Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 700 II des Produzenten Elation
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Revised 5/14/08 - visage PO WE R S PO T 7 00 II User Manual.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 2.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 3 Table o f Conten ts 1. Introduction .................................................................................................
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 4 8.9.8 Adjustments and Calibrations (ADJU) ................................................. 31 8.9.9 Default Settings (DFSE) ........
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 5 INTRODUCTION : Congratulations, you have just purchased one of the most innovative.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 6 limited warranty. Please fill out the enclosed warranty card to validate your purchase. All returned service items whether under warranty or not, must be freight pre -paid and accompany a return authorization (R.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 7 Never open this fixture while in use! During the initial operation of this fixture, a lig ht smoke or smell may emit from the interior of the fixture.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 8 2. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS The Power Spot 700 II™ is an extremely sophisticated piece of electronic equipment. To guarantee a smooth operation, it is important to follow the guidelines in this manual.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 9 3. FEATURE S • Pan 530° / Tilt 280° • 3 operation mode: DMX controlled, stan.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 10 4. GENERAL GUIDELINES This fixture is a professional lighting effect designed for use on stage, in nightclubs, in theatres, etc. Do not attempt operation or installation without a proper knowledge on how to so.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 11 Transportation and Handling The POWER SPOT 700 II ™ comes with two carrying handles built into the base. Always transport the fixture by these handles.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 12 5. FIXTURE LAYOUT 1. Moving Head 2. Carrying Handles 3. LED Menu Display 4. Head Tilt Lock 5. Omega Clamp 6. Ethernet Jack 7. 5-Pin DMX Out Connector 8.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 13 20.4-Segment LED Menu Display 21.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 14 7. 5-PIN DMX Output Jack (CMY Version Only) – This 5-Pin XLR jack is used to send an outgoing DMX signal.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 15 17. Internal Cooling Fan – This fixture is equipped with two high-velocity variable speed fans mounted in the base to aid in the cooling process.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 16 6. MOU NTING A ND INS TAL LATION Cautions: For added protection mount the fixtures in areas outside walking paths, seating areas, or in areas were unauthorized personnel might reach the fixture.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 17 Refer to regulations BGV C1 (formerly VBG 70) and DIN VDE 0711-217 for proper installation in Europe To ensure proper installation, only qualified staff should attempt installation.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 18 90° b) Be sure to always use two cam locks mounted to the bottom of unit to ensure safe truss mounting (each two opposite threads max.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 19 7. UNDERSTANDING DMX DMX-512: DMX is short for Digital Multiplex. This is a universal protocol used by most lighting and controller manufactures as a form of communic ation between intelligent fixtures and controllers.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 20 cha ined and can not be spli t, unless using an approved DMX splitter such as t he Elation Opto Branch 4™ or DMX Branch/4™. Be sure to follow the above figure when making your own cables.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 21 DATA -). This fixture is inserted in the female XLR connector of the last fixture in your daisy chain to terminate the line. Using a line terminator (Elation part: DM X T PACK) will decrease the possibilities of erratic behavior.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 22 DMX addres s will subsequently control all fixtures in the same fashion, in other words, changing the settings of one channel will affect all the fixtures simultaneously.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 23 8. FIXT URE ME NU The control panel located on the side of the fixture allows you to access the main menu and make all necessary adjustments to the POWER SPOT 700™.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 24 FANS HIGH Reed out internal temperature REG Maximum cooling fan velocity LOOF Aut.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 25 2. Press the Mode button to access the main menu. Toggle through the menu by pressing the Up and Down buttons until the display shows D001.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 26 8.4 Lamp On/Off LAMP This function allows you to manually control the lamp operation. Access the lamp function in the main menu and use the use the Up and Down buttons to toggle between lamp On and lamp Off.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 27 Mode button to cancel and return to the main menu. 8.8 Invert Tilt Movement RTLT This function allows you to i nvert all tilt movements.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 28 GOB2 000 - 255 Go bo whe el 2 GRT2 000 - 255 Go bo whe el 2 ro tat ion GOB3 000 -.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 29 This function will display the DMX value of a channel in the LED as the fixture receives it. Use the Up and Down buttons to select desired channel and press Enter to read its value.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 30 8.9.6 Fixture Temperature TEMP This function allows you to read out the actual fixture operating temperature. Press the Enter button to select this function or the Mode to button to cancel and return to the main menu.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 31 8.9.8 Adjustments and Calibrations ADJU With this function you can adjust and calibrate the positions of the different wheels and other motors.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 32 8.9.9 Default Settings DFSE This function is used to restore all the factory default settings and presets. Press the Enter button to confirm this operation or the Mode button to cancel and return to the menu.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 33 8.10 Display Error and Information Messages HEAt This message appears if you try to switch on the lamp within 5 minutes after having switched off (lamp too hot).
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 34 9. OPER A TION Operating Modes : The Power Spot 700 II™ can operate in three different modes. This next section will detail the differences in the operating modes.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 35 9.2.2 Access the main menu and select the AUDI function, this will give you access to the audio submenu. See page 25 for the menu breakdown.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 36 With two exceptions; be sure the first unit in the chain is selected as the “master“ (MSTR) is turned on in the audio submenu. All other fixtures must be in “slave“ mode (SVPT) turned on in the audio submenu.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 37 10. DMX CHAN NEL T RAITS (DMX P ROTOC OL) Cha nne l Fun ctio n Tim e an d V alu e DM X HEX % 1) P an 0..5 30° Min . 2.6 5 s 0..2 55 00.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 38 Cha nne l Fun ctio n Tim e an d V alu e DM X HEX % Colo r 2 / Co lor 3 (sl ow) 74.. 75 4A.. 4B 29.2 Colo r 3. Pur ple (slo w) 76.. 77 4C.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 39 Cha nne l Fun ctio n Tim e an d V alu e DM X HEX % Colo r 4 / Co lor 5 (fa st) 18.. 19 12.. 13 7.3 Colo r 5. Yel low (fas t) 20.. 21 14.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 40 Cha nne l Fun ctio n Tim e an d V alu e DM X HEX % Colo r R otat ion S TO P 128..129 80.. 81 50.1 Colo r ro tatio n, s low -fas t, C W Min .
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 41 Cha nne l Fun ctio n Tim e an d V alu e DM X HEX % 8) G obo 1 Gob o P ositi on 0 ... 540 ° 0..1 27 00.. 7F 0..4 9 Pos i./R ot Gob o R otat ion S TO P 128.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 42 Cha nne l Fun ctio n Tim e an d V alu e DM X HEX % new gobo 10) Gob o 2 Gob o P ositi on 0 ... 5 40° 0..1 27 00.. 7F 0..4 9 Pos i./R ot Gob o R otat ion S TO P 128.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 43 Cha nne l Fun ctio n Tim e an d V alu e DM X HEX % Gob o ro tatio n, s low -fas t, C W Min . 1.4 turn s/h 130..191 82.. BF 51.. 75 Gob o ro tatio n, f ast- slow , C CW Max .
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 44 Cha nne l Fun ctio n Tim e an d V alu e DM X HEX % Asc end with Sh utte r Slow - f ast 192..207 C0.. CF 75.. 81 Des cen d wi th S hutt er Slow - f ast 208.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 45 Cha nne l Fun ctio n Tim e an d V alu e DM X HEX % 1 90° 02.. 03 02.. 03 1.0 1 180° 04.. 05 04.. 05 1.7 1 270° 06.. 07 06.. 07 2.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 46 Lamp ON Shutter open Channel 12 240..25 5 F0..F F 94..10 0 Lamp OFF Lamp OFF (min. 3 sec.) if Shutter closed '000' Channel 19 and Channel 12 230.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 47 11. LAM P REPLACE MENT For a proper and safe lamp change, please read this chapter carefully and follow all instructions. Safety Regulations • Pull out the main plug! • Wait min.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 48 fasteners will remain connected to the lamp socket cover. 5. Gently remove the old lamp from it’s socket. If the old lamp has exploded be sure to remove all of the old lamp fragments to prevent damage to the internal components.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 49 2. Move lamp with setscrew “A” upward/downwards until this hotspot is in the center of the beam projection.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 50 12. FUS E REPL ACEM ENT Caution : Always replace with the exact same type fuse, unless otherwise specified by an authorized Elation® service technician.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 51 13. OPT ICAL EFFECT S MOD ULE The Power Spot 700 II is equipped with an optical effects module that can be easily removed for cleaning, service, and gobo/color exchange.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 52 2x Data Bus 4) Loosen the two locking thumbscrews on the left and right side of the optical effects module (please do not attempt to remove the thumbscrews completely).
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 53 means to grasp the module. 5) To access the internal components of the module loosen the three securing thumbscrews illustrated below.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 54 b) Insert the effects module back in to the fixture and the two lateral tracks. Push it carefully down until the two locking thumbscrews snap in place and hand tighten the retaining thumbscrews.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 55 14. CHANGING/REPLACING GOBOS/ COLORS Before attempting to change any gobos or color be sure to follow the effects module removal process as described in the previous section (section 13) of this manual.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 56 Attention: Custom gobos that contain company logos and text must also be orientated properly to ensure proper display of the custom image.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 57 14.2 Changing Gobos 1) Be sure the effects module is removed and opened as detailed in the previous section of this manual.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 58 Power Spot 700 II Gobo Wheels Special Notice: Gobo wheel 1 with rotating Gobos Gobo wheel 2 with rotating Gobos Fixed Gobo wheel If you use glass gobos, the non-vaporized side must be fitted towards the lamp direction.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 59 15. MA INTENA NCE AND C LEANI NG It is absolutely essential that the fixture is kept clean and dust, dirt and smoke-fluid residues do not built-up on the surface or within the fixture.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 60 Inside lens Monthly Soft cloth no glass cleaner Fan and air channel Monthly Vacuum cleaner, airbrush, etc. Reflector Never Lamp Never Moveable parts Yearly Suitable Lubricant Caution: 1.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 61 16. TW O YEAR (730 D A YS) L IMITED W ARRANT Y A.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 62 F. No warranty, whether expressed or implied, is given or made with respect to any accessory supplied with products described above.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 63 17. PHO TOMETRIC D A T A.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 64 18. DIM ENSION S.
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 65 19. TEC HNICA L SPECIFICA T ION Pow er su pp ly Pow er co ns um pti on 90 ~ 2 60V , 5 0 ~ 60 Hz 100 0 W at t, 4 .
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 66 Sta nda rd DM X- 51 2, 3 po le X LR ; [ +] = P in 3 [ -] = P in 2 [Gr oun d] = P in 1 . The D MX - a ddr ess ing sta rts at the DM X - a ddr ess [0 01] .
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 67 1. INDEX A Adjustments .......................................... 23 aspheric lens .......................................... 40 B BGV C1 .
Power Spot 700 II™ ©El atio n Pr ofes sion als ® L os A ng eles , Ca . - ww ww. Elat ionL igh ting. com - P age 68 Elation Professional 6122 S. Eastern Ave.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Elation 700 II (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Elation 700 II noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Elation 700 II - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Elation 700 II reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Elation 700 II erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Elation 700 II besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Elation 700 II verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Elation 700 II. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Elation 700 II gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.