Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 332564B des Produzenten Graco
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Operation ProMix® PD2K Pr oportioner for Automatic Spr ay Applications 332564B EN Electronic positive displacement proportioner for fast-setting two-co mponent materials.
Contents Re la te d Man ual s ................................................. .3 Mo del s ................................................................. 4 Wa rni ng s ............................................................. 6 Im por tan t Is ocy ana te ( IS O) I nf or ma tio n .
Related M anuals Related Manuals Current manua l s are available at www.graco. com. Manual No. Description 332709 ProMix PD2 K Proportioner f or Automati c Spray Applicat ions, Repa ir-Parts 332458 Pr.
Models Models See Figs. 1–6 f or component ident ification la bels, includi ng approval inf ormation and c ertification. Part No. Series Maximum Air Wo rking Pressure Maximum F luid Worki ng Pressure Location of PD 2K and Electric al Control Box (ECB) Labels AC1000 A 100 psi (0.
Models Figure 3 Model AC2000 (High Pressure ) Identificati on Label Figure 4 Non-Intrinsi cally Safe Color Change Control (Accesso ry) Identificati on Label Figure 5 Intrinsi cally Saf e Color Chang.
Warnings Warnings The following warnings are for the setu p, use, grounding , maintenance and r epair of thi s equipme nt. The exclamat ion p oint symbol alert s you to a general warning and t he hazard symbol refers t o p rocedure-specific risks.
Warnings WARNING INTRINSIC SAFETY Intrinsical ly sa fe equipment that i s install ed improper ly or connected to non- intrin sically safe equipment wi l l create a hazard ous condition an d can cause fire, e xplosion, or el ectric s hock. Follow loc al regulatio ns and the follo wing safety req uirements.
Warnings WARNING PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Wear appropri ate protect ive equipme nt when in the w ork area to hel p preven t serious injury, including eye injury, hea ring loss, inh alation of toxic fume s, and bur ns. This pr otective equipment in cludes but i s not limit ed to: •P r o t e c t i v e e yewear, and heari ng protectio n.
Important Isocy anate (ISO) Informati on Important Iso cyanate (ISO) Information Isocyana tes (ISO) are catalys ts used in two component materi als. Isocyanate Conditions Spraying or di spensing mat erials co ntaining isocyanates cr eates potenti ally harmfu l mists, vapors, and atomized parti culates.
General Informa tion General Infor mation • Reference numbers and le tters in paren theses in the text ref er to number s and let ters in the illustrations. • Be sure all accessories are adequately sized and pressure -rated to meet sy stem require ments.
Advanced Displa yM o d u l e( A D M ) Advanced Disp lay Module (ADM) ADM Display The ADM display shows graphical a nd text informati on related to setup and spray o perations. For detail on the di splay and individu al screens, s ee Run Mode Screens, page 58 ,o r Setup Mode Screens, page 66 .
Advanced Displa yM o d u l e( A D M ) USB Upload Pro cedure Use this procedure to inst all a system configurat ion file and/or a custom language file. 1. If necessary , follow th e USB Download Procedure, t o aut omaticall y generate the proper folder struc ture on the USB flash drive.
Advanced Displa yM o d u l e( A D M ) ADM Keys and Indicators NOTICE To prevent d am age to the softkey buttons, do not press the butt ons wi th sharp objects such as pen s, plastic car d s, or fingernails. Table 1 : ADM Keys and Indicator s Key Function Startup/Sh utdown Key and Indicator Press to startup or shu tdown the pum p/motor.
Advanced Displa yM o d u l e( A D M ) Soft Key Icons The following i cons appear in th e ADM display, directly to the lef t or right of the s oft key which activates t hat opera tion. NOTICE To prevent damag e to the s oftkey butt ons, do not press the buttons wi th sharp objects such as pe ns, plastic cards, or fing ernails.
Advanced Displa yM o d u l e( A D M ) Key Function Standby Stop Press to stop all p umps and put system in Standb y. Pressure Check P r e s st os t a r tap u m pp r e s s u r ec h e c k . Volume Ch eck Press to st art a pump volume check. Job Complete Press to log the mater ial usage and increment the job number.
Advanced Displa yM o d u l e( A D M ) Navigating th e Screens There are two sets of screens: • The Run screen s control mixi ng operat ions and display syst em status and data. •T h e S e t u p s c r eens control syste m parameters and advanced fea tures.
Pre-Operation T asks Pre-Operatio nT a s k s Pre-operatio n Checklist Go through the Pre-Ope ration Checklis t daily, before each use. ✔ Checklist System grou nded Verify all groun ding connections were made. See Grounding in the Installat ion manual.
Pre-Operation T asks Initial Syste m Setup 1. Change opti onal setup select ions to desired parameter s, as described in Setup Mode Screens, page 66 . 2. Set recipe and flus h information as described in Re cipe Screen, page 72 and Flush Scree n, page 73 .
Pressure Relief Procedure Pressure Reli ef Procedure Follow the Pressure Relief Procedure whenever you see thi s symbol. This equipment stays pressuri zed until pressure is manuall y relieved.
Operation Using Automatic Displ ay Module (ADM) Operation Usi ng Automatic Display Module (ADM) Prime and Fill the System NOTE: See Run Mode Screens, page 58 , for furt her screen informa tion, if need ed.
Operation Using Automatic Display Module (ADM) Spraying To spray in a m ultiple color system , also see Multiple Color System s, page 87 . NOTE: See Run Mode Screens, page 58 ,f o rf u r t h e r screen infor mation, if needed. 1. Command the system to Mix.
Operation Using Automatic Displ ay Module (ADM) Purging To purge one co lor and fill with a new color, see Color Change, page 87 . Flush Mixed Ma terial There are time s when you only w ant to purge .
Operation Using Automatic Display Module (ADM) Flush the System To avoid fire and expl osion, always ground equipment and waste con tainer. To avoid in jury from splashin g, always fl ush at lowest pos sible pressure.
Operation Using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Operation Usi ng a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Network Communications and Discrete I/O The ProMix PD2K Aut omatic system does not use a Booth Control mod ule. Instead, it uses Network Communications and h as optional Discr ete I/O features to drive the syste m remotely.
Operation Using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Digital Inputs • Safety Interlo ck : This nor mally open con tact works like a soft emerg ency stop bu tton. If th e ProMix PD2K reads the inpu t as CLOSED it inte rrupts system operation and removes power from the pumps regardl ess of the curr ent operating mode .
Operation Using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Discrete I/O Connecti ons on EFCM Figure 11 KEY A1 Gun Trigger Input B1 Anal og Set Point Input C1 Safety Interl ock Input 26 332564B.
Operation Using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Communicatio n Gateway Module (CGM) Details CGM Overview The CGM provides a contr ol link between t he PD2K system and a selected fiel dbus. This linkage provides the means f or remote mon itoring and con trol by external automati on systems.
Operation Using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Network Commu nication I/O Data Map ProMix PD 2K Network O utputs The ProMix PD2K Netwo rk Outputs ar e Read-Only and should be t reated a s inputs to a PLC or other net working de vice. Thes e registers provide various s ystem and co mponent st atus, measurement, and set point values.
Operation Using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) OUTPUT REGISTERS 01, 02, 03, an d 04: Pump Status T h eP u m pS t a t u s registers co ntain a number tha t indicates the state of Pumps 1 — 4. This status can be used for gen eral monitoring of the pump state , or as an indica tor for drivi ng independent pump operations.
Operation Using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) OUTPUT REGISTER 12: Active Recipe Material B Flush Sequence The Active R ecipe Material B Flush Sequence register conta ins the number of the Flush Sequence (1 – 5) that is associated with the Ca talyst pump of the current reci pe.
Operation Using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) OUTPUT REGISTE R 37: Time T h eT i m er e g i s ter contain s a count o f total sec onds since the Unix Epoch (Janu ary 1, 1970).
Operation Using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Notes 32 332564B.
Operation Using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Network Output Data Map (Rea d Only) Network Output ID Modbus Register Parameter Name Data Type Units Range 1=P u m pO f f 2 = Recipe Change 3 = R.
Operation Using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) 0=O f f 1 = Standby 2=B u s y 3 = Flushing 04 40108 Pump 4 Status u int32 NONE 4 = Priming 05 40110 Actual Mix Flo w uint32 cc/min 1 - 1600 06 401.
Operation Using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) 0 = Gun not triggered 23 40146 Gun 1 Tri gger Input Statu s uint32 NONE 1 = Gun trigger ed 0 = Gun not triggered 24 40148 Gun 2 Tri gger Input Sta.
Operation Using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) ProMix PD2K Network Inputs The ProMix PD2K Net work Inputs a re Write-Read capa ble, but shoul d be treat ed as outputs fro m a PLC or other networking devi ce. These registers allow the user to contr ol system operation and configu re system settings remo tely.
Operation Using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) INPUT REGISTER 01: Pump Flush Sequence/ Prime Material Se lection T h eP u m pF l u s h Sequence/Prime Ma terial Select ion register is us ed i n conjunction wit h the Flush/Prime Pump Command r egister (see INPUT REGISTER 02 below) to inde pendently prime or flush an inact ive pump.
Operation Using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) INPUT REGISTER 08: Clear Active Alarm The Clear Acti ve Alarm regi ster is used to acknowled ge a n alarm remo tely so that the system may resume ope r ation. Be sure that the alarm condition has been alleviated.
Operation Using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Notes 332564B 39.
Operation Using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Network Input Data Map (Write/Read) Network Input ID Modbus Register Parameter Name Data Type Units Range 0=N o 1=P o w e rP u m p s 2=R e m o t e.
Operation Using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) 0 = Gun not triggered 12 40180 G u n3T r i g g e r uint32 NONE 1 = Gun trigger ed 0 = Gun not triggered 13 40182 G u n4T r i g g e r uint32 NONE 1.
Operation Using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Operation Flo w Charts Purge Mod e Sequence YES YES YES YES NO NO NO NO Purge A System Command Write ‘6’ to Input Register 00 Is system in Sta.
Operation Using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Inactive Pump Flush and Prime Seq uences YES YES YES YES YES NO NO NO NO NO Write Flush Sequence # (1-5) to Output Register 01 Wri te Flush Pump C.
Operation Using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Color Cha nge Sequence YES YES YES NO NO NO NO YES NO YES YES Write Goto Recipe Number (0,1 - 60) to Input Register 07 Recipe Change System Comman.
Operation Using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Mixing Sequen ce YES YES NO NO YES NO NO YES Mix System Command Write ‘5’ to Input Register 00 System Mode = Standby: Fill Ready ? A recipe is loaded in the pumps but not yet filled out to the gun.
Operation Using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Alarm Clearing Se quence NO Clear Active Alarm Write ‘1’ to Input Register 08 NOTE: If an alarm condition is active the System Mode will either be Pump Off or Standby: Alarm . (Output Register 00 = ‘1’ or ‘14’) No action taken.
Operation Using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Network Commu nication - Dynamic Command Structure (DCS) Dynamic Command Description The Dynamic Command Structur e (DCS) is used to 1) a ccess data that req uires some form of argument( s) or 2) consoli date data that requ ires multi ple registers.
Operation Using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) List of DCS Commands Table 5 Dynamic Commands wi th Command ID ID Command 0 No OP 1 Write User ID 2W r i t e R e c i p e 3 Write Flush Seque nce 4.
Operation Using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Write Recipe The Write Recipe command al lows users to configur e an entire recipe r emotel y. See Recipe Screen, page 72 , for more detail s on recipes and recipe para meters. The return registers will echo the argumen ts received.
Operation Using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Write Flush Sequence The Write Flush Sequence co mmand allows users to con figure an entire flush s e quence remotely. See Flush Screen, page 73 , for mor e details of flush sequence p arameters.
Operation Using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Write Fluid Control Mode The Write Flui d Control Mo de command allows users to remotely ch ange Fluid Co ntrol betwe en ‘Flow’ a nd ‘Pressure’. See System Screen 5 , page 71 , for mor e details on F luid Contr ol mode.
Operation Using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Read Recipe The Read Recip e command retur ns all config ured recipe para meters for a desi r e dr e c i p en u m b e r .
Operation Using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Read Fluid Control Mode The Read Fluid Co ntrol Mode com mand is used to read the curre nt Fluid Cont rol mode of the syst em is currently operating u nder. No argumen ts are required . Example: Read Fluid Control as cur rently se t to Pressure mode.
Operation Using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Read Job Info The Read Job Inf o command is used t o access data fro m any of the most r ecent 20 0 job lo gs. The argument is the chronolo gical index of the job log, where 0 is t he most recent job log and 199 is the 200 th mos t recent.
Operation Using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Read Alarm Info The Read Alarm Info comma nd allows remot e access to any of t he last 200 alarm s l ogged by the ProMix PD2K. The argument is the chronologic al index of the alarm l og, where 0 is the most rece nt alarm and 199 is the 200 th most rece nt.
Operation Using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Read Event Info The Read Event Info command all ows remote access to any of t he last 200 events logge d by the ProMix PD2K. The argument is th e chronologic al index of the events log, where 0 is the most r ecent event and 199 is the 200 th most recent.
Operation Using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Flow Control S ystem Overview Flow contro l is an optio nal feature th at precisel y regulates t he flow of material t o an automatic spa y device, to hel p ensure adequate cover age and avoid sags or runs in the finish coat .
Run Mode Screens R u nM o d eS c r e e ns NOTE: Selection fie lds and buttons th at are grayed-out on the scr eens are not current ly active. Opening Screen At power up, the Grac o logo will display for approximat el y 5 seconds, followed by the Home screen.
Run Mode Screens Home Screen Key Key Descrip tion Details A Date and T ime See Advanced Scree n 1, page 82 ,t os e t . B Menu Bar Run Screens. U se left and right arrow keys to scroll through th e dif.
Run Mode Screens Key Descriptio n Details E Pump Animati on and Diagnost ic Informat ion F Pump Number (1 –4) G Materi al (A or B) H Available Col ors J Pump Inlet C olor L Pump Flow Rate M Pump Out.
Run Mode Screens Key Descrip tion Details U Active Re cipe ( ) V Current Rati o ( ) W Potlife Time Remaining ( ) X Total Volume for t he Current Job ( ) Y Current Fl ow Rate ( ) Z Current Pressure ( ).
Run Mode Screens Spray Screen NOTE: In normal oper ating mode, co ntrolled b y a PLC, the Spray Screen is di splay only. No changes can be made. This section provi des infor mation about the Spray Screen if m anual overri de is enabled on System Screen 5, page 71 .
Run Mode Screens Fill Screen NOTE: This screen i s visible only if manual ove rride is enabled on System Screen 5, pag e 71 . The Fill sc re en displays th e following info rmation for the pump a ssi gned to the current color: • Material. Select Color (A) , Catalyst (B), or Solvent .
Run Mode Screens Usage Screen The first Usage screen disp lays the current job usage and grand total usage of componen t A, B, A+B, and solvent (S). Edits may be made only if manual override i s enabled on System Screen 5, page 71 . The second Usage scr een displays the tot al volume pumped for al l availabl e material s.
Run Mode Screens Jobs Screen The Jobs screen d isplays the 200 m ost recent job numbers, recipes, and A+B volume s in a log, with date, time, and User ID. Figure 24 Jobs Screen Errors Screen The Errors screen displa ys the 200 most rec ent Error Codes in a log, w ith date, time, a nd descriptio n.
Setup Mode Scree ns S e t u pM o d eS c r eens Press on any Run screen t o enter the Se tup screens. NOTE: Selection fie lds and buttons th at are grayed-out on the scr eens are not current ly active. If the syste m has a password lock, the Password screen disp lays.
Setup Mode Scree ns System Screen 1 System screen 1 inclu des the foll owing fields which define your syst em. Figure 28 System Screen 1, Du ring Standby Diagnostic Mode Select thi s box to disp lay flow rat e and pressure for e a c hp u m po nt h e Home Scree n, page 58 .
Setup Mode Scree ns System Screen 2 System screen 2 sets t he followi ng system operat ing parameters . Figure 29 System Screen 2, in St andby Mode Mix Pressure Tolerance The pressure of one component must b e within a percentage (±) of the p ressure of t he other component dur ing spray or mi x.
Setup Mode Scree ns System Screen 3 System screen 3 sets th e following syste m operating parameter s. Figure 30 System Screen 3 Gun Hose Length Enter the length of the hose fr om the remote mix manifold to th e spray device. Gun Hos e Diamete r Enter the dia meter of the hose f rom the remote mi x manifold t o the spr ay device.
Setup Mode Scree ns System Screen 4 System screen 4 sets t he followi ng system operat ing parameters . Figure 31 System Screen 4 Gateway I D Select t he desired Gate way ID fr om the dropdown menu. Enable Uncheck Enable whil e setting the IP Address, Subnet mask, Gatew ay, DNS1 or DN S2.
Setup Mode Scree ns System Screen 5 System screen 5 sets th e following syste m operating parameter s. Figure 32 System Screen 5 Fluid Control Select the desi red operati ng mode (pressure or flo w), using the pull-d own menu.
Setup Mode Scree ns Recipe Screen Figure 33 Valid Recipe Screen Recipe Enter the desi red recipe numbe r (1-60). Recipe 0 U s eR e c i p e0t ofl u s ht h es y s t e m . • If a recipe (1–60 ) is loaded: Select Recipe 0 to flush the previously acti ve pumps and purge t he gun.
Setup Mode Scree ns Flush Screen Figure 35 Flush Screen Flush Number Enter the de sired flush seq uence (1-5). For hard to flush colors, select a longer sequence . 1 is the default, and shoul d be designat ed for the longest , most thor ough flush durati on.
Setup Mode Scree ns Pump Screen 1 NOTE: Your system m ay include 2, 3 , or 4 pumps . Informati on for each pump is accessible under a separate tab in the m enu bar at the top of the scre en. Select the ta b for the desir ed pump. Each pump has three screens.
Setup Mode Scree ns Pump Screen 2 Pump screen 2 s ets the pre ssure transdu cer setti ngs for the pump. Figure 37 Pump Screen 2, Default Settings Enabled Figu re 38 Pump Screen 2, Default Settings Dis.
Setup Mode Scree ns Pump Screen 3 Pump screen 3 sets the pressu re alarm limits for the pump. When Inlet Pr essu re in Pump Screen 1, page 74 is set to Disabl ed, the inlet limit fields a re grayed out and o nly t he outle t limit fields are active.
Setup Mode Scree ns Calibration S creens Calibrat e Screen 1 Calibrate Scr een 1 initiat es a pump pressure ch eck (stall test) for the selec ted pump . During the test, the Stall Test screen will a ppear. The pump and l ines must be primed with color or catalyst before do ing the stall test.
Setup Mode Scree ns Calibrate Screen 2 Calibrate Scr een 2 initiat es a volume test for th e selected pump . During the test, the V olume Check screen will appear. The pump and li ne s must be primed with color or catalyst b efore doin g the Volume Ch eck.
Setup Mode Scree ns Calibrat e Screen 3 Calibrate Screen 3 initiates a calibra tion of an accessory solve nt meter. During the test, t he Volume Verification s creen will a ppear. The met er and l ines must be primed with solvent befo re doing the calibration.
Setup Mode Scree ns Maintenance S creens Maintena nce Screen 1 Use this screen t o set mainte nance intervals. Set to 0 to disable the alarm. NOTE: The Pum p Stall Test canno t be disabled.
Setup Mode Scree ns Maintenance Screen 4 Maintenance screen 4 displays cycle counts for a selected color, catalyst, or solvent valve. Press and hold the Reset button for 1-2 seconds to reset t he counter. If the syste m is in Standby, valves can b e opened or closed by selecting or desel ecting the box for the correspond ing valve.
Setup Mode Scree ns Advanced Scre en 1 Advanced screen 1 sets th e following displa y parameters . Figure 53 Advanced Screen 1 Language Defines the language of t he screen text.
Setup Mode Scree ns Advanced Scre en 2 Advanced scree n 2 sets display units (US o r metric). Figure 54 Advanced Screen 2 Display Uni ts Select the desire d display units: • Grand Total Volume (US gallon or liter) • Pressure (psi, bar, or MPa) • Length (ft or m) Advanced Screen 3 Advanced screen 3 enables USB downloads and uploads.
Cali brat ion Ch e cks Calibration C hecks Pump Pressure Check NOTE: Enter the tran sducer calibr ation data before doing the pressu re check. Perform the pressur e check: • The first time the system is operated. • Whenever new materials a re used in the system, especially if the m aterials have viscos ities that differ significant ly.
Cali brat ion Ch e cks Pump Volume Ch eck 1. The pump and lines mus t be primed with color or catalyst be fore doing t he Volume Check. See Prime and Fill the System, page 20 . 2. If the d isplay is on a Run Mode screen, press to access setup screens.
Cali brat ion Ch e cks Solvent Meter Calibration 1. The meter and l ines must be primed with solvent before doi ng the calibrati on. See P r i m ea n dF i l lt h eS y s t e m ,p a g e2 0 . 2. If the display is on a Run Mode screen, press to access setup screens.
Color Cha nge Color Change Color Change Mo dule Kits ar e available a s an accessory. See manual 333282 for complete informa tion. Single Color Systems 1. Foll ow the procedure under Flush the System, page 23 . 2. Load the ne w color. See Prime and Fill the System, page 20 .
System Errors System Errors System errors a lert you of a problem and help prevent off-ra tio sprayin g. There are three types: Advisory, Deviation , and Alarm. An Advisory r ecords an event in the system, and will clear itself after 60 seconds. A Deviation records an error in t he system but does not shut down th e equipment.
System Errors Error Codes NOTE: When an error occu rs be sure to d etermine the cod e before resett ing it. If yo u forget which code occurred, use the Errors Screen, page 65 to view the last 200 er rors, with date, time, and description. Purge Err ors Code Type Description Problem Cause Solution Air flow switch is stuck in flow position.
System Errors Pumping Errors NOTE: In some e rror codes listed b elow, a # symbol i s shown as the la st digit. This symbol re presents th e applicable co mponent number, which can vary. The unit’s dis play will sh ow the appli cable number as th e last digit in t he code.
System Errors Code Type Descript ion Problem Cause S olution DH0# Alarm No Stall Pump # Pump failed th es t a l l test; did not s tall on either the ups troke or the downstrok e. Valve failure , seal failure, worn ro d or cylinder. Replace inlet and outl et valve and seal for up and down strokes.
System Errors Code Type Descriptio n Problem Ca use Sol ution There is a restriction on the outlet side of th e pump or color stack. Make sure there are no restrictions in the c olor stack and that th e dump valve is actuati ng. Thick viscos ity paint requires mor e pressure to pump.
System Errors Pressure Errors NOTE: In some e rror codes listed below, a # symbol is shown as the last digi t. This symbol re present s the applicabl e co mponent number, which can v ary. The unit’s display wil l show the applicab l e number as the last digit in t he code.
System Errors Code Type Description Problem Cause Solution P9F# Alarm Press. Sens. Failed Inlet # Inlet press ure transducer has failed. Inlet pressure transducer has f ailed or t h ep r e s s u r ei sa b o v e the readable r ange. Relieve system pressure.
System Errors System Errors Code Type Description Problem Cause Solutio n EB00 Rec- ord Stop Butt on Pressed R e c o r do fas t o pb u t t o n press. Indicates system stop key on ADM was pressed. n/a EC00 Rec- ord Setup Value(s) Changed Record of cha nging setup variab les.
System Errors Code Type Description Problem Cause Sol ution CAGX Alarm Comm. Error Gateway System does no t detect a CGM th at was regis tere da s being conne ct ed at power up. CDC# Alarm Duplicat e Color Chan ge # System detects two or more identical Color Change Modules.
System Errors USB Errors Code Type Description Probl em Cause Solut ion EAUX Advi- sory USB Busy USB drive is inserted, download is in progress. Indicates USB port is uploadin g or download ing data. Wait for USB Idle. EBUX Record USB Drive Removed USB drive wa s removed while downloading or uploading.
System Errors Code Type Description Problem Cause Sol ution WXUD Advi- sory USB Download E rr. An error occurred while downlo ading to the USB drive. User installed incompatible USB device in ADM USB port. Repeat process with compatible USB device. WXUU Advi- sory USB Upload Err.
System Errors Miscellaneous Err ors NOTE: In some e rror codes listed below, a # symbol is shown as the last digi t. This symbol re present s the applicabl e co mponent number , which can vary. The unit’s display wi ll show the appli cabl e number as the last digit in the co de.
System Errors Calibration Errors NOTE: In some e rror codes listed b elow, a # symbol i s shown as the la st digit. This symbol re presents th e applicable co mponent number, which can vary. The unit ’s display wi ll show the applic abl e number as the last digit in t he co de.
System Errors Maintenance Err ors NOTE: In some e rror codes listed below, a # symbol is shown as the last digi t. This symbol re present s the applicabl e co mponent numb er, which can var y. For example, the MAD# c ode list ed in thi s ta ble will be displayed as M AD1 if t he affected comp onent is pump 1, MAD2 for p ump 2, and so on.
Maint enanc e Maintenance Preventive Maintenance Schedule The operatin g c onditions of your particular syst em determine ho w often mainte nance is requi red. Establish a p reventive maintenance schedul e by recording w hen and what kin d of maintenance i s needed, and the n determine a regular schedule for checking yo ur system .
Technical Data Technical Data Positive Di splacement Proportioner U.S. Metric Maximum fluid worki ng pressure: AC1000 Air Spray Systems 300 psi 2.1 MPa, 21 ba r AC2000 Air-Assisted Spray Systems 1500 psi 10.5 MPa, 10 5b a r Maximum wo rking air pressure: 100 psi 0.
Graco Standard Warranty Graco warrants all equipment referenced in this document which is manufac tured by Graco and bearing its name to be free from defects in material and workmanship on the date of sale t o the original purchaser for use.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Graco 332564B (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Graco 332564B noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Graco 332564B - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Graco 332564B reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Graco 332564B erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Graco 332564B besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Graco 332564B verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Graco 332564B. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Graco 332564B gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.