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Service Manual DesignJet 5000 Series HP Large-Form at Printers.
T echnical Marketing, Barcelona Divisi on , Hewlett-Packard Espanola, S.A. A vda. Graells, 501 08190 S ant Cugat del V alles Spain For HP Internal Use Only ©Copy right Hew lett-P ackard Compan y 2000 This do cum ent con tains propri etary i nformat ion th at is protected by copyr ight.
1 Service Manual DesignJet 5000 Series HP Large-Form at Printer s.
2 HP Desi gnJet 5000 S eries Print ers Service Manual Using this Manual Purpose This Service Manual contains information necessary to test, calibra te and service: n HP DesignJet 5000 Printer - 42” .
Table of Cont ents 3 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual T able of Contents 1 Troubleshooting 1-1 Introdu ction 1-2 Phone Supp ort 1-2 Which Fi rmware V ersio n Rela tes to Whi ch Ink Sy .
Table of C o nten ts 4 HP Desi gnJet 5000 S eries Print ers Service Manual System Error Codes 2-1 Introduction 2-2 Continuable and Non-Continuable Error Codes 2-3 HP Ink Supplies Troubleshooting 3-1 W.
Table of Cont ents 5 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Service Tests and Uti lit ies 4-1 Introduction 4-2 Phone Support 4-2 Diagnostics - Self T est 4-2 Service T ests (Diagnostics) 4-6.
Table of C o nten ts 6 HP Desi gnJet 5000 S eries Print ers Service Manual Print Quality 6-1 Print Quality T roubleshooti ng Checklist 6-2 Print Modes 6-3 How to Use the Diagnostic Print 6-4 What is the Diagnostic Print? 6-4 Considerations for Printing the Diagnostic Print.
Table of Cont ents 7 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Parts and Diagrams 7-1 Printer Support 7-2 Bin and T ake-Up Reel 7-4 Right Hand Cover 7-6 Left Hand Cover and Rear Door 7- 8 T op .
Table of C o nten ts 8 HP Desi gnJet 5000 S eries Print ers Service Manual Right Hand T rim 8-20 Left Hand T rim 8-22 Back Cover 8-23 Ink T ubes System 8-25 EMC Covers 8-32 Encoder Strip 8-34 T r aili.
Table of Cont ents 9 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Preven tive Mai ntenanc e 9-1 Introduction 9-2 Service Pr eventive Mainte nance 9-2 W arning/Stop T riggers 9-3 Routine Maintenanc.
Table of C o nten ts 10 HP Desi gnJet 5000 S eries Print ers Service Manual.
1-1 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual T r oubleshooting 1 Introdu ction 1-2 Phone Supp ort 1-2 Which Fi rmware V ersio n Rela tes to Whi ch Ink Sy stem 1-2 T roubl eshootin g System .
Troubleshooting 1-2 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Guide to T r oubleshoot ing the Printer Introdu ction This chapter will guide you through the relevant steps to take when troubleshooting the Printer .
Troubleshooting 1-3 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual Performing a Se rvice T est on a Failed Asse mbly If possible, always perform a Service T est on the component/ assembly that you are about to replace, just to make sure that is the component/assembly that has failed.
Troubleshooting 1-4 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual T roubleshoot ing Ink Suppli es Err or Code s Chapter 3, HP Ink Supplies T r oubleshooting , contains a list of Error Codes that are reported for Ink Supplies i.e. Ink Cartridges, Printheads and Printhead Cleaners.
Troubleshooting 1-5 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual The Print er does not Power ON 1. Check that the Power Cord is connected correctly to the Printer and to the Powe r Socket. 2. Check that the Power Switch on the BACK of the Printer is in the ON position.
Troubleshooting 1-6 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual ALL the Fr ont-Pan el LEDs ar e Lit but Nothing Else Happens The BootROM DIMM is NOT correctly instal led or is the wro ng type. 1. Power OFF the Printer from the back and disconnect the Powe r Cord.
Troubleshooting 1-7 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual T roubleshoot ing Shutdowns - Use r Message "W arning: Switch Power Off" If a shutdown occurs, you will get the message “ W arning: Switch Power Off ” followed by: n Check Printhead Cleaner Path.
Troubleshooting 1-8 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Check Pape r Path This warning app ears w henev er the friction on the Paper -Axis is too high: the electrical current needed by the Paper-Axis Motor to move the paper is too high , s o before bur n ing the moto r or the Main PCA, this warni ng appears.
Troubleshooting 1-9 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual NOTE Also, after r ep lacing th e Scan -Axi s Motor , pe rform t he Sca n-Axis T est ( ⇒ Page 4-10 ) and check that the v alues are within the gi ven limits. n If the Prin ter st ill fa ils, re place the Main PC A ⇒ Page 8- 79 .
Troubleshooting 1-10 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Problems with V acuum If you have problems loading either Roll or Sheet Media, then there could be a problem with the V acuum Fan or Booster Fan. T o verify if there really is a problem with V acuum, try the following: 1.
Troubleshooting 1-11 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual Printhead Crashes/Smears on High Density Prints Using Coated M edia High density prints can cause cockle mainly on HP Coated Media.
Troubleshooting 1-12 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Banding at variable extr eme environ mental condition s The Accuracy Calibration has been done at norma l environmental conditions.
Troubleshooting 1-13 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual Hue shift on HP Co lorfast Adhesive V inyl media Under high humidity conditions (approx.
Troubleshooting 1-14 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Loss of Glos s on HP Photo Imaging G loss when using the T ake-Up Reel Under high humidity conditions (approx. >70%) the polymer chain in the coating of this media relaxes and the drying rate decreases.
Troubleshooting 1-15 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual W rinkles and scratche s (cockle) on HP Coated and Heavyweight Coat ed Media. Images may be damaged if prints are not handled with care, particularly when handling wide plots.
Troubleshooting 1-16 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Drying T ime T oo Long for HP S tudio Canvas Under conditions of high humidity (> 70%) HP St udio Canvas retains a high amount of water and takes too long to dry , also creating problems in using the T ake-Up Reel and Bin.
Troubleshooting 1-17 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual 2. The media sensor is defective. T o verify this, remove the media and re-boot the Printer .
Troubleshooting 1-18 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual T railing Cable con nection, so just recon nect the T railing Cabl e again to dou ble-check th at the Pr inter now w orks. If, after reconnecting the cable, the error appe ars again, either the Carr iag e PCA or the T railing Ca ble is defec tive.
Troubleshooting 1-19 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual Cutter Assembly Pr oblems 1. The Printer does not cut (even when using the Form Feed & Cut option in the Front Panel). In this case it is very likely tha t the cutter is disabled in the EEROM.
Troubleshooting 1-20 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Carriage and Scan-Axis Pr oblems 1. Printhead continuity problem s. When installing the Ink T ubes System, it is possible that the crane (the part of the T ubes Syst em that is connected to the front of the Carriage) is not clipped proper ly .
Troubleshooting 1-21 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual Electr onics Pr oblems 1. The Printer hangs with the front panel completely blank and the three Im age Quality LED ’ s lit. The firmware has a bug that cr eates this situation whenever the Printer is rece iving data from an exte rnal RIP .
Troubleshooting 1-22 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 3. The Printer is printing slower compared to another HP DesignJet 5000. It is important first to determine whether the differences are during receiving/processing, during printing or once the print is finished.
Troubleshooting 1-23 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual 3. The dry time at the end of the print is longer . Normally the Printer uses the temperature and the humidity readi ng from the ISS PCA to c alculate the dry time, whic h is required for the print to dry before being cut.
Troubleshooting 1-24 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual T ypical Failur es After Exchangi ng the Ink T ubes The following table contains typical failures that could appear after changing.
Troubleshooting 1-25 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual Solving Media-H andling Pr oblems NOTE HP Designjet Printer s minimum med ia size is A3 in portrait mode. The Front Pan el Keeps Indicating that Media I s Misaligned or Incorrectly Position ed Roll med ia n The roll may be loaded the wrong way .
Troubleshooting 1-26 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual How to Navigate through th e Fron t Panel Menus Shaded boxes al ways appear in the f ront panel. White boxes appe ar only in Full menu mode. I/O Setup Menu I/O setup Card Setup No I/O card found Card ID Card ID Card Setup Configuration Advanced Reset Card I/O timeout 0.
Troubleshooting 1-27 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Device Setup Menu Device Setup Cutter Lang TUR Installed NO,YES On, Off Reduced Margins On, Off PostScript@, Automatic HP-GL/2 Drying Time Manual Automatic, None 255 .
Troubleshooting 1-28 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Utilitie s M enu Utilities Replace Ink System Usage No (Continue) , Yes (Replace) Print usage, View usage Track Media Length Yes, .
Troubleshooting 1-29 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Internal RIP Settings Menu Ink Emulation PS scale RGB@ Optimized, Immediately CMYK Off,On Off,On Off,On 100% .
Troubleshooting 1-30 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Queuing and Nes ting Men u Nest Off # .... Nesting Queue mgmt Move to top, Delete Page Copies 99 .
Troubleshooting 1-31 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual HP-GL/2 Settings Menu Define Palette Pen no. 0 … 15 Pen no. 0 … 15 0.13 ..
Troubleshooting 1-32 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Page Format Menu Page Format Extrawide Oversize Size Inked Area, Software 1.0X1.4m 42inX59in 44X62in 1.2X1.7m 52X73in 54X76 60X100in Over A2, Over A1 Arch Best ARCH, ARCH A.. E1 JIS ANSI ISO Rotate 0 .
Troubleshooting 1-33 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual Demos Menu Demos Samples Palette Menu Always Appear Only Appe ar in Full Menu Mode @ PostS cri pt On ly.
Troubleshooting 1-34 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Media Menu Media Selection Move Media HW Coated (Economy) HW Coated Coated Paper Photo Imaging Gloss Colorfast Vinyl Paper Semi-Gloss Poster Paper Studio Canvas and more....... Vendor Name Roll/Sheet Info.
Troubleshooting 1-35 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual Ink Cartridge Menu Replace Ink Cartridge Yes, No HP No. 81 Ink Cartridge Ink Level Capacity Part Number Manufacture Date Light Cyan cart Info Light Magenta cart Info Yellow cart.
Troubleshooting 1-36 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Printhead Menu Recover Printheads Light Cyan Info Light Magenta Info Yellow Info Cyan Info Magenta Info Black Info Printhead Info .
Troubleshooting 1-37 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual Servi ce Conf igurat ion Pri nt The Service Configuration Print is a useful tool for troubleshooting the Printer . The Service Configuration Print contains the following information about the Printer: n General Configuration n Printhead Info.
Troubleshooting 1-38 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 4. Once inside the “ Utilities ” menu, use the Arrow keys to sc roll to the “ T est prints ” menu display and press the Enter key . 5. Use the Arr ow keys to s croll to “ Service Config.
Troubleshooting 1-39 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual General Pri nter Inf ormation 1. Interaction between start printing and nesting. Of the four possible combinations between "St art Printing = Optimized or After processing" and "Nesting = In order or OFF" only two are possible.
Troubleshooting 1-40 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual of the print. Perform a manual recovery if the Printhead status is (XX20) RECOVER/ (XX21) REPLACE. n W ith longer plots, average productivity will increase (i.e. sam e area is printed in less prints > reduction of servicing at the beginning/end of the print).
2-1 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual System Err or Codes 2 System Erro r Co des 2-3 f ff f f f f f xxxxxxxx ( General Fir mware Error) 2-5 f ff f f ff f 02b301b0 2-5 f ff f f ff f 030d.
System Error Codes 2-2 HP Des ignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 0B0007 2 -17 0B0008 2 -17 0B0009 2 -17 0B000A 2-18 0B000B 2-18 0B000C 2-18 0B000D 2-19 0B000E 2-19 0C0030 2 -19 0C0032 (C ontin.
System Error Codes 2-3 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual System Error Codes Introdu ction NOTE Before tr oubles hooting System Errors, if possible, r epeat the procedure performed wh en the error was reported.
System Error Codes 2-4 HP Des ignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual If you have an error code which is not documented in this Service Manual or you have an error which you cannot resolve, then report the error to the HP Response Center or the near est HP Support Of fice.
System Error Codes 2-5 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual System Error: ffff ff ff xxxxxxxx (Ge neral Firmware Er ror) Prob lem Desc rip tion: Al l ffff fff f e r r o r s a r e g e ne r al f i r m wa r e e rr o r s.
System Error Codes 2-6 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual System Error: ffff ff ff 01dcxxxx Prob lem Desc rip tion: Ther e is a problem with the I/O Card (happens during power-up). Corr ectiv e Action: T r y the followin g: n Disconnect the Net work Cable and check if the error still appears during power-up.
System Error Codes 2-7 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual System Error: ffff ff ff 03450097 Prob lem Desc rip tion: If the W indow is opened during the cutting operation, the Printer hangs and the Carriage suddenly stops. Also, if you press any key on the front panel this error code (fff f f ff f 03450097) may be displayed.
System Error Codes 2-8 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual System Error: 010023 ( Non-C ontinuab le) Prob lem Desc rip tion: EEROM T est failure.
System Error Codes 2-9 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual System Error: 010041 Prob lem Desc rip tion: Error in Scan-axis Encoder quadrature. Corr ectiv e Action: T r y the followin g: n Check that the Encoder Strip is NOT broken or damaged.
System Error Codes 2-10 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual System Error: 010090 ( Contin uable) Prob lem Desc rip tion: Error in Paper -axis Motor Encoder Corr ectiv e Action: T r y the followin g: n Check that the Paper-Axis Motor cable is NOT broken or damaged.
System Error Codes 2-11 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual System Error: 050000 ( Contin uable) Prob lem Desc rip tion: Lens has pr oblems reading the Mark Encoder on the Drive Roller .
System Error Codes 2-12 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual System Error: 0A0000 Prob lem Desc rip tion: APS Failure. Corr ectiv e Action: T r y the followin g: n Check all the cables of the APS and make sure they are correctly connected and are NOT dama ged.
System Error Codes 2-13 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual System Error: 0A0030 Prob lem Desc rip tion: Problem in Depressuriz ing Air System.
System Error Codes 2-14 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual System Error: 0A0050 (Non-Continuable) Prob lem Desc rip tion: The Printer ha s detected a leak in the T ubes System before the life of the System.
System Error Codes 2-15 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual System Error: 0B0001 Prob lem Desc rip tion: At power-up, the Printer thinks it is smaller than 42 inches. Corr ectiv e Action: Refer to System Error Code ff f f ff f f 030d0170 or ff ff ffff 030d0171 .
System Error Codes 2-16 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual System Error: 0B0004 Prob lem Desc rip tion: APS Failure. Corr ectiv e Action: T r y the followin g: n Check that the cable from the Ink Supply Station (ISS) PCA to the Ink Supply St ation is correctly connected.
System Error Codes 2-17 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual System Error: 0B0007 Prob lem Desc rip tion: Unable to de tect V acuum Fan. Corr ectiv e Action: T r y the followin g: n Make sure that the V acuum Fan is connected corre ctly to the Main PCA.
System Error Codes 2-18 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual System Error: 0B000A Prob lem Desc rip tion: Primer Shutdown Error . Corr ectiv e Action: T r y the followin g: n Check th at t.
System Error Codes 2-19 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual System Error: 0B000D Prob lem Desc rip tion: 24 V source test failure. Corr ectiv e Action: Replace the Main PCA ⇒ Page 8-79 . System Error: 0B000E Prob lem Desc ripti on: At power-up, the Printer thinks it is smaller th an 42 inches.
System Error Codes 2-20 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual System Error: 0C0032 ( Contin uable) Prob lem Desc rip tion: Drop Detector not calibrated or the calibration setting s have been lost. Corr ectiv e Action: T r y the followin g: n Perform the S ervice S tation Calibration ⇒ Page 5-1 1 .
System Error Codes 2-21 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual System Error: 0C00FF Prob lem Desc rip tion: Print Mask could not be genera ted. The mask generation algorithm could not generate the print mask. Possible causes are memory corruption, print mode definition incompatible wit h mask restrictions (if using an external RIP).
System Error Codes 2-22 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual System Error: 0D0000 ( Contin uable) Prob lem Desc rip tion: No Media Profiles A vailable. Corr ectiv e Action: Download a media profile for the ink type being used. System Error: 0D0000 033f019C Prob lem Desc rip tion: No Media Profiles A vailable.
System Error Codes 2-23 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual System Error: 0F0200 00b007bc Prob lem Desc rip tion: This is an error related to an internal crash involving med ia pro files and memory .
System Error Codes 2-24 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual System Error: e50000 Prob lem Desc rip tion: This is an error that is related to the Hard Disk Drive, either the connections are bad or that the Hard Disk Drive or the Main PCA are defective.
3-1 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual HP Ink Supplies T r oubleshooting 3 What are HP In k Supplie s? 3-2 Ink Cartridg e s 3-2 Printheads and Printhead Cleane rs 3-2 Identif yi ng the C.
HP Ink Supplies Troubleshooting 3-2 HP Desi gnJet 5000 S eries Print ers Service Manual What ar e HP Ink Supplies ? For each of the six colors used in the Printer , there ar e three separate components. The Printhead and the Printhead Cleaner are supplied together , the I nk Cartridge is supplied separately .
HP Ink Supplies Troubleshooting 3-3 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Identifyi ng the Components The following illustration will help you i dentify the components of the HP Ink Supplies.
HP Ink Supplies Troubleshooting 3-4 HP Desi gnJet 5000 S eries Print ers Service Manual n A void unnecessary removal of the Ink Cartr idges and Printheads. n When turning off the Printer always use the softpower Of f button on the Front Pa nel. The Printheads a re then stored corr ectly which prevents them from drying out.
HP Ink Supplies Troubleshooting 3-5 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Priming the Ink System When the customer first receives the Printer , it is supplied with a set of six Setup Printhea ds pre-installed in th e Carriage Assembly . These Setup Printheads are used for the priming of the tubes in the modular ink delivery system.
HP Ink Supplies Troubleshooting 3-6 HP Desi gnJet 5000 S eries Print ers Service Manual The Fr on t Panel Display The front panel display has a dedicated area to report the status of your HP Ink supplies. S tatus messages consist of a code and an action message n Ink displays information on the Ink Cartridges.
HP Ink Supplies Troubleshooting 3-7 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Obtaini ng Ink Cartridge Informat ion 1. T o get information on the Ink Cartridges press the To p key on the front panel to go to the main menu.
HP Ink Supplies Troubleshooting 3-8 HP Desi gnJet 5000 S eries Print ers Service Manual 4. The front panel displays information on the selected Ink Cartridge. The information supplied is: n The make of t he Ink Car trid ge ( No.81 for Dy e and No.83 for UV Ink).
HP Ink Supplies Troubleshooting 3-9 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 3. Press ↑ or ↓ key until the front panel highlights “ Printhead info ” . Press Enter to view the Printhea ds information . 4. Press the ↑ or ↓ key until the front panel highlights the color that you want to see information on.
HP Ink Supplies Troubleshooting 3-10 HP Desi gnJet 5000 S eries Print ers Service Manual S tatus Codes and Messages NOTE Most pr oble ms with Ink Su pplies wil l be solved by the user simply following the instructions in the action message.
HP Ink Supplies Troubleshooting 3-11 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual S tatus Messages These messages provide only an action message for the user to perform. For information on accessing detailed information on consumables refer to 3-7, Obtaining Ink Cartridge Information and 3-8, Obtaining Printhead Information .
HP Ink Supplies Troubleshooting 3-12 HP Desi gnJet 5000 S eries Print ers Service Manual Err or S tatus Messages Error status messages consist of the HP S tatus Code and the action message. The following tables group error message s according to the consumable, the action message (i.
HP Ink Supplies Troubleshooting 3-13 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Printhead Err ors (First Digit = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) NOTE If you think your Printer is requ esting you to replace your Printhe ads to o frequently y ou can check Printhe ad nozz le statu s by printing the Diagnostic Print ⇒ Refer to 6, Print Quality .
HP Ink Supplies Troubleshooting 3-14 HP Desi gnJet 5000 S eries Print ers Service Manual Printhea d Informa tion St a t u s Numbers Error Description Proc edure XX02 Reseat XX06 Reseat XX08 Reseat Continuity problem be tween the Printhead and the Carriag e Ass embly .
HP Ink Supplies Troubleshooting 3-15 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Printhea d Recovery Procedure The Printer regularly performs a series of controls on the he alth of the Printheads a nd when they start to de grade the Printer will prompt the user to recover the Printhead [ (X X20)Recover ].
HP Ink Supplies Troubleshooting 3-16 HP Desi gnJet 5000 S eries Print ers Service Manual Ink Cartridge Err ors (First Digit = 6, 7, 8) NOTE When r eplacing Ink Cartridges: n Use the Replace item in the In k Cartrid ges menu . This will release all air from the Ink Cartridge and avoid pr oblems in its removal.
HP Ink Supplies Troubleshooting 3-17 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual S tatus Numbers E rr or Description Procedur e Ink Cartridge Information XX0 3 Re pl ace The Ink Cartr idge has a leak which prevents the ink pumpin g to the Printer .
HP Ink Supplies Troubleshooting 3-18 HP Desi gnJet 5000 S eries Print ers Service Manual Printhead Cleaner Err o rs (First Digit = A, B or * ) NOTE When re placing Printhead Cleaners: n Ensur e that you have the correct Printhead Cleaner . n Ensure that the Prin thead Clean er is the co rr ect colo r for that slot.
HP Ink Supplies Troubleshooting 3-19 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Major Ink Supplie s Pr oblems Dry-firing of Printheads NOTE For Firmware V ersions earlier than A.01.12 In certain ci rcumstan ces, a Printhea d can dry-fire beca use of the incorrect detection of the amount of ink remaining in the Ink Cartridge.
HP Ink Supplies Troubleshooting 3-20 HP Desi gnJet 5000 S eries Print ers Service Manual Replace Message "xx16 Replace " for ALL Printheads During Replacement During Printhead replacement, the message "xx16 Replace" can appear for ALL the Printheads due to a firmware bug.
4-1 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Service T ests and Utilities 4 Introdu ction 4- 2 Diagnostics - Self T est 4-2 The Printer hangs an d nothing el se happens 4-3 Error Memory Co nfi.
Service Tests and Utilities 4-2 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Intr oduction This chapter explains how to use the built-in Service T ests and Service Utiliti es and what to do if any of t he Service T ests fail.
Service Tests and Utilities 4-3 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual W ARNING Only r eplace one component at a time and check i f the err or has gone before r eplacing another component.
Service Tests and Utilities 4-4 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Spin ning up d is k Boot Fai led:1 f 500XX This is an error related to the Hard Di sk Drive, eithe r the connect ions are ba d or the Hard Disk Drive or the Main PCA are defective.
Service Tests and Utilities 4-5 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual Initializi ng Plea se W a it Code rev:XXXXXX BootROM:XXXXX RAM present:XXX MB Hard Disk:XXXX MB PS Code rev:XXXXX Re.
Service Tests and Utilities 4-6 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Service T ests (Diagnostics) The following is a list of all inte rnal Service T e sts availa ble in the Printer . Instructions for entering the Serv ice T ests menu are given on Page 4-7 .
Service Tests and Utilities 4-7 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual Entering the Ser vice T ests Menu 1. Once the message "Ready" is displayed on the front-panel, scroll to the "Printer Setup Options" icon and press the Enter key .
Service Tests and Utilities 4-8 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual For Call Agents requ esting th e User to access a limit ed number of Service T ests a Once inside the "Printer Setup Options" menu and the "Device setup" menu is highlighted, press the following key combination: 2 The message below is displayed.
Service Tests and Utilities 4-9 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual If your Firmware does not support Service T ests, the following message is displayed. Y ou should press Enter to exit. If you need the Service T ests, download the latest Firmware and re peat the whole procedure to enter the Ser vice T ests menu.
Service Tests and Utilities 4-10 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Scan Axis T est The purpose of this test is to verify: n Carriage movement along the Printer axis. n Scan-Axis mot or . This test measures the maximum and the average current required to move the Scan Axis parts in order to verify if parts are moving freely or not.
Service Tests and Utilities 4-11 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual NOTE Report the values to the nearest HP Response Center or HP Suppor t Office to deter mine whet her value s are w ithin the accepted range. When re porting the values, have the following information r eady: n Model and Serial Number of the Printer .
Service Tests and Utilities 4-12 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Media Axis T est The purpose of this test is to verify: n Overdrive Roller movement. n Paper -Axis motor . This test measures the current required to move the Media Axis parts in order to verify if parts are moving freely or not.
Service Tests and Utilities 4-13 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual NOTE Report the values to the nearest HP Response Center or HP Suppor t Office to deter mine whet her value s are w ithin the accepted range. When re porting the values, have the following information r eady: n Model and Serial Number of the Printer .
Service Tests and Utilities 4-14 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Service Uti lities The following is a li st of all internal Servi ce Utilities available in the Printers. Instructions for ent ering the Service Uti lities menu ar e given on Page 4-15 .
Service Tests and Utilities 4-15 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual Entering the Ser vice Uti lities Men u 1. Once the message "Ready" is displayed on the front-panel, scroll to the "Printer Setup Options" icon and press the Enter key .
Service Tests and Utilities 4-16 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual For Call Agents requ esting th e User to access a limit ed number of Service Util ities a Once inside the "Printer Setup Options" menu and the "Device setup" menu is highlighted, press the following key combination.
Service Tests and Utilities 4-17 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual NOTE If the Prin ter is not used for 3 minutes, the Print er exits the Service Utilitie s Menu and you mu st rep eat the above steps to enter Service Utilities again.
Service Tests and Utilities 4-18 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual T urn DRI VE ROLLER The purpose of this Servi ce Utility is to rotate the Overdrive, Drive Roller and Roller Mark in order to clean them. NOTE Remove the media before performing this operation.
Service Tests and Utilities 4-19 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual Prime TUBES The purpose of th is Service Utility is to prime the Tubes whe n a new T ube s System has been installed or automatic priming was not completed.
Service Tests and Utilities 4-20 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 4. The following message will be displayed on the front panel while the printer verifies the Ink Cartridges:. 5. When the following message is displayed, lift the W ind ow and remove ALL the Printhea ds from the Carriage .
Service Tests and Utilities 4-21 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual 8. The Printer will then begin to prime the T ubes S ystem. 9. Once the T ubes System is pur ged, the following message will be displayed.
Service Tests and Utilities 4-22 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 12. If media is not loaded, the following message appears on the front panel and you must load media into the Printer . 13. The Printer will start to print the Printhead Ali gnment Pattern and the following message will be displayed on the front panel: 14.
Service Tests and Utilities 4-23 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual Altitude Setu p This Service Utility allows the operating altitude t o be set for the Printer for particular operating conditions wh en media load problems occur . NOTE This utility is r equir ed exclusi vely for Printer operating altitudes over 2000 m.
Service Tests and Utilities 4-24 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual EEROM Setup The purpose of this Se rvice Utility is to set the P rinter Model, t he Serial Number and Ja panese Fonts. This is required in the following situations: n The Mai n PCA and Hard Disk Drive a re replaced at the same time (EEROM empty).
Service Tests and Utilities 4-25 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual If you want to set the Model Number a If you want to set the Model Number select "1.4.1 Set Model Number" and press the Enter key to access the list of possible Model Numbers for the Printer .
Service Tests and Utilities 4-26 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual If you want to set the Ser ial Number NOTE The Se rial Number in the Current fi eld is only displayed if it is encoded in the E EROM. a Select "1.4.2 Set Serial Number" and press the Enter key to view the message below .
Service Tests and Utilities 4-27 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual If you want to set the Jap anese Fonts NOTE If the customer is not using any internal Japanese PS Fonts, then this Ser vice Util ity is not ne cessary . NOTE If the Printer is NOT a HP DesignJet 5000PS (model no.
Service Tests and Utilities 4-28 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual b If you select Ye s the message below will be displayed. Press Enter to comple te loading and return to the EEROM Setup utilit y or press Bac k to return to the previous message.
Service Tests and Utilities 4-29 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual Reset Life Counters The purpose of this Servi ce Utility is to rese t the preventive maintenance counters when par ts have been replaced.
Service Tests and Utilities 4-30 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual The front panel message displays the following information: n Color (Printhead Insertions only); the Printhead colo r for which the counter is being reset. n Limit; the number of c ycles when the part re quires replacing.
Service Tests and Utilities 4-31 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual Backup EEROM This Service Utility is used to res tore the contents of the EER OM when a service enginee r has replaced the Main PCA or the Hard Disk Drive.
Service Tests and Utilities 4-32 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 3. If you select "Main PCA" a message confirming the selection is displayed. Press Ente r to co nfirm and exit this utility or press Back to cance l. 4. If you select "Hard Disk Drive (HDD )" a message confirming selection is displayed.
Service Tests and Utilities 4-33 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual Image Qu alit y W arning This Service Utility is used to turn the Im age Quality W arning On or Of f.
Service Tests and Utilities 4-34 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Diagnostic Print This Service Utility allows you to print a Diagnostic print that will help you to troubleshoot image quality problems and verify printhead nozzl e status.
5-1 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Service Calibrations 5 Servic e Calibrat ions 5- 3 Enterin g the Servi ce Calibrat ions Menu 5-4 1.
Service Calibrations 5-2 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Intr oduction The Printer has several calibration procedure s that must be performed under cer tain conditions. Refer to the table on the next page to determine when calibrations are require d.
Service Calibrations 5-3 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Service Calibrations The following is a list of all inte rnal Service Ca librations avail able in the Printers. Instructions for entering the Service Calibrations menu are given on Page 5-4 .
Service Calibrations 5-4 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Entering the Servi ce Calibrations Menu 1. Once the message "Ready" is displayed on t he front-panel, scroll to "Printer Setup Options" icon and press the Enter key .
Service Calibrations 5-5 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual For Call Agents requ esting th e User to access a limit ed number of Service Cal ibrations a Once inside the "Printer Setup Options" menu and the "Device setup" menu is highlighted, press the following key combination: 2 The message below is displayed.
Service Calibrations 5-6 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual NOTE If the Prin ter is not used for 3 minu tes, the Pri nter exits out of the Service Calibrations Menu and you must repeat the above steps to enter Service Calibrations again.
Service Calibrations 5-7 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 1. Scan-Axis Calibrat ion The purpose of this Servi ce Calibration is to calibrate the Printhe ad in relation to the media and the Platen Assembly .
Service Calibrations 5-8 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual If the Media loaded is not the right size, the following message is displayed. Press Enter to exit. Load the correct media and r epeat the procedure. 2. If the correct media is loaded, the following message is displayed.
Service Calibrations 5-9 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 4. When you have inserted the Line Sensor Id. the message below is displayed. Press Enter to confirm the number and continue the calibration or Ba ck to modify the number . 5. If you do not insert correct values the message below is displayed.
Service Calibrations 5-10 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 7. The Printer then perform s the Printhead to me dia spacing calibration and displays the following message: During this stage the Printer will pri nt the fol lowing pattern. 8.
Service Calibrations 5-11 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 2. Service S tation Calibration The purpose of this Servi ce Calibration is to calibrate the Service St ation in relation to the Carriage Assembly . The Service Station Calibration performs the following calibrations: n Line Sensor to Black Pen.
Service Calibrations 5-12 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 2. If the correct media is loaded, the following message is displayed. Press Ente r to confirm or Back to return to the Service Calibrations menu.
Service Calibrations 5-13 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 5. On completing the Drop Detector calibration, the following message is displayed: 6. On completing the calibration successfully , the f ollowing message is displayed. 7. Press Back to return to the Service Ca librations menu.
Service Calibrations 5-14 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 3. Accuracy Calibration The purpose of this Accuracy Calibration is to set the nominal advance of the media, changing the factory default values stored on the EEROM.
Service Calibrations 5-15 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 3. If media is not loaded, the following message appears on the front panel and you must load media into the Printer . Pre ss the Load/ Unload Media button (see the User ’ s Guide for detaile d information on loading media).
Service Calibrations 5-16 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 6. The Printer will unload the media and r equest you to remove it from the Printer . Press Enter to continue. 7. The following message is displayed. Press Load/Unload Medi a to start the load procedure for the printed sheet.
Service Calibrations 5-17 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual If the Calibration fails the following message is displayed. Press Enter to continue.
Service Calibrations 5-18 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Carriage Height Cali bration The purpose of this Service Calibration is to adjust the distance between the Carriage Assembly and the Center Platen. This calibration is necessary in order to prevent problems like Printhea d crashes.
Service Calibrations 5-19 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual NOTE During the Carr iage Height Calib ration procedure the Carriage Assembly has to be moved along the length of the Printer f or corr ect calib ration .
Service Calibrations 5-20 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 5. Insert the Carriage Height T ool into the black Printhead slot. 6. Close the Carriage Cover .
Service Calibrations 5-21 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 7. Loosen the two T10 screws at the back of the Carriage Assembly . NOTE The screws should not be removed.
Service Calibrations 5-22 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 9. Lower the C arriage Assembly slightly , by turning the T9 screw shown below anti-clockwise and then check f or a scraping sound again as shown previously in step 7.
Service Calibrations 5-23 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 11 . Raise the Carri age Assembly slightly , by turning the T9 screw (shown below) clockwise .
Service Calibrations 5-24 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 13. When the s craping has been el iminated it i s important to leav e the Carria ge Assembly as close a s possible to the C .
Service Calibrations 5-25 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 15. When the complete length of the Printer is calibrated (c lear of any scraping sound), tighten the two T10 screws at the back of the Carriage Assembly to secure the c urrent position.
Service Calibrations 5-26 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Calibration Err or Codes Introdu ction NOTE Calibration Error Codes are continuable, wh ich means you can press Enter on the Front Panel to continue working with th e Printer .
Service Calibrations 5-27 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Calibrat ion Err or: 0000 NOTE This code is not an err or . See the other codes r eported.
Service Calibrations 5-28 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Calibrat ion Err or: 0004 Prob lem Desc rip tion: The Line Sensor pa ttern is not printed. Firmware error . Corr ectiv e Action: T r y the followin g: n Power the Printer OFF and ON again using the Power Switch at the back of the Printer to rese t the memory .
Service Calibrations 5-29 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Calibrat ion Err or: 0100 Prob lem Desc rip tion: Pr inthe ad er ror . Corr ectiv e Action: T r y the followin g: n Check the colors in the calibration pattern. If the qua lity of a color is not acceptable the Printhead has failed for that c olor .
Service Calibrations 5-30 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Calibrat ion Err or: 1003 (User) Prob lem Desc rip tion: Firmwa re Error . Corr ectiv e Action: T r y the followin g: n Perform Printhead Recovery ( ⇒ Page 6-15 ) a nd repeat the Printhead Alignment ( ⇒ See the Use r ’ s Guide) .
Service Calibrations 5-31 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Calibrat ion Err or: 1040 (User) Prob lem Desc rip tion: Scan-A xis Alignment Error in "slow" speed section in Black and Magenta Pattern. Corr ectiv e Action: T r y the followin g: n Perform Printhead Recovery ( ⇒ Page 6-15 ).
Service Calibrations 5-32 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Calibrat ion Err or: 1060 (User) Prob lem Desc rip tion: Scan-A xis Alignment Error in "fast" speed section in Black and Magenta Pattern. Corr ectiv e Action: Refer to Calibration Error Code 1040.
Service Calibrations 5-33 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Calibrat ion Err or: 2004 (User) Prob lem Desc rip tion: Media Profile Er ror . Corr ectiv e Action: T r y the followin g: n Download a Media Profile for the current medium. n Power the P rinter OFF a nd ON from the rear of t he Printer .
Service Calibrations 5-34 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Calibrat ion Err or: 2101 (through to 2607) (User) Prob lem Desc rip tion: Firmwa re Error . Corr ectiv e Action: T r y the followin g: n Repeat the Closed Loop Color calibration ( ⇒ See the User ’ s Guide).
Service Calibrations 5-35 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Calibrat ion Err or: 3130 Prob lem Desc rip tion: Firmwa re Error . Corr ectiv e Action: T r y the followin g: n Power the Printer OFF and ON again using the Power Switch at the back of the Printer to rese t the memory .
Service Calibrations 5-36 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Calibrat ion Err or: 4002 (Service) Prob lem Desc rip tion: Firmwa re error . Corr ectiv e Action: T r y the followin g: n Power the Printer OFF and ON again using the Power Switch at the back of the Printer and re try the calibration.
Service Calibrations 5-37 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Calibrat ion Err or: 4006 (Service) Prob lem Desc rip tion: Firmwa re error . Corr ectiv e Action: T r y the followin g: n Power the Printer OFF and ON again using the Power Switch at the back of the Printer and re try the calibration.
Service Calibrations 5-38 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Calibrat ion Err or: 5003 (Service) Prob lem Desc rip tion: W rong media type or no media. Corr ectiv e Action: T r y the followin g: n Make sure yo u load white me dium that is the full width of the Printer .
Service Calibrations 5-39 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Calibrat ion Err or: 5010 (Service) Prob lem Desc rip tion: T oo many Black Printhead nozzles not working. Corr ectiv e Action: T r y the followin g: n Recover the Black Printhead ( ⇒ Page 6-15 ) and if the problem persists replace the Black Printhead.
Service Calibrations 5-40 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Calibrat ion Err or: 5015 (Service) Prob lem Desc rip tion: Printhead Cleaner is not correct type. Corr ectiv e Action: T r y the followin g: n Insert a HP . 81 Printhead Cleaner .
Service Calibrations 5-41 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Calibrat ion Err or: 6005 (Service) Prob lem Desc ripti on Drop Detector did not detec t Printhead nozzles spitting. Corr ectiv e Action: T r y the followin g: n Check the path and remove any obstructions e.
Service Calibrations 5-42 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Calibrat ion Err or: 6010 (Service) Prob lem Desc rip tion: Calibration failed for Y ellow Print head. Corr ectiv e Action: T r y the followin g: n Recover the Y ellow Printhead ⇒ Page 6-15 .
Service Calibrations 5-43 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Calibrat ion Err or: 6016 (Service) Prob lem Desc rip tion: Calibration position out of range for Y e llow Printhead. Corr ectiv e Action: Replace the Drop Detector A ssembly ⇒ Page 8-70 .
Service Calibrations 5-44 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual.
6-1 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Print Quality 6 Print Qu ality 6- 2 Print Quali ty T ro ubleshooting Checklist 6 -2 Print M odes 6-3 How to Use the D iagno stic Print 6-4 What is the Di a gnostic Print? 6 -4 Considerat ions for Printi ng the Dia gnostic Pr int.
Print Qual ity 6-2 HP Desi gnJet 5000 S eries Print ers Service Manual Print Quality Print Quality T roubles hooting Checklist When faced with a Print Quality problem, use the following checklist as a guide in troubleshooting the problem: 1 Problem reproduction n Reproduce the problem that the customer is seeing using their original settings.
Print Qual ity 6-3 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 6 Driver print quality configuration: T o clarify if the reason of the problem is related with the print m ode defined with the Non-HP Driver try the following: n Print the same sample using the Non-HP driver and their normal media.
Print Qual ity 6-4 HP Desi gnJet 5000 S eries Print ers Service Manual How to Use th e Diagnos tic Pri nt What is the Diagnos tic Print? The Printer contains an internal Diagnostic Print to help you diagnose the possible source of any print quality defects.
Print Qual ity 6-5 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Printing the Diagnosti c Print 1 Once the message “ Ready ” is displayed on the Front Pa nel, scroll to the “ Printer Setup Options ” icon and press the Enter key .
Print Qual ity 6-6 HP Desi gnJet 5000 S eries Print ers Service Manual For Call Agents r equesting the User to print the Service Di agnostic print a Once inside the “ Printer Setup Options ” menu and the “ Device setup ” menu is highlighted, press the following key combination .
Print Qual ity 6-7 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual NOTE For Firmware V ersion A.02.xx, the Printer DOES NOT print the complete Diagnostic Print. Instead you must select which part of the Diagnostic Print that you need. 5 Use the Arr ow keys to s elect the page that you need and press Enter to print it.
Print Qual ity 6-8 HP Desi gnJet 5000 S eries Print ers Service Manual Overal l Pri nt Qual ity T est This test pattern checks for banding in the print mode and media that is being used. What is Ban ding? Banding is when you see repetiti ve horizontal bands within the printed image (these may appear a s light or dark bands).
Print Qual ity 6-9 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual In the following exam ple, there is a prob lem in the Magenta Printhead. There will be clear repetitive bands (perhaps white) in the magenta column. NOTE The Print er has automatic procedur es to hide m any Printhead defects.
Print Qual ity 6-10 HP Desi gnJet 5000 S eries Print ers Service Manual Banding in all of the colors NOTE In high qual ity modes media advance problems may not appear as lines of bandi ng, they may appear grainy instead. The b anding or grainin ess will appear i n all the color s.
Print Qual ity 6-11 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Color Alignment Print T est This part of the Diagnostic Print T est is designed to check the color alignment. It produces five crosses: one for e ach color compared to magenta. All lines are printed in one direction.
Print Qual ity 6-12 HP Desi gnJet 5000 S eries Print ers Service Manual Bidir ectional Al ignment If a Printer has Bidirectional alignment problems, lines are not straight. The pattern shown below is designed to highlight t his kind of problem. A pair of vertical lines is printed with each Pri nthead color except yellow .
Print Qual ity 6-13 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual V ertical Line S traightness If a Printer has V ertical Line Straightness problems, lines are not straight.
Print Qual ity 6-14 HP Desi gnJet 5000 S eries Print ers Service Manual Nozzle Print T est NOTE If your Printer has nozzle defe cts, it does not mean that you will not get p erfect p rint quality r esul ts. The Printe r has autom atic pr ocedur es to hide ma ny nozzle defec ts.
Print Qual ity 6-15 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual How to fix the Nozzle Defects NOTE The Prin ter will automatically request you to r e cover Printhe ads with a number of defective nozzles that may affect print quality , or repl ace them if the Printhead defect cannot be recovered.
Print Qual ity 6-16 HP Desi gnJet 5000 S eries Print ers Service Manual No Printing Defects Fou nd in the Diagnosti c Print If all the test patterns from the Diagnostic Print are corre ct and you stil.
Print Qual ity 6-17 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Solving Color Accuracy probl ems These are two areas you should review when troubles hooting a color accur acy problem: Configurat ion (Po stScript option o nly) Check that you are using the correct drive r setting for the software.
Print Qual ity 6-18 HP Desi gnJet 5000 S eries Print ers Service Manual Color Accuracy Confi gurat ion The configurations of the Printer , the driver , and the software RIPs define how ink is applied to each type of media. Use the information in the following table to configure the Printer and software for best color accur acy.
Print Qual ity 6-19 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 1 Prints with complete ly white bands. n Check to see if the prints that the customer is trying to produce contain completely white bands. If this is the case, upgrade the Printer to the UV Firmware Release (A.
Print Qual ity 6-20 HP Desi gnJet 5000 S eries Print ers Service Manual Y ellow or between Cyan and Y ellow . This problem is Printer related, so one of the Printers can print without misalignment and the other Printers will have this misalignmen t problem.
Print Qual ity 6-21 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Media Always make sure that the customer is using the appropriate media for the required image and that it is consistent with the software application being use d.
Print Qual ity 6-22 HP Desi gnJet 5000 S eries Print ers Service Manual Marks and/or scratche s on double-side d media If you are using double-sided media and there are marks and scratches evident on the media, the platen may ne ed cleaning ((See ⇒ Page 9-9 ).
7-1 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual Parts and Diagrams 7 Printer S upport 7-2 Bin and T ake-Up Reel 7-4 Right Hand C over 7-6 Left Hand C over and Rear Door 7-8 T op and Back Cover.
Parts and Diagrams 7-2 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Printer Sup port Printe r Support Reference on Drawing HP Part Numb er Qu antity Description/Comm ents 1 C6090-60049 2 Foot Asse.
Parts and Diagrams 7-3 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Figure 3: Printer Support 3 4 2 2 1 1.
Parts and Diagrams 7-4 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Bin and T ake-U p Reel Bin an d T ake-Up Re el Reference on Drawing HP Part Numb er Qu antity Description/Comm ents 1 C6090-6005.
Parts and Diagrams 7-5 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Figure 4: Bin and T ake-Up Reel 1 8 3 4 5 6 7 9 2.
Parts and Diagrams 7-6 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Right Hand Cover Right Hand Cover Reference on Drawing HP Part Numb er Qu antity Description/Comm ents 1 C 6090-60038 1 Right Ha.
Parts and Diagrams 7-7 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Figur e 5: Right Hand Cover 4 7 8 1 5 2 6 3 2 9.
Parts and Diagrams 7-8 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Left Hand Cover and Rear Door Left Hand Cover and Rear Door Reference on Drawing HP Part Numb er Qu antity Description/Comm ents.
Parts and Diagrams 7-9 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Figur e 6: Left Hand Cover and Rear Door 7 3 2 4 5 6 2 2 1.
Parts and Diagrams 7-10 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual T op and Back Co ve r s T op and Back Covers Ref er en ce on Drawing HP P art Number Quantity Description/Comment s 60" 42.
Parts and Diagrams 7-11 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Figure 7: T op and Back Covers 1 2 4 3.
Parts and Diagrams 7-12 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Service S tation Service S tation Reference on Drawing HP Part Numb er Qu antity Description/Comm ents 1 C 6090-60083 1 Service.
Parts and Diagrams 7-13 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Figur e 8: Service S tation 4 5 2 1 3 2.
Parts and Diagrams 7-14 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual V acuum Fan Va c u u m F a n Reference on Drawing HP Part Numb er Qu antity Description/Comm ents 1 C 6090-60095 1 V acuum Fan .
Parts and Diagrams 7-15 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Figure 9: V acuum Fan 1 2.
Parts and Diagrams 7-16 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Booster Fan and Media Sensor Booster Fan and Media Sensor Reference on Drawing HP Part Numb er Qu antity Description/Comm ents .
Parts and Diagrams 7-17 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Figur e 10: Booster Fan and Media Sensor 2 3 1.
Parts and Diagrams 7-18 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Paper -Axis Motor Paper -Axis Motor Reference on Drawing HP Part Numb er Qu antity Description/Comm ents 1 C 6072-60160 1 Paper.
Parts and Diagrams 7-19 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Figure 1 1: Paper -Axis Motor 2 3 1.
Parts and Diagrams 7-20 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Scan-Axis Motor Scan-Axis Motor Reference on Drawing HP Part Numb er Qu antity Description/Comm ents 1 C 6090-60092 1 Scan-Axis.
Parts and Diagrams 7-21 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Figur e 12: Scan-Axis Motor 2 1.
Parts and Diagrams 7-22 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual ISS and APS A ss em bly ISS an d APS Ass embly Reference on Drawing HP Part Numb er Qu antity Description/Comm ents 1 C6090-600.
Parts and Diagrams 7-23 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Figure 13: ISS and APS Assembly 2 1.
Parts and Diagrams 7-24 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Ink T ubes System Ink T ubes System Reference on Drawing HP Part Numb er Qu antity Description/Comm ents 1 C6095-60186 1 Dye In.
Parts and Diagrams 7-25 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Figure 14: Ink T ubes System 2 1.
Parts and Diagrams 7-26 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Boot ROM DIMM, DRAM Memory an d Covers Boot ROM DIMM, DRAM Mem ory and Covers Reference on Drawing HP Part Numb er Qu antity De.
Parts and Diagrams 7-27 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Figure 15: BootROM, Memory and Covers 4 6 5 2 1 3.
Parts and Diagrams 7-28 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Rear Electr onics Access Covers Rear Electronics Access Covers Reference on Drawing HP Part Numb er Qu antity Description/Comm .
Parts and Diagrams 7-29 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Figur e 16: Rear Electronics Access Covers 1 2 3 4 6 5 7 8.
Parts and Diagrams 7-30 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Hard Disk Drive and Cover Hard Disk Drive and Cover Reference on Drawing HP Part Numb er Qu antity Description/Comm ents 1 C 6091-60219 1 Hard Disk Drive PS A.02.04 (includes data cable and PS cable) C6090-60219 1 Hard Disk Drive R TL A.
Parts and Diagrams 7-31 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Figur e 17: Hard Disk Drive and Cover 1 3 2.
Parts and Diagrams 7-32 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual ISS PC A and Mai n PC A ISS PCA and Main PCA Reference on Drawing HP Part Numb er Qu antity Description/Comm ents 1 C 6090-6001.
Parts and Diagrams 7-33 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Figure 18: ISS PCA and Main PCA 3 4 2 1 2.
Parts and Diagrams 7-34 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Power Supp ly Unit Power Supp ly Unit Reference on Drawing HP Part Numb er Qu antity Description/Comm ents 1 C6090-60028 1 Powe.
Parts and Diagrams 7-35 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Figur e 19: Power Supply Unit 5 1 2 6 3 4.
Parts and Diagrams 7-36 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Carriage Assembly Carriage Assembly Reference on Drawing HP Part Numb er Qu antity Description/Comm ents 1 C 6090-60090 1 Carri.
Parts and Diagrams 7-37 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Figur e 20: Carriage Assembly 4 3 2 1.
Parts and Diagrams 7-38 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual T ensioner Ass emb ly and Enc oder S t rip T e nsioner Assembl y and Encode r S tr ip Reference on Drawing HP Part Numb er Qu a.
Parts and Diagrams 7-39 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Figure 21: T ensioner Assembly and Encoder S trip 2 4 5 3 1.
Parts and Diagrams 7-40 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Platen Assembli es Platen Assemblies Reference on Drawing HP Part Numb er Qu antity Description/Comm ents 1 C6095-60174 1 Front.
Parts and Diagrams 7-41 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Figure 22: Platen Assemblies 1 3 4 2.
Parts and Diagrams 7-42 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Pinch-Wheels Assembly and Lever Pinch-Wheels Assembly and Lever Reference on Drawing HP Part Numb er Qu antity Description/Comm.
Parts and Diagrams 7-43 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Figure 23: Pinch-Wheels Assembly and Lever 5 3 7 4 2 1 6.
Parts and Diagrams 7-44 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Center Guide, Deflector a nd Entry Roller Center G uide, D eflector and E ntry Roller Reference on Drawing HP Part Numb er Qu a.
Parts and Diagrams 7-45 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Figur e 24: Center Guide, Deflector and Entry Roller 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7.
Parts and Diagrams 7-46 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual T ubes Guide Assem blies T ubes Guide Assemb lies Reference on Drawing HP Part Numb er Qu antity Description/Comm ents 1 C 6095.
Parts and Diagrams 7-47 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Figur e 25: T ubes Guide Assemblies 3 4 5 6 7 1 2.
Parts and Diagrams 7-48 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual EMC Covers EMC Cover s Reference on Drawing HP Part Num ber Quantity Desc ript ion/Co mment s 60" 42" 1 C6095-60190 1.
Parts and Diagrams 7-49 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Figure 26: EMC Covers 1 2 1 1 3.
Parts and Diagrams 7-50 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Spindle and Hub Spindle an d Hub Reference on Drawing HP Part Numb er Qu antity Description/Comm ents 1 C 6095-60182 1 Spindle .
Parts and Diagrams 7-51 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Figur e 27: Spindle and Hub 1 3 2.
Parts and Diagrams 7-52 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Miscellaneous Items Miscellaneous Items Reference on Drawing HP Part Numb er Qu antity Description/Comm ents - C6090-60081 1 Se.
Parts and Diagrams 7-53 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Media T ypes ' H 89.
Parts and Diagrams 7-54 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual.
8-1 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual Removal and Installation 8 Screw T ypes 8-4 T op Cover Assembly 8-5 Left Ha nd Cover 8- 6 Right Hand C over 8-10 Front Pane l Assembly 8-14 Lef .
Removal and Installa tion 8-2 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Intr oduction This chapter is a step by step guide to the r emoval and installation of the key components in the Printer . Y ou may find it useful to tick off the steps as they ar e performed.
Removal and Installa tion 8-3 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Electr ostati c Discharge (ESD) Pr ecautions T o pr event damage to the Printer cir cuits fr om high-voltage electros tatic dischar ge (ESD): 1. Do not wear clothing that is subject to static build-up.
Removal and Installa tion 8-4 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Screw T ype s W ARNING Chassis scr ews have a copper washer and should never be r emoved. Ty p e To r x L e n g t h (mm) Head T ype Thr ead T ype Part Number A T -20 17 Pan T aptite 0515-1743 B T -15 12 Pan Machined 0515-0382 C T -20 10 Pan T aptite 0515-2282 D T -15 12.
Removal and Installa tion 8-5 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual T op Cover Assembly Removal W ARNING Switch off the Pri nter and remove the p ower cable . 1. Open the T o p Cover and lift UP and remove from Printer (see detail of hinge mechanism below).
Removal and Installa tion 8-6 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Left Hand Cover Removal W ARNING Switch off the Pri nter and remove the p ower cable . NOTE Refer to the table on Page 8-4 for information on scre w types. 1. Remove ALL the Ink Cartridges from the Printer .
Removal and Installa tion 8-7 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 4. Disconnect the Electrical Cable from the rear of the Ink Cartridge Tube Connec tor . 5. Disconnect the Air T ube. 6. T wist the 3 latche s at the re ar of the Ink Cartridge T ube Connector and release the compl ete Assembly .
Removal and Installa tion 8-8 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 7. Remove the Ink Cartridge T ube Connector and place safely on the window . 8. Remove 1 T -15 scr ew ( Ty p e F ) from the Left Hand Cover (rea r). 9. Close the Left Back door and remove 1 T - 25 scre w ( Ty p e U ) from bottom side (rear) of Lef t Hand Cover .
Removal and Installa tion 8-9 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 10. Remove 3 T -15 screws ( Ty p e F ) from the Left Hand Cover (front). 11 . Remove the Le ft Hand Cover from the Printer . Installation of Le ft Hand Cover W ARNING When hand ling the T ubes make sur e you do not dam age them by twisting.
Removal and Installa tion 8-10 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Right Hand Cover Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . W ARNING T o remove the Right Hand Cover you must open the Right Cover door and push in the Printhead Cl eaner Carriage.
Removal and Installa tion 8-11 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual NOTE T ake ca re no t to dr op t he Cover when removing the screws. Su pport the Cover thr ougho ut the next step. 4. Remove 1 T -15 scr ew ( Ty p e F ) and 1 T -25 scr ew ( Ty p e U ) (bottom) from the rear of the Right Hand Cover .
Removal and Installa tion 8-12 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 7. Remove 3 T -15 ( Ty p e F ) screws from the front of the Right Hand Cover . 8. T o release the c ables, pull out the Right Hand Cover until the cables can be accessed. 9.
Removal and Installa tion 8-13 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual TIP T o ch eck correct fun ctioning of serviced parts on the Printer axis you can do the following: a Reinsert the top T -15 scr ew ( Ty p e F ) at the rear of the Pri nter .
Removal and Installa tion 8-14 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Fr ont Panel Assembly Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . 1. Remove Right Rear Cover - Refer to Page 8-15 . 2. Remove Right Hand Cover - Refer to Page 8-10 .
Removal and Installa tion 8-15 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Left Rear Cover Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . NOTE Refer to the table on Page 8-4 for information on scre w types. 1. Remove one T -15 scre w ( Ty p e B ) from the Left Rear Cover .
Removal and Installa tion 8-16 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Right Rear Cover Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . NOTE Refer to the table on Page 8-4 for information on scre w types. 1. Remove one T -15 scre w ( Ty p e B ) from the Right Rear Cover .
Removal and Installa tion 8-17 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Extension Cove r (60" Model only) Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . NOTE Refer to the table on Page 8-4 for information on scre w types.
Removal and Installa tion 8-18 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Media Lever Assembly Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . NOTE Refer to the table on Page 8-4 for information on scre w types. 1. Remove the Deflector closest to the Right Cover - Refer to Page 8-1 14 .
Removal and Installa tion 8-19 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 5. Remove 1 T -15 scr ew ( Ty p e H ) that attaches the Le ver Arm to the Lever .
Removal and Installa tion 8-20 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Right Hand T rim Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . NOTE Refer to the table on Page 8-4 for information on scre w types. 1. Remove Right Rear Cover - Refer to Page 8-16 .
Removal and Installa tion 8-21 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 6. Carefully remove the Right Hand Tr i m . Installation of R ight Hand T r im W ARNING When in stalling the Media L ever in the T rim, install with the Lever in the UP position to avoid damagin g the Lever spring in the T r im.
Removal and Installa tion 8-22 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Left Hand T rim Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . NOTE Refer to the table on Page 8-4 for information on scre w types. 1. Remove 4 T -15 screws ( Ty p e F ) and 1 T -20 scre w ( Ty p e L ) fro m th e Le ft Hand T rim.
Removal and Installa tion 8-23 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Back Cover Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . NOTE Refer to the table on Page 8-4 for information on scre w types. 1. Remove the T op Cover - Refer to Page 8-5 .
Removal and Installa tion 8-24 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 4. Remove the Back Cover . Installation of the Back Cov er NOTE If the Back Cover is r eplaced, remember to apply a new Printer Label to the new Back Cover before it is in stalled.
Removal and Installa tion 8-25 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Ink T ubes System Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . 1. Open the Right Cover door and pull out the Printhead Cleaner Carriage. 2. Open the T o p Cover and pull the Carriage out along the Printer to the position shown.
Removal and Installa tion 8-26 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 4. Slide the Carria ge to the position shown. 5. Push in the 2 reta ining clips either side of the Printhead T ube Connector . 6. Pull the Printhead T ube Connector towards you.
Removal and Installa tion 8-27 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 7. Push the button to rele ase the Printhea d T ub es in the Carriage. 8. Release the Retaining Clip by pulling it away from the holding brackets. 9. Pull the Printhead T ube Connector up between the two T ube Guides.
Removal and Installa tion 8-28 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 10. Lift out the blue Retaining Clip. 11 . Remove ALL the Ink Cartridges from the Printer .
Removal and Installa tion 8-29 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 13. Disconnect the Electrical Cable from the rear of the Ink Cartridge Tube Connec tor . 14. Disconnect the Air T ube. 15. T wist the 3 latche s at the re ar of the Ink Cartridge T ube Connector and release the compl ete Assembly .
Removal and Installa tion 8-30 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 16. The complete assembly can now be removed by sliding the Ink Cartridge Connector out from the rear of the Left Hand Cover . Installation of I nk T ubes Sy stem W ARNING When installing th e Ink T ubes System it is very important that the T ubes are NOT TWISTED.
Removal and Installa tion 8-31 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual NOTE When the Ink T ubes System is replac ed, to r estart th e Printer perform the following procedur es. 1. Install the S etup Printheads (re fer to the User ’ s Guide).
Removal and Installa tion 8-32 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual EMC Covers Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . NOTE Refer to the table on Page 8-4 for information on scre w types. NOTE The EMC Cover is composed of three parts; T op, Lower Lef t and Lower Right.
Removal and Installa tion 8-33 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 7. Remove the following screws ( Ty p e N ) from the T op EMC Cover . n 8 T - 15 screws for the 60" Model. n 6 T - 15 screws for the 42" Model. 8. Loosen 4 T -15 scr ews ( Ty p e L ) on Lower Covers and remove all Covers as one assembly .
Removal and Installa tion 8-34 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Encoder S tr ip Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . 1. Remove the Left Hand Cover - Refer to Page 8-6 . 2. Remove the Right Hand Cover - Refer to Page 8-10 .
Removal and Installa tion 8-35 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 8. Remove the 5.5 mm nut from the right hand side of the Printer . 9. Remove the Encoder Strip from the Printer .
Removal and Installa tion 8-36 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual T railing Cable Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . NOTE Refer to the table on Page 8-4 for information on scre w types. 1. Remove the T op Cover - Refer to Page 8-5 .
Removal and Installa tion 8-37 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 7. Carefully disconnect the T railing Cables (3) from the connectors in the Carriage PCA. NOTE Remove T railing Cable Ferr ites if they fal l into t he Carriage n 3 for 60" Model n 1 for 42" Model 8.
Removal and Installa tion 8-38 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 10. Carefully disconnect the T railing Cable from the Main PCA. 11 . Remove the T -20 screw ( Ty p e C ) from the T rai ling Cable Clip on the left. NOTE Ther e is a hole in the T ube Guide to access th e scre w .
Removal and Installa tion 8-39 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 13. Carefully lift the Cli ps and the T r ailing Ca ble from the Printer . Installation of T railing Ca ble W ARNING Do not install d amaged T railing Cables. W ARNING When Ins talling th e T railing Cabl e, make sur e you ins tall it as follows: 1.
Removal and Installa tion 8-40 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 2. Insert the T railing Cable Guide into the Carriage and connect the Trailing Cables. NOTE Remember to pass the T railing Cables thr oug h the Ferrit e(s). n 3 for 60" Model.
Removal and Installa tion 8-41 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual TIP Make sur e the T railing Cable is flat on the chassis without bubble s. NOTE Check the cable and c lips are corr ectly in stalle d by slidi ng the carriage along the Printer to see if it moves freely .
Removal and Installa tion 8-42 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual T ensioner Ass emb ly Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . NOTE Refer to the table on Page 8-4 for information on scre w types. 1. Remove the Left Hand Cover - Refer to Page 8-6 .
Removal and Installa tion 8-43 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 5. Using a screwdriver , fully tighten the Spring Release S crew to rele ase the tension on the Belt. 6. From the right-hand side, lift the T ensioner Belt off the Scan-Axis Motor .
Removal and Installa tion 8-44 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 8. Remove the Be lt Wheel on the l eft side. 9. Remove the T ensioner Assembly from the left-hand side.
Removal and Installa tion 8-45 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Installat ion of T ensioner Assembly NOTE Before install ation, clean and oil the Slider Rods using the User ’ s Slider Rods Lu brificati on Kit (Refer to Page 9-8 ). W ARNING Be car e ful n ot to twi st the Be lt when in stalling the T ensioner Assembly .
Removal and Installa tion 8-46 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Carriage Assembly and Be lt NOTE Pleas e b e very carefu l when h andling the E ncoder Guid e at the re ar of the Carriage Assemb ly . If you break th e En coder G uide, a spar e one is included in this kit.
Removal and Installa tion 8-47 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 6. Slide Carria ge Assembly to posit ion shown. 7. Lift up the Carriage Cover and remove ALL the Pri ntheads and close the Carriage Cover . 8. Slide the Carriage along the Printer to the position shown.
Removal and Installa tion 8-48 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 9. Push in the 2 reta ining clips either side of the Printhead T ube Connector . 10. Pull the Printhead T ube Connector towards you. 11 . Push the button to release the Printhea d T ubes in the Carriag e.
Removal and Installa tion 8-49 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 12. Release the retaining clip by pulling it away from the holding brackets. 13. Pull the Printhead T ube Connector up between the two T ube Guides. 14. Slide the Carria ge to the left si de of the Printer .
Removal and Installa tion 8-50 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 15. Unclip and remove the Carriage Cover to ac cess the T railing Cabl e in the Carriage. 16. Carefully disconnect the T railing Cables (3) from the connectors in the Carriage PCA.
Removal and Installa tion 8-51 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 18. Slide the T railing Cable Guide out of the Carriage. 19. Slide the Ca rriage (inclu ding the Belt) to the left and out of the Printer . 20. Remove the Belt from the Carriage by releasing it from the retaining clips underneath the Carriage.
Removal and Installa tion 8-52 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Installati on of Carriage a nd Bel t NOTE Before install ation, clean and oil the Slider Rods using the User ’ s Slider Rod s Lubrificat ion Kit (Refer to the User ’ s Guide ).
Removal and Installa tion 8-53 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual NOTE Before installing the Carriage Assembly , remove the EMC Cover s (Refer to Page 8-32 ) and chec k if ther e ar e Locating Pins for the Encoder S trip present at th e r ear of the Printer .
Removal and Installa tion 8-54 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 4. If you install the Carriage Assembly with the Encoder Guide , then install the Encoder Strip by sl iding it into the Encoder Sensor at the rear of the Carriage Assembly as shown in this figure.
Removal and Installa tion 8-55 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Scan-Axis Motor Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . NOTE Refer to the table on Page 8-4 for information on scre w types. 1. Remove the Right Rear Cover - Refer to Page 8-16 .
Removal and Installa tion 8-56 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 6. Using a screwdriver , fully tighten the Spring Release S crew to rele ase the tension on the Belt. 7. Disconnect the Scan-Axis Motor Cable from positio n P23 on the Main PCA.
Removal and Installa tion 8-57 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 9. From the right-hand side, lift the T ensioner Belt off the Scan-Axis Motor . 10. While supporting the Scan-Axis Motor , remove 2 T -15 screw s ( Ty p e B ). 11 . Lower the Scan-A xis Motor and remove from the Print er .
Removal and Installa tion 8-58 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Cutter Assembly Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . NOTE Refer to the table on Page 8-4 for information on scre w types. 1. Open the T op Cover .
Removal and Installa tion 8-59 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 4. Slide the Carria ge to the position shown. 5. Push in the 2 reta ining clips either side of the Printhead T ube Connector . 6. Pull the Printhead T ube Connector towards you.
Removal and Installa tion 8-60 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 7. Push the button to rele ase the Printhead T ubes from the Carriage . 8. Release the retaining clip by pulling it away from the holding brackets. 9. Remove 1 T -8 scr ew ( Ty p e V ) and washer that atta ches th e Cutter to the Carriage.
Removal and Installa tion 8-61 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 10. Slide the Cutter towards you and remove from the Print er ..
Removal and Installa tion 8-62 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Ink Supply S tation (ISS) Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . 1. Remove the Left Hand Cover - Refer to Page 8-6 . 2. Remove the Left Rear Cover - Refe r to Page 8-15 .
Removal and Installa tion 8-63 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 6. While pressing in the retaining clip (step 5), rotate the right side of the ISS up and left. 7. Pull out the right side of the ISS. 8. Slide the IS S to the left a nd pull out the left side to rem ove from the Printer .
Removal and Installa tion 8-64 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Installation of I SS NOTE If the ISS is to be r eplaced, make sur e you r emove the APS from the old ISS and, after installing the Groundi ng Plate, reinstall it on the new ISS.
Removal and Installa tion 8-65 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Air Pressurization System (APS) Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . 1. Remove the Left Hand Cover - Refer to Page 8-6 . 2. Remove the Left Rear Cover - Refe r to Page 8-15 .
Removal and Installa tion 8-66 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Installation of A PS W ARNING When In stalling the Air Pr essuri zation System make su re the tube and wir es ar e placed in the dedicated slots and perform the following steps: 1.
Removal and Installa tion 8-67 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Service S tat ion Assembly Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . NOTE Refer to the table on Page 8-4 for information on scre w types. 1. Remove the Right Rear Cover - Refer to Page 8-16 .
Removal and Installa tion 8-68 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 5. Disconnect the Service Station Cable from the Main PCA (P15) . 6. Unclip the S can-Axis Motor C able from the Serv ice S tation. NOTE Follow the i nstruction s in step 7 carefully; LOOSE N the screw and DO NOT r emove.
Removal and Installa tion 8-69 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 8. Remove 2 T -15 scr ews ( Ty p e F ) between the two slider rods that a ttach the Service S tation to the Chassis. 9. St anding in front of the Service St ation, lift it off the loosened screw .
Removal and Installa tion 8-70 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Drop Detector Assembly Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . 1. Remove the Right Rear Cover - Refer to Page 8-16 . 2. Remove the Right Hand Cover - Refer to Page 8-10 .
Removal and Installa tion 8-71 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 6. Remove the T -15 scr ew ( Ty p e F ) that attaches th e Drop Detector Asse mbly to the Service Sta tion.
Removal and Installa tion 8-72 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Hard Disk Drive (HDD) Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . NOTE Refer to the table on Page 8-4 for information on scre w types. 1. Remove 6 T -15 screws ( Ty p e B ) from the HDD Access Cover .
Removal and Installa tion 8-73 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Installation of Hard Di sk Drive NOTE If you re place the Main PCA and the HDD at the same time you must perf orm ALL Ser vice Cal ibrations ( ⇒ Page 5-3 ) and the EEROM Se tup Serv ice Utility ( ⇒ Page 4-24 ).
Removal and Installa tion 8-74 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual LAN Card Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . 1. Disconnect the LAN cable from the LAN Card at the rear of the Printer . 2. Using a flat end screwdriver , unscrew the two screws that atta ch the LAN Card to the Printer .
Removal and Installa tion 8-75 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Memory a nd BootROM DIMM ’ s Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . NOTE Refer to the table on Page 8-4 for information on scre w types. 1.
Removal and Installa tion 8-76 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 3. Pull out the DIMM. T ake care that it does not fall out. Installation of D IMM ’ s W ARNING When in stalling the DIMM ’ s make sure they are in the corr ect position as shown i n the diagram.
Removal and Installa tion 8-77 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Electr onics Module Cover Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . NOTE Refer to the table on Page 8-4 for information on scre w types. 1. Remove the LAN Card - Refe r to Page 8-74 .
Removal and Installa tion 8-78 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual NOTE Lift the Par allel Port Clips before r emoving the Cover . 6. Remove the Electronics Module Cover .
Removal and Installa tion 8-79 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Main PCA Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . NOTE Refer to the table on Page 8-4 for information on scre w types. 1. Remove the LAN Card - Refe r to Page 8-74 .
Removal and Installa tion 8-80 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 9. Disconnect the HDD Controller and remove from the Print er . 10. Remove 6 T -10 screws ( Ty p e K ) from the Main PCA.
Removal and Installa tion 8-81 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 12. Remove by sliding the Main PCA to the left and lifting out (see detail below).
Removal and Installa tion 8-82 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Installation of M ain PCA NOTE If you re place the Main PCA and the HDD at the same time you must perf orm ALL Ser vice Cal ibrations ( ⇒ Page 5-3 ) and the EEROM Se tup Serv ice Utility ( ⇒ Page 4-24 ) .
Removal and Installa tion 8-83 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Power Supply Unit (PSU) Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . NOTE Refer to the table on Page 8-4 for information on scre w types. 1. Remove the LAN Card - Refe r to Page 8-74 .
Removal and Installa tion 8-84 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 7. Remove the plastic protective cover from the Power Supply Unit. 8. Disconnect ALL Cables from the PSU (see Installation of PSU for connections). 9. Remove 7 T -10 scr ews ( Ty p e K ) a nd remove the PSU.
Removal and Installa tion 8-85 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Installation of the Power Supply Unit (PSU) W ARNING After in stalling t he Power Suppl y Unit, remember to p lace th e plastic protective cover over the unit. NOTE The Power S upply Unit c onnecti ons ar e illu strated below .
Removal and Installa tion 8-86 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Ink Supply S tation (ISS) PCA Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . NOTE Refer to the table on Page 8-4 for information on scre w types. 1. Remove the LAN Card - Refe r to Page 8-74 .
Removal and Installa tion 8-87 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Installation of the ISS PC A NOTE The ISS PCA conn ections ar e illu strated be low .
Removal and Installa tion 8-88 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Ink Leak Detector Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . NOTE Refer to the table on Page 8-4 for information on scre w types. 1. Remove the Left Rear Cover - Refe r to Page 8-15 .
Removal and Installa tion 8-89 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 6. Press the ret aining clip on the Ink Leak D etecto r and r eleas e it. TIP A screwdriver can be used to press the retaining clip down. 7. Remove the Ink Leak Detector f rom the Printer .
Removal and Installa tion 8-90 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Cooling Fans Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . NOTE Refer to the table on Page 8-4 for information on scre w types. 1. Remove the LAN Card - Refe r to Page 8-74 .
Removal and Installa tion 8-91 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 7. Remove the plastic Protective Cover from the Power Supply Unit. 8. Disconnect the Cooling Fan Cables from the Power Supply Unit. 9. Remove the Cooling Fans from the Printer .
Removal and Installa tion 8-92 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Electr onics Module (as one complete Assembly) Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . NOTE Refer to the table on Page 8-4 for information on scre w types.
Removal and Installa tion 8-93 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Pinch-Wheels Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . NOTE Refer to the table on Page 8-4 for information on scre w types. 1. Remove the T op Cover - Refer to Page 8-5 .
Removal and Installa tion 8-94 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 6. First remove lateral P inch-Wheel s with their Coupling Plat es. NOTE For Pinch-Wheel groups installed ar ound the Mount Brackets do the following: 7. From the front of the Printer , r emove the Coupling Plate corresponding to the position of the Mount Bracket.
Removal and Installa tion 8-95 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Pinch-Whee l Cam Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . NOTE Refer to the table on Page 8-4 for information on scre w types. 1. Remove Right Rear Cover - Refer to Page 8-16 .
Removal and Installa tion 8-96 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 16. Remove the Center Guide - Refer to Page 8-107 . 17. Remove the Pinch-Wheels - Refer to Page 8-92 . 18. Through the slot in the right Sideplate, remove the T -15 screw ( Ty p e H ) retaining the cam lever a rm.
Removal and Installa tion 8-97 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Installation of C am 1. T o install the Cam slide it through the left Sideplate and place it in the cam slot in the beam. 2. Hold the Cam Lever Linkage over its slot in the Sideplate and insert the Cam into it.
Removal and Installa tion 8-98 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual V ac uum Fan Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . NOTE Refer to the table on Page 8-4 for information on scre w types. 1. Remove the Right Rear Cover - Refer to Page 8-16 .
Removal and Installa tion 8-99 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 6. Remove the V acuum Fan. Installation of V acuum Fan W ARNING When installing the V acuum Fan make sur e that it fits tightly to the Guide s in the S ideplate.
Removal and Installa tion 8-100 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Paper -Axis Motor Assembly Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . NOTE Refer to the table on Page 8-4 for information on scre w types. 1. Remove the Right Rear Cover - Refer to Page 8-16 .
Removal and Installa tion 8-101 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 6. Remove the Hel ical Gear . 7. Remove the 3 T -20 scr ews ( Ty p e L ) that secure th e Paper-Axis Motor Assembly to the S ideplate. 8. Remove the Paper-Axis Mot or Assembly .
Removal and Installa tion 8-102 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Installation of P aper -Axis Motor Ass embly W ARNING When r einstallin g parts make su re that the y fit tightly and that screws ar e tight. NOTE Apply gr ease to the Helical Gear .
Removal and Installa tion 8-103 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Booster Fan Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . NOTE Refer to the table on Page 8-4 for information on scre w types. 1. Remove Right Rear Cover - Refer to Page 8-16 .
Removal and Installa tion 8-104 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Media Sensor Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . 1. Remove the T op Cover - Refer to Page 8-5 . 2. Remove the Right Rear Cover - Refer to Page 8-16 .
Removal and Installa tion 8-105 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Installation of M edia Sensor W ARNING When installing th e Media Sensor , insert the moving part as shown in the diagram.
Removal and Installa tion 8-106 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Entry Roller Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . NOTE Refer to the table on Page 8-4 for information on scre w types. 1. Remove Left Hand T rim - Refer to Page 8-22 .
Removal and Installa tion 8-107 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Center Guide Assembly Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . NOTE Refer to the table on Page 8-4 for information on scre w types. 1. Remove the T op Cover - Refer to Page 8-5 .
Removal and Installa tion 8-108 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 16. Remove the Booster Fan - Refer to Page 8-103 . 17. Remove the Media Sensor - Refer to Page 8-104 . 18. Remove the Entry Roll er - Refer to Page 8-106 . 19. Remove 3 T -15 scr ews ( Ty p e J ) that secure the Cent er Guide to the left Sideplate.
Removal and Installa tion 8-109 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Drive Roller Gear Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . NOTE Refer to the table on Page 8-4 for information on scre w types. 1. Remove the Left Hand Cover - Refer to Page 8-6 .
Removal and Installa tion 8-110 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Fr ont Platen Ass embly Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . NOTE Refer to the table on Page 8-4 for information on scre w types. 1. Remove the Left Hand T rim - Refe r to Page 8-22 .
Removal and Installa tion 8-111 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 4. Remove the Pl aten starting from the left side..
Removal and Installa tion 8-112 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Center Plat en Assembly Removal W ARNING Switch off the Printe r and remove the Power Cord . NOTE Refer to the table on Page 8-4 for information on scre w types. 1. Open the T op Cover .
Removal and Installa tion 8-113 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual 3. Remove the c omplete Cent er Platen Assembly (includes the Overdrive Assembly and the Cutter guide). NOTE Y ou must perform th e following Calibrations when the C enter Platen Assemb ly is r eplaced: n Scan Axis Calibration ⇒ P age 5-7 .
Removal and Installa tion 8-114 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Deflectors Removal NOTE Refer to the table on Page 8-4 for information on scre w types. 1. Unclip the Deflector Extension. 2. Remove 1 T -15 ( Ty p e M ) scr ew fr om each Defl ector .
9-1 HP DesignJet 5000 Ser ies Pr in ters Service Manual Pr eventive Maintenance 9 Introdu ction 9- 2 Service Prev entive Maintenan ce 9-2 W arning/S top T r iggers 9-3 Routine Ma intenance 9-5 Lens Ma.
Preventive Ma intenance 9-2 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Intr oduction This chapter explains how to perform service preventive maintenance procedure s when they are required, and routine maintenance procedure s that are recommended when Service Engineers perform Removal and Installation procedures.
Preventive Maintenance 9-3 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual W arning/S top T riggers NOTE If the Ink T ubes System needs to b e replaced , this can be perform ed by th e User . The Printer will advise the User when the Carriage and/or T ubes need to be re placed by displaying a W arning message.
Preventive Ma intenance 9-4 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual If the Ink T ubes reach 7 million cycles, they ris k breakage. The Printer is stopped and the following message is displaye.
Preventive Maintenance 9-5 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Routine Mainte nance User ’ s re ceive a User Ma intenance Kit w hen they purchase t he Printer . The Kit provides the User with all the tools and i nstructions required to perform routine maintenance proce dures.
Preventive Ma intenance 9-6 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Carriage Inter connect Wiper NOTE The Carriage Interconnect W iper also comes with the Carriage.
Preventive Maintenance 9-7 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Roller Lubri fication Kit W ARNING This pr ocedur e is for Service Engineers only .
Preventive Ma intenance 9-8 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Slider Rod s Lubrification Ki t In addition to the wea ring of the S can-Axis Motor , the friction in this area can inc rease due to the accumula tion of ink partic les and dust from the media or the atmosphere in the vicinity of the Slider Rods.
Preventive Maintenance 9-9 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Cleaning the Platen W ARNING This pr ocedur e is for Service Engineers only .
Preventive Ma intenance 9-10 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Moistur e on the Printer Users should use the Printer in an environment between 20% and 80% relative humidity .
Preventive Maintenance 9-11 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Firmwar e Upgrade This section explains how to perform the System Software (Firmware) Upgrade and the Interna l Demo Prints Upgrade (Only for the PostScr ipt Print er) when they are re quired.
Preventive Ma intenance 9-12 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Upgrade Instructi ons W ARNING The Firmware Up grade pr ocess will delete all p ending print jobs. NOTE Ensure that the Printer is powered ON and that the Media has been r emoved from the Printer .
10-1 HP Design Jet 5000 Series Prin ters Ser vice Manual Functional Overview 10 Introdu ction, pag e 10-2 Electri cal System, page 10-2 Front Panel, page 10-3 Scan Axis, page 1 0-3 Paper Axis, pa ge 1.
Functional Overview 10-2 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Intr oduction This Chapter contains a simplified description of the HP DesignJet 5000/5000PS Printer .
Functional Overview 10-3 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Front Panel The Front Panel is used to display messages, configure the Printer and send commands to the Printer via the keys. The display is a 128 x 64 pixel graphic LCD and can display both text and graphics a t the same time.
Functional Overview 10-4 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Paper Axis The Paper Axis determines the motion of the media through the printer . Its main parts are: n Paper-Axis Mot or - provides traction to the Overdrive. n Center Platen and Overdrive - c ontrols the printing path and expansion of the media.
Functional Overview 10-5 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Ink Delivery System (IDS) The Ink Delivery System (IDS) delivers ink under pressure from the lar ge capacity off-axis Ink Cartridges via permanently connected tubes to the high throughput Printheads.
Functional Overview 10-6 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Ink Supply S tation (ISS) In the Printer , the Ink Cartridges reside inside the Ink Supply Station (ISS).
Functional Overview 10-7 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual The T ubes move back and forth inside the volume defined by the T ube Guides.
Functional Overview 10-8 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Air Pr essurization Sys tem (APS) The APS is the system that provides and controls t he pressurization of the ink in the Ink Cartridges and is located under the ISS.
Functional Overview 10-9 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Service S tation The Service Station consists of a linear motion mechanism with a chassis containing one PrintHead Cleane r (PHC) for eac h printhead. Attached to the Service Station chassis, one optical drop detector provides nozzle ch eck functionality .
Functional Overview 10-10 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Printer Specifications Functional Specifications HP No. 81 Suppl ies Six colors : cyan, li ght cy an , mage nta, li ght mag enta ye llow an d black . Prin the ads: 15.0 kHz Cyan , light cya n, mage nta, light mag enta , yellow and bl ack.
Functional Overview 10-11 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual NOTE If the p rinter temperat ur e falls below its minimum operating temperatur e it may stop to protect its ink systems . NOTE At 3000m altitude the printer may have operational pr oblems.
Functional Overview 10-12 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual EMC (E le ctroMagnetic Co mpatib il ity) Spec ification s Canada Canadian Departmen t of Com munication s, Radio Int erference Reg ulations Class B 1 compliant. Eur o pea n U ni on 89/336/EEC EMC Directive compliant.
Functional Overview 10-13 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Printable Ar ea Interface Spec ifications For specifications of the HP JetD irect Print Server (Network Interface), see the Je tDirect Print Server documentation suppli ed with the Print Server Interface or consult your deale r .
Functional Overview 10-14 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual.
Glossary G-1 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Glossary 11 ac Alternating cu rrent. ANSI size An American standard media size; e.g. D, E application The software you use to create your drawings. APS Air Pressurization System Centronics A standard for the paralle l interface between computer and device.
Glossary G-2 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual IDS Ink Delivery System. I/O Input/ou tput The transmission of data between a computer and a device. inked ar ea The smallest rectangle that contains all the content of the drawing, while maintaining its relative dimensions.
Glossary G-3 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual PA N T O N E The P ANT ONE MA TCHING S YSTEM ® is an international standard for color communication in the graphics art industry . pen Even though the plotter has no physical pens, the lines it draws match t he attributes of a pen.
Glossary G-4 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual.
Index Index-1 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Index 12 A Accuracy Calibration 5-14 Air Pressurization System Installation 8-66 Parts List 7-22 Removal 8-65 B Back Cover Removal 8-23 B.
Index Index-2 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Man ual 2006 5-33 2007 5-33 2008 5-33 2101 (through to 2607) 5-34 Calibrations Servi ce 5- 3 Carriage Assembly and Be lt Installation 8-52 Parts.
Index Index-3 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Firmware Version 1-2 Front Panel Assembly Parts List 7-6 Removal 8-14 Front Panel Display 3-6 Front Platen Assembly Parts List 7-40 Remov.
Index Index-4 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Man ual J Japanese Fonts See EEROM Setup 4-27 L LAN Card Removal 8-74 Language Selection Problems 1-23 Left Hand Cover Installation 8-9 Parts Li.
Index Index-5 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Parts List APS Assembly 7-22 Back Cover 7-10 Booster Fan 7-16 Carriage Assembly 7-36 Center Guide 7-44 Cutter Asse mbly 7-36 Deflectors 7.
Index Index-6 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Man ual Cutter Asse mbly 1-19 Electronics 1-21 Firmware Upgrade 1- 23 Language Selection 1-23 Long Term Color Bleeding 6-22 Media 6-21 Media-Axi.
Index Index-7 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Manual Scratches on Media 6-22 Self Tes t See Diagnostics 4-2 Service Calibrations Accuracy 5-14 Carriage Height 5-18 Entering 5-4 Scan-Axis 5-7.
Index Index-8 HP DesignJet 5000 Series Printers Service Man ual 0B000D 2-19 0B000E 2-19 0C0030 2-19 0C0032 2-20 0C0040 2-20 0C00FF 2-21 0C1000 2-21 0C1001 2-21 0D0000 2-22 0D0000 033f019C 2-22 0D0002 .
About this Ed ition This is the 2nd edition of this Service Manual 1st edition, titled HP Desig nJet 500 0 and 50 00PS Se rvice Manual - August 2000 2nd edition, titled HP Desig nJet 500 0 and 5000 PS.
1 What ’ s in this Service Manual This manual contains information necessary to test, calibrate and serv ice: - HP DesignJet 5000 Printer - 42 ” Model ( P/N C609 0A/V) - HP DesignJet 5000 Printer .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5000PS (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5000PS noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5000PS - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5000PS reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5000PS erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5000PS besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5000PS verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5000PS. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5000PS gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.