Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung PowerEdge 4350 des Produzenten Dell
Zur Seite of 148
ZZZ GHOOFRP 'HOO 3 RZHU(GJH 6VWHPV 86(5 ·6*8,'( Pa ge 3 Friday, November 13, 1998 1 0:00 AM.
_______ _________ ____ Infor mation in this document is subject to c hange without notice. © 1998 Dell Computer Cor por ation. All r ights reserv ed. Reproduction in any manner whatsoever without the writ ten permission of Dell Computer C orporation is stric tly forbidden.
v 6DIHW,QVWUXFWLRQV Use the follo w ing saf et y guidelines to help protect your computer system from poten- tial damage and to ensure your o wn personal saf et y .
vi Do not spill food or liquids on your computer . Do not push any objects into the openings of your computer . Doing so can cause fire or electric shoc k by shorting out interior components. Keep y our compu ter a wa y fro m radiators and heat sources.
viii Pa ge viii Fri day, November 13, 199 8 10:00 AM.
ix 3U H I D F H $ERXW7KLV*XLGH This guide is intended f or anyone who uses the Dell P ow erEdge 4350 computer sys- tem. The guide can be used by both first-time and experienced computer users who want to learn about the f eat ures and operation of the systems or who w ant to upgrade their sy stems.
x Appendix D , Regulator y Notices, is f or users who are interested in whic h regu- lator y agencies hav e tested and approv ed the Dell P ow erEdge 4350 systems. Appendix E, W arranty , Ret urn P olic y , and Y ea r 200 0 St atement of Complian ce, describes the w arranty and return policy f or Dell P ow erEdge 4350 systems .
xi 1RWDWLRQDO&RQYHQWLRQV The f ollowing subsections list not ational conventions used in this document. 1RWHV&DXWLRQVDQG: DUQLQJV Throughout this guide, bloc ks of text may be accompanied by an icon and printe d in bold ty pe or in italic t ype.
xii Filenames and director y names are presented in low ercase bold. Example: aut oexec.bat and c: windows Syntax lines consist of a command and all its possible parameters.
xiii &RQWHQWV &KDSWHU ,QWURGXFWLRQ System Features .
xiv SCSI Disk Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 Exiting SCSI Se lect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 SCSISelect Defaults .
xv Fan Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 System Alert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7 Keyboard Errors .
xvi Step 4: Examine Switches or Print Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6 Step 5: Save and Exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6 Set Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xvii ESD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-6 Electromagnetic and Radio Frequency Interference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C -6 Magnetism . . . . . . . . . . .
xviii *ORVVDU ,QGH[ )LJXUHV Figure 1-1. Front Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 Figure 1-2. Status Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Introduction 1-1 &+$37(5 ,QWURGXFWLRQ The Dell ® Po w e r E d g e ® 4350, whic h f eatures Intel ® P e ntium ® II processors, is a f eature-ric h, enterprise-class ser ver that of f ers .
1-2 Dell P owerEdge 43 50 Sy stems User s Guide microprocessor . The up grade kit from Dell cont ains the correct version of the microprocessor for use as an additional microprocessor , as well as instr u ctions for perf orming the upgrade. The second microprocessor must have the same internal operating frequenc y as the first.
Introduction 1-3 configures SCSI ID numbers and SCSI termination on individual hard-disk drives, greatly simplifying drive installatio n. A 1 x 3 SCSI bac kplane board sup ports hot-pluggable SCSI har.
1-4 Dell P owerEdge 43 50 Sy stems User s Guide 6XSSRUWHG2SHUD WLQJ6VWH PV Dell supports the follo wing network operating systems for use on P owerEdge 4350 systems: Microsof t Windows NT Ser ver 4.0 Microsof t Win dows NT Ser ver , Enterprise Edition Microsof t Win dows NT Server 4.
Introduction 1-5 Figure 1 -2 shows the following controls and indicators located behind the external drive door on the system s front panel: The po wer bu t ton controls the outpu t pow er delivered to the sy stem board from the pow er supply .
1-6 Dell P owerEdge 43 50 Sy stems User s Guide Figure 1 -3 shows the three indicator lights on e ac h of the SCSI hard-disk drive car riers. These indicator lights pro v ide the follo wing information: The green h a r d - d i s k drive online indicator lights up when the hard-disk driv e is receiving pow er .
Introduction 1-7 &RQQHFWLQJ([WHUQDO'HYLFHV Y ou can connect various external devices, suc h as a mouse and printer , to the I/O ports and connectors on the system s bac k panel. T he system BIOS detects the pres- ence of external de vices when you boot or reboot y o ur system.
1-8 Dell P owerEdge 43 50 Sy stems User s Guide Pa ge 8 Friday, November 13, 1998 1 0:00 AM.
Using the Dell O p enManage S er ver Assist ant CD 2-1 &+$37(5 8VLQJWKH'HOO2SHQ0DQDJH 6HUYHU$VVLVWDQW&' Thi s c hapter describes the boot able Dell OpenMana ge Ser ver A ssistant CD and the sys t em management tasks yo u can perf orm with the CD to configure and maintain your sy stem.
2-2 Dell P owerEdge 43 50 Sy stems User s Guide 8VLQJWKH&' The Dell Open Manage Ser ver Assistant CD provides import ant system utilities and document ation that you need to configure and maintain your system.
Using the Dell O p enManage S er ver Assist ant CD 2-3 using either a ke yboard or a mouse. Menu options and the associated help are dis- play ed in the currently selected language (specified via a menu option). As y ou move y our cursor over an option in a menu, inf o rmation about that option is display ed at the bot to m of the screen.
2-4 Dell P owerEdge 43 50 Sy stems User s Guide NO TE: The options displa yed on y o ur system are dependent on y our system configu- ration and may not include all of those li sted here.
Using the Dell O p enManage S er ver Assist ant CD 2-5 ,QVWDOOLQJ9LGHR'ULYHUVIRU6XSSRUWHG :LQGRZV 17 6HUYHU2SHUDWLQJ6VWHPV This subsection pro vides information about installing video drivers f or supported oper- ating systems.
2-6 Dell P owerEdge 43 50 Sy stems User s Guide 1 2. Open the Pr ogram Manager , acc ess the C ontrol P anel , and select the Display icon. The Display Set tings window appears. 1 3. Select the desired resolution, number of colors, and refresh rate.
Using the Dell O p enManage S er ver Assist ant CD 2-7 . 7 DEOH$VVHW7 D J&RPPDQG/LQH2SWLRQV $VVHW7 DJ2S WLRQ 'HVFULSWLRQ /d Deletes the asset t ag number /? Display s the Asset T ag utilit y help screen 3502Ebk0.
2-8 Dell P owerEdge 43 50 Sy stems User s Guide Pa ge 8 Friday, November 13, 1998 1 0:00 AM.
Installing and Configuring SCSI Drivers 3 -1 &+$37(5 ,QVWDOOLQJDQG&RQILJXULQJ6&6, 'ULYHUV This c hapter describes how to install and configure th e Dell small computer system interface (SCSI) device driv ers included with your Dell P ow erEdge 4350 computer sy s- tem.
3 -2 Dell P owerEdge 43 50 S ystems User s Guide Ref er to the Dell OpenManage Ser ver A ssis tant CD to create a disket te of driv ers for your operating sy ste m. F or instructions on configuring the SCSI device driv ers, see the appropriate sections in this c hapter .
Installing and Configuring SCSI Drivers 3 -3 In some cases, selecting an option displays another menu. Y ou can return to the previ- ous menu at an y time by pressing <Esc>.
3 -4 Dell P owerEdge 43 50 S ystems User s Guide T o c hange any of the default s, see Configure/Vie w Host Adapter Set tings f ound ear- lier in this c hapter . T o f ormat or verify a disk, see SCSI Disk Utilities f ound earlier in this c hapter .
Installing and Configuring SCSI Drivers 3 -5 6&6,%XV,QWHUIDFH'HILQLWLRQV The basic host adapter set tings are the SCSI Select set tings most likely to require modification: Host A dapter SCSI ID This option sets the host adapter s SCSI ID .
3 -6 Dell P owerEdge 43 50 S ystems User s Guide %RRW'HYLFH2SWLRQV Boot Device Options allows you to specify the device from whic h to boot y our system: Boot T arget ID This option specifies the SCSI I D of the device from whic h you boot your sy stem.
Installing and Configuring SCSI Drivers 3 -7 Enable Disconnection This option (sometimes called disconnect/reconnect ) determines whether the host adapter allows the SCSI de vice to disconnect fro m the SCSI bus.
3 -8 Dell P owerEdge 43 50 S ystems User s Guide Reset SCSI Bus at IC Initialization This option enables the SCSI bus to be reset when the controller (integrate d circuit [IC]) is initialized. The default f or AIC- 7860, AIC-7890, and 2940U2W host adapters i s Enabled .
Installing and Configuring SCSI Drivers 3 -9 BIOS Support F or Int 13 Extensions This option determines whether the host adapter BIOS supports disks wi th more than 1 024 cy linders.
3 -1 0 Dell P owerEdge 43 50 S ystems User s Guide ,QVWDOOLQJ6&6,'ULYHUV'XULQJ:LQGRZV17,QVWDOODWLRQ T o install the SCSI drivers at the same time you are installing W indows NT , use th e follo wing procedure : 1 .
Installing and Configuring SCSI Drivers3 -1 1 9. Repeat steps 4 through 8 for eac h SCSI host adapter installed on the system . If a driver supports more than one host adapter , the driver only needs to be installed one time. 1 0. Press <Enter> to co ntinue with W indows NT Set up.
3 -1 2 Dell P owerEdge 43 50 S ystems User s Guide 4. When you are sure you are remo ving the correct host adapter , clic k Remove . Because SCSI device driv ers are loaded during system start-up a.
Installing and Configuring SCSI Drivers 3 -1 3 2. Shut down Wind ows NT and replace the existing host adapter . 3. Restart your computer and Windows NT . Some drive assignments may hav e c hang ed from the previous configuration. It is not essential to remove the de vice driver for the host adapter you are replacing.
3 -1 4 Dell P owerEdge 43 50 S ystems User s Guide Optimizing perf ormance T roub leshooting error messages generated during initializatio n ,QVWDOODWLRQ2YHUYLHZ The Dell SCSI driv ers f.
Installing and Configuring SCSI Drivers 3 -1 5 &UHDWLQJWKH,QWUDQHW: DUH'ULYHU'LVNHWWHV If y ou hav e not already done so, use the Dell OpenManage Ser v er Assistant CD to cre- ate the In tranetW are SCSI and RAI D drivers dis ket te.
3 -1 6 Dell P owerEdge 43 50 S ystems User s Guide f. A t t h e Exit Confir mation dialog box, remo ve the Dell OpenManage Ser ver Assistant CD , insert the Dell Intran etW are Support CD , sele ct OK , and press <Enter> to reboot the ser ver .
Installing and Configuring SCSI Drivers 3- 1 7 F ollow these steps only if y ou are upgrading to IntranetW are or installing it for the first time: 1 . Make bac kup co pies of all IntranetW are disket tes and use those bac kup copies as your w orking disket tes.
3 -1 8 Dell P owerEdge 43 50 S ystems User s Guide 1 7 . Insert the bac kup copy of the IntranetW are 4.1 1 SCSI and RAID driver d isk et te into the disket te drive and press <Enter> to continue. A list of drivers on the dis- ket te appears.
Installing and Configuring SCSI Drivers 3 -1 9 28. Press <Enter> again to display a list of installed local area network (LAN) driver s. 29. Press <Insert> to inst all an unlisted drive r . 30. Insert the bac kup copy of the IntranetW are 4.
3 -20 De ll P ow erEdge 43 50 S ystems User s Guide 'HOO3URYLGHG,QWU DQHW: DUH If you purc hased IntranetWare f rom Dell, the require d Nov ell patc hes (includin g the lat- est revision of the IntranetW a re Support Pac k recommended by Dell) a re provided on the Dell IntranetW are Support CD .
Installing and Configuring SCSI Drivers 3 -21 3. Copy the Support P ac k file to a volume on the ser ver . 4. Expand the file by typing LZVSEH[H , and press <Enter>. 5. F ollow the directions in the iwsp5b. txt file included with the Support P ac k.
3 -22 De ll P ow erEdge 43 50 S ystems User s Guide slot numbers separated b y commas is displa yed . Press <Esc> to clear the command line. NO TE: T o lo ad the driver from y our hard-disk drive, the aic78u2.
Installing and Configuring SCSI Drivers 3 -23 6HWWLQJ8SD&' 520'ULYH:LWK ,QWUDQHW: DUH T o use a CD-ROM drive with IntranetW are, f ollow these steps: 1. L o a d aha2940. ham by entering the f ollowing command line: ORDG> pathname @?DKDKDPVORW [ 2.
3 -24 De ll P ow erEdge 43 50 S ystems User s Guide The xxx indicates the error code, and message is a line describing the error . The error codes are divided into three categories: 0 00-099 �.
Installing and Configuring SCSI Drivers 3 -25 Y ou hav e entered an invalid slot set ting on the command line. Y ou can only enter slot numbers for v alid host adapters. If you load without the slot option, you will be prompted to enter a valid v alue.
3 -26 De ll P ow erEdge 43 50 S ystems User s Guide Pa ge 26 Friday, Nov ember 13, 1998 10: 00 AM.
Using the Sy stem Setup Program 4-1 &+$37(5 8VLQJWKH6VWHP6HWXS3 URJUDP Eac h time you t urn on or reboot your computer sy stem, the system compares the hardware installed in the system to the hardware listed in the system configuration information stored in non volatile random-access memor y (NVRAM) on the system board.
4-2 Dell P owerEdge 43 50 Sy stems User s Guide (QWHULQJWKH6VWHP6HWXS3 URJUDP Enter the Sy stem Setup program as follo ws: 1 . T urn on your system.
Using the Sy stem Setup Program 4-3 Ke y functions The line of box es across the bot tom of both screens lists key s and the ir functions within the Sy stem Setup program . 8VLQJWKH6VWHP6HWXS3 URJUDP T able 4-1 lists the ke ys you use to vie w or c hange information on the Sy stem Setup screens and to exit the program.
Using the Sy stem Setup Program 4-5 6VWHP6HWXS2SWLRQV The f ollowing subsections explain in detail e ac h of the options on the S ystem Set up screens: 7LPH Time resets the time on the computer s internal cloc k. Time is kept in a 24-hour f ormat ( hours : minutes : seconds ).
4-6 Dell P owerEdge 43 50 Sy stems User s Guide 5 HVHUYHG0HPRU Reserved Mem ory allows y ou to designate a region of system board memor y that can be supplied by an expansion card. Y ou should not enable the reser ved memor y f eature unless y ou are using an expansion card that requires special addressing.
Using the Sy stem Setup Program 4-7 6VWHP$OHUW Syst em Alert has the follo wing set tings: Fa u l t (the default) causes the system light-e mit ting diode ( LED) to flash on ly when a critical error threshold has been passed. Wa rn i n g causes the system LED to flash as soon as a noncritical error threshold has been passed.
4-8 Dell P owerEdge 43 50 Sy stems User s Guide 6FDQ6HTXHQFH This option d etermines the order in whic h PCI d evices are scanned b y the system, and it allows y ou to select the built-in SCSI controller or an optio nal PCI expansion- card SCSI controller as the boot device.
Using the Sy stem Setup Program 4-9 6HWXS3DVVZRUG Setup P assw ord lets you restrict access to your computer s Sy stem Setup program in the same wa y that you restrict access to your system with the sy s tem password f eature.
4-1 0 Dell P ow erEdge 43 50 S ystems User s Guide 3 DUDOOHO0RGH P arallel Mode contro ls whether the system s built-in parallel port acts as an A T -compatible (unidirectional) or PS/2-compatible (bidirectional) port. Set P arallel Mode acco rding to the type of perip heral device connected to the parallel port.
Using the Sy stem Setup Program 4-1 1 Video Memory display s the amount of video memor y detected in y our system. Service T a g display s the system s fiv e -c haracter ser vice tag number , whic h was programmed into NVRAM by Dell during the manufact uring process.
4-1 2 De ll P ow erEdge 43 50 S ystems User s Guide When a system passw ord is assigned, System P asswor d is Enabled . When the sys- tem password f eat ure is disabled by a jumper set ting on the system board, the status shown is Disabled by Jumper .
Using the Sy stem Setup Program 4-1 3 8VLQJ< RXU6VWHP3DVVZRUGWR6HFXUH< RXU6VWHP Whenev er you turn on y our system or reboot by pressing the <Ctrl><Alt><Del&g.
4-1 4 De ll P ow erEdge 43 50 S ystems User s Guide 'HOHWLQJRU&KDQJLQJDQ([LVWLQJ6VWHP3 DVVZRUG T o dele te or c hange an existing system passw ord, perform the follo wing steps: 1 . Enter the Sy stem Setup program, and v erify that the P asswor d Status categor y is set to Unloc k ed .
Using the Sy stem Setup Program 4-1 5 $VVLJQLQJD6HWXS3DVVZRUG A setup passw ord can be assigned (or c hanged) only when Setup P assword is set to Not Enabled . T o assign a setup password, highlight Setup P assw ord and press the lef t- or right-arrow k ey .
4-1 6 De ll P ow erEdge 43 50 S ystems User s Guide 'LVDEOLQJD)RUJRWWHQ3 DVVZRUG If you f orget your sy stem or setup passw ord , you cannot operate y our system or c hange set tin.
Using the Resource Configuration Utility 5-1 &+$37(5 8VLQJWKH5 HVRXUFH&RQILJXUDWLRQ 8WLOLW T he R esource Con figuration Utility (RCU) is used to tell the system what expansion cards are inst alled and whic h expansion slots the y occupy .
5-2 Dell P owerEdge 4350 S ystems User s Guide +RZWR5 XQWKH5&8 The R CU is included on the Dell OpenManage Ser v er Assistant CD shipped with your system. Y ou can r u n the RC U directly from the CD or from a disket te that you create using the CD s main menu.
Using the Resource Configuration Utility 5-3 amount of memor y av ailable to the RCU. See the documentation that accompanied these programs for instr uctions on removing them from memor y . If you start the utilit y and there is not enough memor y to run it, a message is display ed.
5-4 Dell P owerEdge 4350 S ystems User s Guide &RQILJXUH&RPSXWHU The Configur e Comput er option t akes you through the configuration process step by step. Use this option the first time you configure your sy stem and every time you c hange your hardw are con figuration through the RCU .
Using the Resource Configuration Utility 5-5 T o select a categor y on the list of sy stem board op tions, press the up- or down-ar row ke y to highlight the c ategor y and press <Enter>. A pop-up menu appears , listing the options for that category .
5-6 Dell P owerEdge 4350 S ystems User s Guide 6WHS([DPLQH6ZLWFKHVRU3 ULQW5HSRUW The St ep 4: Examine Switc hes or Print Repor t option lists the required switc h and jumper set tings for eac h e xpansion card in your computer .
Using the Resource Configuration Utility 5-7 T o see the Ad van ce d menu, press <F7> w hile in the St ep 3: View or Edit Details menu. The f ollowing menu appear s : $GYDQFHGPHQX /RFNXQOR.
5-8 Dell P owerEdge 4350 S ystems User s Guide 0DLQWDLQ6&,)LOHV0HQX Eac h time you use the RC U to configure your sy stem, the system configuration infor- mation is sav ed in a .
Using the Resource Configuration Utility 5-9 5 HPRYLQJD&DUGWKDW&RQIOLFWV:LWKWKH&DUG< RX-XVW ,QVWDOOHG If there is a resource c onflict bet w e en two ISA e xpansion cards a nd you w ant to remove the card that conflicts with the one you just insta lled, use the follo w ing procedure: 1 .
5-1 0 Dell P ow erEdge 4350 Sy stem s User s Guide Pa ge 10 Friday, Nov ember 13, 1998 10: 00 AM.
T ec hnical Specifications A-1 $33(1',;$ 7 HFKQLFDO6SHFLILFDWLRQV 7 DEOH$ 7 HFKQLFDO6 SHFLILFDWLRQV 0LFURSURFHVVRU Microprocessor t ypes .
A-2 De ll P ow erEdge 43 50 S ystems User s Guide 'ULYHV Disket te drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . one 3.5-inc h, 1 .44-MB disket te drive included with st andard sy stem SCSI hard-disk drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T ec hnical Specifications A-3 3RZHU A C pow er supply: Output w at t age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 W (DC) per supply (2 or 3 supplies) Input vo lt age. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 5 V A C at 60 Hz/230 V A C at 50 Hz S ystem bat ter y .
A-4 De ll P ow erEdge 43 50 S ystems User s Guide Pa ge 4 Friday, November 13, 1998 1 0:00 AM.
I/O P orts and Connector sB - 1 $33(1',;% ,23 RUWVDQG&RQQHFWRUV The input/output (I /O) p orts and connectors on the bac k panel of the system a re the gatew ays through whic h the computer s ystem communicates with e xternal devices, suc h as a ke yboard, mouse, printer , and monitor .
B-2 De ll P ow erEdge 43 50 Sy stems User s Guide )LJXUH%,23RUWVDQG&RQQHFWRUV $ GGLQJDQ([SDQVLRQ&DUG&RQWDLQLQJ6HULDORU3 DUDOOHO 3 R UWV The sy stem has an autoconfiguration capabilit y for the serial ports.
I/O P orts and Connector sB - 3 T o avoid autoconfiguration, you m ay be able to reset jumpers on the expansion card so that the card s port designation c hanges to the next a vailable COM number , leav ing the designation for the built-in port as is.
B-4 De ll P ow erEdge 43 50 Sy stems User s Guide 3 DUDOOHO3RUW&RQQHFWRU If you reconfigure y our hardware, you ma y need pin number and signal information for the parallel port connector .
I/O P orts and Connector sB - 5 . HERDUGDQG0RXVH&RQQHFWRUV The sy stem uses a P ersonal System/2 (PS/2)-style keyboard and supports a PS/2- compatible mouse. Cables from both devices at tach to 6-pin, miniat ure Deutsc he Industrie Norm (DIN) conne ctors on the bac k panel of your system.
B-6 De ll P ow erEdge 43 50 Sy stems User s Guide . HERDUG&RQQHFWRU If you reconfigure y our hardware, you ma y need pin number and signal information for the ke yboard con nector .
I/O P orts and Connector sB - 7 9LGHR&RQQHFWRU The sy stem uses a 1 5-pin high -density D-subminiature connector on the bac k panel for at t ac hing a vid eo graphics array (V GA)-compatible monitor to your system.
B-8 De ll P ow erEdge 43 50 Sy stems User s Guide 7 DEOH% 3LQ$VVLJQPHQWVIRUWKH9LGHR&RQQHFWRU 3LQ 6LJQDO ,2 'HILQLWLRQ 1 RED O R ed v.
I/O P orts and Connector sB - 9 6HUYHU0DQDJHPHQW%XV&RQQHFWRUV The ser ver -management bus (SMB) connectors (XSMB_IN and XSMB_O UT) are used to daisy-c hain ser vers together so that ser ver management information can be shared between the ser vers.
B-1 0 Dell P owerEdge 43 50 Sy stems User s Guide Pa ge 10 Friday, Nov ember 13, 1998 10: 00 AM.
Maint aining the Sy stem C -1 $33(1',;& 0DLQWDLQLQJWKH6VWHP Proper u se of prev entive maintenance procedures can keep the sy ste m in top operat- ing condition and minimize the need f or costly , time-co nsuming ser vice procedures.
C-2 De ll P ow erEdge 43 50 Sy stems User s Guide As a last resort, y ou can bac k up a hard-disk drive s contents on disket tes, a meth od that is both time-consuming and prone to human e rror . Also, bac king up a full 4-GB hard-disk drive requires appro ximately 277 disket tes (when using 1 .
Maint aining the Sy stem C -3 5 HFRPPHQGHG7 RROVDQG$ FFHVVRULHV Dell recommends that you use the f ollowing tools and accessories when you clean the system: A wrist grounding strap The proper use of a wrist grounding strap reduces the ef f e ct of electrostatic disc harge (ESD), whic h can damage cert ain sy stem compo- nents.
C-4 De ll P ow erEdge 43 50 Sy stems User s Guide &OHDQLQJ'ULYHV Y ou can clean the heads of y our disket te driv es by using a commercially av ailable disket te-drive head-cleaning kit.
Maint aining the Sy stem C -5 If the system has been e x posed to abnormally cold temperatures, allo w a t wo- hour warm-up period to bring it up to normal operating temperature bef ore turning it on. F ailure to do s o may cause damage to internal components, partic u- larly the hard- disk drive.
C-6 De ll P ow erEdge 43 50 Sy stems User s Guide &RUURVLRQ The oil from a person s fingers or prolonged exposure to high temperature or humidit y can corrode the gold-plated edge connectors and pin connectors on various de vices in the system.
Maint aining the Sy stem C -7 T o reduce the possibility of EMI and RFI, follo w the se guidelines: Operate the system only with the system c over installed. Ensure that all expansion slots are covered either b y a card-mounting brac ket or by a metal filler brac ket and that all driv e b ay s hav e a drive and/or a metal insert inst alled.
C-8 De ll P ow erEdge 43 50 Sy stems User s Guide Eac h Dell system, when operating, is designed to withst and 0.25 G (half-sine w av e) at a sweep of 3 to 200 hertz (Hz) for 1 5 minutes. In storage, the system can withstand 0.5 G at 3 to 20 0 Hz f o r 1 5 minutes.
Maint aining the Sy stem C -9 3 RZHU3URWHFWLRQ'HYLFHV A number of devices are av ailable that protect against pow er problems, such as pow er surges, tran sients, and pow er failures. The f ollowing subsections describe some of these devices.
C-1 0 Dell P owerEdge 43 50 Sy stems User s Guide Pa ge 10 Friday, Nov ember 13, 1998 10: 00 AM.
Regulator y Notices D-1 $33(1',;' 5 HJXODWRU1RWLFHV Electromagnetic interf erence (EMI) is any signal or emission, radiated in free space or conducted along pow er or signal leads, tha.
D-2 'HOO3RZHU(GJH6VWHPV8VHU ©V*XLGH Dell computer systems are designed, tested, and classified for their intended electro- magnetic environment. These electromagnetic environment classifications generally ref er to the follo wing harmonized definitions: Class A is for business or industrial en vironments.
Regulator y Notices D-3 This de vice complies with Part 1 5 of the FCC R ules. Operation is subject to the f ollow- ing two conditions: This de vice may not cause harmful interf erence. This de vice must accept any interf erence received, including interf erence that may cause undesired operation .
D-4 'HOO3RZHU(GJH6VWHPV8VHU ©V*XLGH &(1RWLFH(XURSHDQ8QLRQ Marking by the symbol indicates complianc e of this Dell system to the EMC Directive and the Lo w V olt age Directiv e of the European Union.
Regulator y Notices D-5 T o determine whic h classification applies to your computer sy stem, examine the regu- lator y labels/markings (see Figures D-1 and D-2) located on the bot tom or bac k panel of your computer . Once y ou hav e determined your system s V CCI classification, read the appropriate V CCI notice.
D-6 'HOO3RZHU(GJH6VWHPV8VHU ©V*XLGH 02&1RWLFH6RXWK. RUHD2QO T o determine whic h classification (Class A or B) applies to your computer sy stem (.
Regulator y Notices D-7 )LJXUH'02&&ODVV%5HJXODWRU0DUN 3 ROLVK&HQWHUIRU7 HVWLQJDQG&HUWLILFDWLRQ 1RWLFH The equipment should draw po wer from a soc ket with an at t ac hed protecti on circuit (a three-prong soc ket).
Regulator y Notices D-9 ,QIRUPDFLyQSDUD120~QLFDPHQWHSDUD 0p[LFR La información siguiente se proporciona en el dispositiv o o en los dispositivos descri- tos en este documento, en.
D-1 0 'HOO3RZHU(GJH 6VWHPV8VHU ©V*XLGH Pa ge 10 Friday, Nov ember 13, 1998 10: 00 AM.
W arran t y , R eturn P olic y , and Y ear 200 0 Statement of Compliance E -1 $33(1',;( : DUUDQW 5 HWXUQ3 ROLF DQG< HDU 6WDWHPHQWRI&RPSOLDQFH /.
E -2 Dell P owerEdge 43 50 S ystems User s Guide Authorization Number . Y ou must ship the products bac k to De ll in their original or equivalent pac kaging, prepay shipping c harges, and insure the shipment or accept the risk of loss or damage during shipment.
E -4 Dell P owerEdge 43 50 S ystems User s Guide during shipment. Y ou may return sof tware for refund or credit only if the sealed pack- age containing the disk et te(s) or CD(s) is unopened.
W arran t y , R eturn P olic y , and Y ear 200 0 Statement of Compliance E -5 6RIWZDUH Dell specifically excludes all non-Dell-dev eloped sof tware from this compliance st ate- ment. All sof tware run on Dell-branded hardw are products should be inde pendently verified b y customers to b e y ear 20 00-complian t.
E -6 Dell P owerEdge 43 50 S ystems User s Guide Pa ge 6 Friday, November 13, 1998 1 0:00 AM.
Glossar y 1 *ORVVDU The following list defines or identifies tec hnical terms, abbreviations, and acro- nyms used in Dell user documents . $ Abbreviation for ampere(s). $& Abbreviation for alternating current. DGDSWHUFD UG An expansion card that plugs into an expansion-card connector on the comput- ers system board.
2 Dell P owerEdge 43 50 S ystems User s Guide back up important start-up files, such as autoexec.bat and config.sys for MS-DOS or win.ini and system.ini for Windows. EDVHPHPRU Synonym for conventional memory. See also conventional mem ory . %$6,& Acronym for Beginners All-Purpose Sym- bolic Instruction Code, a programming language.
Glossar y 3 that allows the micropro cessor to com- municate with controllers for all the various peripheral devices connected to the computer. Your computer also con- tains an address bus and a data bus for communications between the micro- processor and RAM.
4 Dell P owerEdge 43 50 S ystems User s Guide handles numeric processing. A graphics coprocessor handles video rendering. The Intel ® Pentium ® microprocessor includes a built-in math coproce ssor. FSL Abbreviation for characters per inch. &38 Abbreviation for central processing unit.
Glossar y 5 GLVSOD DGD SWHU See video adapter . '0$ Abbreviation for direct memory access. A DMA channel allows certain types of data transfer between RAM and a device to bypass the microprocessor. '2& Abbreviation for Department of Commu- nications (in Canada) .
6 Dell P owerEdge 43 50 S ystems User s Guide system resources from a corresponding EISA configuration file. (0& Abbreviation for Electromagnetic Compatibility. (0, Abbreviation for electromagnetic interference. (00 Abbreviation for expanded memory manager.
Glossar y 7 IW Abbreviation fo r feet. )73 Abbreviation for File Transfer Protocol. J Abbreviation fo r gram(s). * Abbreviation fo r gravities. *% Abbreviation for gigabyte(s). A gigabyte equals 1,024 megabytes or 1,073,741,824 bytes. JUDSKLFVFRSURFHVVRU See coprocessor .
8 Dell P owerEdge 43 50 S ystems User s Guide ,' Abbreviation for identification. LQWHUODFLQJ A technique for increasing video resolu- tion by only updating alternate horizontal lines on the screen. Because interlacing can result in noticeab le screen flicker, most users prefer noninterlaced video adapter resolutions .
Glossar y 9 /,0 Acronym for Lotus/Intel/Microsoft. LIM usually refers to version 4.0 of the EMS. /1 Abbreviation for load number. ORFDOEXV On a computer with local-bus expansi on capability, certain peri pheral devices (such as the video adapter circuitry) can be designed to run much faster than th ey would with a traditional expansion bus.
1 0 Dell P ow erEdge 43 50 Sy stems User s Guide PP Abbreviation for millimeter(s). 00; The microprocessors for this system in- clude media enhancement technology which is designed to handle complex mul- timedia and communications software. PRXVH A pointing device that controls the movement of the cursor on a screen.
Glossar y 1 1 assignments, as shown in the following table. After partitioning the hard-disk drive, you must format each logical drive with the format command. 3&&DUG Slightly larger than a credit ca rd, a PC Card is a removable I/O cardsuch as a mo- dem, LAN, SRAM, or flash memory cardthat adheres to the PCMCIA stan- dards.
1 2 Dell P owerEdge 43 50 S ystems User s Guide 39& Abbreviation for polyvinyl chlorid e. 4,& Abbreviation for quarter-inch cartridge. 5$0 Acronym for random-access memory. The computers primary temporary stor- age area for program instructions and data.
Glossar y 1 3 5$0'$& Acronym for random-access memory digital-to-analog converter. 5&8 Acronym for Resource Configuration Utility UHDGRQOILOH A read-only file is one that you are prohib- ited from editing or deleting. A file can have read-only status if: Its read-only at tribute is enabled.
1 4 Dell P owerEdge 43 50 S ystems User s Guide substantially faster than DRAM chips. SRAM is used mostly for external cache memory. VWULSLQJ In composite drivers with two or more phy sical drives, the drive arra y sub- system uses a method of data storage called striping .
Glossar y 1 5 WH[WHGLWRU An application program for editing text files consisting exc lusively of ASCII characters. MS-DOS Editor and Notepad (in Windows) are text editors, for exam- ple. Most word processors use proprietary file formats containing binary characters, although some can read and write text files.
1 6 Dell P owerEdge 43 50 S ystems User s Guide 9'6 Abbreviation for Virtual Direct Memory Access Services. 9(6$ Acronym for Video Electronics Standards Association.
Glossar y 1 7 YLUWXDOPHPRU A method for increasing addressable RAM by using the hard-disk drive. (MS-DOS does not support true virtual memory, which must be implemented at the operating system level.
1 8 Dell P owerEdge 43 50 S ystems User s Guide Pa ge 18 Friday, Nov ember 13, 1998 10: 00 AM.
Index 1 ,QGH [ $ asset tag number assigning, 2-6 deleting, 2-6 Asset Tag option, 4-11 Asset Tag utility, 2-6 asset tag utility, 2-6 assistance, technic al, 1-7 autoconfiguration parallel port, B.
2 Dell P owerEdge 4350 S ystems User s Guide diagnostics diskette-based, 1-3 DIMMs about, 1-2 Diskette Drive options, 4-5 diskette drives cleaning, C-4 head-cleaning kit, C-3 turning off built-in .
Index 3 IntranetWare (continued) troubleshooting, 3-23 using a CD-ROM, 3-23 using startup.ncf and autoexec.ncf, 3-19, 3-21 IRQ line, B-2 . key combinations System Setup program, 4-3 keyboard cleaning,.
4 Dell P owerEdge 4350 S ystems User s Guide parallel port connector about, B-4 illustrated, B-2 pin assignments, B-5 Parallel Port option, 4-9 Password Status option, 4-8 password. See setup password; system password PCI expansion cards Resource Configuration Utility, 5-1 Peripheral Component Interconnect.
Index 5 SCSISelect utility advanced host adapter settings, 3-7 boot device settings, 3-6 default settings, 3-3 exiting, 3-3 installing for IntranetWare, 3- 13 SCSI device/configuration settings, 3-6 s.
6 Dell P owerEdge 4350 S ystems User s Guide system password about, 4-11, 4-14 assigning, 4-11 changing or deleting an existing password, 4-14 disabling a forgotten password, 4-16 entering a wrong.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Dell PowerEdge 4350 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Dell PowerEdge 4350 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Dell PowerEdge 4350 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Dell PowerEdge 4350 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Dell PowerEdge 4350 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Dell PowerEdge 4350 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Dell PowerEdge 4350 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Dell PowerEdge 4350. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Dell PowerEdge 4350 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.