Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung C2600/2600 des Produzenten Epson
Zur Seite of 473
1 Colo r Laser Pri nter Copyrights No part of thi s publicat ion may be r eproduced, stored in a r etrieval sys tem, or tr ansmitted in any fo rm or by any m eans, me chan ical, ph otocopyin g, reco rding, or otherwi se, without the p rior writte n per mission of Se iko Ep son Co rpo ration.
2 CG Times an d CG Omega ar e trademar ks of Agfa Mon otype Co rporation an d may be regist ered in cert ain jurisd ictions . Arial, Ti mes New R oman and A lbertus ar e trademar ks of The Mo notype Corp oratio n and may be regist ered in cert ain jurisdi ctions.
Safety In structions 3 Safety Instruct ions Safety Warnings, Caution s, and Notes w Warni ngs must be foll owed carefull y to avoid b odily in jury. c Cautions must be observed to avoid damage to your equipment. Notes contain important information and useful tips on the operation of your printer.
4 Safety Instruc tions ❏ Because the print er weighs appr ox imately 37 kg (81.5 l b) with consumable p roducts i nstalled, one person should no t lift or carr y it. T wo peo ple s houl d carr y the pr int er, lift ing it by the corr ect p ositio ns as s hown below .
Safety In structions 5 ❏ Be c areful n ot to touc h the fu ser, which is mar ked CAUTION HIGH TEMPERATU RE , or th e su rrou ndin g ar eas. If t he p rinte r has been in use, the fuser and th e surrounding ar eas may be very hot. I f you must tou ch one of th ese areas, wait 30 mi nutes to al low th e hea t to su bside b efor e doin g so.
6 Safety Instruc tions ❏ Do not att empt to mod ify a toner cartridge or take it a part. They cannot b e refilled. ❏ Do not touch t he toner. Keep t he toner away fro m your eyes. ❏ Do not di spose of used t oner cartridge, p hotoconductor units, fuser units, or waste to ner co llecto r in fire, as they can exp lode and cause inj ury.
Safety In structions 7 ❏ Be sure to ke ep consumable co mponents out of t he reach of children. ❏ Do not leave jammed paper inside the pr inter. This can cause the printer to overheat. ❏ Avoid sh aring outl ets with oth er applia nces. ❏ Use only an outlet that meets th e power requirements of this print er.
8 Safety Instruc tions ❏ Con nect you r pr inter to an elec tric al ou tlet that mee ts the powe r req uire ments of th is pri nter . Your prin ter’s powe r requirem ents are indicate d on a label att ached to the print er.
Safety In structions 9 When usin g the printer ❏ Foll ow all warn ings and inst ruct ions mark ed on th e pri nter. ❏ Unplug this p rinter f rom the wall outlet bef ore cleaning . ❏ Use a well-wrung clo th for cleaning and do not use liquid or aerosol c leaners.
10 Safety Instruc tions ❏ Never push object s of any kind through cabi net slots as they may touch dang erou s vol tag e poin ts or shor t out p art s tha t could result in a risk of fire or elect ric shock. ❏ Neve r spi ll liqu id of any ki nd on the pr inte r.
Safety In structions 11 Safety Information Power cord c Caution: Be sure the AC power cord meets the relevant local safety standards. Use only the power cord that com es w ith this product. Use of the another cord may result in fire or electric shock.
12 Safety Instruc tions This is a Class III b Laser Diode Assemb ly that has an invisible laser beam. The print er head unit is NOT A SERVICE ITEM, therefore, t he printer head unit shou ld not be o pened under any circu mstance s. An addi tion al laser warnin g label is affixe d to the insi de of th e printer.
Safety In structions 13 ❏ Long, conti nuous printing together wit h any of t he above Printe r location The pri nter shoul d be loca ted s o th at the ex hau st ga ses a nd h eat generate d are: ❏.
14 Safety In structi ons Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Warnings, Cautions, a nd Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Safety precautions . . . . . .
15 Double-sided printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Fit to page pri nting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Pages per sheet p rinting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
16 Using an overlay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Using HDD form overlay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Duplex printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
17 Making Changes to Prin ter Setting s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Making the pri nt quality set tings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 54 Resizing printouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
18 System require ments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 Using the PostS cript Printer Driver wit h Windows . . . .
19 PS3 Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 ESCP2 Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 FX Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
20 Installi ng an interface car d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307 Removing an interfac e card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309 P5C Emulation Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
21 Clearing Jammed Paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345 Precautions for cl earing jammed paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345 Jam A (cover A). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
22 Insufficient memory for current task . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382 Insufficient memor y to print all copies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382 Paper Handling Pr oblems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
23 Appendi x A Customer Support Contacting Cu stomer Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401 Technical Support Web Sit e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402 Appendi x B Technical Specifications Paper .
24 Selecting fonts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445 Downloading font s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445 EPSON Font Manager (Windows Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Getting to Know You r Printer 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Chapter 1 Getting to Know Your Print er Where to Find Information Setup Gui de Pro vides you wit h info rmat ion on assembli ng th e prin ter an d insta lling the p rinte r softw are.
26 Getting to Know Your Printer Printer Parts Front view a. output tray b. cover B c. la tch o n cov er A d. co ver A e. MP tray (Mul ti-Purpose tray) f.
Getting to Know You r Printer 27 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rear vie w a. Ethernet interface connec tor b. parall el interf ace connector c. USB interfac e connector d.
28 Getting to Know Your Printer Inside the printer a. fuser uni t b. ph otoc onduc tor u nit c. w aste to ner c olle ctor d. ton er cart ridge e. filter a e d c b.
Getting to Know You r Printer 29 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Control panel a. LCD panel Display s printer st atus messages and control panel menu settings.
30 Getting to Know Your Printer Options and Consumable Products Options You can add to yo ur printer ’s capabilit ies by installi ng any of the following opt ions. ❏ Optional Paper Cassette Unit (C12C80 2211) This un it increa ses paper feeding capacit y up to 500 sheets of paper .
Getting to Know You r Printer 31 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ❏ Hard Disk Dri ve (C12C824172) This opti on ex pand s the pri nter ’s cap acit y by a llowi ng y ou to print c omplex and la rge print j obs at high speed. This opti on also enable s you to use t he Reserve Job func tion.
32 Getting to Know Your Printer 2K: standard capacity toner cartridge (Ma genta) 0231 2K: standard capacity toner cartridge (Cyan ) 0232 Photo cond ucto r uni t 1107 Fuser unit 120 (110 - 120V) 3019 F.
Printer Features and Various P rinting Options 33 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Chapter 2 Printer Features and Various Printing Options Printer Features The printer comes with a f ull set of fe atures that contributes t o ease of use and consistent , high-qualit y output.
34 Printer Features and Various Printing Options Color printing mode and monochrome prin ting mode The printer can be used both for color and monochrome pri nting.
Printer Features and Various P rinting Options 35 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Adobe PostScript 3 Mode The printer ’s Adobe PostScr ipt 3 Mode pr ovides you with the abilit y to print documents formatted f or PostSc ript pri nters. Seventeen scalabl e fonts are included.
36 Printer Features and Various Printing Options "Duplex pri nting" on p age 170 (Macin tosh) Lets you p rint on bo th sid es o f the pa pe r. Note: You need an optional Duplex Unit installed on your printer in order to automatically print on both sides of the paper.
Printer Features and Various P rinting Options 37 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Note: This func tion is no t available with Mac O S X. Lets you aut omatically enl arge or reduce t he size of your do cumen t to fit the pape r siz e you s ele cted.
38 Printer Features and Various Printing Options "Using a wat ermark" on p age 165 (Macint osh) Note: This function is not availab le with Mac OS X. Lets you prin t text or an image as a wat ermark on your prin tout. For example, y ou can put “Co nfidential ” on an import ant docu ment .
Printer Features and Various P rinting Options 39 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Overlay printing "Using an ov erlay" on page 83 (Windows) Lets you prepare sta ndard f orms or temp late on your printout that you can use as overlays when printing o ther documents.
40 Printer Features and Various Printing Options Note: You need an optional hard disk drive installed on your printer in order to use the Reserve Job function.
Paper Handli ng 41 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Chapter 3 Paper Handling Paper Sources This section describes the combinations of paper sources and pape r type s that you c an use .
42 Paper Handling MP tray * You can pri nt on the back sid e of pap er that has been pr int ed on prev iousl y by this printer, if th e paper is lis ted abo ve.
Paper Handli ng 43 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Optional paper cassette unit Selecting a paper source You c an s pecif y a pap er so urce man ually , or se t the p rin ter to sel ect the pa per sou rce auto mat ically . Manu al selection You can us e the print er driver or the pr inter’s cont rol panel to selec t a paper source manuall y.
44 Paper Handling ❏ For Ma cintosh : Acc ess th e pri nter d rive r, sel ect Printer Setti ngs fro m the drop-down l ist and cl ick the Basic Settings tab (for Mac O S X), or open the Basic Set tings dialog bo x (for Mac OS 9). Then, sel ect the pap er sou rce th at yo u wa nt to use fr om th e Pa per Source list and click OK .
Paper Handli ng 45 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 MP tray Lower Cassette 1 With op tional paper ca ssette unit installe d: MP tray Lower Cassette 1 Lower Cassette 2 Note: ❏ If you make paper size settings or paper source settings in your application, these settings may ov erride the printer driver set tings.
46 Paper Handling 1. Turn the pr inter on. Pr ess the la tch on the MP tray and op en the tray. 2. Pull out the expansion tray on the MP tra y to accommodate the size of the paper y ou want to l oad.
Paper Handli ng 47 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Note: When you use A4, Letter or larger sizes of paper, unfold the expansi on tray 2 by lift ing it up. 3. Pinch the knob and the pap er guide tog ether, then sli de the right pap er guide o utward.
48 Paper Handling 4. Load a sta ck of the desir ed pape r on the cente r of the tray . Make sure to lo ad it with t he pr intab le su rface do wn. Note: ❏ When loading paper, insert the short edge first. ❏ Do not load paper that exceeds the max imum stack height.
Paper Handli ng 49 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5. Pitch the kno b and the paper guide to gether, then sl ide the side pa per guide unti l it is against t he right si de of the st ack to get a s nug fit. Note: After loading paper, set the MP Tray Size setting to match the loaded paper size on the control p anel.
50 Paper Handling 1. Turn the pr inter on and pull out the paper cassette. 2. Push the t ray in the p aper casse tte down..
Paper Handli ng 51 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3. L oad a sta ck of pape r into the pa per c ass ette . Mak e sur e to load it wi th th e prin tab le su rface u p. Note: ❏ Load paper after aligning the edges of the paper c arefully. ❏ Do not load paper that exc eed s the maximum stack height.
52 Paper Handling 4. R eins ert th e pap er ca ssett e. Note: After loading paper, set the LC Size setting to match the loaded paper size on the control panel. Changing the paper size Follow th e steps below to cha nge the paper size loade d in the paper cas sette.
Paper Handli ng 53 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2. P ush the tra y in the pap er ca ssett e dow n. 3. Remove the thr ee screws se curing the tra y in the pap er cassette.
54 Paper Handling 4. Slide t he three pap er guides to fit the paper siz e that you want to use. 5. Secure the th ree paper gu ides with the thr ee screws.
Paper Handli ng 55 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6. L oad the pa per a nd re insert the p aper c asse tte. Note: After loading paper, set the LC Size setting to match the loaded paper size on the control panel. Output tray The outpu t tra y is lo cate d on t he top o f th e print er.
56 Paper Handling If the print outs do not stack wel l, open the extension on t he output tray. Printing on Special Media You ca n pri nt on sp ecial medi a whic h incl ude E pson p aper su ch as the followi ng.
Paper Handli ng 57 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ❏ You can also make these settin gs on the Tray M enu in the control pa nel. See "Tra y Menu" on pa ge 229. EPSON Col or Laser Transparen cies Epson recommends the use o f EPSON Color Laser Transparenci es.
58 Paper Handling ❏ Hold each sheet b y its edges, as oil fr om your fingers may transfer to the surface an d damage th e printabl e surfac e of the sheet. The Epson lo go appears on the printa ble side. ❏ When lo ading tra nspa renc ies in the MP tr ay, i nse rt the sho rt edge firs t as shown bel ow.
Paper Handli ng 59 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 c Caution: Do not use window envelopes. The plastic on most window envelopes will melt when it co mes into contact with the fuser. Note: ❏ Depending on the quality of envelopes, the printing environment, or the printing procedure, envelopes might be wrinkled.
60 Paper Handling ❏ When printing on en velopes, be sure to set the lever on the fuser unit to the e nvel ope p ositi on be fore lo adin g the envel opes .
Paper Handli ng 61 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ❏ Load envelopes with the short edge first a s shown below. ❏ Do not use an envelo pe that has glue o r tape on it. c Caution: Make sure that the minimum size of envelopes meets the following size requirem ents: Height: 162 mm Width: 98.
62 Paper Handling Labels Y o u c an l oa d u p t o 1 6 .5 mm t hi c k s t a c k o f l a b e l s i n to th e M P t r a y at a time. However, you may need to feed some labels one sheet at a time, o r load them manually. Note: ❏ Duple x prin ting i s not a vaila ble fo r lab els .
Paper Handli ng 63 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ❏ You may have to make the setti ng Thick for Paper Type in the Setup Menu . ❏ When printing label s, the printing speed is extremely slow.
64 Paper Handling Loading a custom paper size You can l oad non-standard size pape r (98 × 148 mm to 216 × 297 mm) into the MP t ray as long as it meets the follo wing size requirements: When loadi ng a custom pap er size, you should make pa per settings as shown below: ❏ Make sett ings on the B asic Setting s in the pri nter driver.
Paper Handli ng 65 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ❏ If you cannot use the p rinter driver as explaine d above, make this sett ing at the p rinter by ac cessing the control pa nel’s Printing Men u and select ing CTM (custom) as the Page Size setting.
66 Using the Printer Software with W indows Chapter 4 Using the Printer So ftware with Windows About the Printer Software The prin ter dr iver lets you ch oos e from a wide vari ety of settin gs to get the best resu lts fr om your pri nter.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 67 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Windows XP or Server 2003 users To access the prin ter driver, cli ck Start , c lick Pr inters and Faxes , then click Printe rs . Right-click your prin ter’s icon, t hen cli ck Printing Pr eferenc es .
68 Using the Printer Software with W indows Making Changes to Printer Settings Making the print quality settings You can change t he print qual ity of pri ntouts throug h settings in the pri nter driver . With the printer driver, you can mak e the pri nt settings b y choosing from a li st of predefined settings, o r customiz ing the settings.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 69 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2. Click Autom atic , then choose desired p rinting quality . 3. Click OK to apply the s ettings.
70 Using the Printer Software with W indows Using the predefined se ttings The predefi ned setting s are provi ded to help you o ptimize pr int settin gs for a pa rticular kind of printout , such as pr esentation documents or images take n by a video o r digital camera.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 71 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 When you choose a predefined sett ing, other set tings such as Printing M ode, Resolution, Scr een, and Color Mana gement are set automat ically. Changes are sho wn in the curr ent settin gs list on the Setti ng Information dialog b ox that appe ars by pressing the Setting Info .
72 Using the Printer Software with W indows Suit able fo r prin ting g rap hics a nd cha rts. Photo Enhanc e Suit able fo r pri ntin g video captu res , ima ges tak en wi th a dig ital camera, or scanne d images.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 73 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Customizing print settings If yo u nee d to ch ange deta iled s etting s, ma ke the setti ngs man ual ly. Follow the steps below to customize your pr int settings. 1. Click the Basi c Settings tab.
74 Using the Printer Software with W indows ❏ The Web Sm oothi ng check box is not available when Photo Enhance is selected. Note this setting is effective for screens that include full color 24 or 36 bit images. It is not effective for screens that include only illustrations, graphs, and text, and do not include any images.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 75 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ❏ You cannot delete predefined settings. If you cha nge any set ting in the More Settin gs dialog box when one of your custo m settings is selected in the Advanced Setting s list o n the Basic Settin gs men u, the se tting se lected in the li st changes to Custom Set tings.
76 Using the Printer Software with W indows 2. Select the Zoom Options check box, then selec t the desired paper size from the Output Paper dr op-down list .
Using the Printer Software with Windows 77 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3. Select the Zoom To check box, then specify the magni fication percentage i n the bo x. Note: The percentag e can be set bet ween 50% and 200% in 1% increments. 4. Click OK to apply the s ettings.
78 Using the Printer Software with W indows Modifying the print layout Your printer can print ei ther two or four pages onto a single pa ge and specifi es the printi ng order, automaticall y resizi ng each page to fit the specified paper size. You can also choose t o print doc umen ts su rrou nde d by a fra me.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 79 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3. S elect the Pa ge Or der in which the pa ges ar e printe d on e ach sheet. 4. Select the Pr int the F rame check box when y ou want to print the pages surrounded by a fra me.
80 Using the Printer Software with W indows 1. Click the Advan ced L ay out ta b. 2. Select a watermar k that you want to use from the Waterma rk drop- dow n lis t. If you w ant t o ma ke deta iled setting s, cl ick Waterma rk Setting s . The Watermar k dialog bo x appears.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 81 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3. Select the c olor fr om the Color drop-down l ist, then a djust the image in tensity of the watermar k with the Intensity slider bar.
82 Using the Printer Software with W indows 2. Click New/Delet e . The User Defined Watermark s dialog box appears. Note: The User Defined Watermarks dialog box also appears by clicking New/Delete in the Watermark dialog box. 3. Select Text or BMP and type a nam e for the n ew w ate rmar k in the Name box.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 83 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Note: You can register up to 10 watermarks. Using an overlay The Overlay Settings dialo g box allows you to prep are standard forms, or templat es, that you can use as overl ays when printing other document s.
84 Using the Printer Software with W indows 4. Select the Form O ver lay check box, then click Ove rlay Setti ngs . The O verlay Set tings dialog box app ears.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 85 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5. Select Create Overlay Data , then click Set tings . The For m Settings di alog box appea rs. 6. Select the Use Form Name check box, then click Add Form Name . The Add F orm dialog bo x appears.
86 Using the Printer Software with W indows Note: If the Assign to Paper Source check box is selected, the form name is displayed in the Paper Source drop-down list on the Basic Setti ngs ta b. 7. Type th e form name in the Fo rm Name box and i ts descrip tion in the D escript ion box.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 87 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Printing with an o verlay Follow the st eps below to pr int a document wi th overla y data. 1. Open the fi le to prin t with overl ay data. 2. From the applicati on, access the pri nter driver .
88 Using the Printer Software with W indows Note: If the Assign to Paper Source check box is selected, the form name is displayed in the Paper Source drop-down list on the Basic Setti ngs tab. You can also select th e form without accessing the dialog box ab ove.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 89 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ❏ When the document’s resolution, paper size or paper orientation settings are different from the form overlay data that you use, you cannot prin t the document with the form overlay data.
90 Using the Printer Software with W indows 7. Select the form na me from the F orm Names li st, and th en click Register . Note: Only form names that can be regis tered appear on the Form Name list. 8. If you plan t o distri bute the for m list to the c lients, click Pr int List to pri nt the list .
Using the Printer Software with Windows 91 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3. Select No Form name in the Form drop-down li st, and click Details . The F orm Selection dialog box ap pears. Note: Make sure that No Form name is selected. If any form name is selected, another dial og box will appear.
92 Using the Printer Software with W indows 5. Select To Fro nt or To Back to print the form data as backgrou nd or foregrou nd of the docu ment, then click OK to return to the Advan ced La yout tab. 6. Click OK to print da ta. Delete the form overlay data on the Hard Disk Drive Only a net work administr ator using Windows XP, 2 000, NT 4.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 93 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6. If you d elete all form data , click the All butt on, then click Delete . If you want to delete some sp ecific data, click the Select ed butt on, ent er the f orm na me in th e Form Na me e dit box, then c lick Delete .
94 Using the Printer Software with W indows As an EN ERGY S TAR ® partner, Epson rec ommends the use o f the double-sided p rinting functi on. Refer to ENERG Y STAR ® Comp lianc e for m ore in form ation on the ENER GY STAR ® progra m. Printing with the Duplex Unit Follow th e steps bel ow to print wi th the Dupl ex Unit.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 95 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4. Specify the Binding Margi n for the front and back sides of the pape r, th en se lect wh eth er the fr ont o r ba ck si de of th e pap er is to be printed as the Sta rt Page.
96 Using the Printer Software with W indows Prin ting mode: High Qual ity (PC) : Selec t this mod e if you use a com pute r with higher sp ecs to reduce the printer load . In this mode, functions such as “Form Overlay,” and “Pr int true typ e with fonts with substituti on” cannot be used.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 97 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Offset Makes fine adjustments to t he printing positi on on the fro nt and th e ba ck of d a ta o n a p a g e i n 0 . 5 m m i n c r e m e nt s . Skip Blan k Page check box: When yo u selec t this chec k box, the printer skip s blank pa ges.
98 Using the Printer Software with W indows Making Optional Settings You c an upd ate t he in stall ed op tion inform ation manu ally if yo u have instal led opti ons to your p rinter. 1. Click the Optional Settin gs tab , th en s elec t Update the Printer Option Info M anually .
Using the Printer Software with Windows 99 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Ordering Consuma bles To order co nsumables online, cl ick the Orde r Online button on the Basic Settings tab.
100 Using the Printer Software with W indows Note: The amount of toners remaining and the expected service life of the photocon ductor are disp layed on t he Basic Settings tab when E PSON Status Monitor 3 is installed.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 101 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 The table bel ow gives an overvi ew of the Reserve Job options. Each opt ion is descr ibed in detail later in thi s secti on. Jobs stored on the Hard Disk Dri ve are handled differ ently depending on the Reser ve Job o ption.
102 Using the Printer Software with W indows Re-Print Job The Re-Pr int Job optio n allows you to store the job you ar e currently printing so that you can reprin t it later directl y from the control p anel. Follow th e steps below to use the Re-Print Job option.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 103 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Note: If you want to create a thu mbnail of the first page of a job, select the Create a thumbnail check box. Thumbnails can be accessed by entering http:// followed by the in ternal prin t server’s IP address in a Web browser.
104 Using the Printer Software with W indows 4. Select the Reserve Job On chec k bo x, t hen se lect Verify J ob . 5. Enter a user name and job name in the corr esponding t ext boxes. Note: If you want to create a thumbnail of the first page of a jo b, select the Create a t humbnail check box.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 105 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Stored Job The Stored Job option i s useful for storing doc uments you print on a regular basis, such as invoices. The stored data remains on the Hard Di sk Drive even if you turn off th e printer or r eset it usi ng th e Res et Al l func tion.
106 Using the Printer Software with W indows 5. Enter a user name and job name in the corr esponding t ext boxes. Note: If you want to create a thumbnail of the first page of a jo b, select the Create a t humbnail check box. Thumbnails can be accessed by entering http:// followed by the in ternal print server’ s IP address in a Web browser.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 107 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3. Select the Reserve Job On check box, then select Confidential Job . 4. Enter a user name and job name in t he correspond ing text boxes. 5. Set the password f or the job by entering a four-dig it number in th e passw ord te xt box .
108 Using the Printer Software with W indows Monitoring Your Printer Using EPSON Status Monitor 3 EPSON Stat us Monitor 3 is a u tility pro gram that moni tors your printer and gives y ou informat ion about it s current sta tus.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 109 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Installing EPSON Status Monitor 3 Follow the st eps below to in stall EPSON Sta tus Monitor 3. 1. Make sure t hat the print er is off and that Window s is running on your c omputer. 2.
110 Using the Printer Software with W indows 6. In the di alog box that a ppears, c lick Loca l . Note: See the Network Guide for information on installing EPSON Status Monitor 3 on a network.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 111 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8. Select the EPS ON Status Monitor 3 check box, t hen click Install . 9. In the di alog box th at appears, mak e sure that your printer ’s icon is select ed, and click OK .
112 Using the Printer Software with W indows 10. In the dialog box t hat appear s, select your country or region, and th e UR L for E PSON ’s Web site in tha t coun try o r regi on appears. The n click OK . Note: ❏ In the dialog box, you can set the URL for the site where you can order consumables online.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 113 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2. Click EP SON Status Monitor 3 ..
114 Using the Printer Software with W indows Getting printer status details You can monit or printer st atus and ob tain informat ion on consumable products using the EPSO N Status Monitor 3 dia log box. Note: This screen may vary depend ing on your operating system version.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 115 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 d. Close button: Click ing th is button clos es the di alog box . e. Consum able s: Dis plays in format ion fo r the p aper t rays and c onsu mabl es. f. Job Information : Displays information for the print jobs.
116 Using the Printer Software with W indows Order Online To order consumables onli ne, click the Or der Online button on the EP SON Status Mo nitor 3 dialog box. The Order O nline dia log box appears. Note The Order Online dialog box also appears by clicking the Or der Online button on the Basic Settings tab in the printer driver.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 117 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 c. Order Now/F ind Deale r but ton: Connects to t he URL where yo u can place an or der and fi nd the deal er neares t you. When you click thi s butto n, a confir mation window aski ng if yo u wish to connect to the Web si te ap pears.
118 Using the Printer Software with W indows Setting Monitoring Prefere nces To make specifi c monitoring sett ings, click Moni toring Preferen ces in t he Optional Setti ngs menu o f the pr inter dr iver. The Monitor ing Preferences di alog box appears.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 119 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 c. Selec t Shor tcut Icon: To us e t he sh ortcut ico n, sel ect t he Shortcu t Icon check box, then choo se an icon.
120 Using the Printer Software with W indows Status Alert window The Status Al ert window ind icates what type of error has occurred a nd offers you a possible solution. T he window closes automatica lly once the problem is c leared. This win dow w ill ap pear acco rdin g to t he se lected no tifica tion in the Monito ring Preferenc es dialog box.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 121 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ❏ When using th e shared Windows 2 000, Server 2003 , or NT 4.0 LPR connecti on with Window s XP, Me, 98, 200 0, or NT 4.0 clients. ❏ When using the shared Windows 2000 or Server 2003 Standard TCP /IP connection wit h Windows XP, Me, 98, 200 0, or NT 4.
122 Using the Printer Software with W indows Note on deleti ng prin t jobs: You cannot delete the print job spooling on client computers running Windows Me or 98 using EPSON Status Monitor 3 when the following connections are used: ❏ When using the shared Windows 2000, Server 2003, or NT 4.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 123 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Re-prin ting you r print j ob Clicking Prin t on the EP SON Sta tus M oni tor 3 s cre en le ts yo u print a s poole d job. Follow the s teps bel ow to re-pri nt your jo b. a. Status : Waiting: The pri nt job whic h is wait ing to be printed.
124 Using the Printer Software with W indows Note: You cannot re-print your jobs in the followi ng cases: ❏ The status of the job is other than Held . ❏ The job is sent by someone other than you. ❏ When multiple jobs are selected. 1. Access EPSON Status Mo nitor 3.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 125 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Note: When you canceled the target job, the Notify when printing comple ted dialog bo x does not appe ar.
126 Using the Printer Software with W indows 2. C lear the c heck boxe s of th e typ es of p rinte rs yo u do n ot wa nt to mo nito r. 3. Click OK t o apply th e setting s. Setting Up the USB Connection The USB inter face that comes with your printer c omplies with Micr os oft Plu g an d Play (Pn P) U SB sp ecific atio ns.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 127 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ❏ USB 2.0 is ap plied for W indows XP, 2000, an d Server 2003 operating systems. If you r operati ng system is Windows Me or 98, use USB 1.1 interface. 1. Access the pr inter dri ver.
128 Using the Printer Software with W indows Canceling Printing If the printout s are not what you expected and display in correct or garble d character s or images, y ou may need to cancel pr inting. When the p rinte r’s i con is displa yed o n the taskba r, fol low th e instru ctions below to cancel the pr inting.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 129 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Uninstalling the Printer Software When you wish t o reinstal l or upgrade the printer d river, be sure to uninst all the curren t printer software bef orehand. Note: When uninstalling EP SON Status Monitor 3 from a multi-user Windows XP, 2000, NT 4.
130 Using the Printer Software with W indows 4. Select EP SON Prin ter Softw are , then click Add/Remove . For Windows XP, 2000, or Server 2003 , select EPSON Pri nter Softwar e , then click Change/Remove . 5. Click the Prin ter Mod el tab, select y our printer’s icon.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 131 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6. Click the Utility tab, and co nfirm that th e chec k box fo r the printer s oftware you want to u ninstall i s selected . Note: If you wish to un install only EPS ON Status Monitor 3, select the EPSON Status Moni tor 3 check b ox.
132 Using the Printer Software with W indows Note: ❏ Uninstall th e printer dr iver before unin stalling the U SB device driver. ❏ Once you uninstalled the USB device driver, you cannot access any other Epson printers connected with a USB interface cable.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 133 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ❏ If the USB device driver is not installed correctly, EPSON USB Printer Dev ices may not appear. Follow the steps below to run the “Epusbun.exe” file in the CD-ROM that co mes with your printer.
134 Using the Printer Software with W indows ❏ For Windo ws XP, 2000, NT 4.0, or Server 200 3, see "Using an additi onal driver " on page 13 6. Setting the clients ❏ For Windows Me or 98, see "Wit h Windows Me or 98" on page 143.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 135 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2. Double-c lick the Ne twork icon. 3. Click File and P rint S hari ng on the Configurat ion menu. 4. Select the I w ant to be abl e to allo w others to print to my printer( s) . check box, then click OK.
136 Using the Printer Software with W indows ❏ When sharing the printer, be sure to set EPSON S tatus Monitor 3 so that the shared prin ter can be monitored on the print server. See "Setting Monitoring Preferences" on page 118. You need to set the client comput ers so that the y can use the printer on a network.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 137 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 For Windows XP or Server 2 003, if the f ollowing menu appears, click eit her Network S etu p Wiza rd or If you understand the security risks but want to share printer s with out runni ng the w izard , click he re .
138 Using the Printer Software with W indows Note: Do not use spaces or hyphen s for the Share name, or an error may occur. 4. Select the a dditional dri vers. Note: If the computers of the server and c lients use the same OS, you do not have to install the additional drivers.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 139 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Click A dditional Drivers . Select Windows being used for clients , then cli ck OK .
140 Using the Printer Software with W indows For Windo ws Me or 98 client s Select Intel Wind ows 95 or 98 (Windows 2000), Select Intel Windows 95, 98 and Me (Win dows XP), Select x86 Windows 95, WIndows 98 and W ind ows M illenn ium Editio n (Windows Server 2003) For Windows NT 4.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 141 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Note: ❏ You do not have to install the additional drivers noted below, because these drivers are preinstalled.
142 Using the Printer Software with W indows When installi ng drivers in Windows X P, 2000, or Server 200 3, “Dig ital Sig natu re is not f ound .” ma y ap pear . Cl ick Yes (for Windows 2000) or Continue Anyway (for Wi ndows XP or Server 200 3) and continue installing.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 143 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Note: ❏ To share the printer on a Windows network, you need to set the print server. For details, see "S etting up your printer as a shared printer" on page 134 (Windows Me or 98) or "Using an additiona l driver" on page 136 (Wi ndows XP, 2000, NT 4.
144 Using the Printer Software with W indows 5. Click the c omputer or server that is connected to the shared pri nter , and t he nam e of the sh ared prin ter, then clic k OK . Note: The name of the shared printer ma y be changed by the computer or server that is connected to the sha red printer.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 145 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 7. Make sure of the name of the shar ed printer, then select whether to use the printer as the default p rinter or no t. Click Next , then fo llow the on-scr een instructi ons. Note: You can change the shared printer’s name so that it appears only on the client computer.
146 Using the Printer Software with W indows 2. For Window 20 00, double -click the A dd Printer ico n, then click Next . For Windows XP, clic k Add a printer in th e Pri nter Task s menu. 3. For Windows 20 00, select Netw ork printer , then click Next .
Using the Printer Software with Windows 147 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Note: ❏ Yo u can a lso typ e “ (the name of the computer that is locall y connected to th e shared pri nter)(th e shared printer’s name) ” in network path or queue n ame. ❏ You do not necessarily need to type the name of the shared printer.
148 Using the Printer Software with W indows 5. Click the i con of the comput er or server that is conn ected to the share d printer, and the name of t he shared printer, t hen click Next . Note: ❏ The name of the shared printer may be changed by the computer or server that is co nnected to the shared printer.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 149 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ❏ If the additional driver is not installed in the Windows NT 4.0 print server or the print server’s OS is Windows Me or 98, go to "Installing the printer driver from the C D-ROM " on page 151.
150 Using the Printer Software with W indows 4. Click the i con of the comput er or server that is conn ected to the shared printe r, and the name of the shared printer .
Using the Printer Software with Windows 151 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ❏ If the additional driver for Windows NT 4.0 is not installed in the Windows XP, 2000, or Server 2003 print server, or the print server’s OS is Windows Me or 98, go to "Install ing the printer driver from the CD-ROM" on page 151.
152 Using the Printer Software with W indows 2. Insert the CD-ROM, ty pe the appr opriate dri ve and fold er name s in whic h th e prin ter dr iver fo r clie nts is lo cate d, the n click OK . When installi ng drivers in Windows X P, 2000, or Server 200 3, “Dig ital Sig natu re is not f ound .
Using the Printer Software with Macintosh 153 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Chapter 5 Using the Printer Software with Macintosh About the Printer Software The printer s oftware contai ns a printer d river and EPS ON Status Mon itor 3. The pr inter dr iver lets yo u cho ose fro m a wid e vari ety of setting s to get the best resul ts from you r printer.
154 Using the Printer Software with Ma cintosh Mac OS 9 To access the pr inter dr iver, open the appropria te dialo g box, select Chooser from the Apple menu, t hen click yo ur print er’s icon. Opening the dialo g boxes from the applic ation ❏ To open the Paper Setting dial og box, select Page Setup from the File menu on any appl ication.
Using the Printer Software with Macintosh 155 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 When Automat ic is se lected on th e Basic Sett ings d ialog bo x, th e prin ter dr iver ta kes c are of all det ailed sett ings a ccor ding to the color settin g you selec t. Colo r and r esolu tion a re the only setting s you need to m ake.
156 Using the Printer Software with Ma cintosh 2. Click Auto matic on Pri nt Qualit y, then choose de sired pri nting res oluti on fro m Fast or Fine with the slider bar. Note: If printing is unsuccessful or a memory-related error message appears, selecting a lower resolution may allow printing to proceed.
Using the Printer Software with Macintosh 157 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3. Select Ad vanced . You wi ll find the pr edefined setting s in the list o n the right of Automati c . 4. Select the most a ppropri ate setting fr om the list acc ording to the type of d ocument or image you want to pri nt.
158 Using the Printer Software with Ma cintosh When you choo se a predefined sett ing, other settings such as Printing Mode, Resolu tion, Screen, a nd Color Management ar e set automati cally.
Using the Printer Software with Macintosh 159 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Automati cally adjusts pri ntout colors to match colors on your screen. Automatic (H igh Qu ality) Suitable for re gular pr inting tha t gives pr iority t o high-qua lity printing .
160 Using the Printer Software with Ma cintosh 2. Click Adva nced , t hen click More Settings . The fo llowi ng dialog box appe ars. 3. Choose Co lor or Black as th e Colo r set ting. 4. Choose desired printing reso lution from Fast or Fine . Note: When making the other settings, click the button for details on each setting.
Using the Printer Software with Macintosh 161 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 For Mac OS X 10.1.x users, save your cust om settings in Save Custom Setting. Your settings will be saved as Custom in the Preset drop -down list. You c an save only one set of custom settings.
162 Using the Printer Software with Ma cintosh Resizing printouts The Fit to Page func tion in the L ayout dialo g box allows y ou to have y our docum ents enla rged or reduce d duri ng printing according to the speci fied pape r size. Note: ❏ This function i s not available wi th Mac OS X.
Using the Printer Software with Macintosh 163 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Modifying the print layout You can p rint either two or f our page s onto a si ngle page and to specify the p rinting order , automati cally resiz ing each page to fit the specified paper size by using Layout printing.
164 Using the Printer Software with Ma cintosh 2. Select the Print Layout ch eck box, then clic k Print L ayout Setti ngs . The P rint Layo ut Setting dialog box ap pears.
Using the Printer Software with Macintosh 165 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4. Select the pag e order in which the pages are pri nted on each sheet. Note: Page Order choices depend on Pages selected above, and Ori entat ion. 5. Click OK to apply the setting s and retur n to the Lay out dialo g box.
166 Using the Printer Software with Ma cintosh 2. Select the Watermar k Settings chec k box, then sele ct a watermark f rom the Wat ermark drop- down list. 3. Select the l ocation on t he page where y ou want to prin t the watermar k by dragging th e watermark i mage on the preview wind ow .
Using the Printer Software with Macintosh 167 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 To make a text wa termark 1. Click the Layout icon on the Basic Sett ings dialog box. The Layout di alog box a ppears. 2. Select the Wat ermark Setti ngs check box, then cli ck New/Delete .
168 Using the Printer Software with Ma cintosh 4. Type the wa termark tex t in the Text bo x, select the Font and Style, then click OK on t he Text Water mark dial og box. 5. Type the fi le name in the Na me box, then click Save . Note: ❏ To edit the saved text watermark, select it from the List box, then cl ick Edit Text .
Using the Printer Software with Macintosh 169 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 To make a bitmap watermark Before maki ng a custom waterma rk, you should prepa re a bitmap (PICT) fi le. 1. Click the Layout icon on the Basic Sett ings dialog box. The Layout di alog box a ppears.
170 Using the Printer Software with Ma cintosh 4. Select the PI CT file, then click Open . 5. Type the fi le name in the Na me box, then click Save . Note: To remove the saved watermark, select it from the List box, then click Delete . After removing it, be sure to click Save to close the dialog box.
Using the Printer Software with Macintosh 171 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 As an ENERGY STAR ® partn er, Epson reco mmends the use of the double- sided printi ng function. R efer to ENE RGY STAR ® Compliance f or more informat ion on the ENER GY STAR ® progra m.
172 Using the Printer Software with Ma cintosh 5. Specify t he Bindi ng Margin f or the front and back sides of the paper . 6. Select whether the front or back si de of the pap er is to be printed as the Sta rt Page. 7. Click OK to apply the settings and return to the Layou t dialog box.
Using the Printer Software with Macintosh 173 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Ignore the sele cted pa per size check box: When you selec t this c heck box, t he p rinte r prin ts on load ed pape r, regar dless of size. Uses t he set ting s specif ied on the printer che ck box: Select this but ton to use the setti ngs specified on the control panel.
174 Using the Printer Software with Ma cintosh Printing a status sheet To co nfir m th e curr ent st atu s of th e prin ter, pri nt a sta tus s hee t from the printer driver. The st atus sheet conta ins information about the printer, t he current s ettings.
Using the Printer Software with Macintosh 175 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Jobs stored on the Hard Disk Dri ve are handled differ ently depending on the Reser ve Job o ption. Ref er to the tables bel ow for deta ils. Reserv e Job Option Des cription Re-Print Jo b Lets you prin t the job now an d store it for later reprinti ng.
176 Using the Printer Software with Ma cintosh Re-Print Job The Re-Pr int Job optio n allows you to store the job you ar e currently printing so that you can reprin t it later directl y from the control p anel. Follow th e steps below to use the Re-Print Job option.
Using the Printer Software with Macintosh 177 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1. Make print er drive r settings as a ppropriate f or your document, open the B asic Settings menu, then click t he Reserve Jobs icon. The Reserve Jobs Settings dialog box appears.
178 Using the Printer Software with Ma cintosh Note: If you want to create a thumbnail of the first page of a jo b, select the Create a t humbnail check box. Thumbnails can be accessed by entering http:// followed by the in ternal print server’ s IP address in a Web browser.
Using the Printer Software with Macintosh 179 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2. Open the Basi c Settings dialo g box, then clic k the Reserve Jobs icon. The Reserve Jo bs Settings dialog box appears. 3. Select the Res erve Job On check box, then select Verify Job .
180 Using the Printer Software with Ma cintosh Stor ed Job The Stored Job option is usefu l for storin g documents you pri nt on a regular basis, such as invoices. The stored data remains on the Hard D isk Drive even if you turn o ff the printer or reset it using t he Reset All f unction.
Using the Printer Software with Macintosh 181 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2. Select the Reserve Job On check box, then select Stored Jo b . 3. Enter a user name and job name in t he correspond ing text boxes. Note: If you want to create a thu mbnail of the first page of a job, select the Create a thumbnail check box.
182 Using the Printer Software with Ma cintosh Follow t he steps below t o store pr int data using the Co nfidential Job op tion. For Ma c OS X us ers 1. Open the Prin t dialog box and select Printe r S etti ngs from the drop-down l ist, then cl ick the Basic Settings tab.
Using the Printer Software with Macintosh 183 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2. Select the Reserve Job On check box, then select Confidential Job . 3. Enter a user name and job name in t he correspond ing text boxes. 4. Set the password f or the job by entering a four-dig it number in th e passw ord te xt box .
184 Using the Printer Software with Ma cintosh Monitoring Your Printer using EPSON Status Monitor 3 EPSO N Sta tus M onito r 3 mon itor s you r prin ter an d give s you info rmation abo ut its current status. Accessing EPSON Status Monitor 3 For Ma c OS X us ers 1.
Using the Printer Software with Macintosh 185 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3. Click your printer’ s icon. Fo r Mac OS 9 u ser s You can access EPSON Status Moni tor 3 by selecting the EPSON Status Monit or 3 alia s from the Apple menu .
186 Using the Printer Software with Ma cintosh Getting printer status details You c an mon itor p rinte r sta tus an d get i nform atio n on consumable products using the EPSO N Status Monitor 3 dia log box. Note: This screen may vary depend ing on your operating system version.
Using the Printer Software with Macintosh 187 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 c. Text box: The text box next to the p rinter image di spla ys the curr ent statu s of the pri nter. Whe n a prob lem occurs , the most probable solution is displa yed. d. Clos e butt on: Cli cking this bu tton cl oses the dialog box.
188 Using the Printer Software with Ma cintosh Setting Monitoring Prefere nces To make specific monitoring settings, select Monitor Se tup from the File menu . The Monitor Set up dialog b ox appears. The foll owing settings and buttons appe ar in the di alog box: a.
Using the Printer Software with Macintosh 189 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Status Alert window The Status Aler t window i ndicates what type of error has occurred and off ers you a po ssible solut ion. The window cl oses automatical ly once the prob lem is clear ed.
190 Using the Printer Software with Ma cintosh For Ma c OS X us ers 1. Open the Pri nt dialo g box and select Prin t Setti ngs from the drop-down l ist. 2. Click the Utilit y tab and sel ect the Monito r the Printer check box. For Mac OS 9 users 1. Select Choo se r from the Appl e menu and click t he icon for your pri nter.
Using the Printer Software with Macintosh 191 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 To di splay the Jo b Info rmatio n men u, se lect the Show job inform ation check b ox on the Mo nitor Setup d ialog box, then click the Job Informa tion menu on the EPSO N Status Moni tor 3 dialog b ox.
192 Using the Printer Software with Ma cintosh Note: The job spooling on the shared print er cannot be displayed on the Job Informatio n tab. Setting Up the USB Connection Note: If you are connecting the USB cabl e to your Maci ntosh t hrough a USB hub, be sure to connect using the first hub in the chain.
Using the Printer Software with Macintosh 193 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3. Select EPSON USB from the po p-up menu. Select your p rinter icon in the Pr oduct li st, then cli ck Add . 4. Close P rinte r S etu p Ut ility (for Mac OS X 10.3) or Prin t Cente r (for Mac OS X 10.
194 Using the Printer Software with Ma cintosh 2. Select B ackgrou nd Printing to turn backgrou nd printi ng on or off. Note: ❏ Background printing must be t urned on for the EPSON Status Monito r 3 to manage print j obs. ❏ When bac kground p rinting is on, you c an use your Mac intosh while it is prep aring a docu ment for pri nting.
Using the Printer Software with Macintosh 195 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ❏ During backg round pri nting, open E PSON Status Monitor 3 from the Appli cation menu. Then stop print ing from EPSON Status Monit or 3, or delete the file that i s in sleep mode.
196 Using the Printer Software with Ma cintosh 6. When the software license ag reement screen appears, read the statement, then click Acc ept . 7. Select Uninsta ll from t he menu at the upper left, then cli ck Uninsta ll . Follow th e on-scre en instructi ons.
Using the Printer Software with Macintosh 197 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Sharing the Printer on a Network Sharing the printer This section describes how to share the printer on an AppleTalk network. The computers on the network ca n share the pri nter that is directly conne cted to one o f them.
198 Using the Printer Software with Ma cintosh 2. Select Choo se r from the Appl e menu, then cli ck your printer’ s icon. Sel ect USB port or FireWi re port in the “ Select a pri nter port ” box on t he ri ght, then clic k Setup . The Printer Setup dialog box appears.
Using the Printer Software with Macintosh 199 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6. Close Ch oos er . Accessing the sh ared printer Foll ow t he ste ps be low to acc ess yo ur p rinte r fro m anot her computer on t he network. 1. Turn on your printer. 2. On each computer from which you want to access the printer, select Chooser from the Apple menu.
200 Using the Printer Software with Ma cintosh 4. The following type of message appears if t he client has fonts that a re unavaila ble on the print serv er.
Using the PostScript Printer Driver 201 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Chapter 6 Using the PostScript Printer D river About the PostScript 3 Features Features The Adobe PostScri pt 3 pri nter driver provides you w ith the following hig h- performance features: ❏ Abil ity to pr int doc umen ts forma tted for PostS cript printe rs.
202 Using the PostScript Printer Driver * Printing may not be possib le with this am ount of m emory, dependin g on the spec ifics of th e job be ing print ed. System requ ireme nts Your computer must meet the fo llowing system requir ements to be able to u se the Adobe Post Script 3 pri nter driver.
Using the PostScript Printer Driver 203 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 For Macintosh Any Macintos h computer to which the print er is connecte d must be running Mac OS 9 ver. 9.1 or l ater, or Mac OS X ver. 10 .2.4 or later. See the following t able for de tails.
204 Using the PostScript Printer Driver Note: ❏ When AppleTalk is active, the printer m ust be set to handle A SCII or Binary data. When AppleTalk is in active, the printer must be set to handle ASCII. ❏ For best results, you should conn ect the printer directly to the computer’s USB port.
Using the PostScript Printer Driver 205 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1. Make sure that the pr inter is turned off. Insert the printe r software CD-RO M into your CD-ROM drive. 2. For Windows 200 0, Me, 98, or N T 4.0, click St art , point to Settings , a nd click Pr inters .
206 Using the PostScript Printer Driver 7. S elect the pr int er, the n cli ck Next . 8. For Windows Me or 98, select LPT1 as the p ort th e prin ter i s connected to , then click Next . For Windows XP, 20 00, or NT 4.0, go to the next step . 9. Follow th e on-scree n instructi ons for the rest of the instal lation.
Using the PostScript Printer Driver 207 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ❏ Turn off all virus protecti on prog rams before installing the prin ter software. 1. Make sure that the pr inter is turned off. Insert the printe r software CD-RO M into your CD-ROM drive.
208 Using the PostScript Printer Driver 6. When installat ion of th e USB Device Driver is done, cli ck Finish . 7. Install t he printer driver by foll owing the on-scr een instru ctions. See " Install ing the Pos tScript printer d river for the paral lel inter face" on page 2 04 for detai ls.
Using the PostScript Printer Driver 209 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Note: Do not select the Automatically detect and instal l my Plug and Play printer check box. 5. Select the Cr eate a new port check box and sele ct Standard T CP/IP Port f rom the drop-down list.
210 Using the PostScript Printer Driver 3. Set the pri nter port to EpsonN et Print Por t . Refer to “Co nfigu ring the Pr inter Por t” in t he Network Guide to find the inst ructions. For Windows NT 4. 0 users 1. M ake s ure t hat th e p rinte r is tu rned on.
Using the PostScript Printer Driver 211 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Accessing the PostScript printe r driver You can access t he PostScript pr inter dr iver direct ly from any applicat ion progr ams, from your Window s operati ng system.
212 Using the PostScript Printer Driver For Windows NT 4. 0 users To access the pr inter dr iver, clic k Start , point to Settings , then click Printer s .
Using the PostScript Printer Driver 213 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Note: ❏ You need an optional Hard Disk Drive installed in your printer in order to use the Reserve Job functi on. Make sure that the drive is correctly recognized by the printer driver bef ore you start using the Reserve Job function.
214 Using the PostScript Printer Driver ❏ On the Device Sett ings sheet of the prin ter’s Prope rties dialog box, make sure that SEND CT RL-D Be fore Each Job and SEND CTRL -D After Each Jo b are set to No . ❏ TBCP (Tagged binary communica tions protocol ) cannot be used as the Output Protocol setting.
Using the PostScript Printer Driver 215 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Note: For Mac OS X 10.2, if the Authenticate window appears, enter the user name and password for an administrator. 4. The Install E PSON PostScrip t Software screen app ears, click Continue , then follow th e on-screen ins tructions .
216 Using the PostScript Printer Driver Selectin g the printe r After inst alling th e PostScri pt 3 print er driver, you need to selec t the pr inter.
Using the PostScript Printer Driver 217 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5. Click Auto Setup to select the PostScript Pri nter Descr iption (PPD) file. When a PPD file is selected, the sel ected printer name will be displayed under the p rinter ic on. If the pri nter nam e is in corr ect, clic k Change , the n sele ct the c orr ect P PD file.
218 Using the PostScript Printer Driver 2. Click Add in t he Pr inter Li st wi ndow . 3. Select the prot ocol or the interface that you are u sing from the pop-up list. Note for Appletalk us ers: Make sure to select Apple Talk . Do not select EPSON AppleTalk , because it cannot be used with the PostScript 3 print er driver.
Using the PostScript Printer Driver 219 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Note for Mac OS X 10.3 u sers If ESC/Pag e driver is not installed, you r print er model is automatically selec ted in the Prin ter Model List when you select your printer from the Name List while the printer is on.
220 Using the PostScript Printer Driver Note: By default, the six-digit M AC add ress is displayed after t he printer name if the printer is connect ed through an option al network card. Refer to your network card manual for details. 4. Click your printer .
Using the PostScript Printer Driver 221 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Making changes t o PostScript printer settings You can change the PostScr ipt printe r setti ngs in the Pos tScript prin ter dr ive r. Ballo on he lp is availa ble to help you w ith the prin ter dr iver s ettin gs.
222 Using the PostScript Printer Driver For Ma c OS 9 users Follow th e steps below to cha nge the settings. 1. A cce ss the p rin ter dri ver . 2. Click the P rinting menu, then select Change Setup . 3. C han ge th e set tin gs usi ng t he po p-up men us.
Using the Control Panel 223 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Chapter 7 Using the Control Panel Using the Control Panel Menus You can us e the print er’s cont rol panel to access a variety of menus that al low you to check t he status o f consumable products, print status sheets, and make printer settings.
224 Using the Control Panel 1. When the pr inter’s Read y ligh t is on , pres s the Enter butto n to access the co ntrol panel menus. 2. Use the u Up and d Down buttons to scrol l through the menus. 3. Press the Enter button to view t he items in a menu.
Using the Control Panel 225 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6. Press the N Start/ Stop button t o exit the control panel menus. Control Panel Menus Press the u Up and d Down butt ons to scro ll th rough the menus. The menus and menu items appear in t he order shown below.
226 Using the Control Panel *1 Availa ble o nly in the C olor mode o r 4 × B/W mode . *2 Ava ilabl e only when th e jobs are st ored by usin g the Qui ck Pri nt Jo b featu re. *3 Availa ble only when F orm Overl ay da ta ex ists. *4 Availa ble only when t he Network I/F s etting is set to ON .
Using the Control Panel 227 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 *7 Varies depe nding on the m ode (B /W mod e, 4 × B/W mo de, or Color mode). *8 Availa ble o nly i n the 4 × B/W mode.
228 Using the Control Panel C Toner/M To ner/Y Toner/K Tone r/Photocon/Fuse r Unit Displays the amount of toner l eft in the ton er cartrid ges, and the remaining ser vice life of the photoconduct or unit and the fuser unit, as shown bel ow: Toner Ave.
Using the Control Panel 229 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Tray Menu This menu allows you to specify the size and type of paper loaded in the MP tr ay. Accessing this menu al so lets you c heck the size of the pap er currentl y loaded in t he lower pap er casse ttes.
230 Using the Control Panel Lets yo u select the paper type loa ded in the st andard and op tional paper cas settes. Emulation Menu Use this menu t o select the printer emul ation mode. Y ou can specify di fferent emulations for each int erface; in o ther words, for each computer you connect th e printer t o.
Using the Control Panel 231 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 *1 Defaul t paper size s are automatical ly detecte d. *2 Custom-s ize paper: 98 × 148 minimum, 216 × 297 maximum. *3 Availa ble o nly w hen the option al D uplex Unit i s ins talled . Page Si ze Specifies the p aper size.
232 Using the Control Panel Spec ifies the prin ting reso lutio n. RITech Turning RI Tech on produc es smooth er and c rispe r lin es, tex t, and graphics . Tone r Save When this setting is se lecte d in th e B/W and 4 × B/W modes, the printer saves toner by substi tuting a g ray shade f or the black inside of characters.
Using the Control Panel 233 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 c Caution: Make sure that the printed image does not extend beyond the edge of the paper. Otherwise, you may damage the printer. Top Offset B Adjusts t he vertical p rinting pos ition on the b ack of the pap er whe n prin ting o n both sid es.
234 Using the Control Panel *1 Avail able on ly when the c orres ponding opti on is in stall ed. *2 Available only for PCL5e, ESC/Page, ESC/P2, FX, or I239X mode. Lang Spec ifies t he lan guage displa yed o n the LC D pane l and t hat printed on the status sheet.
Using the Control Panel 235 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Spe cifies the l engt h of the ti me, i n sec onds, befo re a time out when interfaces are being switc hed automatical ly.
236 Using the Control Panel Turns d uplex print ing on or o ff. Bindi ng Specifi es the bi nding di rection of the print out. Sta rt Page Specifi es whether p rinting st arts from t he front o r back of the page. Pape r Type Specifi es the typ e of paper to be used for p rinting.
Using the Control Panel 237 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 If you want to ignore a paper si ze error, s elect On . When y ou tu rn this item on, t he printer keep s printing even if t he image size exceeds the printa ble area for th e specified p aper size. This may cause smudges becaus e of the toner that is not tran sferred onto the paper properly.
238 Using the Control Panel Note: If this item is set to Continue , the p rint result may be different from what you expected because there may not be enough toner to print the data. LCD Cont ras t Adjusts the contrast of the LCD panel. Use the u Up and d Down buttons t o set the c ontrast bet ween 0 (lowest contrast) and 15 (highest contr ast.
Using the Control Panel 239 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Switches to th e B/W mode, which is the monoc hrome printing mode with only one black toner cartr idge install ed. Change mode 4 × B/W Swi tche s to the 4 × B/W mode, whic h is the monochrome printi ng mode with four black toner car tridges in stalled.
240 Using the Control Panel Stops pri nting and clears the current job receive d from the active interfa ce. You may want to reset the printer whe n there is a problem wi th the pri nt job it self and t he printer cannot pri nt successfully.
Using the Control Panel 241 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Confidential Job Me nu This menu al lows you to print or d elete pri nt jobs s tored in th e printer’ s Hard Disk Drive using the Confid ential Job f eature of the printer d river’s Reserve Job funct ion.
242 Using the Control Panel Allows you t o specify the bid irectional communication mod e. When you se lect Of f , bidirect ional com munication i s disabl ed. Buffer Size Dete rmin es the amou nt of me mor y to be use d for re ceiv ing dat a and pri nting dat a.
Using the Control Panel 243 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 *1 After t his item is ch anged , th e sett ing val ue ta kes eff ect aft er a wa rm bo ot or afte r the pow er is turned o n aga in. While it is reflected in the St atus Shee t and EJL read-bac k, the act ual chan ge takes effect af ter a warm boo t or after the power is turned o n again.
244 Using the Control Panel USB SP EED Allo ws you to sele ct th e oper ation mode of US B inter face . Selecting H S is recommended. Select FS if HS does n ot work on your comput er system. Buffer Size Dete rmin es the amou nt of me mor y to be use d for re ceiv ing dat a and pri nting dat a.
Using the Control Panel 245 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 *1 Availa ble on ly whe n the opti onal fo nt ROM mo dule is in stalled . *2 Depending on whether Letter (60) or A4 (64) paper has been selected. Item Settings (default in bold) Font Source Resident , Download , ROM A *1 Font Num ber 0 to 65535 (dependin g on your settings) Pitch 0.
246 Using the Control Panel Note: If you normally use the HP LaserJet 4 printer driver when printin g, you should change settings using this driver whenever you can. Printer driver settings always override the LJ4 Menu options. FontSo urce Sets the default fo nt source.
Using the Control Panel 247 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Selects the number of l ines for the selecte d paper size and orientati on. This al so causes a li ne spacing (VMI ) change, a nd the new VMI value is stored in the prin ter.
248 Using the Control Panel * Ava ilable on ly when GLlike is selec ted as the G L Mo de. Before you start printing in the GL /2 mode You may need to c hange the fo llowing pr int options i n your applica tion, dependin g on your out put needs. Check the se settin gs to make s ure they m atch the dat a you are tr ying to pr int.
Using the Control Panel 249 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Note: Settings or data saved in the printer’s RAM (such as downloaded fonts) may be erased when you change the emu lation mode. GL Mode Specifies whether the p rinter use s a direct emulation of t he GL/2 plotter l anguage, or the HP LaserJet 4 emulation of GL/2.
250 Using the Control Panel PS3 Menu These setting s are availab le in the PS3 mode. * Ava ilable only in th e col or mod e. Error Sheet When you se lect On , the print er prints o ut an error sheet. Coloration Allo ws yo u to s elect the c olo r prin ting mode o r mon och rome printin g mode.
Using the Control Panel 251 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 * Depe nding on whether L etter ( 62 ) o r A4 ( 66 ) p aper has been selecte d. Font Selects the font. Pitch Item Settings (default in bold) Font Courier , Pres tige , Roma n, San s Serif , Rom an T, Orator S , Sans H, Scri pt, OCR A, OCR B Pitch 10 , 12, 15 cpi , Prop.
252 Using the Control Panel Selects the p itch (the horizont al spacing) of the font in fixed pitch, measured in cp i (character s per inch). Yo u can also choose proport ional spacing. Condensed Turns condensed printing on or off. T. Margin Sets the di stan ce fro m the t op o f the p age to the ba sel ine o f the first printa ble line.
Using the Control Panel 253 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Specifies wh ether the printer p erforms a carriage-re turn/line-feed (CR-LF) ope ration whenev er the pri ntin g pos ition goes beyo nd the righ t mar gin.
254 Using the Control Panel * Depend ing on whether Let ter ( 62 ) or A4 ( 66 ) paper has b een se lected. Font Selects the font. Pitch Selects the p itch (the horizont al spacing) of the font in fixed pitch, measured in cp i (character s per inch). Yo u can also choose proport ional spacing.
Using the Control Panel 255 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 T. Marg in Sets the dist ance from the t op of the pag e to the baseline of t he first print able line. Th e distance is mea sured in inc hes. The smaller the v alue, the closer t he printable line is to the top.
256 Using the Control Panel If you se lect Off , the p rinter does not send an automat ic line-feed (LF) command with each carriage-ret urn (CR). If On is selec ted , a line-feed command is sent wi th each carriage-r eturn. Select On if your text li nes ov erlap .
Using the Control Panel 257 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 *1 Depends on whether Letter (63) or A4 (67) paper has been selected. *2 Depends o n whether L etter (1) o r A4 (2) p aper has b een selected . Font Selects the font. Pitch Selects the pi tch (the hori zontal spacin g) of the font in fixed pitch, measured in cpi (characters per inch).
258 Using the Control Panel Sets the di stan ce fro m the t op o f the p age to the ba sel ine o f the first printa ble line. The d istance is measured in i nches. The smaller the v alue, the closer the printable l ine is to the top. Text Sets the pag e length in lin es.
Using the Control Panel 259 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 If you sele ct BarCo de , the printer convert s bit images to b ar codes by automatical ly filling in any vertical g aps between dots. This produces unb roken vertica l lines that can be read by a bar code reader.
260 Using the Control Panel Set t he LCD con trol se tti ng. W hen Auto is select ed, the pri nter controls the back light of the LCD panel automa tically. When the printer is in sl eep mode, t he backlight is off. When On is se lected, the LCD ba ckligh t is always on.
Using the Control Panel 261 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Ad just the d ens ity of t he p rin ting f or bac k sid e of nor ma l pap er. The setting becomes d arker as the va lue increases. Thic k Adjust the density for t hick paper. The s etting beco mes darker as the value incre ases.
262 Using the Control Panel Feed Offset 2 Adjust the vertical position in which to star print ing. The position moves lower on the sheet as the v alue increases. This setting is used when printi ng the printi ng on the backsid e of paper for duplex printing .
Using the Control Panel 263 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 The printer is canceling all prin t jobs in the printer m emory, including jobs th e printer is currentl y receivi ng or pri nting. Thi s message appears when the + Cancel Job button has been pressed d own for more than 2 seconds.
264 Using the Control Panel Check Paper Size The paper si ze setting is different f rom the size of p aper loaded in th e printer. Check to see if t he corr ect size of paper is loaded in the specif ied paper sour ce. To cle ar thi s erro r, select Clear Warn ing from the contro l panel’s Reset Menu.
Using the Control Panel 265 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 To clear this error, select Clear W arning from the control panel’s Reset Menu. For instruction a bout accessing the control panel menus, see "How to access the control panel menus" on page 223.
266 Using the Control Panel Unable to store for m overlay data on the printer’ s optional Hard Disk Drive. E ither the driv e is full, or the maxi mum number of form overlay files has been reach ed. Delete any form overl ay files you no long er need, then try storing the new overlay a gain.
Using the Control Panel 267 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 There is insuffic ient memory to pri nt the page at the specifi ed prin t qua lity . The pr inte r auto mat icall y low ers th e prin t qu ality s o t h a t i t c a n c o n t i n u e p r i n t i n g .
268 Using the Control Panel If a p hoto cond ucto r unit is a lread y in stalle d, con firm c over D is closed. Otherwise, turn of f the printer, op en cover D. Remov e the phot oco nduc tor unit, then reins tall it prop er ly. Cl ose c over D . The error cle ars automat ically i f the photoco nductor unit is pr operly inst alled.
Using the Control Panel 269 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Invalid N/W Module There is no networ k program, or the network pr ogram cannot be used with your printer . Contac t a qualif ied service representative . Invalid P5C The optiona l P5C Emulat ion Kit i s instal led, but the p rinter is in the B/W mode or 4 × B/W mode.
270 Using the Control Panel Menus Locked This mes sage appears i f you tr y to change t he printer ’s setti ngs through th e control pa nel when th e buttons ar e locked. You ca n unlo ck th em by usin g the Netw ork ut ilit y. Ref er to t he Net work Guide for infor mation.
Using the Control Panel 271 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 The inst alled tone r cart ridge is no t a genu ine E pson tone r car tridge . Using a non- genui ne to ner ca rtridg e ma y affect p rint quality. E pson shall not b e liable for any damages o r problems arising f rom the use of consumable produc ts not manufactu red or approved by Epson.
272 Using the Control Panel Paper Out tttt sssss There is no pape r in the specif ied paper source ( tttt ). L oad paper of the size ( sssss ) into th e pap er sou rce. Paper Set tttt sssss The paper l oaded in the sp ecified paper sou rce ( tttt ) does no t mat ch the requi red p aper s ize ( sssss ).
Using the Control Panel 273 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Print Overrun The required ti me to process th e print da ta exceeded the pr int engine speed becau se the current page is too c omplex. Press the N Start /Sto p button t o resume pri nting, or press the + Cancel Job button to cancel the print job.
274 Using the Control Panel This message appears when the printer switches to the B/W mode. See "Switching the Print ing Mode" on page 283 to find how to swit ch the mode . Replace Fuser The fuser has re ached the end of its serv ice life. Turn the pr inter off, then rep lace the fuser un it with a new one.
Using the Control Panel 275 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Reserve JobCanceled The printer cannot store the data of y our print job using the Reserve Job function. The maximum numb er of print jobs stored on the print er’s Hard Disk Drive has been r eached, or t he drive has no more memory avai lable to store a new job.
276 Using the Control Panel The printe r is cu rren tly p erfor ming a self test a nd ini tializ ati on. Service Req Cffff/Service Req Eggg A control ler error or a prin t engi ne error has b een detected . Turn off the print er. Wait at l east 5 seconds , then turn it bac k on.
Using the Control Panel 277 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 uuuu T oner Low This messa ge indicate s that the t oner cartri dge for the i ndicated color is near the end of it s service life. Pr epare a new to ner cartrid ge. Warm ing Up The printer is warmi ng up the f user to be ready to print.
278 Using the Control Panel To clea r this warn ing me ssage and continu e printi ng, selec t Clear All Warni ng from t he control panel’s Reset Menu. Fo r instructio n about accessing the co ntrol panel menus, see "How to access the control p anel menus" on pa ge 223.
Using the Control Panel 279 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 3. Use the d Down or u Up button t o scroll to the appropri ate user name, then pr ess the Enter bu tton. 4. Use the d Down or u Up button t o scroll to the appropri ate job name, then press t he Enter button.
280 Using the Control Panel 4. E nter yo ur fou r-dig it passwo rd by us ing the cor respo nding buttons, as shown below. Note: ❏ Passwords are always four digits.
Using the Control Panel 281 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Printing a Status Sheet To c onfi rm th e cu rre nt st atus of th e prin ter, and t hat the o pti ons are install ed correctly , print a st atus sheet using the print er’s control pa nel. Follow the steps below to print a status sheet.
282 Using the Control Panel ❏ For the Windows printer driver, you c an upda te the installed option information manually . See "Making Optional Settings" on page 98. Canceling Printing You can cancel pr inting from your computer by using the printer drive r.
Using the Control Panel 283 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 3. Press the d Down button sev eral ti mes unti l Reset to displ ay. 4. Press the Enter button. Printi ng is canceled .
284 Using the Control Panel Note for Windows users: If EPSON Status Monitor 3 is not installe d, make sure that the Color Toner Cartridges chec k box on the Optio nal Settings dialog box is not selected. The Optional Settings dialo g box appears by clickin g the Setti ngs button on th e Opti onal Settin gs tab.
Using the Control Panel 285 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5. After all color ton er cart ridges are replace d by the blac k cartridg es, the pr inter automat ically ch anges to t he 4 × B/W mode .
286 Using the Control Panel Note: If the wrong toner cartridge was installed, the printer does not go to the next step. Follow the instructions that appear on the LCD panel. 5. After al l color t oner cartri dges are ins talled , the print er changes to the Color mod e.
Using the Control Panel 287 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Note: If the wrong toner cartridge was installed, the printer does not go to the next step. Follow the instructions that appear on the LCD panel. 5. After three black to ner cart ridges are install ed, the pr inter automatical ly changes to the 4 × B/W mode.
288 Using the Control Panel 1. Make sure the LCD panel disp lays Ready or Sle ep , then press the Enter button to acc ess the control pane l menus. 2. Press the d Down butt on repeated ly un til Mode Config. Menu appears on t he LCD panel, then press the Ent er butto n.
Installing Options 289 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Chapter 8 Installing Options Optional Paper Cassette Unit For d eta ils a bout t he pa per ty pe s and size s that you can use wi th the optiona l paper cass ette unit, see "Opti onal paper cassette uni t" on page 43 .
290 Installing Options * Do not li ft the print er by these a reas. w War ning : If you lift the printer in correctly, y ou coul d drop it a nd cause injury. Installing the optional paper ca ssette unit Follow the steps below to i nstall the optional paper cassette unit.
Installing Options 291 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 w Warni ng: Two peop le should lift the printer by the corre ct positions. 4. Op en co ver E..
292 Installing Options 5. Fasten t he optional pap er cass ette unit to the print er with the provided p lates and screws. 6. Cl ose cove r E. 7. Secure the unit to the left side of the prin ter with the re maining plate and screw.
Installing Options 293 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8. R econ nect t he in terf ace ca ble an d pow er co rd, th en tu rn th e print er on. To confir m that the opt ion is insta lled corr ectly, pr int a Stat us Sheet. See "Pri nting a St atus Sheet" on page 370.
294 Installing Options 2. Open the MP t ray. 3. Push the lat ch on cover A to the left and open the c over..
Installing Options 295 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 4. Remove the two screws sec uring the co ver MP. 5. R emove the cover MP from cover A. 6. Take the Dup lex Unit out of its package.
296 Installing Options 7. F it t he hoo ks o n cove r A into the n otch es on the Du plex U nit..
Installing Options 297 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8. P ull the upp er pa rt o f the Dup lex Unit upwa rd a nd sec ur e the Dupl ex U nit to the p rin ter wi th th e two prov ide d screw s. 9. Close cove r A and the MP tray. To confir m that the opt ion is insta lled corr ectly, pr int a Stat us Sheet.
298 Installing Options For Windows, see "Printing with the Dup lex Unit" on page 94, For Macint osh, see "Print ing with the Duplex Unit" on pa ge 171 for inf ormation a bout dupl ex printi ng. Removing the Duplex Unit Turn off t he printer and perform t he instal lation proced ure in reverse .
Installing Options 299 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1. Turn the printer o ff and u nplug the p ower cord. 2 . R e m o v e t h e f o u r s c r e w s f r o m t h e c o v e r o n t h e b a c k s i d e o f t h e print er.
300 Installing Options 3. Hold the c over with b oth hands and pul l it to ward you to remove it. w War ning : Be careful when touching the circuit board inside the ba ck side cover since some parts may be very hot. 4. Identify the connection socket for the Hard Disk Drive.
Installing Options 301 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 5. S ecu re th e Hard Dis k Driv e wi th th e four scre ws pro vide d. c Caution You should not remove any modu les from the circuit board. Otherwise, the printer will not work. 6. Plug the connec tion cable in to both the socket on the HDD and that on the board as shown b elow.
302 Installing Options 7. R eatta ch the cove r to th e back s ide o f the pr inter a nd sec ure it wit h the fo ur screw s. To confi rm that the opti on is instal led correctly, print a Status Sheet. See "Pr inting a Stat us Sheet" on pag e 370.
Installing Options 303 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 w Warni ng: Be careful when working inside the printer as some components are sharp and may cau se injury.
304 Installing Options 2. Remove t he four screws from the co ver on the ba ck side of t he printe r. 3. Hold the c over with b oth hands and pul l it to ward you to remove it. w War ning : Be careful when touching the circuit board inside the ba ck side cover since some parts may be very hot.
Installing Options 305 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 4. Identify t he RAM slot. 5. Insert the mem ory module ver tically into the slot unti l the clip comes out. Make sure that the left slot has a module at all times. c Caution: ❏ Do not force the memory module into the slot.
306 Installing Options 6. R eatta ch the cove r to th e back s ide o f the pr inter a nd sec ure it wit h the fo ur screw s. 7. Reconnect th e interfa ce cable and power cord and turn th e printe r on. To confi rm that the opti on is instal led correctly, print a Status Sheet.
Installing Options 307 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Removing a memo ry module c Caution: Before you remove a memory module, be sure to discharge any static electricity by touching a grounded piece of metal. Otherwise, you may damage static-sensitive components.
308 Installing Options 2. Remove two scr ews securi ng th e interface card slot co ver and remove the cove r. 3. Slide and pu sh the int erface card i nto the slot firmly, then fasten the screw as sh own below. 4. Reconnect th e interfa ce cable and power cord and turn th e printe r on.
Installing Options 309 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Removing an interface c ard c Caution: Before you remove an interface card, be sure to discharge any static electricity by touching a grounded piece of metal. Otherwise, you may damage static-sensitive components.
310 Installing Options 2. Remove t he four screws from the co ver on the ba ck side of t he printe r. 3. Hold the c over with b oth hands and pul l it to ward you to remove it. w War ning : Be careful when touching the circuit board inside the ba ck side cover since some parts may be very hot.
Installing Options 311 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 4. Identify th e ROM module slots. Note: There are two ROM slots, and either slot can be used to attach the ROM m odul e. 5. I nsert the RO M mo dul e horiz onta lly i nto the slot until the c lip comes out.
312 Installing Options 6. R eatta ch the cove r to th e back s ide o f the pr inter a nd sec ure it wit h the fo ur screw s. 7. Reconnect th e power co rd and turn the print er on. To confi rm that the opti on is instal led correctly, print a Status Sheet.
Replaci ng Consumable P roducts 313 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Chapter 9 Replacing Consumab le Products Replacement Messages When you see the followin g messages on the LCD panel or th e window of EPSON Status Monitor 3, repl ace the appr opriate consumable pro ducts.
314 Replacing Consumable Produ cts * T h e l e t t e r s C , M , Y , o r K a p p e a r i n t h i s p o s i t i o n , i n d i c a t i n g t h e c o l o r o f t h e t o n e r to be replaced. For examp le, the m essage Y Toner Low mean s that the amoun t of toner remain ing in the yello w toner cartrid ge is low.
Replaci ng Consumable P roducts 315 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Toner Cartridge Handling precautions Always observ e the followin g handling precaut ions when replacing the consumable p roducts: ❏ Ins tallin g a g enui ne to ner c artr idge i s rec omme nde d.
316 Replacing Consumable Produ cts Replacing a toner cartridge Follow th e steps bel ow to repl ace a ton er cartri dge. 1. Prepare a ne w cartrid ge of the color ( K , C , M or Y ) displayed on the LCD pane l. 2. Open cover D. 3. H old the ton er ca rtridg e kno b and t ilt i t towa rd you .
Replaci ng Consumable P roducts 317 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 4. Remove the empt y toner cartri dge from the p rinter. 5. Take the pro tective mat erials of f of the new ca rtridge, and gen tly sha ke the new to ner ca rtri dge a few times .
318 Replacing Consumable Produ cts 7. Insert the new cartri dge into the printer. 8. C lose the tone r cart ridg e cov er..
Replaci ng Consumable P roducts 319 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9. Close cover D. Photoconductor Unit Handling precautions Always observ e the followin g handling precaut ions when replacing the consumable p roducts: ❏ The photoconduc tor unit weighs 1.
320 Replacing Consumable Produ cts ❏ When storin g the photoco nductor uni t, make sure to attach the pr otective cover to the photo conduct or unit and put i t in the sealed bla ckout package a nd the box in whic h the phot ocond uctor unit was sol d, an d stor e it in a safe lev el pla ce.
Replaci ng Consumable P roducts 321 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 2. Remove the filter from t he printer. 3. Take the new fi lter out of its package. I nsert the new fi lter to the printer .
322 Replacing Consumable Produ cts 5. Take the cap off and cove r the hole fo r the waste to ner collector with it. Note: If you need to set the waste toner collector down, plac e it on a flat surface with the capped side f acing up to prevent the ton er content from spil ling out.
Replaci ng Consumable P roducts 323 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 7. Hold the handl e of the photo conductor uni t and pull it to ward you to remov e the photocond uctor unit for m the printer . 8. Take the new pho toconducto r unit out of its packag e and remove th e protecti ve cover.
324 Replacing Consumable Produ cts 9. Hold the photocondu ctor u nit by it s handle and insert t he unit into th e printer. 10. Turn the b lue knob back to the orig inal positio n.
Replaci ng Consumable P roducts 325 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 11. Hold the cl eaning knob [ a] and move it slowly in a nd out a few times. 12. Ins ert th e new wast e ton er coll ecto r into the p rin ter.
326 Replacing Consumable Produ cts 13. Close cove r D. Fuser Unit Handling precautions Always observe t he following handling precauti ons when replacing the consumab le produ cts. Do not touc h the surf ace of th e consumable pr oduct. Doi ng so may imp air p rin t qu alit y.
Replaci ng Consumable P roducts 327 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Replacing the fuser unit Follow the steps b elow to repla ce the fuser unit . 1. Turn off th e print er, and wait for 30 mi nutes until the temperature has subsided. 2. Push the latch on cover A to the left and open t he cover.
328 Replacing Consumable Produ cts 4. T urn th e hand les on both s ide of th e fuse r unit to unloc k the m. 5. Lift the fuser unit o ut of the printer as shown below.
Replaci ng Consumable P roducts 329 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 6. Take the new f user unit out of i ts package and remove the prot ecti ve cov er. 7. H old t he n ew fu ser u nit by the h and les and low er i t into the printer m aking sure that the gui de posts s lide into th e holes on the bott om of the uni t.
330 Replacing Consumable Produ cts 8. Turn the handles on both sides of the fuser unit t o lock them. Note: Make sure that the locks are completely in the locked position.
Replaci ng Consumable P roducts 331 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Waste Toner Collector Handling precautions Always observ e the followin g handling precaut ions when replacing the consumable p roducts. Do n ot reu se ton er fou nd in the w aste to ner colle ctor .
332 Replacing Consumable Produ cts 2. Remove the waste t oner collect or. 3. T ake the cap o ff and li d the wa ste to ner co llect or wi th it. Note: When placing the waste toner collec tor that is removed, lay it o n a flat surface with the capped side facing up to prevent the toner content from spilling out.
Replaci ng Consumable P roducts 333 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 4. I nsta ll the new w aste tone r col lecto r into the p rinte r. 5. Remove the filter from t he printer. 6. Take the new fi lter out of its package. I nsert the new fi lter to the printer .
334 Replacing Consumable Produ cts 7. Close cove r D..
Cleaning and Transporting the Printer 335 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Chapter 10 Cleaning and Tra nsporting the Printer Cleaning the Printer The print er ne eds on ly mi nima l clea nin g. If th e prin ter’s oute r case is di rty o r dusty, t urn off the printe r and clea n it with a soft, clean cloth moistened wi th a mild detergent.
336 Cleaning and Transporting the Printer Cleaning the output tray 1. Open the ex tension on the o utput tray. 2. Gently wip e the expose d paper path a rea with a well -wrung cloth.
Cleaning and Transporting the Printer 337 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 3. Close the extensio n on the output co ver. Cleaning the pickup roller 1.
338 Cleaning and Transporting the Printer 2. Gently wip e the rubber par ts of the pickup rol ler inside the MP tray wi th a wet, well -wrung cloth . 3. Close the MP tray. Cleaning the photoconductor wire (knob [ a]) 1. Open cover D and remove t he waste toner c ollector.
Cleaning and Transporting the Printer 339 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Note: When placing the waste toner collector that is removed, stand it on a flat surface leaning against something stable. 2. Hold the cl eaning knob [ a] and move it slowly in a nd out a few times.
340 Cleaning and Transporting the Printer 2. Hold the knob [b] and move it slowly in and out a few times. Note: Move the cleaning knob completely in and out.
Cleaning and Transporting the Printer 341 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ❏ Loaded pa per ❏ Ton er Ca rtridg e ❏ Photoconduct or unit ❏ Installed options c Caution: Before handling the photoconductor unit, be sure to confirm the handling precautions.
342 Cleaning and Transporting the Printer ❏ Instal led options c Caution: Before handling the photoconductor unit, be sure to confirm the handling precautions. See "Handling precautions" on page 319 for instructi ons. 2. Be sure to lift the printer b y the corre ct positio ns as shown below .
Cleaning and Transporting the Printer 343 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Finding a place for the printer When relocat ing the pri nter, always choose a locat ion that has adequate space for easy opera tion and maintenance.
344 Cleaning and Transporting the Printer ❏ Place the p rinter where yo u can easily unplug t he power cord. ❏ Keep the ent ire computer and pr inter system awa y from potential sources of in terference, such as loudspeakers or the base units of cordless telephones.
Troubleshooting 345 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Chapter 11 Troubleshooting Clearing Jammed Paper If p aper b ecom es ja mmed i n the pri nter, t he pr inte r’s LCD pan el and EPSON Status Monitor 3 provid e alert messages. Precautions for clearing jammed pape r Be sure to observ e the following poi nts when you clea r jammed paper.
346 Troubleshooting w War ning : ❏ Be careful not to touch th e fuser, which is marked CAUTION HIGH TEMPERATURE , or the surrounding areas. If the printer has been in use, the fuser and the surrounding areas may be very hot . ❏ Do not insert your hand deep into the fuser unit as some components are sharp and may cause injury.
Troubleshooting 347 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 2. Close the MP tr ay. Note: Close the expansion trays, if need ed, before closing the MP tray.
348 Troubleshooting 4. If the opti onal Duplex Unit is not installed , gently pull out any sheets of paper. Be careful no t to tear t he jammed paper . If the optio nal Duplex Unit is i nstalled, lift up the Duplex Unit. Hold it an d gen tly p ull o ut an y shee ts of paper .
Troubleshooting 349 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 5. Close cover A. T hen open the MP t ray and reloa d the paper. Jam A, B (cover A and B) Follow the st eps below t o clear pap er jams at cover A and B . 1. Remove all paper that is loaded on t he MP tray.
350 Troubleshooting 3. P ush th e latc h on cov er A to the left and op en t he cove r unti l it stops. 4. If the opti onal Duplex Unit is not installed , gently pull out any sheets of paper.
Troubleshooting 351 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 If the opt ional Dupl ex Unit is inst alled, li ft up the Dupl ex Unit. Hold it an d g ently pull o ut an y shee ts of paper . Be carefu l not to tear the jammed pap er. w Warni ng: Be careful not to t ouch th e fuser, which is marked CA UTIO N HIGH TEMPERATURE , o r the surrounding areas.
352 Troubleshooting 5. Open cover B. 6. Hold the guide up b y holding the green tab, and gent ly pull out a ny she ets of pa per. B e car eful n ot to t ear th e jamm ed paper .
Troubleshooting 353 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 w Warni ng: Be careful not to t ouch th e fuser, which is marked CA UTIO N HIGH TEMPERATURE , o r the surrounding areas. If the printer has been in use, the fuser and the surrounding areas may be very hot.
354 Troubleshooting 8. Lift the fuser uni t out of the printe r. 9. Remove the paper . If the pape r is still jammed in the fuser , turn the gr een knob on th e back of the fu ser to remo ve it.
Troubleshooting 355 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10. Lower th e fuser unit into the p rinter making s ure that the guide post s slide into the holes on t he bottom of the uni t. 11. Turn the han dles on both sid es o f the fuse r uni t to lo ck them.
356 Troubleshooting 12. C lose co vers B an d A. 13. Open the MP t ray and reload the paper . Jam MP, A (MP tray and co ver A) Follow th e steps below to cl ear paper jams at the MP t ray and cover A. 1. Remove a ll paper that is loa ded on the MP tray.
Troubleshooting 357 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 2. Gently pul l out any shee ts of paper that have fed part way into the p rinte r. 3. Close the MP tr ay.
358 Troubleshooting 4. P ush th e latc h on cov er A to the left and op en t he cove r unti l it stops. 5. If the opti onal Duplex Unit is not installed , gently pull out any sheets of paper.
Troubleshooting 359 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 If the opt ional Dupl ex Unit is inst alled, li ft up the Dupl ex Unit. Hold it an d g ently pull o ut an y shee ts of paper . Be carefu l not to tear the jammed pap er. w Warni ng: Be careful not to t ouch th e fuser, which is marked CA UTIO N HIGH TEMPERATURE , o r the surrounding areas.
360 Troubleshooting 1. Remove a ll paper that is loa ded on the MP tray. 2. Close the MP tray. Note: Close the expansion trays, if need ed, before closing the MP tray.
Troubleshooting 361 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 3. Push the l atch on cov er A to the left and open the cove r until it stops. 4. I f th e opt iona l Dup lex Unit is n ot in stalle d, g ent ly pu ll ou t an y sheets of paper. Be caref ul not to tea r the jammed pa per.
362 Troubleshooting If the optio nal Duplex Unit is i nstalled, lift up the Duplex Unit. Hold it an d gen tly p ull o ut an y shee ts of paper . Be care ful not to tear t he jammed pa per. w War ning : Be careful not to touch th e fuser, which is marked CAUTION HIGH TEMPERATURE , or the surrounding areas.
Troubleshooting 363 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 6. Pull out t he standard paper cas sette. Then pu ll the cas sette upward to remove it f rom the printer .
364 Troubleshooting 8. R eins ert th e pap er ca ssett e. 9. Open the MP t ray and reload the paper . Jam A, E, C2 (co ver A, E, and optional paper cassette) Follow the step s below to clear paper jams at cov er A, C, and the optional paper cassett e.
Troubleshooting 365 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 2. Close the MP tr ay Note: Close the expansion trays, if need ed, before closing the MP tray. 3.
366 Troubleshooting 4. If the opti onal Duplex Unit is not installed , gently pull out any sheets of paper. Be careful no t to tear t he jammed paper . If the optio nal Duplex Unit is i nstalled, lift up the Duplex Unit. Hold it an d gen tly p ull o ut an y shee ts of paper .
Troubleshooting 367 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 w Warni ng: Be careful not to t ouch th e fuser, which is marked CA UTIO N HIGH TEMPERATURE , o r the surrounding areas. If the printer has been in use, the fuser and the surrounding areas may be very hot.
368 Troubleshooting 7. Gently pu ll out any sheets of paper t hat have f ed part wa y into th e printer. 8. Cl ose cove r E. 9. Pull out the optional p aper cassette. Then pull t he cassette upward to remove it fr om the optiona l paper ca ssette uni t.
Troubleshooting 369 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10. Gently pul l out any shee ts of paper that have fed part way into the p rinte r. 11. Reinsert the paper cassette i nto the opti onal paper cas sette unit. 12. Open the MP tray and reload the paper.
370 Troubleshooting Printing a Status Sheet To confir m the current s tatus of the printe r, and that the op tions are instal led correctl y, print a status sheet usin g the printer’ s control p anel or the p rinter dri ver. To print a status sh eet from the print er’s control panel, see "Pri nting a Stat us Sheet" on page 281.
Troubleshooting 371 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 The Ready light is on but nothing prints The optional product is not available The printer is offline. Press the N Start/ Stop bu tton once to switch the pri nter to ready status . Cause What to do Your c ompute r may not be prop erly connecte d to the printer.
372 Troubleshooting The Properties dialo g bo x does not appear or it takes too much time to open it. (For Windows users only ) For Window s users, EPSON Status Moni tor 3 is no t inst alle d. For Mac intosh use rs, y ou do not re- reg iste r the p rin ter.
Troubleshooting 373 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Printout Problems The font cannot be printed Printout is garbled Note: If a status sheet does not print correctly, your printer may be damaged. Contact your dealer or a qualified service representative.
374 Troubleshooting The printout position is not correct Graphics do not pri nt correctly Toner is no fixed to the paper Cause What to do The pag e leng th and ma rgins may be set incorrectly in your applic ation . Make sure th at you are usi ng the correct page len gth and margin s ettings in your applic ation .
Troubleshooting 375 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Color Printing Problems Cannot print in c olor The printout co lor differ s when printe d from different printer s The le ver on th e fuser unit i s set to the e nvelo pe pos itio n. Pull up the lever to set i t to the origi nal posit ion.
376 Troubleshooting The colo r looks diff erent fr om what you see on the computer screen Prin ter dr iver default sett ings an d color tables vary by printer mode l. Set the Ga mma setting to 1.5 i n the More Setting s dialog box in the pri nter driv er, then pr int aga in.
Troubleshooting 377 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Print Quality Problems The background is dark o r dirty White dots appear in the printout Cause What to do You may not be using the corr ect type of paper for you r printer. If the surface of your pa per is too rough, prin ted ch ara cters may app ear distor ted or br oken.
378 Troubleshooting Print quality or tone is uneven Half-tone images print unevenly Cause What to do Your pap er may be m oist or da mp. Do not stor e pape r in a humid or da mp environmen t.
Troubleshooting 379 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Toner smudges Areas are missing in the printed image Cause What to do Your pa per may be mois t or dam p. D o n ot store your paper in a h umid o r damp env ironment. You may not be using the corr ect type of paper for you r printer.
380 Troubleshooting Completely blank page s are output The printed image is light or f aint Cause What to do The prin ter m ay hav e load ed m ore than one sh eet at a time. Remov e the pape r st ack and fan i t. Ta p it on a flat surfa ce to even th e edges, then reload the pa per.
Troubleshooting 381 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 The non-printed side of the page is dirty Memory Problems Print quality decreased The To ner Save mode m ay be on . T urn off th e Toner Save mode using th e prin ter drive r or the pri nter’s co ntrol pa nel menu s.
382 Troubleshooting Insufficient me mory for current task Insufficient memory to print all copies Paper Handling Problems Paper does not fee d properly The print er cannot print in the require d qualit y level bec ause of insuf fici ent m emo ry, a nd th e prin ter lower s the qual ity automa tically so that th e prin ter ca n con tinue printing.
Troubleshooting 383 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Problems Using Options To confir m your opti ons are instal led correctl y, print a status sheet. See "Pri nting a Sta tus Sheet" on page 281 for detai ls. The message Invalid AUX /I F Card appears on the LCD panel The pa per gui des ar e not set correctly.
384 Troubleshooting Paper does not fee d from the optional paper cassette Feed jam when using the optional paper cassette An installed option cannot be used Cause What to do The op tion al pap er ca ssette may not be in stall ed prope rly.
Troubleshooting 385 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Correcting USB Problems If you are ha ving difficulty using print er with a USB connection, see if your pr oblem is listed below, and tak e any recommended actions. USB connec tions USB cables or connec tions can sometimes be the sour ce of USB problems.
386 Troubleshooting Windows operating syste m Your computer must be a model pre-install ed with Windows X P, Me, 98, 2000, or Serv er 2003, a model that was pre- installed with Windows 98 and upgra ded to Windows Me, or a model that was pre-instal led with Wind ows Me, 98, 2000 , or Server 2 003, and upgraded t o Windows XP.
Troubleshooting 387 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 If About i s displa yed in th e shortcut menu that ap pears, cli ck it. I f a mes sage box w ith th e word s “Un idrv P rinte r Dr iver” appears, you must rei nstall the print er software as descr ibed in the Setup Gu ide .
388 Troubleshooting 1. Access the print er driver, see "Accessing the printe r driver" on page 66, t hen click the Deta ils tab..
Troubleshooting 389 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 If EPU SBX: (your pr inter name ) is displa yed in th e “Pri nt to the foll owing port ” drop-down l ist, th en the USB pri nter devic e driver and pri nter soft ware are inst alled corr ectly .
390 Troubleshooting If your driv ers are corr ectly insta lled, EPSON USB Printer Devices should appear on the Device Manager menu..
Troubleshooting 391 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 If EPSON USB Printer Devices does not appear on the Dev ice Manager menu, click the plus(+) sign beside O ther devices to view th e inst alled devic es. If US B Prin ter o r your prin ter na me ap pear s und er Oth er devices , the printer s oftware is no t installe d correctl y.
392 Troubleshooting 4. Under Other dev ices, sele ct USB Printer or your pr inter name, click Remove , then cli ck OK . When the fo llowing dia log box appears, cli ck OK , then click OK to close the Syst em Properties dial og box.
Troubleshooting 393 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 5. Uninstall t he printer software as explai ned in "Uninsta lling the Printer Software " on pag e 129. Turn the printer off, resta rt your computer , then reinst all the pr inter softwar e as desc ribed i n the Se tup G uide .
394 Troubleshooting The printer do es not print c orrectly in the PostScript mode The printer does not print Cause What to do The printe r’s emulation mode settin g is incorrec t.
Troubleshooting 395 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Printouts are black and white even though the Resolution setting is set to Color in the printer driver.
396 Troubleshooting The printer driver or printer that you need to use does not appear in the Printer Setup Utility (for Mac OS X 10.3) , Print Center (for Mac OS X 1 0.2), or Ch ooser (f or Mac OS 9) The font on the printo ut is differ ent from that on the screen Cause What to do Quic kDraw GX is in us e (Ma c OS 9).
Troubleshooting 397 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 The printer fonts cannot be installed The edges of texts and/or image s are not smooth For W indows users on ly The Se nd Tru eType fonts to pri.
398 Troubleshooting The printer does not print normally via the parallel interface (W indows 98 only) The printer does not prin t normally via the USB interface Cause What to do The comp uter i s connecte d to th e printer via t he paral lel interfac e and the pa rallel p ort se ttin g is set to th e ECP mo de.
Troubleshooting 399 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 The printer does no t print normally via the network interface Cause What to do The Data Format se tting i s differ ent fro m the da ta fo rmat .
400 Troubleshooting An undefined er ror occurs (Ma cintosh onl y) Insufficient me mory to print data (Macinto sh only) Cause What to do The version of the Mac OS that you are using i s unsupp orted . This printer’s driver can o nly be used on Macint osh computer s runnin g Mac OS 9 version 9.
Customer Support 401 A A A A A A A A A A A A Appendix A Customer Support Contacting Customer Support If your Epson p roduct is not op erating prop erly and you canno t solve the pro blem using the troubl eshooting infor mation in your product d ocumentation, contact custo mer support services f or assistance.
402 Customer Support Technical Support Web Site Go to http :// and sel ect the Support section of your loca l EPSO N we b sit e for t he late st driv ers, F AQs , manu als and other downl oadables.
Techn ical Sp ecifica tions 403 B B B B B B B B B B B B Appendix B Technical Specifications Paper Since th e quality of any p articula r brand or type o f paper may be changed by the manu facturer at any t ime, Epson cannot guar ante e the qua lity of a ny ty pe of pape r.
404 Tech nical Spec ification s Paper that should no t be used You cannot use the foll owing pape r in thi s printer. It may c ause printe r damage , paper ja ms, and poor print quality : ❏ Media me.
Techn ical Sp ecifica tions 405 B B B B B B B B B B B B ❏ Pap er of ir regu lar sh ape, o r pa per tha t does not h ave r ight angle corner s Printable area 4-mm minimum margin on all sides. Note: The printable area varies, depending on the emulation mod e in use.
406 Tech nical Spec ification s Printer Genera l Prin ting met hod: La ser beam scan ning an d dry electrop hotographic pro cess Resolution: 2400RI T *1 Contin uous pri nting speed *2 (with A4/Letter): 30 pages per minute for black an d white printing 7.
Techn ical Sp ecifica tions 407 B B B B B B B B B B B B *1 Epson AcuLas er Resolution Improvemen t Technolo gy. *2 Prin ting s peed var ies b y pape r sour ce or other condit ions.
408 Tech nical Spec ification s Mechanical Weight : Approx. 37 kg (about 81.5 lb), excluding the imagin g cartr idge a nd opti ons 425 mm 518 mm 431 mm.
Techn ical Sp ecifica tions 409 B B B B B B B B B B B B Electrical *1 When colo r prin ting. *2 When mono chrome print ing. *3 Complete ly suspen ded. Compl iant wi th the Energy St ar prog ram.
410 Tech nical Spec ification s Austr alian mod el: Laser safety This prin ter is c ertifi ed as a Clas s 1 las er pr oduc t unde r the U.S. Department o f Health and Human Ser vices (DHHS) Radiation Perfo rman ce St anda rd acc ord ing to th e Rad iati on Con trol fo r Health and Saf ety Act of 196 8.
Techn ical Sp ecifica tions 411 B B B B B B B B B B B B CDRH regulation s The Center fo r Devices and R adiologi cal Health (CDRH) of the U.S. Food and Drug Admini stration i mplemented reg ulations for laser prod ucts on August 2 , 1976. Compliance i s mandatory f or products market ed in the United States.
412 Tech nical Spec ification s Note: ❏ Only computers equipped with a USB connector and running Mac OS 9.x or X an d Windows XP, Me, 98, 2000, or Server 2003 supp ort the USB interface. ❏ Your computer must support USB 2.0 in order to use US B 2.
Techn ical Sp ecifica tions 413 B B B B B B B B B B B B Options and Consumable Products Optional paper cassette unit * This p roduct conforms to CE marking require ments in accordance wit h EC Directive 89/336/EEC.
414 Tech nical Spec ification s Duplex Unit * This product conforms to CE marking requirements in accord ance with EC Directive 89/336/EEC. Memory modules * Only DI MMs pr oduced specif ically f or EPSON pro ducts are compa tible .
Techn ical Sp ecifica tions 415 B B B B B B B B B B B B Hard Disk Drive * This p roduct conforms to CE marking require ments in accordance wit h EC Directive 89/336/EEC.
416 Tech nical Spec ification s ❏ A filter and a waste t oner collecto r are included i n the package when you purc hase a photoconduct or unit. Fuser unit 120/220 * This product conforms to CE marking requirements in accord ance with EC Directive 89/336/EEC.
Information about Fo nts 417 C C C C C C C C C C C C Appendix C Information ab out Fo nts Working with Fonts EPSON BarCode Fonts (Windows Only) EPSON BarCode Font s let you easily crea te and print many typ es of bar co des.
418 Information about F onts System requ irements To use EPSON BarCode Fonts, your computer system should meet the follo wing requirements: Code39 EPSON Cod e39 No No Printing of OCR-B and check digits can be spe cified w ith the fon t name.
Information about Fo nts 419 C C C C C C C C C C C C Note: EPSON BarCode Fonts can only be used with Epson printer drivers. Installing EPSON BarCode Fonts Follow the st eps below to in stall EPSON Ba rCode Fonts.
420 Information about F onts 5. Select User Installa tion, and t hen select your pr inter. 6. In the di alog box that a ppears, c lick Loca l ..
Information about Fo nts 421 C C C C C C C C C C C C 7. Click Custom . 8. Select the EPSON BarCode F ont check box and then click Install . T hen follow the on-screen instructio ns. 9. When installat ion is complete, clic k OK . EPSON BarCode Fonts a re now instal led on your compu ter.
422 Information about F onts Print ing wi th EPSO N BarCod e Fonts Follow the steps bel ow to crea te and pri nt bar codes using EPSO N BarCode Fonts. T he applica tion featured in t hese instructi ons is Microso ft WordPad. The actual procedure may differ slightly when printi ng from other a pplicati ons.
Information about Fo nts 423 C C C C C C C C C C C C 3. Select the EP SON BarCode Font you want to use, set the font siz e, t hen clic k OK . Note: In Windows XP, 2000 , NT 4.0, or Server 2003, you cannot use font sizes larger than 96 points when printing bar codes.
424 Information about F onts 5. Select Print fro m the File menu, select your EPSON printer, then click Properties . Mak e the fo llowing p rinter dr iver settings. Fo r both EPS ON AcuLaser C260 0 and EPSON AcuLaser 2600 users, see the Colo r Printer Driver section in the tabl e below.
Information about Fo nts 425 C C C C C C C C C C C C * Th ese settings are a vailable w hen the Auto matic check box is sele cted on the B asic Settings m enu. When the Advanced ch eck box is selected , Click the More Setting s button a nd set the Reso lution to 6 00dpi.
426 Information about F onts Note: If there is an error in the bar code character string, such as inappropriate data, th e bar code will be pri nted as it appears on the screen, but it cannot be read by a ba r code reader.
Information about Fo nts 427 C C C C C C C C C C C C ❏ For best results, use only the font sizes recommended in "Bar Code Fo nt spe cificat ions" on pag e 427 fo r the EP SON BarCode Font you are using. Ba r codes in other sizes may not be readable wi th all b ar code reader s.
428 Information about F onts ❏ Check digit ❏ OCR-B Print samp le EPSON EAN-13 ❏ EAN-13 is the standar d 13-digit E AN bar code . ❏ Because the chec k digit is a dded automati cally, only 12 characters ca n be input.
Information about Fo nts 429 C C C C C C C C C C C C ❏ Check digit ❏ OCR-B Print sam ple EPSON UPC-A ❏ UPC-A is the standard bar code specified by the American Unive rsal P rodu ct Code (UPC Symb ol Spe cifica tion M anua l). ❏ Onl y regu lar UP C cod es ar e sup porte d.
430 Information about F onts ❏ Center bar ❏ Check digit ❏ OCR-B Print samp le EPSON UPC-E ❏ UPC-E is the UPC-A zero-supp ression (deletes extra zer os) bar code specifie d by the American Universal Product Code (UPC Symbol Speci ficati on Manual).
Information about Fo nts 431 C C C C C C C C C C C C ❏ Check digit ❏ OCR-B ❏ The numeral “0” Print sam ple EPSON Code39 ❏ Four Code39 f onts are availab le, allowing you to enable and disa ble the auto matic insert ion o f check digits and OC R-B.
432 Information about F onts The foll owing codes are i nserted automa tically and need not be input by hand: ❏ Left/Right qui et zone ❏ Check digit ❏ Start/Stop character Print samp le Charact er type Alphanum eric chara cters (A to Z, 0 to 9) Symbols (- .
Information about Fo nts 433 C C C C C C C C C C C C EPSON Code128 ❏ Code128 fonts suppor t code sets A, B, and C. When the code set of a line of characters is cha nged in the middl e of the line, a conversion c ode is automat ically i nserted.
434 Information about F onts ❏ Change code set character Print samp le EPSON ITF ❏ The EPSON I TF fonts co nform to the USS Interleav ed 2-of- 5 stan da rd ( Ame rican ). ❏ Four EPSON ITF fonts ar e available, allowing you t o enable and disab le the auto matic in sertion of check digi ts and OCR-B.
Information about Fo nts 435 C C C C C C C C C C C C The following codes are inserted au tomaticall y and need not b e input by hand: ❏ Left/Right quiet z one ❏ Start/Stop character ❏ Check digi.
436 Information about F onts EPSON Co dabar ❏ Four Codab ar fonts are avai lable, al lowing you to enab le and disable the automa tic inserti on of check digits and OCR-B. ❏ The height of the bar code is automatical ly adjusted to 15% or more of it s total length, in conformance t o the Codaba r standard.
Information about Fo nts 437 C C C C C C C C C C C C The following codes are insert ed automaticall y and need not be inp ut by h and: ❏ Left/Right quiet z one ❏ Start/Stop character (w hen not inpu t) ❏ Check digit Print sam ple Font s ize When OCR-B is not used: 26 pt or more (u p to 96 pt in Windo ws XP/2000/NT 4.
438 Information about F onts Available fonts The foll owing table li sts the fo nts that are ins talled in y our printe r. The names of al l the fonts ap pear in you r applicati on software’s font list i f you are usin g the driv er provided wi th the prin ter.
Information about Fo nts 439 C C C C C C C C C C C C Albertus Med ium, Extra Bol d Albe rtus Ryad h Mediu m, Bo ld Ryad h Malka Mediu m, Bo ld, Ita lic Miryam Dori t Med ium, Bold Da vid Naamit Medium.
440 Information about F onts When selecting fonts in your application software, choo se the font name listed in the HP E quiv alen t colum n. Note: Depending on the pri nt density, or on the quality or color of the paper, OCR A, OCR B, Code39, and EAN/UPC fonts may not b e readable.
Information about Fo nts 441 C C C C C C C C C C C C ESC/P 2 and FX modes * Avail able on ly in ESC/ P2 mod e. Note: Depending on the print density, or on the qualit y or color of the paper, OCR A and OCR B fonts may not be readable. Print a sample and make sure the fonts can be read before printing large quanti ties.
442 Information about F onts Note: Depending on the pri nt density, or on the quality or color of the paper, the OCR B font may not be readable. Print a sample and make sure the font can be read before printing large quantities. PS 3 mode Seventeen scal able fonts.
Information about Fo nts 443 C C C C C C C C C C C C Couri erPS Ob lique *1 Helv etica O bliq ue *1 Couri erPS Bold Ob lique * 1 Helvet ica B old O blique *1 CG Times *1 H elvetica Narrow *1 CG Time s.
444 Information about F onts Bitmap Font Printing font samples You can pri nt samples of the fonts av ailable in each mode by using the control panel ’s Information Menu. Follow these steps to print font samples. 1. M ake sure t hat pape r is lo ade d.
Information about Fo nts 445 C C C C C C C C C C C C Adding more fo nts You can add a wi de var iety of fonts to your c ompute r. Most font packages include an insta ller for t his purpose. See your comput er documentat ion for i nstruction s on installi ng fonts.
446 Information about F onts EPSON Font Manager (Windows Only) EPSON Font Manager pro vides you with 131 softwar e fonts. System requ irements To use EPSON Font Manager, your comput er system should meet the followi ng requirement s: Installing EPSON Font Manag er Follow the ste ps belo w to inst all EP SON Fon t Mana ger.
Information about Fo nts 447 C C C C C C C C C C C C 4. Click User Inst allation. 5. Select User Inst allation, and then select y our printer. 6. In the dialog box that appears, click Loca l .
448 Information about F onts 7. Click Custom . 8. Select the EPSON Font Ma nager check box and click In sta ll . Then follow t he on-screen instructi ons. 9. When installat ion is complete, click OK . EPSON Font Manager is now installed on your comput er.
Information about Fo nts 449 C C C C C C C C C C C C Symbol Sets Introduction to symbol sets Your prin ter c an acc ess a vari ety of sy mb ol sets . Ma ny of th ese symb ol s ets d iffer on ly in the in tern ation al cha rac ters s peci fic to each language .
450 Information about F onts 19 Typeface s Courier CG Times Univ erse Letter Gothic Line Printe r IBM-U S (1 0U) Roman -8 (8 U) ECM94-1 (0N) 8859-2 ISO (2N) 8859-9 ISO ( 5N) 8859-10ISO (6N) IBM-DN (1 1U) PcMultilingua l (12U) PcE.Europe ( 17U) PcTk437 (9T ) WiAnsi ( 19U) WiE.
Information about Fo nts 451 C C C C C C C C C C C C The 19 typef aces refer to those listed below: 19 T yp efa ces Courier CG Times Univer se Letter Gothic Dorit Malka Naamit Naskh Koufi Ryadh Line P.
452 Information about F onts International character sets for ISO The foll owing are th e available internati onal characte r sets for ISO. CG Omega Coronet Clarendon Condensed Univers Condensed Antiq.
Information about Fo nts 453 C C C C C C C C C C C C In the ESC/P 2 or FX Mode s Character Table Available typefaces OCR B Cou rier EPSO N Roma n EPSON Sa ns serif EPSON Pres tig e EPSON Scri pt Le tt.
454 Information about F onts 8859-15ISO no t availa ble avail able ava ilabl e a vailab le PcSl437* no t availa ble avai lable not availa ble not avai lable PcTurk1* no t availa ble avai lable not ava.
Information about Fo nts 455 C C C C C C C C C C C C * Avail able on ly in ESC/ P2 mod e. Tim es New is a typ e face c omp atible with Roman T. Letter Gothic is a type face compatible wi th OratorS.
456 Information about F onts Characters available with the ESC (^ command To print the character s in the tab le below, use the ESC (^ command. In the I2 39X Emulation Mode The avail able symbol sets in the I 239X mode are PcUSA, PcMultil ingual, PcEur 858, PcPortu guese, PcCanFrench, PcNordic.
Information about Fo nts 457 C C C C C C C C C C C C In the P5C Mode Symbol Set Name PCL Symbol Set Code Font Classification *1 *2 *3 *4 *5 ISO 60: Danish/Norwegian 0D N - --- ISO 15: Italia n 0I N --.
458 Information about F onts ISO 8859/ 1 5 Lation 9 9N N --- N PC-8 Turki sh 9T N --- - Windows 3.0 Latio n 1 9U N ---- PSText 10J N ---- PC-8, Code Page 437 10U N --- N PC8, D/N, D anish/Norwegian 11.
Glossary 459 Glossary ASCII American Standard Code for Informa tio n I nte rcha nge. A stand ardi zed way of assigning codes to characters and contro l codes. The system is widely used by manufacturers of computers, printers, and software. bitmap font The dot-by-dot rep resentation of a font.
460 Glossary driver See "printer driver" on page 461. drum The part of the printer mechanism where the image is formed and transferred to paper. emulation See "printer emulatio n" on page 462. FF (Form Feed) A contro l code to break th e page.
Glossary 461 memory The part of the pri nter’s electronic system that is used to store information. Some information is fix ed and is used to control how the printer operates. In formation that is sent to the p rinter from the co mputer (such as do wnloaded fonts) is stored in mem ory tempora rily.
462 Glossary printer emulation A set of operating com mands that determines how data sent from the computer is interpreted and acted upon . Printer emulations replicate ex isting printers, such as the HP LaserJ et 4. proportional font A font whose charac ters have varying amounts of horizontal space depending on the width of the charact er.
Glossary 463 status sheet A report that lists the printer settings and other printer information. symbol set A collection of symbols and special characters. Symbols are assigned to specific codes in a charac ter t able. toner The colored powder contained in the toner cartridges that is used to print images on the pa per.
464 Index A Availabl e Font s 1239X mode , 441 ESC/P2 and FX modes, 441 LJ4/G L2 mode, 438 P5C mode , 442 Printi ng font sa mples, 44 4 PS 3 mode , 442 C Canceling printing from prin ter driv er (Maci.
Index 465 Network men u, 244 Paralle l menu, 24 1 Printer Adjust Me nu, 26 0 Print ing me nu, 23 0 PS3 menu, 250 Quick Pr int Job menu , 240 Reset menu, 239 Setu p men u, 2 33 Support menu, 259 Tray m.
466 Index Installin g EPSON S tatus Monitor 3(Windows ), 109 Job Managemen t function (Window s), 120 Monitored Printers set tings (Window s), 125 Monitorin g Your Printer Using E PSON Status Mon itor.
Index 467 Setup Guide , 25 User's Gu ide, 25 H Hard Disk Dri ve Instal ling the Hard Disk Drive, 298 Removing the Hard Disk Drive, 302 Specif ications, 4 15 HDD from overlay how to del ete (Windo.
468 Index USB in terfac e, 41 1 L Labels printer settings, 62 Loading paper MP tray, 45 optional paper cass ette unit, 49 standa rd lower paper ca ssette, 49 M Maintena nce Cleaning the exposure w ind.
Index 469 different printe r settings (Windows ), 88 how to crea te (Window s), 83 how to pr int (W indows ), 87 how to use (Windows) , 83 P P5C Emulat ion Kit Ins talli ng th e P5C R OM mo dule, 309 .
470 Index Using the Reserve Job function (Windows), 212 Predefined print setti ngs Using the predefined settings (Ma cintosh), 1 56 Using the predefined settings (Win dows), 70 Printer consuma ble pro.
Index 471 Printing w ith the Du plex Unit (Win dows), 94 print layo ut (Macintos h), 163 print layou t (Windows), 78 print qu ality (Macin tosh), 154 print quali ty (Windows), 68 print settin gs (Maci.
472 Index S Savin g customize d setting s Saving your set tings (Macin tosh), 160 Saving your s ettin gs (Win dows) , 74 Sharing t he printer For Mac OS 9 users, 197 For Mac OS X users, 197 Installin .
Index 473 T Technica l suppo rt, 401 Thick paper printe r setting s, 6 3 Toner Cart ridge Specif ications, 4 15 Transporting Finding a place for th e printer, 343 For long d istances , 340 For short d.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Epson C2600/2600 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Epson C2600/2600 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Epson C2600/2600 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Epson C2600/2600 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Epson C2600/2600 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Epson C2600/2600 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Epson C2600/2600 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Epson C2600/2600. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Epson C2600/2600 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.