Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 1160 des Produzenten Epson
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® EPSON Stylus COLOR 1160 Printer Basics Printed on recycled paper with at least 10% post-consumer content..
ii Copyright Notice All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, sto red in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any me ans, electronic, mechanical, ph otocopying, recording, or othe rwise, without the prior written permis sion of SEIKO EP SON CORPORA TION.
iii Contents WELCOME! 1 About Your Software 2 About Your Documentation 2 Warnings, Cautions, Notes, and Tips 3 Windo ws Syst em Re quirem ents 3 Macintos h System Requir emen ts 4 ENER GY STAR Comp li.
iv Printing with Photo Enhance 23 Using Custom Project Type s 26 Usin g Adv anced Settin gs 28 Usin g Speci al P apers 31 EPSON P hoto Q uality I nk Jet Pape r 31 Matte Paper - H eavyweight 31 EPSON P.
v PROBLEM SOLVING 49 Diagno sing Printer Problems 49 Chec king the Cont rol Pan el Lig hts 49 Runnin g a Prin ter C heck 51 Identifyi ng Print er Parts 52 Problems and Solutions 53 Problems S etting U.
1 Welcome! Your EPSON Stylus ® COLOR 1160 printer is the ideal outp ut device for business graphics. You can print anything from reports and resumes to photos and back light film with g reat resu lts.
2 About Your Software The printer software CD-ROM includes all the so ftware you need for printing: ■ Your printer d river run s your printer an d lets you co ntrol ho w your documen ts look .
3 Warnings, Cautions, Notes, and Tips Please follow t hese guide lines: Windows System Requirements To use your printer and its so ftware, your system should have: ■ An IBM ® compatible PC with at least a 486/66 MHz (for Windows 98) or 486/25 MHz (for Wind ows 95 or Windows NT ® 4.
4 ■ Double-speed (2 x ) C D-ROM drive (quad-speed [4 x ] o r faster recomme nded) for insta lling the printe r softwa re ■ For parallel connect ion: a high-speed, b idirectional, IEEE-1284 co mpli.
5 ■ At least 16MB of available RAM (32MB reco mmended) ■ At least 50MB of free hard disk space (100MB recommended) ■ VGA, Super V GA, or bette r displa y adapter a nd monit or ■ Double-speed (.
6 Important Safety Instructions Before using your printer, re ad the fo llowin g safety in struct ions to ma ke sure you use the print er safely and effe ctively: ■ Be sure to foll ow all warn ings an d instruct ions ma rked on th e printer. ■ Turn off and unplug the printer be fore cleaning .
7 ■ Unplug the prin ter and refer s ervicing to qualified se rvice personnel under the following condit ions: If the pow er cord or plug i s damaged; if l iquid has entered the printer; i f the print er has bee n dropped or th e case dama ged; if th e print er does not oper ate normally or exhibits a distinct change in performance.
9 Viewing Your Electronic Printer Manual Your printer software CD-ROM includes an electronic Reference Guide for your printer. The manual is in HTML format, so you nee d a browser—such as Internet Explorer 3.0 or later or Netscap e Navigator 3.0 or l ater—to view it.
10 If you copied the manual to yo ur hard drive, you can access it at any ti me, as follows: Windows : Select Start , Programs , EPSON , and double-click ESC1160 Guide . Macintosh : Open th e EPSON Stylus COLOR 1160 folder and double-cli ck Vie w Reference Guide .
11 After expanding the table of content s, you can click on the to pic you want to view. If there’s a right arrow , click it to view subto pics, t hen click on a to pic to g o to it.
13 Printing from Start to Finish Here’s what to do to print a basic document —such as a memo, newsletter, or photog raph—from loadin g the pa per to sele cting p rint se tting s to cont rolli ng th e prin t job.
14 If you didn’t install the Guided Print ing Exercis e when you se t up your pri nter, follow these steps to inst all it : 1. Insert the printer software CD-ROM. 2. Windows : Double-click My Computer , double-click yo ur CD-ROM drive icon, th en double-cli ck the Epsetup ic on.
15 Keep the following in mi nd when loading paper: ■ Load the printabl e side face up. It’s usually whiter or brig hter than the o ther side. ■ Load lett erhead o r prepri nted pape r into the printer top e dge first . ■ Don’t load pap er above the arrow on the left edge guide.
16 If you cli ck the pri nt icon on your appl ication’ s tool bar inste ad of select ing Prin t from t he File menu, you may not get the option t o change the pri nter software s etting s be fore pri nting. Selecting Printer Software Settings Once you click Propert ies , you see your printer software Propertie s dialog box.
17 ■ Set the Mo de option to Automatic . This lets the printe r softwa re determi ne the best se tting s for your pri nt job. It’ s the ea siest wa y to ge t good pri nting results on all ty pes of paper. ■ Set the sli der in the Mo de box to Quality or Speed .
18 Controlling Printin g Once you’ve clicked OK , you return to the Print di alog b ox. Click OK (or Print , dependin g on your ap plicati on) to st art print ing. After a m oment , the Progres s Meter ap pears and sho ws the progress of your p rint j ob.
19 Printing on a Macintosh This section describes these basic steps for printing on a Macintosh: ■ loadin g paper ■ openin g the p rinter s oftware ■ selecting printer soft ware setti ngs ■ contro lling printing (To print with Windo ws, see page 14.
20 Opening the Printer Software After you op en your appl ication pro gram and create your documen t, you’re ready to select your pa ge setup a nd other printe r software settin gs.
21 Selecting Printer Software Settings Now op en the File menu and cl ick Prin t . Yo u s ee the main p rinter s ettings dia log box for your appli cation (your dialog b ox may look slightly di fferent): The most important thing to remember is to set the correct Media Type for th e paper you’re using.
22 Controlling Printin g Once you’ve clicked Print , your pr inte r begin s pr intin g. If you turned on background printing, yo u can select EPSON Monitor3 from the Applicati on menu at the righ t side of t he menu ba r to check th e progress of your print job.
23 Printing wit h PhotoEnhan ce The printe r driver include s PhotoE nhance op tions that increa se image brightn ess and contra st to improve the app earance of lo w-resoluti on photos .
24 You see one of these dia log boxe s: 4. Choo se th e Media Type you want to print on. (If you’re not sure which setti ng to select, see page 35.) 5. Choo se Color ink. (You cannot select PhotoEnhance if Black ink is selected.) 6. Click PhotoEnhance .
25 8. For more fine-tuning, click Standa rd . You see a li st of specia lized set tings for ph otog raphs . Select th e settin g that mo st clo sely matc hes yo ur phot ogr aph ( People or Natu re ) or select one of the special fil ters ( Sof t Focus or Sepia ).
26 Using Custom Project Types Your EPSON Stylus COLOR 1160 printer soft ware includes custom project type s with pres et op tions fo r prin ting spe cific typ es of documents—s uch as reports, g raphs , or drafts.
27 7. Choose a project typ e following these gu idelines (these settings are restrict ed by your Media Type and Ink se tting s): ■ Text/Graph : For prin ting grap hics-i ntens ive document s like p resen tations with charts and graphs. ■ Economy : For printing rough drafts of te xt on plain paper.
28 9. If you nee d to re duce or enla rge the image (pro portional printing), p rint mult iple pages on a si ngle sh eet, “til e” an image t o make a large po ster, or add a wate rmark, do the follo wing: Windows : Click th e Layout tab. Macintosh : Click the Layout button.
29 5. Click Custom , and the n click the Advanced button. Y ou see th e Ad vanced d ialog box: 6. Chec k th e displ ayed Media Type an d Ink settin gs you selec ted on the ma in d ialog box. You can change them he re as you customize your sett ings, if ne eded.
30 8. Sele ct a color m anagem ent me thod (t he availa bility depe nds on your opera ting system). 9. Select any o ther settings you need to change. Many of the settings are automatically select ed by other sett ings you choose. For detai ls on all the printe r software sett ings, se e your elec tronic Reference Guide or on line he lp.
31 Using Special Papers How can you get the best-loo king photos, most vivid colors, and sharpest te xt? Always use EPSON’ s special ink jet papers. To show you how much di fference EPSON paper can make, we’ve included some free sample s. Check out the EPSON Photo Quality Media Pack tha t came with your prin ter.
32 ■ Select Phot o Paper as the Medi a Type setting . ■ To keep your pr intout s looki ng their best, sto re them i n a resea lable p lastic bag or other airtight covering and protect them from heat, humidity, and direct sunlight. Return unused pape r to the orig inal package as s oon as you finish p rinting.
33 Panoramic Photo Paper 1. Pull u p the pap er sup port ex tensio n. Load on e sheet of Panor amic pape r gloss y side up . Hold up t he paper’ s top ed ge and pre ss the E load/eject butt on to feed it into t he printer. 2. Choo se Photo Paper as the Medi a Type setti ng an d Panoramic 210 × 594 mm as the Pa per Si ze set ting.
34 Envelopes You can load up to 10 envelopes at a tim e, flap edge fi rst and prin table s ide up . Place t hem agai nst the ri ght edg e guide a nd slide the le ft edge g uide agains t them . (You’ll get better resul ts if you press e ach envelop e flat before loading i t, or load one envelope at a time.
35 Selecting the Co rrect Media Type Your printer a utoma tically ad justs itse lf for the type of paper you select in your printer software. That’s why the Me dia Type setting is so im portan t. It tel ls your printe r what kind of pape r you’re using an d adjusts th e ink coverage accordingly.
37 Maintaining Your Printer This sect ion describe s main tenance procedures to keep yo ur print er working at its be st and prepar ation s teps for mo ving your prin ter.
38 Using the Head Clean ing Utility Follow th ese steps to run th e Head Cle aning uti lity (recomme nded meth od): 1. Make sure th e printer is turne d on but not printi ng, and bot h the B black and A color ink out lights are off. (If an ink out li ght is flashing, replace t he ink cartridge instead.
39 7. If the no zzle check pa ttern has n o gaps in it s dots, cli ck Finish . If the patte rn is mis sing dots, cli ck Clean to clea n the prin t head again. If y ou don’t s ee any im provemen t after cl eani ng thre e or four time s, che ck the solutions in “Problems Getting Good Print Quality” on page 55.
40 Or, with Windows, cli ck Start , point to Settings , then sele ct Printers . Right-cl ick the EPSO N Stylus COLOR 1160 printer icon in the Print ers window. Then select Properti es ( Document Defaults in Wind ows NT). 5. Windows : Click th e Utility tab.
41 Replacing an Ink Cartridge When th e B bla ck or A color i nk out light f lash es, the indica ted cart ridge is lo w on ink. This is a good time to make sure you have a new cartridge. When the light stays on, the c artrid ge is empt y and y ou need t o repla ce it.
42 Removing and Installin g Ink Cartridges You can replace a cartridge when the B black or A color ink out li ght is ei ther flashing or on. (If you perform these ste ps when both ink out lights are off, the printer cleans the print heads as described on p age 37.
43 5. Unwrap the new i nk cartridge. Then remove onl y the yellow pa rt of the ta pe seal on top. 6. Lower the new ink cartridge i nto its holder with the label facing up and toward the back of the prin ter. 7. Press down the ink cartridge clamp until it locks in place, but don’t press down o n the cartridge itself.
44 Replacing an Outdated In k Cartridge When an instal led ink cartridg e is more th an six month s old, you ma y need to rep lace it if yo u no tice that your printouts don’t lo ok as go od as t hey used to. If pri nt qualit y doesn’t i mprove aft er cleaning a nd aligning the print h ead, you can replace on e or both cartridges.
45 5. Unwrap the new i nk cartridge. Then remove onl y the yellow pa rt of the ta pe seal on top. 6. Lower the new ink cartridge i nto its holder with the label facing up and toward the back of the prin ter. 7. Press down the ink cartridge clamp until it locks in place, but don’t press down o n the cartridge itself.
46 Aligning the Print Head If your printo uts cont ain mi saligned vert ical lines , you may ne ed to alig n the prin t head. Your prin ter must be con nected to a local po rt, no t on a network, to use th e Print Hea d Alignm ent util ity. Foll ow these steps: 1.
47 Cleaning the Printer To keep your printe r working at its best, you sho uld clean it several times a year. Follow th ese ste ps: 1. Turn off the printer, unpl ug the power cord, and disco nnect the printer cable. 2. Remove all t he paper fro m the sheet feeder.
48 Transportin g the Printer If you move your p rinter some distance, you nee d to prepare it for t ransportation in its ori ginal box. Fo llow these st eps: To avoid damage, always le ave the ink cartridges installed when transporti ng the printer. Be sure to remove t he tape used i n step 4 after install ing the printer in i ts ne w locat ion.
49 Problem Solving This secti on gives y ou the basi cs for diagnos ing and so lving printe r problems. ■ First se e “Dia gnosin g Printer Proble ms” t o help det ermine wha t the ca use of the proble m may be. ■ Then se e “Probl ems and S olution s” on page 53 for s olution s to comm on se tup and software problem s.
50 P is on The P power light is on when the printer is on and ready to print. It flashes when the printer is receiv ing a print job, cha rging ink, or cleaning the print head. S flashes a nd B and A are on When the S paper out light flashes and both ink out lights come on, you have a paper jam.
51 Running a Prin ter Check You can run a pri nter check t o determ ine wheth er a problem co mes from th e printer itself or some oth er source. Foll ow these ste ps to run the printe r check: 1. Make sure both the printer and computer are turned off.
52 Identifying Pr inter Parts If you need h elp id entifyi ng the pa rts of the p rint er, refer to t hese ill ustratio ns: ink cartridge holders thi ckne ss lever control panel sheet feeder left edge.
53 Problems and Solutions Here are s ome basic troubl eshooti ng tips i f you have any problem s setting up your printer, in stallin g software , getting g ood print qua lity, feed ing paper, or ot her misce llane ous pr oblem s.
54 Problems with P rinting Only the P power light is on, but nothing p rints. ■ Make sure the in terfac e cable is connecte d securely and th at the cable meet s the system require ments on pa ge 3 or p age 4 . ■ Run a printer ch eck as described on page 51.
55 Problems Getting Good Prin t Quality You see horizontal banding. ■ Make sure the prin t head n ozzles ar e not clo gged. To cle an the print head, see page 37. ■ Make sure the Medi a Type s etting match es th e pape r you loade d. See page 35 for guidel ines.
56 Your printo ut is blurr y or smeared. ■ Make sure your paper isn ’t damp or loaded face down (the printable side should be loade d face up). If it’s damp, re load a n ew stac k of paper. ■ Use a su pport she et with special media or t ry loading y our media one s heet at a t ime.
57 You see wrong or missi ng colors. ■ Make sure the In k setti ng is se t to Color for color images and your applicatio n is se t for color printi ng. ■ Make sure the prin t head n ozzles ar e not clo gged. To cle an the print head, see page 37. ■ Make sure a n ink cartridge isn’t low on ink.
58 Problems with P aper Feeding Too many copies are printing. Make sure the Copies set tings in the prin ter soft ware an d your applicatio n aren ’t both s et for multip le copies. Paper doesn’t eject fully or is wrinkled. ■ If th e pape r do esn’t e jec t ful ly, you may hav e set the wr ong p aper size.
59 Solving Miscellaneo us Printout Problems The ma rgins are i ncorrect . ■ Make sure the pa per setti ngs i n your printer software are correct for your pa per size. See th e electr onic Reference Guide for instructions. ■ Check your s oftware documentatio n for instruction s on selecting the correct margins for your pape r size.
60 Uninstalling Prin ter Softw are Windows 1. Double-click My Computer , then double-click the Control Pa nel icon. 2. Double-click Add/Remove Pr ograms . Click EPSON Print er Software in the program li st, then s elect th e EPSON Stylus COLOR 1160 printer icon.
61 Where To Get Help If you need help wit h your printer or its software, see the contact information bel ow. If you need hel p using other software with an EPSON p roduct, see the documentation for that software for te chnical support information.
62 To speak to a technical support repre sentative, dial: ■ U.S.: (562) 276-7586 ■ Cana da: (905) 709-2567 Call 6 AM to 8 PM , Pacific Time, Monday thro ugh Friday and 7 AM to 4 PM , Saturday.
63 Index Numerics 360 dp i In k Jet Pap er, 35 4 x 6-in ch Ph oto Paper, 31 to 32 A Accessories, 41, 62 Advanced settings, 28 t o 30 Aligning pr int head, 4 6 Autom ati c mode, 16 to 17, 21 B Back li .
64 I ICM (Image Co lor Matc hing) setti ng, 27 Incorr ect char acters , 57 Incorrec t colo rs, 57 Ink ca rtridg e repl acin g, 41 to 43 repla cing outd ate d, 41, 44 to 45 safety instruct ions, 7 Ink .
65 Pri nter cable, 4 to 5 check, 51 cleaning, 47 contro l pa nel, 39 , 49 to 50 featur es, 1 mainta ining , 37 to 47 noise, 54 parts, 52 proble ms, 49 to 51, 54 status, 1 8, 22 trans por ting, 4 8 Pri.
66 FCC Compliance Statemen t For Unit ed States Us ers This equipmen t has been tested and found to comply with the limit s for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These lim its are designed to provide reasonable protec tion against harmful int erference in a residential installat ion.
68 EPSON Ink Jet Pap ers Use EP SON paper an d inks to ge t the sam e pho to qual ity re sults that e arn EP SON pri nter s all of th eir awards! EPSON pap ers are speci ally co ated t o work with EPS ON quick d rying i nks. You’ ll notice that when prints come out of y our print er, you can immediately handle t hem.
69 How to Order EPSON Ink and Paper To order EPSON ink cartridges and paper, contact your dealer or call EPSON Accessor ies at (800) 873-7766 o r visit our web site at (U.S. sales only). In Canada, please call (8 00) 873-7766 for dealer referral.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Epson 1160 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Epson 1160 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Epson 1160 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Epson 1160 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Epson 1160 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Epson 1160 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Epson 1160 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Epson 1160. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Epson 1160 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.