Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 208/220 des Produzenten American Power Conversion
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Smart- UPS ® VT 10-3 0 kV A 208/ 22 0 V Site Pr e paration and Inst allation Manu al.
Smar t-UPS ® VT 1 0-30kV A, 2 08V, Si te Prep arati on a nd Insta llat ion – 990 -15 98A 1 Smart-UPS ® VT 10-30 kV A 20 8/220 V Si te Pr epa rat ion an d Inst al latio n Ma nual IM PO RT A NT S AF.
Con ten ts 990-159 8B Sma rt-UP S® VT 1 0-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V S ite P repa ration and Insta llati on Man ual i Safet y .. .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .. ... 1 Gene ral Safety Instructions . . . . . . . .
ii Smar t-UPS® VT 10-3 0 kV A, 20 8/220 V Si te Pr eparat ion a nd Ins tall ation M anual 990-15 98B Basic Wirin g Overvie w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Site Prep aration Ch ecklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kV A, 208 /220 V Site Prep ara tion an d In stal lati on Manu al 1 Safety Genera l Safety Instructions This guide contains impo rtant instructions that should be followed whe n handling the UPS, Battery Encl osur es, an d ba tter ies.
Safet y – Gene ral Saf ety I nstru ction s 2 Smart- UPS® VT 10-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V Site Prepa ratio n and Insta llati on Man ual 990-1598B Ge ner al s af ety W ARNING! All electrical power and con trol wiring mu st be installed by a q ualified electrician and comply with l ocal and national co des.
990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 3 Intr oduc tion W elcome to the Site Preparation and Installation Man ual for the Smart-UPS ® VT . This m anual contains information on h ow to prepare your site for the installation of the UPS and optional APC equipment (also available at www .
4 Smart- UPS® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Prepa rati on and Insta llati on Ma nual 990-1598B UPS Family Range and Comp onents 13. 85 i n/352 mm En clo sur es 20.
Intr oducti on – UPS Fa mily Ran ge and Comp onents 990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 5 Seria l number The serial n umber is available on the type label o n the rear sid e of the UPS.
Intr oducti on – UPS Fami ly Rang e and Compo nents 6 Smart- UPS® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Prepa rati on and Insta llati on Ma nual 990-1598B User inte rface Display: user-control interface used to conf igure the functionality , monitor the system, set alarm thresholds, and to provide audibl e and visual alarm s.
Intr oducti on – UPS Fa mily Ran ge and Comp onents 990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 7 Display port for the co nnection of display communication cab le . Documentation storage. Inlet for co mmunication cables.
Intr oducti on – UPS Fami ly Rang e and Compo nents 8 Smart- UPS® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Prepa rati on and Insta llati on Ma nual 990-1598B Lowe r part of Co nduit Box. Power connection. Communication wiring connection (E PO signalling, Battery T em perature Sensor).
Intr oducti on – UPS Fa mily Ran ge and Comp onents 990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 9 APC Netw ork Management Card AP9619 (installed in UPS) and APC Humi dity Sensor (O ptio nal) For in stalling Humidity S ensor see “Co nne ction o f AP C Hum idi ty Se nsor” o n page 40 .
10 Sma rt-UP S® VT 1 0-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V Site Prepa rati on and Installati on Manual 990-15 98B Site Pr eparation Inst allat ion Space Requir em ent s Clearance fo r 20.59 in/523 mm Enclo sur es *) Minimum free rear space for ven tilation 4 in/100 mm.
Site Pr eparat ion – I nstal lati on Space Requiremen ts 990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 11 Clear ance for stand -alon e 13.85 in/352 mm Enclo sur e s *) Minimum f ree rear space f or ventilation 4 in/100 m m.
12 Sma rt-UP S® VT 1 0-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V Site Prepa rati on and Installati on Manual 990-15 98B Operating Envir onment Ope rat in g cond itio ns Heat di ssipatio n Audi ble noise Note Install the UPS in an indoor , tempe rature-controlled area , free of co nductive contaminants.
Site Prep arati on – O pera ting Envi ronment 990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 13 R ec omm en d ed c u rrent prot ecti on Note 1: If the avail able fau lt curre nt of the in stall atio n is be low 30 kA , a l ower kA IC-ra ted br eaker can be used.
Site Prepara tion – Operati ng Envi ronment 14 Sma rt-UP S® VT 1 0-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V Site Prepa rati on and Installati on Manual 990-15 98B Minimum br eaker settings for 15 kV A UPS No te 1 : For .
Site Prep arati on – O pera ting Envi ronment 990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 15 Rec omm ended p hase- conduct or si zes [AWG] for a .
16 Sma rt-UP S® VT 1 0-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V Site Prepa rati on and Installati on Manual 990-15 98B Basi c Wirin g Over vi ew EPO Maintenance Bypass Panel (Optional Equipment) XR Enclosure(s) (Optiona l, 4 Max.
990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 17 Site Pr epar ation Checklist System components. Have you – Sit e Pr epar ation .
18 Sma rt-UP S® VT 1 0-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V Site Prepa rati on and Installati on Manual 990-15 98B Mech anical assembly Stabil izing Brackets Always install the Stabilizing Brackets on the 13.85 in/352 mm Enclosure (shipped with the UPS) to enhance the stability of the Enclosure.
990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 19 Leveling F eet Setting the l eveling fe et Set the leveling feet to ensure the UPS is h orizontal when it is in its final operating positio n.
20 Sma rt-UP S® VT 1 0-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V Site Prepa rati on and Installati on Manual 990-15 98B Floor Anchoring Dril ling flo or ho les for f loor an chori ng Hol e posi tions f or floo r anch ors ( stan d-alon e Enc losures) Refer to th is dr awing fo r floo r anch or po sitio ns for 20.
Mechan ical asse mbly – Floor Anchoring 990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 21 Flo or a nchori ng of stand -alon e syst ems In seismic ar.
22 Sma rt-UP S® VT 1 0-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V Site Prepa rati on and Installati on Manual 990-15 98B Electric al Installation Syst em-Elect rica l I nformat ion W ARNING! All electrical p ower and power control wir ing must be installed by a qualified electr ician, and must comply with local and national regulations for m aximum power rating.
Elect rical Inst allat ion – S ystem- Electri cal In format ion 990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 23 UPS ratings 220 V 10 kV A 8 kW 15 .
Elect rical Inst allat ion – S ystem- Electri cal In formati on 24 Sma rt-UP S® VT 1 0-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V Site Prepa rati on and Installati on Manual 990-15 98B Sour ce connections 8 W ARNING! The UPS must be s upplied from a 208Y/120 V or 220Y/127 V 4W + GND 6 0Hz sour ce.
Elect rical Inst allat ion – S ystem- Electri cal In format ion 990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 25 On e-line d iagram for S mart-U PS VT 10, 15 , 20, 3 0kV A, 20 8V , 3 phas e, sing le ma ins F1, 3P 10kV A, 22.
Elect rical Inst allat ion – S ystem- Electri cal In formati on 26 Sma rt-UP S® VT 1 0-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V Site Prepa rati on and Installati on Manual 990-15 98B One-li ne di agram for Sm art-UP S VT 10, 15 , 20, 30 kV A, 220 V , 3 phas e, singl e mai ns 10kV A, 26.
Elec tric al Ins t all ation – Wir ing 990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 27 Wir ing Note Make sure the UPS is in its location of use before wir ing begins. CAUTION! V erif y c lockw ise ph ase -rotat ion ( L1, L2, L 3) and make su re a neutra l c onnect ion is present.
28 Sma rt-UP S® VT 1 0-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V Site Prepa rati on and Installati on Manual 990-15 98B Input/Out put Wiri ng – S ingle Ma ins (default) The UPS is designed for b oth single (default) and dual mains installations. Follow the below step s to install the UPS in a single-mains in stallation.
990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 29 Loosen th e (4) M 4 screws (2 each side) fro m the bottom part of th e Conduit Box an d remove.
30 Sma rt-UP S® VT 1 0-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V Site Prepa rati on and Installati on Manual 990-15 98B Input/Output Wiring – Dual Mains The UPS is designed for single mains installation as default.
Elec tric al Ins tall ation – Input /Output Wirin g – Dual Mai ns 990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 31 Punch 3 holes in the Conduit Box bottom to fit the size of the conduit pipes, and rea ttach the Conduit Box bottom to the Enclosure, re-using the (4) M4 screws.
32 Sma rt-UP S® VT 1 0-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V Site Prepa rati on and Installati on Manual 990-15 98B Exte rnal Bat ter y Wiring Wiring to battery bank or battery racks Attach DC cables to u pper part of busbars as s hown.
990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 33 Communicat ion Wiring to EPO and Optional Equipment Note EPO switch must be connected to a NEC Class 2 wiring. Note Use only 28-16A WG copper wire for the connection of the Emergency Powe r Of f (EPO) and other optional eq uipment.
Elect rical I nstallatio n – Commu nication Wiring to EPO and Opti onal Equip ment 34 Sma rt-UP S® VT 1 0-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V Site Prepa rati on and Installati on Manual 990-15 98B Pin connections J.
Elec tric al Inst allat ion – Communi catio n Wiring to EPO and Optional 990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 35 XR Enc losur e, APC Maintenance Bypass Panel, and Generator C ontr ol wiring Pin s 1 th roug h 4 are for batt ery m easure men t (onl y ap plica bl e to APC XR Encl osure s).
Elect rical I nstallatio n – Commu nication Wiring to EPO and Opti onal Equip ment 36 Sma rt-UP S® VT 1 0-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V Site Prepa rati on and Installati on Manual 990-15 98B Pin connections J108 (for EPO w iring options) EPO s wit ch w iri ng.
990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 37 Conne ctio n of APC Humidity Senso r Fr ont p anel r emoval T o remove a Front Panel, tu rn screw clockwise to unlocked position. Pull top of Front Panel free of UPS.
Elect rical I nstal latio n – Connec tion of AP C Humidit y Senso r 38 Sma rt-UP S® VT 1 0-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V Site Prepa rati on and Installati on Manual 990-15 98B Remove the 2 s crews from the cab le inlet at the f ront – and remove cable-inlet plate.
Electr ical Insta llation – Connect ion of APC Humi dity Sensor 990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 39 Guide the cable up alongside the sid e panel and insert the Hu midity Sensor plug into the so cket mark ed “Probe”.
40 Sma rt-UP S® VT 1 0-30 kVA, 208/2 20 V Site Prepa rati on and Installati on Manual 990-15 98B Wiring V erification Pr ocedur e Use follo wing procedure to verify that the UPS h as been wired properly: Note Do not c onnect batteries in the UPS. 1.
990- 1598B Sma rt-UP S® VT 10-30 kVA, 208 /220 V Site Pre para tion and I nstal lati on Manu al 41 Ins tallatio n Sit e Check list This checklist should be completed by the electrician after the wiri.
*990-1598B* APC W orldw ide Custom er Sup port Cust ome r sup port f or thi s or any othe r APC product is avai lab le a t no c har ge in a ny o f the foll ow ing w ays: • V isit the APC W eb site to access documents in the APC Knowledge Base and to submit customer supp ort reque sts.
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