Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung DWL-610 des Produzenten D-Link
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M a n u a l D- L ink Ai r D WL-610 2 .4 GHz Building Netw ork s for People T M Wire le ss Ca rdb us Ada p ter v e r s i o n 1 . 02.
2 C o n t e n t s Pa ck age Cont ents ................................................................................ 3 I nt ro du c t io n ........................................................................................... 4 W ireless Ba si cs .
3 Pa ck age Contents This ma nual a pplie s speci ficall y to the D WL-610 revi sion M1. Ple a se refer t o e arl ier version s of this ma nu al if you have a previ ous version of the D W L-61 0.
4 Int rodu ctio n The D-Link Air D W L-610 W irel ess Cardbus Ada pter is a n 802.1 1b wi reless ada pter that supports high-speed wirele ss networking at home, at work or in public pla ces. T h e D W L - 61 0 i s c o m p a t i b l e w i t h e x i s t i n g 8 0 2 .
5 Link: Solid green light indicates connection to the network A CT : Blinking a mber light indi cates a ctivity on the network L E D S LED sta nds for L ight - E mitting D io de.
6 Wi r el e s s Ba s i cs D-Link wireless produc ts ar e ba s ed on industr y st a ndard s to provid e ea s y -to- use a n d compat ibl e high -spee d wir ele ss conn ecti vi ty wit hin you r home, busin ess or publ ic a ccess wirele ss netw orks.
7 The D W L-610 is compatible with 80 2.1 1b wirele ss products, which include : D-Link Ai r Plus D W L-650+ 2.4GHz W irel ess Cardbus Ada pter used wi th la ptop com puters D-Link Air D WL-510, D-Lin k Air Plus D WL -52 0+ 2.4GHz W ireless P CI cards used w ith desk top computers D-Link Air Plus D WL-900A P+ Enha nced 2.
8 There are ba sically tw o modes of netw orking: Infra structu re – using a n Access Point or Router , such a s the DI-614 + A d-Hoc – directly connecting to a nother com puter , for peer-to- peer com munication, using wireless network ad a pters on ea ch computer , such a s two or m ore D W L- 610 wi reless netw ork ada pters.
9 Ple a se remem ber that D-Link Air wirel ess devices are pr e-config ured to connect together, right ou t of the box , with their default settings. Y ou wi ll nee d broa dba nd Inter net a ccess (a .
10 Getti ng Start ed (cont inued ) Settin g up a W ir ele s s Ad Hoc Netwo rk Install the W irele ss PCI a da pter(e.g., D W L-510) into the des k top computer . (See the Quick Installation Guide included with the produc t for installa tion instr uctions .
11 Select the Wireless Netw orks tab. U n che ck the bo x in t he p ro per ties win dow that enables windows configuration. D-Link A ir D WL-610 uses the Configur ation Utility a s the m a nag ement softw are. T he utili ty provi des t he user a n e a sy interfa ce to cha nge any settings related to t he w ireless ada pter .
12 Link Info Us ing th e C onf igu ra ti on U til i ty (c ont in ued) After clicking on the Configurati on Utili ty icon, the Link Info screen w ill di splay the setti ngs fo r the D W L-610: SSID: Th e Se rv ic e S et Id e n ti fi er is th e na me a s si gne d to the wir eles s n etwo rk .
13 Wireless Mode: Authentication: Keys 1-4: Select the default key Data Encryption: IP Settings: Click on the pull-down menu; select from the following options: Infrastructure - connecting to the WLAN using an Access Point.(This is the default setting).
14 Ad-Hoc Channel: All devices in the Ad Hoc network must be set to the same channel Click Apply if you have made any changes Data Packet Parameter: Select the parameters here Profile IP Settings: Y ou can Enable or Disable the IP Settings portion of your profile here.
15 Refresh: Click on Refresh to get the most updated list of available networks. A vailable Network: The top section of the window displays the Available Networks . Scroll up and down the list and highlight the network to which you wish to connect. Click on the Connect but- ton.
16 Using the Configuration Utility (continued) Site Survey > Add If you clicked on Add, you can configure, in this window , all the properties of a profile that you wish to add to the network. In this window you can select the type of network connection.
17 Using the Configuration Utility (continued) Site Survey > Configuration > 802.1X T o use 802.1x and to configure its settings, please do the following: IEEE 802.1X - Select Enabled . Click Authentication Config Select the EAP T ype you want to use.
18 Using the Configuration Utility (continued) 802.1x > Advanced Security Settings > EAP T ypes EAP T ype Inner Authentication Protocol Information needed for Authenticating EAP-TLS EAP- MSCHAPv.
19 Using the Configuration Utility (continued) 802.1x > Advanced Security Settings > EAP T ypes (continued) EAP T ype Inner Authentication Protocol Information needed for Authenticating EAP- Gen.
20 Using the Configuration Utility (continued) Domain Name: Each server has a domain name that uniquely identifies it. That domain name is normally contained in the Subject CN field of the server certificate. A server domain name ends with the name of a larger administrative domain, to which the server belongs.
21 Using the Configuration Utility (continued) Authentication > WP A Click Configure . Select the available network to which you want to connect. After you click Authentication Config , the Advanced Security Settings screen will ap- pear . Complete the Advanced Security Settings configuration.
22 Using the Configuration Utility (continued) Click Configure . Select the available network to which you want to connect. WP A-PSK does not require a RADIUS Server in the network.
23 Using the Configuration Utility (continued) Enter the WP A Passphrase . Click OK . The configuration is done..
24 The ABOUT screen gives you the MAC Address, Utility V ersion and the Driver V ersion of the DWL-6 1 0. Using the Configuration Utility (continued) About.
25 Using the Netw ork Setup Wizard in Window s XP In this section yo u will learn how to establish a network at home or work , u s ing Microsoft Windo ws XP. Note: Plea s e refer to websites su ch a s http://www .homenethelp. com a nd http://w ww .microsoft.
26 Plea se f ollow all the instruct ion s i n this wi ndow: Networking Ba sics (continue d) Click Next In the following window , select the best description of yo ur com puter. If y our com puter connects to the internet through a g ateway/router, select the second opti on a s shown.
27 Enter a Comp uter de scription a nd a Comp uter n a m e (option al.) Networking Ba sics (continue d) Click Next Enter a Workgroup na m e. All com puters on your netw ork should hav e the sa m e Wor kgr oup na m e.
28 Plea s e wait w hile the Networ k Setup Wizard a pplies the changes. Networking Ba sics (continue d) W he n the change s are complete, clic k Next . Plea s e wait while the Netw ork Setup Wizar d configures the c ompute r . This ma y ta ke a few m inute s.
29 Networking Ba sics (continue d) In the w indow below , sele ct the option that f its your need s. In this e xa mple, Cre ate a Netw ork Setup Disk h a s been selected. Y ou will run this disk on ea ch of the com puters on y our network . Cl ick Next .
30 Networking Ba sics (continue d) Plea se read the information un der Here ’ s how i n th e screen below . After y ou complete the Netw ork Setup Wiz ard you wil l use the Netw ork Setup Disk to run the Network Setup Wizard on ce on ea ch o f the com puters on y our network.
31 Networking Ba sics (continue d) Plea se read the information on this screen, then click Finish to complete the Net wo rk Se tup W izar d . The new settings will ta k e effect wh en you restart the c omputer . Click Y es to restart the com puter. Y ou have com pleted configuring this computer .
32 n Networking Ba sics (continue d) Na mi ng y our Comput er T o na m e y our com puter , plea se fol low these direction s:I n W indow s XP : Click Start (in the lower left corner o f the sc reen) Right-click on My Co mput er Select Pro perti e s and c lick n n n n n Select the Computer Na m e T ab in the System Pro perti es wi ndow .
33 Networking Ba sics (continue d) Na mi ng y our Comput er n In this window, enter the Co mpu ter na m e Select Workgroup a nd enter the na m e of the Work group All c omputers on y our network mus t have the sa m e Workgroup n a m e .
34 Networking Ba sics (continue d) Che cking the I P Addre ss in Wind ows XP This w indow will a ppear . Click the Supp ort tab Click Close n n Assi gning a St atic IP Addre ss in Win dows XP/2000 Not.
35 Networking Ba sics (continue d) Assi gning a St atic IP Addre ss in Win dows XP/2000 n Double-clic k on Network Con necti ons n n Double-clic k on Proper ties Righ t-cl ick on Lo cal A rea Con nect.
36 Networking Ba sics (continue d) Ass igni ng a Stati c IP Add re ss in Wind ows XP/2000 Y ou have compl eted the a ssign men t of a St atic IP Ad dre ss. ( Y ou do no t need to a ssign a Static IP Addre ss if you ha ve a DHCP-ca pa ble Gateway/Rou ter .
37 Networking Ba sics (continue d) Che cking the Wir ele ss Co nne ction by Ping ing in W indow s XP and 2000* Che cking the Wir ele ss Co nne ction by P inging in Windo ws Me a nd 98* Go to Start > Run > ty pe cmd . A wi ndow similar to this one wi ll a ppe ar .
38 1 . C h ec k t h a t t h e d r i v e r s f o r t h e D W L - 61 0 a r e i n s t a l l e d p r o p e r l y . Click Device M ana ge r n Selec t th e Ha rdw a re T ab n T roub le shooting Th is cha pter provides solutions to problems that c a n occur during the instal lation a nd opera tion of the D W L-610.
39 T rouble shootin g (cont inued) n n n Dou ble- click on Netw ork A da pter s Right-click on D-Link Air D WL-610 Wirele ss Cardbus A da pter Select Properties to check that the dri vers are in- stal.
40 2. I ca nnot co nnect to the a ccess poin t or the w irel e ss router . Check to see if the D W L-610 Cardbus ada pter is fi rm ly inserted into the Cardbus slot of y our la ptop. Ma k e sure that th e SSID on th e D W L -610 Cardbus a da pter is ex a ctly the sa m e a s the SSID on the Access Point or wireless ro uter .
41 T rouble shootin g (cont inued) A . U nder T ools > select Folder Op tion s … > select Vi ew > under Hid de n fil es and f old ers > se lect S how hid den f ile s and fol der s B . Unch ec k Hi de ex te ns io n fo r k no w n fi le t yp e s > cl ic k o n A pply C.
42 Move the D W L-610 a nd Access Point or W irele ss router i nto the sa me room a nd then test the wireless connection. Cha nge the cha nnel of the Access Poi nt. Move devices withi n the line of sight Check that the Ne two rk Connec tion for the wireless client i s configur ed proper ly .
43 T e c h n i c a l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s IEE E 802. 1 1b n Sta ndards System Requirement s: T em p er a t ur e Operatin g: 3 2 º F to 131 º F (0 º C to 55 º C ) Storing: - 4 º F to 167 º.
44 T echnical Spe cification s (continue d) 1, 2, 5.5, 1 1Mbps (with Automatic Fallba ck) 1-1 1 U nited State s (FCC) n Oper ating Channels: Data Rates: n Supports 64-bit or 128-bit W EP encryption En cry ptio n: n 2.
W a r r a n t y a n d R e g i s t r a t i o n Wichtige Sicherheitshinweise 1. Bitte lese n Sie sich diese Hinweise sor gfaltig durch. 2. Heben Sie diese Anleitung fur den spater n Gebrauch auf. 3. Vor jedem Reinig en ist das Gerat vom Strom netz zu trennen.
Limited Warranty Hardware: D -L i n k w a r r a n t s it s h a r d w a r e p r o d u ct s t o be fr e e fr om d e f e ct s i n w or k m a n s h i p a n d m a t e r i a ls , u n d e r n or m a l u s e .
Software: W a r r a n t y s e r v i ce fo r s oft w a r e p r od u ct s m a y b e ob t a i n e d by con t a ct i n g a D-L i n k offi ce w i t h i n t h e a p p li ca b l e w a r r a n t y p e r i od .
Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement This equipment ha s been tested an d found to comply w ith the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the F CC Rules. These limit s are designed to pro v ide re asonable protection against harmful interference in a re sidential installation.
O ffic e s Australia D-Link Australasia Unit 16, 390 Easter n Valley W ay , Rose ville, NSW 2069 Australia TEL: 61-2-9417-7 100 FAX: 61-2-9417- 1077 TOLL FREE (Aust ralia): 1800-177100 TOLL FREE (Ne w Zealand): 0800-900 900 URL: au E-MAIL: supp ort@dlink.
10F, 8-8-15 Nishi -Gotanda, Shinaga wa-ku, Tok y o 141, Jap an TEL: 81-3-5434-9 678 FAX: 81-3-5434- 9868 URL: www.d-link E -M AI L : k i d a @ d -l i n k . co.j p Netherlands D-Link Benelux Fellenoord 130 5611 ZB, Eindhoven, th e Netherlands TEL: 31-40-26687 13 FAX: 31-40-266 8666 URL: www.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts D-Link DWL-610 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie D-Link DWL-610 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für D-Link DWL-610 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von D-Link DWL-610 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über D-Link DWL-610 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon D-Link DWL-610 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von D-Link DWL-610 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit D-Link DWL-610. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei D-Link DWL-610 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.