Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung PLQ-20 des Produzenten Epson
Zur Seite of 176
24-p in Dot Matr ix Printe r All rig hts re serve d. No part of this p ublicatio n may be re produc ed, stor ed in a retrie val syst em, or tr ansmitt ed in any form o r by any me ans, el ectroni c, mec hanic al, phot ocopyin g, reco rding , or othe rwis e, with out the prior writte n perm issio n of Seik o Eps on Corpo ratio n.
2 Contents Chapter 1 S e t t i n gu pt h eP r i n t e r U n p a c k i n gt h eP r i n t e r .......... ........ ........ ....... ..... 7 R e m o v et h ep r o t e c t i v em a t e r i a l s ................ ....... . 7 A s s e m b l i n gt h eP r i n t e r .
3 Chapter 4 Printer Software A b o u tY o u rP r i n t e rS o f t w a r e ........ ............ ....... .... 3 6 U s i n gt h eP r i n t e rD r i v e rw i t hW i n d o w sM ea n d9 8 ............ 3 6 Acc essi ng the pri nter dr iver from W indow s appl icati ons .
4 Chapter 6 Problem Solver D i a g n o s i n gt h eP r o b l e m............ ............ ....... .... 9 9 U s i n gt h ee r r o ri n d i c a t o r s .......... ........ ....... .... 9 9 E P S O NS t a t u sM o n i t o r3 ............... ........ ....
5 Append ix A Product Information P r i n t e ra n dR i b b o nC a r t r i d g e P a r t s ... ................ ...... 1 4 6 P r i n t e rp a r t s ...... ............ ................ ...... 1 4 6 R i b b o nc a r t r i d g ep a r t s ............. .
Chapter 1 Setting up t he Printer 6 Chapter 1 Setting up the Printer U n p a c k i n gt h eP r i n t e r .......... ................ ............ 7 R e m o v et h ep r o t e c t i v em a t e r i a l s ................ ....... . 7 A s s e m b l i n gt h eP r i n t e r .
Chapter 1 Setting up t he Printer 7 Unpacking the Printer These items a r e included i n the box with your pri nter. Remove the protective mater ials Follow the dir ections written on the cardb oard box to remove the protec tive mat erials. Save all pack ing and protective materi als in case you need to ship the printer in the future.
Chapter 1 Setting up t he Printer 8 Assembling the Printer 1. Make sure the pri nter is turned off and unplugged . 2. Hold bot h sides of the printer cover and mov e it upward t o open it . 3. Push the release lever to move the upp er mechanism forward.
Chapter 1 Setting up t he Printer 9 4. Slide the pri nt head to the middle of the p rinter by hand. 5. Remove th e ribbon cartridge f rom the packa ge. 6. Place t he plast i c hooks o n the ribbon ca rtridge into the s lots of the pri nter . Then pr ess both si des of the c artri dge unt il it clicks int o place.
Chapter 1 Setting up t he Printer 10 7. H old both si des of the ri bbon g uide an d pull it do wn unti l it is out of the c artridge. 8. Put the ribbon gu ide at the bottom of the print hea d and push it up until it clicks int o place.
Chapter 1 Setting up t he Printer 11 9. Turn the rib bon-tight ening knob to he lp feed the ribb on into place. c Caution: The ribbon should not be twisted or creased. 10. Pull the relea se lever bac k to move the upp er m echanism to its origi nal position.
Chapter 1 Setting up t he Printer 12 c Caution: Make sure that you move the upper mechanism by pulling the release lever. Do no t pull the mechanism by hand.
Chapter 1 Setting up t he Printer 13 Plugging in the Printer Make sure the pri nter is turned off, then plug the po wer cord into the printer’ s AC inlet and a prop erly groun ded electr i cal outl et.
Chapter 1 Setting up t he Printer 14 Note: If the SOFTW ARE LICENS E AGREEME NT dialog box d oes not appear, dou ble-clic k Eps e t u p. e x e in the CD-RO M. 2. Read the license agr eem ent. If yo u agree with the terms, c lick Ag ree . 3. Click I n st all and then follow the on-sc reen instructio ns.
Chapter 1 Setting up t he Printer 15 ❏ The exam ples in the follo wing sectio n are from the W indows 98 operating system. They may vary in appearance f rom what actually appears on your screen; however, the instructions are the same. 1. Make sure that the print er is turned off, then i nsert the User CD-ROM int o the CD-R OM drive.
Chapter 1 Setting up t he Printer 16 6. Click B r ows e to selec t the ap prop riat e path fo r the prin ter driver, t hen click OK an d follo w the i nstruct ion on t he screen . Note: If you are using Windows NT, insert your Window s CD-ROM when prompted on the screen.
Chapter 1 Setting up t he Printer 17 8. When prompted, insert the User CD-ROM, then click OK . Note: ❏ If you receive a message saying the drive is not accessible, click Ca nce l and try again. ❏ If a “System Error” message appears, click Ca nc e l .
Chapter 1 Setting up t he Printer 18 For DOS programs To con trol the pri nter f rom DO S app lica tion pro gra ms, yo u nee d to sel ect the p rinte r you ar e usin g. If the list in your ap plication does not inclu de your printer, choose the first availabl e printer from the list below.
Chapter 2 Safety In structio ns 19 Chapter 2 Safety In struction s W a r n i n g s ,C a u t i o n s ,a n dN o t e s .................. ........... 2 0 H o tP a r t sC a u t i o nS y m b o l .............. ............ ....... 2 0 I m p o r t a n tS a f e t yI n s t r u c t i o n s .
Chapter 2 Safety In structio ns 20 Warnings, Cautions, and Notes w War ning s must be foll o wed carefully to avoid bodily inj ury. c Cautions must be observed to avoid damage to your eq uipment. Notes contain important information and useful tips on the operation of your printer.
Chapter 2 Safety In structio ns 21 ❏ Place the pri nter on a flat surf ace. The printer will not operat e properly if i t is tilted or placed at an angle . ❏ D on o tp l a c et h i sp r o d u c to nas o f t ,u n s t a b l e s u r f a c el i k eab e d or a sofa , or a small, e nclosed area, as this re stricts ven tilatio n.
Chapter 2 Safety In structio ns 22 ❏ When connecting t his product t o a computer or other device with a cable, ensure the correct ori entation of the connector s. Each connector has only one corr ect orienta tion. Inserting a connector in the wr ong orientation may damage b oth devices connected by the cable.
Chapter 2 Safety In structio ns 23 Position y our printer’s power cord and i nterface cable so they do no t inte rfere w ith pa per f eedi ng. If poss ible, sec ure t he cabl es to a leg o f the p rin ter sta nd. When ma intaining the printer ❏ Unplug the printer b efore cleaning i t, and always clean it with a piece of damp cloth only.
Chapter 2 Safety In structio ns 24 When loading p aper ❏ Use passbooks and pa per that have more than 60% reflecta nce. ❏ When you use a p assbook, set Passbook mode to O n and set B indin g mode to the me thod for the pa ssb ook’s bi ndi ng in the defa ult sett ings mode .
Chapter 2 Safety In structio ns 25 ❏ Adjust only those controls th at are covered in the user documentati on. Improper adjust m ent of other controls may result in damag e requiring extensive r epair by a quali fied technician.
Chapter 2 Safety In structio ns 26 E NERG Y S TAR ® Compliance The Internatio nal E NERGY S TAR ® Office E quipment Pr ogram is an intern ational p rogram that pr omotes energy saving t hrough the penetratio n of energy efficient computers and other offic e equipment.
C h a p t e r3 P a p e rH a n d l i n g 27 Chapter 3 Paper Handling L o a d i n gP a s s b o o k s ............ ............ ............... 2 8 L o a d i n gS i n g l eS h e e t s.......... ........ ............ ....... 2 9 A d j u s t i n gt h et o p - o f - f o r mp o s i t i o n .
C h a p t e r3 P a p e rH a n d l i n g 28 Loading Passbooks You can load vertical- fold and horizont al-fold passb ooks. Follow the steps shown below to load passbooks. 1. Turn on the p rinter. 2. Open you r passbook t o the page t o be printed. Note: Make sure that you press any bulging parts of the folded passbook down to 0.
C h a p t e r3 P a p e rH a n d l i n g 29 c Caution: ❏ When you use a passbook, set Passbook mode to On and set Binding mode t o the method f or the passb ook’s binding in the default settings mode. ❏ Use a passbook that has more th an 60% reflectance.
C h a p t e r3 P a p e rH a n d l i n g 30 2. Insert a singl e sheet print able side up into the front s lot until the top pa rt of the paper rea ches the ro ller insid e. The printer loads the pap er automatically to the co rrect positi on and the paper is ready to be prin ted.
C h a p t e r3 P a p e rH a n d l i n g 31 Adjusting the top-of-form position The top-of-fo rm position i s the vertical p osition on t he page where the printer starts print ing. If the printout appears too high or low on the page, you can u se this function to adjust the top-o f-form positi on.
C h a p t e r3 P a p e rH a n d l i n g 32 3. Press the O ff l ine button while t he F1/E j ec t , O ff l ine ,a n d F2 lights ar e flashing. 4. When the Re a d y light turns on, insert a sheet of A4 pa per into the front sl ot. The pri nter prints triple H i n capitals (HHH) on the current top-of-fo rm position and ejects the sheet.
C h a p t e r3 P a p e rH a n d l i n g 33 Adjusting the printing start position The pr intin g star t posit ion is th e horiz onta l posit ion on th e page where the prin ter start s printing. If the p rintout appears too for the left or r ight on the page, yo u can use this f unction t o adjust the printing star t positio n.
C h a p t e r3 P a p e rH a n d l i n g 34 5. Press the F1/Ej ec t button for the next patter n or F2 button for the previous patt ern to select the printing st art posit ion. Each time you p ress th e F1/E j ec t or F2 bu tton, the pri nter m ake s a short beep.
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 35 Chapter 4 Printer Software A b o u tY o u rP r i n t e rS o f t w a r e ........ ............ ........... 3 6 U s i n gt h eP r i n t e rD r i v e rw i t hW i n d o w sM ea n d9 8 ............ 3 6 Acc essi ng the pri nter dr iver from W indow s appl icati ons .
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 36 About Your Printer Software The Epson softwa re includes the printer driver software and EP SON S tatus M onit or 3.
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 37 ❏ Wh en you ac cess the p rin ter dri ver fro m the St art men u, the p r i n t e rd r i v e rs e t t i n g sy o um a k ea p p l yt oa l ly o u r applicatio ns. See “Accessing the printer driver from the Start menu” on page 39 f or more informat ion.
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 38 1. Select P ri n tS e t u p or P rin t f rom the File menu of your applicat ion software. In the Print or Print Se tup dialog box displ ayed, make sure t hat your printer is sele cted in the Name drop-d own list.
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 39 2. Click P rin t er , S e t u p , P r op er t ie s ,o r Opt i o n s .( Y o um a yn e e d to click a comb ination of t hese buttons.) T he Properties window appe ars, and you see the Paper, Gr aphics, and Dev ice O pti ons m enu .
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 40 3. Right- click your printer ico n, and click P r op er t ie s . The screen displays th e Properti es window, which contains the Paper, Graphics, Devi ce Options, and Util ity menus. These menus displa y the print er dri ver set tings.
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 41 When you finish making pr inter driver sett ings, click OK to apply the settings, or click Re sto re D ef a u lt s to return the settings to their default values. Once you have checked your pri nter driver sett ings and made any nec essa ry chan ges, yo u are rea dy to prin t.
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 42 Accessing the printe r driver from Windows applications Follow the se steps to acces s the print er driver fr om a Windows applicat ion: Note: The example s in the foll owing section are from the Wi ndows 2000 operating system.
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 43 2. Click P ri n t er , S e t u p , P r op er t ie s ,o r Opt i o n s . (You may need to click a combina t ion of these butt ons.) The Document Properti es window appears, and you see the Layout and Paper/Quali ty menus.
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 44 3. To view a menu, click the corresponding tab at the top of the window. See “Changi ng the printer driver settings” on page 46 to change t he settings.
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 45 3. Right- click your printer icon, and click P rin t in gP refe rence s (in Windows XP or 2000) or Do cu m en tD ef a u lt s (in Windows NT 4.0). The screen displ ays the Default Docu m ent Properti es window, which c ontains the Layo ut and Paper/Quali ty menus.
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 46 When you cli ck P r op er t ie s in the menu displayed by right- clicking t he printer icon, t he printer softwar e window appears, whic h i nclude s menus used to make the printer drive r settings. 4. To view a menu, click the corresponding tab at the top of the window.
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 47 Whe n you fin ish makin g your p rinte r drive r settin gs, cli ck OK to apply the setting s, or click Ca nce l t o cancel your changes. Once you have check ed your printer driver settings and changed the m if nec essa ry, you are re ady to pri nt.
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 48 EPSON Sta t u s Mo ni to r 3 Yo uc a n a cce ss EP SON S tat u sM o ni to r 3w h en yo u c l ic kt h i sb u tto n .T om o ni to r th e p rin t er ,m a k e s ure th e Mo ni to r th e p rin t in gs t a t u s c h ec kb o x i ss e l ec t ed .
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 49 Monitoring settings Using EPSON Status Monitor 3 EPSO N Sta tus Mo nit or 3 is ava ilable for W ind ows XP , Me, 98, 2000, and Wind ows NT 4.0. It allows yo u to monitor y our printer ’ s sta tus, al erts yo u whe n printe r err ors oc cur, an d pro vides troubleshooti ng instruct ions when needed.
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 50 Before usi ng EPSON Status Monitor 3, be s ure to rea d the README fil e on the User CD-R OM. This f ile conta ins the latest infor mat ion on th e utilit y. Setting up EPSON Status Monitor 3 Follow the s e steps to se t up EPSON St atus Monito r 3: 1.
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 51 3. T he fol lowi ng settin gs are ava ilab le: Note: Click the D ef a u lt button to revert all items to the default settings. Accessing EPSON Status Monitor 3 Do one of the fol lowing to access E PSON Status Monit or 3; ❏ Double-click the pr inter-shaped shor tcut icon on the taskbar.
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 52 When you access EPSON Status Monitor 3 as described above, the following pri nter status window appears. You can view printer stat us informat i on in this window. Setting Up Your Printer on a Network Sharing the printer This s ect ion desc ribe s how to s hare th e pri nter on a sta ndar d Windo ws network.
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 53 ❏ For Windows XP, 20 00, or Windows NT 4.0, see “With Windows XP, 2000, or Windows NT 4.0” in “Setting up your printe r as a shar ed printer” o n page 56. Setting th e clients ❏ For Windows Me o r 98, see “Wit h Windows Me or 9 8” in “Setting for the clients” on page 58.
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 54 Setting up your printer as a shared printer With Windows Me or 98 When the printer server’s OS is Windows Me or 98, follow these steps to set the printer server. 1. Click Sta r t ,p o i n tt o S e tt in gs , and c lick Co n t r ol Pa ne l .
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 55 8. Select Sha re d As , type the name in the Share Name box, and click OK . Type a Comment and Password if needed. Note: ❏ Do not use spaces or hyphens for th e share name, or an error may occur.
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 56 With Windows XP, 2000, or Wind ows NT 4.0 When the printer serv er’s OS is Windows XP, 2000, or Windows NT 4.0, fo llow these s teps to set t he printer server. Note: You must access Windows XP, 2000 , or Windows NT 4.
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 57 3. For a Windows 2000 or Wi ndows NT 4.0 printe r server , select Sha red (for Windo ws 2000) or Sha red as (for W indows NT 4.0), then type the name in t he Share name box and click OK . For a Windows XP printer server, select Sha re th i sp rin t er , then type t he name in the Share name box and cl i ck OK .
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 58 ❏ “With Windows NT 4.0” i n “Setting for the cli ents” on page 63 Setting for the clients This se ction desc ribes h ow to ins tall t he print er driv er by accessing the shared printer on a network. Note: ❏ To share the printer on a Windows network, you need to set the printer server.
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 59 4. Click B r ows e , and the Bro wse for Printer dial og b ox appear s. Note: You can also type “(the n ame of the computer that is locally connected to the shared printer)(the shared printer’s name)” in the Network path or qu eue name.
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 60 ❏ If the printer server’s OS is not Windows Me or 9 8, go to “Installing the p rinter driver from the CD-ROM” on page 65. 7. Make sure of the name of the shared p rinter, an d select whether to us e the printer as the default printe r or not.
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 61 3. Select N e two r kp ri n t er (for Windows 2000 ) or A ne two r k p rin t er ,o r ap ri n t er atta c h ed to a n ot h er c omp u t er (for Windows XP), then click N e xt .
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 62 For Windows XP, select B r ows ef o r ap rin t er . 5. Click the i con of the comput er or ser ver that is connec ted to the shared pri nter, and the name of the shared p rinter.
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 63 ❏ If the printer driver is installed in the client bef orehand, you need to select either the n ew printer driver or the current printer driver. When the prompt to select the printer driver appea rs, select the printer driver according to the message.
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 64 3. Select N e two r kp ri n t er s er v er ,t h e nc l i c k N e xt . 4. Click the i con of the comput er or ser ver that is connec ted to the shared pr i nter and the name of the s hared pri nter.
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 65 ❏ If the printer server’s OS i s not Windows NT 4.0, or is W indows Me or 98, go to “Ins talling the pri nter driver from t he CD-R OM” on page 65 . 5. Select whether t o use the printer as the default p r inte r or not, then click OK .
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 66 2. I nse rt the CD -ROM , then th e EPSO N Insta llati on Pr ogram dialog box appea rs. Cancel the dialog box by clicking Ca nce l , then typ e the appropri ate drive and folder na m es in which the print er driver for cli ents is located, then click OK .
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 67 Canceling Printing If the print outs are not what you exp ected and displ ay incorrect or garbl ed character s or ima ges, you may need to cancel pr inting. Whe n the print er ico n is d isplay ed on t he ta skbar, foll ow the instructi ons below to cancel printin g.
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 68 Uninstalling the Printer Software Whe n you w ish to rei nsta ll or u pgrad e th e print er d river, uninst all th e prin ter dr iver t hat has b een i nstal led al ready. Uninstalling the printer drive r and EPSON Status Monitor 3 1.
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 69 4. Select EPSON P ri n t er So f twa re , and click the A dd / Re mov e . Note: When using t he Windows XP or Wi n dows 2000 comput er, click Cha n g e or Re mov e P r og r ams , select the EPSON P rin t er So f twa re , the n click Cha n g e / Re mov e .
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 70 5. Click the P rin t er Mo de l menu, select the EPSON PL Q-20 A d va nce d icon, then click OK . Note: The printer driver is designed for PLQ-20, but is compatibl e and can be ins talled for PLQ-2 0M. 6. If you uninstall Moni tored Printers, click Y e s in the disp laye d dialog b ox.
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 71 Uninstalling the US B device driver Wh en you c onn ect th e pri nter to yo ur co mput er wi th a USB inte rface cable , the U SB dev ice d river i s also in stal led. Wh en yo u unin stall ed the p rinte r drive r, yo u also need t o unin stall t he US B devi ce driver .
Chap ter 4 Pr inte r Sof twar e 72 2. Select EPSON U SB P rin t er D e v ice s ,a n dc l i c k A dd / Re mov e . Note: ❏ EPSON USB Pr inte r Device s appears o nly when t he printe r is connec ted to Window s Me or 98 with a USB in terface cable. ❏ If the USB device driver is not install ed correctly, EPSON U SB Printer Devices may not appear.
Chapter 5 Control Panel 73 Chapter 5 Control Panel B u t t o n sa n dL i g h t s ......... ............ ............... .... 7 4 F u n c t i o n sa u x i l i a r y ................ ............ ....... 7 7 C o m p r e s sP r i n t i n gM o d e .......
Chapter 5 Control Panel 74 B uttons and Lights a Re a d yl i ght (Y e llow) ❏ On when the printer is ready to receive or already receivin g data. ❏ Flashes when an error has occurred during a pri nting operatio n. bP o w er l i ght ( Green ) ❏ On for a few seconds when the print er is turned on.
Chapter 5 Control Panel 75 c F1/Ej ec tb u tto n ❏ Executes functi ons which are assigned to the F1/E j ec t button when the pri nter is in the PR2 mode. You can assign optional funct i ons to it by programming them in th e PR 2 mod e. ❏ Ejects pape r when the printer is in the ESC/P or IBM PPDS mode.
Chapter 5 Control Panel 76 e F2 b u tto n ❏ Executes functi ons w hich are assigned to the F2 button when the pri nter is in the PR2 mode. You can assign optional funct i ons to it by programming them in th e PR 2 mod e. ❏ When the printer enter s the d efault se tting mode, you can change the setting by pressing this butt on.
Chapter 5 Control Panel 77 Functions auxiliary This section descr ibes functions executed by turning on the prin ter whi le hold ing one o r more bu tton s. These fu nction s are shown in the f ollowing t able and explained in detail a fter the table.
Chapter 5 Control Panel 78 Compr ess printing mod e Star ts the com pre ss prin ting mo de. Se e “Comp ress P rinti ng Mode” on pag e 79 for more in formation. Data dump Starts the data dump mode, in which al l input data is p rinted as hexadecimal numbers and correspondin g characters.
Chapter 5 Control Panel 79 Compress Printing Mode You can compres s your printi ng data to the ratio of 75% by following the st eps below. Note: Compress printing mode is effective only when the printer is in the ESC/P m ode. 1. Turn off the pr inter.
Chapter 5 Control Panel 80 Understanding default settings This section descr ibes the settings and opt i ons avail able in the defa ult-s etting m ode. All items av ailable in the default set ting mode are divided into thre e grou ps depe nding on the a pplic ation s.
Chapter 5 Control Panel 81 Default-setting mode Common Settings Menu Values (default in bo ld) So f tw a re PR2 , ESC/P 2, IBM PPDS H i gh sp eed dr a f t Off ,O n I/F mo de * Auto ,P a r al l e l, S .
Chapter 5 Control Panel 82 *W h en th e p rin t er t urn so ni n A u to I/F mo de a nd P R 2m o de ,t h i sm o de i ss e t to S eri al. ** Wh en th e p rin t er t urn so ni n th e P R 2m o de ,P a c k e tm o de i ss e tO ff . Software This setting allows you to select the software format.
Chapter 5 Control Panel 83 Auto I/F wait time (Seconds) When the printer is in the auto inter face mode and it receives no data from the cur rently selected inter face for the amou nt of time specified wi th this setting, it determines which i nterface is receiving da ta and switches to that interf ace.
Chapter 5 Control Panel 84 DSR (PR2) When you select O n , DSR (Data Set Ready) is acti vated. This optio n is available o nly in the PR2 mode. DCD (PR2) When you select O n , DCD ( Data Car rier Detector) is act ivated. This optio n is available o nly in the PR2 mode.
Chapter 5 Control Panel 85 Paper w idth me asurem ent You can set the t i ming when the p rinter measure s the width of the paper. When you select A f t er loa din g ,t h ep r i n t e rm e a s u r e s the width just after it l oads the paper.
Chapter 5 Control Panel 86 Roll Pa per When you use roll pa per with the optional rol l paper holder, se t this opti on to O n . This mode is activat ed when you select O n and the Passbook mode is set t o O ff .
Chapter 5 Control Panel 87 Ol i v e tt ic ha r a c t er tabl e ST15INT (International) , ST15IT A (Italy), ST15P (Po r t u gal), ST15U SS R (US S R ), ST15SDC (SDC),ST15E (Spa in 1), ST15E2 (Spa in 2) , ST15S/SF (Sw ed en /F in la nd ), ST15CH (Sw i tz er la nd ), ST31 (Ol i v e tt i TCV 370), ST15 T R (T ur k e y), ST15USA (U.
Chapter 5 Control Panel 88 *T h e s e s e tt in gs a re ava i la bl e o n ly f o r PLQ-20M. ** Th i ss e tt in g i s effec t i v e ,w h en th ef o r ma t o f IBM3604 o r IBM4746 i ss e l ec t ed . Emulation You can select emulation of P R 2 , P R 40+ ,o r P R 54+ .
Chapter 5 Control Panel 89 ISO character table You can select a fo nt. The setti ng you select in this t able is effective only when you have chosen ISO in t he Cha r a c t er tab l e setting. 8-pin bi t image res olution You can se lect 72 or 96 as the default va lue of the 8 pin bit image resolutio n.
Chapter 5 Control Panel 90 Magneti c standard You can select the magnetic standard in this setting. This feat ure is avai lable only for PLQ-20M. End sentinel You can se lect C or F as the letter which will be attached to the end o f the d ata rec ord ed on m agne tic str ipe s.
Chapter 5 Control Panel 91 Other Emu lation Settings *T h e s e s e tt in gs a re effec t i v e wh en IBM PPDS e m u lat i o ni ss e l ec t ed . Menu Values (default in bo ld) P rin t direc t i o n B i -D.
Chapter 5 Control Panel 92 Print direction You c an sel ect au to pri nt dir ect ion ( A u to ), bidirectional print ing ( B i -D ), or un idir ecti onal p rinti ng ( U ni -D ). Pr intin g is no rmal ly bidi rectio nal; h owev er, uni direc tion al printi ng all ows for prec ise vert ical p rin ting a lignme nt.
Chapter 5 Control Panel 93 Auto lin e feed When auto line feed is set to O n , the printer accompa nies each carriage r eturn (CR ) code receiv ed with a line fe ed (LF) code.
Chapter 5 Control Panel 94 Changing default settings The fol lowin g table sho ws the ba sic func tion of eac h button i n the defa ult sett ing mod e. Follow these step s to enter the default-s etting mode and change the printer’ s default settin gs: Note: ❏ Prepare an A4 size sheet of paper b efore entering the default setting mode.
Chapter 5 Control Panel 95 3. When the Re a d y light turns on, insert a sheet of A4 pa per into the fron t slot. T he printer prin ts the ver s ion num ber and the language sele ction for the default sett ings menu. The underline shows the select ed l anguag e.
Chapter 5 Control Panel 96 Note: When you press the O ff l ine button at the first item selection of each menu, the menu sel ection will also return to the main setup men u selection. 9. After you fini sh the default set ting, turn off the printer to exi t the default sett ing mode.
Chapter 5 Control Panel 97 4. When the Re a d y light turns on, insert a sheet of A4 pa per into the front slot . The printer pri nts the guide to adju st the bidirecti onal a lignment and the first set of alignment patterns.
Chapter 6 Problem S olver 98 Chapter 6 Problem Solver D i a g n o s i n gt h eP r o b l e m............ ............ ........... 9 9 U s i n gt h ee r r o ri n d i c a t o r s .......... ............... .... 9 9 E P S O NS t a t u sM o n i t o r3 ....
Chapter 6 Problem S olver 99 Diagnosing the Problem For problems that may be related to USB connections, see “Correcting USB Probl em s” on page 115 for detai ls.
Chapter 6 Problem S olver 100 PR2 mod e O =o n , F = f la sh in g ••• =s h o r ts erie so f b ee ps (th ree b ee ps), • •••• =l o n gs erie so f b ee ps ( fi v e b ee ps) State of pane l lights Beep pattern Proble m Solut ion O Pow er F Re a d y — Th ere i s n op a p er loa ded in th e slot.
Chapter 6 Problem S olver 101 ESC / Pa n dI B MP P D Sm o d e s O =o n , F = f la sh in g ••• =s h o r ts erie so f b ee ps (th ree b ee ps), • •••• =l o n gs erie so f b ee ps ( fi v .
Chapter 6 Problem S olver 102 EPSON Status Monitor 3 EPSON Stat us Monitor 3 prov i des st atus messages and a graphic display showing the current stat us of the printer. If a problem occurs while print ing, an error message appears in the Progress Meter window.
Chapter 6 Problem S olver 103 2. Turn on the p rinter while holding the F2 button . Then press the F1/E j ec t and F2 bu tton whil e the F1/ Ej ec t , O ff l ine ,a n d F2 lights a re flashi ng. 3. When the Re a d y light turns on, insert a sheet of A4 pa per into the front slot.
Chapter 6 Problem S olver 104 ❏ Always close the printer co ver before printing. The printer does not print when the printer co ver is open. Follow the se steps to pri nt a hex d ump: 1.
Chapter 6 Problem S olver 105 Problems and Solutions Most problems you may encount er while opera ting your printer have simple solutions. Use the in formation in this secti on to find the source of and solution to printer problem s that occur. You can also use the self-test to determine whether the print er or the computer is causing the pro blem.
Chapter 6 Problem S olver 106 Power supply problems The control pane l lights come on briefly, but then go off and stay off. Cause What to do The print er’s voltag e ratin g does no t ma tch t he vol tag e of your electrical o utlet. Check the prin ter and the outlet volt age ratings.
Chapter 6 Problem S olver 107 Paper loading or feeding problems The printe r does not load single-shee t paper or does not f eed it properly. Cause What to do Single-sheet paper is not loaded properly. See “Lo ading Si ngle Sheets” on page 29 for ins tructio ns on load ing si ngle-s heet paper.
Chapter 6 Problem S olver 108 Printing position problems Wrong top-of-form po sition Your print i ng appears to o high or low on the page. Cause What to do The paper si ze setting in yo ur application software or p rinter dri ver d oes no t ma tch th e s ize of the paper y ou are u sing.
Chapter 6 Problem S olver 109 Printing or printout q uality problems The printer is on but it doesn’t print . Cause What to do The interface cable is broken or twisted. Check that the interfac e cable is not broken or twi sted. If yo u have an other interface cable, repla ce the cable a nd check whether the printer works correctly.
Chapter 6 Problem S olver 110 The printer does not print when the computer sends data. Cause What to do The printer is paused. Press the O ff l in e button to tu rn off the Pow er light. The interface ca ble is not plugged in securely. Chec k that bot h ends of the cable between the printer and th e computer are plugged in securely.
Chapter 6 Problem S olver 111 The printout is pale. Cause What to do The ribbon is worn out. Replace the ribbon cartridge a s described in “Replacin g the ribbon cartridge” on page 132. The printout is faint . Cause What to do The ribbon is worn out.
Chapter 6 Problem S olver 112 Lines of dots are missing in the printout. Cause What to do The print head is dam aged. Print the current setting s in the default set ting s mode a nd ch eck the pin condition. See “Changing default settings” o n page 94 to see how to print them.
Chapter 6 Problem S olver 113 The line space setting in your appl ication s oftwar e is incorrect. Adjust the line space sett ing in your appl ication sof tware . The printe r prints strange symbol s, incorrect fonts, or o t her inap prop riate c hara cters .
Chapter 6 Problem S olver 114 Network problem s Vertical print ed lines are not aligned. Cause What to do Bidirectional printi ng, which is the printer’s standard printing mode, is out of alignm ent. Use the print er’s bidirectional adju stment mo de to cor rect thi s problem.
Chapter 6 Problem S olver 115 Correcting US B Problems If you a re having d ifficulty using your printer with a USB connection, r ead the information in thi s section. Make sure that your computer is a Wind ows XP, Me, 98, or 2000 pre-in stal led mode l Your comput er must be a W indows XP, Me, 98, or 2000 pre-inst alled model.
Chapter 6 Problem S olver 116 If your drivers are corr ectly installed, EPSON USB Printer Devices shoul d appear on the Devi ce Manager menu. If EPSON USB Printer Devic es does not appear on the Device Manager menu, cl ick the plus (+) sign be side Other devices to view the ins tall ed dev ices .
Chapter 6 Problem S olver 117 Note: The printer driver is designed for PLQ-20, but is compatibl e and can be ins talled for PLQ-2 0M. 4. Under Ot her device s, select USB P rin t er or EPSON PLQ-20 (fo r the PLQ-2 0 users ) and click Re mo v e .T h e n ,c l i c k OK .
Chapter 6 Problem S olver 118 5. When the followi ng dialog box appears, cl ick OK .T h e nc l i c k OK again to close the System Pr operties dia log box. 6. Turn off the printer and restart your compute r. Then, reinstall the drivers fr om the beginning, f ollowing t he instructions i n “Installi ng the Print er Software” on page 13 .
Chapter 6 Problem S olver 119 Clearing Paper J ams If pa per is n ot aut omatic ally e ject ed in the s ituat ions n oted be low , a paper ja m may have occurr ed inside the printer . ❏ The printer is t urned on or the cover is opened when the R oll pap er mo de is O ff .
Chapter 6 Problem S olver 120 3. T urn on the pr inte r whil e press ing the F1 /Ej ec t butto n. Th e printer is in the paper removing mode and ready to start feed operation s. See the table below to fin d out how the F1/E j ec t and F2 buttons work in this mod e and execute the appro priate operat ion.
Chapter 6 Problem S olver 121 ❏ Product serial numb er (The serial number lab el is usually on the back of the product .) ❏ Product mod el ❏ Product softw are version (Click Abo u t , V er s i o n I nf o , or sim ilar bu tton in the pr oduc t software.
Chapter 6 Problem S olver 122 To speak to a technical suppo rt representati ve, dial: (562) 276-43 22 (U.S.), or (905) 709-2170 (Canada) , 6 AM to 6 PM , Pacific Time, Monday th rough Fri day.
Chapter 6 Problem S olver 123 Your Dealer Don’t forg et that your deal er can ofte n help ident ify and reso lve problems. T he dealer shou ld always be the fi r st call fo r advise on problems; t hey can often solv e proble m s quickly and easily as well as giv e advise on the next step t o take.
Chapter 6 Problem S olver 124 We encourage you to have all the relevant infor mation on hand whe n you rin g. The mor e info rmat ion you p repar e, the fa ster we can help solve the prob l em.
Chapter 6 Problem S olver 125 Epson Hotline (Phone : (66)2-670 -0333) Our Hotline team can help you with the fol lowing over the phone: ❏ Sales e nqu iries an d produ ct info rmat ion ❏ Pr oduct u.
Chapter 6 Problem S olver 126 For users in Hong K ong To obtai n technical su pport as well as other aft er-sales services, users are welcome to conta ct Epson Hong Kong Limited.
Chapter 6 Problem S olver 127 ❏ Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) ❏ Lates t version s of Epson product dr ivers Users can access our World Wide Web home page at: http://www.
Chapter 6 Problem S olver 128 Epson H elpdes k ❏ Sales e nqu iries an d produ ct info rmat ion (Inf olin e) ❏ Enquir ies on repair ser vices & warranty, produc t usage an d technical sup port (Techline) For users in India Contacts for informat i on, suppor t , and services ar e: World Wide Web (http://www.
Chapter 6 Problem S olver 129 Epson I ndia He ad Off ice - Banga lore: Epson India Regi onal Offices: Toll Free Telephone Support To learn more ab out Epson produ cts or to avail serv ice suppor t , please call 160 0 440011. This is a toll - free numb er and can be accessed (9 A.
Chapter 6 Problem S olver 130 For users in the Philippines To obtai n technical su pport as well as other aft er sales servi ces, users ar e welcome to c ontact the Epson P hilippines Cor poration at the telephone and fax numb ers and e-mail address below: Wo r l d W ide W e b( http://www.
Chapter 7 Options and Cons umables 131 Chapter 7 Options a nd Cons umables R i b b o nC a r t r i d g e .............. ................ .......... 1 3 2 G e n u i n eE p s o nr i b b o n c a r t r i d g e ............. .......... 1 3 2 R e p l a c i n gt h er i b b o nc a r t r i d g e .
Chapter 7 Options and Cons umables 132 Ribbon Cartridge Genuine Epson ribbon c artridge When print ing becomes faint , you need to repla ce the ribbon cartrid ge (S015339 ). Genuine Epson ri bbon cart ridges are designed and manufa ctured to work properly with yo ur Epson printer.
Chapter 7 Options and Cons umables 133 2. U nplu g the prin ter fro m the elec tric ou tlet. 3. Hold bot h sides of the printer cover and mov e it upward t o open it . 4. Push the release lever to move the upp er mechanism forward. Make sure that you push the lever until it clicks .
Chapter 7 Options and Cons umables 134 5. Slide the pri nt head to the middle of the p rinter by hand. c Caution: Never move the print head w hile the printer is t urned on; this can damage the printer. 6. H old both si des of the ri bbon g uide an d pull it do wn unti l it is out of the print head.
Chapter 7 Options and Cons umables 135 7. Hold both sides of the ribbon cart ridge with both hands and rota te it o n the plas tic hoo ks. Th en p ull i t up un til it is ou t of the printer. 8. Remove the new r ibbon cartridge f rom the package. 9. Place t he plast i c hooks o n the ribbon ca rtridge into the s lots of the printer.
Chapter 7 Options and Cons umables 136 10. Hold bo th sides o f the ribb on guid e and pull it d own un til it is out of the c artridge. 11. Put the ribbon gu ide at the bottom of the pri nt head and push it up until it clicks.
Chapter 7 Options and Cons umables 137 12. Turn the ribb on-tightening knob to help feed the ribbon int o place. c Caution: The ribbon should not be twisted or creased. 13. Pull the relea se lever bac k to move the upp er mechanism to its origi nal position.
Chapter 7 Options and Cons umables 138 c Caution: Make sure that you move the upper mechanism by pulling the release lever. Do no t pull the mechanism by hand. It may damage the printer. 14. Close the printer cover. Roll Paper Holder The opt ional rol l paper holder (C 811141) a l lows yo u to use 8.
Chapter 7 Options and Cons umables 139 2. Place the base plate on th e stand and fasten the two together with t he pla stic sp acing cli ps. M ake su re you or ient t he stan d and base plat e as shown below. 3. Hook the tension lever onto both ends of the stand as shown below.
Chapter 7 Options and Cons umables 140 2. P osit ion th e rol l pa per ho lder u nd erne ath th e pri nter a s shown below. Fit the two positio ning pegs on the bott om of the print er into the t wo holes in t he base plate.
Chapter 7 Options and Cons umables 141 3. Insert the roll p aper holder shaft i nto the center of the paper roll as shown. 4. Place the shaft and p aper roll on the roll p aper holder s o the p a p e rf e e d sf r o mt h eb o t t o mo ft h er o l l .T h e nt u r no nt h e printe r.
Chapter 7 Options and Cons umables 142 5. Bring the lea d ing edge of the p a per up over the fr ont of the printer a nd insert it in to the front sl ot until it meet s resistanc e. The printe r loads the roll pape r automaticall y. You are n ow rea dy to print .
Chapter 7 Options and Cons umables 143 Removing roll paper Roll paper canno t b e fed backward. To r emove roll paper, cut the roll pap er behind where i t feeds into the printer. T hen eject the rem aining p ape r by holdin g the F2 bu tton for a few seco nds (in PR2 mode), or pressing the F1 /Ej ec t button (in ESC/P or IBM PPDS mode).
Chapter 7 Options and Cons umables 144 Note: The asterisk ( ✽ ) is a sub stitute for the l ast digit, which varies by c ountry. Others For details of othe r optional prod ucts, contact you r dealer.
Appendix A Product Informat ion 145 Appendix A Product Inform ation P r i n t e ra n dR i b b o nC a r t r i d g e P a r t s ........... .............. 1 4 6 P r i n t e rp a r t s ...... ............ ................ ...... 1 4 6 R i b b o nc a r t r i d g ep a r t s .
Appendix A Product Informat ion 146 Printer and Ribbon Cartridge Parts Printer parts c o n t r ol pa ne l pow er sw i t c h fr o n ts l o t p rin t er c ov er Pa r al l e l in t erf a ce USB in t erf .
Appendix A Product Informat ion 147 Ribbon cartridge parts p rin th e a d re l e as e l e v er u pp er m ec ha ni sm ri bbo n -t i ght eni n gk n ob ri bbo n g uide ri bbo n plast ic hook.
Appendix A Product Informat ion 148 Printer Specifications Mechanical Printing meth od: 24-pin impact dot matr ix Printing speed: PR2: High s peed dr aft 480 cps at 10 cpi Draft 360 cps at 10 cpi NLQ .
Appendix A Product Informat ion 149 Paper feed speed: Continuous 330 mm/second 13 inches/second Inte rmit tent 35 mse c/li ne at 1/ 6 in ch line spa cing Relia bili ty: Tota l pri nt vol ume 7 mil lion l ines (except print hea d ) MTBF 10,00 0 POH Prin t he ad l ife 4 00 mil lion st roke s/wir e Dimensions a nd weight: Height 203 mm (8.
Appendix A Product Informat ion 150 Electronic Interfa ces: Three built -in inte rface slots; Bidire ctio nal, 8 -bit, pa ralle l in terfac e wit h IEEE 1284 nibbl e mode support , USB (ver 1.
Appendix A Product Informat ion 151 ESC/P a nd IBM PPDS emula tions Bitm ap fonts EPSON Super Dr aft 10, 12 cpi, p r oporti onal EPSON Draft 10, 12, 1 5 cpi, proporti onal EPSON Roman 10, 12, 15 cpi ,.
Appendix A Product Informat ion 152 Character t ables: PR2 emulat ion (Olivet ti) 22 graphics charact er tables: Inte rnat ion al, Ge rman y, Por tug al, Spain 1, Denmark/Norway, Fr ance, Italy, Swede.
Appendix A Product Informat ion 153 ESC/P a nd IBM PPDS emula tions Standard One italic and 12 graphics charac ter tables: Italic t able, PC 437 (US, Standard Europe), PC 850 (Multili ngual), PC 860 (.
Appendix A Product Informat ion 154 Expan ded One italic and 39 graphics charac ter tables: Italic t able, PC 437 (US, Standard Europe), PC 850 (Multili ngual), PC 860 (Portuguese), PC 861 (I celandic.
Appendix A Product Informat ion 155 Electrical This p roduc t is also de signe d for IT po wer s ystems w ith a phase-to- phase voltage of 220 to 240 V.
Appendix A Product Informat ion 156 Environmen tal Paper For informat ion about availab le paper types an d their printab le area, refer to the Paper S pecific ation , which is included on the User CD-ROM.
Appendix A Product Informat ion 157 Recordab le area Recorded tr ack width 7 mm Read tr ack w idth 2 mm Speed of medium 340 mm/second Displacement St andard, Standard + 1 0 mm, Standard + 2 0 mm Number of retries 1 or 3 Field dupl ication YES or NO F( m a x ) G H( m i n ) I J( m a x ) DIN/ISO, ANSI 12.
Appendix A Product Informat ion 158 Recordable formats specifica tion DIN/ISO and ISO848 4 ISO 848 4 12.5 13.9 15.3 9.5 85 HT-2751-CIZ 7.4 8.8 10.2 12.
Appendix A Product Informat ion 159 IBM3604 ANSI Bit dens ity 210 bpi ± 5% Recording d irection Left to Righ t Preambl e 20 bit s SOM (Start sentine l) B Re corda ble ch ar acte rs 0- 9, A, B, D, E E.
Appendix A Product Informat ion 160 ISO7811 Postamble 20 bit s Maximum number of recordab le characters (1 block) 105 cha ra cte rs Maximum number of recordab le characters (2 block) 45 char acte rs Number of se parato r 60 bit s Center of vertic al position 13.
Appendix A Product Informat ion 161 IBM4746 HT-2751- CIZ Bit dens ity 210 bpi ± 5% Recording d irection Left to Righ t Preambl e 20 bit s SOM (Start sentine l) BA Re cord abl e cha ract ers 0-9, D EO.
Appendix A Product Informat ion 162 Postamble 40 bit s Maximum number of recordab le characters (1 block) 60 char acte rs Maximum number of recordab le characters (2 block) 27 char acte rs Number of se parato r 10 bit s Center of vertic al position 8.
Appendix A Product Informat ion 163 Character co nversion table DIN/ISO, ISO848 4 and IBM3604 * cr tm e a n s c ha r a c t er . Functi on Recordi ng codes Crt ASCII Line code DIN/ISO, ISO8484 IBM360 4.
Appendix A Product Informat ion 164 ANSI and ISO7 811 * cr tm e a n s c ha r a c t er . Func tion Record ing cod es Crt ASCII Li ne code ANSI ISO781 1 V R C B I T 4 B I T 3 B I T 2 B I T 1 003 0 H cr .
Appendix A Product Informat ion 165 IBM4746 and HT-275 1-CIZ * cr tm e a n s c ha r a c t er . Func tion Record ing c odes Crt ASCII Line code IBM474 6 HT-2751- CIZ V R C B I T 4 B I T 3 B I T 2 B I T.
Appendix A Product Informat ion 166 Recording lay out of magnetic stripe DIN/ISO, IBM3604, ANS I, ISO7811, IBM4746, and I SO8484 1 block format 2 block format E r as e Data SOM L0 L R C E r as e T0 I .
Appendix A Product Informat ion 167 Direction of bit pattern HT-2751- CIZ 1 block format E r as e Data SOM T0 EOM E r as e L0 I L R C.
Appendix A Product Informat ion 168 2 block format Direction of bit pattern Command Lists For information abo ut the commands, ref er to the Programming Guide ,w h i c hi si n c l u d e do nt h eU s e rC D - R O M .
Appendix A Product Informat ion 169 Standards and Approvals U. S. model: Europe an model: Aust ralian m ode l: Safety UL6 0950 CSA C22.2 No. 60950 EMC FCC part 15 subp art B class B CSA C108.
Appendix A Product Informat ion 170 Cleaning the Printer To ke ep yo ur p rinte r op erati ng at i ts be st, y ou sho uld c lean it thoroughly s everal tim es a year. Follow these step s to clean the printer: 1. Remove any pa per loaded i n the printer, and tur n off the printe r.
Appendix A Product Informat ion 171 Transporting the Printer If you need to transport yo ur printer som e distance, caref ully repack it using the original b ox and packing mat erials.
Glossary 172 Glossary auto line feed When this option is turn ed on in the default-setting mode, eac h carriage return (CR) code is automatic ally foll owed by a line feed (LF) co d e. bidirectional printing Printing i n which the pri n t head print s in both direc tions (bidirectionall y ) from left to right and then righ t to left.
Glossary 173 draft The pri nt mode used by yo ur print er when you sel ect Draft as t he font. Th e Draft font uses fewer dots per character for f aster printing.
Glossary 174 magnetic stripe A stripe of tape that is co ated with magnetic materi al on which data is stored. PLQ-20M is equipped with a devic e to read and write data on magnetic stripes. pitch The horizontal size of the font, which i s measured by the number of characters per inch (cpi).
Index 175 Index Numerics 0s l a s h ,9 2 A A.G.M. (IBM PPDS ), 93 Adjusti ng printing st art position, 33 top-of-form position, 31 Aligning v ertical lin es, 96 Auto CR , 89, 93 Auto I/F wai t time, 8.
Index 176 Passbook bind ing , 84 loading, 28 problems, 107 Pin brok en pin, 85 PR2, 82 Print direction, 9 2 Printer sharing , 52 Printe r driver accessing from Windows 2000 or Windows NT 4.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Epson PLQ-20 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Epson PLQ-20 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Epson PLQ-20 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Epson PLQ-20 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Epson PLQ-20 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Epson PLQ-20 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Epson PLQ-20 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Epson PLQ-20. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Epson PLQ-20 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.