Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 7520 des Produzenten HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP Photosmart 7520 Series.
Contents 1 HP Photosmart 7520 Ser ies Help .............. .................................... ............................... ..................................... .............3 2 Get to Know th e HP Photosmart Printer parts......... ...............
Register the product ......................... ............................. ......................... ............................ .............. ......................... .........53 Clear the paper jam.... .................. .......................
1 HP Photosmart 7520 Series Help Click the links below for i nformation about th e HP Photosmart : • Get to Know the HP Phot osmart • How do I? • Print • Copy and scan • Work with cartridges.
Chapter 1 4 HP Photosmart 7520 Series Help.
2 Get to Know the HP Photosmart • Printer parts • Control panel fe atures • Tips for getting to know the printer Printer parts • Front vie w of the pri nter 1L i d 2 Lid Backing 3G l a s s 4 C.
19 Cartridge access area 20 Printhead assembly 21 Model number location 22 Rear USB port 23 Power connection (Use only with the power adapter supplied by HP). 24 Two-sided printing accessory Control panel features The touch screen display show s menus, photos, and messages .
1 Display: The touch screen display shows menus, photos, and mess ages. You can flick horizontally through photos and vertically through list menus. 2 Home : Returns to the Home screen (the default screen whe n you turn on the product. 3 Web Services : Opens the Web Services menu, which displays status details.
Chapter 2 8 Get to Know the HP Photosmart.
3 How do I? This section contains links to commonly performed tasks, such as printing photos , scanning, and making copies. • Scan to a computer, memory device, or email • Replace the cartridges .
Chapter 3 10 How do I?.
4P r i n t Print photos from a memory card Related topics • Load media • Tips for p rint success Print photos from a memory card Do one of the fo llowing: Print photo on small-size paper 1. Load paper. ▲ Load up to 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 inch) photo paper print side dow n in photo tray.
Print photo on full-size pape r 1. Load paper. ▲ Load full-size phot o paper print sid e down in the main in put tray. Load paper 2. Insert a memory device. Insert a me mory device 3. Select photo. a .T o u c h Photo on the Home screen. b .T o u c h View & Print .
1 Memory Stick Duo or Pro D uo, Memory Stick Pro-HG Duo, or Memory Stick Micro (adapter required) 2 MultiMedia Card (MMC), MMC Plus, Secure MultiMedia Card, MMC Mobile (RS- MMC; adapter required), Sec.
❑ Slide stack of pap er forward until it stops. NOTE: If the photo paper yo u are using has p erforated tabs, load photo paper so t hat tabs are closest to you. ❑ Slide paper-width g uide inward until i t stops at edge of pap er. c . Lower photo t ray lid.
❑ Lower the photo tra y. Load enve lopes a . Raise the photo tray. ❑ Slide paper-w idth guide ou twards. ❑ Remove all paper f rom the main input tray. b . Load envelopes. ❑ Insert one or more envelop es into far-right side of main input tray, with enve lope flaps on left and facing up.
Recommended papers for photo printing If you want the b est print quality, H P recommends using HP papers that ar e specifically desi gned for the type of project you are printing . Depending on yo ur country/region, some of t hese papers might not be available.
Paper Description HP Office Paper HP Office Paper is a high-quality multifunction paper. It is suitable for copie s, drafts, memos and other everyday documents.
Chapter 4 18 Print.
5 Copy and scan • Scan to a computer, memory devic e, or email • Copy text or mixed d ocuments • Tips for co py and scan success Scan to a computer, memory device, or email To scan to a computer, memory devic e, or email. 1. Load the ori ginal. a .
Copy text or mixed documents ▲ Do one of the f ollowing: 1-sided co py a . Load paper. ❑ Load full-size pap er in the main input t ray. b . Load original. ❑ Load original p rint side up int o the automat ic document feed er. c . Specify number of copies.
c . Specify 2-sided option. ❑ Touch Copy on Home screen. The Copy preview appe ars. ❑ Touch Print Settings . The Copy Settings menu app ears. ❑ Touch 2-Sided . ❑ Touch On . d . Specify number of copies. ❑ Use the touch screen t o set the number o f copies.
Chapter 5 22 Copy and scan.
6 Use Web Services • Print with HP ePr int • Use HP Print Apps • Visit the HP ePrintCe nter website • Tips for using Web Servic es Print with HP ePrint HP’s free ePrint service pro vides an easy way to print from email.
Use HP Print Apps Print pages from the web, without using a compu ter, by setting up Print Apps , a free service fro m HP. You can print coloring pag es, calendars, puzzles, reci pes, maps, and mo re, depending on t he apps available i n your country/region.
7F a x You can use the printe r to send and receive faxes, includi ng color faxes. You can sche du le faxes to be sen t at a later time and set up speed-dials to send faxes qui ckly and easily to fre quently us ed numbers.
3. Enter the fax number by using the keypad. TIP: To add a pause in the fax nu mber you are ent ering, touch * rep eatedly, until a dash ( - ) appears on the display. 4. Touch Black or Color . If an original is load ed in the automat ic document feeder, the document is sent t o the number you e ntered.
fax. If a fax machine answers the call , you can send the fax dire ctly to the fax machine when you he ar the fa x tones from t he receiving fax machin e. To send a fax manually from an extension phone 1. Load your original print-sid e down in the right-f ront corn er of the gl ass or pri nt-side u p in the Automatic Document Fe eder.
NOTE: You can onl y send a blac k-and-whi te fax from memory. To send a fax from memory 1. Load your original print-sid e down in the right-f ront corn er of the gl ass or pri nt-side u p in the Automatic Document Fe eder. 2. Touch Fax , and then touch Settings .
Before tur ning the ECM setting o ff, consi der the fol lowing. If you turn ECM of f: • The quali ty and transmi ssion speed o f faxes you s end and r eceive are affected. • The Fax Spe ed is automatically set to Medium . • You can no longer send or rece ive faxes in color.
Set up backup fax Depending on your preference and securit y requirements, you can set up the print er to store all the fa xes it receives, only the faxes it rece ives while the printer is in a n error condition, or none of t he faxes it receives. The following ba ckup fax modes are availab le: On The default setting.
Forward faxes to another number You can set up the p rinter to forward you r faxes to another fax num ber. A received color fa x is forwarded in black and white. HP recommends that you verify the n umber you are forwardi ng to is a working fax line . Send a test fax to make sure the fax machine is able to receive your forw arded faxes.
matches a number in the blocked f ax numbers list, the fax is not pri nted. (The maxim um number of fax numbers you can block varies by model .) NOTE: 1 This feature is not supported in all co untries/region s. If it is not supporte d in your country/reg ion, Junk Fax Bl ocker does not ap pear in t he Fax Op tions or Fax Settings menu.
TIP: In addition t o creating and managin g speed-dial entrie s from the printer’ s control panel, you can also use tools available on your com puter, such as the H P software included with the printe r and the printer’s embedded web se rver (EWS).
• Change the answ er ring pattern for dist inctive ring • Set the dial type • Set the redial options • Set the fax spee d • Set the fax sound volume Configure the fax header The fax he ader prin ts your name and fax numb er on the top of every f ax you send.
Change the answer ring pa ttern for distinctive ring Many phone comp anies offer a distin ctive ring feature tha t allows you to have several phone num bers on one phone line. Whe n you subscribe to th is service, each numbe r is assigned a diff erent ring pattern.
To set the redial options 1. From the Home screen, touch the Fax icon. 2. Touch Settings , and then tou ch Advanced Fa x Setup . 3. Touch Busy Redial or No Answer Redial , and then select the a ppropriate optio ns.
NOTE: HP does not gua rantee that the p rinter will be compatibl e with all digita l service lines or providers, i n all digital environ ments, or with all digital-to-analog converters. It is alw ays recommended that you di scuss with the telepho ne company directly for the co rrect setup option s based on their line services pro vided.
Print fax confirmation reports If you require printed con firmation that yo ur faxes were successfully sent, follow these i nstructions to enabl e fax confirmation before sendin g any faxes. Sele ct either On (Fax Send ) or On (Send and Receive) . The default fa x confirmation set ting is On (Fax Se nd) .
Clear the fax log Use the foll owing ste ps to clear t he fax log. NOTE: Clearing the fax lo g also deletes all faxes sto red in memory. To clear th e fax log 1. From the Home screen, touch the Fax icon. 2. Touch Settings , and then tou ch Fax Tools .
Chapter 7 40 Fax.
8 Work with cartridges • Check the estima ted ink levels • Clean cartridges automat ically • Align pr inter • Replace t he cartridges • Order ink suppli es • Cartridge warranty information.
To align printer from the printer dis play 1. From the Home screen, touch the Setup icon, and t hen touch Tools . 2. On the Tools menu, touch and drag your fi nger vertically to scrol l through the opt ions, and then tou ch Align Printer . 3. Follow the instru ction on the screen .
3. Insert new cartridge. a . Remove cartridge f rom packaging. b . Twist orange cap to snap it off. A forceful twist may be required to remove cap. c .
d . Close cartridge door. Related topics • Order ink suppli es Tips for wo rking with ink Order ink supplies To learn which H P supplies work wi th your product, order supp lies online, or cre ate a printable sh opping list, open HP Solution Center, and select the online shopping f eature.
Tips for working with ink Use the follow ing tips to work with ink cartridges: • Use the correct ink cartridge s for your printer. For a list of compatible ink cartridges, see t he printed documentation that came with the pri nter. • Insert the ink ca rtridges into the correct sl ots.
Chapter 8 46 Work with cartridges.
9 Connectivity • Add the HP Photosmart to a network • Change from a USB connection t o a wireless n etwork • Connect a new printer • Change netw ork settings • Wireless Direct • Tips for s.
NOTE: The product begin s a timer for approximat ely two minutes du ring which the correspondi ng button on the networking device needs to be pressed or the router PIN needs t o be entered on the route r’s configuratio n page. Wireless with a router (infrastructure network) To connect the HP Phot osmart to an integra ted wireless WLAN 802.
Connect a new printer To connect a new pr inter from the prin ter software If you have not finished con necting the printer to you r computer using WPS, you nee d to connect it from t he printer software.
Tips for setting up and using a networked printer Use the following tips to set up and use a n etworked printer: • When setting up the wireless networked prin ter, make sure your wireless rout er or access point is powered on. The pri nter searche s for wireless ro uters, th en lists the d etected ne twork names on the displ ay.
You can configure yo ur browser to accept all co okies, or you can configure it to alert you every time a co okie is offered, which allows you to decide wh ich cookies to acce pt or refuse.
Chapter 9 52 Connectivity.
10 Solve a problem • Get more hel p • Register the pr oduct • Clear the pape r jam • Clear carriage jam • Solve print problem • Solve copy and scan pro blem • Solve networking problem .
3. Remove jammed paper. 4. Replace tw o-sided printing accesso ry. 5. Turn on product. 6. Try printing ag ain. 7. View the animati on for this topic. Some screens that appear in th e animation may no t reflect your product. If the above solut ions do not resolve the problem , click here for more on line troubleshoot ing .
3. Remove jammed paper. 4. Replace tw o-sided printing accesso ry. 5. Turn on product. 6. Try printing ag ain. Clear carriage jam Remove any objects, such as p aper, that are blocking t he print carriage. NOTE: Do not use any tools or othe r devices to remove jammed pape r.
Solve networking problem Check network configur ation or pri nt wirele ss test report to assist in di agnosing network conn ection issu es. To check network confi guration or print wireless tes t report 1. From the Home screen, touch the Wireless icon, an d then touch Setup .
Additional warranty options Extended service plans are avai lable for the HP Phot osmart at additio nal costs. Go to , select your country/region a nd language, the n explore the services and wa rranty area for info rmation about the extended servi ce plans.
Printer failure If you have already turned the printer off and then on, and this does no t solve your problem , contact HP support for help. Click here to go onlin e for more information . Ink cartridge problem To solve ink cartri dge problem 1. Try removing and reinse rting the cartridges.
The electrical contac ts are four small rectangl es of copper or gold-colo red metal on the bo ttom of the ink cartridge. 1 Electrical contacts e . Wipe only the contac ts with a dry swab or lint-f ree cloth. CAUTION: Be careful to touch only the cont acts, and do not smear any of the i nk or other debris elsewhere on the cartridge.
Older generation cartridges You will need to use a newer version of this cart ridge. To identify a n ewer version of the cartridg e, look at the exterior of the cartridg e package a nd find the Wa rranty Ends da te. If it says ‘v1’ several spaces to t he right of the date, t hen the cartridge is t he updated newer ve rsion.
11 Technical information The technical specif ications and inte rnational regu latory informatio n for the HP Photosm art are provided in this section.
2. Touch Prefer ences . 3. Touch Cartridge Chip Info , and t hen touch On or Off . NOTE: To re-enable the usage information function, restore th e factory defaults. NOTE: You can continue to use the cart ridge in the HP prod uct if you turn off the mem ory chip's ability to collect the prod uct's usage inform ation.
Type Paper weight Input tray * Output tray † Photo tray * 8.5 x 11 inch (216 x 279 mm) Photo paper Up to 75 lb. (281 gsm) Up to 40 25 n/a * Maximum capacity. † O utput tray capacity is affected by the type of paper and the amoun t of ink you are using.
This section contai ns the following topics: • Eco-Tips • Paper use • Plastics • Material safety data sheets • Recycling pr ogram • HP inkjet supplies recycling program • Auto Power-Off .
Auto Power-Off Auto Power-O ff is automat ically en abled by de fault when you turn on the prin ter. When A uto Power-Off i s enabled, the p rinter will automat ically turn off after tw o hours of inactivi ty to help reduce energy use.
Disposal of waste equipmen t by users in private h ouseholds in the European Union Chemical Substances HP is committed to providing our cu stomers with information about t he chemical substan ces in o.
Parliament a nd the Council) . A chem ical information report f or this product can be fou nd at: reach . Restriction of hazardou s substan ce (Ukraine) Battery disposal in the Netherla.
EU battery directive Chapter 11 68 Technical information.
Regulatory notices The HP Photosmart meets product requirem ents from re gulatory agencies in your country/region . This section contai ns the following topics: • Regulatory mod el identificat ion n.
VCCI (Class B) compliance st atement for users in Japan Notice to users in Japan about the power cord Notice to users in Korea Notice to users in Germany Noise emission statement for Germany European .
The complian ce is indicated by o ne of the foll ow ing conformity markin gs placed on the produ ct: For non-telecommunication s products and for EU harmonized telecommunications products, such as Bluetooth® within power class below 10mW.
Notice to users of the U.S. telep hone networ k: FCC requirements Chapter 11 72 Technical information.
Notice to users of the Cana dian telephone netw ork Notice to users of the G erman telephone netw ork Australia wired fax statement Regulatory wireless statements This section contains t he following .
• Notice to users in C anada • Notice to users in Mexico • Notice to users in Taiwan Exposure to ra dio freque ncy radiat ion Notice to users in Brazil Notice to users in Canada Chapter 11 74 Te.
Notice to users in Mexico Notice to use rs in Taiwan Regulatory notices 75.
Chapter 11 76 Technical information.
12 Additional fax setup After completing all t he steps in the gettin g started guide, use the i nstructions in this section to com plete your fax setup.
If you are unsure which kind of te lephone system you have (serial or parallel), check with your telephone company. This section contai ns the following topics: • Select the correct fa x setup for y.
Other equipment or services sha ring your fax line Recommended fax setu p DSL PBX Distinctive ring service Voice calls Computer dial-up modem Answering machine Voice mail servic e Case A: Separate fax.
1 Telephone wall jack 2 Use the phone cord supplied in the box with the printer to connect to the 1-LINE por t. You might need to connect the supplied phone co rd to the adapter provided for your cou ntry/ region. To set up the printer wi th a separate fax line 1.
To set up the printer with DSL 1. Obtain a DS L filter from your DS L provider. 2. Using the phon e cord supplie d in the box with the printer, conn ect one end to the op en port on the DSL filter, and the n connect the other end to the port labeled 1- LINE on the back of th e printer.
Case D: Fax with a distincti ve ring service on the same line If you subscribe to a dist inctive ring service (t hrough yo ur telep hone company) tha t allows you to have multiple phone numbers o n one phone line, each with a diff erent ring pattern, set up the printe r as described in this section.
If you encounter prob lems setting up the printer with op tional equipm ent, contact your local service p rovider or vendor for further assistance. Case E: Shared voice/fax line If you receive bot h v.
If you encounter prob lems setting up the printer with op tional equipm ent, contact your local service p rovider or vendor for further assistance. Case F: Shared voice/fax line with voice mail If you.
Case G: Fax line shared with comp ut er modem (no voice calls received) If you have a fax line on whi ch you receive no voice calls, and you also have a computer m odem connected on this line, set up the p rinter as described in th is section.
6. (Optional ) Change t he Rings to Answer set ting to the lowest set ting (two ring s). 7. Run a fax test. When the phone ri ngs, the printer aut omatically answ ers after the number of rings you set in the Rings to Answer setting. The printe r begins emit ting fax reception tone s to the sending fax ma chine and receives the f ax.
To set up the printer with a computer DSL /ADSL mode m 1. Obtain a DS L filter from your DS L provider. 2. Using the phon e cord provided in the b ox with the printer, con nect one end to the DSL filter, and th en connect the other en d to the port la beled 1-LINE on th e back of the print er.
Back view o f the printe r 1 T elephone wall jack 2 U se the phone cord supplied in the box w ith the printer to connect to the 1- LINE port. 3 Parallel splitter 4 C omputer with modem 5 Telephone 1. Remove the whit e plug from the port l abeled 2-EXT on the back o f the printer.
If you use your phone l ine for voice, fax, and your computer di al-up modem, follow these directions to se t up your fax. If you encounter prob lems setting up the printer with op tional equipm ent, contact your local service p rovider or vendor for further assistance.
To set up the printer with a computer DSL /ADSL mode m 1. Obtain a DS L filter from your DS L provider. NOTE: Phones in other part s of the home/off ice sharing the same pho ne number with DSL service need to be connect ed to additional D SL filters to avoid no ise when making voice call s.
To set up the prin ter with a sh ared voic e/fax line wi th answer ing machine 1. Remove the whit e plug from the port l abeled 2-EXT on the back o f the printer. 2. Unplug your answ ering machine fr om the telephone wall jack, and connect it to the port la beled 2-EXT on the back of th e printer.
Example of a parall el splitt er To set up the p rinter on the same pho ne line as a computer w ith two phone ports Back view o f the printe r 1 Telephone wall jack 2 "IN" phone port on your.
5. (Optional) If you r answering machine d oes not have a built-in p hone, for convenien ce you might want to connect a phone to t he back of your answering machine at the "OUT " port.
NOTE: You need to purch ase a parallel splitter. A para llel splitter has one R J-11 port on the front and two RJ-11 ports on the ba ck. Do not use a 2–lin e phone splitter, a serial splitter, or a paral lel splitter which ha s two RJ-11 ports on the fro nt and a plug on the ba ck.
Since your computer dial -up modem shares the ph one line with t he printer, you cannot use both your modem and the printer simultane ously. For exam ple, you cannot use th e printer for faxing i f you are using your computer di al- up modem to send an email or access the Internet.
4. Using the p hone cord supplie d in the box with t he printer, conn ect one end to you r telephone wall jack, then connect the other en d to the port la beled 1-LINE on th e back of the print er. NOTE: You might need t o connect the suppli ed phone cord to the a dapter provided f or your country/ region.
Test fax setup You can test your fax setup to check the status of the printer and to make sure it is set up correctly fo r faxing. Perform this test afte r you have completed sett ing up the printe r for faxing.
Chapter 12 98 Additional fax setup.
Index Symbols/Numerics 10 x 15 cm photo paper specifications 62 A ADSL, fax setup with parallel phone systems 80 after the support period 56 answer ring pattern change 35 parallel phone systems 82 ans.
M manual faxing receive 29 send 26, 27 memory reprint faxes 30 save faxes 30 modem shared with fax (parallel phone systems) 85 shared with fax and answering machine (parallel phone systems) 91 shared .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts HP (Hewlett-Packard) 7520 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie HP (Hewlett-Packard) 7520 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für HP (Hewlett-Packard) 7520 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von HP (Hewlett-Packard) 7520 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über HP (Hewlett-Packard) 7520 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon HP (Hewlett-Packard) 7520 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von HP (Hewlett-Packard) 7520 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit HP (Hewlett-Packard) 7520. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei HP (Hewlett-Packard) 7520 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.