Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 6271V des Produzenten Honeywell
Zur Seite of 72
A A A A A A A A D D D D D D D D E E E E E E E E M M M M M M M M C C C C C C C C O O O O O O O O 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 V V V V V V V V T T T T T T T T o o o o .
Table of Contents 2 ABOUT THE TOUCHCENTER ............................................................................ 4 Introduction.................................................................................................... 4 The TouchC enter Inter face .
Table of Contents (Cont'd) 3 Introduction t o User Code Setup ................................................................. 33 Authority Lev els ........................................................................................... 33 How to Access User Set up .
4 About the TouchCenter Introduction Congr atulati ons on your owner ship of an H oneywell Secu rity Sy stem. You'v e mad e a wise d ecisi on in ch oosing i t, for it rep resent s the l atest in secu rity pr otecti on tech nolog y today. This s ecurity system offer s you bur glary protec tion an d may p rovide fire and em ergency prot ection.
About the TouchCenter (Cont'd) 5 Navigating through the TouchCenter Navigatio n through t he TouchCenter typi cally begi ns from the "Home " scre en. Th is is th e TouchC ent er’s mai n def ault scr een (startin g screen ) and is the firs t screen y ou will see wh en the TouchC enter is pow ered up and initial ized.
About the TouchCenter (cont'd) 6 Navigation Icon D escripti ons To aid in the nav igation of the T ouchC enter , a set of us er-fr iendly icons h as been provid ed.
About the TouchCenter (Cont'd) 7 TouchCenter "Arming" Screen From the "H ome" scr een, p ress SECURITY to access the To uchCenter "Arming " screen . Use this p icture an d the tabl e that foll ows to become famil iar with the Tou chCen ter secu rity f unction s.
About the TouchCenter (cont'd) 8 ITEM FUNCTION NIGHT Press this bu tton to arm when you are staying hom e and d o not expect any one to u se the e ntrance door. Your installer ma y have configur ed NIGHT M ode diff erentl y; have him/her descri be th e actual setti ngs of t his m ode.
9 System Overv iew Introduction to Your System This sy stem of fers y ou bu rglary p rotecti on and m ay off er fir e and emerg ency p rotecti on. Mon itori ng is acc ompli shed w ith variou s contact.
System Overvie w (cont'd) 10 Entry/Exit Delays Your syste m has preset time del ays, refe rred to as exit delay and entry de lay. Whe never you ar m your sys tem, e xit dela y gives you time to l eave throu gh the designated exit d oor withou t setting off an alarm.
System Overvie w (Cont'd) 11 User Codes Ea c h u se r m us t be as sig ne d a nam e w ith a co rr es pon di ng 4 -d igi t u se r code in order to gain access to vari ous f eature s and fu nction s.
System Overvie w (cont'd) 12 Note that th is is a limited mode of op eration. Wh ile in this mod e: • You c an use the Secu rity bu tton to acces s the Con sole Em ulati on Mode of oper ati on to tr y to cl ear y our faul ts, di sarm the sy stem, or enter a dditional Alpha K eypa d comma nd s spe cified in you panel User Gui d e.
13 Security System Operation Introduction to Security System Operation You can ar m your sy stem in one of th ree armin g mod es: Away , Stay, and Ni ght.
Security System Operation (cont'd) 14 SCREEN ACTION Arming (typic al) Armed (typ ical) 2. On the "Arm ing" screen, pr ess the selected arm ing button. Note: If Quick Arm i s Not enabled in your system, y ou will receive a message to enter your U s er Co de.
Security System Operation (Cont'd) 15 How to Arm Multiple Partitions Note: Some system s may not h ave multi ple par titions and the “ Arm Multi-Par tition s” button may not be displ ayed. To ar m mult iple p arti tions: 1. From the "Home" scree n, press the SECURITY button.
Security System Operation (cont'd) 16 How to Display F aults The Displ ay Fault s function is used when you see a Not R ea dy Fault messa g e and wa nt to determine were t h e fault i s and what type of faul t it is . To dis pl ay faul ts do the followi ng: 1.
Security System Operation (Cont'd) 17 4. Enter yo ur 4-dig it user cod e. The "Arming" scr een is displaye d show ing the system st atus as Ready-B ypass.
Security System Operation (cont'd) 18 How to Bypass Zones The Byp ass fu nction is us ed when you wan t to ar m you r system with one or mor e zones lef t open . Bypassed zon es are u nprotected and will not ca use an alarm wh en viola ted wh ile y our syst em is ar med.
Security System Operation (Cont'd) 19 SCREEN ACTION 4. Highli ght the zone(s) t o be bypassed by touching it on the screen w hen the zones ar e displayed. 5. Press the BYPASS SELECTED button. The "U ser Authorizatio n" screen is displa yed with the i nstructions " To Bypass Zones , Enter Code ".
Security System Operation (cont'd) 20 SCREEN ACTION 7. Press the BACK butt on to return to th e “Arming” screen..
Security System Operation (Cont'd) 21 How to Remove Bypassed Zone s A bypasse d zone will auto matically be unbypassed when yo u disar m the sy stem. If a zon e is byp assed, y ou can r emov e the byp ass as follows : SCREEN ACTION 1. View bypassed zones by pr essing the SHOW ZONES button.
Security System Operation (cont'd) 22 SCREEN ACTION 3. The "User Auth orization" screen i s displayed w ith the instr uctions To Clear Bypasse s, Enter C ode. Note: If the sys tem is armed and you unbypass a zone, it will d isarm the system.
Security System Operation (Cont'd) 23 How to D isarm the System IMPORTANT: If you return and the main burglary sounder is on, DO N OT ent er the pr emise s, but call th e polic e from a nearby safe location.
Security System Operation (cont'd) 24 To disarm the s y stem when already in t he premises: SCREEN ACTION 1. Press the DISARM button on the "Armed" screen. The "U ser Authori zation" screen is d isplayed with t he instructio ns “ To Disarm, Enter Code ”.
Security System Operation (Cont'd) 25 SCREEN ACTION Note: Once the system is disarm ed, the TouchCenter will return to the "Home" screen after t he selected “To Home Page After” time has expired. This ti me is selected on the “Setup” screen .
Security System Operation (cont'd) 26 How to Ch eck the Status of Other Partition s This sy stem sup port s between one and eight Par titions ( depen ding on the sy stem.) Pa rtitio n in g en ables a si ngle physi cal ala rm syste m to contr ol up to eight ar eas of pro tecti on (parti tions) dependin g on the system yo u have purchased.
Security System Operation (Cont'd) 27 SCREEN ACTION 3. Enter the code authoriz ed to acce ss other partition( s). If the code i s accepted, th e system displays t he partitions th at user has access to. Note: A code ma y have access t o some or all of the a vailable parti tions.
Security System Operation (cont'd) 28 How to Send Emerg ency Messages • Emergency m essages are opti onal and may not be available on your system.
Security System Operation (Cont'd) 29 How to View the Event Log Your system h as the abili ty to rec ord var ious ev ent s in a hist ory l og wherein each even t is record ed with th e time and date of its occurrence. The control panel must be programmed to record various system events in installer progr amming mode.
Security System Operation (cont'd) 30 SCREEN ACTION The first six event s will be di splayed. To view al l items, pres s the Show M ore button and press the up/dow n arrows to scroll t hrough the e vent log.
31 Fire Alarm System Operatio n Introduction to Fire Alarm System Operati on Your fire alarm sys t em (if ins talled) is on 24 hours a day, providin g continu ous pr otect ion.
Fire Alar m System Operation (cont'd) 32 c. Press the CLEAR bu tton an d then en ter your code. This will clear the Fir e Alarm f rom the sys tem. 2. If the keypad does not ind icate a READY condition after the secon d sequ ence, p ress th e DIS PLAY FAULT S key on the A rming screen to di spl ay the zone(s) that are faulte d.
33 User Code Setup Introduction to User Code Setup Ea ch use r m us t be a ssi gn ed a n am e w ith a co rr es pon di ng 4 -d igi t u se r code in order t o gain access t o var ious fe atures and f unctions. The TouchCente r can hold the identity fo r 10 Users in it s m emory.
User Code Setup (cont'd) 34 Guest Can arm the system in assign ed partitions, b ut cannot disarm t he syst em unless the syst em was armed with thi s code. Note: Do not assi gn this level if Quick Arm i s enab led in your system. Guest Level 4 Operator B No Acces s Used to re strict access from a partition.
User Code Setup (Cont'd) 35 SCREEN ACTION 4. Press the USER SETUP button on t he “Setup” screen. The User Set up screen is disp layed. How to Add a U ser Add a user as fol l ows : SCREEN ACTION Note: Three sele ctions are availa ble: add a user, edit a user, or delete a user.
User Code Setup (cont'd) 36 SCREEN ACTION 2. Enter yo ur Authorized code. The “User Options” s c reen i s displayed. Note: The authorized cod e for adding users i s depen dent upon the s ystem you have. Check wi th your system install er to determine who can add users.
User Code Setup (Cont'd) 37 SCREEN ACTION 6. Enter the 4-digit co de for this user. The “User Optio ns” screen is displayed with the us er’s name and code displa yed.
User Code Setup (cont'd) 38 SCREEN ACTION 10. If this u ser is assigned a n RF butto n zone, touch the box below the RF Button Zone . The "R F Button Zone " screen is displayed w ith the instr uctions to ent er 2 or 3 digits b ased on the alarm system being used.
User Code Setup (Cont'd) 39 How to Delete a User Delet e a User as follow s: SCREEN ACTION 1. From the User Setup screen, touch the circle n e xt to th e user to be deleted and pres s the DELETE USER button . The "User Au thorization" screen i s displa yed with t he instruction s " Enter Authorized Code :".
User Code Setup (cont'd) 40 SCREEN ACTION How to Edit a User Note: You can not edit a Use r’ s name. To modify a User name, you must d elet e the U ser and re-ent er U ser. Edi t a user as follo ws: SCREEN ACTION 1. From the User Setup screen, touch the circle n ext to the user to b e edited and press the EDIT USER button.
User Code Setup (Cont'd) 41 SCREEN ACTION 3. Select the options needed f or this user and pres s the SAVE but ton. The configur ation changes are saved and you are returned to t he User Setup screen.
42 Advanced System Features Introduction to Advanced System Features While m ost of the comm only u sed secu rity f uncti ons ar e availa ble from th e Touch Center’ s ad vanced user inter face, th .
Advanced System Features (Cont'd) 43 1. From the "Home" scree n, press the SECURITY button. The "Arming " screen is disp layed. SCREEN ACTION 2. Press the MORE CHOICES button. The "More Choice s" screen is displayed.
44 Voice Messages Introduction to Recording and Retrieving Messag es The 627 1V provid es the capabil ity of rec ording voices m essage s for others on th e pr emises. The n umber of m essages is not limited howev er; the tot al time of all messag es added t ogeth er cannot exceed 262 second s.
Voice Messages (C ont'd) 45 Recording a Voice Message To rec ord a v oice mes sage, d o the fo llowing : 1. From the "Home" screen, press the Message button.
Voice Messages (C ont'd) 46 Retrieving and D eleting a Voic e Messag e To re trieve a v oice mes sage, d o the follow ing: 1. From the "Home" screen, pre ss the MESSAGE button. The "Message Center" screen is di splayed. SCREEN ACTION 2.
47 Summary of TouchCenter LED Operation TouchCenter LED Operation The TouchCenter has three LEDs labeled - ARMED, READY and MESSAGE. The ARMED LED is red, READY LED is green and MESSA GE LED is yel low. E ach LE D's on and of f stat e has dif feren t mea nings as descr ibe d below.
48 TouchCenter Setup How to Access TouchCenter Setup Optio ns Setup allows you t o make ch anges to th e way y our Touc hCent er is oper ating. Th e opti ons th at can b e chang ed ar e: • Adjust th.
TouchCenter Setup (Cont'd) 49 SCREEN ACTION 3. Press the SETUP button o n the "More Choices" screen. Th e "Setup" scre en is displa yed.
TouchCenter Setup (cont'd) 50 How to Adjust the Touch Screen Contrast You may adjust t h e touch screen contrast as fo l lows: If… Then… you want to increase cont rast move the s lide bar above t he current contrast sett ing. you want to decrease contr ast move the s lide bar below the current contrast sett ing.
TouchCenter Setup (Cont'd) 51 How to Adjust the Volume You ma y adjust the TouchCenter sounder vo lume by pressing your fing er on the Touch Cent er slide bar ass ociated w ith th e "Volu me" scale an d doing the fo llowi ng: If… Then… you want to increase volum e move the s lide bar above t he current volum e setting.
TouchCenter Setup (cont'd) 52 How to Sele ct Screen Backl ight Off Activat ion Time When th e TouchC enter is n ot active, i t will automatica lly turn th e backlight off after the se lected ba ck light off time has expired (unl ess “Never ” opti on is select ed).
TouchCenter Setup (Cont'd) 53 SCREEN ACTION 3. Press eith er the "Home" or "Back" button. A Settings Ch anged! pop-up window is d isplayed askin g “ Remember New Settings? “ Select Yes to save the change or No to di scard the change .
TouchCenter Setup (cont'd) 54 How to Select Homepage After Time When th e TouchCen ter is not activ e, it will aut omatically return to the “H ome” screen af ter the sel ected t o To H omep age Af ter tim e has expir ed (un less “N ever ” opti on is s elect ed).
TouchCenter Setup (Cont'd) 55 SCREEN ACTION 3. Press eith er the "Home" or "Back" button. A Settings Ch anged! pop-up window is d isplayed askin g “ Remember New Settings? “ Select Yes to save the change or No to di scard the change .
TouchCenter Setup (cont'd) 56 How to Set the Time and Date You can set th e time an d date fr om the Set Tim e & Date sc reen. Press ing th e Time an d Da te button locat ed at t he bot tom of the TouchCenter s creen displays the Set Time & Date screen.
TouchCenter Setup (Cont'd) 57 SCREEN ACTION 3. Select if you want a 12-hou r or 24-hour format for your time display by touching the circle t o the left of the 12 H our display in the “Setting s” area of the sc reen. A check mar k in the cir cle indic ates a 12- hour displa y format.
TouchCenter Setup (cont'd) 58 SCREEN ACTION 8. Enter the four digits for the current year. The window closes autom atically and the selection is d isplayed . 9. Select if i t is AM or PM by p ressing on the AM or PM displ ay on the screen. Eac h depression switches the AM /PM display.
TouchCenter Setup (Cont'd) 59 SCREEN ACTION 13. On the "T ime and Date" s creen, press the Minutes that is being d isplayed. An minute scre en is displayed w ith the instruct ions to Enter 2 digits f o r the minutes . 14. Enter the tw o digits for the current minute.
60 TouchCenter Operating Modes Operating Modes (Ch ime, Voice, and Voice Chime) Ope ra tin g mo des a llo ws yo u t o t urn the Tou chCe nte r ch ime mode on or off.
TouchCenter Operati ng Modes (Cont'd) 61 SCREEN ACTION 3. Press the OPERATING MODES button on the "More Choices" screen. The "User Au thorization" screen i s displa yed with t he instruction s " Enter Authorized Code ".
62 Maintaining Your System How to Clean your TouchCenter IMPORTANT: D o not use an abr asive clean ing agen t or abra sive cloth when cleani ng y our TouchCenter or damage to the TouchCente r may occur. The Emergency s creen cannot be ac cessed while runni ng in the clean screen mode .
Maintaining Your System (Cont'd) 63 SCREEN ACTION 4. Press the CLEAN SCREEN button. A pop-up wind ow displaying “ Touch Screen will be disable d so that you may wipe the screen cl ean. Please use a damp, soft cloth. DO NOT use a ny liquids, sprays, or am monia-based cleans ers.
64 Glossary The f ollowing term s are u sed throu ghou t the gu ide. Arm/Disarm: “Arm ed” simply means that the burglary portion of your sy stem i s turned ON and is in a state of read iness. “Di sarmed ” means th at the bu rglary s ystem is turn ed O FF, and must be r earmed to bec ome opera tional.
Glossary (Cont'd) 65 Maste r Code: A 4 - d i g i t c o d e t h a t g i v e s u s e r s a c c e s s t o a l l o f t h e system’ s functi ons, includin g the ab ility to pr ogram oth er user s in th e system . See also “U ser Cod e. Message Butt on: A button on th e Home screen that a llow s you t o record and retrieve voice messages.
ONE YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY Honeywell I nternational Inc., acting through its ADEMCO business ("Seller"), 165 Eileen Way, Syoss et, New York 11791, warrant s its sec urity equipment (the "product ") to be free from defect s in materials and workm anship for one year from dat e of original purchas e, under normal use and s ervice.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Honeywell 6271V (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Honeywell 6271V noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Honeywell 6271V - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Honeywell 6271V reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Honeywell 6271V erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Honeywell 6271V besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Honeywell 6271V verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Honeywell 6271V. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Honeywell 6271V gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.