Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung SRA 7.0 des Produzenten Dell
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| 1 SRA 7.0 User Guide.
2 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Notes, Cautions, and W arnings © 2013 Dell Inc. T rademarks: Dell™, the DELL logo, SonicW ALL™ , SonicW ALL ViewPoint™, Reassembly-Free Deep Packet Inspection™, Dynam i.
Table of Contents | 3 Table of Contents Chapter 1. Using This Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 About this Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Installing NetExtender Using the Mozilla Firefox Browser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Installing NetExtender Using the Interne t Explorer Browser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Installing NetExtender Using the Ch rome Browser .
Table of Contents | 5 Initiating Secure Virtual Assist on a Linux Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Using Secure Virtual Assist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Using Secure Virtual Assist in Unattended Mode .
6 | SRA 7.0 User Guide.
Using This Guide | 7 Chapter 1 Using This Guide About this Guide Welcome to the Dell SonicWALL SRA User Guide . It provides information on using the Dell SonicW ALL SRA user portal called V irtual Of fice that allows you to create bookmarks and r un services over the Dell SonicW ALL SRA appliance.
8 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Guide Conventions The following conventions used in this guide are as follows: Current Documentation Check the Dell SonicW ALL documentation Web si te for the latest versions of all Dell SonicW ALL product documentation at h ttp://www .
Virtual Office Overv iew | 9 Chapter 2 Virtual Office Overview This chapter provides an overview of the Dell S onicW ALL SSL VPN user portal. It also includes an introduction to the SRA appliance and its feat ures and applications.
10 | SRA 7.0 User Guide The NetExtender standalone applications are automa tically installed on a client system the first time you click the NetExtender link in t he V irtual Of fice portal. The st andalone client can be launched directly from users’ computers without requiring them to log in to the SSL VPN portal first.
Virtual Office Overview | 11 The following table provides specific browser requirement s. T o configure SonicOS SSL VPN firmware, an Ad ministrator must use a W eb browser with JavaScript, cookies, and SSL enabled. Virtual Assist is fully supported on Windows platfor m s.
12 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Web Management Interface Overview From your workstation at your remote location, launch an approved W eb browser and browse to your SRA appliance at the URL provided to you by your network Administrator . Ste p 1 Open a W eb browser and enter http s://192.
Virtual Office Overview | 13 have Administrator privileges, and login again using the LocalDo main domain. Only the LocalDomain allows Administrator access to the management interfa ce. Also note that the domain is independent of the privileges set up for the user .
14 | SRA 7.0 User Guide The Home page provides customized content and links to network resources. The Home Page may contain support contact information, VPN instructions, comp any news, or technical updates. Only a Web browser is required to access intranet Web sites, File Shar e s, and FTP sites.
Virtual Office Overview | 15 SonicW ALL NetExtender is a software applicati on th at enables remote users to securely connect to the remote network. Wi th NetExtender , remote users can virtually join the remote network.
16 | SRA 7.0 User Guide.
Using Virtual Office Features | 17 Chapter 3 Using Virtual Office Features This chapter provides details on how to use the feature s in the Dell SonicW ALL SSL VPN user portal.
18 | SRA 7.0 User Guide User Prerequisites Before you can log in using two-factor aut hentication, you must meet the following prerequisites: • Y our Administrator has created your user account. • Y ou have an account with a two-factor authent ication server that conforms to the RFC standard.
Using Virtual Office Features | 19 Ste p 1 Enter the IP address of the SRA appliance in your computers browser . The authentication window is displayed.
20 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Enter the PIN in the New PIN field and again in the Confirm PIN field and click OK . The PIN must be between 4 and 8 characters long. Ste p 6 The RSA Authentication Manager verifies that the new PIN is an accept able PIN. If the PIN is accepted, the user is prompted to log in with the new passcode.
Using Virtual Office Features | 21 Logging into the SSL VPN Virtual Office Using VASCO Two-Factor Authentication T o log in to the Dell SonicW A LL SSL VPN Virtual Office using V ASCO two-factor authentication, perform the following step s: Ste p 1 Enter the IP address of the SRA appliance in your computer ’s browser .
22 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Ste p 6 Y ou will be prompted to enter additional information, the details of which will depend on the type of RADIUS server used. The ex ample below shows an M.ID RADIUS server , which first prompts you to “Please enter the M.
Using Virtual Office Features | 23 User Configuration Tasks T o use the One-T ime Password feature, per form the following steps: Ste p 1 If you are not logged into the SSL VPN V irtual Office user interface, open a W eb browser and type the Virtual Of fice interface URL in the Location or Address bar and press Enter .
24 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Verifying User One-Time Password Configuration If you are successfully logged in to V irtual Of fice, you have correctly used the One-T ime Password feature.
Using NetExtender | 25 Chapter 4 Using NetExtender This chapter explains how to configure and use Dell SonicW ALL NetExtender and includes the following sections: • “User Prerequisites” section .
26 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Prerequisites for Linux Clients: Linux 32-bit or 64-bit client s are supported for NetExtender when running one of the following distributions (32- bit or 64-bit): • Linux Fedora Core 15 or higher , Ubuntu 1 1.10 or higher , or OpenSUSE 10.
Using NetExtender | 27 Prerequisites for Android Smartphone Clients The NetExtender Android client is supported on rooted smartpho nes running the following versions of the Andr oid operating system: • 1.
28 | SRA 7.0 User Guide • “Using the NetExtender Command Line Interface” section on page 47 MacOS Platform • “Installing NetExtender on MacOS” section on page 48 • “Using NetExtender o.
Using NetExtender | 29 Ste p 4 Click the Install button. The portal will automatically inst all the NetExtender stand-alone application on your computer . If an older versi on of NetExtender is inst alled on the computer , the NetExtender launcher removes the old version and inst alls the new version.
30 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Closing the window (clicking the x icon in the upper right corner of the window) does not close the NetExtender session, but mini mizes it to the system tray for continued operation. Also, a balloon icon in the system tray appears, indica ting NetExtender has successfully inst alled.
Using NetExtender | 31 Ste p 4 Enter the URL or domain name of your SSL VPN server in the Add this Web site to the zone field and click Add . Ste p 5 Click Ok in the T rusted Sites and Internet Options win dows.
32 | SRA 7.0 User Guide If an older version of NetExtender is inst alle d on the computer , the NetExtender launcher will remove the old version and t hen inst all the new version. Ste p 7 When NetExtender completes inst alling, the NetExtender St atus window displays, indicating that NetExtender successfully connected.
Using NetExtender | 33 Ste p 4 Return to the SSL VPN portal and click the NetExtender button. The portal will automatically install the NetExtender sta nd-alone application on your computer .
34 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Ste p 3 The IP address of the last SSL VPN se rver you connected to is displayed in the SSL VPN Server field. T o display a list of recent SSL VP N servers you have connected to, click the arrow . Ste p 4 Enter your username and password.
Using NetExtender | 35 Configuring NetExtender Properties Complete the following procedure to configure NetExtender properties: Ste p 1 Right click the icon in the system tray and click Properties.
36 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Ste p 6 T o have NetExtender launch when you log in to your computer , check the Automatically st art NetExtender UI . NetExtender will st art, but will only be displayed in the system tray . T o have the NetExtender log-in window display , check the Display NetExtender UI check box.
Using NetExtender | 37 Configuring NetExtender Connection Scripts Dell SonicW ALL SSL VPN provid es users with the ability to run batch file scripts when NetExtender connects and disconnect s. The scrip ts can be used to map or disconnect network drives and printers, launch applications, or open fi les or W eb sites.
38 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Configuring Batch File Commands NetExtender Connection Script s can support any valid batch file commands. For more information on batch files, s ee the following Wikipedia entry: . The following t asks provide an introduction to some commonly used batch file commands.
Using NetExtender | 39 Configuring Proxy Settings Dell SonicW ALL SSL VPN support s NetExtender sessions using proxy configurations. Currently , only HTTPS proxy is supported. When launching NetExtender from the Web portal, if your browser is already c onfigured for proxy access, NetExt ender automatically inherits the proxy settings.
40 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Configuring NetExtender Log Properties Within the NetExtender Proper ties dialog box , click the Log heading in the menu on the left panel.
Using NetExtender | 41 Configuring NetExtender Advanced Properties Within the NetExtender Proper ties dialog box, click the Advanced heading in the menu on the left p anel. The available options allow you to adjust advanced settings on NetExtender network properties and protocols.
42 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Configuring NetExtender Packet Capture Properties Within the NetExtender Proper ties dialog box , click the Packet Capture heading in the menu on the left p anel. The availabl e options allow you to enable and disable packet capture and dat a compression on NetExtender .
Using NetExtender | 43 Viewing the NetExtender Log The NetExtender log displays information on NetE xtender session event s. The log is a file named NetExtender .
44 | SRA 7.0 User Guide T o view the Debug Log, either click the Debug Log icon or go to Log > Debug Log . Note It may t ake several minutes for the D ebug Log to load. During this time, the Log window will not be accessible, although you can open a new Log window while the Debug Log is loading.
Using NetExtender | 45 Authentication Methods NetExtender supports various two factor authentic ation methods, including one-time p a ssword, RSA, and V asco. If an Administrator has c onfigured one-time passwords to be required to connect through NetExtender , you will be asked to provide this information before connecting.
46 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Uninstalling NetExtender The NetExtender utility is automatically insta lled on your computer . T o remove NetExtender , click St art > All Programs , click Dell SonicW AL L NetExtender , and then click Unins tall . Y ou can also configure NetExtender to autom atically uninstall w hen your session is disconnected.
Using NetExtender | 47 Using the NetExtender Co mmand Line Interface Note The NetExtender command line interface is only available on Windows platforms. T o launch the NetExtender CLI, perform the following t asks: Ste p 1 Launch the Windows Command Prompt by going to the Start menu, select Run , enter cmd , and click OK .
48 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Installing NetExtender on MacOS Dell SonicW ALL SSL VPN support s NetExt ender on MacOS. T o use NetExtender on your MacOS system, your system must meet the following prerequisites: • Mac OS 10.6 and higher • Java 1.5 and higher • Both PowerPC and Intel Macs are supported.
Using NetExtender | 49 Ste p 3 The Virtual Of fice displays the status of NetExtender inst allation. A pop-up window may appear , prompting you to accept a certificate. Click Tr u s t . Ste p 4 A second pop-up window may appear , prompting you to accept a ce rtificate.
50 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Using NetExtender on MacOS Ste p 1 T o launch NetExtender , go the Ap plications folder in the Finder and double-click NetExtender .app . Ste p 2 The first time you connect, yo u must enter the Dell SonicW ALL SSL VPN server name in the SSL VPN Server field.
Using NetExtender | 51 Step 10 T o view the NetExtender Log, go to Window > Log . Ste p 11 T o generate a diagnostic report with detailed information on NetExtender performance, go to Help > Generate diagnostic report . Step 12 Click Save to save the diagnostic report using the default nx diag.
52 | SRA 7.0 User Guide T o install NetExtender on your Linux system, perform the following tasks: Ste p 1 Log in to the Dell SonicW ALL Virtual Of fice. Ste p 2 Click the NetExtender button. A pop-up window indicate s that you have chosen to open a .
Using NetExtender | 53 Ste p 5 Enter su -C “ ./ins tal l” to inst all NetExtender . Ste p 6 Enter your system password. Ste p 7 The installer will ask if you want non-root us ers to be able to r un NetExtender . Enter either y for yes or n for no.
54 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Ste p 2 The first time you connect, yo u must enter the Dell SonicW ALL SSL VPN server name in the SSL VPN Server field. NetExtender will remember the server name in the future. Ste p 3 Enter your username and password. Ste p 4 The first time you connec t, you must enter the domain name.
Using NetExtender | 55 Ste p 6 T o view the NetExtender DNS server information, select the DNS tab in the main NetExtender window . Ste p 7 T o configure NetExtender Preferences, select NetExtender > Preferences .
56 | SRA 7.0 User Guide • PPP Sync Mode - S pecifies synchronous PPP . By default, this opt ion is disabled and asynchronous PPP is used. Step 10 T o view the NetExtender Log, go to NetExtender > Log . Ste p 11 T o generate a diagnostic report with detailed information on NetExtender performance, go to Help > Generate diagnostic report .
Using NetExtender | 57 NetExtender supports the following Windows Mobile plat forms: • Windows Mobile 5 PocketPC version • Windows Mobile 6 Professional/Classic version Note Windows Mobile 5 Smart Phone version and Windows Mobile 6 S tandard version are not currently supported.
58 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Ste p 11 Click the Menu button to see the NetExtender properties menu. Step 12 Select the Sent & Received menu t ab to adjust the metric us ed for sent and received statistics on the status window . Select the Throughput menu tab to adjust the throughput measurement displayed on the status window .
Using NetExtender | 59 – Hide NetExtender when closing window - Hides NetExtender when you click the ok button. – Display precise number in status - Displays the exact numbers of sent and receive data.
60 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Passwords in NetExtender Mobile NetExtender Mobile supports the ability for users to change passwords. Also, if configured by an Administrator , users can be alerted that the th eir password is scheduled to expire soon.
Using NetExtender | 61 The following features are not supported or not applicable on NetExtender Android in Dell SonicW ALL SSL VPN: • Automatic connection of NetE xtender before Windows login • A.
62 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Ste p 8 T ap USB connected to connect to the computer . T he next screen shows the connection. Ste p 9 T ap T urn on USB storage to prep are for copying the apk installer to the Android smartphone. Step 10 On the computer , copy the apk file to the Android SD card.
Using NetExtender | 63 Step 14 Using the file browser , locate the apk file and run it to inst all NetExtender Android. Af ter installation, the NetExtender icon appears on the applications p age of the smartphone.
64 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Connecting to NetExtender T o launch NetExtender on your An droid smar tphone and connect to t he network through th e Dell SonicW ALL SRA appliance, per form the following steps: Ste p 1 On your Android smartphone, start NetExt ender by t apping the appl ication icon.
Using NetExtender | 65 After a successful connection, the enter ed values are saved as a profile that you can select when starting NetExtender . NetExtender saves the information in a secure file on the smartphone. Ste p 4 If One T ime Password is enabled on the Dell SonicW ALL SRA appli ance, the One T ime Password prompt is displayed.
66 | SRA 7.0 User Guide If no PIN has yet been configured, or if the Ad ministrator has reset t he account, the following screen asks if the system should generate a new PIN. T o allow the system to generate it, tap Ye s . T o type in a PIN yourself, tap No and skip to S tep 7 .
Using NetExtender | 67 Ste p 8 After entering the PIN or creating a new PIN, the T w o Factor Authentication process requires you to enter the token code shown on your tok en device. W a it for the token code to change on the device, and then type the code into the field on your smartphone and tap OK .
68 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Ste p 11 If the NetExtender service running on the smar tphone has a problem or has stopped running, the following screen is displayed. T ap Exit to quit the application. Y ou may need to restart the service, possibly by turning the phone of f and on again, or you may need to re-install NetExtender .
Using NetExtender | 69 Ste p 2 In the NetExtender user interface, tap the Disconnect button and tap OK to confirm. NetExtender notifies you while disconnecting. Checking Status, Routes, and DNS Settings While NetExtender is connected, you can view st atus information, routes, and DNS settings on your smartphone.
70 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Ste p 2 T o view status information , tap the Stat us tab. Y ou can tap on the Sent , Received , or Throughput fields to change the unit s between bytes and packets. If you are connected to a Dell SonicW ALL SRA appliance running 5.
Using NetExtender | 71 Ste p 4 T o view the configured DNS servers, t ap the DNS t ab. NetExtender Android supports DNS only; WI NS or DNS suffix are no t supported.
72 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Ste p 3 T o display the Remove selected , Remove all , and Close options on this NetExtender Profiles screen, press the options button while on the screen. Ste p 4 T ap Remove selected to remove the profiles that have check marks next to them.
Using NetExtender | 73 EXPORT LOG Step 12 T o export the log file of NetExt ender Android activity , select the Export Log option and enter the requested information.
74 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Step 17 After selecting the Use Proxy check box, tap Proxy settings to open the configuration screen for the proxy server . Step 18 T ype the IP address of the proxy server into the Server field. T ype the port number of the port that the server listens on into the Port field.
Using NetExtender | 75 Changing Your Password T o change your password when prompted by NetExtender , perform the following steps: Ste p 1 After connecting, a p assword expiration notice may be displayed on your Android smartphone. T ap Ye s to change your password, or No to delay until a later time .
76 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Ste p 3 If your password expires befo re you change it, the Change password screen is displayed when you connect, with the message “Login fa iled – you must change your passwo rd.
Using Secure Virtual Assist | 77 Chapter 5 Using Secure Virtual Assist Secure Virtual Assist provides remote assist ance and virtual meeting cap abilities. Secure Virtual Assist is an easy to use tool that allows Dell SonicW ALL SSL VPN use rs to remotely support customers by taking control of their co mputers while the customer observes.
78 | SRA 7.0 User Guide 3. The customer requests assist ance by one of these methods: – Logs into the Dell SonicW ALL SSL VPN V irtual Office an d clicks on the Virtual Assist link. – Receives an email invitation from the T echni cian and clicks on the link to launch Virtual Assist.
Using Secure Virtual Assist | 79 Configuring Secure Vi rtual Assist Settings The Secure V irtual Assist Settings window can be access ed either by clicking the Settings button in the top left corner of the application window or by right-clicki ng on the V irtual Assist icon in the taskbar and selecting Settings .
80 | SRA 7.0 User Guide • Connection Profiles - Displays all of the V i rtual As sist connection profiles that have been used on this computer . T o remove a profile, select it and click the Remove button.
Using Secure Virtual Assist | 81 Selecting a Secure Virtual Assist Mode When you first launch Secure Virtual Assist, by de fault it will be in customer mode. T o change the mode, perform the following step s. Ste p 1 Click Change Mode to select one of four possible modes.
82 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Ste p 2 In the Server drop-down menu, select the IP address or domain name of the Dell SonicW ALL SRA appliance. Ste p 3 Enter the Username and Password for the T echnician account on the appliance. Ste p 4 Click Login .The Select Domain window displays.
Using Secure Virtual Assist | 83 Performing Secure Virtual Assist Technician Tasks T o get started , the T echnician logs into the Dell SonicWALL SRA app liance and launches the Secure Virtual Assist application. Note Each T echnician can only assist one customer at a time.
84 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Assisting Customers A pop-up window in the bottom right t ask bar aler ts the T echnician when a customer is in the assistance queue. The customer queue is also displayed in the Service window . Ste p 1 Double-click a customer ’s user nam e to begin assisting the customer .
Using Secure Virtual Assist | 85 The T echnician now has complete control of the customer’s keyboard and mouse. The customer can see all of the actions that the T echnician performs. During a V irtual Assist session, the customer is not locked out of their compu ter .
86 | SRA 7.0 User Guide • Record - Records the Virtual As sist session in a .wmv file that can be shared with other customers. The file is automatically named with the user name and the date and time the recording was started (for example, Sue_EST_2013-2-12_09h47m43s.
Using Secure Virtual Assist | 87 • Request Full Control - T echnicians can request full c ontrol of a customer ’s desktop, allowing them to reboot the system, delete file s, or over-write files on the customer ’s computer without the customer being repeat edly prompted for permission.
88 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Viewing Secure Virtual Assist Session Log The Secure Virtual Assist Session Log window can be display ed by clicking the Logging button in the T askbar . The log displays a history of timest amped events for the session, such as opening Chat or File T ransfer , requesting Full Control, etc.
Using Secure Virtual Assist | 89 Note When deleting or overwriting files, the customer is warned and must give the T echnician permission unless t he T echnician has clicked the Request Full Control button and the customer has confirmed. • New folder creates a new folder in the selected directory .
90 | SRA 7.0 User Guide • The login page of your V irtual Office may incl ude a direct link to Virtual Assist as shown below . • Login to the Virtual Of fice and click the Request Assist ance button.
Using Secure Virtual Assist | 91 Ste p 4 Y ou can launch Virtual Assist either from the Vi rtual Office window or from a shortcut that is added to your Programs list under Window’s st art button. If the Server address is not auto- propagated in the login window , enter the Server address.
92 | SRA 7.0 User Guide After selecting a port al, a certificate prom pt appears, followed by an assistance code and/or disclaimer if configur ed by the Administrator . Ste p 9 A pop-up window indicates that you are in the Virtual Assist queue. T he T echnician will be alerted that you are ready .
Using Secure Virtual Assist | 93 Ste p 11 When the T echnician initiates the session, the V i rtual Assist toolbar appears in the bo ttom right of your screen. The T echnician now has control of your computer . Step 12 For information on using V irtual Assist once the session is active, see “Using Secure V irtual Assist” section on page 99 .
94 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Ste p 2 The first time you launch Vi rtual Assist, you will be p rompted to allow the Secure V irtual Assist applet to be inst alled on your computer . Click Allow . Ste p 3 The Secure V irtual Assist client installs and launches.
Using Secure Virtual Assist | 95 Ste p 6 Y ou may be prompted to enter an Assist ance Code . Ste p 7 If prompted to read and acc ept a disclaimer , click OK . Ste p 8 A pop-up window indicates that you are in the Virtual Assist queue. T he T echnician will be alerted that you are ready .
96 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Initiating Secure Virtual Assist on a Linux Client Note Dell SonicW ALL Secure V irtual Assist is fully tested on the Ubuntu di stribution of Linux.
Using Secure Virtual Assist | 97 Ste p 3 Optionally , you can enter your name and a summary of your issue and click Request Support . Y ou will then be prompted to install the Secure Vi rtual Assist client. Af ter the installation is complete, the Secure Virtual Assist client will launch automatically .
98 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Ste p 7 Y ou may be prompted to enter an Assist ance Code . Ste p 8 If prompted to read and acc ept a disclaimer , click OK . Ste p 9 A pop-up window indicates that you are in the Virtual Assist queue. T he T echnician will be alerted that you are ready .
Using Secure Virtual Assist | 99 Ste p 11 When the T echnician initiates the session, the V i rtual Assist toolbar appears in the bo ttom right of your screen. The T echnician now has control of your computer . Step 12 For information on using V irtual Assist once the session is active, see “Using Secure V irtual Assist” section on page 99 .
100 | SRA 7.0 User Guide • Tr u s t e d - The T echnician has complete control of the customer ’s computer . T o toggle between T rusted mode and Active mode, enter Ctrl-Alt-T . Note By default, Virtual Assist sessions are launc hed in T rusted mode.
Using Secure Virtual Assist | 101 Ste p 4 Enter a Password and click Login . The W aiting window displays and shows the length of time you have been in the queue. Ste p 5 Y ou need to provide the T echnician with the password you just def ined. An easy way to do this is to click Add Information and give the T echnician your password.
102 | SRA 7.0 User Guide • Computer Name: This is an identifier for the system to help dif ferentiate between other systems that may be waiting for support in the queue. This name will appear as a bookmark name in the user port al of the owner . • Owner Name: This name must be a valid SRA appliance user name.
Using Secure Virtual Assist | 103 T o enable W ake on Lan: Ste p 1 Configure W ake on Lan in the client PC BIOS by selecting the W ake-on-LAN option. Ste p 2 Configure W ake on Lan in the client PC Device Manager: 1.
104 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Ending Secure Virtual Access Mode Disconnecting from a Secure V irtual Access sess ion will place the system back in the support queue for later access by the T echnician. From the personal system-side, the user/T echnician may uninstall or terminate the applic ation from the tray option icons.
Using Secure Virtual Assist | 105 • Assist ant (Coordinator-designated Assi stant) - The Coordinator se lect s an Assist ant fr om the list of available Participant s and assigns the Assist ant privileges. W h e n t h e C o o r d i n a t o r exits the meeting , th e Assist an t auto m at ic ally becom e s the Coor di na tor.
106 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Coordinator Role The Virtual Meetin g Coordinator performs the following t asks: Logging In A Participant can join a V irtual M eeting by clicking a link in the email invite o.
Using Secure Virtual Assist | 107 The meeting application can alternatively be acce ssed directly from the V irtual Office on an SRA 4600, SRA 4200, and V irtual Appliance. A Domains drop-down list is displayed if the user belongs to multiple domains, and a Port als drop-down list is shown if V irtual Meeting is enabled on multiple portals.
108 | SRA 7.0 User Guide T o create a meeting, click the Create button to display the meeting creation interface. T o set up a meeting enter a Meeting Name , Meeting Code , S tarting Dat e and Tim e , and Ending Date and Tim e . The meeting code will be entered by al l Particip ants wishing to join the meeting.
Using Secure Virtual Assist | 109 After you create a meeting, you enter the meeting’ s lobby automatically . When a meeting is scheduled for a late r time, the Coordinator exit s the m eeting and returns to the lobby at the meeti ng start time.
110 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Performing Lobby Functions The following functions can be performed fr om the lobby by clicking buttons at the top: Clicking the St art Meeting button start s the meeting. Only the Coordinator and Assistant can st art a meeting.
Using Secure Virtual Assist | 111 Controlling Roles The Coordinator and Assist ant can change a meet ing member ’s role by right clicking the meeting member ’s name and selecting a role from the drop-down menu. The following options may appear , depending on permissions and the meeting member ’s current role.
112 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Revising Meeting Settings Proxy Settings For setups that require a proxy , click the Settings tab in the Virtual Meeting window , and check the Enable Proxy Settings check box.
Using Secure Virtual Assist | 113 General Settings The General Settings tab is used to select the location where recordings will be save d, select the V oice Transmission met hod, and enable or disable the Participant Mark feature.
114 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Logging Actions and Messages The Log Viewer displays all event log dat a, wh ich includes actions t aken during a meeting and any errors that occur . The Log helps you keep tr ack of events that occu r in a meeting and shows all actions performed by meeting Par ticipants.
Using Secure Virtual Assist | 115 The Lobby button is available for all meeting me mbers, including Vi ew-only Participant s. If the lobby is hidden during a m eeting, it displays the lobby window when the Host is sharing the screen.
116 | SRA 7.0 User Guide White Board displays a white board and is also displayed on the Lobby toolbar . See “Using a White Board” on page 1 19 for additional information.
Using Secure Virtual Assist | 117 T o invite someone to a Vi rtual Meeting, enter the email address and click Invite . Additional fields are optional. Invited users rece ive an email similar to the following: After receiving the email in vita tion, attendees click the link in the email, which accesses the appliance to join the meeting.
118 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Create new questions by clicking t he and buttons. There are three question types: • Multiple choice (single answer) • Multiple choice (multiple answer) • Short answer Use the buttons at the top of the window to: The Open Virtual Meeting Poll Files button opens any saved polling questions an d possible answers.
Using Secure Virtual Assist | 119 Polling feedback wind ow Feedback from the poll is returned to the poll initiator when a nswers are submitted and when the End Polling button is clicked. The collected feedbac k is displayed as shown below . Click the green bar to display det ai led information for each answer .
120 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Rect angle tool draws a rectangle. The rect angle edge colo r (default black), fill color (default transparent), and edge weight (1- 100pt, default 5pt ) are configurable with the Customization tools. Ellip se tool draws an ellip se on the white board.
Using Secure Virtual Assist | 121 T o share a file, select File > Select File from the menu on the Sharing File window and select the file. By default, the file will be shared with a ll meeting Particip ants. T o share the file with specific meeting Participants select Customize .
122 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Text Chatting Chat with all attendees in the meeting or hav e a private chat with one or more selected attendees, including View-only Participant s. If the lobby is hidden, click on the control menu once the meeting has started and the Host is sharing the screen.
Using Secure Virtual Assist | 123 Login Participant s click the link from the meeting email invitation or type the server name or IP address in the Server field of the Secure V irtual Meeting window . If necessary , select the proper meeting por t al.
124 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Enter the meeting code that was pr ovided in the meeting email invitation and click the OK button to join the meeting. After joining t he meeting, you will be in the meeti ng lobby .
Using File Shares | 125 Chapter 6 Using File Shares File shares provide remote users with a secure Java applet or HTML-based interface to Microsoft File Shares using the CIFS (Common Internet File System) or SMB (Se rver Message Block) protocols.
126 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Configuration Overview The SSL VPN File Shares Applet is easy and intuitive to use. User should be aware of its functions and limitations . Setting up bookmarks and the browser interface are covered in this section, along with an overview of the browser and sample use cases.
Using File Shares | 127 Ste p 4 The Add Bookmark screen displays. Enter a friendly name for the bookmark in the Bookmark Name field. Ste p 5 Enter the IP address and file director y path to the File Share in the N a me o r I P Ad d r e s s field.
128 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Using the Java File Shares Applet While loading the browser interf ace, warning messages might display . These messages will look dif ferent for different browsers. For the pur pose of these examples, Internet Explorer 6.0 was used.
Using File Shares | 129 The File Shares Applet displays. Note The File Shares Applet window will not automatically refresh when its content s have changed or if it has been previously viewed. T o refresh, click the Refresh icon from the toolbar , or use the Refresh option from the right-click menu.
130 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Ste p 7 Double-click a file to launch it with the proper applic ation. If activating a file on the remote machine, the File Shares Applet will first do wnload the file to a temporary folder on your machine and then open it. The File Shares Applet will not always be able to delete the tempor ary file after use.
Using File Shares | 131 Configuration Examples The following configuration examples provide a demonstration of the us efulness and flexibility of the File Shares Applet.
132 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Ste p 5 T o set a bookmark to the current directory , right-click in an empty location in the remote directory and select Add Bookmark . Note T o set a bookmark for a specific file or folder , select it prior to selecting Add Bookmark from the right-click menu.
Using File Shares | 133 Using Bookmarks from With in the File Shares Applet In Addition to accessing bookmarks from the Vi rtual Of fice portal, boo kmarks can be easily accessed from within the File Shares Applet. Ste p 1 Launch the File Shares A pplet by clicking on the File Shares button in the Virtual Of fice portal.
134 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Warning The File Shares Applet will completely delete t he file or folder from the remote machine. In the case of a folder , nested items will also be deleted. These items will not be sent to the recycle bin on either machine and are not recoverable.
Using File Shares | 135 Ste p 1 Launch the File Shares Applet by clicking on a bookmark in the Virtual Of fice portal. Ste p 2 Right click the file and select Properties . The file’ s properties will be displayed in a separate window . Ste p 3 T o open the file, double-click the file.
136 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Using HTML-Based File Shares File shares provide remote users with a secure Web interface to Microsof t File Shares using the CIFS (Common Internet File System) or SMB (Server Message Block) protocols.
Using File Shares | 137 Ste p 5 T ype a valid username in the User Name field and a valid p assword in the Password field and click Login . Ste p 6 Virtual Of fice displays the home File Share scr een that you have specif ied, displaying folders on the network to which you can navigate.
138 | SRA 7.0 User Guide The following t able describes the controls at the top of the File Share window . Ste p 7 Y ou can now navigate the folders and files in the File S hare as you would through Windows Explorer or other file management systems.
Managing Bookmarks | 139 Chapter 7 Managing Bookmarks Bookmarks are objects that enabl e you to connect to a location or application conveniently and quickly . The Virtual Of fice B ookmark system allows bookmark s to be cr eated at the group and user levels.
140 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Adding Bookmarks Bookmarks provide a convenient way for you to access Web, FTP , or other services on the remote network that you will connect to frequent ly .
Managing Bookmarks | 141 Ste p 3 Enter the domain name, IP address, or IPv6 addr ess of a host machine on the LAN in the Name or IP Address field. IPv6 addresses should be enclosed in brackets (i.e. the [ and ] symbols). Y ou may also enter the wildcard variable %USERNAME% to display the current user name.
142 | SRA 7.0 User Guide • Select Always use specified Citrix ICA Server to explicitly specify the Citrix ICA Server Address for the Citrix ICA Session. By default , the Bookmark uses the information provided in the ICA configuration on the Citrix server .
Managing Bookmarks | 143 RDP ActiveX and Java Bookmarks ActiveX and Java RDP bookmarks of fer several features that are not available in other bookmarks. Tip The ActiveX client is only suppor ted on the Internet Explorer browser , while the Java client is supported on all platforms and browsers that are compatible with Dell SonicW ALL SSL VPN.
144 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Ste p 6 Continue to configure t he RDP ActiveX or Java Bookmark as follows: Option Usage Screen Size Select the default screen si ze to be used when users execute this bookmark. It is advised that you select a size equal to or smaller than your current desktop screen size.
Managing Bookmarks | 145 Tip The ActiveX client is only suppor ted on the Internet Explorer browser , while the Java client is supported on all platforms and browsers that are compatible with Dell SonicW ALL SSL VPN. Ste p 7 When you are fini shed. Click the Add button to add this bookmark to your Vi rtual Office list.
146 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Determining the Remote Comput er’s Full Name or IP Address Complete the following steps to determine the fu ll name of the computer to which the RDP bookmark is pointing: Ste p 1 Right click the My Computer icon on the desktop of the remote computer , and select Properties .
Managing Bookmarks | 147 to be displayed when a user clicks this bookmark. If left unchecked, the wa rning dialog will allow the user to select a “Do not show this warning again” option if the user has permissions to edit this bookmark (set above).
148 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Ste p 5 Optionally change other settings specific to the Service type. Ste p 6 Optionally enable or disable the Automatical ly log in setting, or change the credentials selection. Ste p 7 Click Apply . The Virtual Office home p age displays with the new IP address or domain name.
Managing Bookmarks | 149 • Bitmap caching • Menu/window animation • Visual styles • Window drag If the Java client application is RDP 6, it also support s: • Dual monitors • S p an monitor.
150 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Ste p 3 A window is displayed indicating that the Remo te Desktop Client is loading. The remote desktop then loads in it s own windows.
Managing Bookmarks | 151 Using VNC Bookmarks Ste p 1 Click the VNC bookmark. The following window is d isplayed while the VNC client is loading. Note VNC can have a port designation if the service is running on a different port. Ste p 2 When the VNC client has loaded, you will be pr ompted to enter your p assword in the VNC Authentication window .
152 | SRA 7.0 User Guide The following t able describes the options that can be configured for VNC. T able 1 VNC Options Option Default Description of Options Encoding T ight Hextile is a good choice for fast networks, while T ight is better suited for low-bandwidth connections.
Managing Bookmarks | 153 Using FTP Bookmarks FTP bookmarks can use a port designation if t he service is not running on the default port. Ste p 1 Click the FTP bookmark. The FTP Session dialog box displays. Ste p 2 Enter your username and password. If you want to use your Virtual Of fice username and password, simply leav e the fields blank.
154 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Ste p 4 Y ou can use the following utilities in the FTP site: – T o manually navigate to a folder , enter the folder name in the Go to directory field and click Submit . – T o create new folders in the directory , use the Create new folder fields.
Managing Bookmarks | 155 Uploading Files T o upload a file, perform the following: Ste p 1 Click Upload Files in the navigation bar . The Upload FTP Files window will be displayed. Ste p 2 The current directory is displayed in the Upload files to: field.
156 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Using Telnet Bookmarks Ste p 1 Click the T elnet bookmark. T elnet bookmarks can use a port designation for servers not running on the default por t. Ste p 2 Click OK to any warning messages that are displa yed. A Java-based T e lnet window launches.
Managing Bookmarks | 157 Using SSHv2 Bookmarks SSH bookmarks can use a port designation fo r servers not running on the default port. Ste p 1 Click the SSHv2 bookmark. A Java-based SSH window displays. T y pe your user name in the Username field and click Login .
158 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Ste p 4 The SSH terminal launches in a new screen. Using Web Bookmarks Ste p 1 Click the HTTP or HTTPS bookmark. Note HTTP bookmarks can have a port designation and a path. Ste p 2 A new window is launched in your default browser that connect s to the domain name or IP address specified in the bookmark.
Managing Bookmarks | 159 Using Citrix Bookmarks Citrix is a remote access, app lication sharing service, simila r to RDP . It enables users to remotely access files and applications on a cent ral computer over a secure connection.
160 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Ste p 4 Click Ye s to the Security W arning message that is displayed. Ste p 5 The Citrix Web Client installs. Ste p 6 Click Ye s to the Citrix license agreement.
Managing Bookmarks | 161 Ste p 7 When the Citrix Web Client has inst alled, click OK If the Citrix Web Interface login window does not display , restart your Web brow ser and launch the Citrix bookmark again. Ste p 8 Enter your username, password, and domain in the Citrix Web Interface login window .
162 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Java Citrix Bookmark When using a non-Internet Explorer web browse r , Citrix bookmarks launch the Java Citrix client. The following steps describe how to launch and use the Java Citrix client. Ste p 1 Click the Citrix bookmark.
Managing Bookmarks | 163 Ste p 6 Select Display Settings to change the language and to specif y if Citrix hints should be displayed. Ste p 7 Select Session Settings to customize the default window size for Citrix sessions.
164 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Global Bookmark Single Sign-On Options Y ou can configure si ngle sign-on using the Options button on the main Virtual Of fice page. SSO settings will be enabled only if the Administrator has conf igured user- controlled single sign-on (SSO).
Managing Bookmarks | 165 Per-Bookmark SSO allows users to enable or disable SSO for indivi dual bookmarks. This flexibility in specifying l ogin credentials is useful in the following cases: • Users who use multiple accounts to access a variety of resources.
166 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Ste p 7 Click OK . Ste p 8 Enter the User name and p assword for the service..
Support Information | 167 Appendix A Support Information This appendix contains the following se ctions: • “Contact Information” on p age 167 • “GNU General Public License (GPL) Source Code�.
168 | SRA 7.0 User Guide suppliers' entire liability and Cu stomer's sole and exclusive remedy under this limited warranty will be shipment of a replacement product. At Dell SonicW ALL's discretion the replacement product may be of equal or greater functionality and may be of either new or like-new quality .
Support Information | 169 "Product" means the SonicW ALL labeled hardw are and related documentation ("Hardware") and/or proprietary SonicW ALL labeled soft war e, firmware and related documentation ("Software") pur chased by the end user of the product either directly from SonicW ALL or a Reseller (“Customer”).
170 | SRA 7.0 User Guide (d) Evaluation License. If the Sof tware is provided by SonicW ALL or a Reseller at no charge for evaluation purposes, then Secti on 1(a) above shall not apply to such Sof twa.
Support Information | 171 (g) Updates/Upgrades. If Customer purchases or otherwise is eligible to receive a SOFTWARE update or upgrade, you must be properly licensed to use the Product identified by SonicW ALL as being eligible for the update/ upgrade in or der to inst all and use the SOFTW ARE update/ upgrade.
172 | SRA 7.0 User Guide Software is ninety days from the date of registration of the Soft war e Product (or if sooner , seven days after initial delivery/download) of the So f tware Product to/by Customer . SonicWALL does not warrant that use of the Product(s) will be unin terrupted or error free nor that SonicWALL will correct all errors.
174 | SRA 7.0 User Guide c) Severability . If any provision of this Ag reement shall be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law , such prov ision will be enforced to the maximum e xtent permissible and the remaining provis io ns of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect.
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Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Dell SRA 7.0. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Dell SRA 7.0 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.