Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 1835 des Produzenten Furuno
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Installation Manual MARINE RADAR MODEL1835/1935/1945 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS .... .......................................................................... .............................. .i SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ................................ ..........
i SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS WARNING Radio Frequency Radiation Hazard Do not open the equipment unless totally familiar with electrical circuits and service manual. Only qualified personnel should work inside the equipment. Wear a safety belt and hard hat when working on the antenna unit.
ii SYSTEM CONFIGURA TIONS 12 - 24 VDC Display unit RDP-152 100/1 10/220/230 V AC for M1835 External buzzer Echo sounder GPS navigator AIS, etc. Rectifier PR-62 Remote display : Basic configuration Heading sensor MODEL 1835 Antenna unit RSB-0071-057 Echo sounder GPS navigator AIS, etc.
iii EQUIPMENT LISTS S t andard supply Note: The name for MODEL1835, MODEL1935, MO DEL1945 is shortened to M1835, M1935, M1945 in this manual. Name T ype Code No.
iv Optional supply Name T ype Code No. Qty Comment Rectifier PR-62 - 1 For M1835 RU-3423 - For M1935/1945 External buzzer OP03-21 000-030-097 1 Cable assy .
1-1 1. HOW TO INST ALL THE SYSTEM 1.1 Displ ay U nit Select a l ocati on for t he disp lay unit by fo llowi ng the inf ormation s hown below. • The unit is waterproof, but FURUNO recommends that you inst al l th e display unit in a cabinet. • Keep the unit away from direc t sunlight.
1-2 How to install the display unit in a console Follow the procedure sho wn below to install the display unit in a console. 1. Prepare a hole in the location whose dime nsions are 274 (W) x 252 (H) mm. 2. Make four pilot holes. See the outline drawing at the b ack of this manual for additional infor- mation.
1-3 1.2 Antenna Unit for MODEL1835 How to select the location for the antenna unit When you select an installation location for th e antenna unit, remember the following points. • Install the antenna unit on a so lid location, for example radar arch or on a mast on a plat form.
1-4 How to install the antenna unit 1. Open the packing box of the antenna unit with great caution. 2. Loosen the four bolts at the base of the radome to remove the radome cover . Antenna unit The location where you install the antenna unit must be p arallel to the waterline.
1-5 How to fasten the radome base to the pl atform Wiring an d pre paration 4. Make a hole of at leas t 20 milli meters in diamet er t hrough the dec k or bulkhe ad to r un the sig- nal cable. (T o prev ent electri cal inte rf erence, do not run the signa l cable near other el ectrical equipment.
1-6 Signal cable, the side of antenna uni t RF unit to one of the screws of the cable clamping plate 9-pin connector: to J801 on MD-9208 4-pin connector: to J802 on MD-9208 13-pin connector: to J611 o.
1-7 10. Att ach the EMC core suppli ed as shown below . How to attach EMC core 1 1.Att ach t he shi eld cov ers. Make sure the cabl e is not caught by t he cover . 12.Att ach the ra dome cover . Ali gn the triangle mark on radome cover with that on r adome base.
1-8 How to install the optional mounting bracket The optional mounti ng bracket le ts you fasten the antenna uni t to a mast on a sailboat. Mounting bra cket kit Typ e: OP 03- 92 Code No.: 008-445-070 Assemble the mounting brac ket and fasten the mountin g bracket to a mast.
1-9 1.3 Anten na U nit for MOD EL1935 /194 5 How to select th e location for th e ante nna unit • The antenna unit is inst alled eit her on top of the wheelhouse or a plat form on the radar mas t. Insta ll the antenna uni t where ther e is a good complete view .
1-10 Installation pr ocedure Refer to the out line dr awin g at the back of this manual for t he dimens ions . Make fiv e hole s in the platform. Four ho les to f asten the antenna u nit a nd one hol e for the si gnal cabl e.
1-11 How to install the antenna unit You can install the antenna uni t by one of the two metho ds shown below. • Use the outsi de holes • Use the inside holes How to use ou tside ho le s of the an te nn a ho using Use the hex head bolts (suppli ed) to install the antenna unit as shown in the illu strati on bel ow.
1-12 3. Set four hex head bolts (M12x60, supplied) and seal wa shers (supplied) from the top of the antenna housing, as shown below . How to set the antenna unit chassis 4. Set the flat washers (M12, supplied), spring wa shers (supplied) and nuts (supplied ) to the hex head bolts.
1-13 8. Apply the s ilicone sealant t o the ground te rminal and ground p oint a s shown below . How to apply the s ilicone seal ant t o the ground point and ground t erminal How to use the inside holes of the antenna h ou sing This method requi res r emoval of t he RF unit from the antenna unit to acces s the ins ide fix ing holes.
1-14 Antenna unit chas sis, upper chassi s separated 7. Set the corrosio n-proof r ubber mat (suppl ied) to the support plat fo rm. 8. Cut the rubber bushings in the fixing holes and put four bolts fr om the inside of the lower chas- sis.
1-15 How to connect the signal cable The signal cable runs from the display unit t o t he antenna unit. To red uce the electrical interfer- ence, do not run the signal cable near other electrical equipment. And do not run the cab le in par- allel to power cables.
1-16 5. Put the signal cable so that no more than 4 cm of the sheath is visible, as shown in the figure below . T ighten the fixing bolt s. How to fasten signal cable in ca ble gland 6. Loosen four screws in the figure shown below and op en the cover .
1-17 8. Connect the signal cable to the R TB Board (03P9249). See the interconnec tion dia gram and the figur e shown be low . 9. Attach thr ee EMI cores to the signal cabl e as shown belo w . Antenna unit chassi s, cover opened 10.Fasten the s ignal cable with the cabl e clamp.
1-18 This page is intentionally blank..
2-1 2. CABLE CONNECTION 2.1 S t andard Connect ion Connect all cables at the rear o f the di splay unit. Display unit, r ear vi ew Antenna cable MJ-B24LPF0002-xxx+R or MJ-B24LPF0005-yyy+R CAUTION Ground terminal Connect ground wire between here and ship's ground.
2-2 2.2 Dat a Signal Port Connect external equipment(s) to th e por ts on the rear panel as shown below. The Model 1835/1935/194 5 can receive the following NMEA 0183 format senten ce from other equipment.
3-1 3. HOW TO SET THE EQUIPMENT 3.1 How to Set the Langua ge At the first power appli catio n after instal l ation, select a language as follows. 1. Press /BRILL key t o turn on the power . "Now Initial izing" appears an d af ter a whi le the window bel ow appears .
3-2 3.2 How to Set the Purpose Set the purpose of the radar. 1. Press t he MENU key. The main menu appears on the screen. 2. Press T or S on the cursor p ad to select F actory . The factory menu title bar appears in gray on the right of the screen. 3.
3-3 3.3 How to Enter the Initial Settings After you set the purpose of the radar, enter the initial settings as follows. 1. On the main menu, press T or S to select Installation . 2. Press the ENTER key . The Installation menu becomes active and the cursor moves to the right column.
3-4 Antenna Rotation: "Rotate" (default setting) transmits the radar pulses with rotating the antenna. "Stop" transmits the radar pulses without rotating the antenna. Antenna Height: Set the height of the antenna above the water surface.
3-5 How to automa tica lly set the eq uipme nt The equipment automatic ally adj ust s the tuning, timing and vid eo. Note: Before you do this procedure, t ramsmit t he radar more than 10 minutes on a l ong rang e and check that Sector Bla nk is OFF. 1.
3-6 Manual MBS Adjustment Reduce the main bang (black hole), which appears at the display center on short ranges, as fol- lows. 1. Transmit the radar on the shortest range. 2. Open the Installation menu and select MBS Adjust . 3. Press the ENTER key to show the setting window .
4-1 4. OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT 4.1 A RP Kit ARP-1 1 The ARP kit provides automatic radar p lotter functions to this radar. Necessary parts Name: ARP kit T ype: ARP-1 1 Code no.: 008-523-050 For details, see the packing list attached to the kit. 1. Unscrew 12 screws and five connector nut s at the rear of the display unit.
4-2 2. Lift the cover slowly and open i t as shown below . 3. Mate P107 o n the ARP boar d to J 214 on the 0 3P9474 board and fas ten the ARP board wi th four sc rews. 03P9474 J214 Cover Open this direction. T ake care not to damage this cable assembly.
4-3 4. Reassemble the display unit. NMEA1 NMEA2 HDG DJ-1 12-24 VDC/ 8.0-3.8A 3 GND 1 + 2 - USB T orque 2.94 ± 0.29 Nm To r q u e 0.78 ± 0.08 Nm To r q u e 0.
4-4 4.2 Connect ion of Buzze r an d/or Remote Displ ay You need the cables shown below to connec t the opt ional ext ernal buzzer and remote di splay. • T wo-way cable MJ-A10SPFW0001+R • MJ-A7SPF0.
%1&'01 6;2' %2 ⇛ޓޓ࿑ 176.+0' ฬޓޓ⒓ 0#/' ᢙ㊂ 36; ↪ㅜ㧛⠨ 4'/#4-5 ⇟ภ 01 ဳฬ㧛ⷙᩰ &'5%4+2 6+105 +056#.
%1&'01 6;2' ⇛ޓޓ࿑ 176.+0' ฬޓޓ⒓ 0#/' ᢙ㊂ 36; ↪ㅜ㧛⠨ 4'/#4-5 ⇟ภ 01 ဳฬ㧛ⷙᩰ &'5%4+2 6+105 +056#.. #6+10 /#6'4+ #.5 Ꮏ᧚ᢱ *&: /1&'.
%1&'01 6;2' ⇛ޓޓ࿑ 176.+0' ฬޓޓ⒓ 0#/' ᢙ㊂ 36; ↪ㅜ㧛⠨ 4'/#4-5 ⇟ภ 01 ဳฬ㧛ⷙᩰ &'5%4+2 6+105 +056#.. #6+10 /#6'4+ #.5 Ꮏ᧚ᢱ *&: /1&'.
Y. Hatai D-1.
8/Jul/09 R.Esumi D-2.
5/Feb/09 R.Esumi D-3.
5/Feb/09 R.Esumi D-4.
1 2 3 WHT BLK クロ シロ 10A:12V 5A:24V 1 2 3 (+) (-) 5 6 IV-2sq. *1 12-24 VDC MJ-A3SPF0017-050ZC,5m,φ10 DPYC-1.5 100/110/ 220/230VAC 1φ,50/60Hz *1 MJ-A3SPF RECTIFIER 整流器 PR-62 *2 *4 2 4 3 A 1 B C DRAWN CHECKED APPROVED DWG.No. TITLE NAME 名称 INTERCONN ECTION DIAGR AM 相互結線図 REF.
1 2 3 WHT BLK クロ シロ 10A:12V 5A:24V (+) (-) IV-2sq. *1 12-24 VDC MJ-A3SPF0017-050ZC,5m,φ10 MJ-A3SPF *4 2 4 3 A 1 B C DRAWN CHECKED APPROVED DWG.
The paper used in this manual is elemental chlorine free. ・FURUNO Authorized Distributor/Dealer 9-52 Ashihara-cho, Nishinomiya, 662-8580, JAPAN Telephone : +81-(0)798-65-2111 Fax : +81-(0)798-65-4200 A : FEB 2009 . Printed in Japan All rights reserved.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Furuno 1835 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Furuno 1835 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Furuno 1835 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Furuno 1835 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Furuno 1835 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Furuno 1835 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Furuno 1835 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Furuno 1835. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Furuno 1835 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.