Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 73168 des Produzenten Hoshizaki
Zur Seite of 66
Hoshizaki “A Superior Degr ee of Reliability” www Model Refrigerated Prep Table with Raised Rail Commercial Kitchen Equipment Hoshizaki America, Inc.
2 IMPOR T ANT Only quali ed ser vice technicians should inst all, ser vice , and maintain the unit. No ser vice or maint enance should be under tak en until the t echnician has thoroughl y read this Ser vice Manual.
3 IMPOR T ANT This manual should be r ead car efull y bef ore the unit is ser viced or maintenance oper ations ar e perf or med. Only quali ed ser vice technicians should install, service, and maintain the unit. Read the warnings contained in this booklet carefull y as they giv e impor tant inf or mation reg arding saf et y .
4 III. Ser vice Diagnosis ........................................................................................................... 25 A. Alar m Signals ................................................................................................
5 5. Door/Drawer Gask ets ............................................................................................ 59 6. Shelv es (if applicab le) ............................................................................................ 59 7 . Drawer s (if applicable) .
6 Impor tant Safety Inf ormation Throughout this man ual, notices appear t o bring your at tention t o situations which could result in death, serious injur y , or damage to the unit. W ARNING Indicates a hazardous sit uation which could result in death or serious injury .
7 I. Specications A. Nameplate Ratings Model A C Supply V oltage Amperes Design Pr essur e (PSIG) Refr igerant HI LO 404A HPR46A(-D) 1 1 5/60/1 7. 6 450 250 28.5 oz. HPR72A See Unit Nameplate 36.1 oz. HPR72A -D 1 3.6 HPR1 00A(-D) TBD TBD B. Dimensions Model Inter ior V olume Cu.
8 II. General Inf ormation A. Construction This Hoshizaki unit f eatur es a car tridge-t ype refrigeration s ystem that can be r emov ed (e x cluding the rail e vaporat or).
9 B. Sequence of Operation The steps in the sequence ar e as outlined below . 1 . Startup Whenthepo wers witchisinthe"ON"position,thecabinett emperatur eisdispla yed andcabinetcoolingbegins.
10 (3) Both CT h and R Th r each 3.6 ° F (2 ° C) belo w setpoint C abFM and PH continue . RailFM continues when rail cooling s witch is in the "NORMAL"positionandperF9set tingwheninthe"LO W"position.
11 a) Cabinet Defrost: P ow er S witch "ON," R ail Cooling Switc h "OFF" CLL V continues , C abFM, Comp , C onFM, and PH de-ener gize . DH energiz es and warms DTh to 49°F (9.4°C) (or the 1 00-minute defr ost ter mination timer e xpires or DTst warms to 1 20°F±5°F (49°C±3°C)).
12 C. Sequence of Operation Charts 1 . Cabinet Cooling Legend: CabFM -cabinet f an motor Comp -compressor ConFM -condenser f an motor CLL V -cabinet liquid line v alv e CTh -cabinet thermistor DH -def.
13 2. Cabinet and Rail Cooling Legend: C -cabinet cooling CabFM -cabinet f an motor Comp -compressor ConFM -condenser f an motor CLL V -cabinet liquid line v alv e CTh -cabinet thermistor DT -detrost .
14 2. Cabinet and Rail Cooling (continued) 4. Cabinet Defrost DTh in control •6‑hourDTe xpires ,thenr esets •1 00‑minutedefr ostterminationtimerstarts T o 2 previous page P ow er S witch "ON," Rail Cooling S witch "NORMAL" or "L O W" P osition (continued) DTh reaches 49°F (9.
15 D . Contr ol Board • AHoshizakie x clusivesolid‑st at econtr olboar disemplo yedinallHoshizaki HPR46A(-D), HPR72A(-D), and HPR1 00A(-D) units. • Allmodelsarepr etest edandf actor yset. C A UTION 1 .
16 F ront Displa y/Change Rail Setpoint "UP"But t on "DO WN"But ton "SER VICEUSEONL Y"Butt on "MANU ALDEFR OST"b utt on LED on f or Negativ.
17 3. Feat ures a) LED Display and Service Lock-Out This control boar d uses t win LED display s t o sho w s y stem det ails and diagnostic inf ormation. F or control boar d volt age pr ot ection, a 3A 1 25V fuse is incor porated into the contr ol board cir cuitr y .
18 4. Controls and A djustments The cabinet and rail t emperatur es are updat ed e ver y 30 seconds . The control boar d is supplied with a ser vice jumper on the K1 51 connector . Only the t emperatur e setpoint andthetemper atur escale("F5")ma ybeadjustedwiththisconnect orinplace.
19 Section T emperat ure Setpoint Range Default C abinet 21 to 53°F (-6 to +1 2°C) 37°F (3°C) Rail -1 3 to +53°F (-25 to +1 2°C) 33°F (1°C) c) T emperat ur e Setpoint The temper atur e setpoint is the t emperatur e set ting at which the compr essor tur ns on.
20 f) T emperat ure Cor rection F act or In cases where ther e is a discrepancy bet ween the actual cabinet or r ail t emperatur e and the displa y ed t emperatur e, a temper atur e corr ection f actor is used t o corr ect the displa y ed t emperatur e.
21 5. Ser vice Menu Theser vicemenu("F0"t o"F9")maybeusedt ochangeset tings,acquir ediagnostic inf ormation, and to vie w alar m hist ory .
22 Service Menu Item and Details Set ting Range Fact or y Default Cabinet Rail Cabinet Rail F0 Defrost Int er val • Thecabinetusesatimeinitiated heated defr ost. • Thechangeinthedefrost interval set ting will take ef f ect immediatel y .
23 6. Alarm Signals In the e v ent of operation outside of nor mal paramet er s , the contr ol board identi es the issue with an alar m signal. The alar m signal and temper atur e are displa yed in 1 -second intervals . Forservicecorrections ,see"III.
24 E. Thermist or Check Ther mist or s (semiconduct or s) ar e used f or temperatur e contr ol in the cabinet and rail ar eas , defr ost t er mination, and f or monitoring condenser temper ature (clogged lt er). The resistance v ar ies depending on t emperatur e.
25 III. Service Diagnosis W ARNING 1 . This unit should be disassembled or r epaired onl y b y a quali ed service technician t o reduce the risk of injur y , electr ic shoc k, or r e. 2. Do not make any alt erations to the unit. This could cause wat er leak, electric shock, or r e.
26 Alarm Signal Pr iority Pr oblem Reset, Corr ections, and A djustments E7 6 High Condenser T emperature Alarm (clogged lt er) Condenser t emperatur e is outside of nor mal operating t emperature . 1 40°F (60°C) T ur n the pow er of f, then bac k on.
27 1 . High T emperat ur e Alarm (E1) If the cabinet or rail t emperatur e ex ceeds the setpoint t emperatur e by 1 8°F (1 0°C) or moref ormorethanxhour s,"E1"isdispla y ed. Thedefaultv alueofxis"2"(2hours).
28 2. Low T emper at ur e Alarm (E2) If the cabinet or rail t emperatur e drops belo w the setpoint temper atur e b y 9°F (5°C) or moref ormorethanyhour s,"E2"isdispla y ed. Thedefaultv alueofyis"1"(1hour).
29 3. Cabinet Defrost Alarm (E3) Once the defrost t er mination temper atur e is r eached, the signal fr om the defr ost ther mist or should t erminate the defrost. If the defrost thermistor does not t er minate the defrostwithin1 00minut es(1hourand40minut es),"E3"isdisplay ed.
30 4. High Condenser T emperat ure Alarm (c logged lt er) (E7) The unit is equipped with a condenser air lt er to pr ot ect the condenser from dirt, grease , etc. The condenser air lt er pr omot es clean condenser surf aces and ef ficient oper ation and should be check ed t wice monthly and cleaned when necessar y .
31 5. Defrost Thermist or (cabinet) Malfunction Alarm (E8) Ifthecontrolboar ddetectsanopendefr ostthermistor ,"E8"isdispla y ed. W henthe control boar d detects a shor ted defr ost ther mistor , a 1 0-minute dela y timer begins.
32 6. Condenser Thermistor Malfunction Alarm (E9) Ifthecontrolboar ddetectsanopencondenserthermistor ,"E9"isdispla y ed. W henthe control boar d detects a shor ted condenser thermistor , a 1 0-minute dela y timer begins.
33 Pr oblem P ossible Cause Remed y [1] The unit will not star t. a) P ower Suppl y 1. Unplugged, of f, blo wn fuse, or tripped or def ectiv e circuit break er . 1. T ur n on, replace , or check and reset. Call electrician if break er tr ips repeat edly .
34 Pr oblem P ossible Cause Remed y [3] Compr essor will not star t or stops oper ating. (continued) f) V oltage 1. T oo low . 1. Call electrician. 2. T oo high. 2. Call electrician. g) High P ressur e S witch 1. Restrict ed air ow t o condenser .
35 Pr oblem P ossible Cause Remed y [1] C abinet temper ature t oo high. (continued) g) Defrost 1. Defrost time insuf ficient to r emov e frost. Operation in humid conditions. 1. See"4. CabinetDefr ost." 2. Incomplete defr ost. 2. See"4.
36 3. Rail Cooling Pr oblem P ossible Cause Remed y [1] Rail t emperatur e too high. a) W ar m Food 1. W ar m food r ecently placed in rail ar ea. 1. P re-cool f ood or allow time f or unit to r etur n to setpoint temper ature . b) Rail P ans/Dividers 1.
37 4. Cabinet Defrost Pr oblem P ossible Cause Remed y [1] C abinet f an mot ors on. a) Cabinet F an Rela y 1. Bad contacts (closed). 1. Chec k f or continuity and replace . b) Contr ol Boar d 1. Def ectiv e. 1. R eplace. [2] Ev aporat or does not defrost completel y .
38 5. Other Pr oblem P ossible Cause Remed y [1] Condensat e wat er ov ero w . a) C abinet Cont ents 1. Loading large v olumes of warm, moist, uncov ered product. 1. P re-cool f ood. Cov er product with plastic wr ap . b) Location of Unit 1. Unit located near high humidity source such as fr y er , steamer , etc.
39 IV . R emo v al and Replacement of Components W ARNING 1 . This unit should be diagnosed and repair ed only b y quali ed ser vice personnel t o reduce the risk of death, electr ic shoc k, serious injur y , or re .
40 2. Brazing W ARNING 1 . R-404A itself is not ammab le at atmospheric pressur e and t emperatur es up to 1 76°F (80°C). 2. R-404A itself is not explosiv e or poisonous.
41 3) Allowthev acuumpumptopulldownt oa29.9"Hgvacuum. Evacuatingperioddepends on pump capacity . 4) Close both gauge manif old v al v es. 5) T ur n of f the v acuum pump. Disconnect the v acuum pump hose and at tach it to a refrigerant service cylinder .
42 B. Remo val and R eplacement of Refr igeration S yst em Car tridge C A UTION The refrigeration s yst em car tr idge should not be r emo v ed until the r efrigerant has been properl y r ecov ered or the r efrigeration s y st em has been pr operly pumped down.
43 1 3) Slide the refrigeration car tridge forw ar d. Suppor t the e vaporat or as it clears the e v aporator case . See Fig . 2. C A UTION 1 . Be careful when handling the cabinet e vapor at or assemb l y . This assemb l y includes a defrost heat er sheathed in a glass tube.
44 2. Refr igeration S ystem P ump-Down P r ocedure 1)Remo vethefr ontpanel. Mov ethepow ers witchtothe"OFF"position,thenunplugthe unit. 2) Remo ve the lef t side panel. 3) Connect the g auge manifold hoses t o the receiv er ser vice v alv e (high-side) and the rail low -side access val v e.
45 1 6) Once the repair is made , r eplace the refrigeration car tridge back int o its correct position. Suppor t the cabinet e vaporat or as it enter s the cabinet e vaporat or case. 1 7) Reconnect the rail side r efr igerant tubes . Use a backup wr ench and tight en the t tings 1/6 tur n be y ond full y seat ed.
46 F ig. 2 Refrigeration C ar tr idge C abinet F an Motor s C abinet Ther mist or Defrost Thermistor Defrost Thermostat Defrost Heat er Rail Thermistor C abinet Evapor at or F an Motor Shr oud Ev apor.
47 C. Remo val and R eplacement of Compressor C A UTION 1 . Alw a ys install a ne w dr ier e ver y time the sealed r efrigeration sy stem is opened. 2. Do not replace the drier until af t er all other r epair or r eplacement has been made. Install the ne w drier with the arro w on the drier in the direction of the refrigerant ow .
48 1 5) Replace the panels in their corr ect positions . 1 6)Plugintheunit,thenmov ethepo wers witchtothe"ON"positiont ostar ttheunit's cooling process . D . R emov al and R eplacement of Cabinet Ev apor ator C A UTION 1 .
49 8) Braz e the t tings while purging with nitrogen g as o wing at a pressure of 3 t o 4 PSIG. 9) Replace the r emov ed e vaporat or par ts in their correct positions. 1 0)Oncether epairiscomplet e,r etur ntost ep1 5in"IV .
50 F . R emo val and R eplacement of Liquid Line V alve C A UTION 1 . Alw a ys install a ne w dr ier e ver y time the sealed r efrigeration sy stem is opened. 2. Do not replace the drier until af t er all other r epair or r eplacement has been made. Install the ne w drier with the arro w on the drier in the direction of the refrigerant ow .
51 G. Remo val and R eplacement of Condenser C A UTION 1 . Alw a ys install a ne w dr ier e ver y time the sealed r efrigeration sy stem is opened. 2. Do not replace the drier until af t er all other r epair or r eplacement has been made. Install the ne w drier with the arro w on the drier in the direction of the refrigerant ow .
52 H. Remo val and R eplacement of Thermist ors and Thermostat C A UTION 1 . The ther mist or s are fr agile; handle ver y car efull y . 2. Do not shor t en or cut the ther mist or leads . 1 . Cabinet Ther mist or 1)Remo vether efrigerations yst emcar tr idge.
53 3. Defrost Ther mostat 1)Remo vether efrigerations yst emcar tr idge. P erformsteps1thr ough1 6in"IV .B.2. P ump‑DownP r ocedur e."Oncether efr igerations yst emcar tr idgeisout,pr oceedt o step 2.
54 I. Remo val and R eplacement of Defrost Heat er C A UTION Be careful when handling both the old and ne w defrost heat er s. The heater s are sheathed in glass tubes and can possib ly cause cuts if br ok en. The heater will also be hot af ter a defr ost.
55 J . Remo val and R eplacement of Fan Mot ors 1 . Cabinet F an Mot or C A UTION Be careful when handling the e v aporat or shroud assembl y . This assembl y includes a defrost heat er sheathed in a glass tube. This sheathing can be easily damaged and ma y also cause cuts if brok en.
56 2. Condenser Fan Mot or 1)Openthefrontpanel. Mov ethepowers witchtothe"OFF"position,thenunplugthe unit. 2) Remo ve the lef t side panel. 3) Disconnect the f an mot or wir es . 4) Remo ve the condenser f an motor assemb l y bolts, then r emov e the condenser f an motor assemb ly .
57 K. Remo val and R eplacement of Door Gasket Remo ve the old g ask et b y pulling it dir ectl y out of the vinyl g asket r etainer . Thoroughl y clean the gask et area with mild soap and w at er prior to installing the ne w gask et.
58 V . Cleaning and Maint enance Instructions A. Cleaning W ARNING 1 . Bef or ecleaningtheunit,mov ethepowers witchtothe"OFF"positionand unplug the unit to pr ev ent electr ic shoc k b y une xpected entrance of w at er into the unit or injury by mo ving par ts.
59 2. Rail and Rail Cov er Spills and splashes should be wiped up promptl y to a v oid unpleasant odors. Wipe the interior of the rail and the r ail cov er regularly with a clean, damp sponge or cloth containing a neutral cleaner . Do not pour or spra y water int o the rail area.
60 B. Maintenance 1 . Rail Condensat e P an The rail condensat e pan collects condensat e w at er fr om the rail. Empt y the pan as of ten as necessar y depending on conditions. Clean the pan at least once a month with a clean, damp sponge or cloth containing a neutral cleaner .
61 C. Shutdown and Long St orage W ARNING 1 . When pr eparing the unit for long st orage, pr ev ent the doors/dra wers fr om closing to r educe the r isk of childr en get ting trapped. 2. T o reduce the risk of electric shock, do not t ouch the at tachment plug or s witches with damp hands .
62 VI. T echnical Information A. Refr ig er ation Cir cuit 1 . HPR46A(-D), HPR72A(-D), HPR1 0 0A(-D) Note: The number of rail f ans varies bet ween models.
63 B. W iring Diagr ams 1 . HPR46A(-D) *High Pr essure Switc h Cut-out 490±1 0 PSIG Cut-in 370±20 PSIG T ransformer Output 1 0V at 1 15V *.
64 2a. HPR72A(-D) Auxiliary Code U-5 and Earlier *High Pr essure Switc h Cut-out 490±1 0 PSIG Cut-in 370±20 PSIG T ransformer Output 1 0V at 1 15V *.
65 2b. HPR72A(-D) Auxiliary Code U-6 and Later T ransformer Output 1 0V at 1 15V * *High Pr essure Switc h Cut-out 490±1 0 PSIG Cut-in 370±20 PSIG.
66 3. HPR1 0 0A(-D) A W AITING D A T A.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Hoshizaki 73168 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Hoshizaki 73168 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Hoshizaki 73168 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Hoshizaki 73168 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Hoshizaki 73168 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Hoshizaki 73168 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Hoshizaki 73168 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Hoshizaki 73168. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Hoshizaki 73168 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.