Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung VDI-604 des Produzenten D-Link
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D-Link Express EtherNetwork TM VDI-604 4-Port Ethernet Broadband Router Manual Building Networks for People.
-2- Contents Introduction ......................................................................................... 3 Package Content s .........................................................................7 Hardware Description ...................
-3- Intr oduction The D-Link Express EtherNetwork VDI-604 is a 4-port Ethernet Broadband Router . The D-Link VDI-604 enables users to quickly and easily share a high speed Internet connection. The D-Link VDI-604 also incorporates many advanced features, traditionally found in more expensive routers.
-4- Network Address T ranslation NA T allows you to share a single IP Address and protect s you from outside intruders gaining access to your private network. DHCP Server Supported All of the networked computers can re trieve TCP/IP settings automatically from the VDI-604.
-5- T e c hnology Intr oduction Introduction to Broadband Router T echnology A router is a device that forwards data packet s from a source to a destination. Routers forward data p ackets using IP addresses and not a MAC address. A router will forward data from the Internet to a p articular computer on your LAN.
-6- Introduction to Local Area Networking Local Area Networking (LAN) is the term used when connecting several computers together over a small area such as a building or group of buildings. LAN’ s can be connected over large areas. A collection of LAN’s connected over a large area is called a Wide Area Network (W AN).
-7- P ackage Contents VDI-604 Ethernet Broadband Router Power Adapter 2 Ethernet Cables Note : Using a power supply with a different voltage rating will dam age and void the warranty for thi s product. If any of the above items are mi ssing, please contact your reseller .
-8- Har dware Description Front Panel Power Power indicator will light Green . W AN W AN st atus indicator will light Green when there is good physical W AN connection. LAN Link/Act. Link status indicators light Green. The LED flickers when the corresponding port is sending or receiving data.
-9- Hardware Description Rear Panel Reset Used to restore the VDI-604 back to factory default settings. LAN PORTS * 1-4 LAN port sockets (CA T5 Ethernet RJ-45 cable). The LED glows steadily when a port is connected to a hub, switch or network-adapter-equipped computer in your local area network (LAN.
-10- Getting Star ted Inst allation Location The VDI-604 can be positioned at any convenient place in y our office or house. No special wiring or cooling requirement s are needed. However , you should comply with the following guidelines: Place the VDI-604 on a flat horizontal plane.
-1 1- Configuring the VDI-604 The VDI-604 provides an embedded W eb-b ased management utility making it operating system independent. Y ou can configure your VDI-604 through the Netscape Communicator or Internet Explorer browser in MS Windows, Macintosh, Linux or UNIX based platforms.
-12- Using the Configur a tion Menu Setup Wizard The Setup Wizard pag e is the first page that appears when logging into the web-based management interface. The Setup Wizard is a utility used to quickly configure the VDI-604. It will guide you through four quick and basic steps to help you connect to your Ihigh speed Internet access .
-13- HOME > W AN > DYNAMIC IP Address Choose Dynamic IP Address to obt ain IP address information automatically from your ISP . Select this option if your ISP does not give you any IP numbers to use. Host Name: The Host Name field is optional but may be required by some ISPs.
-14- HOME > W AN > St atic IP Address Choose S tatic IP Address if all W AN IP information is provided to you by your ISP . Y ou will need to enter in the IP address, subnet mask, gateway address, and DNS address(es) provided to you by your ISP .
-15- HOME > W AN > PPPOE Choose PPPoE (Point to Point Protocol ov er Ethernet) if you’re ISP uses PPPoE connection. Y our ISP will provide you with a username and p assword. . Select Dynamic PPPoE to obtain an IP address automatically for your PPPoE connection.
-16- Maximum Idle T ime: The amount of time of inactivity before disconnecting your PPPoE session. Enter a Maximum Idle T ime (in minutes) to define a maximum period of time for which the Internet connection is maintaine d during inactivity .
-17- HOME > LAN LAN is short for Local Area Network. This is considered your internal network. These are the I P settings of the LAN interface for th e VDI-604. These settings may be referred to as Private settings. Y ou may change the LAN IP address if n eeded.
-18- HOME > DHCP DHCP st ands for Dynamic Host Confi guration Protocol. The VDI-604 has a built-in DHCP server . The DHCP Server will automatically assign an IP address to the computers on the LAN/private network. Be sure to set your computers to be DHCP client s by setting their TCP/IP settings to “Obtain an IP Address Automatically .
-19- ADV ANCED > VIRTUAL SERVER The VDI-604 can be configured as a virtual server so that remote users accessing Web or FTP services via the public IP address can be automatically redirected to local servers in the LAN network.
-20- to a particular port may be redirect ed to a different port o n the server computer . Each virtual service that is created will be listed at the bottom of the screen in the V irtual Servers List. There are already pre-defined virtual services already in the table.
-21- Click on this icon to edit the virtual service. Click on this icon to delete the virtual service. Example #2: If you have an FTP server that you wanted Internet users to access by W AN port 2100 and only during the weekends, you would need to enable it as such.
-22- Some applications require multiple connections, such as Int ernet gaming, video conferencing, Internet telephony and others. These applications have difficulties working t hrough NA T (Network Address T ranslation). S pecial Applications makes some of these applications work with the VDI-604.
-23- Trigger T ype: This is the protocol used to trigger the specia l application. Public Port: This i s the port number on the W AN side that will be used to access the application. Y ou may define a single port or a range of ports. Y ou can use a comma to add multiple ports or a hyphen to add port ranges.
-24- ADV ANCED > FIL TERS > IP FIL TERS Filters Filters are used to deny or allow LAN com puters from accessing the Internet. The VDI-604 can be setup to deny internal co mputers by their IP or MAC addresses. The VDI-604 can also block users fr om accessi ng restricted web sites.
-25- ADV ANCED > FIL TERS > MAC FIL TERS Use MAC Filters to allow or deny LAN computers by their MAC addresses from accessing the Internet. Y ou can either manually add a MAC address or select the MAC address from the list of clients that are currently connected to the Broadband Router .
-26- ADV ANCED > FIL TERS > URL BLOCKING URL Blocking is used to deny LAN computer s from accessing specific web sites by its URL. A URL is a specially formatted text string that defines a location on the Internet. I f any part of the URL contains the blocked word, the site will not be accessible and the web page will not display.
-27- ADV ANCED > FIL TERS > DOMAIN BLOCKING Domain Blocking is used to allow or deny LAN computers from accessing specific domains on the Internet. Domain blocking will deny all requests to a specific domain such as http and ftp. It can also allo w computers to access specific sites and deny all other sites.
-28- ADV ANCED > FIL TERS > FIREW ALL Firewall Rules is an advance feature used to deny or allow traffic fro m passing through the Broadband Router . It works in the same way as IP Filters with additional settings. Y ou can create more det ailed access rules for the VDI-604.
-29- ADV ANCED > DMZ If you have a client PC that cannot r un Internet applications properly from behind the VDI-604, then you can set the client up to unrestricted In ternet access. It allows a computer to be exposed to the Internet. This feature is useful for gaming purposes.
-30- TOOLS > ADMIN Admin At this page, the VDI-604 administrator can change the system p assword. There are two account s that can access the Broadband Router ’ s Web-Management interface. They are admin and user . Admin has read/write access while user has read-only access.
-31- recommended that you set the IP address to * (star), because this allows any Internet IP address to access the Broadband Router , which could result in a loss of security for your network. If you elect to enable Remote Management, enter the IP Address of your remote location.
-32- T OOLS > TIME Ti me The system time is the time used by the VDI-604 for scheduling services. Y ou can manually set the time or connect to a NTP (Network T ime Protocol) server . If an NTP server is set, you will only need to set the time zone.
-33- TOOLS > SYSTEM System Settings The current system settings can be saved as a file onto the local hard drive. The saved file or any other saved setting file can be loaded back on the Broadband Router . T o reload a system settings file, click on Browse to browse the local hard drive and locate the system file to be used.
-34- T OOLS > MISC Miscellaneous Items These are additional tools and features of the Broadband Router . Ping T est This useful diagnostic utility can be used to check if a computer is on the Internet. It sends ping packet s and listens for replies from the specific host.
-35- public W AN IP addresses is a common method used by hackers to test whether your W AN IP address is valid. Discard PING from W AN side : By enabling this option, the VDI-604 will not reply to ping (ICMP) request packet s from the Internet.
-36- TOOLS > VCT Virtual Cable T ester (VCT) is an advanced feature that int egrates a LAN cable tester on every Ethernet port on the router . Through the graphical user interface (GUI), VCT can be used to remotely diagnose and report cable faults such as opens, shorts, swap s, and impedance mismatch.
-37- ST A TUS > DEVICE INFORMA TION This page d isplays the current information for the Broadband Router . It will display the W AN, LAN, and MAC address information. If your W AN connection is set up for Dynamic IP address, there will be a Release button and Renew button.
-38- This page allows you to observe the VDI-604’ s working status: W AN • IP Address: W AN/Public IP Address • Subnet Mask: W AN/Public Subnet Mask • Gateway: W AN/Public Gateway IP Address �.
-39- ST A TUS > LOG Log The Broadband Router keeps a running log of event s and activities occurring on the Router . If the device is rebooted, the logs are automatically cleared. Y ou may save the log files under Log Setting. First Page - The first p age of the log.
-40- ST A TUS > ST A TS T raffic St atistics The Broadband Router keeps st atistic of traf fic that passes through it. Y ou are able to view the amount of packet s that passes through the Router on both the W AN port and the LAN port. The traffic counter will reset if t he device is rebooted.
-41- T r oubleshooting If you do not wish to set the st atic IP address on your PC, you will need to configure your PC to request an IP address from the gateway . Click the Start button, select Settings , and select Control Panel . Double-click the Network icon.
-42- After clicking OK , windows might ask you to rest art the PC. Click Ye s . CONFIRM YOUR PC’S IP CONFIGURA TION There are two tools which are great for finding out a computer ’ s IP configuration: MAC address and default gateway . WINIPCFG (for Windows 95/98) Inside the windows 95/98 S tart button, select Run and type winipcfg.
-43- IPCONFIG (for Windows 2000/NT/XP) At the command prompt type IPCONFIG and press Enter . Y our PC IP information will be displayed as shown below .
-44- Assigning a St atic IP Address Note: Residential Gateways/Broadband Routers will automatically assign IP Addresses to the computers on the network, using DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) technology . If you are using a DHCP-cap able Gateway/Router you will not need to assign S tatic IP Addresses.
-45- Right-click on Local Area Connections . Double-click Properties Highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Click Properties.
-46- Select Use the following IP address in the Internet Prot ocol (TCP/IP) Properties window . Input your IP address and subnet mask. (The IP Addresses on your network must be within the same range. For example, if one computer has an IP Address of 192.
-47- Netw or king Basics Using the Network Setup Wizard in Windows XP In this section you will learn how to est ablish a network at home or work, using Microsof t Windows XP . Note: Please refer to websites such as http://www and http://www .
-48- Networking Basics Please follow all the instructions in t his window: Click Next In the following window , select the best description of your computer . If your computer connects to the Internet through a gateway/router , select the second option as shown.
-49- Networking Basics Enter a Computer description and a Computer name (optional.) Click Next Enter a Workgroup name. All computers on your network should have the same Workgroup name.
-50- Networking Basics Please wait while the Network Setup Wizard applies the changes. When the changes are complete, click Next . Please wait while the Network Setup Wizard configures the computer .
-51- Networking Basics In the window below , select the best option. In this example, Create a Network Setup Disk has been selected. Y ou will run this disk on each of the computers on your network. Click Next . Insert a disk into the Floppy Disk Drive, in this case drive A.
-52- Networking Basics Please wait while the Network Setup Wizard copies the files. Please read the information under Here’ s how in the screen below . After you complete the Network Setup Wizard you will use the Network Setup Disk to run the Network Setup Wizard once on each of the computers on your network.
-53- Networking Basics Please read the information on this screen, then click Finish to complete the Network Setup Wizard . The new settings will take ef fect when you restart the computer . Click Ye s to restart the computer . Y ou have completed configuring this computer .
-54- Networking Basics Naming your Computer T o name your computer , please follow these directions: In Windows XP : • Click Star t (in the lower left corner of the screen) • Right-click on My Computer • Select Properties and click • Select the Computer Name Ta b in the System Properties window .
-55- Networking Basics Naming your Computer Checking the IP Address in W indows XP/2000 Go to Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt • In this window , enter the Computer name . • Select W orkgroup and enter the name of the Workgroup .
-56- Networking Basics Checking the IP Address in W indows XP/2000 Ty p e Command Click OK Checking the IP Address in W indows XP/2000 T ype ipconfig /all at the prompt.
-57- Networking Basics Checking the IP Address in W indows XP/2000 T ype ipconfig /renew at the prompt to get a new IP Address. Click Enter . The new IP Address is shown below . ( Windows 98/ME users: go to Start > Run . T ype Command . T ype winipcfg at the prompt.
-58- Assigning a S tatic IP Address Note: Residential Gateways/Broadband Routers will automatically assign IP Addresses to the computers on the network, using DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) technology . If you are using a DHCP-capable Gateway/Router you will not need to assign Static IP Addresses.
-59- Networking Basics Assigning a S tatic IP Address • Double-click on Network Connections • Right-click on Local Area Connections. • Double-click Properties.
-60- Networking Basics Assigning a S tatic IP Address • Input your IP address and subnet mask. (The IP Addresses on your network must be within the same range. For example, if one computer has an IP Address of, the other computers should have IP Addresses that are sequential, like 192.
-61- Networking Basics Adding and Sharing Printers in Windows XP After you have run the Network Setup Wizard on all the computers in your network (please see the Network Setup Wizard section at the beginning of Networking Basics ,) you can use the Add Printer Wizard to add or share a printer on your network.
-62- Networking Basics A d d i n g a l o c a l p r i n t e r • Go to Start > Printers and Faxes • Click on Add a printe r.
-63- Networking Basics Adding a local printer • Click Next • Select Local printer att ached to this computer • (Deselect Automatically detect and install my Plug and Play printer if it has been selected.
-64- Networking Basics Adding a local printer • Select and highlight the correct driver for your printer . • Click Next (If the correct driver is not displayed, insert the CD or floppy disk that came with your printer and click Have Disk .) • A t this screen, you can change the name of the printer (optional.
-65- Networking Basics Adding a local printer Click Finish This screen gives you information about your printer . When the test page has printed, Click OK.
-66- Networking Basics Adding a local printer • Go to Start > Printers and Faxes A successful inst allation will display the printer icon as shown at right.
-67- Sharing a network printer After you have run the Network Setup Wizard on all the co mputers on your network, you can run the Add Printer Wizard on all the computers on your network.
-68- Networking Basics Sharing a network printer • Click on Add a Printer • Click Next • Select Network Printer • Click Next.
-69- Networking Basics Sharing a network printer • Select Browse for a printer • Click Next • Select the printe r you would like to share. • Click Next • Click Finish.
-70- Networking Basics Sharing a network printer T o check for proper inst allation: • Go to Start > Printers and Faxes The printer icon will appear at right, indicating proper installation.
-71- Networking Basics Sharing an LPR printer T o share an LPR printer (using a print server ,) you will need a Print Server such as the DP-101P+ . Please make sure that you have run t he Network Setup Wizard on all the computers on your network.
-72- Networking Basics Sharing an LPR printer • Select Create a new port • From the pull-down menu, select St andard TCP/IP Port , as shown. • Click Next • Please read the instructions on this screen. • Click Next • Enter the Printer IP Address and the Port Name , as shown.
-73- Networking Basics Sharing an LPR printer • In this screen, select Custom. • Click Settings • Enter the Port Name and the Printer Name or IP Address . • Select LPR • Enter a Queue Name (if your Print-Server/ Gateway has more than one port, you will need a Queue name .
-74- Networking Basics Sharing an LPR printer • This screen will show you information about your printer . • Click Finish • Select the pr inte r you are adding from the list of Printers . • Insert the printer driver disk that came with your printer .
-75- Networking Basics Sharing an LPR printer • Y ou can rename your printer if you choose. It is optional. Please remember the nam e of your printer . Y ou will need this information when you use the Add Printer Wizard on the other computers on your network.
-76- Other T asks For help with other tasks in home or small of fice networking, see Using the Shared Document s folder and Sharing files and folders in the Help and Support Center in Microsoft Windows XP .
-77- T e c hnical Specifica tions St andards • IEEE 802.3 10Base-T Ethernet • IEEE 802.3u 100Base-TX Fast Ethernet • IEEE 802.3 Nway Auto-Negotiation VPN Pass Through / Multi-Sessions • PPTP �.
-78- • FCC • UL Dimensions • L = 5.6in (142mm) • W = 4.3in (109mm) • H = 1.2in (31mm) Weight 0.44 lbs (200g).
-79- War r an ty W arranty S tatement Limited W arranty (USA Only) Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, GTE.Net LLC d/b/a Ve rizon Internet Solutions and V erizon Internet Services Inc. (collectively “V erizon Online”) provide this Limited W arranty for the products you are obtaining through V erizon Online (“Product(s)”).
-80- date of original purchase from V erizon Online. If a material defect is incapable of correction or if V erizon Online det ermines in its sole discretion that it is not practical to repair or repl.
-81- Product has been tested and foun d to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. Thes e limits are designed to prov ide reasonable protection against harmful interferenc e in a residential installation.
-82- Online; Products that have been purchased from other than V erizon Online; Repair by any party other than V erizon Online or as directed by V erizon Onlin e will void this Limited W arranty .
-83- the Software is properly installed on approv ed hardware and operated as contemplated in its documentation. V erizon Online further passes on to Customer the warranty of the Licensor that, during the Software Warrant y Period, the magnetic media on which the Licensor delivers the Software will be free of physical defects.
-84- • Upon Customer ’s request, V erizon Onlin e will provide Customer with an RA and postage-paid package for the original Product under warranty .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts D-Link VDI-604 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie D-Link VDI-604 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für D-Link VDI-604 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von D-Link VDI-604 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über D-Link VDI-604 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon D-Link VDI-604 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von D-Link VDI-604 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit D-Link VDI-604. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei D-Link VDI-604 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.