Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 8000M des Produzenten HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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Less W ork, More Network HP ProCurve Switches 1600M, 2424M, 4000M, and 8000M Management and Configur ation Guide HP ProCurve Switches and Hubs.
HP P roCurve S witches 1600M, 24 24M, 4000M, and 8000M Management and Configuration Guide.
Hewlet t-Pack ard Compa ny 8000 Foo thills Boul evard, m/s 5552 Rosev ille, C alifo rnia 95 747-5 552 http://ww /go/procur ve © Copyright 19 99 Hewlet t-Packard Com pany All Rights Re served. This docume nt contains informa tion which is protected b y copyright.
iii Pref ace Preface Use of This Guide and Other ProCur ve Switch Documentation This guide de scribes how t o use the brow ser interfac e and console in terface for the HP ProC urve Switch es 160 0M, .
v Contents Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii Use of This Guide an d Other ProCur ve Switch Docume ntation . . . . . . iii 1 Select ing a Mana gement Interf ace Understand ing Management Inte rfaces .
vi Suppor t URLs Featur e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12 Support URL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12 Management Server URL . . . . .
vii Commands Available . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15 Set and Show Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17 Set Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
viii Config uring IP Auth orized Mana gers in the Web Browser Int erface 6- 23 Configurin g IP Auth orized Manag ers in the Con sole Interface . . . . . 6-23 Building IP Masks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ix Configuring VLAN Parameters fr o m the Switch Console . . . . . . . . . 6-56 To Activate VLANs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-56 Adding or Editing VLAN Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
x How IGMP Operates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-100 Role of the Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10 1 Number of IP Multicast Addresses Allowed . . . .
xi Supporti ng CoS with an 802.1Q Tagged VLA N Environm ent . . . . . 6-151 Using the Default VLAN to Create a Sing le Tagged VLAN . . . . 6-151 Operating and Troubleshooting Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-152 7 Monitorin g and Analyzing Switch Operation Overview .
xii Unusual Networ k Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-5 General Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-5 Automatic Broadcast Control Problems . . .
xiii B MAC Address Management Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1 Determi ning the M AC Addresse s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1 The Base and VLAN MAC Addresses .
1-1 Sele cting a Mana gement Interface 1 Selecting a Management Interface This chap ter descr ibes the foll owing: ■ Manage ment int erfac es for th e Swit ches 1600 M/2424 M/400 0M/8000 M ■ Advan.
1-2 Selec ting a Ma nagem ent Inter face Advant ages of Using the HP We b Browse r Inter face Sele cting a Manag ement Int erfa ce Advantages of Using the HP W eb Browser Interface Figure 1-1.
1-3 Sele cting a Mana gemen t Inte rface Advan tages of Usin g the Switch Con sole Sele cting a Mana gement Interface Advantages of Using the Switch Console Figure 1-2.
1-4 Selec ting a Ma nagem ent Inter face Advant ages of U sing HP Top Tool s for Hubs & Sw itches Sele cting a Manag ement Int erfa ce Advantages of Using HP T opT ools for Hubs & Switches Y o.
1-5 Sele cting a Mana gemen t Inte rface Advan tages of Using H P TopToo ls for H ubs & Swit ches Sele cting a Mana gement Interface ■ Ident ifies users by port and lets you a ssign easy- to-reme mber n ames to any n etwork device . ■ Enables y ou to config ure and m onitor networ k devices f rom your P C.
2-1 Configur ing an IP Address on the Switch 2 Configuring an IP Address on the Switch This chapter h elps yo u to quick ly assi gn an IP (I nterne t Protoc ol) ad dress and subnet mask to the switch.
2-2 Config uring an I P Address on the S witch Metho ds for Confi guring an IP Addre ss and Subn et Mask Configur ing an IP Address on the Swit ch Methods for Configuring an IP Address and Subnet Mask.
2-3 Conf igurin g an I P Ad dress on the Switch Man ually Co nfigu ring an IP Addr ess Configur ing an IP Address on the Switch Figure 2-1. T he Internet (IP) Service S creen 3. Press [E] to select E dit , then use the do wn arrow key ( [v] ) to selec t IP Config [D HCP/BOOT P] .
2-4 Config uring an I P Address on the S witch Manu ally Con figuri ng an IP Addre ss Configur ing an IP Address on the Swit ch Where T o Go From Here The above procedu re configu res your sw itch wi th an IP addre ss and subnet mask.
3-1 Using the HP Web Browser Interface 3 Using the HP W eb Browser Interface Overview The HP we b browser i nterface buil t into the sw itch lets y ou easily a ccess the switch from a browser -based PC on your netw ork.
3-2 Using the HP Web Browser Interface Web B rowser Inte rfac e Requ irem ents Using the HP Web Browser Interface W eb Browser Interface Requirement s Y ou can use equipment meeting th e follow ing requirem ents to acc ess the web browser interfac e on your in tranet.
3-3 Using the HP Web Browser Int erface Starti ng an HP Web Browse r Interface Se ssion with the Switc h Using the HP Web Browser Interface Starting an HP W eb Browser Interface Session with the Switc.
3-4 Using the HP Web Browser Interface Star ting an H P Web Brows er Inter face S essio n with the Swi tch Using the HP Web Browser Interface 2. T ype the IP address (or DNS name) of the switch in the browse r Location or Add ress field and pr ess [En ter] .
3-5 Using the HP Web Browser Int erface Starti ng an HP Web Browse r Interface Se ssion with the Switc h Using the HP Web Browser Interface 3. The web br ow ser inte rface auto matica lly st arts with the St atus O vervie w window displayed for the selec ted device, as shown in f igure 3-1.
3-6 Using the HP Web Browser Interface Tasks for Your Fi rst HP Web Browser Int erface Ses sion Using the HP Web Browser Interface T ask s for Y our First HP W eb Browser Interface Session The first t.
3-7 Using the HP Web Browser Int erface Task s for You r First HP We b Browse r Inter face Se ssion Using the HP Web Browser Interface This wind ow is the launchin g point for t he basic conf iguratio.
3-8 Using the HP Web Browser Interface Tasks for Your Fi rst HP Web Browser Int erface Ses sion Using the HP Web Browser Interface Creating Usernames an d Passwords in the Browser Interface Y ou ma y want to cr eate bot h a username a nd password to cr eate ac cess security for your swi tch.
3-9 Using the HP Web Browser Int erface Task s for You r First HP We b Browse r Inter face Se ssion Using the HP Web Browser Interface 2. Click in the appropr iate box i n the De vice Pa sswords w indow and enter user names an d passwords . Y ou will be required to repeat the passw ord strings in the co nfirmation boxes.
3-10 Using the HP Web Browser Interface Tasks for Your Fi rst HP Web Browser Int erface Ses sion Using the HP Web Browser Interface Online Hel p for the HP W eb Browser Interface Onl ine Hel p is ava ilable for t he web b rowser inter face.
3-1 1 Using the HP Web Browser Int erface Task s for You r First HP We b Browse r Inter face Se ssion Using the HP Web Browser Interface Figure 3-4. How T o Access Web Browser Interfa ce Online Help I.
3-12 Using the HP Web Browser Interface Suppor t UR Ls Feat ure Using the HP Web Browser Interface Support U RLs Featu re The Suppor t/Mgmt UR Ls window e nables you to change the W orld Wide W eb Uni.
3-1 3 Using the HP Web Browser Int erface Suppor t URLs Fe ature Using the HP Web Browser Interface Click on the [Support] butto n on that pa ge and yo u can get to suppor t inform ation regar ding your switch, inc luding whit e papers, operating system (O S) upd ates, and mo re.
3-14 Using the HP Web Browser Interface The Web B rowser Interf ace Scr een Lay out Using the HP Web Browser Interface The W eb Browser Interface Screen Layout This section describes the eleme n ts of the w eb b rowser interfac e screen layout starting with t he first scr een you see, the Status, Overview wind ow .
3-1 5 Using the HP Web Browser Int erface The Web Br owser Inter face Screen L ayout Using the HP Web Browser Interface ■ Ta b B a r. The row of tabs displayi ng all the top le vel menus for the web browser interface . ■ Active T ab. The cu rren t tab s electe d.
3-16 Using the HP Web Browser Interface The Web B rowser Interf ace Scr een Lay out Using the HP Web Browser Interface The Port Utilization and Status Displa ys The Port Utili zation and Status displays show an overview of the status of th e switch and the amount of networ k activit y on each port.
3-1 7 Using the HP Web Browser Int erface The Web Br owser Inter face Screen L ayout Using the HP Web Browser Interface A network utilization of 40% is considered t he maximum t hat a typical Ethern et-type networ k can exper ience be fore en counte ring perfor mance difficulties.
3-18 Using the HP Web Browser Interface The Web B rowser Interf ace Scr een Lay out Using the HP Web Browser Interface Port Sta tus The Port Stat us indic ators show a symb ol for each port that indicates th e general st atus of the por t.
3-1 9 Using the HP Web Browser Int erface The Web Br owser Inter face Screen L ayout Using the HP Web Browser Interface Figure 3-10. The Alert Log Each al ert has the fo llowing fiel ds of inform ation: ■ Status – The lev el of severity of the ev ent genera ted.
3-20 Using the HP Web Browser Interface The Web B rowser Interf ace Scr een Lay out Using the HP Web Browser Interface Alert T ypes The follo wing table li sts the types of a lerts that ca n be generated.
3-2 1 Using the HP Web Browser Int erface The Web Br owser Inter face Screen L ayout Using the HP Web Browser Interface Note When troubleshoo ting the sources of a lerts, it may b e helpful to chec k the switch’ s Port St atus and Por t Counter windows (pag e 7-8 and pa ge 7-10) a nd the Ev ent Lo g in the c onsole i nterf ace (p age 8- 12).
3-22 Using the HP Web Browser Interface The Web B rowser Interf ace Scr een Lay out Using the HP Web Browser Interface The Alert Cont rol Bar The Ale rt Cont rol Ba r appear s at the b otto m of the A lert Log and co ntains buttons tha t enable y ou to manage the Overview Window .
3-2 3 Using the HP Web Browser Int erface The Web Br owser Inter face Screen L ayout Using the HP Web Browser Interface The T ab Ba r The T ab ba r in the web browse r interface con tains six tabs, f our of which launch button ba rs which launch sp ecific f unction al wind ows.
3-24 Using the HP Web Browser Interface The Web B rowser Interf ace Scr een Lay out Using the HP Web Browser Interface Configuration T ab Thi s tab di splays the Con figur ation Bu tton b ar whic h contai ns butt ons th at launch scr eens for setting or cha nging some of the swi tch configura tion.
3-2 5 Using the HP Web Browser Int erface The Web Br owser Inter face Screen L ayout Using the HP Web Browser Interface Security T ab This tab disp lays the Se curity Button bar w hich conta ins buttons t hat enable you to view an d set s witch secur ity f eatures .
3-26 Using the HP Web Browser Interface The Web B rowser Interf ace Scr een Lay out Using the HP Web Browser Interface Support T ab This tab displays t he web page for support in formation . The UR L for this page is set in the Config uration | Suppor t/Mgmt URLs option.
3-2 7 Using the HP Web Browser Int erface The Web Br owser Inter face Screen L ayout Using the HP Web Browser Interface ■ System Nam e. The name you have c onfigured f or the switch in the Iden tity sc reen or thro ugh the s witc h console Sy stem Information screen.
3-28 Using the HP Web Browser Interface The Web B rowser Interf ace Scr een Lay out Using the HP Web Browser Interface T o pro vide the most informat ion on netwo rk problem s in the Alert Log, the recomm ended sensitivity leve l for Log Net work Proble ms is High Sensitivity .
4-1 Using the Switch Cons ole Int erfa ce 4 Using the Switch Console Interface This chap ter describes the following features: ■ overvi ew of the swi tch co nsole (p age 4-1) ■ star ting a nd end .
4-2 Using the Sw itch Console Inte rface Star ting and Ending a Consol e Sessio n Usin g the Swit ch Conso le Interface Starting and Ending a Console Sessio n Y ou c an access th e switch co nsole int.
4-3 Usin g the Swi tch Con sole In terf ace Start ing and Endin g a Consol e Session Using the Switch Cons ole Int erfa ce • If no password ha s been set, you will see t his prompt: Press any key to continue. Press any key to displa y the Main Menu (f igure 4-1).
4-4 Using the Sw itch Console Inte rface Main Me nu Featur es Usin g the Swit ch Conso le Interface Main Menu Features Figure 4-1. The Main Menu The Ma in Menu give s you access to these conso le inte.
4-5 Usin g the Swi tch Con sole In terf ace Main M enu Feature s Using the Switch Cons ole Int erfa ce ■ Event Log: Enables y ou to read progress and error messages that are useful for c hecking and troubleshoot ing switch operation. (R efer to “Using th e Event Log T o Iden tify Problem Sou rces” in chapter 8, “T r ou- bleshoot ing”.
4-6 Using the Sw itch Console Inte rface Scre en Struc ture and Navi gation Usin g the Swit ch Conso le Interface Screen Structure and Nav igation Console sc reens incl ude these three eleme nts: ■ .
4-7 Usin g the Swi tch Con sole In terf ace Scre en Struc ture and Navi gation Using the Switch Cons ole Int erfa ce T able 4-1. How T o N avigate in the Console T ask: Actions: Execu te an acti on fr.
4-8 Using the Sw itch Console Inte rface Scre en Struc ture and Navi gation Usin g the Swit ch Conso le Interface T o get Hel p on indiv idual parame ter descr iptions. In all screens except the Co mmand P rompt s creen there i s a Help optio n in the Actions line.
4-9 Usin g the Swi tch Con sole In terf ace Using Pa ssword Security Using the Switch Cons ole Int erfa ce Using Password Security There a re two level s of consol e access: Manage r and Oper ator . For security , you can set a password on e ach of these le vels.
4-10 Using the Sw itch Console Inte rface Using Pa ssword Secu rity Usin g the Swit ch Conso le Interface Note If there is only a Manage r password set (with no Ope rator password) , and the Manager password is not e ntered co rrectly w hen t he consol e session begins, the sw itch ope rates on th e Op erator level.
4-1 1 Usin g the Swi tch Con sole In terf ace Using Pa ssword Security Using the Switch Cons ole Int erfa ce 2. T o set a new password: a. Select Se t Manager Password or Set Operator Passwo rd . Y ou will then be prompte d with Enter n ew password . b.
4-12 Using the Sw itch Console Inte rface Reboot ing the Switch Usin g the Swit ch Conso le Interface Rebooting the Switch Rebo oting the switc h term inates the cu rrent co nsole sessio n and per forms a reset o f the operat ing system.
4-1 3 Usin g the Swi tch Con sole In terf ace Reboot ing the Switc h Using the Switch Cons ole Int erfa ce Rebooting T o Activate Configura tion Changes.
4-14 Using the Sw itch Console Inte rface The Comman d Promp t Usin g the Swit ch Conso le Interface The Command Prompt In additi on to the menu- based par t of the co nsole interfac e, under t he Diag- nostics Me nu, a command-l ine based inte rface is ava ilable.
4-1 5 Usin g the Swi tch Con sole In terf ace The Co mmand P rompt Using the Switch Cons ole Int erfa ce Commands A vai lable The follow ing comm ands are ava ilable from the comm and promp t (this informati on can also be displa yed by ent ering help or he at the co mmand prompt.
4-16 Using the Sw itch Console Inte rface The Comman d Promp t Usin g the Swit ch Conso le Interface Ping pi ng < ip-ad dr> [co unt] [wai t] ; Sends IP ’Ec ho Request’ pac kets to the device identif ied by <ip-addr > . count sets the n umber of packet s, wait sets the time to wait for a r esponse in seconds.
4-1 7 Usin g the Swi tch Con sole In terf ace The Co mmand P rompt Using the Switch Cons ole Int erfa ce Set and Show Commands Most of the com mands at the comm and prompt are useful for diagnostics p.
4-18 Using the Sw itch Console Inte rface The Comman d Promp t Usin g the Swit ch Conso le Interface Show Com mands T able 4-3. Sho w Commands Availa ble at th e Command Prompt set sy stem set sy stem.
5-1 Monit oring and Managing the Switc h 5 Using HP T opT oo ls or Other SN MP T ools T o Monitor and Manage the Switch Y ou c an manage the switch via SNMP from a network ma nagement st ation.
5-2 Using HP TopTo ols or O ther SNMP Tools T o Monitor and Ma nage the Switch SNMP Ma nagemen t Feature s Moni toring a nd Managi ng the Switc h ■ Monitor ing data normall y associated wi th the SNMP ag ent (“Get” operation s).
5-3 Usin g HP TopTo ols or Ot her SNMP Tools To Mo nitor an d Manage t he Switch SNMP Conf igurati on Pr ocess Monit oring and Managing the Switc h SNMP Configuration Process This requ ires that you configu re the switch with the approp riate IP add ress.
5-4 Using HP TopTo ols or O ther SNMP Tools T o Monitor and Ma nage the Switch Advan ced Manageme nt: RMON and HP Exte nded RMO N Support Moni toring a nd Managi ng the Switc h Caut ion Deleting the c ommunity named “public ” disables man y network mana gement functions ( such as auto-d iscover y, traffic monit oring, and threshold set ting).
6-1 Configurin g the Switc h 6 Configu ring th e Swit ch Overview This chapt er describes t he switch configura tion fea tures ava ilable in bot h the swit ch cons ole and t he HP we b brows er inter face.
6-2 Config uring the Switch Overv iew Configurin g the Switc h Configuratio n Features T able 6-1. Configu rabl e Feature C ompariso n Feature Switch Consol e We b Browser Page Authe ntica tion T raps.
6-3 Config uring the Sw itch Overvi ew Configurin g the Switc h Note In the factory de fault config uration , the Spannin g T ree Protocol (STP—whic h automa tically blo cks redund ant links) is disab led.
6-4 Config uring the Switch IP Confi gurat ion Configurin g the Switc h IP Configuration Configurin g the switc h with an IP a ddress expand s your ability to manage the switch, and also e nhances the sw itch featur es that can be used.
6-5 Config uring the Sw itch IP Configu ration Configurin g the Switc h Configuri ng IP Addressing from the W eb Browser Interface Figure 6-7. Configuring IP Addressing on the Web Browser Inte rface 3. If mult iple VLANs are configured, sele ct a VLAN.
6-6 Config uring the Switch IP Confi gurat ion Configurin g the Switc h Configuri ng IP Addressing from the Switch Co nsole Y ou c an use the co nsole to manua lly config ure an IP addr ess, subnet ma sk, and a Gate way IP address (i f needed). Or , you ca n use DHCP/Bo otp to configure IP from a DHCP or Bootp serve r .
6-7 Config uring the Sw itch IP Configu ration Configurin g the Switc h Figure 6-8. Example of the IP Service Configura tion Scree n 2. Press [E] (for E dit ).
6-8 Config uring the Switch IP Confi gurat ion Configurin g the Switc h 9. If you wan t to reach off-sub net destina tions, select the Gatew ay field a nd enter th e IP address of the gate way router . 10. Press [Enter] , then [S] (for S ave ). 11. Re turn to th e Main M enu.
6-9 Config uring the Sw itch IP Configu ration Configurin g the Switc h DHCP/Bootp Operation Overview DHCP/Bo otp is use d to dow nload c onfigurat ion data from a DHCP or Bootp server respe ctively to the swit ch or to a VLAN config ured on the switch.
6-10 Config uring the Switch IP Confi gurat ion Configurin g the Switc h DHCP Opera tion. A significant difference between a DHC P conf iguration and a Bootp config uration is that an IP ad dress as signmen t from a DHCP server is automa tic, requirin g no configur ation of the DHCP ser ver .
6-1 1 Config uring the Sw itch IP Configu ration Configurin g the Switc h An en try in the B ootp table file /etc/bootptab to tell the switch or VLAN where to obta in a c onfigura tion file downlo ad wo uld be similar to thi s entry: j4121switch: ht=e ther: ha=040009123456: ip=55.
6-12 Config uring the Switch IP Confi gurat ion Configurin g the Switc h Configurin g DHCP/Bootp In its default co nfiguration, t he switch is configure d for DHCP/Boo tp opera- tion.
6-1 3 Config uring the Sw itch IP Configu ration Configurin g the Switc h Globally A ssigned IP Network Addresses If you intend to connect yo ur netw ork to other networks tha t use globally admin istered I P addre sses, He wlett -Pack ard stron gly rec ommen ds that y ou use IP addresse s that have a net work ad dress assigned to you.
6-14 Config uring the Switch SNMP Communities Configurin g the Switc h SNMP Communities From the switch co nsole onl y you can add, edit, or de lete SNMP commun i- ties. U se this feat ure to re strict acce ss to the swit ch by SNMP management stations .
6-1 5 Config uring the Sw itch SNMP Communities Configurin g the Switc h T o V iew , Edit, or Add SNMP Communities: 1. From th e Console M ain Menu, Se lect: 2. Switch Manage ment Access Configura tion (IP , SNMP , Console)... 2. SNMP Co mmunit y Names /Auth oriz ed Mana gers Figur e 6-9.
6-16 Config uring the Switch SNMP Communities Configurin g the Switc h Figure 6-10. The SNMP Add or Edit Screen Note In the default con figura tion, no manage r addresse s are config ured. In this case, al l managem ent stations using the co rrect com munity name may access the switch with the co rrespondin g View and Access lev els.
6-1 7 Config uring the Sw itch Trap Re ceivers Configurin g the Switc h T rap Receivers From the sw itch cons ole onl y you to c onfigure up to ten IP manag ement stations ( trap receivers ) to receive SNMP trap packet s sent from the switch . T ra p packets descri be specific eve nt types.
6-18 Config uring the Switch Trap Re ceiv ers Configurin g the Switc h 2. Press [E] (for E d it). Th e cu rsor mo ves to th e Send Authentica tion T rap s field. 3. Press t he Space bar to en able (Y es) or di sable (No ) sending authenticat ion traps, then press [T a b] to move the cursor to th e Address fie ld.
6-1 9 Config uring the Sw itch Cons ole/S erial L ink Configurin g the Switc h Conso le/Serial Link From the sw itch cons ole onl y you c an configu re the fo llowing con sole termi nal emul ation and.
6-20 Config uring the Switch Cons ole/S erial L ink Configurin g the Switc h Configuri ng the Console/ Serial Link from the Swit ch Console This screen allo ws you to: ■ Enable o r disable inb ound .
6-2 1 Config uring the Sw itch Enhanc ing S ecurity By Confi gurin g Autho rized I P Manage rs Configurin g the Switc h Enhancing Security By Configuring Authorized IP Managers This fe ature enabl es .
6-22 Config uring the Switch Enha ncing Se curit y By Conf iguri ng Aut horize d IP Ma nagers Configurin g the Switc h Defining Author ized Management Statio ns ■ Auth oriz ing Si ngle Sta tions : T he tab le ent ry auth oriz es a si ngle man - agement sta tion to have IP access to the switch.
6-2 3 Config uring the Sw itch Enhanc ing S ecurity By Confi gurin g Autho rized I P Manage rs Configurin g the Switc h Configuri ng IP Authorized Managers in the W eb Browser Interface Figur e 6- 13.
6-24 Config uring the Switch Enha ncing Se curit y By Conf iguri ng Aut horize d IP Ma nagers Configurin g the Switc h Figur e 6- 14. Examp le o f Ho w T o Add an Au thor ized Mana ger E ntr y Figur e 6- 15. Examp le o f Ho w T o Add an Au thor ized Mana ger E ntr y (Co ntin ued) Editing o r Deleting an Authori zed Manager Entry .
6-2 5 Config uring the Sw itch Enhanc ing S ecurity By Confi gurin g Autho rized I P Manage rs Configurin g the Switc h Configurin g O ne Station Per Au thorized Manager IP Entry This is the ea siest way to a pply a ma sk.
6-26 Config uring the Switch Enha ncing Se curit y By Conf iguri ng Aut horize d IP Ma nagers Configurin g the Switc h T ab le 6-3. Analy sis of IP Mask for Multiple- Station Entries Figur e 6-1 6.
6-2 7 Config uring the Sw itch Enhanc ing S ecurity By Confi gurin g Autho rized I P Manage rs Configurin g the Switc h Additi onal Examp les for Authoriz ing Multipl e Stations Operating an d T roubl.
6-28 Config uring the Switch System In formation Configurin g the Switc h System Information From the web brows er inte rface and the sw itch co nsole y ou can confi gure basic switch manag ement in form ation , incl uding sy stem da ta, ad dress ag ing, and time zone parame ters.
6-2 9 Config uring the Sw itch System Informat ion Configurin g the Switc h Configuri ng System Information fr om the Console T o Access System Information: 1. From th e Console M ain Menu, Sele ct... 3. Switch Con figuration... 1. Sy ste m Information Figure 6-18.
6-30 Config uring the Switch Port Settings Configurin g the Switc h Port Settings From the web browser interfac e and swit ch con sole you ca n config ure the op erating stat e for each port. Also optional ly enables you to re strict the amount o f broadcast t raffic on the por t.
6-3 1 Config uring the Sw itch Port Settin gs Configurin g the Switc h Note Broadcast lim it (the Bcast Limi t paramet er) can be set for all por ts in the switch (or VLAN, if VLA Ns are config ured) from the Automatic B roadcast Control (ABC) screen (page 6-106 and follow ing) if ABC is ena bled.
6-32 Config uring the Switch Port Settings Configurin g the Switc h Configuri ng Port Parameters from the W eb Browser Interface Figure 6-19. Exampl e of Port Configura tion Screen on the W eb Browser Inter face Figure 6-20. Example o f Port Mod ification Scre en on the W eb Browser Inte rface 2.
6-3 3 Config uring the Sw itch Port Settin gs Configurin g the Switc h Configuri ng Port Parameters from t he Swit ch Console T o Access Port Settings: 1. From th e Console M ain Menu, Se lect: 3. Switch Con figuration... 2. Port Setti ngs Figure 6-21.
6-34 Config uring the Switch Networ k Moni toring P ort Fea tures Configurin g the Switc h Network Monitoring Port Features From the web browser interf ace and switch con sole y ou can d esign ate a port for mo nitoring traffic on one or mor e other ports or o n a VLAN con figure d on the switch.
6-3 5 Config uring the Sw itch Network Mo nitori ng Port Fe ature s Configurin g the Switc h Figure 6-23. Selecting the Po rt(s) T o Monito r Figure 6-24. Selecting a VLAN T o Monitor • T o monitor a si ngle por t, click on that po rt, the n click on Apply Ch anges.
6-36 Config uring the Switch Networ k Moni toring P ort Fea tures Configurin g the Switc h Configuri ng Port Monitoring from the Swit ch Console T o Access Port Monitoring: This proced ure descr ibes configu ring the switch for monito ring whe n moni- toring is disabled .
6-3 7 Config uring the Sw itch Network Mo nitori ng Port Fe ature s Configurin g the Switc h Figur e 6-26. Exa mple of Select ing a Mo nitori ng Port 5. Use the Spac e bar to select whic h port to use for the monit oring port, th en press [v] to move to the Monitor parame ter .
6-38 Config uring the Switch Networ k Moni toring P ort Fea tures Configurin g the Switc h Figure 6-27. Exampl e of Selecting a VLAN to Monito r 7. Retur n to the Main Menu.
6-3 9 Config uring the Sw itch Span ning Tree P rotoc ol (STP ) Configurin g the Switc h Spanning T ree Protoco l (STP) The switch use s the IEEE 802.1 D Spanning T ree Protocol (ST P), when enab led, to ensure that o nly one path at a time is active be tween a ny two n odes on the netwo rk.
6-40 Config uring the Switch Span ning T ree P rotocol (ST P) Configurin g the Switc h Enabling STP from the W eb Browser Interface This proced ure enab les or disables STP on the switch. Figure 6-28. Configuring STP from the Web Browser Int erface 1.
6-4 1 Config uring the Sw itch Span ning Tree P rotoc ol (STP ) Configurin g the Switc h Configuri ng STP from the Switch Console In most cases, the default ST P paramete r settings are adequ ate. In cases where they are not, use this p rocedure t o make conf iguration c hanges.
6-42 Config uring the Switch Span ning T ree P rotocol (ST P) Configurin g the Switc h 5. Us e [T ab] or the arrow keys t o select the ne xt parameter y ou want to chang e, then type in the new value or press the Space Bar to select a value .
6-4 3 Config uring the Sw itch Span ning Tree P rotoc ol (STP ) Configurin g the Switc h STP Fast Mode For standa rd STP oper ation, when a networ k connectio n is established on a device that is runn.
6-44 Config uring the Switch Span ning T ree P rotocol (ST P) Configurin g the Switc h 4. Repe at st eps 2 a nd 3 f or al l the s wit ch por ts you want t o chan ge t hat are connec ted to end nodes. 5. When you ha ve finished the config uration cha nges, press [Enter] to retu rn to th e Actio ns line and pr ess [S] to sav e the new con figuration.
6-4 5 Config uring the Sw itch Span ning Tree P rotoc ol (STP ) Configurin g the Switc h STP Operation with S witch Meshing As noted earlier in this section, STP sees a switch mesh domain as a single path. This make s switch meshing a useful tool for pr eventing ST P from blocking redundant physical links in separate VLA Ns.
6-46 Config uring the Switch Traffi c/Sec urity F ilter Fea tures Configurin g the Switc h T raffic/Security Filte r Features From the sw itch cons ole onl y , you can enhanc e bandwidt h usage a nd i.
6-4 7 Config uring the Sw itch Traf fic/Sec urit y Filter Feature s Configurin g the Switc h Figure 6-32. The T ra ffic/Security Filters List Scree n (Default V alues) 2. In the A ctions line, press [A] (for A dd ) to display t he T raf fic/Securit y Filters Configura tion scree n shown in figure 6- 32.
6-48 Config uring the Switch Traffi c/Sec urity F ilter Fea tures Configurin g the Switc h 3. Press the S pace bar t o select the type of filte r you want t o configur e. The options ar e: • M ultica st (the default ) •P r o t o c o l • Source P ort 4.
6-4 9 Config uring the Sw itch Traf fic/Sec urit y Filter Feature s Configurin g the Switc h b. Press the Spa ce bar to se lect the filt er action for that por t ( Forward filtered packe ts--the default --or Drop fil tered packets). c. Do one of the following : – T o con figure the filter action f or anothe r destinatio n port, retu rn to step a.
6-50 Config uring the Switch Traffi c/Sec urity F ilter Fea tures Configurin g the Switc h Caut ion If Spanning T ree is enab led, then the Spanning T ree multicast MA C addres s should not be filtered . (STP will not op erate prop erly if the multicast M AC addre ss is f ilter ed.
6-5 1 Config uring the Sw itch Port-Based Virt ual LANs (VLANs) Configurin g the Switc h Port-Based Virtual LANs (VLANs) A VLAN is a group of ports designa ted by the switch as belonging to the sam e broadca st domain . (That is, all ports c arrying t raffic for a particula r subnet address would normally belong to the same VLAN.
6-52 Config uring the Switch Port-Based Virtua l LANs (VLANs) Configurin g the Switc h Figure 6-35. Example of Routing Between VL ANs via an External Router Overlapp ing (T agge d) VLANs. A por t on the Switch es 1600M/242 4M/ 4000M /8000M ca n be a memb er of more than one V LAN if the d evice to whic h they ar e connected comp lies with the 80 2.
6-5 3 Config uring the Sw itch Port-Based Virt ual LANs (VLANs) Configurin g the Switc h Similarly , using 802.1Q -compliant switc hes, you can con nect multiple VLANs through a sin gle switch-to-switch li nk.
6-54 Config uring the Switch Port-Based Virtua l LANs (VLANs) Configurin g the Switc h Overview of Using V LANs VLAN Support and the Default VLAN In the fa ctory de fault con figura tion, VLAN support is de- activa ted an d all the ports are onl y in the swit ch physica l broadcast domain, wh ich is given the name DEFAU L T_VLAN .
6-5 5 Config uring the Sw itch Port-Based Virt ual LANs (VLANs) Configurin g the Switc h ■ If you enable VLAN suppo rt and co nfigure VLAN s, then subs equently disable VLAN suppo rt, all VLANs e xcept the DEF AUL T_VLAN will be cleared fro m the switch and all por ts will be reassigned to the default VLAN.
6-56 Config uring the Switch Port-Based Virtua l LANs (VLANs) Configurin g the Switc h Configuri ng VLAN Parameters from the Sw itch Console In th e factor y defau lt sta te, VL ANs ar e disabl ed and all p orts bel ong to t he same broadcas t/multicast domain.
6-5 7 Config uring the Sw itch Port-Based Virt ual LANs (VLANs) Configurin g the Switc h 2. Press [En ter] or [1] to sel ect VLAN Supp ort and you will se e a screen with the Activat e VLANs field set to No . 3. Press [E] (for E dit ), then press the Sp ace bar to sele ct Ye s .
6-58 Config uring the Switch Port-Based Virtua l LANs (VLANs) Configurin g the Switc h Note After the rebo ot, all chan ges to the VL AN configur ation, incl uding addin g and deleting VLA Ns, changing por t assignments, and conf iguring various features on the VLA Ns are dynamic a nd requir e no additiona l switch reb oot.
6-5 9 Config uring the Sw itch Port-Based Virt ual LANs (VLANs) Configurin g the Switc h 3. T ype the name (up to 12 char acters, w ith no spac es) of a new VLAN that you wan t to add. 4. Press [v] to move the c ursor to the 802.1Q VLAN ID line and type in a VL AN ID n umber , then pre ss [Enter] .
6-60 Config uring the Switch Port-Based Virtua l LANs (VLANs) Configurin g the Switc h Adding or Changing a VLAN Port A ssignment Use this proce dure to add po rts to a VLAN or t o change the VLAN assign- ment(s) for any por t. (Ports no t specific ally assigned to a VL AN are aut omat- ically in the defaul t VLAN.
6-6 1 Config uring the Sw itch Port-Based Virt ual LANs (VLANs) Configurin g the Switc h 2. T o change a po rt’ s VLAN assig nment( s): a. Press [E] (f or E dit ). b. Use the ar row k eys to select a VLA N assi gnme nt you w ant to chan ge. c. Pre ss th e Space bar to make y our as signm ent se lecti on ( No , Ta g g e d , or Untagged ).
6-62 Config uring the Switch Port-Based Virtua l LANs (VLANs) Configurin g the Switc h VLAN T agg ing Information VLAN tagg ing enabl es traffic fro m more tha n one VLAN to use the sam e port.
6-6 3 Config uring the Sw itch Port-Based Virt ual LANs (VLANs) Configurin g the Switc h ■ In switch X: • VLANs assigne d to ports X1 - X6 ca n all be untag ged because there is only one V LAN assignme nt per port. Red VL AN traffic wi ll go out only the Red por ts; Green VLAN traffic wi ll go out only the Green ports, and so on.
6-64 Config uring the Switch Port-Based Virtua l LANs (VLANs) Configurin g the Switc h Figure 6-46. Example of VLAN ID Numbers Assigned in the VLAN Names Screen VLAN tag ging gives you se veral opti o.
6-6 5 Config uring the Sw itch Port-Based Virt ual LANs (VLANs) Configurin g the Switc h Figure 6-47. Example of N etworked 802.1Q-Compliant D evices with Multiple VLANs on Some Ports The VLANs assigne d to ports X3, X4, Y2, Y3, and Y4 ca n all be untagged because th ere is only on e VLAN assig ned per port.
6-66 Config uring the Switch Port-Based Virtua l LANs (VLANs) Configurin g the Switc h To s u m m a r i z e : Effect of VLANs on Other Switch Fe atures Spanning T ree Protocol Operation with VL ANs Because the Switche s 1600M/24 24M/4000M/800 0M follow th e 802.
6-6 7 Config uring the Sw itch Port-Based Virt ual LANs (VLANs) Configurin g the Switc h VLAN MAC Ad dresses The switch has one uniq ue MAC ad dress for each of its VLAN int erface s. Y ou can send an 802. 2 test packet to this MAC addr ess to verify connecti vity to the switch.
6-68 Config uring the Switch Port-Based Virtua l LANs (VLANs) Configurin g the Switc h VLAN Restricti ons ■ A port must be a membe r of at least on e VLAN. In the f actory defaul t config uration, all po rts are assign ed to the de fault VLAN (DEF AUL T_ VLAN).
6-6 9 Config uring the Sw itch Port-Based Virt ual LANs (VLANs) Configurin g the Switc h HP Router Requireme nts. Use the Hewlett-Packard version A.09.
6-70 Config uring the Switch Load Balancin g: Port Trunking Configurin g the Switc h Load Balancing: Port T runkin g Figure 6-48. Conceptu al Illustration of Port T runking Port trunk ing allows up to f our ports to be co nnected tog ether to func tion as a single, highe r -speed link that dra matically increases band width.
6-7 1 Config uring the Sw itch Load B alanc ing: Port Trunki ng Configurin g the Switc h are even ly distribu ted across the links in a trunk. In ac tual networ king environme nts, this is rarely a problem.
6-72 Config uring the Switch Load Balancin g: Port Trunking Configurin g the Switc h then port A3 will b e a member of the Blu e VLAN instead of the ori ginal Red VLAN.
6-7 3 Config uring the Sw itch Load B alanc ing: Port Trunki ng Configurin g the Switc h T runk Configuration Opti ons There a re three tru nk config uration ty pes from whi ch to select : Configuri ng Port T runks from the Switch Console Impo rtant No te.
6-74 Config uring the Switch Load Balancin g: Port Trunking Configurin g the Switc h Figure 6-49. Example of the Screen for Configu ring Ports for Load Balancing.
6-7 5 Config uring the Sw itch Load B alanc ing: Port Trunki ng Configurin g the Switc h 4. In the Group co lumn, move the curso r to th e port you want to configure . 5. Use the Space bar (o r type the trunk name, such as trk5 ) to choose a trunk assi gnment for th e sele cted por t.
6-76 Config uring the Switch Load Balancin g: Port Trunking Configurin g the Switc h 6. Move the cu rsor t o the T ype colu mn for th e sel ected port and use the Space bar to select the trunk t ype: – T runk (Source A ddress/Destina tion Add ress trunk; the de fault type if yo u do not select a type)— page 6-77 .
6-7 7 Config uring the Sw itch Load B alanc ing: Port Trunki ng Configurin g the Switc h Operating Information This section describes port usage and how traffic is distrib uted by the various trunking opt ions.
6-78 Config uring the Switch Load Balancin g: Port Trunking Configurin g the Switc h T runk Operation Using the “SA- T runk” O ption This option is le ss efficien t than the SA/DA option de scribed abov e. However , it is useful for trunking to devices that do no t have built-in support fo r the SA/DA-tr unking me thod.
6-7 9 Config uring the Sw itch Load B alanc ing: Port Trunki ng Configurin g the Switc h T runk Operation Using the “FEC” Option This is the most flex ible method f or distributi ng traffic o ver trunked lin ks when c onnecting to dev ices tha t use t he FEC (F ast E therChann el ® ) technol- ogy .
6-80 Config uring the Switch Load Balancin g: Switch Mesh ing Configurin g the Switc h Load Balancing: Switch Meshing Switch meshing is a load -balanc ing technol ogy that enh ances relia bility an d .
6-8 1 Config uring the Sw itch Load Balancin g: Switch Meshing Configurin g the Switc h Findin g the Fa stest P ath. Using mu ltiple switches redundantly lin ked together to form a meshed switch domai.
6-82 Config uring the Switch Load Balancin g: Switch Mesh ing Configurin g the Switc h Switch Meshing Funda mentals Meshed Switch Doma in. This is a gr oup of switch es exchanging meshing protocol pa ckets. Pat hs between t hese switc hes can ha ve multi ple redunda nt lin ks witho ut cre ating b roadc ast stor ms.
6-8 3 Config uring the Sw itch Load Balancin g: Switch Meshing Configurin g the Switc h Figure 6-55. Example of Multiple Mesh ed Switch Domains Separated by a Non- Mesh Switch or a No n-Mesh Link Configura tion Requirements.
6-84 Config uring the Switch Load Balancin g: Switch Mesh ing Configurin g the Switc h Furthe r Informatio n: ■ For fur ther opera ting inform ation an d restric tions, ref er to “Ope rating Notes for Swit ch Meshing ” on page 6-8 7.
6-8 5 Config uring the Sw itch Load Balancin g: Switch Meshing Configurin g the Switc h Figure 6-56. Example of the Screen for Configu ring Ports for Load Balancing 4. In t he Group column, move the curso r to the port you want to assign to the switch mesh.
6-86 Config uring the Switch Load Balancin g: Switch Mesh ing Configurin g the Switc h Figure 6-57. Example of Mesh Group Assignments for Several Ports 6. When you are finished assigning ports to the sw itch mesh, press [Ent er] , then [S] (for S ave ) and return to the Ma in Menu.
6-8 7 Config uring the Sw itch Load Balancin g: Switch Meshing Configurin g the Switc h Operating Notes for Switch Meshing In a switch mesh domai n traffic is distri buted across the av ailable paths with an effort to keep latenc y the same from path to path.
6-88 Config uring the Switch Load Balancin g: Switch Mesh ing Configurin g the Switc h Figure 6-58. Example of a Broad cast Path Through a Swit ch Mesh Domain Any me sh switches t hat are not edge switches wi ll flood th e broadcast p ackets only thro ugh ports (pa ths) that link to se parate edge switches in the con trolled broadca st tree.
6-8 9 Config uring the Sw itch Load Balancin g: Switch Meshing Configurin g the Switc h retai n device addr esses longer . Because the switches in a mesh exchan ge address infor mation, this will h elp to decrease the nu mber of unic ast packets with unknow n destinat ions, which will improve l atency w ithin the me sh.
6-90 Config uring the Switch Load Balancin g: Switch Mesh ing Configurin g the Switc h Figure 6-60. Connecting a Switch Mesh Domain to Non-Meshed Device s STP should be configu red on non- mesh devices that use redund ant links t o interconn ect with other device s or with multiple switc h mesh domains.
6-9 1 Config uring the Sw itch Load Balancin g: Switch Meshing Configurin g the Switc h Caut ion Because the switch au tomatically gi ves faster lin ks a higher pr iority , the defaul t STP parame ter setti ngs are u sually ade quate fo r spanning tree operation .
6-92 Config uring the Switch Load Balancin g: Switch Mesh ing Configurin g the Switc h Figure 6-62. VLAN Operatio n with a Switch Me sh Domain Using Automatic Broadcast Control In M eshed Switches T o a void du plicate replie s, switch m eshing does not allow A BC pro xy replies from wi thin a switch mesh.
6-9 3 Config uring the Sw itch Load Balancin g: Switch Meshing Configurin g the Switc h Figure 6-63. Exampl e of a Ba ckbone Usin g the Ma ximum Number of Meshed Switche s ■ Mesh Support W i thin the Domain : All switches in the mesh domain, including ed ge switches , must support the HP switch meshing pr otocol.
6-94 Config uring the Switch Load Balancin g: Switch Mesh ing Configurin g the Switc h ■ Connecting Mesh Domains: T o c onnect two separate switch meshing domains, yo u must use non -meshed por ts. (The non-m eshed link can be a port trun k or a single link.
6-9 5 Config uring the Sw itch IP Multica st (IGMP) F eatur es—Mu ltimed ia T raffic Cont rol Configurin g the Switc h IP Multicast (IGMP) F eatures— Multimedia T raffic Control In a n etwork wher.
6-96 Config uring the Switch IP Mul ticast (IGMP) F eatu res—Mul timedia Tr affic C ontrol Configurin g the Switc h Configuri ng IGMP from t he W eb Browser Interface Figure 6-65.
6-9 7 Config uring the Sw itch IP Multica st (IGMP) F eatur es—Mu ltimed ia T raffic Cont rol Configurin g the Switc h Para mete r Descriptio n Multi cast Fi lteri ng (IGMP) Defaul t: Off Determ ines wh ether t he swit ch or VLA N uses I GMP on a per-port basi s to manag e IP Mu ltica st tra ffic .
6-98 Config uring the Switch IP Mul ticast (IGMP) F eatu res—Mul timedia Tr affic C ontrol Configurin g the Switc h Configur ing IGMP fr om the Swit ch Consol e In the fact ory default configurat ion, IGMP is disabled. If mult iple VLANs are config ured, you c an config ure IGMP on a per -VLA N basis.
6-9 9 Config uring the Sw itch IP Multica st (IGMP) F eatur es—Mu ltimed ia T raffic Cont rol Configurin g the Switc h Figure 6-66. Example o f the (D efault) IGMP Service Scre en 2. Pre ss th e Spac e bar to sel ect Ye s (t o enabl e IGM P). 3. Us e [v] to hi ghli ght the Forward with High Priority parame ter .
6-100 Config uring the Switch IP Mul ticast (IGMP) F eatu res—Mul timedia Tr affic C ontrol Configurin g the Switc h How IGMP Operates The Intern et Group Mana gement Prot ocol (IGMP) is an internal pro tocol of the Inter net Protocol (IP) suite. IP manages multi cast traffic b y using switches, multica st routers, and hosts that support IGM P .
6-101 Config uring the Sw itch IP Multica st (IGMP) F eatur es—Mu ltimed ia T raffic Cont rol Configurin g the Switc h Role of the Switch When IGMP is enabled on the switch, it examine s the IGMP pa.
6-102 Config uring the Switch IP Mul ticast (IGMP) F eatu res—Mul timedia Tr affic C ontrol Configurin g the Switc h Figure 6-67. The Advanta ge of Using IGMP The ne xt figure (6-68) shows a network r unning IP multica sting usin g IGMP without a mult icast router .
6-103 Config uring the Sw itch IP Multica st (IGMP) F eatur es—Mu ltimed ia T raffic Cont rol Configurin g the Switc h Figure 6-68. Isolating IP Multica st T raffic in a Net work ■ In the abo ve f.
6-104 Config uring the Switch IP Mul ticast (IGMP) F eatu res—Mul timedia Tr affic C ontrol Configurin g the Switc h Note: IP Mult icas t Filte rs. IP multicast addr esses occu r in the range f rom 224. 0.0.0 t hrough 23 9.25 5.255. 255 (w hich cor respon ds to the Eth ernet m ulti- cast addres s range of 01005e- 000000 throug h 01005e-7fffff ).
6-105 Config uring the Sw itch IP Multica st (IGMP) F eatur es—Mu ltimed ia T raffic Cont rol Configurin g the Switc h Changing the Querier Co nfiguration Setting The Querier feat ure, by defaul t, is enable d and in mos t cases shoul d be le ft in this s ettin g.
6-106 Config uring the Switch Automa tic B roadc ast C ontro l (A BC) F eatur es Configurin g the Switc h Automatic Broadcast Control (ABC) Features ABC red uces the a mount of IP an d/or IPX broadcas t traffic wi thin a broadc ast domai n without adding the levels of cost an d latency n ormall y associated with routers.
6-107 Config uring the Sw itch Automatic Broadc ast Contro l (ABC) Featu res Configurin g the Switc h Configuri ng ABC from the W eb Browser Interface 1.
6-108 Config uring the Switch Automa tic B roadc ast C ontro l (A BC) F eatur es Configurin g the Switc h Configuri ng ABC from the Switch C onsole In the fa ctory def ault con figurati on, ABC is disab led an d all broadc asts are sent out either all ports in the switch or , if VLANs are configured, ou t all ports in VLANs where ABC is enable d.
6-109 Config uring the Sw itch Automatic Broadc ast Contro l (ABC) Featu res Configurin g the Switc h T o Access ABC: 1. From the M ain M enu, Se lect: 3. Switch Config uration 5. Advanc ed Feature s 4. Automatic Broadcast Control (ABC) Figure 6-69. The Default ABC Screen (No VLANs Configure d) 2.
6-110 Config uring the Switch Automa tic B roadc ast C ontro l (A BC) F eatur es Configurin g the Switc h 5. Pr ess th e [>] key t o display the remainin g ABC para meters.Then d o one of the foll owing: • If you enabled A BC for IP_IP X and pressed [>] (figure 6-70 , below): Figure 6-70.
6-111 Config uring the Sw itch Automatic Broadc ast Contro l (ABC) Featu res Configurin g the Switc h • If you enabled ABC for IP (figure 6- 64, below): Figure 6-71.
6-112 Config uring the Switch Automa tic B roadc ast C ontro l (A BC) F eatur es Configurin g the Switc h Figure 6-72. ABC Enabled With Default IPX Option (No VLANs Configur ed) i. If you w ant IPX RIP/SA P control, then sel ect the IPX RIP/SA P Contro l paramet er .
6-113 Config uring the Sw itch Automatic Broadc ast Contro l (ABC) Featu res Configurin g the Switc h How ABC Operates Layer 2 (MAC leve l) broadcast packet s can beco me a large pe rcenta ge of the traffic on a network.
6-114 Config uring the Switch Automa tic B roadc ast C ontro l (A BC) F eatur es Configurin g the Switc h with a u nicast pac ket thr ough the switch t o host A. The switc h monitors t his response, l earns the location o f host D, and stores this informa tion in i ts ARP cache.
6-115 Config uring the Sw itch Automatic Broadc ast Contro l (ABC) Featu res Configurin g the Switc h Reducing RIP an d SAP Broadcast T raff ic Y ou can also config ure AB C to limi t IP RIP and IPX R IP and SA P broa dcasts, which can f urther re duce broadc ast traffi c on you r network .
6-116 Config uring the Switch Automa tic B roadc ast C ontro l (A BC) F eatur es Configurin g the Switc h The Auto Gateway para meter does not affect opera tion of hosts on t he same port as the DHCP server . This is because such hosts receive responses directly from the server instead of responses from the switch.
6-117 Config uring the Sw itch Automatic Broadc ast Contro l (ABC) Featu res Configurin g the Switc h ■ IPX N etwork s: • Only fo ur IPX n etworks ( with four differe nt encap sulation types) ar e allowe d per VLA N. • The IPX server ch osen in th e proxy r esponse is a lways the fi rst nearest ser ver i n the S AP ta ble.
6-118 Config uring the Switch Confi gurin g and Mo nitor ing Por t Securi ty Configurin g the Switc h Configuring an d Monitoring Po rt Security Using Port Security , you can configure each switch port with a unique list of the M AC ad dresse s of dev ices t hat a re aut horiz ed to ac cess the n etwork throug h that port .
6-119 Config uring the Sw itch Confi guring and Mon itorin g Port Securi ty Configurin g the Switc h ■ Prev ent E avesd rop ping: Blo ck outbound t raffic wit h unknown destinatio n addresses from e xiting thro ugh the port .
6-120 Config uring the Switch Confi gurin g and Mo nitor ing Por t Securi ty Configurin g the Switc h T ab le 6-5. Port Security Con trol Parameters Para mete r Descri ption Port I dentifi es the swit ch port t o view or conf igur e for port se curity.
6-121 Config uring the Sw itch Confi guring and Mon itorin g Port Securi ty Configurin g the Switc h Using the W eb Browser Interface to Confi gure Port Security 1. Disp lay the Port Security Screen Figure 6-75. Exampl e of the Port Sec urity Overview Screen Authori zed Addresse s Appear s when Learn Mode is set to Stati c.
6-122 Config uring the Switch Confi gurin g and Mo nitor ing Por t Securi ty Configurin g the Switc h 2. Set the security policy for the selected port. Figure 6-76. Example o f the Defa ult Securit y Configura tion Screen for a Sele cted Port Figure 6-77.
6-123 Config uring the Sw itch Confi guring and Mon itorin g Port Securi ty Configurin g the Switc h Using the Switch Con sole T o Configure Port Security Fro m the Ma in Me nu, se lect: 3. Switch Con figuration . . . 5. Advanced Fea tures . . . 5. Port Security Figure 6-78.
6-124 Config uring the Switch Confi gurin g and Mo nitor ing Por t Securi ty Configurin g the Switc h Figure 6-80. Example of a Mo dified Se curity Configu ration Scr een for a Selected Port 8. Press [En ter] , then [S ] (for S ave) to retu rn to the Port Security scre en.
6-125 Config uring the Sw itch Confi guring and Mon itorin g Port Securi ty Configurin g the Switc h Reading and Resetting Intrusi on Alarms When an attem pted secur ity violation o ccurs on a port configure d for Port Secu rity , th e port d rops the pa ckets i t rec eives from t he u nauthor ized device .
6-126 Config uring the Switch Confi gurin g and Mo nitor ing Por t Securi ty Configurin g the Switc h Figure 6-82. Example of the Intrusion Log wit h Intrusions Entered for Ports A1 and A2 ■ In th e.
6-127 Config uring the Sw itch Confi guring and Mon itorin g Port Securi ty Configurin g the Switc h Figure 6-83. Exampl e of the Switch Con sole Event Log with S ecurity V iolation Entries • The Intrusion Alert column in the console’ s Port Sta tus screen dis- plays Ye s fo r the port on which the v iolation o ccurred (fig ure 6-84, below).
6-128 Config uring the Switch Confi gurin g and Mo nitor ing Por t Securi ty Configurin g the Switc h Figure 6-85. Example of the Intrusion Log wit h an Intrusion Listed for Port A5 How the Intrusion .
6-129 Config uring the Sw itch Confi guring and Mon itorin g Port Securi ty Configurin g the Switc h Operating Notes for Port Security Identi fying the IP A ddress o f an Intr uder .
6-130 Config uring the Switch Clas s of Servic e (CoS ): Manag ing Ban dwidth Mo re Eff ectiv ely Configurin g the Switc h Class of Service (CoS): Managing Bandwidth More Effectively As the t erm su g.
6-131 Config uring the Sw itch Class of Servic e (CoS): Managin g Bandwi dth Mor e Effect ively Configurin g the Switc h CoS is imple mented in t he form of r ules or polic ies that are configur ed on the switch.
6-132 Config uring the Switch Clas s of Servic e (CoS ): Manag ing Ban dwidth Mo re Eff ectiv ely Configurin g the Switc h Basic Operation CoS setting s operate on two levels: ■ Cont rolling the priorit y of outbou nd packe ts: Eac h sw itc h po rt h as two outbo und tra ffic queues; “ normal” p riority and “high ” priorit y .
6-133 Config uring the Sw itch Class of Servic e (CoS): Managin g Bandwi dth Mor e Effect ively Configurin g the Switc h If a pac ket is not in an 802.1Q tag ged VLAN envi ronment, the above settin gs contro l only to w hich outbound queue t he pack et goes, a nd no 802 .
6-134 Config uring the Switch Clas s of Servic e (CoS ): Manag ing Ban dwidth Mo re Eff ectiv ely Configurin g the Switc h T a ble 6 -7. Pr iori ty Crit eria a nd Prece dence Prec edenc e Criteria Ove.
6-135 Config uring the Sw itch Class of Servic e (CoS): Managin g Bandwi dth Mor e Effect ively Configurin g the Switc h No Overr ide. By default, the IP T oS, Protocol, and VLAN I D criteria auto- matically li st each of their opt ions with N o over ride for priority .
6-136 Config uring the Switch Clas s of Servic e (CoS ): Manag ing Ban dwidth Mo re Eff ectiv ely Configurin g the Switc h 3. Determine the actual CoS conf iguratio n changes you will ne ed to make on each C oS-capable device in your netw ork in order t o impleme nt the desired po licy .
6-137 Config uring the Sw itch Class of Servic e (CoS): Managin g Bandwi dth Mor e Effect ively Configurin g the Switc h Configuri ng Class of Service from the W eb Browser Interface Figure 6-86. The Defau lt Class of S ervice Configu ration Sc reen Use T able 6-8.
6-138 Config uring the Switch Clas s of Servic e (CoS ): Manag ing Ban dwidth Mo re Eff ectiv ely Configurin g the Switc h T ab le 6-8. Steps for Using the W eb Browser Interface T o Configure CoS Priority CoS Optio ns Priori ty Configu ration S teps Device Prior ity Click on the De vice Priori ty bu tton, t hen: T o add an IP add ress : 1.
6-139 Config uring the Sw itch Class of Servic e (CoS): Managin g Bandwi dth Mor e Effect ively Configurin g the Switc h Configuri ng Class of Service from the Cons ole CoS uses dy namic rec onfigurat ion to conf igure your CoS choice s. This means that it is not ne cessary to reboot t he switch after conf iguring CoS .
6-140 Config uring the Switch Clas s of Servic e (CoS ): Manag ing Ban dwidth Mo re Eff ectiv ely Configurin g the Switc h The CoS Device Priority Screen CoS use s the criter ia you speci fy per IP ad dress (up to 30) to det ermine traffic prioritiza tion.
6-141 Config uring the Sw itch Class of Servic e (CoS): Managin g Bandwi dth Mor e Effect ively Configurin g the Switc h The CoS Protocol Priority Screen CoS us es prot ocol cri teria to determi ne traff ic prior ity unle ss the sa me traffi c has other Co S criter ia (config ured in other CoS screens) that has a highe r preced ence .
6-142 Config uring the Switch Clas s of Servic e (CoS ): Manag ing Ban dwidth Mo re Eff ectiv ely Configurin g the Switc h The CoS VLAN Pri ority Screen If yo u conf igure Co S on t his scre en, CoS u.
6-143 Config uring the Sw itch Class of Servic e (CoS): Managin g Bandwi dth Mor e Effect ively Configurin g the Switc h Using T ype of Service (T oS) Cr iteria to Prior itize IP T raffic Every I P packet i ncludes a T ype o f Service (T oS ) field. Thi s field car ries priorit y settings that ar e read and used, but not altered by the switch.
6-144 Config uring the Switch Clas s of Servic e (CoS ): Manag ing Ban dwidth Mo re Eff ectiv ely Configurin g the Switc h T oS Configur ation Options. T o displa y the T ype of Service scre en, select T ype of Serv ice (IP Precede nce, Differentia ted Services ) in the CoS Menu scr een (p age 6-13 9).
6-145 Config uring the Sw itch Class of Servic e (CoS): Managin g Bandwi dth Mor e Effect ively Configurin g the Switc h T a ble 6- 9. How the Switc h Uses th e T o S Confi gurati on Outbou nd Port T .
6-146 Config uring the Switch Clas s of Servic e (CoS ): Manag ing Ban dwidth Mo re Eff ectiv ely Configurin g the Switc h IP Multicast (IGMP) Interaction with CoS The switch’ s ability to priorit ize IGMP traffic for either a nor mal or high priority outbound que ue overrid es any CoS criteria, a nd does not affect any 802.
6-147 Config uring the Sw itch Class of Servic e (CoS): Managin g Bandwi dth Mor e Effect ively Configurin g the Switc h Pack et Ente rs Swit ch: On a Non-V LAN Port or in an Untagg ed VLAN Packe t Exits F rom Switc h: On a Non-VLA N Port or in an Un tagged V LAN (Prioritizin g affec ts only the choice of o utbound priority qu eue.
6-148 Config uring the Switch Clas s of Servic e (CoS ): Manag ing Ban dwidth Mo re Eff ectiv ely Configurin g the Switc h Packe t Enters S witch: In an Unta gged VL AN Pack et Exits Fr om Swi tch: In a tagge d VLAN (Prioritizing affects both the choice of outbound priority queue and th e packet’ s 802.
6-149 Config uring the Sw itch Class of Servic e (CoS): Managin g Bandwi dth Mor e Effect ively Configurin g the Switc h Packe t Enters S witch: In a tagg ed VLAN Pack et Ex its Fro m Swi tch: I n an Unta gged V LAN (Prioritizin g affec ts only the choice of o utbound priority qu eue.
6-150 Config uring the Switch Clas s of Servic e (CoS ): Manag ing Ban dwidth Mo re Eff ectiv ely Configurin g the Switc h Packe t Enters S witch: In a tagg ed VLAN Pack et Exits Fr om Swi tch: In a tagge d VLAN (Prioritizing affects both the choice of outbound priority queue and th e packet’ s 802.
6-151 Config uring the Sw itch Class of Servic e (CoS): Managin g Bandwi dth Mor e Effect ively Configurin g the Switc h Supporting CoS wit h an 802 .1Q T agged V LAN Envi ronment Using HP’ s 802.1Q-c ompliant sw itches, you ca n create ei ther a single tag ged VLAN or m ultiple tagg ed VLANs.
6-152 Config uring the Switch Clas s of Servic e (CoS ): Manag ing Ban dwidth Mo re Eff ectiv ely Configurin g the Switc h Operating an d T roublesh ooting Notes ■ For Devices that Do Not Suppo rt 802.
7-1 Monitor ing and Analyzin g Switch Opera tion 7 Monitoring and Analyzing Switch Operation Overview Y ou c an use the switch c onsole (and, in som e cases, the web bro wser inter- face) to acc ess read-only st atus and count er inform ation to help yo u monitor , anal yze, and troub leshoot sw itch o peration.
7-2 Monit oring and Analyzi ng Switc h Op eratio n Stat us and Coun ters S creens Monitor ing and Analyzing Switch Opera tion Status and Counter s Screens This sectio n describe s the statu s and count ers screen s availab le through t he switch console interface and/or the w eb browser interface.
7-3 Monit oring an d Analyzi ng Switch Operati on Swit ch Consol e Stat us and Cou nters Menu Monitor ing and Analyzin g Switch Opera tion Switch Consol e Status and Coun ters Menu Select Stat us and Counters from the Main Menu t o display the Status and Counte rs menu: Figur e 7- 1.
7-4 Monit oring and Analyzi ng Switc h Op eratio n Web Br owser In terfac e Statu s Infor matio n Monitor ing and Analyzing Switch Opera tion W eb Browser Interface Status Information The “h ome” screen for the we b browser interfac e is the St atus Overvie w scree n, as show n in figur e 7-2.
7-5 Monit oring an d Analyzi ng Switch Operati on Web Bro wser Interf ace Stat us In forma tion Monitor ing and Analyzin g Switch Opera tion Genera l System Informa tion T o ac cess this screen from the console Ma in Menu, select: 1. Stat us and Count ers 1.
7-6 Monit oring and Analyzi ng Switc h Op eratio n Web Br owser In terfac e Statu s Infor matio n Monitor ing and Analyzing Switch Opera tion Switch Management Address Informatio n T o access this screen from the Main Menu, select: 1 Sta tus and C ounters 2.
7-7 Monit oring an d Analyzi ng Switch Operati on Web Bro wser Interf ace Stat us In forma tion Monitor ing and Analyzin g Switch Opera tion Module Information T o access this screen from the Main Menu, select: 1. Stat us and Count ers 3. Module Infor mation Figure 7-5.
7-8 Monit oring and Analyzi ng Switc h Op eratio n Port Stat us Monitor ing and Analyzing Switch Opera tion Port St atus The web br owser inte rface and the conso le interfa ce show th e same port status data.
7-9 Monit oring an d Analyzi ng Switch Operati on Port Status Monitor ing and Analyzin g Switch Opera tion Displaying Port Status from the Consol e Interface T o access this screen from the Main Menu, select: 1. Stat us and Count ers 4. Port Statu s Figure 7-7.
7-10 Monit oring and Analyzi ng Switc h Op eratio n Por t Cou nte rs Monitor ing and Analyzing Switch Opera tion Port Coun ters The web br owser inte rface and the conso le interfa ce show th e same port counte r data. These scree ns enables you to determine the t raffic patter ns for each por t.
7-1 1 Monit oring an d Analyzi ng Switch Operati on Port Coun ters Monitor ing and Analyzin g Switch Opera tion Displaying Port Coun ters from the W eb Browser Interface Figur e 7- 8. Ex amp le of Port Coun ters and Detai ls o n th e Web B rowser Int erfa ce 3.
7-12 Monit oring and Analyzi ng Switc h Op eratio n Por t Cou nte rs Monitor ing and Analyzing Switch Opera tion Displaying Port C ounters from the Console Interfa ce T o access this screen from the Main Menu, select: 1. Stat us and Count ers 5. Port Count ers Figure 7-9.
7-1 3 Monit oring an d Analyzi ng Switch Operati on Port Coun ters Monitor ing and Analyzin g Switch Opera tion Figure 7-10. Example of the Disp lay for Sho w details on a Selected Port This screen also in cludes the Rese t action. Refer to the note on page 7 -10.
7-14 Monit oring and Analyzi ng Switc h Op eratio n Address Ta ble Monitor ing and Analyzing Switch Opera tion Address T able T o access the Address T able screen from the Main Menu, select: 1.
7-1 5 Monit oring an d Analyzi ng Switch Operati on Port Addres s Tab le Monitor ing and Analyzin g Switch Opera tion Port Addre ss T able This s creen lets yo u det ermine which de vice s are a ttac hed to the se lecte d switch port by listing all of the MA C addresses de tected on that po rt.
7-16 Monit oring and Analyzi ng Switc h Op eratio n Port Ad dress Tabl e Monitor ing and Analyzing Switch Opera tion Figur e 7-1 3. Ex amp le of a Por t Add ress T able for a Speci fic Po rt Use the S earch action at th e bottom of the screen to determine whether a speci fic devi ce (M AC addre ss) is c onnect ed to the select ed port.
7-1 7 Monit oring an d Analyzi ng Switch Operati on Spa nning Tr ee (STP ) Inf orma tion Monitor ing and Analyzin g Switch Opera tion Spanning T ree (STP) Information T o ac cess the Spanni ng T ree Information f rom the Main Me nu, select: 1. Stat us and Count ers 8.
7-18 Monit oring and Analyzi ng Switc h Op eratio n Span ning T ree ( STP) Info rmati on Monitor ing and Analyzing Switch Opera tion Y ou can use the S how por ts act ion at the bott om of the scr een.
7-1 9 Monit oring an d Analyzi ng Switch Operati on IP Mult icast (IGM P) Status Monitor ing and Analyzin g Switch Opera tion IP Multicast (IGMP) Status T o access this screen from the Main Menu, select: 1. Stat us and Count ers 9. Advanc ed Features Status 1.
7-20 Monit oring and Analyzi ng Switc h Op eratio n IP Mul ticast (IGMP) Status Monitor ing and Analyzing Switch Opera tion Y ou c an also disp lay the por t status of th e individu al multica st groups.
7-2 1 Monit oring an d Analyzi ng Switch Operati on Automati c Broadca st Control (ABC) Informat ion Monitor ing and Analyzin g Switch Opera tion Automatic Broadcast Control (ABC) Information T o ac cess this screen from the Main Me nu, click on: 1. Stat us and Count ers 9.
7-22 Monit oring and Analyzi ng Switc h Op eratio n Switc h Mesh I nformation Monitor ing and Analyzing Switch Opera tion Switch Mesh Information T o ac cess this screen from the Main Me nu, click on: 1. Stat us and Count ers 9. Advanc ed Features Status 3.
7-2 3 Monit oring an d Analyzi ng Switch Operati on VLAN Info rmation Monitor ing and Analyzin g Switch Opera tion VLAN Information T o access this screen from the Main Menu, select: 1. Stat us and Count ers 9. Advanc ed Features Status 4. VLAN Information Figure 7-20.
8-1 Troubl eshooting 8 T roubleshoo ting This chapte r address es perf orman ce-rela ted ne twork pr oblems that ca n be caused by topolog y , sw itch c onfigurat ion, and the effe cts of o ther dev ices or their config urations on swi tch operation.
8-2 Trou bleshoo ting Troub leshoot ing A pproa ches Troubl eshooting T rou bleshooting App roaches There are six prim ary w ays to dia gnose switch pr oblem s: ■ Check the switch LEDs for in dicati.
8-3 Troubleshooting Browser or Console Access Problems Troubleshooting Browser or Console Access Problems Cannot access the web browser interface: ■ Access may be disabled by the W eb Agent Enabled parameter in the switch console. Check the setting on this parameter by selecting: 2.
8-4 Troubleshooting Browser or Console Access Problems Troubleshooting Cannot T elnet into the switch console from a station on the network: ■ T elnet access may be disabled by the Inbound T elnet Enabled parameter in the switch console. See “Configuring the Console/Serial Link from the Switch Console” on page 6-20.
8-5 Trou bleshoo ting Unus ual Netw ork Ac tivit y Troubl eshooting Unusual Network Activity Network a ctivity that exc eeds accept ed norms oft en indicat es a hardware problem w ith one or more of the network co mponent s, possibly includ ing the switch.
8-6 Trou bleshoo ting Unusua l Net work A ctivi ty Troubl eshooting One indicat ion of a duplica te IP address in a DHCP network is th is Event Log message: ip: Invalid ARP source : IP a ddress on IP address where: both instance s of IP address are th e same addre ss, indi cating the IP address that has been duplica ted somewher e on the net work.
8-7 Trou bleshoo ting Unus ual Netw ork Ac tivit y Troubl eshooting IGMP-Related Problems IP Mu lticas t (I GMP) T raf f ic Doe s Not Reach IGMP H osts or a M ulti cast Router Conne cted to a Port. IGM P must be enabl ed on the switch and the affect ed port must be configur ed for “A uto” or “For ward” oper ation.
8-8 Trou bleshoo ting Unusua l Net work A ctivi ty Troubl eshooting Figur e 8- 1. Co nnect ing a Hub T o Meshed Port s Caus es a T opology Erro r ■ A non-mesh ed switch or port connec ted to a mesh por t Figur e 8-2 .
8-9 Trou bleshoo ting Unus ual Netw ork Ac tivit y Troubl eshooting STP- Related Probl ems Caut ion If you e nable STP , it is rec ommende d that y ou leav e the re mainder of the STP paramet er settings at their default v alues until yo u have had a n opportun ity to evalua te STP perf ormanc e in your networ k.
8-10 Trou bleshoo ting Unusua l Net work A ctivi ty Troubl eshooting STP Blocks a Li nk in a VLAN Even Though There Ar e No Redundan t Links in that VLAN. In 802.1Q -compliant switches such as th e Switch 4000M and Switch 2424M, STP blocks re dundant p hysical lin ks even if th ey are in separate VLANs.
8-1 1 Trou bleshoo ting Unus ual Netw ork Ac tivit y Troubl eshooting Figure 8-4. Example of Correct VLAN Port Assignments on a Link 1. If VLAN_1 is conf igured as “Un tagged” on port 3 on switc h “X”, then it must also be co nfigured a s “Untagged” on port 7 on switch “Y”.
8-12 Trou bleshoo ting Using t he Even t Log To Id ent ify Probl em Sou rces Troubl eshooting Using the Event Log T o Identify Problem Sources The Event Log records op erating events as single-line entries listed in c hrono- logical order , and serves as a tool fo r isolating prob lems.
8-1 3 Trou bleshoo ting Using the Eve nt Log To Identi fy Problem Sour ces Troubl eshooting T able 8-1. Event Log S y stem Modules Entering and Navigating in th e Event Log Displ ay .
8-14 Trou bleshoo ting Using t he Even t Log To Id ent ify Probl em Sou rces Troubl eshooting T o display vario us portion s of the Event L og, ei ther pr eceding or follow ing the curren tly visible .
8-1 5 Trou bleshoo ting Using the Eve nt Log To Identi fy Problem Sour ces Troubl eshooting T o Change the Severity Lev el of Event Log Messages In its de fault setting, t he Event Log di splays all event levels.
8-16 Trou bleshoo ting Using t he Even t Log To Id ent ify Probl em Sou rces Troubl eshooting Figure 8-3. The Console/Se rial Link Conf iguration Scre en (Default V al ues) 2. Press [E] (for E dit ). The cu rsor m oves to the Baud Rate field. 3. Mo ve the curs or to the Displayed E vents fiel d.
8-1 7 Trou bleshoo ting Diag nostic s Troubl eshooting Diagnostics The switch’ s diagnost ic tools includ e the followin g: Ping and Link T e sts The Ping te st and the Link test ar e point-to-p oint tests betwee n your switc h and anot her IEEE 80 2.
8-18 Trou bleshoo ting Diagno stics Troubl eshooting Execu ting Ping or Lin k T ests f rom the W eb Bro wser In terface Figure 8-4. Link and Ping T est Screen on the Web Browser Interfac e Successes indicates the number o f Ping or Link packet s that successfully compl eted th e most recent test .
8-1 9 Trou bleshoo ting Diag nostic s Troubl eshooting Executin g Ping or Link T est s from the Swit ch Console (T o canc el a Pi ng or Li nk test that i s in pro gress, press [Ctrl] [C] .) 1. From the M ain Menu, selec t: 5. Diagnostics . . . 1. Link T est or 2.
8-20 Trou bleshoo ting Diagno stics Troubl eshooting The co nsole displays t he result of each test . For exampl e, if a Li nk test succeeds, you will see Linktest Command Successful.
8-2 1 Trou bleshoo ting Diag nostic s Troubl eshooting The Configuration Fil e The complet e switch configura tion is cont ained in a file tha t you can bro wse from ei ther t he web brow ser int erface o r the swit ch consol e. It may be usefu l in some troublesh ooting scenar ios to view t he switch co nfiguratio n.
8-22 Trou bleshoo ting Diagno stics Troubl eshooting Browsin g the Configur ation File fr om the Sw itch Console T o displ ay the conf iguratio n file that is currently sav ed: 1. From the M ain Menu, selec t: 5. Diagnostics 3. Browse Configuratio n File Figur e 8- 7.
8-2 3 Trou bleshoo ting Diag nostic s Troubl eshooting Using the Command Prompt These co mmands are primaril y for the expert u ser and for diagno stics pur- poses.
8-24 Trou bleshoo ting Restor ing the Fa ctory D efault C onfig uration Troubl eshooting 3. T ype in the co mmand yo u want t o execute and press [En ter] .
A-1 File Transfe rs A File T ransfers Overview Y ou c an download new switch sof tware (ope rating system —OS) and uploa d or downloa d switch conf iguration files. These featur es are usef ul for acquirin g periodic switch softwar e upgrad es and for storing or retr ieving a swit ch config uration.
A-2 File T ransfer s Downl oading an Opera ting System (OS) File Transfer s Using TF TP T o Download the OS File This proced ure assume s that: ■ An OS file for the switch has been stored on a TF TP server accessible to the switch.
A-3 File T ransfers Downlo ading an Operating System (OS) File Transfe rs 2. Press [E] (for E dit ). 3. Ensure th at the Method field is se t to TF TP (the default). 4. In the TF TP Server fie ld, type in the IP a ddress of the TF TP se rver in w hich the OS file has be en stored.
A-4 File T ransfer s Downl oading an Opera ting System (OS) File Transfer s Using the SN MP-Based HP Down load Manager Included with your switch is th e HP T opT ools for Hu bs & Switches CD ROM (availabl e Fall 1998 ).
A-5 File T ransfers Downlo ading an Operating System (OS) File Transfe rs Using Xm odem to D ownloa d the OS File This proced ure assume s that: ■ The switc h is connecte d via the C onsole R S-232 port on a PC opera ting as a term inal.
A-6 File T ransfer s Trou bleshoo ting TFT P Down loads File Transfer s T r oubleshooti ng TF TP Down loads If a TF TP download fails, the Download OS scree n indicates the failure .
A-7 File T ransfers Troub leshoo ting TFTP Downlo ads File Transfe rs ■ For a Unix TF TP server , the file permissions f or the OS file do not allow the fil e to be copied.
A-8 File T ransfer s Tran sferring Switch Configurat ions File Transfer s T ransferring Switch Configur ations Y ou can use the follo wing comma nds to transfe r Switch 4000M and S witch 2424M co nfigurati ons betwee n the switch and a PC or Unix wor kstation.
A-9 File T ransfers Tran sferri ng Swit ch Configu ration s File Transfe rs 2. At the command p rompt, execut e the follow ing comman ds: T o uplo ad a config uration to a file on a PC or Un ix workst.
A-10 File T ransfer s Tran sferring Switch Configurat ions File Transfer s 3. At the command p rompt, execut e one of the following c ommands: T o uplo ad a config uration to a file on a PC or Un ix w.
B-1 MAC Address Ma nagement B MAC Address Management Overview The switch assigns MAC addresses in these areas: ■ For managemen t func tions: • One Base MAC a ddress assigned to the switch • Addi.
B-2 MAC Ad dress Mana gement Determin ing the M AC Addresse s MAC Address Ma nagement The Base and VLAN MAC Ad dresses These ad dresses appear in the Manage ment Address In formation scr een. Also, the Base M AC addre ss appears on a labe l on the front of t he switch.
B-3 MAC Ad dress M anageme nt Dete rminin g th e MAC Addr esses MAC Address Ma nagement Switch Port MAC Addresses The M AC ad dress a ssi gned to each s witc h port is used inter nal ly by su ch featu res as Flow Co ntrol a nd the Spanni ng T ree P rotoc ol.
Index – 1 Index Index Numerics 802.1p priority (Co S) defi niti on … 6 -13 1 802.1q VLAN in mesh … 6-9 1 802.1Q V LAN stan dard … 6-3, 6-39 use wit h CoS, defini tio n … 6-13 1 802.2 … 6-114 802.3u auto neg otiatio n standa rd … 6-30 A A.
2 – In dex Index Auto Gateway … 6-115 Auto Gateway paramete r … 8-6 auto po r t settin g … 6-98 auto-disc overy … 5-4 automa tic broadcas t control See ABC auto matic ga teway co nfigurati o.
Inde x – 3 Index IP … 2-2, 6 -4 IP ad dress, manua lly … 2-2 mesh … 6-8 4 network mo nitoring … 6-34 port … 6 -30 port security … 6-11 9 port trunk … 6-71 rest orin g fact ory de faul .
4 – In dex Index E eavesdr op pre ventio n port se curity conf igura tion … 6- 119 edge s wit ch … 6-92 ending a console session … 4-3 event log … 4-3, 4- 5, 6-1 7, 8-12 , 8-14 caus es of er.
Inde x – 5 Index in switch mesh domai n … 6-91 IP ad dress re quired … 6 -95 IP multi cast ad dress ra nge … 6-49 , 6-104 leave g roup … 6- 100 maxim um address count … 6-104 multi cast gr.
6 – In dex Index M MAC add ress … 6-1 0, 7-5, B -1 dupl icate … 6- 68 – 6-6 9, 8-9, 8- 11 learne d … 7-14 port … 7-15, B-1 – B-2 switch … B-1 VLAN … 6-6 7, B-1 Main me nu, consol e .
Inde x – 7 Index traffic overlo ad … 6-34 VLAN m onitoring p arameter … 6-38 Netw ork Mo nitor ing Po rt scr een … 6 -34 netw ork sl ow … 8- 5 notes on using VLANs … 6-54 NSQ repl y, proxy.
8 – In dex Index resetting the aler t flag … 6-128 securi ty viol ations in br owser ale rt log … 6-12 5 port trunk … 6-70 config urat ion … 6- 71 FEC … 6 -79 interoperation … 6-72 limit.
Inde x – 9 Index securi ty violat ions noti ces of … 6-125 resetting … 6-128 securit y, in-band … 6-46 Sel f Te st LE D behavi or du ring f actor y def ault re set … 8- 24 send authentic ati.
10 – Inde x Index Syst em Name parame ter … 6- 29 T Tab ba r, web brow ser interfac e … 3-15 tagg ed VLAN See VL AN Telnet … 4-2 Telnet, pr oblem … 8-4 terminal type … 6-19 terminal , ANSI.
Index – 11 Index 802.1Q … 6- 44 ABC … 6-108 – 6- 109, 6- 113 address … 5-1 Bootp … 6-10 Bootp or DHCP … 6- 9 confi gur ing Bo otp … 6- 10 defau lt … 2- 2 DEFAULT_VLAN … 2 -2, 6-54,.
12 – Inde x Index secur ity tab … 3-25 showin g securi ty viol ations … 6-125 standa lone … 3-3 Stat us b ar … 3-15 status b ar … 3-26 status in dicators … 3- 26 status o vervi ew screen.
Printed in Singapore 9/99 Manual Part Number 5969-2320 T echnical information in this document is subject to change without notice. ©Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 1999. All rights reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited except as allowed under the copyright laws.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts HP (Hewlett-Packard) 8000M (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie HP (Hewlett-Packard) 8000M noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für HP (Hewlett-Packard) 8000M - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von HP (Hewlett-Packard) 8000M reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über HP (Hewlett-Packard) 8000M erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon HP (Hewlett-Packard) 8000M besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von HP (Hewlett-Packard) 8000M verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit HP (Hewlett-Packard) 8000M. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei HP (Hewlett-Packard) 8000M gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.