Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung MK-96RD626-07 des Produzenten Hitachi
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MK-96RD626-07 Hit achi Universal S t orage Plat form V Hit achi Universal S t orage Plat form VM Hitachi Universal Volume Manager User’s Guide F AS T F IN D L IN K S Document Organization Product Ve.
ii Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Copyright © 2008 Hitachi Data Systems Corporation, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Notice: N o part of this publicat ion ma.
Contents iii Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Contents Preface ................................................................................................... ix Intended Audience ...............
iv Contents Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Connecting Mainfr ame Volu mes ....................................................................... 2-19 Connecting Open Sy stems Volumes .............
Contents v Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Installing Universa l Volume Mana ger ................................................................ 3-13 Uninstalling Universa l Volume Manager ........
vi Contents Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Turning On or Off the Storag e Syst em ............................................................. 5-30 Commands for Turni ng On or Off On ly the External Storage System .
Contents vii Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Relationship between Serial Number and 95 00V Model ................................. A- 6 Relationship between WWN of Port and Cont roller(9500V ) .....
viii Contents Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide.
Preface ix Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Preface This document describes and provides instructions for using the Universal Volume Manager softwar.
x Preface Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Intended Audience This document is intended for system administrators, Hitachi Data Systems representativ.
Preface xi Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Source Documents for this Revision • MP-96RD626-06 • MK-96RD626-07d-RSD-V02 Changes in this Revision • Added a chapter about spreadsheets (see Using Spreadsheets for Universal Volume Manager Operations) .
xii Preface Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Chapter / Appendix Description 8 Troubleshooting Provides tro ubleshooting inf ormation for U niversal Volume Manager and instruct ions for calling technical support.
Preface xiii Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Document Conventions The terms “Universal Storage Platform V” a nd “USP V” refer to all models of the Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V, unless otherwise noted.
xiv Preface Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide This document uses the following icon s to draw attention to information: Icon Meaning Description Note Calls attention to important and/or additional infor mation.
Preface xv Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Getting Help If you need to call the Hitachi Data Systems Support Center, be sure to provide as much information about the problem as possible, including: • The circumstances surrounding the error or failure.
1 Overview of Universal Volume Manager 1-1 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Overview of Universal Volume Manager This chapter provides an overview of Universal Volume Manager.
1-2 Overview of Universal Volume Manager Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Universal Volume Manager Universal Volume Manager software provides the virtualization of a multi- tiered storage area network comprised of heterogeneous storage systems.
Overview of Universal Volume Manager 1-3 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Unifying Copy Operations between Different Storage Systems When you copy data between different storage systems, the copy operations are usually different depending on the storage system which you use.
1-4 Overview of Universal Volume Manager Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Unifying Connections from a Host to Different St orage Systems When a system has multiple storage systems, a host usually needs to connect all storage systems.
2 About Univ ersal Volume M anager O perations 2-1 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide About Universal Volume Operations Manager This chapter explains the functions and applications of Universal Volume Manager.
2-2 About Universal Vo lume Mana ger Operations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Connecting External Storage System Universal Volume Manager enables.
About Univ ersal Volume M anager O perations 2-3 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide T arget Port Port WWN 0 Port WWN 1 Mappin g External Port T arget .
2-4 About Universal Vo lume Mana ger Operations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Universal Volume Manager Components System using Universal Volume M.
About Univ ersal Volume M anager O perations 2-5 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Storage Systems and Cross-subsystem Paths Before using Universal Volume Manager, connect the fi bre channel port of the local storage system to the external storage system port with the fibre cable.
2-6 About Universal Vo lume Mana ger Operations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide To use the external volumes, which you mapped as an internal vo lum.
About Univ ersal Volume M anager O perations 2-7 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Universal Volume Manager Operations Universal Volume Manager enables you to execute the following operations.
2-8 About Universal Vo lume Mana ger Operations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Configuring Universal Volume Manager Before configuring the Univers.
About Univ ersal Volume M anager O perations 2-9 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide For example, if an external volume of 100 GB was mapped as an internal volume of 70 GB, then 30 GB of the externa l volume would not be accessible from the local storage system side.
2-10 About Univ ersal Volume M anager O perations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide • Cache Mode ( Enable or Disab le ) Cache mode specifies whether the write data from the host to the external storage system is propagated synchronously ( Disable ) or asynchronously ( Enable ).
About Univ ersal Volume M anager O perations 2-11 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide • CLPR When the cache memory is partitioned using Virtual Partition Manager, configure a cache logical partition (CLPR) to access the mapped volume.
2-12 About Univ ersal Volume M anager O perations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide • In the Single mode, only the pat h with the highest priority (primary path) is used to execute the I/O to the exte rnal volume.
About Univ ersal Volume M anager O perations 2-13 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Extern al Vo l um e Local S torage Sy stem Path 2 External S tora.
2-14 About Univ ersal Volume M anager O perations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide In Figure 2-5, two paths are also set between the i nternal volume and the external volume.
About Univ ersal Volume M anager O perations 2-15 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Exte rn al Port B Port WW N B Int er n al Vo l u m e Exte rn al P.
2-16 About Univ ersal Volume M anager O perations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide 外部 ボリュー ム : I/O External S torage System Legend : I.
About Univ ersal Volume M anager O perations 2-17 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide When an error occurs in the path th at is being used for I/Os, the I/O execution path is switched to the path with the second highest pri ority in the Normal status.
2-18 About Univ ersal Volume M anager O perations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Extern al Port B Port WW N B Inter nal Vo l u m e Extern al Port .
About Univ ersal Volume M anager O perations 2-19 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Connecting Mainframe Volumes Mainframe volumes, that pre-exist on an external storage system and are accessed by ESCON or FICON channels, cannot connect directly to the USP V/VM storage system as an external volume.
2-20 About Univ ersal Volume M anager O perations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide OPEN-V emulation is recommended because, in most cases, OPEN-V emulation provides the most efficient use of storage and the best performance.
About Univ ersal Volume M anager O perations 2-21 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide You can set in advance the mapping po licy on whether to execute the Port Discovery automatically or manually.
2-22 About Univ ersal Volume M anager O perations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Using a Mapped External Volu me from a Connected Host There are two ways of using the mapped external volume from a host that is connected the local storage system.
About Univ ersal Volume M anager O perations 2-23 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Mapping External S tor age Sy stem Legend Set the T arget po rt and set the LU path from the T arget port fo r the ho st I/O.
2-24 About Univ ersal Volume M anager O perations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Notes: • Make sure that you do not access the external volume, which has been mapped as a internal volume, from the host tha t is connected to the external storage system.
About Univ ersal Volume M anager O perations 2-25 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Interoperability with othe r Products and Functions You can use the USP V/VM program products to utilize and to manage the external volumes you have set using Univers al Volume Manager.
2-26 About Univ ersal Volume M anager O perations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide • If you create LDEVs in an external volume using the VLL function, the cache mode of the created LDEVs become the same as those of the source external volume.
About Univ ersal Volume M anager O perations 2-27 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide For a configuration example of Copy-on-Write Snapshot, see Copy-on-Write Snapshot Operations . Dynamic Provisioning Mapped volumes can be used for Dynamic Provisioning.
2-28 About Univ ersal Volume M anager O perations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Examples of Using External Volumes with Other Products For the fo.
About Univ ersal Volume M anager O perations 2-29 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Note: The emulation type of the prepared internal volume must be OPEN-V . 3. Set the mapped external volume as the source volume and local storage system internal volume as the target volume.
2-30 About Univ ersal Volume M anager O perations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide TrueCopy Operations Figure 2-13 shows the use of an external volume for the TrueCopy operation.
About Univ ersal Volume M anager O perations 2-31 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Mapping Loca l S torage System ( RCU ) Exte rnal S torage Syste m Copying data in the P-VOL of the local storage system that is conn ected as MCU to the S-VOL of the lo c al storag e system that is set as RCU.
2-32 About Univ ersal Volume M anager O perations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Universal Replic ator Operations Figure 2-14 shows the use of an external volume for the Universal Replicator operation.
About Univ ersal Volume M anager O perations 2-33 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Mapping Loca l S torage System ( RCU ) Exte rnal S torage Sys.
2-34 About Univ ersal Volume M anager O perations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide ShadowImage Operations Figure 2-15 shows the use of an ex ternal volume for the ShadowImage operation.
About Univ ersal Volume M anager O perations 2-35 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Mapping Local Storage System External St orage Sy stem Shadow Ima ge P-VO L Copyin g data i n the P -VOL that i s an inte rnal v olu me o f the local s torage sys tem to the S-VOL that is a mapped external vol um e.
2-36 About Univ ersal Volume M anager O perations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Copy-on-Write Snapshot Operatio ns Figure 2-16 shows the use of an exte rnal volume for the Copy-on-Write Snapshot operation.
3 Prepa ring for Univer sal Volume M anager Ope rations 3-1 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Preparing for Universal Volume Manager Operations This chapter describes the requirements and preparations for U niversal Volume Manager operations.
3-2 Preparing for Uni versal Vo lume Manager Operations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide System Requirements The system requirements for Universal V.
Prepa ring for Univer sal Volume M anager Ope rations 3-3 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Storage System Note TagmaStore Adaptable Modular Storage Displayed by Univer sal Volume Manag er as “AMS”.
3-4 Preparing for Uni versal Vo lume Manager Operations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Storage System Note SANRISE H256 Displayed by Universal Volume Manager as “256”. Path Mode of the cross-subsyste m paths will b e Multi .
Prepa ring for Univer sal Volume M anager Ope rations 3-5 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Universal Volume Manager Requ irements The following table describes the Universal Volume Manager requirements.
3-6 Preparing for Uni versal Vo lume Manager Operations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Guidelines for Universal Volume Manager Operations This section provides guidelines for th e Universal Volume Manager operations.
Prepa ring for Univer sal Volume M anager Ope rations 3-7 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Recommended Applications accor ding to the HDD Type Table 3-3 and Table 3-4 show the recommended level of the application of mapped external volume according to th e HDD type of the external volume.
3-8 Preparing for Uni versal Vo lume Manager Operations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Capacity Guidelines • When a volume, which has the capaci.
Prepa ring for Univer sal Volume M anager Ope rations 3-9 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide VDEV LDEV LU 6 GB Area p rovided to stor e data mana ge m.
3-10 Prepa ring for Univer sal Volume M anager Ope rations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide • When you use the mapped external volume from the mainframe OS, set the MIH (M issing I nterrupt H andler) timer to 45 seconds (which is the recommended value).
Prepa ring for Univer sal Volume M anager Ope rations 3-11 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide VMA of Data Retention Utility • If you map an external.
3-12 Prepa ring for Univer sal Volume M anager Ope rations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide When the amount of I/Os from the host to the external vo.
Prepa ring for Univer sal Volume M anager Ope rations 3-13 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Installing and Uninstalling Universal Volume Manager This section explains how to install and uninstall Universal Volume Manager.
3-14 Prepa ring for Univer sal Volume M anager Ope rations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Starting Universal Volume Manager This section explains how to start Universal Volume Manager. To start Universal Volume Manager and display the window: 1.
4 Using the Universal Vo lume Manag er GUI 4-1 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Using the Universal Volume Manager GUI This chapter explains the Universal Volume Manager windows.
4-2 Using the Un iversal Volum e Manage r GUI Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Volume Operation Window The Volume Operation window enables you to perform the operations, such as mapping external volumes and setting cross-subsystem paths.
Using the Universal Vo lume Manag er GUI 4-3 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide The Ext. VOL Status column does not display any status when you open the Volume Operation window, because to display the external volume status takes longer than displaying other it ems in the window.
4-4 Using the Un iversal Volum e Manage r GUI Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide When the settings are not applied, the error messages are displayed and the settings in blue and italics remain displayed in t he Volume Operation window.
Using the Universal Vo lume Manag er GUI 4-5 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Table 4-2 Pop-up Menu for the Volume Operation Tree Items displayed in.
4-6 Using the Un iversal Volum e Manage r GUI Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide – Ext. VOL Status : Status of the o peration executed to the external volume or status of the connection of the mapping path.
Using the Universal Vo lume Manag er GUI 4-7 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Figure 4-3 Volume Operation List when Path Group is Clicked The Volume.
4-8 Using the Un iversal Volum e Manage r GUI Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide – Capacity (blocks) : capacity of the external volume in Blocks.
Using the Universal Vo lume Manag er GUI 4-9 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Table 4-4 Pop-up Menu: External Volumes, Volume Operation Window Pop-up Menu Description Mapping Path Information Displays the Mapping Path Informat ion dialog box.
4-10 Using the Universal Vo lume Manag er GUI Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Preview Dialog Box The Preview dialog box allows you to check or cancel t he settings that will be applied to the local storage system.
Using the Universal Vo lume Manag er GUI 4-11 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide The Preview dialog box consists of: • Preview Area The items set in the list of the Universal Volume Manager windows are displayed.
4-12 Using the Universal Vo lume Manag er GUI Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Path Operation Window The Path Operation window enables you to stop or resume using cross- subsystem paths.
Using the Universal Vo lume Manag er GUI 4-13 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide The Status column does not display any status when you open the Path Operation window, because to display the cross-subsystem path status takes longer than displaying other items in the window.
4-14 Using the Universal Vo lume Manag er GUI Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide • Apply button Applies the settings in the Preview dialog box to the local storage system.
Using the Universal Vo lume Manag er GUI 4-15 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide When you select Fibre - External Subsystem from the drop-down list, t.
4-16 Using the Universal Vo lume Manag er GUI Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide – Margin: The additional wait time (in seconds) to FLI_ TOV (FLOGI wait time) or PLI_TOV (PLOGI wait time). This value is automatically set by Universal Volume Manager.
Using the Universal Vo lume Manag er GUI 4-17 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Path Operation List (When Prod uct Name is Clicked) When you click a product name in the Path Operation tree, WWN which indicate the port in the external storage system is displayed in the list.
4-18 Using the Universal Vo lume Manag er GUI Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Path Operation List ( When Port or WWN is Clicked) When you click a port or WWN in the Path Operation tree, a cross-subsystem path is displayed in the list.
Using the Universal Vo lume Manag er GUI 4-19 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Port Operation Window The Port Operation window enables you to check the settings of ports and set the port attributes.
4-20 Using the Universal Vo lume Manag er GUI Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide • Preview button (lower right of the window) When you click Preview , the Preview dialog box is dis played and you can confirm the contents which was set in the list of the Port Operation window.
Using the Universal Vo lume Manag er GUI 4-21 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide – Initiator : When you click Initiator , the ports set as the initiator port (used for TrueCopy, TrueCopy for IBM z/OS, Universal Replicator, Universal Replicator for IBM z/OS, and so on) are displayed in the list.
4-22 Using the Universal Vo lume Manag er GUI Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Right-click a row in the Port Information to perform the following operations from the pop-up menu.
5 Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations 5-1 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Performing Universal Volume Manager Operations This chapter describes setting the external volume using Universal Volume Manager.
5-2 Performing Universa l Volume Man ager Operat ions Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Overview of Sett ing Operations The following figure illustrates the flow chart of the setting operations, which make external volumes usable from a host, by using U niversal Volume Manager.
Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations 5-3 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide 5. Perform the following operation according to the emulation type t hat you set for mapping.
5-4 Performing Universa l Volume Man ager Operat ions Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Note: To set multiple ports to external ports at a time, select and right- click all the ports you want to set. 4.
Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations 5-5 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Caution: Do not specify 01 for the LDKC number when you map a volume of which the emulation type is 3380 series except for 3380-3, 3380-3A, 3380- 3B, 3380-3C.
5-6 Performing Universa l Volume Man ager Operat ions Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Mapping an External Volume Manually After setting the attribute of the port used for Universal Volume Manager to the external port, you are enabled to ma p the external volume as an internal volume.
Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations 5-7 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide 7. In the Add Volume dialog box, right-click the external volume that you want to map. Note: You can select multiple external volumes to make the same settings to them at a time.
5-8 Performing Universa l Volume Man ager Operat ions Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide 14. Click OK to close the SSID dialog box. You are returned to the Volume Operation window. The settings are displayed in blue italics .
Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations 5-9 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide The Add Volume dialog box consists of: • List – Characteristic1: identification number of the external volume.
5-10 Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Set External Volume Parameter D ialog Box The Set External Volume Parameter dialog box allows you to set the external volume parameter.
Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations 5-11 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide • Number of LDEVs You can select the maximum number of LDEVs which can be created in the external volume when you map the ex ternal volume.
5-12 Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Figure 5-4 LDEV Mappin g (Auto) Dialog Box The LDEV Mapping (Auto) dialog box consists of: • SLPR Limited To restrict the CU in the CU d rop-down list to the CU which belongs to the SLPR, select the Limited .
Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations 5-13 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide • LDEV Map LDEV map allows you to allocate the LDEV n umber to each LDEV by clicking cells in a table. Each cell in the LDEV map represents an internal volume.
5-14 Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide The LDEV Mapping (Manual) dialog box consists of: • List –.
Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations 5-15 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Figure 5-6 SSID Dialog Box The SSID dialog box consists of: • SLPR drop-down list When the storage system is partitioned using Virtual Partition Manager, use the SLPR drop-down list.
5-16 Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Figure 5-7 Set SSID Dialog Box SSID (0004-FFFE) : Select the SSID from the SSID drop-down list. You can select the value for an SSID from 0x0004 to 0xFFFE.
Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations 5-17 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Example: How to Map LDEVs Manually This example shows how to map two external volumes that have the same emulation type, and create two LD EVs in each external volume.
5-18 Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Figure 5-8 Example of LDEV Mapping (Manual) Dialog Box Note: You can also assign contiguous LDEV numbers to LDEVs using this dialog box.
Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations 5-19 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Caution: You cannot delete all the curre nt cross-subsystem paths to substitute newly-added cross-subsystem paths for them in one operation.
5-20 Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide The Configure Cross-subsystem Paths dialog box consists of: �.
Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations 5-21 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide The Port Discovery dialog box dis plays the list of the external ports in the local storage system.
5-22 Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide To add the cross-subsystem path to an existing path gr oup: 1. Start Storage Navigator, and open the Volume Operation window.
Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations 5-23 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Figure 5-11 Pop-up Menu of Configure Cross-subsyste m Paths Di.
5-24 Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide 8. Repeat the operation of the Raise Priority command until the row of the selected path is displayed in the head of the Selected Paths list and its Priority column changes to “1”.
Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations 5-25 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Changing the Cross-subsystem Path To change the cross-subsystem path, cancel the current cross-subsystem path, and configure another cross-subsystem path as a new cross-subsystem path.
5-26 Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide To replace all the current cross-subsystem paths (A and B) with newly-added cross-subsystem paths (C and D): 1. Execute the Disconnect Paths command on the cross-subsystem path A.
Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations 5-27 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide LDEV Information Di alog Box The LDEV Information dialog box displays the informati on on the LDEVs created in the external volumes.
5-28 Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Mapping Path Information Dialog Box The Mapping Path Information dialog box displays the in formation on the mapping paths which connect the internal volume and the externa l volume.
Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations 5-29 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Displayed Item Description Bloc kade The ma pping pat h is bloc ked. External device setting chan ged The setting of the external storage system has been chan ged.
5-30 Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Turning On or Off the Storage System This section describes th.
Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations 5-31 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Note: When you want to perform the same processing of the Disconnect Subsystem command on individual volume, you can use the Disconnect Volume command.
5-32 Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Cautions: • After you have executed the Disconnect Subsystem command, but you need to use the mapped external volume again, execute the Check Paths & Restore Volume command.
Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations 5-33 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide To turn on the power supply of the local storage system to restart from the turned off status: 1. Turn on the external storage system that contains the external volume, which is mapped as an internal volume.
5-34 Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide To turn on the power supply of both storage systems: 1.
Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations 5-35 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide The following table describes operations that are required before disconnecting external volumes.
5-36 Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Cautions: The cautions on the Disconnect Subsystem command and.
Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations 5-37 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide 3. Click the product name in the Volume Operation tree. 4. Right-click the external volume that you wan t to change in the Volume Operation list.
5-38 Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Caution: After you ha ve executed the Check Paths & Restore Volume command, check the current progress status.
Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations 5-39 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide The settings are displayed in blue and italics. 6. Verify the settings in the Preview dialog box. 7. Click Apply in the Volume Operation window.
5-40 Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide 7. Verify the settings in the Preview dialog box. 8. Click Apply in the Path Operation window. The settings are applied to the local st orage system and the Path Operation window is displayed normally.
Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations 5-41 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Changing the Cache Mode Sett ing of the External Volume You can change the cache mode of the external volume in the Volume Operation window.
5-42 Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Changing the Inflow Control Setting of the External Volume You can change the inflow control setting of the external volume in the Volume Operation window.
Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations 5-43 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide 5. Right-click the WWN that you want to change the setting in the Pat h Operation list. 6. Click Change WWN Parameter in the pop-up menu.
5-44 Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Editing Mapping Policy You choose mapping policy when you map an external volume as an internal volume using the Add Volume co mmands.
Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations 5-45 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide – CLPR : CLPR used for accessing to the mapped volume when the cache memory is partitioned using Virtual Partition Manager.
5-46 Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide All the data in the cache memory must be written into the mapped external volume using the Disconnect Subsystem command or the Disconnect Volume command.
Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations 5-47 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide – If you click No , a message asking if you want to execute the Delete Volume operation without writing the data in the cache memory into the external volume is displayed.
5-48 Performing Universal Volu me Manager Operations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide.
6 Using Spre adsheets for Universal Vo lume Mana ger Operat ions 6-1 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Using Spreadsheets for Universal Volume Manager Operations To map external volumes, you may want to use spreadsheets instead of the Storage Navigator graphical user interfac e (GUI).
6-2 Using Spread sheets for Un iversal Volum e Manage r Operations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide This chapter describes the operation that is surrounded by the t hick lines. For detailed information about the other operations, see the Storage Navigator User’s Guide .
Using Spre adsheets for Universal Vo lume Mana ger Operat ions 6-3 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Table 6-2 Relationship Among the Types, Operation Tags, and Version Number Type Operation Tag Version Number Template Get SSID ExternalGroup MappedVolume 05_02_01 External Storage_Get_def.
6-4 Using Spread sheets for Un iversal Volum e Manage r Operations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Table 6-3 Information Saved wh en the SSID tag is Written Column in Spreadsheet Item Content A LDKC:CU:LDEV -LDEV The range of LDEV n umbers to which th e SSID is assigned .
Using Spre adsheets for Universal Vo lume Mana ger Operat ions 6-5 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Table 6-5 Information Saved when the MappedVolume Tag is Written Layer Column in Spreadsheet Item Content The first layer Information abou t the external s torage system.
6-6 Using Spread sheets for Un iversal Volum e Manage r Operations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Mapping External Volumes (AddVolumeSetting Tag) .
Using Spre adsheets for Universal Vo lume Mana ger Operat ions 6-7 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide The following table shows the parameters that can be set for the AddVolumeSetting tag.
6-8 Using Spread sheets for Un iversal Volum e Manage r Operations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Layer Column in Spread sheet Parameter Setting Range of Values Number of Characters C WWN WWN of the al ternate path.
Using Spre adsheets for Universal Vo lume Mana ger Operat ions 6-9 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Layer Column in Spread sheet Parameter Setting Range of Values Number of Characters F Capacity Capacity of the LDEV in blocks.
6-10 Us ing Spreads heets for Unive rsal Volum e Manager Operations Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Example of a Spreadsheet This section shows an .
7 Remote Command Devices 7-1 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Remote Command Devices This chapter describes remote command devices.
7-2 Remote Command Devices Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Overview of Remote Command Devices A remote command device is a device in the local storage system to which a command device in the external storage system is mapped.
Remote Command Devices 7-3 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Guidelines for Remote Command Devices Notices on remote command device are as follows: • You can map a command device as a remote command device when one of the following storage systems is connected as an external storage system.
7-4 Remote Command Devices Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide • The remote command devices are displayed in the Device column on the Volume Operatio.
Remote Command Devices 7-5 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide • Even if the status of the remote command device is normal, an error may occur when the operations or commands are performed on the remote command device.
7-6 Remote Command Devices Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Mapping a Command Device as a Remote Command Device The command devices that can be mapped as remote command devices are displayed in the Device column of the Volume Operation window as shown in Table 7-1.
Remote Command Devices 7-7 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide CL1-A Initiator S tandard Port Block (A ll ports are in the S tandard mod e.
7-8 Remote Command Devices Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Op en-sy ste m Host 1 CCI Sy stem 1 Legend : Lines show ing the concept o f map ping T r.
Remote Command Devices 7-9 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide For procedure to set the Initiator/External MIX mode, see the LUN Manager User’s Guide .
7-10 Remote Command Devices Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide.
8 Troubleshooting 8-1 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Troubleshooting This chapter provides troubleshooting information for Universal Volume Manager.
8-2 Troubleshooting Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Troubleshooting If you have a problem with the Storage Navigator computer or Storage Navigator software, see the Storage Navigator User’s Guide for troubleshooting information.
Troubleshooting 8-3 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Error Corrective Action The displayed statuses are as follows: Unknown Status : The s tatus of the path is unknow n. Reaction : The status of the path canno t be identified.
8-4 Troubleshooting Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Error Corrective Action Response error Status: The externa l storage system is in the blocked status cau sed by the abnormal reply (Respo nse). You may not be able to acce ss the device of the externa l storage system.
Troubleshooting 8-5 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Error Corrective Action Unavailabl e Status: The reply of the external storage system was Un available. The external storage sys tem demands to change t he connected port.
8-6 Troubleshooting Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Error Corrective Action The Disconnec t Subsystem command or the Disconnect Volume command is executed, but the progress status information is not updated.
A Connecting External Storage Systems A-1 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Connecting External Storage Systems TagmaStore AMS/WMS Storage System Sys.
A-2 Connecting External Storag e Systems Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Window Names Parameters Parameter Settings RAM Microprogram Version You can either specify this par ameter or omit specifying this parameter.
Connecting External Storage Systems A-3 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Relationship between WWN of Port and Controller (AMS/WMS) When the external storage system is TagmaStore AMS o r WMS, you can identify the controller (controller 0 or controller 1) from the WWN of the port.
A-4 Connecting External Storag e Systems Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Path Status and Examples of Recovery Procedure (AMS/WMS) This section describes errors that requ ire recovery operation on the external storage system side when the path status is not normal.
Connecting External Storage Systems A-5 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Thunder 9500V Storage System System Parameters for Connecting Thunder 9500V The table below explains whether to specify system parameters when making settings on ports on the Thunder 9500V storage system.
A-6 Connecting External Storag e Systems Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Window Names Parameters Parameter Settings LIP Reset Mode You can either specify this par ameter or omit specifying this parameter.
Connecting External Storage Systems A-7 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide The following table describes the relationship between WWN of port and controller.
A-8 Connecting External Storag e Systems Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Path Status and Examples of Recovery Procedure (9500V) This section describes errors that requ ire recovery operation on the external storage system side when the path status is not normal.
Connecting External Storage Systems A-9 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide USP V/VM Storage System When you connect a USP V/VM storage sy stem as the external storage system, you need to set the port to the host group for the Windows hosts (host mode 0C: Windows, host mode 2C: Windows Extension).
A-10 Connecting External Storag e Systems Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide TagmaStore USP/NSC Storage System When you connect a TagmaStore USP or NS.
Connecting External Storage Systems A-11 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Path Status Examples of Recovery Procedure Cannot detect port There is a problem with connection to the ex ternal storage system.
A-12 Connecting External Storag e Systems Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Path Status Examples of Recovery Procedure Cannot detect port There is a problem with connection to the ex ternal storage system.
Connecting External Storage Systems A-13 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Path Status Examples of Recovery Procedure Cannot detect port There is a problem with connection to the ex ternal storage system.
A-14 Connecting External Storag e Systems Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Path Status and Examples of Recovery Procedure (SVS200) This section describes errors that requ ire recovery operation on the external storage system side when the path status is not normal.
Connecting External Storage Systems A-15 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide EVA Storage System System Parameter Settings for Connecting EVA Storage Sy.
A-16 Connecting External Storag e Systems Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide External Port 1 External Port 2 Swi tch EV A LUN 1 LUN 1 LUN 2 LUN 2 Host.
Connecting External Storage Systems A-17 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Note on Behavior of Altern ate Path when EVA Storag e System is Connected When an EVA storage system is connected, the behavior of the alternate path differs depending on the microprogram version of the EVA storage system.
A-18 Connecting External Storag e Systems Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide System Parameter Settings for Connecting Sun StorageTek FlexLine 380 When.
Connecting External Storage Systems A-19 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide System Parameter Settings for Connecting EMC CLARiiON CX600 When you connect an EMC CLARiiON CX600 as an external storage system, set the system parameters of the EMC CLARiiON CX600 according to the following table.
A-20 Connecting External Storag e Systems Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide.
B Required Volume Capacity for each Emulation Type B-1 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Required Volume Capacity for Each Emulation Type When you map an external volume as an internal volume, you need to specify the emulation type for the mapped volume.
B-2 Required Volume Capacity for each Emulation Type Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide When the capacity of the external volume is less than the base LDEV capacity of the emulation type, one Custom-size d Volume (CV) is created in the external volume as you map the volume .
Required Volume Capacity for each Emulation Type B-3 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Minimum LDEV Capacity Minim um Data Area Capacity Base Data Ar.
B-4 Required Volume Capacity for each Emulation Type Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Capacity List for Each Emulation Type This section explains the LDEV capacity and volume capacity for each emulation type in the units of blocks and cylinders.
Required Volume Capacity for each Emulation Type B-5 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Emulation Type Minimum Data Area Capacity Base Data Area Capac.
B-6 Required Volume Capacity for each Emulation Type Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Emulation Type Base LDEV Capacity Minimum LDEV Capacity Maximu.
Required Volume Capacity for each Emulation Type B-7 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide * This number refers to the numb er of LDEVs when an external volume with maximum capacity is mapped.
B-8 Required Volume Capacity for each Emulation Type Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide.
C Adjusting Volume Capacities for Pairs C-1 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Adjusting Volume Capacities for Pairs When you create a pair, the capacity of S-VOL must be the same as that of P-VOL. To set a desired volume to a pair, you may need to adjust the capacity of volume.
C-2 Adjusting Volume Capacities for Pairs Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Notes: • When you make the CV that has the same capacity as the mapped .
Adjusting Volume Capacities for Pairs C-3 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide 2. Check the capacity of the internal volume (B) where the external volume(A) is mapped.
C-4 Adjusting Volume Capacities for Pairs Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide.
Acronyms and Abbreviations Acronyms-1 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Acronyms and Abbreviations AMS adaptable modular storage ATA Advanced Technol.
Acronyms-2 Acronyms and Abbreviatio ns Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide SSID storage subsystem ID SVP service processor SVS Storage Virtualization S.
Index Index-1 Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide Index A Attributes list of emulation type, 2-9 B Block management, ExG, 2-9 C Cache logica l partiti .
Index-2 Index Hitachi Un iversal Storag e Platform V/ VM Universal Volume Mana ger User’s G uide.
MK-96RD626-07 Hitachi Data Systems Corporate Headquarters 750 Central Expressway Santa Clara, California 95050- 2627 U.S.A. Phone: 1 408 970 1000 m Asia Pacific and Americas 750 Central Expressway Santa Clara, California 95050- 2627 U.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Hitachi MK-96RD626-07 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Hitachi MK-96RD626-07 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Hitachi MK-96RD626-07 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Hitachi MK-96RD626-07 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Hitachi MK-96RD626-07 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Hitachi MK-96RD626-07 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Hitachi MK-96RD626-07 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Hitachi MK-96RD626-07. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Hitachi MK-96RD626-07 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.