Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 9050 des Produzenten HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP L as erJet 9 0 4 0/9 0 5 0 U ser Gui de.
hp LaserJet 9040/9050 ser ies pr inters User Guide.
Copyright and License © 2005 Copyright Hewlett-P ackard De v elopment Company , L.P . Reproduction, adaptation or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under the cop yr ight laws. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
ENWW Contents iii Contents 7 1 Printer basics Features and benefits of the printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Parts or acc essories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iv ENWW Printing both s ides of pap er (duplexing) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Printing on s pecial paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ENWW v Order the pr int cartridg e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 4 Replace the print cartridg e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
vi ENWW I/O submen u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 7 5 Resets subm enu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ENWW F eatures and benef its of the printer 7 1 Pr inter basics Congr atulations on y our purchase of an HP LaserJet 9040/9050 series printer . If you ha ve not done so , see the Getting Started Guide that was provided with th e prin ter for setup instru ctions.
8 Chapter 1 Printer ba sics ENWW User interface ● Graphic disp la y on control panel ● Embedded W e b server to gain access t o suppor t and order supp lies (f or netwo rk-connected printe rs) ●.
ENWW F eatures and benef its of the printer 9 • Optional 8-bin mailbo x : A st ack er , collator , or job separ ator that a lso pro vides eight mailbo xes that can be assig ned to individual users or workgroups f or easy identification and retrie v al.
10 Chapter 1 Printer basics ENWW Security features ● Secure Disk Erase ● Security lock ● Job retention F or more inf or mation about th ese f eatures, see Security f eatures . P ar ts or accessories The f ollowing table de scribes the par ts and accessories that come with or are a v ailab le to purchase f or use with y our pr inter .
ENWW F eatures and ben efits of the printer 11 Optional output devices (one device can be installed in any printer) 3,000-sheet st acke r One 3,000-sheet stacking device .
12 Chapter 1 Printer basics ENWW Memory , fonts, and mass storage SDRAM double data rate (DDR) memor y DIMMs (100-pin) The printer has two memor y DIMM slots. One is used by fa ctor y-installed memor y . Improv es the ability of the printer to handle large and stored jobs (maximum 512 MB with HP-brand DDR DIMMs).
ENWW F eatures and ben efits of the printer 13 Cable and interface accessories EIO cards ● HP Jetdirect Connectivity Card f or USB, serial, and LocalT alk connectivity ● HP Jetdirect 620N Prin t S.
14 Chapter 1 Printer basics ENWW External vie w of pr inter and accessories 1. Standard top bin (face-down output b in) 2. Optional T ray 1 3. Right door 4. V er tical transf er door 5. Optional T ray 4 6. T ra y 3 7. T ra y 2 8. Left door ( behind output de vice) 9.
ENWW La y out and basic oper ation of the cont rol panel 15 La yout and basic operation of the contr ol panel The control panel includes th ree light-emitti ng di ode (LED) indicator lights, four na v.
16 Chapter 1 Printer basics ENWW Interpreting contr ol-panel lights Using contr ol-panel menus F or a complete list of cont ro l-pane l items and possible v alues, see Control-pan el men us . When additional tr a ys or other accessories are installed in the printer , ne w menu items auto mat ically appear .
ENWW La y out and basic oper ation of the cont rol panel 17 P aper-handling s tat us LED interpretation Use the f ollowin g table to in ter pret the status L ED on the optional 2,000-sh eet input tra .
18 Chapter 1 Printer basics ENWW Printer software Included with the printer is a CD-R OM that cont ains the printing-syst em sof twar e. The so ftwa re components and printer driv ers on this CD-R OM help y ou to use the printer to its fullest potential.
ENWW Printe r software 19 Update Now If y ou hav e modified the config uration of the HP LaserJet 9040/ 9050 printer since installation, the driver can be auto matically updated with the ne w configuration in en vironments tha t suppor t bidirectional communication.
20 Chapter 1 Printer basics ENWW Note If y o ur system did not au tomatically chec k the Internet for th e latest driv ers during softw are installation, y ou can download the latest driv ers from www t/lj9050_lj9040 . After yo u ar e connected, clic k Down loads a nd Driver s to find the drive r that y ou wa nt to do wnload.
ENWW Printe r software 21 Gaining access to the printer drivers Use one of the following methods to gain access to the pr inter dr ivers from y our computer : Operating system T emporaril y change set.
22 Chapter 1 Printer basics ENWW Software f or Macintosh computer s The HP installer provides P ostScr ipt Printer D e scription (PPD) files, Printer Dialog Extensions (PDEs), and the HP LaserJet Utilit y for use with Macintosh computers . The embedded W eb ser ve r ca n b e used b y Macintosh computers if the printer is connect ed to a networ k.
ENWW Printe r software 23 HP LaserJet Utility Use the HP LaserJet Utility to control features that are not a v ailable in the driver . Use the illustrated screens to select the printer features that y ou w ant.
24 Chapter 1 Printer basics ENWW Installing Windows printing s ystem software f or networks The softw ar e on t he printer CD-R OM suppor ts network installation with a Micro sof t n etw ork. F or network installation on othe r operatin g syst ems, go to www .
ENWW Printe r software 25 Installing Macintosh printing system software f or networks This section describes how to install Macintos h printing syst em software . The printing system softwar e suppor ts Mac OS v ersions 8.6 through 9.2. x , Mac OS v ersion 10.
26 Chapter 1 Printer basics ENWW 3 Double-clic k the HP LaserJe t Installe rs fol d e r. 4 F o llow the instr uctions on the computer screen. 5 Double -click th e In staller icon f or the appropriate language. 6 On y our computer ha rd driv e , double-clic k Applications , doub le-clic k Utilities , and then double-clic k Print Center .
ENWW Printe r software 27 Software f or netw orks F or a summ ary of av a ilab le HP n etw ork installation and configur at ion soft wa re solut ions , see th e HP Jetdirect Pr int Ser ver Administr ator’ s Guide . Y ou can find this guide on th e CD-R OM that is included with the printer .
28 Chapter 1 Printer basics ENWW Embedded W eb server This printer is equipped with an embedde d W eb server , which provides acce ss to inf or mation about printer and netw ork activities.
ENWW Printe r software 29 Comm unicating b y using an optional HP Jetdirect print server If yo u purchase an opt ional HP Jetdirect inte rnal print ser v er , and you cann ot commun icate with the printer ov er the netw ork, check the oper ation of the print server .
30 Chapter 1 Printer basics ENWW Embedded W eb ser ver Using the embedded W eb server The HP LaserJet 90 40/9050 series printers come equipped with an embedded W eb ser v er .
ENWW HP T oolbox 31 HP T oolbo x The HP T oolbox is a W eb-based software progr am that y ou can use f or the follo wing tasks: ● Check the printer sta tu s. ● Print inter nal printer inf ormation pages. Y ou can view t he HP T oolbo x when the printer is connected to a network.
32 Chapter 1 Printer basics ENWW Status tab The Status tab has links to the f ollowing main pages: ● Device Status. Vie w pr inter status inf or mation. This page indicates v ar ious printer conditions such as a paper jam or an emp ty tra y . Use the vir tual control panel b uttons on this page to change pr inter settin gs.
ENWW Help system 33 Other links Each page in the HP T oolbo x contains links to the HP W eb site for t he f ollowing inf o rmation: ● Product registr ation ● Product support ● Ordering supplies ● HP Instant Suppor t TM ● Y ou must ha v e Internet access to use any of these links .
34 Chapter 1 Printer basics ENWW.
ENWW 35 2 Pr inting tasks This section presents inf or mation about the f ollowing basic printing tasks: ● Loading input tr ays ● Orien ting media ● Basic printing instr uctions ● Selecting th.
36 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW Loading input tra ys This section contains inf or mation about loading det ectab le and undetectab le standard-size and custom-siz e media int o optiona l T ra y 1, T ra y 2, T ra y 3, and optional T ra y 4.
ENWW Loading input tr a ys 37 3 Adjust the pape r g uide s so t hat the y lightly touch the pap er sta c k, but do not be nd th e p ape r . 4 Mak e sure that the paper fits under the ta bs on the guides and th at the stac k does not e xtend abov e the load-le vel indicato rs .
38 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW 5 Use or to sc roll to TRAY 1 TYPE and then press . 6 Use or to scroll to the correct typ e an d the n pre ss . The message SETTING SAVED appears on the control-p ane l displa y . 7 Press M ENU to e xit the menus. 8 Open optional T ra y 1.
ENWW Loading input tr a ys 39 13 Press M ENU to e xit the menus. The tray is ready to use. Loading T rays 2, 3, and 4 The 500-sheet input tra ys (T ra ys 2 and 3) come with th e printer . T ra y 4 is an optional tr a y that holds up to 2,000 sheets of st andard-siz e paper .
40 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW 3 Adjust the front (X) pa per guide b y pressing the tab on t he g uide and set the guide t o t he correct paper siz e. Note F or T ra y 4, when loading Le tter-siz e or 11 x 17 paper , mov e the pap er guide loc k to the do wn position.
ENWW Loading input tr a ys 41 5 Set the Custom/Sta ndard s witch to Standard. 6 Close the tray . 7 Look at the control panel wit hin a f ew seconds of closing the tr a y . (Open and close the tra y if the time has already ela psed.) The control panel in dicat es the tra y size and type configuration.
42 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW T o load undetectable standard-si ze paper in T rays 2, 3, and 4 F ollo w this procedu re to load undetectab le standard-size p aper in the tr a y . The f ollowing are the undetectab le standard sizes: ● A5 ● 8K ● 16K ● JIS Ex ecutive ● Statement ● 8.
ENWW Loading input tr a ys 43 4 Load (orient) the paper according to size . Note See Orienting media for instructions on loading pr eprinted, letterhea d, and prepunched paper . 5 Adjust the left paper guide by pr essing the tab on th e guide and sliding the guid e until it gently touches th e pa per .
44 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW 7 Set the Custom/St andard switch to Custom. 8 Close the tray . 9 Look at the control panel wit hin a f ew seconds of closing the tr a y . (Open and close the tra y if the time has already ela psed.) The control panel in dicat es the tra y size and type settings .
ENWW Loading input tr a ys 45 Loading custom-size paper in T rays 2, 3, and 4 Use the f ollo wing procedure to l oad custom-siz e paper in the tr a y . CA UTION T o av oid a jam, ne ver ad d or remo ve paper from a tra y while printing from t hat tr a y .
46 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW 6 Adjust the left (Y) pape r guide b y pressing the tab on the guide and sliding the guide until i t gently touches th e pa per . 7 Adjust the front (X) pape r guide b y pressin g the tab on the gu ide and sliding the g uide until it gently touches th e pa per .
ENWW Loading input tr a ys 47 10 Look at the control panel wit hin a f ew seconds of closing the tr a y . (Open and close the tra y if the time has already ela psed.) The tr a y size and type setting s appear . • If the size and ty pe settings are correc t, press to accept the se ttings.
48 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW T o configure the paper type for the tray 1 On the contro l panel, press to open the men us. 2 Use or to sc roll to PAPER HANDLING and then press . 3 Use or to sc roll to TRAY X TYPE and then press . ( X is the number of th e tra y that you want to configure.
ENWW Orienting media 49 Orienting media Orient media types and sizes acco rding to the tra y fr om w hich they will print and according to whether the media will be dupl e x ed (printed on both sides).
50 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW Letter or A4, including letterhead (weights up to 199 g/m 2 ) (53 lb bond) 2, 3, or 4 No* Long edge toward f eed direction; side to be printe d on facing down.
ENWW Orienting media 51 Other standard sizes and custom sizes (weights up to 199 g/m 2 ) (53 lb bond) 2, 3, or 4 No* Shor t edge toward f eed di rection; side to be printe d on facing down. Other standard sizes and custom sizes (weights up to 216 g/m 2 ) (58 lb bond) NO TE F or better duplexing performance, set the size and type for Tr a y 1 .
52 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW Prepunched Letter or A4 (weights up to 216 g/m 2 ) (58 lb bond) 1 Either Long edge with holes toward f eed direction; side to be printed on facing up .
ENWW Orienting media 53 Alternate Letterhead mode Windows drivers in clude an Altern ate Letterhead mode, w hich is configur ed in the Device Settings po rtion of the printer properties (in the Windows control pane l) .
54 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW Basic printing instructions This section pro vides the basic instructions f or pr inting when setting opt i ons from the printer driver f or this printer (Windows) or the Apple Lase rWriter (Macin tosh) .
ENWW Selecting the ou tput bin 55 Selecting the output bin The printer has se v eral out put locations: the standard top bi n, the left outp ut bin, and th e optional output de vices. The left output bin ( 1 ) , locat ed on the left sid e of the printer , holds up to 100 sheets of pape r .
56 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW 8-bin mailbo x output bins If you choose the 8-bin mailbox, the output bins are th e up pe r bin ( 4 ) and the eight f ace-down bins ( 3 ). The upper bin ( 4 ) holds up t o 125 sheets of paper . The networ k administrator can assign the eight bins ( 3 ) to individual users or w orkgroups .
ENWW Printing env elopes 57 Printing en velopes Y ou can pr int on envelopes b y using op tional T ray 1, which holds up to 10 envelopes. Many types of en v elopes can be printed on from optional T ray 1. Printing perf ormance depends on the construction of the en v elope.
58 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW 3 Adjust the guides to tou ch the en v elope stack without ben ding the en v elopes. Mak e sure the env elopes fit unde r t he tabs on the guid es.
ENWW Printing env elopes 59 3 Locate and lif t up the two blue le vers. Note Return the fuser le v ers to the do wn position af ter printing an env elope. 4 Close the left door . T o print en velopes fr om a pr ogram 1 Load en v elopes into optional T ra y 1.
60 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW Using the optional 3,000-sheet stac ker Output features The optional 3,000- sheet stac k er pro vides the f ollowing output f eatures: ● Stacks up to 3,000 sheets of.
ENWW Using the optional stac ker/stapler 61 Loading staples Load staples using this pr oc edure. T o load staples 1 Mov e the stack er/stapler aw ay fr om the printer . 2 Open the stac ker/staple r-unit door . 3 Lift up on the g reen tab on the emp ty staple car tridge and pull it out.
62 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW 4 Inser t the ne w staple car tridge so that it snaps into place. 5 Close the stapler -u nit door an d atta ch the sta cker/stapler to the pr inter .
ENWW Using the optional multifunction finisher 63 Using the optional m ultifunction finisher See the HP LaserJet 9040/9050 Getting St ar ted Guide at www .
64 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW Loading staples 1 Open the stapler-u nit door . 2 Slide the stapler-unit towa rd y ou. 3 T ur n the large green knob until the b lue dot appears in the windo w of the stapler-unit .
ENWW Using the optional multifunction finisher 65 4 T urn the small green knob at the top of the staple r un it clockwise unt il the staple car tridge mov es to the left of the stapl er unit. CA UTION The blue d ot must appear in the window o f the stap ler-unit bef ore you r emov e the staple car tridge.
66 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW 7 Slide the stapler-unit into the finisher . 8 Close the stapler-unit do or . Making booklets Y ou can gain access to the booklet -printing f eature through some prog rams , such as desktop publishing programs. Ref er to the us er guide that came with your program for inf ormat ion on making booklet s .
ENWW Using the optional multifunction finisher 67 The booklet- printing f eature of th e multifunction finis her allows you to saddle stitch a nd fold booklets using the following paper sizes: ● A3 ● A4-Rotated (A4-R)* ● Letter-Rotated ( Letter R)* ● Legal ● 11 x 17 See the Multifunction Finisher User’ s Guide at www .
68 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW Using the optional 8-bin mailbo x Output features ● Handles high-capacity out put that increases the printer’ s output capacity to 2,000 sheets of standard media �.
ENWW Printing both sides of paper (duple xing) 69 La y out options for printi ng on both sides of paper The f our pr int la y out options are shown belo w . Select the binding and orientation options f or this printe r fr om the Print dialog box, if possib le.
70 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW Printing on special paper This section contains guideline s f or printing on special media, which includes lette rhead, transparen cies, postcards , and custo m-size a nd hea vy paper , and printing full-b leed images .
ENWW Printing on special paper 71 Printing on transparencies ● T ranspare ncies used in this printer must be ab le to withstand the 200°C (392°F), the maximum te mperat ure f or the printer . ● Use only transparencies re commended f or use in laser printers.
72 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW.
ENWW Ov erview 73 3 Adv anced pr inting tasks Overview This section pr esents the se advanced pr inting tasks : ● Using f eatures in the printer driv er ● Setting the regis tration ● Using a dif.
74 Chapter 3 Advanced printing tasks ENWW Using features in the printer driver When y ou print from a softw are prog ram, many of t he printer f eature s are a v ailab le from the printe r driver . T o gain access t o Windows print er drivers, see Gaining access to the printer drivers .
ENWW Setting the regis tration 75 Setting the registration Use the Set Registr ation f eature to center the fron t and bac k images on a pag e that has been duple xed (printed on bo th sides). This f eature also helps yo u set edge-t o- edge printing to withi n appro ximately 2 millimeters (0.
76 Chapter 3 Advanced printing tasks ENWW Using a different fir st page T o print a different first page F ollo w these instructions f or printing a first page that is diff eren t from other pages in th e print job . The instructions are provide d f o r T ray 1, how e v er , you can print a diff erent first page f rom other tra ys.
ENWW Including a blank back page 77 Inc luding a blank bac k page This option allo ws y ou to add b lank pages to the end of a print job . F or Windows , s elect Use differ ent paper f o r firs t page on the Pap e r tab of your pr in te r dr iver , and then select Bac k P age .
78 Chapter 3 Advanced printing tasks ENWW Customizing optional T ray 1 operation Customize opt ional T ra y 1 to fit y our printing needs . The printer can be set to print fro m optional T ra y 1: ● When the tr a y is loaded and TRAY 1 SIZE=ANY SIZE and TRAY 1 TYPE=ANY TYPE ; (f or merly First mode).
ENWW Specifying paper to print on 79 Specifying paper to print on Y ou can configure the printer to select pap er b y type (such as plain o r letterhead) and size (such as letter or A4), as opposed to source (a paper tr a y).
80 Chapter 3 Advanced printing tasks ENWW Using the job-storage features F our special job-sto rage f eatures are av ailable f or this printer . All f our are av ailab le when a hard disk is installed . Private jobs an d proof and hold jobs ar e av a ilable in RAM (with no hard disk installed).
ENWW Using the job-stor age f eatures 81 Releasing priv ate jobs The user can print a priva te job from the cont rol panel. T o release private jobs 1 Press . 2 Use or to sc roll to Retrieve Job and then press . 3 Scroll to USER NAME and press . 4 Use or to scroll to y our job and then pre ss .
82 Chapter 3 Advanced printing tasks ENWW Printing a stored job The user can print a job stored on the printer hard disk accessory from the control panel. T o print a stored job 1 Press . 2 Use or to sc roll to Retrieve Job and then press . 3 Scroll to USER NAME and press .
ENWW Using the job-stor age f eatures 83 Printing additional copies of Quic kCopy jobs This section describes how to print addition al copies of a job stored on the printer ha rd disk accessory from the contro l panel. T o print more copies of a QuickCopy job 1 Press .
84 Chapter 3 Advanced printing tasks ENWW T o create a proof and hold job CA UTION If the pr inter needs additional space to stor e newer proof and hold jo bs , the printer will delete other stored proof an d hold jobs , star ting with the oldest job .
ENWW Ov erview 85 4 Secur ity f eatures Overview This section e xplains impor tant security f eat ures a v ailable on your printer : ● Secure Disk Erase ● Security lock ● Job storage features.
86 Chapter 4 Security fe atures ENWW Secure Disk Erase Y ou might need to prot ect deleted da ta from unau thorized access on the printer hard driv e. Secure Disk Erase is a security f eature that you can use to securely er ase print jobs from the hard dr ive .
ENWW Security lock 87 Security loc k The security lock is a mechanical loc k that can be used to pre v ent the remo val of internal computer compone nts , Optional EIO accessories are not protected, ho we ver . Purchase the lock assembly se parately , and then install it on the product.
88 Chapter 4 Security fe atures ENWW.
ENWW Ov erview 89 5 Pr inter maintenance Overview This section e xplains basic printer maintenance. ● Cleaning the printer ● Printer maintenance kit ● Managing the print cartr idge ● Print car.
90 Chapter 5 Printer maintenance ENWW Cleaning the printer General c leaning T o maintain print quality , clean the printer thoroughly: ● e v ery time you change the print car tridge. ● whene v er print-quality problems occur . Clean the outside of t he printer with a lightly w ater-damp ened clot h.
ENWW Cleaning the printer 91 3 With a dry , lint-free cloth, wipe an y residue from t he paper path area, the registr ation roller , and the print car tridge cavity . 4 Replace the print car tridge. 5 T urn the green le v er bac k to the loc ked position.
92 Chapter 5 Printer maintenance ENWW Printer maintenance kit Note The printer maintenance kit is a consumab le and is not cov ered under w arranty . T o ensure optimum print quality , HP recommends that th e printer maintenance ki t be used appro x imately e very 350,000 pag es .
ENWW Managing the print cartr idge 93 Managing the print cartridge When you use a ne w , authentic HP print car tr idge (C8543X), y ou can obtain the f o llowin g types of supplies inf ormation: ● a.
94 Chapter 5 Printer maintenance ENWW Using printer software The f ollowing conditions must be met in or der to use this f eature: ● The HP T oolbox softw are m ust be installed on y our computer . (HP T oolbox is auto matically installed as part of the typical printer software installation.
ENWW Print car tr idge conditions 95 Replace the print car t ridg e When the print car tridge is empty , a REPLACE CARTRIDGE message appears on t he printer contr ol panel. The printer contin ues printing (without custo mer interaction ) until it reaches a drum-out condition, b ut HP does not guar antee print quality after this messag e appears .
96 Chapter 5 Printer maintenance ENWW Y ou can also receiv e alerts through the HP T ool bo x software. These ale r ts displa y as either a pop-up windo w or an anima ted taskbar icon . The HP T oolbox sof twar e does not send alerts in the f o rm of an e-mail message.
ENWW Ov erview 97 6 Prob lem solving Overview This section will help you to troub l eshoot and solve pr inter prob lems. Clearing j ams Occasionally , paper can ja m during pr inting. This section wi ll help you to locate paper jams, properly clear them from the pr inter , and sol ve repeated jams.
98 Chapter 6 Problem solving ENWW Clearing jams If a pape r-jam messa ge appear s on the p rinter control p anel, look f or paper i n the locat ions tha t are indicated in the f ollowing gr aphic. Y ou might need to lo ok f or paper in locations ot he r than those that are in dicated in the paper-jam messag e.
ENWW Clearing jams 99 Clearing jams fr om the input tra y areas T o clear jams in optional T ray 1 1 Check f or paper in th e optional T ray 1 area, and r emov e any paper from t his area. Care fully check to be sure you have remov ed a ll pieces of to r n paper .
100 Chapter 6 Problem solving ENWW 3 Open the jam access cover . Pull out and lift the green tab. 4 Remov e any paper from this area by pulling it out of the printer . 5 Push the green le v er down to original position. 6 Close the r igh t do or. T o clear jams in T rays 2 and 3 1 Open the t ra y until it stops.
ENWW Clearing jams 10 1 3 Close the tray . 4 Open and close the r ight door to reset the printe r . T o clear jams in optional T ray 4 1 Open the v ertical transf er door on opt ion al T ra y 4. 2 Chec k f o r paper in this area, and remov e any paper from this ar ea .
102 Chapter 6 Problem solving ENWW 3 If yo u did not see an y paper in the right access door , open optional T ra y 4. 4 Chec k f o r paper in the tr a y area, and remo v e an y paper fr om this area. Caref ully chec k to be sure you hav e remov ed all pieces of torn paper .
ENWW Clearing jams 10 3 Clearing jams fr om the duplex printing accessory (duple xer) T o clear jams in the duplex printing accessory 1 If an optional output de vice is installed, slide it aw a y from the printer to access the left door . 2 Open the left door and carefully pull out an y paper from area.
104 Chapter 6 Problem solving ENWW 5 Open the front door . 6 Chec k for paper in th e duplex printing accessory area, and remov e any pape r by pulling it out of the printer . Be careful not to te ar the paper . 7 Reinstall the duple x printing acce ssor y by sliding it bac k into th e slot until it loc ks into place.
ENWW Clearing jams 10 5 Clearing jams fr om the output areas T o clear jams in the standard output bin 1 If the jam e xtends into the output area, slo wly and carefully pull the paper str aight out of the printer so that it does not tear . 2 Open the left doo r a nd caref u lly pull o ut an y paper from area.
106 Chapter 6 Problem solving ENWW 2 Open the left do or . WA R N I N G ! A v oid touching the adjacent fusing area. I t can be ho t . 3 Remov e any jammed or damag ed paper from this area b y pulling it out of the printer . 4 Press down on the gre en tab and carefully ch eck f or paper .
ENWW Clearing jams 10 7 T o clear jams in the m ultifunction finisher 1 Open the finisher co ver . 2 Slowly and car efully pull the paper str aight out of t he finisher so that it does not tear .
108 Chapter 6 Problem solving ENWW 4 Mov e the finisher awa y from th e pr inter . 5 Carefully remo v e any pape r from the printer output area. 6 Carefully remo v e any pape r from the finisher input area.
ENWW Clearing jams 10 9 8 T o clear a bo oklet jam, tu rn the bottom green knob clockwise to rem ov e the bookle t. 9 Close the stapler-unit do or . 10 Reattach th e finisher .
110 Chapter 6 Problem solving ENWW T o clear a staple jam fr om the optional stacker/stapler 1 Slide the stac k er/stapler aw a y from the printer . 2 Open the stapler-u nit door . 3 On the stap le car tr idge, lift up on t he green tab an d pull the ca r tri dge out.
ENWW Clearing jams 11 1 4 Pull the car tridge lev er up. 5 Remov e the jammed staple. 6 Push the cartr idge le ver do wn. 7 Inser t the staple cartr idge so that it snaps into place .
112 Chapter 6 Problem solving ENWW 9 Reattach the stacker/stapler to the pr inter . Note The stapler needs to reloa d after clearing a st aple jam, so the fi rst f ew do cuments (no more than five) might not be stapled.
ENWW Clearing jams 11 3 3 T ur n the large green knob until the b lue dot appears in the windo w of the stapler unit. 4 T urn the small green knob at the top of the staple r un it clockwise unt il the staple car tridge mov es to the left of the stapl er unit.
114 Chapter 6 Problem solving ENWW 6 Pull up on the le ver labeled with a g reen dot. 7 Remov e the damaged staple . 8 Press down on the le v er that is labeled with a green dot. 9 Reinstall the staple car tr idge. 10 Slide the stapler unit int o the finisher .
ENWW Clearing jams 11 5 11 Close the stapler-unit do or . In rare instan ce s, a stap le jam mig ht occur in the upper ha lf of the stapler hea d. 1 F ollo w steps 1 through 4 f or clearing a staple jam from the multifun ct ion finisher (see To clear a staple jam from the m ultifunction finisher ).
116 Chapter 6 Problem solving ENWW T o clear jams in the 8-bin mailbo x Note Chec k that the paper in use is not th ic k er or heavier than what the 8-bin mailbo x suppor ts. See P aper specifications . 1 Mov e the 8-bin mailbo x a wa y from the printer .
ENWW Clearing jams 11 7 Solving repeated paper jams Note If the jams continue , contact your HP-authoriz ed service provider . (See the HP suppor t fly er or go to www /lj9050_lj9040 .) Situation Solution General repeated paper jam problems 1.
118 Chapter 6 Problem solving ENWW Understanding printer messa g es Printer messages appear on the printer control-panel displ a y to rela y the nor mal status of the printe r (s uch as Processing Job ), or an error condition (such as Close Right Door ) that needs attention.
ENWW Resolving control-pan el messages 119 Resolving contr ol-panel messages Message Explanation or rec ommended action Access Denie d MENUS LOCKED The printer control -panel function you are trying to access has been locked to prev ent una uthorized access.
120 Chapter 6 Problem solving ENWW Cleaning... The pr inter is processing the cl eaning page. CLEANING DISK <x>% COMPLETE... Do not power off alter nates wi th For help pre ss The hard disk or compact flash disk is b eing cleaned. Contact your networ k administrator .
ENWW Resolving control-pan el messages 121 INSERT OR CLOSE TRAY x x For help pre ss The speci fied tr a y mu st be inserted or closed f or printing to contin ue. INSTALL CART RIDGE For help pre ss The pr int car tr idge has been removed or has been insta lled incorrectly .
122 Chapter 6 Problem solving ENWW Paused To return to ready press STOP The product is paused but no errors. e xist Th e product will continue to receive data until the memor y is full. PERFORM PRIN TER MAINTENANCE For help pre ss The prin ter ha s passed its prescr i bed printed page threshol d between maintenance procedures.
ENWW Resolving control-pan el messages 123 TOO MANY P AGES IN JOB TO STAPLE For help pre ss The job is too large to staple. The job will be prin ted unstapled. Reduce the number of pages in the job to staple. TOO MANY P AGES IN JOB TO FINISH For help pre ss The job height is greater than the finisher capacity .
124 Chapter 6 Problem solving ENWW 22 EIO x BUFFER OVERF LOW To continue press T oo much data was sent to the EI O card in the specified slot ( x ). An improper communications protocol might be in use. Press to print the transferred data. (Some data might be lost.
ENWW Resolving control-pan el messages 125 50.x FUSER ERROR For help pre ss A fuser error has occurred. T ur n the printer off, and then turn the pr inter on. If this message persists, contact an HP-author ized service or suppor t provider . (See the HP suppor t flyer or go to www .
126 Chapter 6 Problem solving ENWW 58.xx ERROR For help pre ss alter nates wi th To continue turn off then on A tempora ry printing error occurred. T ur n the printer off, and then turn the pr inter on. If this message persists, contact an HP-author ized service or suppor t provider .
ENWW Resolving control-pan el messages 127 69.x ERROR For help pre ss alter nates wi th To continue turn off then on A tempora ry printing error occurred. T ur n the pri nter off, reseat the duplex printing accessor y , and then tu rn the printe r on.
128 Chapter 6 Problem solving ENWW Correcting output quality pr oblems Use the e xamples in the ima ge def ect table to determine which print quality prob lem y ou are e xperiencing, and then see the corresponding ref erence pages to troub leshoot.
ENWW Correcting outpu t q uality prob lems 129 Light print or fade ● The print car tridge might be low . Replace the print car tridge. ● Maintenance might be du e. Chec k this by printing a cop y of the supplies status page (see Supplies stat us page ).
130 Chapter 6 Problem solving ENWW T oner smear Also see Loose toner . ● Print a f ew more pages to see if the problem corrects itself. ● T ry using a diff erent type of paper . ● Mak e sure that the en vironmental specifications f or the printer are being me t (see Environmental specifications ).
ENWW Correcting outpu t q uality prob lems 131 P age skew ● Print a f ew more pages to see if the problem corrects itself. ● V erify that there are no torn pieces of paper inside the printer . ● Mak e sure that paper is loaded cor rectly , all adjustments ha v e been made , and the pape r is under the corner tabs (see Orienting media ).
132 Chapter 6 Problem solving ENWW Preventing wri nkles on en velopes If en v elopes are wrinkled when printed, first ensure tha t yo u ar e using suppor ted types of env elopes. Then, use the f ollowing procedure to mo v e the fuser le vers to the highe r position while printing the enve lopes.
ENWW Solving common printer issues 13 3 Solving common printer issues T roubleshooting chec klist ● Ensure that media that is loade d into the tra ys is from a freshly opened ream, co ntains no def ects, and is installed correctly with the pa per guides adjusted.
134 Chapter 6 Problem solving ENWW Situation Sol ution A page f ails to print. Set PR INT PS ERRORS=ON , and then send th e job again to print a PS error page. If this does not identify the problem, try tur ning off Resource Sa ving and I/O Buff ering or try installing more memor y (see PCL or PS f ont list ).
ENWW Solving common printer issues 13 5 Computer softw are problem. Che ck t hat y our comp uter is w orking correct ly b y printing from a program y ou know works, or b y printing a plai n te xt file to see if the problem is with y our program or with your printer dr iver .
136 Chapter 6 Problem solving ENWW First page takes much longer to pr int than f ollo wing pages. ● Make sure that the printer control panel shows READY .
ENWW Solving common printer issues 13 7 Job prints on the wrong side of the paper . ● Make sure you ha v e loaded the paper correctly . (See Loading input tra ys , or go to www t/ lj9050_lj9040 . ) ● If you are printing one-sided copie s, load paper into optional T ray 1 with the side to be pri nted f acing up .
138 Chapter 6 Problem solving ENWW Optional T ray 4 will not wor k . The power cord is not firmly plugged in to both the printer and the pow er receptacle . Remo v e and reconnect the power cord. P aper is loaded into optional T ray 1, and a load or manual f eed message appears on the control- panel display .
ENWW Solving common printer issues 13 9 Printer draws paper from the wrong tra y . ● Be sure your prog ram is selecting the correct paper size or type . ● Make sure that the driv er f or your prog ram is correctly installed, configured, and capable of requesting the appropr iate paper size and type.
140 Chapter 6 Problem solving ENWW Printer pr ints wrong fonts or fo r m a t s. ● The font is not present in the pr inter and must be downloaded from your program, or the proper font DIMM must be installed. Ch eck your prog ram to make sure the correct printer dr iver has been installed and configured.
ENWW Solving common printer issues 14 1 The Macintosh compute r is not communicating with the printe r . ● Make sure that READY appears on the printer control panel. ● Make sure that the correct printer dr iver is selected in the left half of the Chooser .
142 Chapter 6 Problem solving ENWW Using the embedded W eb ser ver Home pages The home pages of the emb edded W eb server are th e inf ormational pages f or t he printer . These include: ● Printer status pa ge This page sho w s the printer control panel and an y current message .
ENWW Using the embedded W eb ser ver 143 Device pa g es Use the de vice pages of the embedded W eb ser ve r to configure the printer from y our computer . These pages can be pass word prote cted. Alw a ys co nsult with y our netw ork administr ato r bef ore changing the printer configur ation.
144 Chapter 6 Problem solving ENWW Printing inf ormation pages F rom the printer control panel, y ou can print these pages, which contain inf or mation about the printe r co nf igu ration : ● Menu m.
ENWW Checking the printer configur ation 145 Chec king the printer configuration Inf or mation about printer configur at ion ca n be f ound in the Getting Sta rted Guide that cam e with the prin te r . F rom the printer control panel, y ou can print pages that giv e details about the printer and its current configur ation.
146 Chapter 6 Problem solving ENWW Configuration page Use the configura tion page to vie w current p rinter settings , to help troub leshoot printer prob lems , or to v erify installation of option al accesso ries, such as memory (DIMMs), paper tra ys, and printer languages .
ENWW Checking the printer configur ation 147 Supplies status page Use the supplies status page to obtain inf ormation about the print car tridge that is installed in the printer , the amount of toner left in the cartr idge, and the numb er of pages an d jobs that ha ve been processe d.
148 Chapter 6 Problem solving ENWW Usage page Use the usage page to obta in inf or mation about the page size s and number of pag es printed. The usage page contai ns the f ollowin g inf or mation: 1 Pr oduct Name and Printer Name indicate the ser ies of HP LaserJ et pr inter in use.
ENWW Checking the printer configur ation 149 PCL or PS f ont list Use the f on t lists to see which f onts are currently installed in th e printer . (The f ont lists also show which f onts are resident on a hard disk or flash DIMM. ) The PS f ont list show s the PS f onts installed, and giv es a sample of those f onts .
150 Chapter 6 Problem solving ENWW Jetdirect page The Jetdirect page contai ns the f ollo wing inf or mation: 1 HP Jetdirec t Configurat ion indicates the printer stat us, mod el number , hardw are address , fir mware v ersion, po r t select, p or t con figuration, auto ne gotiation, m anuf a cturin g identificat ion, and man uf actured date .
ENWW Checking the printer configur ation 151 Event log page The first page of the e v ent log contains th e f ollo win g inf o rmation: 1 Current P age Count indicates the number of pages printed from the printer . 2 Number indicates the orde r in which the e v ents occurred.
152 Chapter 6 Problem solving ENWW Printing a paper path test The paper path test can be used to v erify that v arious paper paths are w orking properly or to troub leshoot prob lems with tra y configur ation. T o print a paper path test 1 Press . 2 Use or to sc roll to Diagnostics and then press .
ENWW Overview 153 A Specifications Overview This section pr esents som e of the pr inter sp ecifications. ● P aper specifications ● Environmental specifications P aper weight equivalence table Use this tab le to determine appro ximate equivalent basis w eight in weight specifications other than U .
154 Appendix A Specifications ENWW Printing supplies 39 100 55 67 82 91 148 42 107 58 72 87 97 157 43 110 60 74 90 100 163 47 119 65 80 97 108 176 53 134 74 90 110 122 199 58 146 80 98 120 133 216 Ite.
ENWW Overview 155 HP LaserJet P aper Letter (8.5 x 11 in), 500 sheets/ ream, 10-ream car ton Letter (8.5 x 11 in), 3-hole, 500 sheets/ream, 10-ream car ton Legal (8.
156 Appendix A Specifications ENWW En velope margins The f ollowing table giv es typical address margins f or a Commercial #10 or DL en v elope . Note F or the best print quality , position margins no closer than 15 mm (0.6 inch) from the edges of the env elope.
ENWW P aper specifications 157 Suppor ted sizes of paper f or input and output Note F or more inf or mation on an optional HP output de vice, see the user guid e th at came with the product. T ray or Bin Capacity Paper W eight Optional T ra y 1 Up to 100 sheets Up to 10 env elopes Maximum stack height f or transparencies: 10 mm (0.
158 Appendix A Specifications ENWW Left output bin Up to 100 sheets Up to 10 transparencies ● Standard sizes: Letter , Legal, Ex ecutive , ISO A3, ISO A4, ISO A5, 11 x 17, JIS B5, JIS B4, JP ostD , .
ENWW P aper specifications 159 Optional multifunction finisher Up to 1,000 sheets of stack ed 20 lb bond for Letter and A4 (up to 50 sheets stapled), and 500 sheets stack ed 20 lb bond for A3 and 11 x.
160 Appendix A Specifications ENWW Suppor ted types of paper Use settings on the printer control pa nel to select the f ollowing types of paper and other print media.
ENWW P aper specifications 161 Labels T o av oid damaging the printer , use only labels recommended f or use in monochrome laser printers. Ne ver print on the same sheet o f lab els more than once. CA UTION Do not print o n both sides of labels, transparencies, envelopes, custom paper , or paper heavier than 216 g/m 2 (58 lb bond).
162 Appendix A Specifications ENWW En velope con struction Env elope construction is critical. Env e lope f old lines can vary considerably , not only betw een manuf acturers, but also within a box from the sam e manuf acturer . Success ful printin g on env elopes depends upon the qualit y of t he env elopes.
ENWW Environmental specifications 163 En vir onmental specifications Electrical specifications WA R N I N G ! P ower req uirements are ba se d on the country/region where th e printer is sold. Do not con v er t operating v oltages. This ma y damage the printer and v oid the product w a rrant y .
164 Appendix A Specifications ENWW Acoustical specifications Note Configuratio n tested: The HP LaserJet 9050 printing simple x from T ra y 3 at 50 ppm using A4 paper , and the HP LaserJet 9040 printing simple x from T ra y 3 at 40 ppm using A4 paper .
ENWW Overview 165 B Control-panel men us Overview The control-p ane l me n u la yout sho ws the men us that ev er yone uses while p rote cti ng t he me n us that administrat ors use.
166 Appendix B Control-pane l menus ENWW Retrieve job men u Note If no privat e, stor ed, quic k cop y , or proof and hold jobs are st or ed on the printer hard disk or in RAM, the message NO STORED JOB appears when the menu is selecte d. 1 A list of user names ap pears .
ENWW P aper handling menu 167 P aper ha ndli ng menu When paper handling set tings are corr ectly configu red through the control p anel, you can pr int by selecting the type and siz e of paper fro m the printer driver or software ap plication. F or more inf orm ation, see Specifying paper to print on .
168 Appendix B Control-pane l menus ENWW Configure de vice menu This menu contains all adm inis trative functions. Printing submenu Some items in this men u are av ailable f ro m a softwa re application, or fro m the printer driver (if the appropriate driv e r is installed).
ENWW Configure device menu 169 DEFAULT PAPER TYPE PLAIN PREPRINTED LETTERHEAD TRANSPARENCY PREPUNCHED LABELS BOND RECYCLED COLOR CARDSTOCK>163 ROUGH 90-105 G/M2 ENVELOPE * Allows the user to specify the type o f media in each tray . Substitute the tra y number f or <N> .
170 Appendix B Control-pane l menus ENWW PCL submenu COURIER FONT=REGULAR REGULAR DARK Select the version of Courier font to use: REGULAR : The inter nal Cour ier font a vailab le on the HP LaserJet 4 Series pr inters. DARK : The inter nal Courie r f ont a vailable on the HP Las erJet III Series printers.
ENWW Configure device menu 171 Print quality submenu Some items in this menu are acce ssible from a software applic ation, or from the dr iv er (if the appropriate driver is installed). Driv er and softw are settin gs ov err ide control-p anel settings .
172 Appendix B Control-pane l menus ENWW RESOLUTION= FASTRES 1200 300 600 FASTRES 1200 Select the resolutio n from the f ollowing v alues: 300 : Produces draft print quality at maximum pr inter speed.
ENWW Configure device menu 173 System setup submenu Items in this menu affect the printer function. Co nfigure the p rinter ac cording to y our pr inting needs . Item V alues Explanation DATE/TIME DA TE DATE FORMAT TIME TIME FORMAT Sets the date and time for the printer .
174 Appendix B Control-pane l menus ENWW PERSONALITY= AUTO AUTO PCL PS PDF XHTML MIME Select the default printer language (personality). P ossible values are determined by which v alid langu ages are installed in the printe r. Nor m ally you should not change the printer la nguage (the default is AUTO ).
ENWW Configure device menu 175 I/O submenu Items in the I/O (input/output) men u aff ect the communicatio n betw een the printer and the computer . I/O timeout submenu P arallel input submenu EIO X Je.
ENWW Configure device menu 177 TCP/IP DEFAULT IP PRIMARY DNS SECONDARY DNS PROXY SERVER PROXY PORT AUTO IP LEGACY . A link-local IP address 169.254.x.x will be set. The address will be set, consistent with older Jetdirect products. Specify the IP address (n.
ENWW Configure device menu 179 Resets submenu Note Use this menu with caut ion. Y ou can lose bu ff ered page data or printer config ur ation sett ings when y ou select these items . Reset the product only under the f ollowing circumstance s: ● Y ou want to rest ore the pr inter de f ault settings.
180 Appendix B Control-pane l menus ENWW Diagnostics men u Administrat ors can use this menu to troub leshoot jam and print quality issues . Service menu The Service menu is lock ed.
ENWW Overview 181 C Pr inter memor y and e xpansion Overview This appendix includes: ● Determining memor y requirements ● Installing memor y and fo nts ● Checking memory installation ● Saving .
182 Appendix C Printer memory and ex pansion ENWW Determining memory requirements The amount of mem or y y ou need depend s on th e types of docume nt s y ou print. Y our print engine can print most te xt and graphics at 1,200 dp i F astRes without additional memory .
ENWW Installing memor y and f onts 183 T o ins tall memory 1 If yo u ha v e not already done so , print a configuration pag e to find out ho w much memory is installed in the printer bef ore adding more memory . (Press 22 on the numeric k e ypad when the printer is idle.
184 Appendix C Printer memory and ex pansion ENWW 5 Remov e the DIMM fr om the antista tic package. Hold the DIMM w ith fingers aga inst the side edges and thum bs against the bac k edge. Align the not ches on the DIMM with the DIMM slot. (Chec k that the loc ks on each side of the DI MM slot are ope n, or outw ard.
ENWW Installing memor y and f onts 185 8 Plug in the po wer cor d and connect all cab les. T ur n the printer on. T o install a flash memory card CA UTION Do not inser t a flash memory card that is designed f or use with a digi tal came r a in to the printer .
186 Appendix C Printer memory and ex pansion ENWW WA R N I N G ! The f ormatter has sharp edges. 3 Grasp the scre ws and pull the f ormatter board out of the printer . Place it on a flat, non- conductiv e surface . 4 Remov e the comp act flash fro m the antista tic package.
ENWW Installing memor y and f onts 187 6 Slide the f or matter board bac k into the printer and tighten the tw o screws. 7 Plug in the po wer cor d and connect all cab les.
188 Appendix C Printer memory and ex pansion ENWW Chec king memory installation F o llow this procedure to verify th at memor y is installed correctly: 1 Check that READY appears on the printer control-pan el displa y when the pr inter is turned on. If an error message appear s, a DI MM might ha v e been incorrec tly insta lled.
ENWW Saving resources (permanent resources) 18 9 Sa ving resour ces (permanent resour ces) Utilities or jobs that you downloaded to the pr inter sometimes include re sources (f or e xample, f onts , macros , or patterns). Resources that are internally marked as permanent remain in the printer memory until you turn the printer off .
190 Appendix C Printer memory and ex pansion ENWW.
ENWW Environ mental product ste wardship prog ram 191 D Regulator y inf or mation En vir onmental product ste w ar dship program Pr otecting the en vironment Hewle tt-P ackard Compan y is committed to providing qua lity products in an en vironmentally sound manner .
192 Appendix D Regulatory information ENWW Plastics Plastic par ts ov er 25 grams are ma rked according to international standards that enhan ce the ability to identify plastics for recycling pu r poses at the end of the product's lif e.
ENWW Environ mental product ste wardship prog ram 193 Material safety data sheet Material Saf ety Data Sheets (MSDS) can be obt ained b y contacting the HP W eb site at www .hp .com/go/msds or www .hp .com/hpinf o/community/en vironment/productinf o/safety .
194 Appendix D Regulatory information ENWW.
ENWW Using F6 to s witch betw ee n the Na vig ation and T opic P anes 195 E Using accessibility shor tcut k e ys in the Help Vie w er The f o llowing topics describe ho w you can navig ate in this user guide.
196 Appendix E Using acc essibility shortcut keys in the Help Viewer ENWW Shor tcut keys f or the Contents tab Shor tcut ke ys f or the Inde x tab Shor tcut keys f or the Sear ch tab T o move f orward to the next topic (pro vided y ou ha v e viewed it just previously).
ENWW Shor tcut ke y s f or the F avorites tab 197 Shor tcut keys f or the F a v orites tab T o display the Favor i t es tab. A LT + I T o add the currently displayed topic to the F avorites list. A LT + A T o select a topic in the F avorites list. A LT + P , and then U P A RRO W and D OWN A RROW T o display the selec ted topic.
198 Appendix E Using acc essibility shortcut keys in the Help Viewer ENWW.
ENWW Getting more out of help 199 F Using the HTML Help Vie w er The f ollowing topics provide inf or mation about na vigating and using this guide. F or more inf orm ation, click one of the f ollowin.
200 Appendix F Using the HTML Help Viewer ENWW T o create a list of fa v orite help topics 1 Locate the He lp topic you want to make a fa v orite to pic. 2 Click the Favor it e s tab , and then click Add . Notes ● T o retur n to a f av or ite topic, click the Favor it es tab , select the topic , and then clic k Display .
ENWW Using the shortcut menu commands 201 Using the shor tcut menu commands There are se ver al commands on the sho rtcut menu that y ou can use to displa y and customiz e inf orm ation.
202 Appendix F Using the HTML Help Viewer ENWW.
ENWW Index 203 Index Numerics 2,000-sheet tray. See Tray 4 3,000-sheet stacker bins 55 capacity 8 features 60 lights, status 17 locating 14 paper sizes supported 158 part number 11 3,000-sheet stacker.
204 Index ENWW cartridges, print authentication 93 error messages 119, 121, 122 features 8 low 174 non-HP 93, 121 ordering 94 out, settings 174 part numbers 11, 154 recycling 192 removing 90 replacing.
ENWW Index 205 double-sided printing loading paper 49 printing 68 settings 169 troubleshooting 135, 137 downloading firmware 9 dpi (dots per inch) settings 172 draft printing 172 Driver Work Space (DW.
206 Index ENWW folding booklets 66 font DIMMs, part numbers 12 fonts Courier settings 170 EPS files, troubleshooting 136 included 8 lists, prin ting 144, 149, 166 PCL settings 170 storing on hard disk.
ENWW Index 207 IP address 142, 173 IPX/SPX settings 177 J jams 8-bin mailbox 116 clearing 98 duplex printing accessory 10 3 error messages 123 frequent, troubleshooting 117 left door 105 locations 98 .
208 Index ENWW maintenance kit ordering 122 part numbers 13 replacing 92 statu s 147 manual feed control panel settings 169 first page 76 messages, troubleshooting 138 selecting 78 troubleshooting 134.
ENWW Index 209 networks HP Jetdirect print servers 29 installing software 24 operating systems supported 18 settings page, embedded Web server 143 software for 27 speed settings 179 troubleshooting 13.
210 Index ENWW personalities automatic switching 20 default, setting 174 error messages 119 included 8 list of installed, printing 146 PINs control panel menus 165 error messages 120 releasing private.
ENWW Index 211 R RAM. See memory Ready light 16 recovery, jam 174 recycled paper 155 recycling supplies 192 refilling paper 36 refilling staples 3,000-sheet stacker/stapler 61 multifunction finisher 6.
212 Index ENWW stacker/stapler bins 55 capacity 8 error messages 122 lights, status 17 loading staples 61 locating 14 not recognized 138 paper sizes supported 158 part number 11 printing to 60 selecti.
ENWW Index 213 Tray 2 capacity 8 custom-size paper specifications 71 jam locations 98 jams, clearing 100 loading custom-size paper 45 loading paper, orientation 50 loading standard-size paper 39, 42 l.
214 Index ENWW V vertical line s pacing settings 170 vertical transfer door jam locations 98 locating 14 voltage, troubleshooting 133 W washing off toner 90 watermarks, printing 74 wave, troubleshooti.
© 2005 He wlett-P ack ar d Dev elopment Compan y , L.P . www *Q3721-90940* *Q3721-90940* Q3 7 21-909 40.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9050 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9050 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9050 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9050 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9050 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9050 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9050 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9050. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9050 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.