P ay P er Use Program Chapter 6 50 P ay P er Use Progr am What is pay per use? P ay per use (PPU) is a pricin g model in which yo u are charged fo r actual processo r usage.
F r equently Asked Questions Pay Pe r U s e S o f tw a r e Chapter 6 51 P ay P er Use So ftware What software pr oduct is required for PPU systems? There are t wo HP pay pe r use (PPU) sof twa re products: • T2351AA (versio ns B.
F requently Asked Questions P ay P er Use So ftware Chapter 6 52 W e receiv ed an e- mail messag e indicati ng a HP-U X par tition did not report system configuration data.
Appendix A 53 A Open Source and Licenses This ap pendix lists the Op en Source componen ts used by the PPU software an d the app licable lice nses for the co mponen ts.
Open Source and Licenses Open Sou rce Componen ts Appendix A 54 Open Source Components There is no charge for us ing HP’s PPU soft ware . The PPU so ftwa re uses the fo llowing Ope n Source compo ne.
Open Source and Licenses CURL MITX License Appendix A 55 CURL MITX License The PPU software is re leased under t he follo wing lice nse. COPYRIGHT AND PERMISSION NOTICE Copyright (c) 1996 - 2002, Daniel Sten berg, <>. All rights reserved.
Open Source and Licenses OpenSSL License Appendix A 56 OpenSSL License The fo llow ing li cense a ppli es to Open SSL with l ibcryp to . LICENSE ISSUES ============== The OpenSSL toolkit stays under a du al license, i.e. both the condit ions of the OpenSSL License and the original SSLeay license apply to the too lkit.
Open Source and Licenses OpenSSL License Appendix A 57 * 5. Products derived from this softw are may not be called “OpenSSL” * nor may “OpenSSL” appear in thei r names without prior written * permission of the OpenSSL Projec t.
Open Source and Licenses OpenSSL License Appendix A 58 * Copyright remains Eric Young’s, and as such any Copyright notices i n * the code are not to be removed. * If this package is used in a produc t, Eric Young should be given at tribution * as the author of the parts of the l ibrary used.
Appendix B 59 B Special Conside rations This a ppendix de scribes sp ecial con sideratio ns for PP U syste ms. Thi s appe ndix inc ludes : • “Export Iss ues” on page 60 • “Inactive Partition.
Special Considerations Export Issues Appendix B 60 Expo rt Issues The PPU so ftwa re uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL ) to encrypt data transm itted be twee n: • The PP U system and the util ity meter .
Special Considerations Inactive P artitions in PPU Systems Appendix B 61 Inac tive P artiti ons in PPU Syst ems Base line usage fo r the PPU pr ogram is in clude d in the mini mum monthly payment. Baseline usage is assum ed to b e 25%. Th at is, 25% processor ut ilization is inc luded in the mini mum monthly pay ment.
Special Considerations Inactive P artitions in PPU Systems Appendix B 62 Cell boards assigne d to act ive partit ions mus t have at leas t one active processor . If your system/partiti on does not ha ve any near term need to have a t least on e processors a ctive on t he system, then you can eit her: 1.
Special Considerations V erifying PPU Utilization Inf ormation Appendix B 63 V erif ying PPU Utilization Inform ation Y our PPU system/p artiti on’ s processo r utilizat ion informat ion is available fro m the HP PPU web porta l. See “PPU W eb P ortal” on page 36 for deta ils of the PP U web portal.
Special Considerations V erifying PPU Utilization Info rmation Appendix B 64 samples taken. In this ex ample, there a re 12 u tilizatio n samples taken every 5 minute s; theref ore, one hour of utiliz ation data is collected.
Appendix C 65 C Gloss ary.
Glossar y PPU T erminology Appendix C 66 PPU T erminolog y The foll owin g terms are common ly used in con junction with P PU: configured processors Processo rs that have been co nfigured at the boot interface an d are no w available fo r activatio n.
Glossar y PPU T erminology Appendix C 67 pay per use The HP On Dem and Soluti ons p roduc t that has a pricing model i n which you a re charged f or actual processor us age . Y ou acquire a s pecific hardw are platform, an d number of p rocessors, and are charge d for t he ac tual usag e, bas ed on t he p ercen t ut iliza tion of the process ors .
Glossar y PPU T erminology Appendix C 68.
Appendix D 69 DP P U M a n p a g e s This appendix contains the manpages for PPU . The manpages are: • “ppu (5) M anpage” on page 7 0 — An overview of the PPU softw are • “ppud ( 1M) Manpa.
PPU Manpages ppu (5) Manpage Appendix D 70 ppu (5) Manpag e ppu (5) NAME ppu – P ay P e r Use softw are for HP-UX DESCRIPTION P ay P er Use (PPU) is a prog ram under which customers pa y only for computing capacity that they use . The PPU Software provides se rvices for mete ring resource utilization on suppo rted HP syste ms.
PPU Manpages ppud (1M) Manpage Appendix D 71 ppud (1M) Ma npage ppud (1M) NAME ppud – P ay P er Use daemon SYNOPSIS Pa t h : /usr/lb in ppud DESCRIPTION ppud is a dae mon th at provid es sys tem conf iguratio n and CP U usage information to a u tility mete r system for billi ng purpose s .
PPU Manpages ppud ( 1M) Manpage Appendix D 72 SEE ALS O ppuconfig (1M), ppu (5).
PPU Manpages ppuconfig (1M) Man page Appendix D 73 ppuconfig (1M) Manpage ppuconfig (1M) NAME ppuconfig – conf igure P ay P er Use daemon SYNOPSIS Pa t h : /usr/sb in ppuconfig [-m meter] [-p proxy[.
PPU Manpages ppucon fig (1M) Manpa ge Appendix D 74 Options ppuconf ig recogniz es the foll owing command -line opti ons and argument s: -m meter Specifie s the utilit y meter that the P ay P e r Use system should use for report ing. The meter can be specified as a fully q ualified hostname o r IP add ress.
PPU Manpages ppuconfig (1M) Man page Appendix D 75 AU T H O R S ppuconf ig w as develope d by HP FILES /etc/pp u/ppu_ config F ile containing utility meter configurat ion data. If this file is rem oved, the ppud daemon will not be started at syste m boot a nd utiliza tion dat a will n ot be transm itted to HP .
PPU Manpages ppucon fig (1M) Manpa ge Appendix D 76.
77 Index C configured processors , defin ed , 66 configuring P PU softwa re , 29 conventions , User’ s Guide , 5 CURL MITX license , 55 D deconfig ured processors , defined , 66 E exampl e usage rep.
Index 78 ppud (1M) manpa ge , 71 ppud daemon, s tarting , 32 processors configured, defi ned , 66 deconfigured, defined , 66 program requirements , PPU , 18 proxy server , configuring , 30 R re-insta .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts HP (Hewlett-Packard) B.06.X (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie HP (Hewlett-Packard) B.06.X noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für HP (Hewlett-Packard) B.06.X - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von HP (Hewlett-Packard) B.06.X reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über HP (Hewlett-Packard) B.06.X erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon HP (Hewlett-Packard) B.06.X besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von HP (Hewlett-Packard) B.06.X verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit HP (Hewlett-Packard) B.06.X. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei HP (Hewlett-Packard) B.06.X gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.