Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung OmniPro II des Produzenten Home Automation
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HOME AUTOMATION, INC . Control & Security System Owner's Manual Document Number 20R00-2 Rev. 2.11 January, 2006.
Copyright © 2001-2006 Home Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Contents INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................... 1 Underwriter's Laborato ries ( UL) Listing .........................................
CONTROL .................................................................................................................................................... 16 Control Co mmands .........................................................................
Humidity ....................................................................................................................... ................................................................. 35 Status...............................................
PC Access ...................................................................................................................... ................................................................ 51 Built-In Ethe rnet Port ..............................
Set Up Dial .................................................................................................................... ................................................................ 71 Telephone Access .....................................
INTRODUCTION Thank you f or purchasing y our new OmniPro II aut omati on system. You are about to enjoy a new feeli ng of security , comfort, convenience , and control. OmniPro I I coordinates l ighting, heating and air, security, sc enes, and me ssages based on your lifes tyle and schedule.
OVERALL DESCRIPTION Console Operation The console is de signed with everything that is n ecessary for you to program and op erate your OmniPro II contr ol and security system.
6- UP ARROW The Up Arrow ke y is used to scroll through menu s and lists. The Up Arrow is used to scroll back through a list ( for example, i f you have already used the down arrow to scroll to an ite m, the Up Arrow will bring you back to a previous item).
When using t he arrow keys t o scroll thr ough lists of a reas, buttons, co des, tem perature zones, unit s, or zones, onl y the nam ed items are displ ayed. If no te xt descriptio n has been given t o an item, it will be skippe d over when scrol ling thro ugh that li s t.
Confirmation Beep When you have successfu lly completed a function, such as entering a program or ch anging a setup item, the co nsole will beep once. Cancel If you are ever unsure a nd wish to ret urn to the top-level d isplay, press th e ' * ' key.
SECURITY SYSTEM OPERA TION Disarming the Security System and Silencing Alarms Before going any f urther, you should know how to disarm you r security system in th e event that the alarm soun ds. Turning the system OFF disarms the burglar alarm , resets the fire an d emergency ala rms, and sil ences all sirens and sounders.
2 = NIGHT The NIGHT mode is used when you are asleep and ever yone in your househo ld is at home. In the Night mod e, your doors, windows, and non-sleep ing area (i.e. downstai rs) motion detectors are ar med. In the Ni ght mode, there i s no entry delay.
Quick Arm For extra co nvenience, the O mniPro II ca n be armed by simply pressi ng the DA Y, NIGHT, or A WAY button twi ce, eliminat ing the ne ed to en ter the c ode.
#=GOTO To Bypass or Restore a zo ne in another a rea, you must first "go to" t hat area by select ing #=GOTO. AREA: ENTER AREA: At this poi nt you may enter the area num ber followed by t he ' # ' key, or use the down arrow key t o scroll to the next area - See Area Arming for additi onal inform ation.
For more infor mation on the digital and voice dialer - See Digital Dialer and Voice Dialer . • The system continues to sound all alarms and flash the flashing light for 1-30 minutes after th e alar m is activated. • After a 1- 30 minute period, the s ounder is t urned of f, and the alarm system resets itself.
Police Emergency When the 1 ke y and the 3 ke ys are pressed sim ultaneously, t he Po lice Emergency alarm is activated . This alarm operates exactly the same as describe d for Burglar Alarm Activated except: • The console di splay indicates: "BURGLARY! - POLICE EMERG TRIP PED".
Trouble Indications The OmniPro II constantly monitors the alarm zones and several in ternal matters and will alert you if it detects trou ble. The particular t rouble is indicated o n the bottom line of t he display and a tro uble signal is given by beeping the cons ole beeper continuously , 2 beep s per sec ond.
Manager Code The Manager code s can arm/disarm the security system in assigned areas , during assigned times. The Manage r code can access functions that are code protected in High Security m ode. Mana gers m ay also access the system from an outside telephone line.
If the ' 0 ' (ALL) key had been selected, the display will show: DISARM ALL AREAS ENTER CODE: #=AREA As the four-digit code is entered, "X" ch aract ers are ec hoed after the "ENTER COD E:" prom pt. If the Master code or a valid code is entered, the console will beep one time and Area 2 will be disarmed.
Testing Your System HAI recommends testing your system on a weekly basis to en sure that you are fully p rotected. 1. Notify your Central Station that you intend to test the system. To test the sire n, press the 1 a nd 3 keys sim ultaneously. Press OFF and enter your Code to can cel the alarm and silence the sire n.
CONTROL Control Commands The control features of the OmniPro II ma ke it easy and convenient to cont rol almost any light or appl iance from the cons ole or over the telephone.
When set to UPB, the OmniPro I I controller can: ¾ Send comm ands (on, off , bright, di m and level ) to indivi dual switc hes and modul es ¾ Receive commands and status from individual switches and.
When “Status Tracking” is e nabled (this is the default setting), Om niPro II keeps track of the exact status of each unit even w hen a lighting scene is initiated b y the Room Controller. Room Contro llers also keep track of when ind ividual switches in a room a re turned on and off.
A Zone is any i ndividual Ra dioRA Switc h or Dimmer. A Ra dioRA System has a maximum of 32 Li ghting Z ones. Zone Num bers can be used to identify any individual Z one (one Switch or one Dimmer), in a Radi oRA system via the RS232 Inte rface.
Unit Numbers OmniPro II sy stems have 511 tot al Unit Num bers. They consist of HLC , UPB, CentraL ite, RadioRA, ALC, Compos e, and X-10 module unit numbers, ha rdwire voltage output unit numbers, and.
Scrolling Through Names The OmniPro I I stores names for U nits, Zones, Buttons , Codes, Temperatures, a nd Messages so that you don't have t o remember that "UNIT 5" is the "DEN LIGHT" and "ZONE 1" is the "FRONT DOOR".
Each lighting scene can also be set or easil y changed using t he pushbuttons on the HAI UPB™ 6-Button Room Controller, as follows: Step Operation 1 Press the desired pushbutton on the HAI UPB™ 6-Button Room Controller to activate the current scene (preset ligh tin g level) in each of the HLC devi ces.
¾ Press 4 (LVL) to set the desired lighting level of the selected unit (0%-100%). ¾ 5 (RMP) does not affect CentraLite units. ¾ Press 9 (TIM) t o time the selected unit (O n or Off). Tim ed commands may be from 1-99 seconds, 1- 99 minutes or 1-1 8 hours.
Ramp Command (ALC) When ALC Switch Modules are be ing used, it is p ossib le to ramp the lig htin g lev el of an ALC Dimmer Switch to a new level at a selectable ramp rate. Only ALC Dimmer Switches respond to the Ramp command. Press the 5 (RAMP) key to select the ramp command.
Timed Commands The timed comm ands allow a units to be turned on or of f for a specified peri od of time. The unit m ay be turned On for 1 -99 (minutes or seconds), or 1-18 ho urs, then Off ; or turned Off for 1- 99 (minut es or seconds) or 1-18 h ours, then O n.
Controlling Outputs The OmniPro II has eight outputs that can be use d to switch relays. Out puts 1-8 are c ontrolled as Unit Num bers 385-392, respectively. If the Interior Horn is co nfigured as a "Gener al Purpose" output, Unit Number 3 93 is used t o control t he output.
NOTE: The All O ff function ca n be changed, i f desired - See Set Up Misc, All On And All Off . Leviton Scene Control OmniPro II su pports Leviton Scene C ontrol (a feature found in certain L eviton Switche s). There are 256 Sce nes that can be set and executed.
Scene Off Command Once the Scenes ha ve been sent, press the 0 (O FF) key to command the four units in that Scene to turn off. Notes: 1. When sending Scene Commands, the controller must be configured to allow Extended Code transmissions on each House Code affected by a Scene.
Executing Phantom Buttons OmniPro II ca n turn on a nd turn of f each of t he 17 possible Pha ntom But tons. Phant om Buttons m ust be pre-p rogramm ed into the RS-232 interf ace or Chronos.
Buttons A powerful feature of the OmniPro II is the ability to program Buttons . A Button (a lso known as m acro) is a number on the keypad that is programmed to ex ecute a series of commands when it is pressed. Buttons are used to program functions that are specific to your home and lifestyle.
HAI RC-Series Thermostats The following control actions are allo wed for HA I Communi cating Thermost ats: • Set heating set points • Set cooling set points • Set system mode (Off / Heat / Cool / Auto) • Set fan (On / Auto) • Turn hold On and Of f NOTE: Not all actions are applicable to every typ e of thermostat.
The fan control on a thermostat may be swit ched between on and aut o by selecti ng 4 (FAN) from the tem perature menu: Upstairs FAN 0=AUTO 1=ON Thermostats m ay be switche d between hol d mode and the no rmal run m ode.
The following control actions are allowed on PESMs: • Turn Energy S aver On and Off • Turn Energy Saver On and Off for a s pecified time • Set heating set point • Set cooling set point You can turn t he energy save r on, off, use a tim ed on/off, and c hange the Heat and C ool temperature s from the con sole or by telephone.
Downstairs 0=OFF 1=ON 2=HEAT ↓ Downstairs 3=COOL 9=TIME #=STAT ↑ ENTER TIME MINUTES (1-99) #=H/M/S Downstairs FOR 15M 0=OFF 1=ON ↓ The current status of a t emperature z one may be displayed by selecti ng ' # ' (STAT ) key fr om the ma in temperature menu.
Upstairs 2=LOW 3=HIGH #=STAT For negative temperatures (- 1 o to -40 o ), press the ' # ' key prior t o entering the temperature to make the number negative. A Celsius temperature may also be specified in 0.5 degree steps if three numeric digits ar e entered.
Status The Status funct ion is used to di splay the status of various item s in the system. To enter t he status menu, f rom the top-le vel display or t he main menu, press the 6 (ST ATUS) key o n the console key pad.
Press 1 (CTRL) to vi ew the current st atus of each unit and t o configure the HLC device that is assigne d for each unit. The console will display: Porch Light STATUS OFF ↓ You may enter a unit number to disp lay the selected unit, or simply press the down arrow key to scro ll through the list of name d units.
2 = ZONE The Zone Status m enu allows you t o view and scrol l through the status of eac h zone input. T o enter the Zone m enu, from the Status menu, press the 2 (ZONE) key on the console keypad .
The next series of displays shows the curre nt analog readi ng for each security zone in put. The displ ays show the readings for zones 1-176. 1=147 2=148 3=147 4=146 5=146 6=147 THROUGH 175=148 176=147 ↑ Normal readin gs for zones are between 137 - 157 w hen secure.
Event Log The Event Log records the 250 most recent significant security syst em Events (happenings) and tr ouble conditions in the system. When a n ew event o c curs, the o ldest one is lost.
Messages The Message menu i s used to play and rec ord the memo message an d to quickly cl ear all text messages. The m emo message is an eight-second voice message. It' s like an "e lectronic notepad" for a family mem ber to leave a handy message.
Show Message The 1 (SHOW) key allows you to di splay the selected te xt message(s) on t he console's top-l evel displa y. This can be a helpful reminder of sp ecial events and occasions.
Send Message (Pro-Link) The 6 (SEND) key allows y ou to send a ny of the text messages throug h the Pro-Li nk serial port . You are fir st prompt ed to specify the des ired serial port. SERIAL PORT: 1 - 4 The built-in serial ports (J1-J3 ) on the con troller are assigned to Serial Port 1 - Serial Port 3, resp ectively.
TELEPHONE CONTROL Telephone Interface Your OmniPro II is equipped with a built- in telephone response feature that allows you to control and access the status of your system from any Touch-Tone phone. The OmniPro I I actually talks t o you using a digit al recording of an actual human voice, so the sound is incredibly life like.
Phone Access Denied - Remote Lockout The OmniPro II has a remote lockout feature to discourage youngsters (and adults who act t hat way) from trying to access y our system. If four invalid codes are entered, the syste m will hang up and a one-hour lockout p eriod will begin.
1 - Control Press 1 from the MAIN MENU to get to the CONTROL me nu. If voice descriptions have been programmed, after a three-second delay, the system will begin reading from the list of units (OmniPro II will say the unit number then its description).
Press the temp erature zone y ou wish to c ontrol, then pre ss #. Press the ' 0 ' key to select all HAI Therm ostats. This is a si mple way to broadcast t he new Heat or C ool setting or chan ge th e system m ode, fan mode, o r hold mode o f all HAI therm ostats in your sy stem.
8 - Message This command al lows you to rec ord and verify t he voice m emo message, allows you to record and play custom me ssages (phrases), and allows you to record a nd verify y our address. If an opti onal HAI Two- Way Audio Modul e is being used, t his command also allows paging and listen ing to the premises.
To play one of the custom phrases, press the 6 key. " PLAY PHRASE: ENTER PHRA SE NUMBER, THEN POUND." Press the phrase n umber (1-60) you wish to play, then press #. "PHRASE IS: (OM NIPRO II PLAYS PHR ASE)." To record one of the c ustom phrases, press t he 7 key.
Emergency Dial-Out Emergency dia l out consists of two disti nct parts: the "digita l dialer" and th e "voice dialer." Digital Dialer The digital dialer (also called a "d igital communicator") reports al arm events to a centr al station monitoring center.
After it has dialed the last number i n the dial order , the OmniPr o II stops d ialing and rec onnects the in- house phones. What You He ar - If Your O mniPro II Call s You When you pick up the pho n.
Built-In Ethernet Port The built-in Ethernet port (J6) allows a device to connect to the OmniPro II controller via a ne twork (i.e. Ethernet, Internet) using a secure, encrypte d communi cation link. T he Ethernet port transports HAI application- level packets cont aining Om ni-Link serial protocol m essages over I P. HAI OmniPro II Controller Hub or Router Computer Computer To connect to an Om ni Pro II cont roller on a local network using HAI PC Access, under Configure >> Network enter the controller’s IP address: (i.
To connect to an Om ni Pro II cont roller on a local network using HAI PC Access, under Configure >> Network enter the controller’s IP address: (i.e. 10 .0.0.230) To connect to an Om ni Pro II cont roller from the Internet using HAI PC Access , under Configure >> Network enter the public IP a ddress: (i.
SETUP Configuration and Advanced Control Programming (ACP) The Setup m enu is used to confi gure operating parameters, pr ogram your system to do its aut omated contr ol and security functions us ing ACP, and give text a nd voice descript ions to a l l of your zone s, units, b uttons, codes, t emperatures, a nd messag es.
The display will show all areas that have been enabled for that user. After the area( s) is/are selected, press th e ' # ' k ey. CODE 2 AREAS: 1 2 0=CLR You can specify the access (on/off) tim es for the code; this i s, the time peri ods during which the code is valid.
Advanced Control Programming (ACP) Your Omni Pro II can be pro grammed to d o automated cont rol and secu rity functi ons on a tim e schedule or in res ponse to an event occurring in t he system .
Menu 1 - Programs for a particular con tr ol unit number Menu 2 - All Security related programs Menu 3 - Programs for a particular macro button Menu 4 - Programs for All On/Off function s Menu 5 - Pro.
The arrow keys are used to scroll through the programs. Pressi ng the ' # ' key while a particul ar program is displayed will al low that program to be edited or deleted . The display shows: SHOW PROGRAM 1=EDIT 2=DELETE ¾ Press the 1 (EDIT ) key to edit the selected program .
Edit Programs When Selecting the 1 ( WHEN) key, from the Edit Program menu, allows the time or button /event that activates th e program to be changed. The display shows: EDIT WHEN 1=TIMED 2= BUTTON Times Programs Selecting 1 (T IMED) sets the program t o be activated at a specific tim e of day.
Button and Event Programs Selecting 2 (BUTT ON), from the "Edit When" menu, sets up a p rog ram to be activated when a ma cro button is executed or an event occurs.
Corresponding Switch Table Switch OmniPro II UPB 6-Button Keypad UPB 8-Butt on Keypad RadioRA Master Contro l ALC 4-Button 1 2 On Butto n 1 or E 1 1 2 3 Off Butt on 2 or F 2 2 3 4 A 3 or G 3 3 4 5 B 4.
AREA: ENTER AREA 0=ALL ↓ The area num ber should be entered foll owed by the ' # ' key, o r the arrow keys may be used to scroll throu gh a list of areas. WHEN C1 A1 AWAY: 1=DELAY 2=CODE 3=AREA Zone Eve nt But ton s Pressing the 3 (ZONE) key allows you to select th e event button for a zone activation event.
Alarm Event Buttons Pressing the 5 (ALARM) key allows you to specify an ev ent butto n activated upon the occurrence of an alarm. You are first prompted to select the type of alarm : SELECT ALARM TYPE.
The arrow keys are used t o select from a list of event buttons: • WHEN ENERGY LO • WHEN ENERGY MID • WHEN ENERGY HI • WHEN ENERGY CRIT • WHEN PHONE DEAD • WHEN PHONE RING • WHEN PHONE O.
Edit Program Command Selecting 2 (CMD), fr om the Edit Program menu, allow s the commanded acti on for the prog ram to be specified. The f ollowing menu is displayed: 1=CONTROL 2=SECURITY 3=BUTTON 4=A.
Unit Toggle Comm and Using HAI PC Access Software, y ou can create programs to toggle any unit (1-511) from its current state to the opp osite state. When the program is executed, th e unit will toggl.
Program Video Com mands* This program command i s used to di splay video automat ically on a n OmniTouch with Video t ouchscreen when an eve nt occurs. You can specify which cam era and which touchs cree n(s) will display the video whe n the event takes place.
Edit Program Condition Selecting the 3 (&COND) key, from the Edit Program menu, allows the condition for the pr ogram to be specifi ed. The condition is optional in all program lines. This con d ition must be true when the program time or event occu rs for the program to execute d.
The zone will be displayed and you will be pro mpted fo r the state of the zone: IF Front Door: 0=SECURE 1=NOT RDY Program Time Clock Condi tions Select the 9 (TIME) key to specify that th e program shou ld only execute if a specified Time Cloc k i s e i t h e r O n o r O f f .
Set Up Dial The Set Up Dial menu is used to configure all of the teleph one related items for the OmniPro II. To enter the Set U p Dial menu, from the Setup menu, press the 4 (DIAL) ke y. Use the arrows to scroll through the item s. For each item, the top line displays a description of the item and its current setting.
Dial Out N umber 1 Dial Out Number 1 is one of the 8 numbers that are stored in the system . In the event of an alarm , these numbers are dialed in the order that is set up in the Dial Out Order for the particula r type of alarm.
Set Up Arming To configu re different arm ing and disarming opt ions, from the Setup me nu, press the 5 (ARM) key. Entry Delay The Entry Delay is the time, in seconds, that you have to turn off the alarm after en tering your home. The Entry Dela y only applies to the entry/exit zone (i.
Enable Quick Arm The Quick Arm feature allows the se curity system to be armed by pressing the desi red m ode key twice instead of ha ving to ente r your code.
Enable Freeze Alarm If there are one or more Thermostat or PESM in a system , they can also be used t o detect a freeze condition - See Freeze Alarm . The default for Enabled Freeze Alarm is No. Flash For Alarm You may enter one unit number that will flash on and off continuously when the alarm is activated.
House Codes 1-16 All On This feature allows you to choo se if Hou se Code 1-16 will resp ond to the “All On” command. Press the 0 key to select No and the 1 key to sel ect Yes. After selecting, press the down-arr ow key to cha nge this optio n for the ne xt House Co de.
Latitude, Longitude, and Time Z one The system automatically calculate s the ti me of sunrise and sunset each day. Sunrise/sunset c an be specified as the time a scheduling c ommand is executed, as an e nab le/disable time, or as a darkness condition on a scheduling command or event button.
DST START WEEKEND: FIRST SUNDAY #=CHNG DST END MONTH: 10 1-12 0=DISABLE DST END WEEKEND: LAST SUNDAY #=CHNG ↑ Set the value for DST Start an d End Months to "0 " if Daylight Savings Time do es not apply to your region , or to disable this automatic time update feature.
Encryption Key Encryption a nd decryptio n of data betwee n the OmniPro II controlle r and the connect ed device is based o n the Advanced Encryption St andard ( AES) usi ng a 128-bit cryptogra phic key. A unique enc ryption key is ra ndomly assigned to each OmniPro II controller at the factory (no records of thes e keys are ke pt at the factory).
Set Up Voice The OmniPro II can be set up to speak d escriptive names such as "F RONT DOOR " for control z ones, units, bu ttons, codes, temperatures, areas, and messages. These na mes will be spoken ove r the telephone along with the item number that is normally spoken.
UNDER WRITER'S LABORA TO RIES REQUIREM ENTS For a complete list of requ irements and restrictions wh en insta lling the OmniPro I I panel in a UL Listed system, refe r to the Underwrit er's Laboratories R equirem ents section of t he Install ation Manual (1 0I00-2).
FEDERAL COMMUNICA TION COMMISSION NOTICE: 1. This equipment complies with Part 68 of FCC Rules. On the door, inside of the O mniPro II encl osure, is a label t hat contains, am ong other inf ormation, t he FCC registrati on number and Ringer E quivalence Number (REN ) for this e quipment .
CANADIAN INDUSTR Y CANADA NOTICE Notice: The Industry Canada label identifies certified equip ment. This certification means that the e quipment meets certain telecommunications network protect ive , operational and safety requiremen ts. The Industry Canada does not guarantee the equipment will operate to the user's satisfa c tion.
APPENDIX A - DIAL OUT PLANNER Use the follo wing dial-out planner t o help yo u set-up the v oice dial-out numbers: OmniPro II Voice Dial-Out Planner DIAL OUT NUMBER 1: _________ ____________ ___ ____.
INSTRUCTIONS TO CALLED PARTY Dear ___________ ____________ _______________ ____________ ____________ ___ __ I have programmed my OmniPro II Home Automation system to call you if m y alarm is activated. If it is activated, it will call and say: "Emergency.
APPENDIX B - TEXT DESCRI PTION CHARACTER CODES CODE CHAR CO DE CHAR CODE CHAR CODE CH AR 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 SPACE ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - .
NOTE TO INSTALLER Following installation, this manual shall be left for the ho meow ner's use. HAI • New Orleans, LA • U S A.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Home Automation OmniPro II (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Home Automation OmniPro II noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Home Automation OmniPro II - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Home Automation OmniPro II reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Home Automation OmniPro II erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Home Automation OmniPro II besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Home Automation OmniPro II verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Home Automation OmniPro II. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Home Automation OmniPro II gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.