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Us e r ' s G u i d e NPD5237-00 EN.
Co py r i g h t No part of this pu blication m ay be rep rod uced, sto red in a retrieval syst em, or transmi tt ed in any fo rm or b y an y me ans , el ec t roni c, me chan ic a l, pho to copy ing , re cord in g, or ot her wi s e, w ith out t he pr i or wr itten p er mi ssi on of Seiko Epso n Corporation.
T r ademarks ❏ EPSON ® is a regist ered trademark, and EPSON EX CEED Y OUR VIS ION o r EXCEED Y OUR VIS ION is a trademark o f S eiko Ep s on Corporation. ❏ PRINT Image M atching ™ and the PRINT Imag e Matching log o are tradem arks of Sei ko E ps on Corporation.
Contents Copyright T rademarks About This M anu al I n t r o d u c t i o n t o t h e M a n u a l s ......... .......... 7 M a r k s a n d S y m b o l s ............... ..........7 D e s c r i p t i o n s U s e d i n t h i s M a n u a l .......... ....
I n s t a l l i n g E p s o n i P r i n t .......... ........ ..6 6 U s i n g E p s o n i P r i n t .......... ............. 6 6 Repl aci ng Ink Car tri dg es C h e c k i n g t h e I n k L e v e l s ............. ........ 6 8 Checking the Ink Levels - C ontro l Pan el.
L C D S c r e e n G e t s D a r k ........ ........... 1 0 8 C a n n o t P r i n t f r o m a C o m p u t e r .......... ..... 1 0 8 C a n n o t U s e A i r P r i n t ................ ....... 1 0 9 P r i n t i n g i s P a u s e d ........ .......... ..
Abou t This Ma nual Intr oduc tion to the Manuals e following man uals are su pplied with your Epson p rinter . As well as the man uals, check the var ious types of help inf ormation available from the print er itself or fro m the Epson soware app l ications.
Descriptions U sed in this Manual ❏ Screenshots of the printer driver and t he EPSON Sc an (sca nner driver) s creens are fro m W indows 8.1 or Mac OS X v10.10.x. e con tent disp layed on the screens varies dep ending on the model and situation. ❏ Illustrations o f the printer used in this manual ar e examples only .
Impor tant Instructions Safety Instruc tions Read and follow these instr uct ions to ensure safe use of this printer . Make sure y ou keep this manual for fut ure referen ce. Als o, be su re to follow a ll w ar ni ngs and instr uct ions mar ked on the pr inter .
Advisories and W arnings for Setting Up/Using the P rinter ❏ Do not block or co ver t he vents and o p enings in the printer . ❏ U s e only the type of power source indicated on the printer's label. ❏ A void using outlets on the same circuit as photo copiers or air control systems tha t regul arly sw itch on and o.
Advisories and W arnings for Us ing the P rinter with a W ireless Co n n e c t i o n ❏ Radio waves from this printer may negatively aect the operation of medical elect ronic equipmen t, ca using them to malfunction.
Pri nte r B a si c s P ar t Names and F unc tions A Edge guide F eeds the pap er stra ight into the printer . Slid e to the edges of the paper . B Rear paper f e ed Lo ads paper . C Paper support Suppor ts loaded paper . D Feeder guard Prev ents foreign substance from ent er ing the printer .
A Memor y card slot Inser t a memor y card. B Ink car tridge holder Install the ink car tridges. Ink is ejected from the print head nozzles underneath. A Document cover Blocks externa l light while s canning. B Scanner glas s Place the originals. C Scanner unit Scans placed originals.
Co n t r o l Pa n e l Y ou can change the angle of the con trol panel. T o lo wer th e con trol pane l, squeeze the leve r on th e back o f the panel as s hown below . Buttons A T urns th e printer on or o. Do not turn o while the power lig ht is ashin g (while the printer is oper ating or processing data).
Guide to the Home Screen e following ico ns and menus ar e displa yed on the home scr een. A Icons that show the network status are dis played. Y ou can learn the meaning of the icons in the Help menu. Enter Help from the home screen using the l or r button, and then pres s the OK button.
but ton on the keybo ard, and then pr ess the OK butto n to conrm. When you have nished en tering charac ters, highlight Done , and then press the OK butto n. e displayed screen vari es depending on the settings item s. e fo l lowing is the screen for en tering the password for your W i -Fi n etwor k.
Loa d in g Pap e r P aper Handling Precautions ❏ Read the inst ru ction she ets suppl ied w ith th e pap er . ❏ Fan and align the edg es of the paper b efo re loading. Do not fan o r curl photo paper . Doing so may damage the pr int ab l e si de .
A vailable P aper and Capacities Epso n recomm ends using genuine Epson paper to ensure high-quality prin touts. Genuine Epson Paper Media Name Size Load ing Capac it y (Sheets) Manual 2- Sided Printing Borderless Printi ng Epson Bright Wh ite Ink J et Pap e r A4 80 * ✓ – Epson Ultr a Glossy Ph oto Pap e r A4, 13 × 18 cm (5 × 7 in.
*3 For manual 2-sided printing, you can load up to 30 sheets for paper with one side already pr inted. Related Information & “T echnical Su pport W eb Site ” on page 130 List of P aper T ypes T o o btai n opti mum p rinti ng r esul ts, select th e paper type that s uits th e paper .
2. Slide the edge guide to the le. 3. Load pape r vertically alo ng the right side o f the rear paper feed wi th the p rintabl e side facing up . c Impor t ant: Do no t load m ore tha n the maxim um nu mber of s heets specied fo r the pa per .
❏ Pr e-punc hed paper Not e: ❏ Load a single sheet of paper withou t bindin g holes at the top or the bottom. ❏ Adjust the print position of your le to avoid printi ng over the holes. 4. Slide the edge guid e to the edg e of the paper , and then c l ose the feeder guard.
7. Slide out the out put tray and then raise the stopper . Not e: Return the remaining paper to its package. If you leave it in the printer , the pape r may curl or the pr int q uality may declin e.
Placing Originals on the Sc anner Glass c Impor t ant: When plac ing bulky orig inals such a s books , prevent ex ter ior lig ht from shinin g directly onto the scanner g lass. 1. Open t he doc ument co ver . 2. Remov e an y dust or stains on the scanner glass.
Y ou can place photos o f di erent sizes at the same time. e photos should be larger than 30 x 40 mm. ❏ If y ou are scanning using Ful l Auto Mo d e or a th umbnail pr eview of EPSON Scan, place the original 4.5 mm away from the ho r izon tal and vertical e dges of the scanner glass.
Inser ting a Memor y Car d Suppor ted Memor y Cards miniSD * miniSDHC * microSD* microSDHC * microSD X C * SD SDHC SDX C * Attach an adapter to t the memor y card slot. Other wise, the card may get stuck. Related Information & “Sup ported Mem or y C ard Specications” on page 123 Inser ting and Removing a Memor y Car d 1.
2. When yo u have nished using the memo r y card, make s u re the ligh t is not ashing, and then remo ve the ca rd. c Impor t ant: If you r emove the memor y card while the ligh t is a shing, the data in the memory car d may be lost.
Pri n ti n g Prin ting from the C ontrol P anel Printing Photos b y Selec ting from a Memor y Car d 1. Load pap er in the prin ter . c Impor t ant: M ake the pape r settings o n the cont rol pa nel. 2. Inse rt a memor y card into t he pri nter . c Impor t ant: Do not remove the memor y card u ntil you have nished pr intin g.
& “Insert ing a Memo r y Card” on page 25 & “ Menu Opt ions for Pri nti ng Phot os” on p age 32 Printing Original W riting Paper and Ca lendars Y ou c an eas ily pri nt lin ed paper , calen dars, o rig inal writing paper and greeting cards usin g the Pe r s o n a l Stati oner y menu.
Menu Options for Prin ting O rigin al W riting Paper and Calendars Lined Papers Prin ts so me types of lined paper , graph paper , or m usic pape r . W riting Papers Prints some types of writing paper with a photo fro m the memor y card set as the background.
5. Sele ct the image you want to print o n the envelopes using the l or r bu tto n, and then pr ess the OK b utt on. A screen indicating the print position of the image, and whether to prin t fold lines is displayed.
6. When nished, unfold them and remo ve the instr uction sheet, and then fold only the en velope diagram again alon g its cr eases. Printing Photos U sing O ther F eatures is section intr oduces the other p rinting featur es available using the co ntrol panel.
DPOF Prin ting is prin ter is com p atible wi t h DPOF (Digi t al Print Or der Format) V er . 1.10. DPOF is a fo rmat that stores additional information fo r phot os such as the date, time, user name , and prin ting informatio n. DPOF-co mpatible cameras allow you to set which image on a memo r y card to prin t and t he number of cop ies.
T o print witho ut margins around the edges, selec t Bor derless . e image is enlarged a little to remo ve margins fro m the edges of the paper . T o print wi th margins around the edg es, select Wi t h Bor der . ❏ Quality Sel ect the prin t qua lit y .
5. Select Pref erences or Prop er tie s to ac cess t he pr inter dr iver wind ow . 6. Make the fo l lowing setting s. ❏ Docum en t Size: Select the pape r size you loaded in the p r in ter . ❏ Borderless: Select to print wi th no margins aro und the image.
Printing Basics - Mac OS X Not e: Explan ations i n the sectio n use T e xtEdi t as an examp le. Opera tions a nd screens dier de pend ing on t he ap plica tion. See th e appl icatio n's help for deta il s. 1. Load pap er in the prin ter . c Impor t ant: M ake the pape r settings o n the cont rol pa nel.
5. Select Pri nt S e ttings from the pop-up menu. Not e: On Mac OS X v10.8.x or later , if the Print Settings men u is not displ ayed, t he Ep son prin ter dri ver has not been install ed cor rectly .
& “Printin g Basics - W indo ws” on pag e 33 Printing Sev eral Pages on One Sheet Y ou ca n pr int t wo or four pa ges of d at a on a s ing l e she et of pa pe r . Printing Sev eral P ages on One Sheet - W indows Not e: is fea tur e is not av ailab le fo r bor derless pri nt ing.
3. A ccess the print dialog. 4. Select Lay o ut from the pop-u p men u. 5. Set the n umber o f pages in P ages p er Sheet , the Layo ut Dir ect io n (page or der), and Borde r .
6. Click Pri nt . Related Information & “Loadin g P aper in th e Rear P aper F eed” on pag e 19 & “Printin g Basics - W indo ws” on pag e 33 Printing to F it the Paper Size - Mac OS X 1. Load pap er in the prin ter . 2. Open t he le you wan t to print.
2. Open t he le you wan t to print. 3. Access the printer driver window . 4. Se le ct Job A r r a ng e r L i te on t he Ma in tab. 5. Click OK to close t he printer driver window . 6. Click Pri nt . e Job A r r a n g er L i t e window is displayed and the print job is added to the Pr in t Pr oj e c t .
5. Click Set tin gs , mak e t he app ropriate settings, and then click OK . 6. Set the other i tems o n the Main and Mo re O pt i on s tabs as necessar y , and then click OK .
1. Prepare Sh eet 1 and Sheet 2. Cu t o the margins of Sheet 1 alon g the vertical blue line through the center of the top and botto m cross marks. 2. Place the edg e of S heet 1 on to p of Sheet 2 an d align the cross mar ks, then tem porarily tape the tw o sheets tog ether fro m the back.
3. Cu t the tape d sheets in two along the vertical red l ine thro ugh the alignment markers (this time, the line to the le of the cr oss marks). 4. T ape the sh eets t og eth er fro m the back . 5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 to tape Sheet 3 and S heet 4 together .
6. Cu t o the margins o f Sheet 1 and S heet 2 alo ng the ho rizon tal blue line through the ce nt er of the le an d right side cross m arks. 7. Place the edge of Sheet 1 and Sheet 2 on top of Sh eet 3 and Sheet 4 and align the cross marks, and then tem porarily tape them tog ether fro m the bac k.
8. Cu t the taped sheets in two alo ng the ho rizon tal red line thr ough the alignmen t marker s (this time , the lin e above the cross marks). 9. T ape the sh eets t og eth er fro m the back .
10. Cut o the r emaining margins alon g the outer guide. Printing U sing Adv anced F eatures is section in t roduces a variety of additio nal layou t and printin g features availab le o n the printer driver .
Wi nd o ws T o add your own pr es et, set items such as the Doc ument Size and Pa per T ype on th e Main or Mor e O p ti o n s tab , and then click A dd/Remove Pr esets in Printin g Presets . Not e: T o delete an added pr es et, click Add/Remove Presets , select the preset na me you want to de lete f rom the list, and then delet e it.
Mac OS X Ac c e s s t h e p r i n t d i a l og . S e l e c t Col or Ma tc hi ng f rom the pop-up men u, and then s elect EP SO N Co lo r Co nt ro ls . Se le ct Col or Op ti on s from the p op- up me nu, and the n se le ct one of t he a va i la ble opt ion s.
Prin ting from Smar t Devic es Using Epson iPrint Ep son iPrin t is an applicatio n that allows you to prin t pho tos, do cuments, and web pages fro m a smart device such as a smartpho ne or tablet.
e follo wing s creens ar e subject to chan ge without no tice. A Home screen displayed when the application is star ted. B Displays information on how to setup the pr inter and a F AQ . C Displays the screen where you can select the printer and make pr inter settings.
Using AirPrint AirPrin t allows yo u to wirelessl y print to y our prod uct f ro m your Ap ple device running the latest ver s ion o f iOS. Not e: ❏ AirPrin t also allows you to wir eless ly print to you r product fr om your M ac run nin g O S X 10.
Canc eling Printing - W indows 1. Access the printer driver window . 2. Select the Maint enance tab . 3. Click Pri nt Q u e u e . 4. Right-click on the job y ou want to cancel and then select Cance l . Related Information & “W indows Printer Driver” o n p age 92 Canc eling Printing - Mac OS X 1.
Co p y i n g Co p y i n g B a s i c s 1. Load pap er in the prin ter . c Impor t ant: M ake the pape r settings o n the cont rol pa nel. 2. Place the originals . 3. Enter Co py from th e home s creen usin g the l or r bu tto n, and then press the O K but ton.
Copies the original in black and wh ite (mo no chrome). Density Increase the level of density by pr essing t he r but ton when the cop y ing r esu lts ar e faint. Decrease the level of density b y pressing the l button w he n i nk sm ea rs . Layout ❏ Wi t h B o r d e r Copies with mar g ins aro und t he edges.
Pap e r S i ze Select the paper size yo u loaded. Pa per T ype Select the paper type yo u loaded. Qual ity Se le ct the pri nt qu ali ty . Dra provid es f aster pri nting, but t he pr intouts ma y b e fa int. Bes t provi de s higher quali ty printin g, but the p r intin g speed may be slow er .
& “Placing Originals on the Scanner Glass” on pag e 23 & “Men u Options f or Copy/Resto re Photos ” on page 57 Menu Options for C opy/Restor e Photos Co lo r R e s to r a ti o n Res tores th e c olor of f ad ed photo s. Display Options ❏ 1 photo with Info.
Sc anning Scanning Using the C o ntr ol Panel Scanning to a Memor y Card Y ou can save the sc anned image to a memory card. 1. Place the originals . 2. Inse rt a memor y card into t he pri nter . 3. Enter Sca n fro m the home screen using the l or r but ton, and t hen press the OK butto n.
6. Check settings suc h as the save fo rmat, and change them if neces s ar y . Select the setting it ems usin g the u or d but ton and chang e settings using the l or r button .
Scanning to a Computer (WSD ) Not e: ❏ i s f e a t u r e i s o n l y a v a i l a b l e f o r c o m p u t e r s r u n n i n g Wi n d o w s 8 . 1 / Wi n d o w s 8 / Wi n d o w s 7 / Wi n d o w s Vi s t a . ❏ If you a re using W indows 7/W in dows V ista, you need to s etu p your com puter in adva nce using this fea ture.
S el ec t t h e or ie nta t ion of you r or i gi na l. Scanning from a C omputer Scan using the s canner driver "EPSON Scan". S ee the EPSO N Scan help for an explanatio n of each setting i tem. Scanni ng Bas ics is section use s EPSO N Scan's Home Mo d e to explain the basics of scanning.
4. Make the fo l lowing setting s. ❏ Documen t T yp e : Select the ty pe of the o rig inal you wan t to scan. ❏ Imag e T y p e : S elect the colo r type of the image y ou want to scan. Altho ugh this is au tomatically se lected b y the Document T y pe set ting, yo u can c hang e the se ttin g.
Scanning Using Adv anced F eatures Scanning by Detec ting the Origin al Aut o matically (F ull Auto Mode) Y ou can start scanning b y simply placing the original and clicking Sca n .
Not e: Oce M ode is not avai lable fo r Ja panese operatin g sy stems. User 's Gui de Scan ning 64.
Scanning by Adjusting the Imag e Quality (Prof essional Mode) Y ou can scan images while adjus ting the quality and co lo r . is mo de is recommended for advanced users.
Scanning from Smar t Device s Ep son iPrin t is an application that allo ws you to scan pho tos and documents from a sm ar t device, such as a smartpho ne or tablet, that is connected t o the same wireles s network as your printer . Y ou can save the scanned data on a smart dev ice or to Cloud ser vices, se nd it b y email, or prin t it.
A Home screen displayed when the application is star ted. B Displays information on how to setup the printer and a F AQ . C Displays the screen where you can select the printer and make printer setting s. Once you have select ed the printer , you do not need to select it again from the next time.
Replacing Ink Ca r tridges Checking the Ink Lev els Y ou can check the appr oximate ink levels f rom the co ntrol p anel or the com put e r . Checking the Ink Lev els - Control P anel 1. Enter Set up f rom the home screen using the l or r bu tto n, and then press the OK bu tton.
Icon BK (Black) C (Cyan) M (Magenta) Y (Y ellow) Strawbe rr y 29 29XL * 29 29XL * 29 29XL * 29 29XL * * "XL" indicates a large car tridge. Not e: ❏ N ot all cartridges ar e ava ilable in a ll re g ions. ❏ F or users in Eu rope, visi t the fo llowing we bsi te fo r inf ormat ion on E pson's ink c artridge yields.
❏ Y ou must r emove the yello w tape f rom the cartrid ge before installing it; o t her wis e, prin t quality may decline or you may not be able to prin t.
❏ Do not leave the printer with the ink cart ridges removed or do not t ur n o the printer during cartrid ge replacemen t.Other wise, ink remaining in the prin t head nozzles w ill dr y out and you may no t b e able to print.
Not e: ❏ Y ou ca n con tin ue prin tin g even aer the prin ter ind ica tes tha t the ink is lo w . Ho wever , pr epare n ew ink c artridges as so on as possib le . ❏ If you replace the ink car tr idges while copying, the orig inals may move out of place .
3. Remo ve o n ly the y ello w tape. c Impor t ant: Do no t tou ch th e sectio ns sho w n in th e illustr atio n. Doin g so may p revent n ormal oper atio n and p r in ting .
5. Squee ze the tab on the ink car tri dge and pull it straight up . If yo u c annot remo ve the ink car tridge, pull it rmly. 6. In s ert the new ink cartridge, an d then p ress it do wn rmly. 7. Close t he scanner unit. 8. Press the x button. Ink ch arging s t arts.
❏ EPSON Stat us M onit or 3: Enabled (for W i ndows onl y) Be cause this featur e is only available fo r appro ximately ve days, re place th e expended ink cartridge as soon as possi ble.
T emporarily Prin ting with Black Ink - Windo ws 1. When the following window is displayed, cancel printing. Not e: If you ca nnot cance l printin g from the com puter , cance l using the print e r's con tro l panel. 2. Access the printer driver window .
5. Select Gra ysc ale . 6. Set the other i tems o n the Main and Mo re O pt i on s tabs as necessar y , and then click OK . 7. Click Pri nt . 8. Click Pri nt in Bl ac k in the window dis played.
C onser ving Black Ink when the Black Ink Is Lo w (for Wi n d o ws O n l y ) When b lack ink is running low and ther e is enough color ink r emaining, you can use a mixt ure of colo r inks to create blac k. Y ou can con tinue printin g while preparing a replacem ent blac k in k cartr idge.
Maintaining the P rinter Checking and Cleaning the Print Head If the nozzles are clogged, the print outs become faint, there is visible banding, or unexpected colors appear . When print q uality has declined, use t he nozzle check featur e an d check if the nozzles are clogged.
6. Compar e the prin ted check pat tern wi th the sam ple sho w n belo w . ❏ All lin es are printed: e print head nozzles are not clogged . S elect F inish N ozzle Che ck using the u or d button and press t he OK button. ❏ ere are br oken lines or missing segmen ts: e print head nozzles may be clogged.
Related Information & “Loading P aper in the Rea r P aper F e ed” o n page 19 & “W indows Printer Driver” o n p age 92 Checking and Cleaning the Print Head - Mac OS X 1.
6. Follow the o n -screen instruc tions to align the print head. Fi nd and selec t the number for the most solid pattern in each gr oup using the u or d bu tto n, and then press the OK b utton. Not e: ❏ e tes t pattern m ay va r y by mo del. ❏ If pr int qualit y i s not improv ed, align the pr int he ad f rom a compute r .
Related Information & “Loading P aper in the Rea r P aper F e ed” o n page 19 Cleaning the P aper Path When the print outs are smeared or scued, clean the roller inside. c Impor t ant: Do no t use tissue pa per to cle an the i nside of the p r in ter .
1. Open t he doc ument co ver . 2. U se a so, dry , clean cloth to clean the surface o f the s canner glass. Not e: ❏ If the glass su r face is stai ned with grease or some other har d-to- remove ma ter ial, use a small amou nt of glass clean er and a so cloth to remove it.
Saving P ow er - Mac OS X 1. Select System Preference s fro m the men u > Print ers & Scanners (or Pri nt & S c an , Pr int & Fax ), and the n sel ect the p rint er . 2. Click Options & Su pplies > Uti l i ty > Op en P rinte r Ut ility .
Menu Options f or Setup Mode By selec ting Set up on the home screen from the co ntrol panel, y ou can make printe r settings or perfo r m print er maintenance. Menu Options for Ink L ev e ls Selec t the menus on the contro l panel as describ ed below .
Set up > Pr inte r S e tup Paper Sour ce Settings ❏ Pa p e r S et u p Select the paper si ze an d paper type yo u loaded in the paper so urce . ❏ Pa p e r S et t i n g A l e r t Alerts yo u when the paper settin gs of a p rint job dier fr om the settin gs stored in the p rinte r .
❏ PIN C o de S e tup (WP S) In the wireless r out er uti lity , enter the PIN code displayed on the printer's screen to connect the printer to a w ireless (W i-Fi) network. ❏ Wi - F i A u t o C o n n e c t Con nec ts th e printer to a wi reless (W i-Fi) ne twork u sing a computer t hat is connec ted to th e acc ess poin t.
Menu Options for Google Cloud P rint Ser vices Selec t the menus on the contro l panel as describ ed below . Set up > Google Cloud Pr in t Se rvices Status Check wh ether o r not the p r int er is regi ster ed and connect ed to the Google Cloud P rint services.
Ne tw ork Se r vi ce and So f twa r e Inf ormation is section in t roduces the netwo rk ser vices and soware prod ucts available fo r your prin ter from the E pson website or the supp l ied CD .
Running W eb Cong on a W eb Brow ser 1. Check the printer's IP address. Se le ct Set up > Ne t wo r k S ett i ng s > Ne t w or k S t a tu s from the home screen, and then check the printer's IP address. 2. Launch a W eb browser from a co mputer or smart device, and then enter the print er's IP add ress.
W indow s Prin ter Driver e prin ter driver c on t rols the p r inter accor ding to the prin t commands from an application. Making set t ings on the prin ter driver provides the best printin g result s. Y ou can also c heck the status of the print er or keep i t in top operating condition using the printer driver u t ility .
Y ou can also make set t ings fo r printing both sides o f t he paper or prin ting multi ple pa ges o n one sheet. User 's Gui de Network Ser vice and S oft ware Information 93.
More Options T ab Y ou can select addition al layout and p r inting o ptions such as changing t he size of a p rinto ut or making colo r correctio ns. User 's Gui de Network Ser vice and S oft wa.
Maintenance T ab Y ou can run maintenance featur es such as nozzle check and prin t head cleaning, and by s t arting EPSON S tatus Mon it or 3 , you can ch eck prin ter statu s and error informatio n. Making Operation Settings for the W indow s Prin ter Driver Y ou can make settin gs such as enabling EPSON S tatus Mo nitor 3 .
Acc essing the printer driver from applications Click P age S etup or Prin t on th e Fi l e menu of y our ap plication. I f necessar y , click Show D eta il s (or d ) to exp and the pri nt windo w .
Not e: On Mac OS X v10.8.x or later , if Print Settings menu is not displa yed, Epson printer d river has not been instal led correctl y . Sel ect S ystem Preferen ces fro m the menu > Printers & Scann e rs (or Print & Scan , Print & Fax ), rem ove th e p rinter , and then add the printer aga in.
❏ P ermit temporary black printing : Prints o nly with black ink tem porarily . ❏ High Speed Printin g: Prints when the p rint head mo ves in both di rections. e prin t speed is faster , but the quality may decline. ❏ W arning Notications: Allows the p r inter driver t o display warni ng notications.
Star ting on Mac OS X Se le ct Go > A pplications > Eps on So w are > Event Manage r . Related Information & “S canning t o a C om puter” on pag e 59 Epson Easy Photo P rint Ep son Easy Photo P r int i s an application that allo ws you to easily prin t photos with various layouts.
❏ Except f or W indows 8.1/W indows 8 Click the start bu tto n, and select Al l Progra ms or Pro gr am s > Ep son Soware > Ea sy Photo Sc an . Star ting on Mac OS X Se le ct Go > A pplications > Eps on So w are > Eas y P ho t o S ca n .
❏ Wi n d o w s X P Click A dd or Remove P rog rams . 5. Select the application you want t o uninstall. 6. U ninstall the applicatio ns: ❏ W indows 8.1/W indows 8/W indows 7/W i ndows V ista Click U ninstall/Change or Un i n s t a l l . ❏ Wi n d o w s X P Click Change/Re m ove or Remove .
Installing Applications Connect yo ur comp uter to the netwo rk and install the lat est versio n of ap plications fr om the w ebsite. Not e: ❏ Log on to yo ur com puter as a n admi nistr ato r . En ter the ad minis tra tor pass word i f the c ompu ter pro mpts you.
Solving Problems Checking the Printer Status Checking Messages on the L CD Screen If an error message is displayed on the LCD screen, follow the on-screen instr uct ions or the solutio ns below to solve the problem. Error Messages Solutio ns Printer error .
number of cleaning cycle s that the printer performs. e nee d for replacemen t of the p ad does not mean t hat your prin ter has ceased to operate in acco rdance with its specications. e prin ter wi ll ad vise y ou when th e pad requires replacing and this can o nly be p erformed by an au thorised E pson Ser vice pro vider .
Removing Jammed P aper from the Rear P aper Feed Remo ve the jamm ed paper . Removing Jammed P aper from the O utput T ray Remo ve the jamm ed paper . Removing Jammed P aper fr om Inside the Printer ! Caution: ❏ Be car ef ul not t o tra p your hand o r ngers when open ing or c losi ng the sca nner un it.
1. Open t he scanner unit with the do cument cover closed. 2. Rem ove th e jammed paper . c Impor t ant: Do not touch the whi te at ca ble or tr ans lucen t part insid e the p r in ter .
3. Close t he scanner unit. P aper Does Not F eed Corr ec tly Check the follo wing poin ts, and then tak e the ap prop riate actions to solve th e pr oblem. ❏ Place the printer o n a at sur face and operate in the recommended en v ironmen t al conditions.
Sever al Sheets of Paper are F ed at a T ime ❏ Load one sheet of paper at a time. ❏ When several sheets o f pap er are fed at a time during manual 2-sided prin ting, remove any paper which is loaded in the prin ter b efo re yo u reload the paper .
❏ If y ou cannot prin t over a network, see the Net w or k G u i d e . ❏ If yo u are printing a large data size image, the com puter may run out of memo r y . Print the image at a lower reso lution or a s maller size. ❏ In W i n dow s , cl i ck Pri nt Q ue ue on the p rinter dri ver's Maintenance tab, and then check the followin g.
Related Information & “Che cking and Cleaning the Print H ead” on page 79 Print Quality is P oor Check the f ollowing i f the prin t quality is p oor du e to b lurry prints, banding, missin g colo rs, faded colo rs, misalignment, and m o saic-like patt er ns in the prin ts.
❏ Mac O S X Sel ect S ystem Pr eferences fr om t he menu > Print ers & Sc anners (o r Pr i nt & S c a n , Pr i nt & Fa x ), and then select the prin ter . Click Options & Supplies > Op tio ns (o r Driver ). Select O as the H igh S peed P ri nti ng setting.
An Image of the Rev e rse Side of the Original Appears in the C opied Image ❏ Fo r a thin original, place the original on the scanner glass and then place a p iece of black paper o ver it.
& “Printin g Basics - Mac OS X” on pag e 35 Edges of the Image are C ropped During Borderless Prin ting During borderless printing, the imag e is slightly enlarged and the pr otruding area is crop p ed.
The Pr intout P roblem C ould Not be Cleared If y ou have tried all of the solu tions and hav e not sol ved the p roblem, tr y unins talling and then reinstallin g the prin ter driver .
Cannot C a ncel P rinting from a Co mput er Running M ac OS X v10.6.8 If yo u want to stop prin ting from yo ur compu ter , make the following settings. Run W eb Cong, and then select P ort9100 as the T op Priority P rotocol setting in AirPrint S etup .
Cannot Start S canning when Using the C ontrol P anel ❏ Make sur e EPSON Sc an and Epson E vent Manag er are instal led correctly . ❏ Check the scanning set t ing assigned in E pson Even t Manager .
An Image of the Rev e rse Side of the Original Appears in the Scann ed Im age ❏ Fo r a thin original, place the original on the scanner glass and then place a p iece of black paper o ver it.
& “Cle aning the Scanner Glass” on pag e 83 & “ Menu O pti ons for S ca nn in g” on p age 60 The Scanned Image Problem C ould Not be Cleared If y ou have tried all of the solu tions an.
O ther Pr oblems Slight Electric Shock when T ouching the Print er If man y p eripherals are connected to the com puter , you may feel a slight electr ic shock when touching the printer . Install a ground w ire to the com puter that is connected to the print er .
Related Information & “Sup p orted Data Specications” on page 124 User 's Gui de Solving Problems 120.
Appen dix T echnical Specications Printe r Specications Print Head Nozzle Placement Black ink nozzles: 180 Color ink nozzles: 59 for each color W eight of Paper Plain P aper 64 to 90 g/m(17 t.
Env elopes A 3.0 mm (0.12 in.) B 5.0 mm (0.20 in.) C 18.0 mm (0.71 in.) D 40.0 mm (1.57 in.) Scanne r Sp ecica tions Scanner Type F latbed Photoelectric Device CIS Maximum Document Size 216 × 297 mm (8.
*1 Complies with either IEEE 802.11b/g/n or IEEE 802.11b/g depending on location of purchase. *2 Not supported for IEEE 802.11n. *3 Not supported for IEEE 802.11b. *4 Simple AP mode is compatible with Wi-F i connection (infrastruc ture). See the Network Guide for more deta ils.
Suppor ted Data Specications Fil e Fo r m a t JPEG with the Exif V ersion 2.3 standard taken by digital cameras DCF *1 ver si on 1.0 or 2.0 *2 compl iant Image Size Horizontal: 80 to 10200 pix els V er tical: 80 to 10200 pixels File Siz e Less than 2 GB Maximum Number of F iles 9990 *3 *1 Design rule for Camera F ile system.
Not e: ❏ Check the label on the printer for its voltage. ❏ F or us ers in B elgium, power con sumption when copy ing ma y var y . Check http://www for the latest specicat ions. En vironmental Specications Operation Use the printer within the range shown in the following graph.
Regulator y Information Standards and Appr ovals Standards and Appr ovals for E uropean Model Lo w voltage directive 2006/95/EC EN60950-1 EMC directive 2004/108/EC EN55022 Class B EN61000-3-2 EN61000-.
Copying of the follo wing item s is proh ibi ted by law: ❏ Bank bills, coins, government-issued marketable secur ities, government bond securities, and municipal securities ❏ U nused postage stam .
7. Open t he scanner unit with the do cument cover closed. Se cure the ink car trid ge holder to the case with tap e. 8. Close t he scanner unit. 9. Prepare t o pack the printer as shown below . 10. Pac k the prin ter in i ts b ox, usin g the protectiv e materials.
Related Information & “Part Nam es and F unc tions” o n page 12 & “Che cking and Cleaning the Print H ead” on page 79 & “Aligning the Print H ead” on page 81 A ccessing a Memor.
Where to G et He lp T echnic al Suppor t W eb Site If y ou need further he lp , visit the E pson sup port websit e shown belo w . Select your co untr y or regi on and go to the sup port section of yo ur lo cal Epson w ebsite. e latest drivers, F AQs, manuals, or o t her downloadables ar e also available from the site.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Epson Expression Home XP-435 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Epson Expression Home XP-435 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Epson Expression Home XP-435 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Epson Expression Home XP-435 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Epson Expression Home XP-435 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Epson Expression Home XP-435 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Epson Expression Home XP-435 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Epson Expression Home XP-435. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Epson Expression Home XP-435 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.