Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 66332A des Produzenten Agilent Technologies
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Service Manual Agilent Model 66332A Dynamic Measurement DC Source and Agilent Model 6632B, 6633B, 6634B System DC Power Supply s1 Agilent Part No. 5962 - 8119 Printed in Malaysia Microfiche No 6962 - .
2 Warranty Information CER TIFIC A T ION Agilent Technologies certifies that this product met its published specifications at time of shipment from the factory.
3 Safety Summary The f ollowin g g eneral sa f et y p recautions must be obs erve d durin g all p hases o f o p eration o f this instrument. Failure to com p l y with these p recautions or with s p eci f ic warnin g s else where in this manual violates s a f et y standards o f desi g n, manu f acture, and intended use o f the instrument.
4 Safety Symbol Definitions Symbol Description Direct current Alternatin g current Both direct and alternating current Three-phase altern ating curren t Earth (grou nd) termin al Protective earth (gro.
5 Notice The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Agilent Technologies makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, and fit ness for a particular purpose.
6 Table of Contents Warranty Inform ation 2 Safety Sum m ary 3 Notice 4 Printing History 5 Instrument Identifi catio n 5 Table of Cont ents 6 INTRODUCTION 9 Organization 9 Safety Considerations 9 Rela.
7 Power-on Self -test Failures 37 CV/CC Status Annunci ator s Tr ouble shoot ing 38 Bias and Ref erence Supplies 38 J307 Voltage Meas urem ents 39 Manual Fa n Speed Contr ol 40 Disab ling Pr otec tion.
9 1 Introduction Organization This manual con tains inform ation for troubleshooting and repairing to the com ponent level the A gilent Model 66332A Dy nam ic Measu remen t DC Source an d the A gilen t Model 6632B, 6633B, 6634B Sy stem DC Pow er Supplies.
1 - Introduction 10 Revisions Manual Revisions If changes have been made to your power supply since the publication of this manual, a yellow Manual Change sheet may be sup plied with the manual. It defines the differences between your power supply and the unit described in this manual.
11 2 Verification and Performance Tests Introduction This document contains test procedures to verify that the dc power supply is operating normally and is within published specifications.
2 - Verification and Performance Test s 12 Resistor (substitute for electronic load if load is too noisy for CC PARD test) 1 ohm, 50 W 3 ohm, 100 W (Agilent 66332A/6632B) 24 ohm, 100 W (Agilent 6633B).
Verification and Performance Tests - 2 13 Electronic Load Many of the test procedures requ ire the use of a variable load capable of dissipating the required power. If a variable resistor is used, switches should be used to either; connect, disconnect, or short the load resistor.
2 - Verif ication and Perfor mance Test s 14 Table 2-2. Progra mming Ratings Model Voltage Rating Full Scale Rating Current Rating Full Scale Rating Agilent 66332A/6632B Ag ilent 6633B Ag ilent 6634B 20 V 50 V 100 V 20.020 V 50.045 V 100.1 V 5 A 2 A 1 A 5.
Verification and Per form ance Tests - 2 15 e. Open the load and ag ain record the DVM voltag e reading. The differen ce between the DVM readings in steps (d) and (e) is the load ef fect voltage, an d should n ot exceed the value lis ted in the perform ance test record ch art for the appropri ate model under CV L OAD EF FECT.
2 - Verification and Performance Tests 16 Transient Recovery Time This test measures the time for the output voltage to recover to within the specified value following a 50% change in the load current. tttt t v Loading Transient Unloading Transient v t Figure 2 - 2.
Verification and Performance Tests - 2 17 e. Program the output current to full - scale . f. Divide the voltage drop (DVM reading) across the current monitoring resistor by its resistance t o convert to amps and record this value (Iout). Also, record the current reading that appears on the front panel display.
2 - Verif ication and Perfor mance Test s 18 c. Set up voltmeter to take m easurem ents in the statistical m ode as follows: Press Shift key, f0, Shif t key, N Press ^ (up arrow) until MA TH function is selected, then press >. Press ^ (up arrow until STAT function is selected then press (ENT ER).
Verification and Per form ance Tests - 2 19 CC Noise (PA RD) Periodic and random deviations (PA RD) in the ou tput com bine to produce a residu al ac current, as w ell, as an ac voltage su perimposed on the dc output .
2 - Verification and Performance Tes ts 20 Performance Test Record Forms Model Agilent 6633 2A OR Agilent6632B Report No _______________ Date __________________ Test Description Minimum Specs.
Verification and Performance Tests - 2 21 Model Agilent 6633B Report No _______________ Date __________________ Test Description Minimum Specs. Results* Maximum Specs.
2 - Verif ication and Perfor mance Test s 22 Model Agilen t 6634B Report No _______________ Date __________________ Test Description Minimum Specs. Results* M aximum Specs.
23 3 Troubleshooting Introduction WA RNING: SHOCK HA ZA RD. Most of the troublesh ooting procedures g iven in this chapter are perf ormed w ith pow er applied an d protective cov ers remov ed. Such m ain tenance s hould be perf ormed on ly by s ervice trained person nel w ho are aw are of the hazards (for exam ple, fire and electrical s hock).
3 - Tr oubleshooting 24 Test Equipment Required Table 3-1 list s the tes t equipm ent requ ired to troubles hoot the pow er su pply. Recomm ended m odels are li sted.
Troubleshoot ing - 3 25 Turn on unit and observe the dis p la y . Unit should dis p la y all of the se g ments and annunciators, the address and then after self test dis p la y either an erro r messa g e or g o to the meterin g mode.
3 - Tr oubleshooting 26 Continued from sheet 1 Pro g ram Volta g e and Current full scale, enable out p ut with no load. Measure Volta g e at out p ut terminals.
Troubleshoot ing - 3 27 Figure 3-1 She et 3. Main Flow chart (continue d).
3 - Tr oubleshooting 28 Connect a DC cou p led sco p e set to 1mS/20V/ div across the out p ut and turn on the su pp l y while observin g the sco p e for a momentar y p ulse g reater than the su pp l .
Troubleshoot ing - 3 29 Continued from sheet 4 A 1U306B-2, OV_Detect*, Hi gh? No U306B-7 < pin 8? Yes Check U306B, A2 Check R349, R351, R356 Yes No A 1R438, OV_SCR*, +0.
3 - Tr oubleshooting 30 Pro g ram out p ut on, volta g e and current full scale then check out p ut volta g e Troubleshoot Fuse divider and am p lifie r circuit ( R393/394, U305 ) Disable the p rotect.
Troubleshoot ing - 3 31 Program full scal e voltage and current and enable output. Measure output voltage wit h an external volt meter. Display zero V but output OK? Check W7 (Vmon) and A 2, Inte rfac.
3 - Tr oubleshooting 32 Continued from sheet 7 Q302 base -5V ? Check C330, R333, R346, and Q302 No Q307 collector to emitte r 4V? Check Q302, Q307, R324 and R326 No Q303 base >1.
Troubleshoot ing - 3 33 Continued from sheet 7 CV _ Pro g @ R401 -4.7V ? Check W7, A2 Interface Board No VMon, U315B-7 ~0V ? Yes Check Volta g e Monito r A m p lifier, U315B, circuit No Check Volta g .
3 - Tr oubleshooting 34 Continued from sheet 2 CC _ Pro g , R360, -4.8V ? Check A2 Interface Board No Imon _ H, U309A-6 ~+3.5V ? Dro p across R473 ~0.25V ? No Check Hi g h Ran g e Current Monito r A m p lifie r Yes Check Positive Curr ent Control Circuit Yes Yes Check R473 No Figure 3-1 Sheet 10.
Troubleshoot ing - 3 35 Pro g ram the out p ut volta g e and current to the full scale value and the OV to 1/2. OV _p ro g ~+2V @ R350 ? U306B-8 ~+2V ? A 2 Interface Board o r cable W7 defective Check.
3 - Tr oubleshooting 36 Disable the OV ca p abilit y b y shortin g R351. After the p rotection is disabled, p ro g ram the out p ut volta g e to zero, current to full scale and Out p ut ON. If the unit is in "Protect" mode, Press Protect Clear.
Troubleshoot ing - 3 37 Specific Troubleshooting Procedures Power-on Self-test Failures The power-on self- test sequence tests most of the digital an d DAC circuits. If the supply fails self-test, th e display "ERR" annunciato r will come on.
3 - Tr oubleshooting 38 CV/CC Status A nnunciators Troubleshooting The CV/CC annunc iator s are par ticula rly help ful when troub lesho oting a unit with no out put. I f the unit ha s no outp ut volta ge or curr ent and one o f the annunci ator s is on t hen the p rob lem is in the c ontr ol ci rcuit a ssocia ted with that a nnunciato r.
Troubleshoot ing - 3 39 J307 Voltage Measurements J307 connects th e A1 Main Board A ssem bly to th e A2 Interface A ssem bly. Table 3-4 prov ides a quick m ethod of determinin g if the voltages betw een these assem blies are within the normal ran ge.
3 - Tr oubleshooting 40 Manual Fan Speed Control Under som e circums tances such as testing acou stical devices w here the f an noise w ould interfere w ith th e test, it w ould be advantag eous to reduce the f an speed.
Troubleshoot ing - 3 41 Post-repair Calibration Calibration is r equired annually and wh enever certain co mponents are replaced. If components in any of the circuits listed below are replaced, the supply m ust be re-calibrated as described in Appen dix B of the User' s Guide.
3 - Tr oubleshooting 42 Initialization The dc pow er supply 's G PIB address and m odel num ber as w ell as other cons tants w hi ch are required to prog ram and calibrate the su pply are st ored in a EEPROM on the A 2 Interface board.
Troubleshoot ing - 3 43 Disassembly Procedures The follow ing paragraphs provide ins truction s on how to dis assem ble variou s com ponents of the dc pow er su pply. Once disa ssem bled, the com ponents can be reassem bled by perform ing t he disass embly ins tructions in revers e order.
3 - Tr oubleshooting 44 Cove r, Removal and Replacement a. Using a 2TP Pozi screwdriv er, unscrew the tw o screw s that h old the carrying straps to the pow er su pply, and then rem ove th e tw o screw s from the opposi te side of th e case.
Troubleshoot ing - 3 45 S1 Line Switch, Removal and Replacement a. First rem ove the front pan el assem bly as described u nder “Front Panel A ssem bly, Rem oval and R eplacement.” b. Release th e sw itch f rom th e front pan el by pres sing t he lockin g tabs in ward ag ainst t he body of the sw itch and pushing the sw itch out of its opening.
3 - Tr oubleshooting 46 Line Voltage Wiring Figure 3-3 illustrates the prim ary w iring conf iguration of the pow er transformer f or various ac line voltages.
47 4 Principles of Operatio n Introduction This section describes the different functional circu its used in the dc power supply models covered in this m anual. First, the I/O extern al signals that connect to the A gilent pow er supply are described.
4 - Principles of Operat ion 48 A 3 Front Panel Circuits As show n in Figu re 4-1, the supply's f ront panel assembly contain s a circuit board, a keypad, a liquid crystal display (LCD), and a rotary control (RPG) for the output voltage an d current.
Principles of Operation - 4 49 Figure 4-1. A2/A 3 Block Diagram.
4 - Principles of Operat ion 50 The EEPROM (electrically erasable prog ramm able read-onl y m emory ) chip on th e A2 interface board s tores a variety of data and configuration inform ation.
Principles of Operation - 4 51 Figure 4-2. A1 Block Diagram.
4 - Principles of Operat ion 52 Two cur rent shunt r esisto rs monito r the o utput cur rent. RmHi (R 473) mon itors the h igh cu rrent rang e; Rm Lo (R403) monitor s the lo w current r ange. Shunt clamps, connec ted i n par allel acro ss RmLo, turn o n at ap pr oximately 25 mA to limit th e voltage drop at high currents.
Principles of Operation - 4 53 The output is program m ed off. An overv oltage condition is detected (OV_ Detect* sig nal is received). The line voltage falls below 90 volts (approximately ). Curren t readback is prov ided by th ree separate circui ts.
55 5 Replaceable Parts L ist Introduction This section lists the replaceable parts for Agilent Models 66332A, 6632B, 6633B, and 6634B power supplies. Refer to Figures 5- 1 for the location of mechanical parts with the reference designators MP. Refer to the board location diag rams in Chapter 6 for the location of electrical parts.
5 - Replaceable Parts 56 Table 5- 2. Chassis, M echanical Designator Model Part Num ber Qty Description MP1 All 06612-00002 1 Cha ssis MP2 All 5063-3426 1 Front Pan el As sy , Std un it MP2 All 5063-3.
Replaceable Parts - 5 57 Figure 5-1. M echan ical Parts ldentif ication.
5 - Replaceable Parts 58 Table 5- 3. A 1 Control Board PC Board A ssembly Designator Model Part Num ber Qty Descripti on A1 66332A/6632B 5063-3431 1 Cont rol PCA , Tested A1 6633B 06633-61023 1 Con trol PCA , Tested A1 6634B 06634-61023 1 Con trol PCA , Tested C300 66332A/6632B 0160-5422 1 Cap 0.
Replaceable Parts - 5 59 Designator Model Part Num ber Qty Descripti on C349 66332A/6632B 0160-4791 1 Cap 10 pF 5% 100V C349 6633B/6634B 0160-4807 1 Cap 0.033 u F C350 All 0160-5422 1 Cap 0.047 uF 20% C351 All 0160-4791 1 Cap 10 pF 5% 100V C352 66332A/6632B 0160-4791 1 Cap 10 pF 5% 100V C352 6633B/6634B 0160-4807 1 Cap 0.
5 - Replaceable Parts 60 Designator Model Part Num ber Qty Descripti on C403 66332A/6632B 0160-4791 1 Cap 10 pF 5% 100V C405 All 0160-3454 1 Cap 220 pF 1KV C411 6633B/6634B 0160-7277 1 Cap 2.2 u F C420 6633B/6634B 0160-6800 1 Cap 0.022 u F 20% C421 6633B/6634B 0160-6800 1 Cap 0.
Replaceable Parts - 5 61 Designator Model Part Num ber Qty Descripti on D310 6633B/6634B 1901-1130 1 Diode D311 66332A/6632B 5060-3378 2 Rectif ier A ssem bly 1205-0282 1 ref D311 Heat S ink 1901-1383.
5 - Replaceable Parts 62 Designator Model Part Num ber Qty Descripti on Q300 All 5060-3245 1 Darlin gton F an Driv er Ass embl y All 1854-0828 1 ref Q300 Trans istor,NPN S I All 1205-0282 1 ref Q300 H.
Replaceable Parts - 5 63 Designator Model Part Num ber Qty Descripti on Q315 66332A/6632B 1854-1174 1 Transis tor, NPN Q315 6633B/6634B 1854-1362 1 Transis tor, NPN Q316 All 1855-1016 1 Transis tor, F.
5 - Replaceable Parts 64 Designator Model Part Num ber Qty Descripti on R326 66332A/6632B 0757-0200 1 Res 5.62K 1% R326 6633B/6634B 0698-3159 1 Res 26.1K 1% R327 All 0757-0280 1 Res 1K 1% 0.125W R328 66332A/6632B 0683-0475 1 Res 20K 1% 0.125W R328 6633B/6634B 0757-0346 1 Res 10 1% R329 66332A/6632B 0757-0449 1 Res 4.
Replaceable Parts - 5 65 Designator Model Part Num ber Qty Descripti on R351 66332A/6632B 0698-6320 1 Res 5K 0.1% R351 6633B 0698-5087 1 Res 6.2K 1% R351 6634B 0698-6320 1 Res 5K 1% R352 66332A/6632B 8159-0005 1 Jum per R353 All 0698-8959 1 Res 619K 1% R354 66332A/6632B 0757-0447 1 Res 16.
5 - Replaceable Parts 66 Designator Model Part Num ber Qty Descripti on R386 66332A/6632B 0811-1672 1 Res 3.3 Oh m 5% 2W R386 6633B/6634B 0811-2553 1 R es 7.5 Ohm 5% 2W PW R387 66332A/6632B 0811-1672 1 Res 3.3 Oh m 5% 2W R387 6633B/6634B 0811-2553 1 R es 7.
Replaceable Parts - 5 67 Designator Model Part Num ber Qty Descripti on R421 66332A/6632B 0811-1672 1 Res 3.3 Oh m 5% 2W R421 6633B 0811-2553 1 Res 7.5 O hm 5% 2W PW R422 66332A/6632B 0698-6351 1 Res 133K 0.1% R423 66332A/6632B/6633B 0699-0267 1 Res 10K 0.
5 - Replaceable Parts 68 Designator Model Part Num ber Qty Descripti on R455 66332A/6632B 0698-6631 1 Res 2.5K 0.1% R455 6633B 0698-8863 1 Res 5.2K 0.1% R455 6634B 0699-0489 1 Res 16.
Replaceable Parts - 5 69 Designator Model Part Num ber Qty Descripti on R497 66332A/6632B 0757-0289 1 Res 13.3K 1% R497 6633B/6634B 0757-0433 1 Res 3.32K 0.125W R498 - 500 All 0757-0407 2 Res 200 Ohm 1% 0.125W R505 6633B Not Used 1 R510 - 517 66332A/6632B 0811-1672 8 Res 3.
5 - Replaceable Parts 70 A2 Interface PCA, T ested for 66332A 5063-3439 No user replaceable parts A2 Interface PCA, T ested for 6632B/6633B/6634B 5063-3429 No user replaceable p arts A3 Front Panel PCA T ested for all m o dels 5063-3432 No user replaceable parts Table 5- 4.
71 6 Diagrams Introduction This chapt er contains drawi ngs an d diagram s for trou bleshootin g and m aint aining the A gilent Model 66332A Dy nam ic Measurem ent DC Source and th e Ag ilent Model 66332A /6632B/6633B/6634B Sy stem DC Pow er Supplies.
6 - Diagr ams 72 Table 6-1. Model-dependent Components (continue d) Des ignat or 66332A/ 6632B 6633B 6634B Des ignat or 66332A/ 6632B 6633B 6634B R319 316 Ohm 511 Ohm 750 Ohm R413 10K R320 1.5K 2.61k 1k R415 22K 22.22K 22.22K R321 80.6K 215k 340k R418 51.
Diagram s - 6 73 Table 6-2. A 1 Board Compone nt Locations Ref. X Y Ref. X Y Ref. X Y Re f. X Y Ref. X Y C300 8.125 3.25 C371 5.05 7.65 D323 1.025 4.9 R301 5.45 1.0 R366 1.3 3.925 C301 2.075 0.525 C372 1.875 7.9 D324 0.1 4.375 R302 6.275 0.1 R367 0.675 4.
6 - Diagr ams 74 Table 6-2 continued Ref. X Y R ef. X Y R434 2.5 9.825 R500 2.175 4.325 R435 2.4 9.825 R505 0.525 6.8 R436 7.05 7.75 R510 6.2 5.1 R437 6.8 7.75 R511 6.2 7.2 R438 4.675 6.875 R512 6.55 5.45 R439 1.925 8.65 R513 6.55 7.75 R440 5.7 7.2 R514 6.
Figure 6-1. A1 Board Component Locations.
Figure 6 -2. A4 and A 6 Board Component Locations.
Figure 6-3. A1 Board schem atic (sh eet 1).
Figure 6-3. A1 Board schem atic (sh eet 2).
Figure 6-3. A1 Board schem atic (sh eet 3).
Figure 6-4. A 6 Rela y Optio n Board sch ematic.
81 Index —+— +OUT, 47 +sense, 47 —A— A1 boar d remov al, 45 A1 Main boa rd, 50 A2 boar d remov al, 44 A2 Interface Board, 48 A2S201 , 50 A3 boar d remov al, 45 A3 Front Panel, 48 ADC , 4 8 —.
Index 82 —J— J307 voltages , 39 —L— line voltag e wiring , 46 —M— ma nual rev isions, 10 —N— noti ce, 5 —O— -OUT, 47 out of ra nge, 41 OV_Dete ct* , 48, 52 OV_Prog , 50 OV_SCR* , 4.
Manual Updates The following updates have been made to this m anual since the original print date. 4/25/03 Inform ation about serial numbers and m anual revisions has been updated on pages 5 and 10. Inform ation has been corrected on page 16 and pag es 20-22 to com ply with I SO 17025.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Agilent Technologies 66332A (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Agilent Technologies 66332A noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Agilent Technologies 66332A - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Agilent Technologies 66332A reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Agilent Technologies 66332A erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Agilent Technologies 66332A besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Agilent Technologies 66332A verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Agilent Technologies 66332A. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Agilent Technologies 66332A gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.