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User Guide - English ServerView S uite ServerView Event Manager Server View Op eratio ns Mana ger V6.0 0 Edition July 2012.
Comments … Suggestions … Corrections … The User Documentation Depar tment would lik e to know y our opinion of this manual. Y our f eedback helps us optimize our documentation to suit y our individual needs. F eel free to se nd us your com ments by e-mail to manuals@ts.
ServerView Event Manager Contents 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.1 Changes from the previous version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.2 ServerView Suite link collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1.
ServerView Event Manager Contents 4 Alarm configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 4.1 Alarm rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 4.1.1 Managing alarm rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ServerView Event Manager Contents 5.3.8 Hard disk (S.M.A.R.T .) traps (Hd.mib) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 5.3.9 Generic traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 5.3.10 MultiP ath traps (mp .mib) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ServerView Event Manager Contents.
ServerView Event Manager 7 1 Intr oducti on The Ser v erView Ev ent Manager (called simp ly Event Manager bel ow) is a component of the Ev ent Management of the Ser verVie w Suite . After installation, this component is a v ailable both vi a the Windows Start Menu and via ServerView Op erations Manager (call ed simply Operations Manager below).
8 ServerView Event Manager Changes from the previous version 1.1 Changes from the pre vious version This edition is v alid f or the Ev ent Manager of ServerView V6.00 and repl aces the online manual : “Event Manager“ as of ServerView V5.50, Edition Nov ember 2011.
ServerView Event Manager 9 ServerView Suite link collection 1.2 ServerVie w Suite link c ollection Via the link coll ection, Fujitsu T echnolog y Solutions pro vides you with n umerous downloads and further information on the ServerView Sui te and PRIMERGY ser vers.
10 ServerView Event Manager Documentation for ServerView Suite Access to the ServerView link collection Y ou can reach the link collection of the S er verVie w Suite in v arious wa ys: 1. Via ServerVie w Operations Manager . Ê Select Help – Links on the star t page or on the menu bar .
ServerView Event Manager 11 Notational con ventions 1.4 Notational con ventions The fol lowing notational con v entions are used in this manual: Referenc es to te xt or sections of te xt in this manual are sho wn with the chapter or section heading and the page on which that chapter or section begins.
12 ServerView Event Manager Nota tio nal c on ven tion s.
ServerView Event Manager 13 2E v e n t M a n a g e r The Event Manager allows y ou to filter and forward alarm messages and spec ify the displa y . F or monitoring, Ser verVie w agents must be installed on the m anaged ser vers and f or servers with VMw are vSphere ESXi 5 Ser v erView ESXi 5 CIM Pro vider must be installed.
14 ServerView Event Manager Installing the Event Manager CIM-Indications f or VMware vSphere ESXi 5 Ev ents of ser vers with VMw are vSphere ESXi 5 are pro vided as CIM indications . The CIM indications are analyz ed b y the ServerVie w Ev ent Manager , which c an manage and forw ard them as usual.
ServerView Event Manager 15 Starting the Event Manager 2.2 Starting the Event Manager If the Ev ent Manager is installed on a Windows -based management station, y ou can star t it directly on the management station v ia the Windows start menu.
16 ServerView Event Manager Starting th e Event Manager I T o star t / operate the Ev ent Manager , you need the appropriate permissions. As the RBA C (Role-based access control) based user management.
ServerView Event Manager 17 Starting the Event Manager If you do not w ant to automaticall y open the Base Configuration Wizard again when you s tar t the Event Manager , select Do not show this wizar d agai n automatically in the star t window of the Base Configu ration Wizard.
18 ServerView Event Manager Icons 2.3 Ic on s Y ou will find a lis t of the icons in the Alarm M onit or and Alarm Configurat ion windows and their meanings in the f ollowing. Red alarm: cr itical Orange alarm: major Y ellow alarm: minor Blue alarm: informational Gra y alarm: unknown Alarm is ignored The alar m was confirmed b y a user entr y .
ServerView Event Manager 19 Icons Y ello w: F orwarding completed Red: F orwarding present (still activ e) T able columns can be filtered according t o different c riter ia.
20 ServerView Event Manager Icons.
ServerView Event Manager 21 3 Alarm Monit or The Alarm Monitor component displays al l received alarms relating to the selected servers and server groups in the Operat ions Manager main windo w .
22 ServerView Event Manager Viewing alarms The windo w is divided into f our sections: ● The menu bar below the title bar allows you to nav igate between the Operations Manager functions: –S e r v.
ServerView Event Manager 23 Viewing alarms Below the status bar the alarm entries are displa yed with the foll owing inf ormation: Receive T ime Time when the alarm was received. Alarm T ype Brief description of the alarm. Alarm icon (see table belo w) Indicates the se v erity of the alar m.
24 ServerView Event Manager Viewing alarms ● In the bottom right section of the window y ou can find out inf ormation on the selected alarm entr y in the alarm list via the two or three tabs pro vided: – Alarm Details tab - contains a brief description of the selected alarm entr y in the alarm list.
ServerView Event Manager 25 Viewing alarms for a server 3.2 Vie wing alarms f or a s erver If se ve ral alarm messages hav e been receiv ed f or a ser ver , the one with the highest se verity le vel is displa y ed in the server list.
26 ServerView Event Manager Processing alarm entries 3.4 Pr ocessing a larm entries The f ollo wing functions are a vailab le f or processing the alarm entries: – Ac knowledge alarms – Suppress alarms – Reset alarm suppression – Delete alarms 3.
ServerView Event Manager 27 Processing alarm entries I When the ser v er star ts up , a RAID manager or Ether net card, etc. ma y issue an alarm (SNMP trap) as a star tup notification (e.g. RFC1157LinkUP). T o suppress this kind of alarm, you can configure alarm suppression.
28 ServerView Event Manager T esting t he connection 3.5 T esting the connection T o test the connection to a specific ser ver , you can send a tr ap. P roceed as fo l l ow s : Ê Sele ct Te s t Tr a p from the conte xt menu.
ServerView Event Manager 29 Other settin gs 3.6 Other settings 3.6.1 Editing an alarm note Y ou can edit the note displa yed for an alarm entr y: Ê Clic k the relev ant alarm entr y . Ê Select Edit Note from the conte xt menu. The Edit Note window opens: Ê Enter your te xt.
30 ServerView Event Manager iRMC S2 SEL Entries and SC2 MIB T raps 3.7 iRM C S2 S EL en tr ies re layed as SC 2 MIB traps I The fol lowing tab le applies to PRIMERGY systems manuf ac tured in 2009 or later . If the iRMC S2 writes an ev ent to the System Ev ent Log (SEL), in some cases an SNMP trap is triggered.
ServerView Event Manager 31 iRMC S2 SEL Entries and SC2 MIB Traps 040003 ’F AN XY’: Redundant f an f ailed The redundant fan ’F AN X Y’ faile d in cabinet XY of ser ver XY .
32 ServerView Event Manager iRMC S2 SEL Entries and SC2 MIB T raps 070001 ’PSU XY’: P ower supply OK P o wer supply ’P SU XY’ in cabinet XY at server X Y was added. 2030 sc2T rapP ow er SupplyAdded P o wer supply ’P SU XY’ in cabinet XY at ser v er XY is working again.
ServerView Event Manager 33 iRMC S2 SEL Entries and SC2 MIB Traps 07000A ’PSU XY’: P ower supply critical temperature T emperature at power supp ly ’PSU XY’ in cabinet XY of server XY has reached the critical lev el.
34 ServerView Event Manager iRMC S2 SEL Entries and SC2 MIB T raps 120030 PCI system error (SERR): Slot 0x%1 The system wa restar ted after a sev ere prob lem at cabinet XY of server XY . See ser v er management message log (recov er y log) for detailed inf ormation.
ServerView Event Manager 35 iRMC S2 SEL Entries and SC2 MIB Traps 150031 Batter y voltage ’BA TT XY’ lo w warning: % Vo l t Battery v oltage ’BA TT XY’ in cabinet XY at server XY : Battery is predicted to f ail in near future.
36 ServerView Event Manager iRMC S2 SEL Entries and SC2 MIB T raps 190017 ’DIMM XY’: Memory replaced b y spare memo r y Memor y module ’DIMM XY’ i n cabinet XY of server XY had f ailed and was replaced by a hot- spare module.
ServerView Event Manager 37 4 Alarm configu ration The Alarm Configuration compon ent in the Ev ent Manager is used to define settings f or alarm handling.
38 ServerView Event Manager Alarm configuration The first time the windo w opens, the right-hand section shows the Alarm Rules – Manage Alarm Rules dialog windo w . The Pr evious and Nex t buttons take you step b y step through the individual screens f or setting the alarm parameters.
ServerView Event Manager 39 Alarm rules 4.1 A larm rule s An alarm r ule f orwards alarms from various servers to one or more destinations. A complete defini tion of a new alarm rule consists of the f ollo wing f our steps: – Defining the name of the ne w alarm r ule (see section "Managing alarm rules" on page 40 ).
40 ServerView Event Manager Alarm rules 4.1.1 Mana ging alarm rul es The Alarm R ules – Manage Al arm Ru les s creen provi des an ov erv iew of all defined alarm rules. The tabs Alarm R ules, Alarms, Server s and Destinations allo w diff erent vie ws of the defined alarm r ules, depending on which tab is selected.
ServerView Event Manager 41 Alarm rules Alarm Rules tab The Alarm Rules tab is used to assign alarm r ules to alar ms, ser vers and alarm destinations. The first column lists all known alarm r ules. The enabled column in dicates which alarm rules are activated (chec kmark) and which are deactivated.
42 ServerView Event Manager Alarm rules Servers tab The Servers tab shows you which servers are co vered b y which alarm rules. Here you c an check whether alarms from a ser ve r are at least being f orwarded to one destination.
ServerView Event Manager 43 Alarm rules 4.1.2 Assigning servers In the Alarm R ules – As sign Se rver s creen, yo u define the ser vers and/or server groups to be assigned to an alarm rule. Figure 6: Alar m R ules - Assign S er vers Via the drop-down l ist, you can select the alarm rule that you w ant to edit.
44 ServerView Event Manager Alarm rules I Because diff erent server groups can hav e the s ame name, the y are displa yed in the Al arm C onfigurati on component with their group hierarch y .
ServerView Event Manager 45 Alarm rules Displaying server info rmation If you sel ect Show Inform ation about Se rver from the conte xt men u,the Server information window opens , sho wing additional inf ormation about the selected ser ver .
46 ServerView Event Manager Alarm rules I Y ou can start O perations Manager f or the selected ser ver in this window . T o do this, click the status icon in the top right-hand corner . The status displa y , the ser ver picture and the start command for Operations Manager are only enabl ed if Operations Manager is already installed.
ServerView Event Manager 47 Alarm rules 4.1.3 Ass igning alarms In the Alarm Rules – Assign Alarms dialog box you can define in the Individu al Alarms dialog bo x the alarms for the alarm rule and displa y all details of the assigned alarms.
48 ServerView Event Manager Alarm rules The alarm list in the bottom section of the window shows via chec kbo x es which alarms are assigned to the alar m rule. It also shows the names of the alar ms ( Alarm Name ), their sev erity ( Severity ), their MIB file ( MIB ), in which the alarm is defined, and their trap name ( Identif ier ).
ServerView Event Manager 49 Alarm rules The alarm list off ers a contex t menu, in whi ch you can select the f ollowing items : Show info rmation ab out selec ted Alarm T o see additional inf ormation.
50 ServerView Event Manager Alarm rules The top drop-down list contains the names of all known alarm rules. Here y ou can select the alarm r ule that y ou want to edit. Y ou can activ ate or deactiv ate the f ollow ing filter settings: All alarms of se verity critical All alarms of se verity critical are handled according to the alarm rule.
ServerView Event Manager 51 Alarm rules 4.1.4 Forwar ding alarms In the Alarm Rules – Assign Destinations screen you can mak e settings relating to alarm destinations. Select an alarm rule and then define the actions to be triggered for the servers of this alarm rule in response to cer tain alarm messages.
52 ServerView Event Manager Alarm rules Y ou can use the f ollowing b uttons to activ ate or deactiv ate the f orw arding of an alarm: > Activ ates the selected destinations . < Deactiv ates the selected destinat ions. >> Activ ates all kno wn destinations .
ServerView Event Manager 53 Alarm rules By clic king the Add button y ou can define a new destina tion. The fol lowing window opens sho wing the a vailab le destinations . Figure 12: T ype of New Destination Clic king OK opens additional windo ws, depending on y our selection, in which you m ust make fur ther settings.
54 ServerView Event Manager Alarm rules I ● Note for SMTP A UTH F or sending mails, SMTP A UTH is suppor ted. The suppor ted authentication method is: CRAM MD5 / LOGIN / PLAIN.
ServerView Event Manager 55 Filter rules 4.2 Filter rul es The filter rules define the ser vers or server gr oups from which y ou want to filter out alarms (see section "Server filters" on page 55 ) and/or which alar ms are to be filtered out (see section "Filtering alarms" on page 56 ).
56 ServerView Event Manager Filter rules 4.2.2 Filte ring alarms In the F ilter Rules – Alarm Filterin g dialog box y ou can activate or deactiv ate filter settings f or an alarm type. Figure 13: Filter settings f or an alarm type Y ou can activ ate or deactiv ate the f ollowing fil ter settings: All unk nown a larm s Filter out unknown al ar ms.
ServerView Event Manager 57 Filter rules In the input field Set time for r epetition in seconds you can specify the interval after which the same alarm is allow ed through from the same server again. This is useful to pre v ent the management station from being bombarded with identical alarms from a ser ver that is not running correctly .
58 ServerView Event Manager Making settings 4.3 Making settings In the General Settings screen you can defi ne general settings for alarm handling. Y ou can define the actions to be ex ecuted by def ault and r egardless of the alarm groups whene v er an alarm arr ives .
ServerView Event Manager 59 Mail forwarding in general 4.4 Mail forwar ding in general P oints to note when sett ing up the mail service ( MAPI) T o configure the mail ser vice, chec k whether Microsoft Mail is i nstalled.
60 ServerView Event Manager Mail f orwarding in general Figure 14: Ne w Mail Configuration In this window y ou can define all the nec essar y parameters for f or warding o n the Mail S ettings, Mail Pr operties an d T ime Model Settings tabs. Fields marked with * are mandatory , while the other fields are optional.
ServerView Event Manager 61 Mail forwarding in general Mail Settings tab The Mail Settings tab provides fields f or the mail settings , some of which already contain predefined settings .
62 ServerView Event Manager Mail f orwarding in general Mail Pr operties tab The Mail Pr operties tab pro vides fields f or the mail ser ver . Depending on the m ail se r v ice, MAPI (Windows only ) or SMT P (Windows, Lin ux) must be selected.
ServerView Event Manager 63 Mail forwarding in general T im e Model Settings tab The T ime Model S ettings tab allows y ou to select, add or modify a time model. Y ou can define hour by hour f or the whole week when an alarm is to be forw arded. If you c lick the T est Addr ess button, a test m ail is sent to check your settings.
64 ServerView Event Manager Mail f orwarding to the service provider 4.5 Mail f orwar ding to the service pr o vider The Ev ent Manager allows y ou to automatically forw ard alarms to the service provider b y e-mail.
ServerView Event Manager 65 Mail forwarding to the service provider Y ou can enab le or disable this configuration with the Enabled option. If y ou click the Mail Pr operties tab , you can specify additional inf ormation on the mail service in this window .
66 ServerView Event Manager Mail f orwarding to the service provider A minim um period of 600 seconds has been specified for the sen ding of identical mails .
ServerView Event Manager 67 Making pop-up settings 4.6 Making p op-up settings If you ha v e selected P opup for the f orwarding, the N ew P opup C onfi gura tion window opens . In this window y ou can use the P opu p Settings and Ti m e M o d e l Settings tabs to make al l necessar y settings for pop-up f orw arding.
68 ServerView Event Manager Making pop- up settings I Notes f or Linux 1. T o rec eiv e the f orwarded alarm messages, a user must be lo gged onto the Linux system console . If no user is logged on, the f orwarded alarm messages are not saved. This means that they will not be output the ne xt time a user logs onto the system console .
ServerView Event Manager 69 Making pager sett ings (COM po rt and modem ) 4.7 Making pa g er settings (COM por t and modem) If you ha v e selected P ager for t he f orwarding, the Ne w P ager Co nfigu ration window opens.
70 ServerView Event Manager Maki ng pa ger s etti ngs ( COM po rt and m odem) Time Model Time model indicating when an alarm is to be f orwarded. Select a predefined tim e model from the drop-down list. Y ou can set yo ur own time model via the T ime Model Settings tab .
ServerView Event Manager 71 Making pager sett ings (COM po rt and modem ) Y ou specify the pager serv ice via the P ager , SMS -1 or SM S-2 tabs. The Server Num tab tells you which server numbers are assigned to which server name. The server n umber is sent to the pager type numer ic .
72 ServerView Event Manager Making execute settings 4.8 Making ex ecute settings If you hav e selected Execute for the f orwarding, t he New Execute Configur ation window opens . In this window y ou can use the Exec Settings and Ti m e M o d e l Settings tabs to mak e all necessar y settings f or the Exe cute forw arding.
ServerView Event Manager 73 Making broadcast settin gs T im e Model Settings tab The T ime Model S ettings tab allows y ou to select, add or modify a time model.
74 ServerView Event Manager Making broadcast settings T ime Model Settings tab The T ime Model S ettings tab allows y ou to select, add or modify a time model.
ServerView Event Manager 75 Making broadcast settin gs I Notes for Linux The forw arding ser vice uses the database under /var/run/utmp (utmp(5)) to obtain inf ormation on the connected users and the type of the session (GUI or CLI). All s essions (local or remote) should therefo re be correctly registered in the utmp database .
76 ServerView Event Manager Making trap settings 4.10 Making trap settings If you hav e selected Stati on for the f orwarding, the Ne w Statio n Conf igur atio n window opens . In this window y ou can use the Station Settings and Ti m e M o d e l Settings tabs to mak e all necessar y settings f or trap f orwarding.
ServerView Event Manager 77 Making trap settings T im e Model Settings tab The T ime Model S ettings tab allows y ou to select, add or modify a time model. Y ou can define hour by hour f or the whole week when an alarm is to be forw arded. F orwarding Mode Normal Pa s s Through T ransparent The mode f or the f orwarding.
78 ServerView Event Manager Macros 4.11 Macr os Below i s a list of macros that can be used f or the f orwarding of alarms (e.g. Mail, P ager). These macros are replaced by the corresponding information about the s er vers which are repor ting the alar m.
ServerView Event Manager 79 Alarm configuration exam ple 4.12 Alarm configuration e xample This section e x plains a typical e x ample of alarm configuration. Purpose When an e ven t whose se verity is critical occurs on the ALARMTE ST server , a mail is sent to the administr ator ( admin@t est.
80 ServerView Event Manager Alarm configuration example Ê Click Appl y , then c lic k Next . The Assign A larms - Individ ual Alarms wi ndow opens . Ê Click Next again. The Assign A larms - T ype of Al arms window opens . Ê Check All alarms of severity critica l .
ServerView Event Manager 81 Alarm configuration exam ple Ê Click Apply , then click Te s t A d d r e s s . Ê Once the test mail is sent successfully , click OK . This returns you to the Assign Destinations window . Ê Select the created MailSet , then clic k the > b utton.
82 ServerView Event Manager Alarm configuration example.
ServerView Event Manager 83 5T r a p s If a special e v ent occurs in a network component, then the SNMP agent can send a message to one or more managers to inf orm them of the ev ent. Such messages are called traps in S NMP . The manager can react to e vents in the network based on the incoming tr ap .
84 ServerView Event Manager Displaying trap info rmation The Alarm Mibs wi ndow is disp la yed: Figure 15: MIB overview in the Event Manager - example.
ServerView Event Manager 85 Displaying trap information When y ou select a MIB, a wind ow with detailed tr ap information will open; the windo w will look li ke t his: Figure 16: Detailed information about the traps from a MIB (example) If you w ant to print out this information, select the Print button in the window .
86 ServerView Event Manager Displaying traps in the Windows e vent log 5.2 Displa ying traps in the Windows e vent log When y ou install the Windo ws agents, y ou can specify whether the traps from the Fujitsu MIB (e. g. HD .MIB, Myle x.MIB) are also to be written to the Windows e vent log.
ServerView Event Manager 87 Trap overview baspT rap.mib Broadcom Advanced Ser ver traps BIOS .mib BUS.mib clariion1.mib FibreCat clariion_fsc_2.mib FibreCat Cmc32.mib Rittal rack monitor CMS-TC. mib Ddm.mib Duple xDataManager t raps see page 105 dec.mib Compaq StorageWorks Enter p rise Array Manager see page 125 desktrap .
88 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w Ldcm.mib LAN Desk Client Manager from Intel traps see page 162 Ldsm.MIB LAN Desk S er v er Manager from Intel traps see page 162 log3v1.mib PRIMEPOWER log entries see page 120 Lsi1030.mib LSIRAID-IDE.mi b Megaraid.
ServerView Event Manager 89 Trap overview PSA- LinBcm5700T rap- MIB.mib PRIMEQUE ST traps PSA-LinEmulexT rap- MIB.mib PRIMEQUE ST traps PSA-LinGdsT rap- MIB.mib PRIMEQUE ST traps PSA-LinGlsT rap- MIB.mib PRIMEQUE ST traps PSA-LinGr mpdT rap- MIB.mib PRIMEQUE ST traps PSA- LinIntelE1000T rap- MIB.
90 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w PSA- WinIntelE100T rap- MIB.mib PRIMEQ UEST tr aps PSA- WinLsiLogicT rap- MIB.mib PRIMEQ UEST tr aps RAID .mib RFC1157.mib RFC1213.mib RFC1285.mib RFC1628.mib RMS- C_SNMPv1_contact. mib RMS- C_SNMPv1_humid1.
ServerView Event Manager 91 Trap overview Ser verVie w .mib Ser verVie w traps see page 145 Status.mib Ser verVie w statu s traps see page 146 tapealr t.mib T ape driver traps see page 147 Threshold.mib TO K . m i b T rap. mib Ser verVie w traps see page 163 trap1493.
92 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w 5.3.1 Adaptec traps (Duralink.mib) MIB-OID: This section lists Ad aptec traps in alphabetical o rder . 5.3.2 APC trap s (P owernet.mib) MIB-OID: This section lists the APC traps in al phabetical order .
ServerView Event Manager 93 Trap overview communic ation Estab lished 8 Communicatio n is estab lished between the agent and pow er supply . inf ormational communic ationLost 1 Communicatio n between the agent and power supply w as interrupted. major contactF ault 18 One of the contacts on the Measure UPS has changed from its def ault position.
94 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w softwareBypass 21 The UPS has been set to bypass b y a user via software or via the UPS front panel. minor s witchedBypass 22 The UPS has been set to bypas s by a user via the s witch on the bac k. minor upsBatteryNeeds Replacement 17 The UPS batteries require immediate replacement.
ServerView Event Manager 95 Trap overview 5.3.3 Blade System traps (s31. mib) MIB-OID: This section lists the b lade system traps in al phabetical order . T rap name ID Meaning Error c lass s31Liv etimeError 1644 The lif etime of the bl ade system has e xceeded the limited count.
96 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w s31ServerBladeError 1609 The server b lade status at the bla de system is error . critical s31ServerBladeHot Replace 1640 A ser v er blade w as added by hot replace. inf or mational s31ServerBladeNe wAdd 1639 A server bl ade was added on an empty slot of the blade system.
ServerView Event Manager 97 Trap overview s31SwitchBladeAdded 1611 A s witch b lade was added to the blade s ystem. info r mational s31SwitchBladeCritical Error 1615 The swi tch blade status at the blade s ystem is cr itic al. critical s31SwitchBladeError 1614 The s witch b lade status at the blade s ystem is error .
98 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w s31SysP owerSupplyRemo ve d 1627 A po wer supply unit w as remov ed from the bl ade syste m. inf or mational s31SysT empCriticalError 1623 The temperature at the system temper ature sensor of the b lade ser v er has reached the critical lev el.
ServerView Event Manager 99 Trap overview s31T rapEventLog 1638 An error was recorded on the bl ade system. See the ser ver managemen t ev ent error log (Recov er y) for detailed inf ormation. major s31UserAuthenti cation Fa i l u r e 1637 An user authentication f ailure was detected at the blade s ystem.
100 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w 5.3.4 Clus ter tra ps ( NTClust er . mib) MIB-OID: This section lists cluster tr aps in alphabetical order .^ T rap name ID Meaning Error c lass sniWpChange ClusterActiv eAgain 811 The SNMP agent has establ ished the connection with the cluster ser vice.
ServerView Event Manager 101 Trap overview sniWpChange NetworkDeleted 910 A network was deleted from the cluster . critical sniWpChange NetworkProper ty 913 The settings f or a network hav e been changed. major sniWpChange NetworkState 912 A network has changed its status.
102 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w sniWpChange Unknown 801 The cluster API has retur ned a note type that does not hav e an associated tr ap definition.
ServerView Event Manager 103 Trap overview 5.3.5 DPT tra ps (dptsc si.mi b) MIB-OID: This section lists DPT traps in al phabetical order .
104 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w dptDe vStatus ChangedT rap 9 Status of the SCSI de vice changed. inf or mational dptHbaCorrected HardRAMErrorT rap 4 The HBA encountered an ECC RAM error and corrected it. dptScsiHbaBadMemoryAddr e ss contains the RAM address.
ServerView Event Manager 105 Trap overview 5.3.6 DuplexDataManager traps (Ddm.mib) MIB-OID: This section lists Duple x DataManager traps in alphabeti cal order .
106 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w FscDdmReser vati onConf lict 1407 A reservation conflict has been detected. F rom no w on an entire Duple xWrite group is no longer av ailable. This leads to an error if a conflict of oper ation (not initialization) occurs in the group .
ServerView Event Manager 107 Trap overview FscDdmNameChanged 1414 After the driver has changed the name of a Duple xWrite group . inf ormational FscDdmP athF ailed 1415 After the driv er has detected an error on one path of a MultiP ath group.
108 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w FscDdmDdmCluster 1424 After the Duple xDataManager serv ice has detected a cluster configur ation change. inf ormational T rap name ID Meaning Error class .
ServerView Event Manager 109 Trap overview 5.3.7 Duple xWrite tra ps (D W .mib) MIB-OID: This section lists Duple xWr ite traps in alphabetica l order . T rap name ID Meaning E rror c lass sieD W A ctiveLunChan ged 1310 A user has changed the read path for a Duple xWrite group to a certain disk.
110 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w sieD WPieceF ailed 1311 The dr iv er has detected an error on one of the disks of a Duple xWrite group. cr itica l sieDWPieceR ecovere d 1305 A Duplex Write group was succe ssful ly rec ov ered . Both elements of the Duple xWrite group hav e the status ONLINE.
ServerView Event Manager 111 Trap overview 5.3.8 Har d disk (S .M.A.R.T .) traps (Hd.mib) This section lists hard disk tr aps in alphabetical order . MIB-OID: T rap name ID Meaning Error c lass sniS MARTF ailure Predicted 750 S.
112 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w 5.3.9 Ge neric traps This section lists generic traps in al phabetical order . T rap name ID Meaning Error c lass coldStar t 0 An agent was restarted. MIB vie w objects ma y ha v e changed. minor egpNeighborLoss 5 An EGP neighbor of the managed node changed from the UP to the DO WN state.
ServerView Event Manager 113 Trap overview 5.3. 10 Mult iPath traps (mp. mib) MIB-OID: This section list s MultiP ath traps in alpha betical order . T rap name ID Meaning Error c lass sieM P Activ eP or tChanged 1202 The user has enabled or disab led a path of a MultiP ath group.
114 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w 5.3.1 1 Myl ex traps (M ylex.mib ) MIB-OID: This section lists Myle x traps in alphabetical order . T rap name ID Meaning Error c lass myle xAdapterDied 221 Connection to a disk arra y controller interrupted.
ServerView Event Manager 115 Trap overview myle x LogicalDrive Offline 214 Logical drive is offli ne. cr iti cal myle x LogicalDrive Online 216 Logical drive is onlin e. cr it ical myle xManualRebuild Star ted 201 Manual reb uild started. inf ormational myle xManualRebuild Star ted2 223 Manual reb uild started.
116 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w m yle xPh ysic alDe vice Pref ailure 255 Pref ailure aler t from ph ysical de vice. major m yle xPh ysic alDe vice Remov ed 258 Ph ysical de vice has been remov ed. major m yle xPh ysic alDe vice SoftError 252 A nor mal (soft) error has occurred in ph ysical de vice .
ServerView Event Manager 117 Trap overview myle xRebuildNe w DeviceF ail ed 206 Reb uild finished; ne w de vice fai led. maj or myle xReb uildNewDe vice F ailed2 227 Reb uild of system driv e; new de vic e has fa iled. maj or myle xRebuildStatus 204 Rebuild status .
118 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w 5.3.12 PCI H otPlug traps (pcihotplug.mib) MIB-OID: This section lists PCI HotPlug tr aps in alphabetical o rder . T rap name ID Meaning Error class sieDe viceHotPlug T rapHotAdd 1022 A SCSI de vice w as added.
ServerView Event Manager 119 Trap overview 5.3.13 PRIMEPO WER traps This section describes the traps suppl ied with PRIMEPO WER. ADICLIBMIB-V2 traps (ADICLIBMIB-v2.m ib) MIB-OID: DOMAIN-MIB tr aps (domagt.mib) MIB-OID:
120 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w FSC-LOG3-MIB traps (l og3v1.mib) MIB-OID: domNoManagementS erver 55 An agent was stopped. inf or mational domStar tT rap 54 A n agent was star ted. inf ormational T rap name ID Meaning Err or class log3Aler tNotice 2 A log3Ev ent has occurred.
ServerView Event Manager 121 Trap overview UNISER V -MIB traps (un iserv .mib) MIB-OID: PRIMEPO WER-XSCF-MIB traps (primepower_xscf .mib) MIB-OID: log3W arningNotice 5 A log3Ev ent has occurred. System, module , error and te xt is displa yed.
122 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w FSC-HA CL-MIB traps (v1_fscHaCl.mib) MIB-OID: WSA-TRAP-MIB traps (wsatrap.mib) MIB-OID: T rap name ID Meaning Err or class fscHaClApplicationSt ateChanged 5 Application state has changed.
ServerView Event Manager 123 Trap overview wsaDROper ationFinishe d 313 DR operation w as terminated. inf ormational wsaEnvironmentHardw ar eDefe ctSet 301 Def ect on envi ronment hardware has occurred. cr itica l wsaEnvironmentHardw ar eErrorSet 302 Error on environment hardware has occurred.
124 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w wsaLarHardwareErrorUn set 4 A hardware error was repaired. inf or mational wsaLUNStateChanged 101 State of LUN has changed. critical wsaMonitoringRuleInitiali zed 311 EEM rule w as initiali zed. minor wsaMonitoringRuleMatch ed 310 EEM rule was matched.
ServerView Event Manager 125 Trap overview 5.3.14 PXRE traps (dec.mib) MIB-OID: This section lists PX RE traps in alphabetical order . T rap name ID Meaning Error c lass cacheBatteryF ailureT rap 7 A controller cache battery has f ailed.
126 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w diskF ailureT rap 1 A disk dr ive has f ailed. The location of the disk is indicated b y the disk name . Replace the disk de vice. The numbers in the name indicate P or t, T arget, Lun behind the controller pair .
ServerView Event Manager 127 Trap overview f anF ailureT rap 5 The fan in the specifi ed location has f ailed. Replace f an. maj or f anInf ormationT rap 6 The fan in the specifi ed locat ion w as reco vered. inf ormational lunF ailureT rap 16 The LUN has f ailed and is off-line.
128 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w powerSuppl yF ailureT rap 3 The pow er supply in the specified location has f ailed. Replace po wer supply .
ServerView Event Manager 129 Trap overview 5.3.15 RA ID Adapter traps (Me garaid.mib) MIB-OID: This section lists RAID Adapter tr aps in alphabetical order . T rap name ID Meaning Error class r tBatter yMissing 9020 Adapter- %d : Battery Module is missi ng.
130 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w r tConsistency Corrected 9011 Adapter- %d , Logical Driv e- %d : Check consistency operation compl eted. Inconsistencies ha v e been cured. inf or mational r tInitializeA bor ted 9006 Adapter- %d , Logical Driv e- %d : Initialization abor ted by use r .
ServerView Event Manager 131 Trap overview r tPredictiv eF ailures Fa l s e 9017 Adapter- %d , Channel- %d , T a rget- %d : Repor ted fail ure prediction threshold e xceeded [ FA L S E ]. Dri v e identification string = %s Sense K e y = 0x%x , ASC = 0x%x , ASCQ = 0x%x .
132 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w 5.3.16 RomPilot t raps (Rompilot.mib) MIB-OID: This section lists RomPilot tr aps in alphabetical order . T rap name ID Meaning Error class RomPilotColdReset 258 Phoenix RomPilot w as loaded after a cold system reset.
ServerView Event Manager 133 Trap overview 5.3.17 Serv erControl t raps (SC.mib) MIB-OID: This section lists ServerControl traps in alphabetical order . T rap name ID Meaning Error c lass cabinetNotConfigured 623 Cabinet is not configured.
134 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w notEnoughCabinets 615 The actual number of storage e xtensions is lo wer than number stored in the configuration. major powerOffTimeReached 645 P ow er off time has been reached. inf orm ational powerSuppl yAdded 625 A pow er supply was added.
ServerView Event Manager 135 Trap overview sieScBootError 661 No bootable operating system can be f ound. inf ormational sieScBootW atchdogExpir ed 662 Boot watchdog e x pires. inf ormational sieScCpuPref ailure 673 A CPU is predicted to f ail (prefailure).
136 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w sieScUserA uthentication Fa i l u r e 664 User authentication f ailure is detected via PPP , FTP , HTTP or telnet. major sniScCpuSpeedChanged 656 CPU speed has changed because of temperature pro blem s. inf or mational sniScF anAdded 653 The indicated hot-plug f an w as inserted.
ServerView Event Manager 137 Trap overview tempSensorBroken 630 The temperature sensor is def ective or not connected. maj or tempSensorOk 635 The temperature sensor is working again. inf ormational tempW arn 603 The temperature has reached the warning le vel .
138 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w trapOnBattery 606 A C power f ailure. Cabinet i s running on batter y power . The UPS is operating on battery power or the po wer supply is dra wing cu rrent from the backup battery unit (BBU).
ServerView Event Manager 139 Trap overview 5.3.18 Serv erCo ntrol traps (SC2.m ib) MIB-OID: This section lists ServerControl traps in alphabetical order . T rap name ID Meaning Error c lass sc2T rapAcF ail 2040 Mains f ailed in the specified cabinet.
140 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w sc2T rapCabinetSwitche dOff 2090 This trap will be sent when a cabinet is s wit ched off . For obv ious reasons it cannot be sent when the main cabinet is s wit ched off . inf orm ational sc2T rapCabinetSwitche dOn 2091 This trap will be sent when a cabinet is s wit ched on.
ServerView Event Manager 141 Trap overview sc2T rapDcF ail 2041 DC power f ailed in the specified cabinet. This is the result of the systems power-good sensor monitoring. The system stops if this error occurs. cr itica l sc2T rapF anAdded 2010 The indicated ho t-plug fan was inse r t ed.
142 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w sc2T rapMessageLogFul l 2100 The System Event Log (message log) is full. No more messages can be logged. This trap will not occur on wrap-around log types . minor sc2T rapMessageLogW a rni n g 2101 The warning threshold f or the number of System Ev ent Log entries has been e xceeded.
ServerView Event Manager 143 Trap overview sc2T rapRedundantF anF ailed 2015 The indicated redundant f an f ailed. maj or sc2T rapRedundantP ow erSupplyF ailed 2035 One redundant hot-repla ce pow er supply f ailed. maj or sc2T rapSer verS hutdow n 2093 This tr ap will be sent bef ore a server will s witch off .
144 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w sc2T rapUncorrectableM emError 2067 A uncorrectable memory error at unknown location w as detected. critical sc2T rapUncorrectableM emErrorAddr 2061 An uncorrectable memory error at specified address w as detected.
ServerView Event Manager 145 Trap overview 5.3. 19 Ser ver View t raps (Ser verV iew .mib) MIB-OID: This section lists ServerVie w traps in al phabetical order . T rap name ID Meaning Error c lass sniSvGenericT rap Fo rw a r d 700 A ServerVie w alarm signal has been receiv ed.
146 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w 5.3. 20 ServerVie w status tr aps (Status .mib) MIB-OID: This section lists ServerVie w status traps in alphabeti cal order . T rap name ID Meaning Error c lass sieStT rapStatusChanged 1100 System status has changed at s er ver .
ServerView Event Manager 147 Trap overview 5.3.21 T ape dr ive tra ps (tape alr t.mi b) MIB-OID: This section lists tape driv e traps in alpha betical order . T rap name ID Meaning Error c lass tapeAler tT rap1 1 The tape drive is ha ving problems reading data.
148 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w tapeAlertT rap6 6 The tape is from a fau lty batch or the tape drive is f aulty: 1. Use a good tape to test the driv e. 2. If the prob lem persists, call the tape drive supplier h elpline. critical tapeAlertT rap7 7 The tape car tr idge has reached the end of its calculated useful l if e: 1.
ServerView Event Manager 149 Trap overview tapeAler tT rap12 12 Y ou have tried to load a car tridge of a type which is not suppor ted by this driv e. inf ormational tapeAler tT rap13 13 The operation has f ailed because the tape in the drive has s napped: 1.
150 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w tapeAlertT rap19 19 The tape car tridge is nearing the end of its useful lif e. It is recommended that y ou: 1. Use another tape car tridge for y our ne xt ba cku p. 2. Store this tape car tridge in a saf e place in case you n eed to restore data from it.
ServerView Event Manager 151 Trap overview tapeAler tT rap23 23 The last cleaning car tridge used in the tape driv e was an inv alid type: 1. Do not use this cleaning car tridge in this drive . 2. W ait f or the current operation to finis h. 3. Then use a v alid cleaning car tridge.
152 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w tapeAlertT rap32 32 The tape driv e has a prob lem with the host interf ace: 1. Check the cab les and cabl e connections. 2. Restar t the operation. minor tapeAlertT rap33 33 The operation has fai led: 1. Eject the tape or magazine .
ServerView Event Manager 153 Trap overview tapeAler tT rap39 39 The tape drive ma y ha v e a hardware f ault. Run e xtended diagnostics to v erify and diagnose the problem. Chec k the tape drive users manual for de vi ce specif ic in structio ns on running e xtended diagnostic tests.
154 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w tapeAlertT rap43 43 The operation has fai led because the autoloader door is open: 1. Clear any obs tr uctions from the autoloader door . 2. Eject the magazine and then inser t it again. 3. If the f ault does not clear , tur n the autoloader off and then on again.
ServerView Event Manager 155 Trap overview tapeAler tT rap256 256 The librar y mechanism is havi ng difficulty communic ating with the driv e: 1. T ur n the librar y off then on. 2. Restar t the operation. 3. If problem persists , call the library supplier helpline .
156 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w tapeAlertT rap260 26 0 The library mechanism ma y hav e a har dware f ault. Run e xtended diagnostics to v erify and diagnose the prob lem. Check the li brary users manual f or de vice specific ins tructions on running e xtended diagnostic tests .
ServerView Event Manager 157 Trap overview tapeAler tT rap266 266 The voltage supply to the library exceeds specifications . There is a potential prob lem with the power s upply or f ailure of a redundant power supply . cr itica l tapeAler tT rap267 267 A car tr idge has been left in a drive ins ide the library by a prev ious hardware f ault: 1.
158 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w tapeAlertT rap271 27 1 The operation has f ailed because the lib rar y door is open: 1. Clear any obs tr uctions from the library door . 2. Close the library door . 3. If the prob lem persists, call the library supplier helpline .
ServerView Event Manager 159 Trap overview tapeAler tT rap278 278 There is a potential problem with the barcode label or the scanner hardware in the library mechanism. If the problem persi sts, call the library supplier helpli ne. minor tapeAler tT rap279 279 The librar y has detected a inconsistency in its inv entory .
160 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w 5.3.2 2 T e am Ser ver traps (Fuj its u) This section describes the traps supplied with the Fujitsu T eam Server . ASM PRIV A TE COMMIB traps (Asmp ro.mib) MIB-OID: T rap name ID Meaning Error c lass trapA CF ail 13 AC P ower f ailed.
ServerView Event Manager 161 Trap overview trapP owerF anF ail 14 Any pow er subsystem fan fai l s. major trapPSF ail 12 Any po wer supply f ails. major trapRPSF ail 18 Redundant power supply is fai led. major trapRPSF anF ail 19 Redundant pow er supply f an is f ailed.
162 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w LDCM MIB traps (Ldcm .mib) MIB-OID: LDSM MIB traps (Ldsm.mib MIB-OID: T rap name ID Meaning Error c lass ldcmCriticalT rap 5 Manager has repor ted a se v erity Cr itical e v ent.
ServerView Event Manager 163 Trap overview 5.3.23 Threshold traps (T rap.mib) MIB-OID: This section lists threshold traps in alphabetical order . T rap name ID Meaning Error c lass sniInvDe ltaT rap Underflow 131 DEL T A threshold underflow .
164 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w sniIn vT rapV alid 133 Threshold has become va l i d . inf orm ational sniNT Aler t 304 NT aler t message was written to the e vent log. inf or mational sniNTChangeSecurity 302 Security change has occur red.
ServerView Event Manager 165 Trap overview sniNTLoginUser 301 User logged into server . informational sniNTRegChangeAttr 311 Attr ibutes for a k ey or its subtree in registry has been changed. inf ormational sniNTRegChangeLast Wr ite 312 Last write time f or a ke y or its subtree in registry has been changed.
166 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w sniNWDataMig ration 041 A files data has been migrated. inf or mational sniNWDataDeMig ration 042 Mig ration of file has been withdra wn. inf or mational sniNWDeactiv ateScreen 018 Screen is deactiv ated on ser ver .
ServerView Event Manager 167 Trap overview sniNWNoRelinquish Control 023 NLM-Module has not relinquished control. cr itica l sniNW OpenScreen 020 Screen was opened on ser ver . inf ormational sniNWProtocolBi nd 033 A Protocol is bound to a MLID . inf ormational sniNWProtocolUnbi nd 034 A Protocol is unbound from a MLID .
168 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w 5.3.24 UPS tr aps (Upsman.mi b) MIB-OID: This section lists UPS traps in alphabetical order . UPS traps 1 T rap name ID Meaning Error c lass communic ation Estab lished 4 The connection with the UPS wa s establis hed.
ServerView Event Manager 169 Trap overview UPS traps 2 T rap name ID Meaning Error class boostOn 6 The UPS has tur ned on the booster . maj or communic ation Estab lished 8 The connection with the UPS wa s established. inf ormational communic ationLost 1 The connection with the UPS w as l ost.
170 ServerView Event Manager T rap overvie w.
ServerView Event Manager 171 6 MIB integration The W eb-based MIB Manag er tool is installed automatically when y ou install th e Ev ent Manager under Windows and Linux . This tool is used to integ rate private MIBs into the Event Manager , so that ServerView ca n detect the traps f or this type of MIB.
172 ServerView Event Manager MIB integration The tool star ts up and the f ollowing wi ndow is disp lay ed: Figure 17: “MIB M anager” to ol T o integrate priv ate MIBs, proceed as f ollo ws: Ê Select the rele v ant directory us ing the Br owse...
ServerView Event Manager 173 MIB integration Viewing integrated MIB files Y ou can find out which MIBs are integrated in the Event Manager via the Alarm Conf iguration windo w (in the MIB column of the Al arm R ules - Ass ign Ala rms dialo g bo x) or via the Ev ent Manager online help .
174 ServerView Event Manager MIB integration.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Fujitsu V6.00 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Fujitsu V6.00 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Fujitsu V6.00 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Fujitsu V6.00 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Fujitsu V6.00 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Fujitsu V6.00 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Fujitsu V6.00 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Fujitsu V6.00. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Fujitsu V6.00 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.