Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung E-6570 des Produzenten Fujitsu
Zur Seite of 116
Copyrig ht Copyright Fujitsu P C Corp ora tio n has ma de ever y effor t to ens ure the accuracy and completeness of this document . Ho wever , as ongoing developme nt efforts are co ntinually impro ving the capabilities of our pr od ucts, we cannot guara ntee the a ccuracy of the contents of this document .
Lif eBoo k E Ser ie s FCC NO TICES Notice to Users o f Radios and T elevision Thes e limi ts are design ed to pr o v ide r eason able prot ec- tion against harm ful int erfere nc e in a r es idential installa- tion.
Copyrig ht ■ In hotel and motel rooms as at least ten percent of the room s must conta in hearing aid compatible telep hones or jacks for pl ug-in he aring aid comp atible telep hones which will be pr ovided to he aring impaired cust omers on r eq uest.
Lif eBoo k E Ser ie s UL Notice This unit requir es an A C adapt er to operate. U se only UL List ed Class 2 adapter , output rating 16V DC, 3.36 A. Re fer t o the illustration be low fo r the corre ct A C A dapter out polarit y : The modem-to -telephone netw o rk connection must be a line cor d using a minimum of 26A W G.
T able of Con tents Fujitsu E Series LifeBook T able of Contents 1 PREFACE Preface About Thi s Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Fujitsu PC Contact Inform ation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lif eBoo k E Ser ie s Launchi ng Applic ations wi th the Securi ty Applic ation Pa nel . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Pre-Installed Software Learni ng Abou t Your Applicatio n Softwar e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 LapLink 2000 . . . . . . . . .
T able of Con tents Chec king t he Com puter R ecogn ition of New Me mory Capa city . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Device Ports Communi cations Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Parallel Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lif eBoo k E Ser ie s #.
1 1 Preface .
2 Lif eBoo k E Ser ie s - Se cti on 1 .
3 Preface Preface ABOUT TH IS GUIDE The E Se ries L ifeB ook™ fro m F ujit su PC Co rpora tion is a powerful noteb ook computer . It is powered by an Int el® P entiu m® III mic r oproc ess or with.
Lif eBoo k E Ser ie s – Sec ti on 1 4 .
5 2 Getting to Know Y our LifeBook !.
6 LifeBo ok E Series – Section 2 ".
7 Gett ing to Know Y our Li feBook Figure 2- 1 E Series Li feBook Overview This s ecti on descr i bes th e compon ents of your Fujitsu LifeBook. W e strongly recommend that you re ad it before us ing your LifeBo ok – even if you are alrea dy familiar with notebook computers.
8 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 2 ■ Comm u nication P or t which supports one of the following: ■ Internal 56K fax/data/voic e modem with V .90 support ■ Internal F ast Ethernet (10/100 Base-T).
9 Gett ing to Know Y our Li feBook Additional Accessories ■ Wi re l e s s I n f r a r e d ( I R ) Mo u s e ■ Wire le s s Keyb o a rd a n d Mou s e ■ N um e ric K eypa d ■ USB Digital Camera (e.
10 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 2 Figure 2- 3 LifeBook with d isplay open Locating the Controls and Connectors T O P AND FR ONT COMPO NEN TS The follo wing is a brief description of y our LifeBook ’ s top and front compo nents. Display Panel L atch The displ ay pane l lat ch locks and releas es the display panel .
11 Gett ing to Know Y our Li feBook Closed Cover Sw itch The closed cover switch tur ns off t he L CD back lighting when the display panel is closed. (F igur e 2-3) Keyboard A ful l-si ze key board w ith de dic ated Windows ke ys .
12 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 2 Figure 2-4 Lif eBook l eft-side pan el LEFT- SIDE PAN EL COMP ONE N TS Follo w ing is a brief description of you r Li feBook’ s left-side c omp onents.
13 Gett ing to Know Y our Li feBook Figure 2- 5 LifeB ook right -side p anel RIGHT -SIDE P ANEL COMPON ENTS Follo w ing is a brief description of you r Li feBook’ s right-s ide components. Lithium ion Battery Bay The battery bay conta ins the internal Lithium ion battery .
14 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 2 Figure 2 -6 Life Book bac k panel BACK PANE L COMPONENTS Follo w ing is a brief description of you r Li feBook’ s rear panel comp on en t s . PS/2 Por t The PS/2 port allo ws y ou to co nnect an ext ernal PS/2 keyboard , mouse or n umeric keypad.
15 Gett ing to Know Y our Li feBook Figure 2-7 LifeB ook bot to m panel BOTTOM CO MPO NEN TS Follo w ing is a brief description of you r Li feBook’ s bottom panel c omp onents. Main Unit a nd Configu ration Lab el The configuration la bel shows the mod el number and oth er inf orm at ion a bou t your L ifeB oo k.
16 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 2 Figure 2- 8 Stat us Indica tor Panel Status Indicator Panel The Status Indi c ator panel is locate d in the rec ess jus t abov e y our key boar d. W ithin this panel a re symbols that corr espond with a specific component of y our LifeBook.
17 Gett ing to Know Y our Li feBook BATTERY CHARGING INDICATORS Located to the left of each o f the Battery Level indicators is a s mal l ar row sy mbo l.
18 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 2 Figure 2- 10 Keybo ard Keyboard USING THE KEYBOARD Y our Fujitsu LifeBook has an integral 87-key keyboard. The keys perform all the stand ard functions of a 101-k ey keyboar d, inclu di ng the W indows k eys and other special function keys.
19 Gett ing to Know Y our Li feBook FUNCTION KEYS Y our LifeBook has 12 function keys, F1 through F12. The functions as signed to these keys differ for ea ch application. Y ou should refer t o y o ur software docu- mentation to find out ho w these keys are used.
20 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 2 Figure 2-11 Er goT rac™ pointin g device ErgoT rac Pointing Device The ErgoT r ac pointing device is built into your Fujitsu Lifebook. It is u sed to contr ol the moveme nt of the cursor t o se lect items on y o ur displa y panel.
21 Gett ing to Know Y our Li feBook DRAGGING Dragging means pressin g and holding the left bu tton, while moving t he curs or . T o d rag , move the cursor to the item you wi sh to move. Press an d hold the le ft button while mo ving the item t o its ne w location and th en release it.
22 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 2 Figure 2- 15 T ou chPad po inting device T ouchPad Pointing Device The T ouchP ad po inting device may c ome built int o your Fuj itsu Li feBook. It i s us ed to con t ro l t he mov ement of the po inter to se lect items on your display p anel.
23 Gett ing to Know Y our Li feBook T ouchP ad. First, tap the T ouchP ad tw ice ov er the item you wish to move making su re to leav e your finger on the pad after the final tap. N e xt, mo ve the object to its new location b y mo ving y o ur finger across the T ouchPad, and then release your finger.
24 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 2 V olume Control Y our Fujitsu Life Book has multiple vo lu me contr ols which interact with each other . CONTROLLING TH E V OLUME There is t he ha rdware volume con trol lo cated on the LifeBook itself, and the vol ume control set fro m within the V olume Control on the T askbar .
25 Gett ing to Know Y our Li feBook - Figure 2-19 Fl exible B ay Flexible Bay Devices Y our Lifebook conta ins a Flexible Bay . The Flexible Bay can a ccommo date a modu lar DVD dr ive, C D-ROM drive, CD -R W dri ve, floppy disk dr ive, Sup erD isk dr ive, Lithium ion ba ttery , weight saver or additional har d dr ive.
26 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 2 Cold-swapping T o cold-sw ap mo dular devices in y our Flexible Bay follo w these easy step s: ( Figure 2-21) 1. Close an y open files. 2. Shutdo w n your LifeBook. 3. Pull ou t th e Fle x ib le Bay r elease latch and then press the latch in to release the mod ular dev ice.
27 Gett ing to Know Y our Li feBook K e y infor mation About BayManager Y ou ca n see t he t y pe of dev ice presen t in th e Flexibl e Bay by po inting to the Ba yM anager icon on the task bar or in Sto rage Devices t ab of Ba yM anager P roperties.
28 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 2 Figure 2 -22 LifeB ook Secur ity Appli cation Pa nel LifeBook Security Application Panel A unique featur e of y our LifeBoo k is the Securit y A ppli- cation P anel that allows y ou to secure your Life Book from unauthorized use.
29 Gett ing to Know Y our Li feBook Setting Sup ervis or Pass word Y ou mu st hav e set a supervisor pass w ord before setting an y user passwo rds. The s upervisor passw ord can bypass the user pa ss word. 1. Go to the Start me nu. 2. Click on Run . 3.
30 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 2 Remov ing Security Panel App lication with Passwords Still Active U sing this featur e will not allow an y changes to the password. Us e r : 1. Go to Star t Me n u , Click on Control Panel . 2. Open A dd/R e m ove Pr og rams Properties in the Contr ol P anel.
31 Gett ing to Know Y our Li feBook T o chang e an applicat ion associat ed w ith the A pplica- tion buttons, click on the tab for the button you would like to reconfigure – for exampl e, Appli ca ti o n 1.
32 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 2 Pre-Installed Software Y our Fujitsu LifeBook comes with pre-installed software for pla ying aud io and video files of v arious form ats. The softwar e c onfiguration installed is d ependent upon the operating syst em that is p re-installed on y our s ystem.
33 Gett ing to Know Y our Li feBook LIFEBO OK APPL ICATION PANEL SOFT WARE Y our LifeBook is pre-in stalled w ith software utilities that let you o per ate and co nfigure your LifeBook Application P anel. T hese u tiliti es are foun d under the Sta rt m enu, under P r ogr ams, then under LifeBook A p plication P anel.
34 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 2 .
35 3 Getting Started !.
36 Lif eBoo k E Ser ie s – Sec ti on 3 ".
37 Getting Started Figure 3- 1 Connec ting th e AC Adap ter Power Sources Y ou r Fujits u Lif eBo ok ha s th ree po ssib le p ower sources: a primary Lithium ion ba t tery , an A C adapter or an optional A uto/Airline adapte r .
38 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 3 Figure 3- 2 Openi ng the Display Pan el Display Panel Y our Fujitsu Life Book c ontains a displa y panel that is backlit fo r easier viewing in b right environme nts and maintains top resolution through the us e of active- matrix technology .
39 Getting Started Starting Y our LifeBook POWER O N Power and Suspend/Re sume Button The P ower a nd S uspen d/R esu me b ut t on i s us ed t o po w e r on your LifeBook, to resume from Standb y or Sav e-t o-Disk mode, to plac e y our LifeBook in Standby or Sa ve -t o-D i sk mod e or t o power off.
40 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 3 BIOS Gui de A guide to y our LifeBook’ s BIOS is available online. Plea se v isi t our ser v ice an d sup por t W e b site a t www Onc e there, click on the Self H e lp Cent er link, an d select your LifeBook fr om the pull- down menu.
41 Getting Started BOOTING T HE SYSTEM WITH WINDOWS 2000 PROFESSIONA L W e strongly recommend that you do not attach a ny external dev ices a nd do not put a CD or fl oppy di sk i n any drive until y ou hav e gone thr ou gh the initial po wer on se quence.
42 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 3 Power Management Y our LifeBo ok has many options and features for con ser ving batte ry powe r . Some of t h es e features are automatic and need no user inte rvention, such as those for the internal mode m.
43 Getting Started HIBERNATION (SAVE-TO -DISK) FEATURE The H ibernation fe atur e sa ve s the c ont ents of you r LifeBook’ s system memo r y to the hard dr ive as a pa rt of the Sus pen d/Resume mo de. Y ou c an ena ble or di sable this feature. Enabl i ng or Di sa blin g the Hi berna tion Fe atur e The default setting is not enabled.
44 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 3 RESTART ING THE SYSTEM If y our syst em is on and y ou ne ed to r estart it, be su re that you u se the fo llowi ng procedure. 1. Click the Start button, and then click Sh ut D o w n . 2. Select the Restar t option from within the Windo ws Shut Down d ialog box.
45 4 User Installable Features !.
46 Lif eBoo k E Ser ie s – Sec ti on 4 ".
47 User Installable Features Lithium ion Battery Y our Fujitsu LifeBook has a Lithium ion battery tha t pro v ides power for operating y our LifeBook when no ext ernal po w er so urc e is avail able.
48 Lif eBoo k E Ser ie s – Sec ti on 4 Dead Batter y Suspend mode shows on the Status indi- cator just like the normal Susp end mode. Once your LifeBook goes int o Dead Batt e r y Suspen d mode you will be unable to resume o peration until y ou pro vide a source of p ower eit her f rom an ada pter , or a charg ed batter y .
49 User Installable Features Figure 4 -2 Loading /Ejecting a SuperDisk or 3.5” Floppy Dis k SuperDisk 120 or Flopp y Disk Drive Y our Fuji tsu LifeB ook has either a Super Disk d rive, which ca n us e eith er sta n da rd f lo ppy dis k s or Sup er floppy disks (with a capacity of 120MB), or a 3.
50 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 4 AUTO IN SERT NOTIFICA TION FUNCT ION (only in models with W indows 98 Second E dition) The A uto Insert Notification function allows your Life- Book to automatically see the contents of your floppy disk as soo n as it is ins erted in the SuperDisk dri ve.
57 User Installable Features Figure 4- 4 CD-R OM Drive CD-ROM Drive Y our Fujitsu LifeBook contains a 24x max C D-ROM pla y er . This gives you ac cess to bo th softwar e and audio CDs . (Figure 4-4) LOADING A CD T o load a CD into your CD-ROM drive, follow these eas y st eps: 1.
58 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 4 AUTO IN SERT NOTIFICA TION FUNCT ION (only in models with W indows 98 Second E dition) The A uto Insert Notification function allows your Life- Book to au t oma ticall y start a CD as soon as it is ins erte d in the CD-ROM dr ive and th e tr ay is clos ed.
53 User Installable Features Figure 4- 6 DVD D rive DVD Drive Y our LifeBook contains a D VD drive which is bo th a 8x DVD player an d a 24x m ax CD player . This gives you access to mov ie, softw are an d au dio DV D/CDs . DVD PLAYE R SO FTWA RE W ith the D VD dri v e and DVD Play er softw are y ou c a n play DVD mov ies on your Life Bo ok.
54 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 4 LOADING A DVD/CD T o load a DVD/ C D int o your D VD dri v e follo w thes e eas y st eps: 1. Push and release the e ject bu tton on the front of the DVD drive to open the hol der tr ay . The tray w il l com e out of the Li feBook a short dist anc e.
55 User Installable Features Exitin g the DVD P lay er 1. Click on the ' located in the up per right corn er of the tit le bar . This w ill open a DV D Player dial og box. 2. Click Ye s to stop and exit the movie, or No to cl ose the DVD Player dialog box and return to the mov ie.
56 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 4 6. Double-clic k on the DV D driv e manufact u r er’ s name and mod el num ber . Thi s w ill open the DVD dr ive manu fact urer’s name a nd m odel num ber dialo g box. 7. Select the Settings tab and then remove the check mark in the A u t o I ns e r t N otific ati on bo x to turn it off.
57 User Installable Features Hard Disk Drive Y o u r Fu ji ts u L i fe Bo o k h a rd d i sk dr ive ca p ac it y i s d ep en - dent on which model y o u are using. Some Life Books may also co ntain a r emo v able hard disk driv e in addi- tion to the inte rnal hard dis k driv e.
58 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 4 16. T y pe FORMAT D : to format the hard dr ive. When formatting is done, re start you r LifeBook. Y ou r Lif eBo ok w ill now de tec t the hard di sk dr ive and activat e it w ithin y our sy st em.
59 User Installable Features Figure 4- 9 Install ing/Rem oving P C Card s PC Cards Y our LifeBoo k supports two T y pe II and one T yp e III PC Cards , which can pe rform a variet y of functions depending on which type of PC Card y ou install.
60 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 4 2. U n lock the PC Card from the slot by slid ing the Lock but ton toward t he rea r of you r Li feB ook. 3. Fli p the Eject button towards the rear of your Life- Book until it is fully extended, and then pu sh it in until it is flush with the LifeBook.
61 User Installable Features Memory Upgrade Module Y our LifeBook comes with 64MB or 128MB hig h speed Sync hr onous Dynamic R AM (SDRAM) factory installed. T o inc rease your Li feBo ok’ s memor y c apac it y , you may install an additional memor y upgrade module.
62 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 4 CHECKING THE COM PUTER RECOGNITI ON OF NEW ME MORY CAPACITY Once you hav e changed the s ystem memor y capa city by eit her ad din g or remov i ng a memo r y u pgr ad e module, be sure to check that your LifeBook has rec ognized the chan ge.
63 User Installable Features Device Ports Y our Lif eBook c omes equip ped w ith m ultip le ports t o which you can c o nnect an external device including: disk drives, keybo ards, mod ems, pr inter s, etc. COMMUNICATIONS PO RT Depending on y our LifeBook’ s configuration you will hav e either a Modem (RJ -11) jack or LAN (RJ-45) jack.
64 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 4 INFRARED PORT The Infrare d I r D A 1.1 (4Mbps) port allows for wireless data t rans fer b etween your LifeB ook and ot her IrD A-co mpat ible devic es, suc h as anot her co mput er or a printer , w ithout the u se of a cable .
65 User Installable Features DOCKING PORT The docking port is used for the connection of your LifeBook t o an o p tional port r eplicat or or dock ing station. In ord er to conne ct yo ur LifeBook to one of these dev ices follow the instru ctions that ca me with your dock ing por t.
66 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 4 "".
67 5 T roubleshooting ".
68 Lif eBoo k E Ser ie s – Sec ti on 5 "#.
69 T roubl esho otin g T roubleshoo ting Y ou r Lif eBo ok is sturdy a nd subje ct to few proble ms in the fiel d. However , you m ay encounter si mple setup o r oper ati ng proble ms th at you ca n solve on the s pot, or problems w ith p er ipher al dev ices t hat you can solve by replacing the device.
70 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 5 Proble m Page A udio Proble ms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 70 DVD/C D-R OM Drive Pr o blems. . . . . . . . . . . . . page 70 Docking Pr oblems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
71 T roubl esho otin g The DV D/CD- ROM Access indicator on the Status Indicat or Pa nel blinks at regular intervals when no DVD/CD is in the tray or the D VD driv e i s not installed. The W indows D VD/CD A uto Insert N otification function is active and is checking to see if a DVD/CD is ready to r un .
72 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 5 The built-in key boar d does not seem to work. Y our applicatio n has locked ou t you r ke y b oa rd . T r y to use yo ur in ter grat ed po intin g devic e t o r est art your system. If this f ails, turn your L ifeBoo k off using the pow er swit ch, wa it 10 seconds or mo re, and then turn it b ack on.
73 T roubl esho otin g Y ou hav e ins talled a parallel port device, a serial po rt de v i ce o r a US B d ev i ce . Y our L ifeBook doe s not re c ogn i ze t h e devic e, or t he dev ice do es no t see m to work p rope rly . The de vice m ay have been installed while an app lication was running, so your LifeBook is not a ware of its installation .
74 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 5 Y ou turn on y o ur LifeBook and nothing seems t o happen. The b at tery or batte ries ar e lo w . Check the Status Indicator Panel to determine the presenc e and c ond ition of the batteries.
75 T roubl esho otin g The b atter ies se em to discha rge t oo quic kly . Y ou are running an applicatio n that us es a g reat de al of p ower due to frequen t hard drive access or DVD/ CD- ROM access, use of a m ode m ca rd or a LAN P C ca rd.
76 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 5 Y our L ifeBook a ppears to change setu p pa rame ters when y ou start it. BIOS setup change s were not saved when you made them and exite d the BI OS s etup utility returning it t o pr ev ious set tings. Make sure you sel ect Save Chang es And Exit when exiting the BIOS setup utility .
77 T roubl esho otin g The Built-in Displa y does not close. A foreign object, such as a paper clip , is stuck be tween the displ ay and t he ke ybo ard. Re mo ve all foreign objects from the keyboard. The Built-in Displa y has bri gh t or d ark s pot s.
78 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 5 POWER ON SE LF T EST MESSAG ES The follo w ing is an alphabet ic lis t of err or- and-st atus message s that Phoenix BI OS and/o r y our operating system can generat e and a n explanatio n of each message. Error messa g es ar e mark ed with an *.
79 T roubl esho otin g driv e ma y be corrupt ed an d y our syst em may ha ve to be reinstalled fr om your back up media . *Par ity Chec k 1 n nnn P arit y er ror foun d in th e syste m bus. B IOS a ttempts to locate the address and display it on the screen.
80 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 5 Exam ples of r esult c odes a r e: ■ OK ■ NO CAR RIER ■ NO DIAL TONE ■ CONNECT 53000 (Co nnection co mp lete at 53,000 bps.
81 T roubl esho otin g 7. Sel e ct on e of th e two icons dis played in the Em er- gency Re cov e ry menu and follow the instructions. 8. Whe n reco ver y is c om pl ete , re move th e Rec over y CD , replace it in its sleeve and stor e it in a safe location.
82 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 5 #.
83 6 Care and Maintenance #.
84 Lif eBoo k E Ser ie s – Sec ti on 6 # .
85 Care and Mai ntenance Care and Maintenance If y ou us e yo u r Life B ook c ar ef ully , you will i n cre ase its life and relia bil ity . This section provides so me tips for looking after th e Life Book and its devices. LIFE BOOK Caring for your LifeBook ■ Y our LifeBook is a durable bu t sensitiv e electronic devi ce .
86 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 6 BATTERIES Caring for your Batteries ■ Alwa ys handle batteries carefully . ■ Do not shor t-circuit th e batter y terminals (tha t is, do not touch both terminals with a metal object ). Do not carry lose ba tteries in a pock et or pur s e w her e they may mix w it h coins, keys, or other me ta l obj e c ts.
87 Care and Mai ntenance ■ Do not put a label on D VD/CDs. ■ Do not get dust on D VD/CDs . ■ N ever write on the label surfac e with a ballpoint pen or pencil. Al ways use a felt pen. ■ If a D VD/CD is subject e d to a su dden c hange in t e m- peratu r e, co ld to warm, con dens at ion ma y form on the surface.
88 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 6 ##.
89 7 Specifications #$.
90 Lif eBoo k E Ser ie s – Sec ti on 7 $.
91 Specifications Specifications This section pr ov ides the har d ware and en vironmental specifications for you r LifeBook. S pecifications of particular configurations wil l vary . CONFIGURATION LABEL Y our LifeBook contains a configuration label located on the bottom of you r LifeBook.
92 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 7 AUDI O ■ Sound Blast er Pr o-co mpati bl e 32-bi t ster eo PCM/FM sound ch ip ■ Spatializer 3D-Stereo m ultip le sp eak er effec t support ■ Ster e o headphon.
93 Specifications KEYBOARD Built-in k eyboard with all funct ions of 87 k ey PS/2 comp at i bl e ke y b o a r d s . ■ T otal number of k eys: 87 ■ Function k e ys: 12, F1 through F12 ■ F eatur e.
94 LifeBook E Ser ies – Section 7 $ .
95 8 Glossary $!.
96 Lif eBoo k E Ser ie s – Sec ti on 8 $".
97 Glossary Glossary AC Adapter A d e vi ce w hi ch conver ts t he AC vol ta ge f rom a wall out l et to the DC voltag e nee ded to power your Life Book.
98 LifeBoo k E Series Default V alue A pr eprogramm ed val ue t o be used if y o u fa i l to set you r ow n. DIMM Dual-in-line me mory module. Disk A spinning platt e r of magnetic data st orage media.
99 Glossary IrDA Infrared D ata A s sociation. An organization whic h produ c es standar ds for comm unicatio n us ing infrared as th e carrier . IRQ Interrupt Request. An acronym for the hardware sig nal to th e C PU that an exte rnal eve nt has oc curred whic h need s t o be p roc esse d.
100 LifeBoo k E Series POST P o we r On Self T est. A program whi ch is part of the BIOS which chec ks the c onfiguration an d o perating co ndition of your hardware whe ne ver power is appli e d to your LifeBook . Status and e rror me ssage s may be displa yed befo r e the ope rating syst em is loaded.
101 Glossary System Clo ck An o sc illat or of fix ed precis e fr eque n c y whic h syn c hro - nizes the operation of the sy stem and is c ou nted to pro v ide time of da y and date .
102 LifeBoo k E Series .
103 Index .
104 Lif eBoo k E Ser ie s .
105 Index Index A AC adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37, 93, 97 indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 plug adapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
106 LifeBoo k E Series using . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 DVD/CD -ROM access indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
107 Index Memory Upgrade Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Microphone Jack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 64 Modem Jack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Modem Result Codes .
108 LifeBoo k E Series Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 24 W Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40, 41 end user license agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Windows keys .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Fujitsu E-6570 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Fujitsu E-6570 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Fujitsu E-6570 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Fujitsu E-6570 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Fujitsu E-6570 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Fujitsu E-6570 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Fujitsu E-6570 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Fujitsu E-6570. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Fujitsu E-6570 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.