Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung iPAQ Internet Device des Produzenten Compaq
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Technical Refe renc e Guide For t he Compaq iPAQ Internet Device.
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Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 i NOT ICE The inf o rmation in th is do cume nt is s ub j ec t to c han ge w ithou t notic e .
Tech nical Refer ence Gu ide Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion –- Mar ch 2000 ii.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 iii TABLE O F CO NTEN TS CHAPTER 1 INTRO DUCTIO N .....................................................................................................
Tech nical Refer ence Gu ide Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F irst Edit ion – - Mar ch 2000 iv CHA PTE R 4 SYS TEM SU P PO RT......................................................................................................... 4.1 IN TRO DU CTI ON.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 v 5.7 U NIV ER SA L SE R IA L B U S I NTER FA CE ........................................................................... 5-2 2 5.7.1 U SB DA TA FO R MATS .
Tech nical Refer ence Gu ide Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F irst Edit ion – - Mar ch 2000 vi CHA PTE R 8 BIOS R OM ....................................................................................................................... 8.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 vi i APPENDIX B ASCII CH ARACTE R SET ............................................................................................. B .1 IN TR ODU CTIO N.
Tech nical Refer ence Gu ide Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F irst Edit ion – - Mar ch 2000 v iii LIST OF FIGURES F IGU RE 2 – 1 . C OMP AQ I PAQ I NTERNET D EV ICE WIT H M ONITOR ........................................................
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 ix F IGU RE C – 1 . K EYSTROKE P ROCESS ING E LEMENT S , B LOCK D IA GRAM ....................................................C -2 F IGU RE C – 2. PS/2 K EYBOARD -T O -S YS TEM T RA NSM ISS ION , T IMING D IAGRA M .
Tech nical Refer ence Gu ide Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F irst Edit ion – - Mar ch 2000 x LIST O F TABLES T ABLE 1 – 1 . A CRONYM S A ND A BBREV IATIONS ...............................................................................
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 xi T ABLE 5 – 19. AC ’ 97 A UDI O C ONT RO LLER PCI C ONFIGURA TION R EGIST ERS ........................................ 5-3 0 T ABLE 5 – 20. AC ’ 97 A UDI O C ODEC C ONTROL R EG ISTERS .
Tech nical Refer ence Gu ide Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F irst Edit ion – - Mar ch 2000 xii.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion - Mar ch 2000 1-1 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1. Chap ter 1 INTRODUCT ION 1.1 ABOUT T HIS GUI DE This guid e p rov ides tec h n ical inf o rmation ab o ut the C o mpaq iP AQ Family o f Internet D ev ice s.
Chapter 1 Introducti on Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion – M arch 2000 1-2 1 . 3 N O TA TI ON A L C O N V E N TI ON S 1.3.1 VA LUES H e xade c imal v alue s are indic ated b y a n ume rical o r alpha-n ume rical v alue f o llo w ed b y the le tter “ h.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion - Mar ch 2000 1-3 1.4 COMMON A CRONYMS AND A BBREVI ATIONS Tab le 1 -1 lis ts the acro ny ms and abb r ev iations u se d in this guid e. Table 1–1. Acro ny ms and Ab b rev iations Tab le 1- 1.
Chapter 1 Introducti on Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F irst Edit ion – Marc h 2000 1-4 Tab le 1- 1. A crony ms and A bbreviat ions Continued Acro nym/Ab breviat ion D escript ion DIMM d.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion - Mar ch 2000 1-5 Tab le 1- 1. A crony ms and A bbreviat ions Continued Acro nym/Ab breviat ion D escript ion l.
Chapter 1 Introducti on Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F irst Edit ion – Marc h 2000 1-6.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion - Mar ch 2000 1-7 Tab le 1- 1. A crony ms and A bbreviat ions Continued Acro nym/Ab breviat ion D escript ion S.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rc h 2000 2-1 Chapter 2 SYST EM OVERVIEW 2. Cha pt er 2 SYSTEM O VERVIEW 2.
Chapter 2 System Ove rview Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n – Marc h 2000 2-2 2.2 FEAT URES AND OPTIONS This se ctio n des crib e s the s tandard f eature s and av ailable o ptio ns.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rc h 2000 2-3 2.2.2 OPTIONS The f o llo w in g items ar e av ailable as o ptions fo r all mo de ls and may b .
Chapter 2 System Ove rview Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n – March 2000 2-4 2.3 MECHANI CA L DESIGN The Co mpaq iPA Q I ntern et D e v ice use s a minito w e r fo r m fac tor f eatu rin g a smalle r fo otp rin t and reduc ed heig ht th an prev io us minitow ers, allo wing e asy f loo r o r des kto p po sitio ning.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rc h 2000 2-5 Rear V iews Item D escript ion Item D escript ion 1 Audio line output 2 Audio line inpu.
Chapter 2 System Ove rview Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n – March 2000 2-6 2.3 .2 CHASSIS LAYOUT Th e i n t er n a l a ssem bl i es a r e a cces si ble fr om t h e r i gh t s i de of t h e system u n i t .
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rc h 2000 2-7 2.3 .3 SYST EM BOARD LAYOUT S Th e Com p aq i PA Q In t er n et D evice u ses a F l exAT X -t ype (9 . 0 x 7 . 5 i n ch ) system boar d. T wo v ariations are av ailab le; a le gacy -light b o ard and a legac y -f r ee b o ard.
Chapter 2 System Ove rview Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n – March 2000 2-8 2.4 SYST EM ARCHI T ECT URE Th e Co mpaq iPAQ Int ern et Dev i ce fe atur es an In t el Cele r on or Pentium III pr oce sso r a n d th e 810e c h ipset.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rc h 2000 2-9 .................. Fi gu re 2 – 6. Co mpaq iP AQ Ar ch it ect u r e, Bl ock d i a gr am 82801 ICH Pri. IDE I/F USB I/F Power Supply 82802 FWH Sec.
Chapter 2 System Ove rview Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n – March 2000 2-10 2.4 .1 PRO CESSORS The Co mpaq iPAQ f amily in cludes mode ls bas ed o n Celero n an d Pentium III proce sso rs.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rc h 2000 2-11 Pr ocessor Upgr ading All models of the Compaq iPAQ use th e P GA370 zero-inserti on fo r ce (ZIF ) so cke t fo r pr oce sso r mo unting as sho w n in Fig ure 2- 7.
Chapter 2 System Ove rview Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n – March 2000 2-12 2.4 .2 CHIPSET The Co mpaq iPAQ emplo y s the Intel 810e c h ipse t, w hich is des ign ed to co mpliment the pr ocessor a n d p r ovid e t h e cen t r a l p oin t for t h e sy st em ’ s data transactio n s.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rc h 2000 2-13 2.4 .3 SUPPO RT CO MPONENT S Input /output functions not pr ov i ded b y th e chipset ar e ha n dled b y oth er support co mponent s.
Chapter 2 System Ove rview Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n – March 2000 2-14 2.4 .5 MASS ST OR AGE In a stan dar d configurat ion th e Compaq iPAQ s upports two m ass sto r .
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rc h 2000 2-15 2.4 .9 AUDIO SUBSYST EM Th e audio s ubsy stem f eatures an AC ’ 97 spe cif ication-based de sign a n d uses th e in tegra ted AC97 audio co ntrolle r of th e c hipse t and an AC ’ 97- comp l i a n t a u di o codec.
Chapter 2 System Ove rview Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n – March 2000 2-16 Table 2-7. P h ysica l Sp eci fica t i on s Tab le 2- 7. Physic al Specif icat ions Param eter Standard M etric Height 11.80 in 29.97 cm Width 5.66 in 14.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rc h 2000 2-17 Table 2-9. MultiB ay 24x CD-RO M Driv e S pec ificatio n s Tab le 2- 9. MultiB ay 4x DV D-RO M Driv e Specif icat ions (SP # 161685-B21) Paramet er Measurement Interfac e Ty pe / P rotoc ol IDE / ATAP I Transfer Rate: Max.
Chapter 2 System Ove rview Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n – March 2000 2-18 This page is intentionally b lank..
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 3-1 Chapter 3 PRO CESSOR / M E M O RY S UBSYS TEM 3.
Chapter 3 Processor/Memory Subsystem Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion - Mar ch 2000 3-2 3.2 PROCESSO R Th e Co mpaq iPAQ is co nfigur ed as e ith er a Celeron-base d or Pentium III-base d sy stem.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 3-3 3 .2 . 2 PE NT IU M III P R OC ESSO R Th e Pe nt ium III pr oce sso r ’ s architec ture ( Figu.
Chapter 3 Processor/Memory Subsystem Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion - Mar ch 2000 3-4 3.2 .3 PRO CESSOR UPGRADING All un its use the PGA370 Z IF mo un tin g soc ket an d shi p w ith eith er a Celeron 500E or a Pent ium III 500E in stal led.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 3-5 3.3 MEMORY SUBSYST EM Th e 810e chipset supports PC100 SDR AM fo r sy stem memo ry . T he memory in terface co nsists of a 64-bit data bus o perat in g at 100 MHz prov idin g a m axim um th r oughput r a te o f 800 M B/s.
Chapter 3 Processor/Memory Subsystem Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion - Mar ch 2000 3-6 The S PD addres s map is s how n b elo w . Table 3 – 3. SPD Addr ess Ma p (SDRAM DIMM) Tab le 3- 3. SPD Addre ss Map (SDR AM DIMM) Byte Descript ion Not es Byte Descri ption No tes 0 No.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 3-7 Figure 3-4 show s th e sy stem memo ry map. NOTE: All loc ations in memory are c ac heable. B ase memor y is alw ay s mapped t o DR AM. The nex t 128 K B fix ed memory area c an, thr ough the north br idge, be mapped to DR AM or to PC I s pace.
Chapter 3 Processor/Memory Subsystem Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion - Mar ch 2000 3-8 3.4 SUBSYST EM CONF IGURA T ION Th e 82810e -DC100 GMCH compo nen t pr ov ides the co n figur ati on function fo r th e pro ce ss o r/memo r y sub sy s tem.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rc h 2000 4-1 Chapter 4 SYST EM SUPPOR T 4. Chapter 4 SYSTE M SUPP ORT 4.1 INT RODUCT ION Th is chapt er co ve rs subj ec ts dealin g with basic sy stem arch itecture an d support functions.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion - Mar ch 2000 4-2 4.2 PCI BUS OVERVIEW NOTE: This se c tio n des crib e s the P CI b us in ge neral an d highligh ts b us imple mentatio n in th is particu lar sy ste m.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rc h 2000 4-3 4.2. 1 PCI BUS T RANSACTIONS The P CI b us c ons ists o f a 3 2-b it path (AD3 1-00 lines) that use s a multip lex ed sc heme f o r han dling b o th addres s and data transf ers.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion - Mar ch 2000 4-4 Figure 4-2 show s how th e lo adin g of 0CF8h r esults in a Ty pe 0 co n figura tion cy cle on th e PCI b us . The De vic e Numb er (b its <1 5..
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rc h 2000 4-5 Not requir ed The reg iste r in de x (CF 8h, b its <7..2 >) ide ntifie s the 32- bit lo catio n w ithin the c o nfigu ration spa ce of t h e PC I devi ce t o be accessed .
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion - Mar ch 2000 4-6 4.2 .2 PCI I NT ERRUPT MAPPING Th e PCI b us pr ov ides f or four in terr upt signa ls; INTA-, INTB-, INTC-, an d INTD-.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rc h 2000 4-7 4.2.5 PCI CONFIGURA T ION PC I b us o pe rations, e sp ec ially thos e that in vo lve ISA b us .
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion - Mar ch 2000 4-8 4.3 AGP BUS OVERVIEW NOTE: This se ctio n prov ide s a brie f o v erv ie w o f AG P b us o peratio n.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rc h 2000 4-9 Data Requ est R eq ue sting data is ac co mplished in o n e o f tw o w ay s; eithe r mu.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion - Mar ch 2000 4-10 A GP 2X Trans fers Du rin g AG P 2 X transf ers, c loc king is b asic ally the same as in 1X transf ers e xce pt that the 66 - MH z CLK s ignal is us ed to qualif y o nly th e c o ntr o l sig nals.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rc h 2000 4-11 4.3.2 AGP CONFIGURA T ION AG P b us o peratio ns require the c o nfig uration o f c ertain paramete rs invo lving s y ste m memo r y acces s by t h e AG P g r a p h i cs a d a pt er .
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion - Mar ch 2000 4-12 4.4 INT ERRUPT S The mic rop roc es so r us es tw o ty pe s o f interrupts; mas kab le and nonmask ab le. A maskab le interrupt can b e enab le d o r disab led w ithin th e mic r op roc e ss o r by the us e o f the ST I and CL I instructio n s.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rc h 2000 4-13 Table 4-5. Maskab le Inte rr upt Prio rities and Ass ignments Tab le 4- 5.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion - Mar ch 2000 4-14 4.4.2 NON-MASKA BL E INT ERRUPT S No n -mask able in terrupts c an n o t b e mas ke d (inhibite d) w ithin the mic ropro c es so r itse lf b ut may b e mas kab le b y so ftw ar e u sing lo gic e xte rn al to the mic ropro c es so r .
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rc h 2000 4-15 SM I - Generation The S MI- (Sy ste m Manageme nt Interrupt) is ty pic ally us ed f o r pow er manageme n t fu nctio ns. Whe n po w er manage ment is e n able d, in activ ity time rs are mo nitore d.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion - Mar ch 2000 4-16 4 . 5 I NTE R V A L TI M E R The interval time r generates puls e s at so ftw ar e (programmab le) interv als. A 8254-c ompatib le timer is integrated in to the 82801 co mponent.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rc h 2000 4-17 4.7 REAL-T IME CLOCK A ND CONFIGURATION MEM ORY The R e al-time clo ck ( R TC) and c o nfigu ration memo r y (also r ef e rr ed to as “ CMOS ” ) f unc tio ns ar e prov ided b y t h e 82801 ICH compo nen t an d is MC146818-co mpat ible.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion - Mar ch 2000 4-18 Tab le 4 -10 lis ts the mapping o f the c o nfig uration me mo ry .
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rc h 2000 4-19 RTC Control Re gi ste r A, B y te 0 Ah Bit Function 7 Update in P rogres s . R ead only. 0 = Time update will not oc c ur before 2444 us 1 = Time update will oc c ur within 2444 us 6.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion - Mar ch 2000 4-20 Co nfigu ration Byte 0Eh, Diagnostic Statu s Default V alue = 00h This b y te c o ntains diagno stic st atus d ata. Configurat ion B yte 0Fh, Syste m Rese t Code Default V alue = 00h This b y te c o ntains the sy s tem re se t c o de .
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rc h 2000 4-21 Configurat ion B yte 13 h, Se c urity Fu nct ions Default V alue = 00h Bit Function 7 Res erv .
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion - Mar ch 2000 4-22 Co nfigu ratio n Bytes 19 h-1 Ch , Hard Driv e Types B y te 19 h co n tains the har d driv e ty pe f or driv e 1 o f the primary co ntr o ller if by te 1 2h b its <7.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rc h 2000 4-23 Co nfigu ratio n Byt e 26h , Au xilia ry P eriph eral Co nfigu ratio n Default V alue = 00h Bi.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion - Mar ch 2000 4-24 Co nfigu ratio n Byt e 29h , Miscellan eo u s Co nfigu ratio n D ata Default V alue = 00h Bit Function 7..5 Reserv ed 4 Primar y Hard D riv e Enable ( Non-P CI I DE C ontroller s) 0 = Dis able 1 = Enable 3.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rc h 2000 4-25 Configurat ion B yte 2Dh, Addi ti onal Fla gs Default V alue = 00h Bit Function 7.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion - Mar ch 2000 4-26 Co nfigu ration Byte 35h, APM Statu s F lags Default V alue = 11h Bit Function 7.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rc h 2000 4-27 4.8 SYST EM MANA GEMENT This se ctio n des c ribe s f unctio ns hav ing to d o w ith se cu rity , pow er manageme n t, tempe r ature, and o v e ral l s tat us .
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion - Mar ch 2000 4-28 Driv eLock Passwords Th is sy stem supports th e Drive Lo ck se curity fe atur e f or a compatible har d dr ive in stal led in th e Mu ltib ay .
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rc h 2000 4-29 4.9 SYST EM I/O MAP Table 4-20 lists the fixe d addr esse s o f the input /output (I/O) ports. Table 4-11. System I/ O Map Tab le 4- 20. Syste m I/O Ma p I/O Port Function 0000.
Chapter 4 System Support Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion - Mar ch 2000 4-30 This page is intentionally b lank..
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 5-1 Chapter 5 I NP U T/ O UTP UT I N TE RF A CE S 5. Chap ter 5 INP UT/OUTPUT INTERFACES 5.1 INT RODUCT ION Th is chapt er desc r ibe s th e standa rd (i .
Chapter 5 Input/Output Interfac es 5-2 Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n – Marc h 2000 H ard driv es ty pe s no t f o und in th e R OM ’ s paramete r table ar e auto matical.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 5-3 5.2. 2 IDE CONNECT OR Th i s system u ses a st a n da r d 4 0- p in con n ect or for t h e pr im a r y ID E d evi ce an d con n ect s ( via a cab le) to the har d driv e installe d in th e right side driv e b ay .
Chapter 5 Input/Output Interfac es 5-4 Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n – March 2000 The s y stem b oard inc lude s a 5 0-pin c o nn ec to r fo r the se co ndary ID E drive th at is installe d in the Mu ltiB ay mounting po sition o n th e le ft s ide o f the c hassis .
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 5-5 5 . 4 SE R IAL IN T E R F AC E The le gac y -light mod els includ e a s e rial in terf ace to transmit and r ecei ve a synch r on ous ser ia l data with extern al devic es.
Chapter 5 Input/Output Interfac es 5-6 Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n – March 2000 5.4 .2 SERIA L T EST INT ERF ACE Lega cy-fr ee system s d o n ot p r ovide a n ext er n a.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 5-7 Table 5 – 7 . S e rial I nte rf ac e C o ntro l R e gi s te rs Tab le 5- 7.
Chapter 5 Input/Output Interfac es 5-8 Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n – March 2000 5.5 P A RA LLEL IN TERFA CE The le gac y -light mod els includ e a p arallel interf ace fo r co n n ec tion to a pe riph eral de v ic e that has a co mpatib le inte rfac e , th e mo st c o mmo n be ing a prin ter.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 5-9 5.5. 2 ENHA NCED PA RALLEL PORT MODE In Enh anced Paralle l Po r t (EPP ) mo de, incre ase d dat.
Chapter 5 Input/Output Interfac es 5-10 Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n – March 2000 5.5 .4 PA RALLEL INT ERFACE PROGRAMM ING Pro gramming th e p arallel interf ace co nsists o f co n f iguratio n, whic h ty pic ally oc curs du rin g PO ST, and c o ntrol, w h ich o c cu rs during runtime.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 5-11 Parallel I nter face Control The B IO S f un ctio n INT 1 7 pro v ide s s implif ied co n trol o f the p arallel interf ace .
Chapter 5 Input/Output Interfac es 5-12 Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n – March 2000 Sta tus R egis te r, I/O Por t 379h, Read O nl y This regis te r co ntains the c urr ent printer status . R e ading this regis te r cle ars the interrupt co n ditio n of th e p arallel po r t.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 5-13 FIFO Re giste r, I/O P ort 7 F8h ( ECP Mode Only ) While in ECP/f orw ard mo de , this lo catio n is us ed f o r filling the 16-b y te FI FO w ith data b y tes .
Chapter 5 Input/Output Interfac es 5-14 Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n – March 2000 5.5. 5 PA RA LL EL INT ERFACE CONNECT OR Figure 5-5 an d Ta ble 5-10 show th e c onn ec tor an d pi n out o f th e par allel in t erface co nn ecto r .
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 5-15 5.6 KEYBOARD/POI NT ING DEVI CE INTERF ACE The le gac y -light mod els includ e P S/2 -ty pe ke y bo ar d/po inting dev ice interfac es f or the c o nn ec tion of a stan dar d enh a n ce d key bo a r d an d a m ous e.
Chapter 5 Input/Output Interfac es 5-16 Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n – March 2000 Contr ol o f the data an d clock s ign als is sh ar ed b y t h e 8042and t he key bo ar d depe n din g on th e o riginator o f the tran sf erred data.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 5-17 5.6 .2 POINT ING DEVICE I NT ERF ACE OPERATION The po in ting dev ice (ty pic ally a mo use ) co nnec ts to a 6-pin DIN -ty pe co n nec to r th at is ide ntical to t h e keyb oar d con n ect or both ph y si ca ll y an d el ect r i ca l l y.
Chapter 5 Input/Output Interfac es 5-18 Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n – March 2000 8042 Contr ol The B IOS f unctio n INT 16 is ty pic ally use d f or co n trolling interac tio n with the ke y b o ard. Sub - f unctio n s o f IN T 16 c onduc t th e b asic ro utine s o f handlin g ke y b o ard data (i.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 5-19 Table 5-13 lists the co mma nds th a t can be se n t to th e 8042 b y th e CPU . Th e 8042 use s IRQ 1 fo r gaining th e atte ntion o f the CP U .
Chapter 5 Input/Output Interfac es 5-20 Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n – March 2000 Tab le 5- 13. CP U Commands To T he 8042 (Cont inued) Value C ommand D escrip tion C0h Read input port of the 8042.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 5-21 5.6. 4 KEYBOARD/POINTING DEVICE I NT ERFACE CONNECT OR Th e legacy -l igh t m ode l pr ov i des s epara te PS/2 c onn ec tors fo r t he key bo ar d an d point in g dev ice.
Chapter 5 Input/Output Interfac es 5-22 Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n – March 2000 5.7 UNIVERSAL SERIA L BUS INT ERFACE The U n iv ersal S erial B us (U SB ) interf ace pr.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 5-23 Th e U SB tra n smissions co n sist of packets us in g one o f f our t y pes o f f o r mats (Figur e 5-9) th at i n cl u d e t wo or m or e of s even fi el d t y p es .
Chapter 5 Input/Output Interfac es 5-24 Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n – March 2000 5.7.2 USB PROGRAMM ING Pro gramming th e U SB in terf ace co nsists o f co n f iguratio n, whic h ty pic ally o cc ur s du rin g PO ST, and co n trol, w hich oc curs at runtime.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 5-25 5.7.3 USB CONNECT OR Th e USB in ter face p r ovi des t wo ser i es- A con n ect or s on t h e fr on t p a n el a n d , on l eg a cy -fr ee mod el s, t h r ee ser ies -A USB con n ect or s on t h e r ea r p a n el .
Chapter 5 Input/Output Interfac es 5-26 Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n – March 2000 5.8 AUDI O SUBSYST EM A P CI au dio su b sy ste m is integrated o nto the s y ste m b o ard o f the Co mpaq iPA Q. Imp le menting AC ’ 97 de sign guide lin es , the audio sub sy ste m is d es igned to prov ide o ptimum s o und.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 5-27 Figu re 5-11. Audio Sub sy stem F un ctio n al B lo ck Diagram Le gacy be ep audio o rigi n ate.
Chapter 5 Input/Output Interfac es 5-28 Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n – March 2000 5.8.2 A C97 AUDI O CONT ROLL ER The AC 97 A udio Co ntr olle r is a PC I de v ic e ( de .
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 5-29 5.8.4 AUDI O CODEC Th e audio c ode c prov i des pulse co de modulation (PCM) co din g an d deco di n g of a udio info r matio n as w e ll as the s e lec tion and/or mixing o f analo g c han n els .
Chapter 5 Input/Output Interfac es 5-30 Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n – March 2000 5.8.5 A UDIO PROGRA MMI NG Aud io sub sy ste m pro grammin g c o nsists co n f iguratio n, ty pic ally acc o mplis hed du rin g PO ST, and co ntr ol, w hich oc curs du rin g runtime.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 5-31 5.8 .6 AUDIO SPECIFI CAT IONS The sp ec ific atio ns o f the aud io sub sy ste m are liste d in Tab le 5 -21. Tab le 5 – 21. A udio Sub sy ste m Spe cif ic atio ns Tab le 5- 21.
Chapter 5 Input/Output Interfac es 5-32 Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n – March 2000 5.9 NET WORK INT ERFACE CONTROL L ER The Co mpaq iPA Q incl ude s a ne tw o rk interfac e co n trolle r (NIC ) res ide nt on the s y stem bo ard.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 5-33 NOTE: Fo r the W OL and AO L f eature s to func tio n as de sc r ibe d in the f ollo wing paragr aph s, the sy stem unit must b e plugged into a liv e AC o utlet.
Chapter 5 Input/Output Interfac es 5-34 Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n – March 2000 5.9. 3 POWER M ANA GEMENT SUPPORT Th e 82559 c ontr oller fe atur es Wired-f or-Man agem.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 5-35 5.9.4 NIC PROGRA MMI NG Prog r ammin g the 82559 NIC c o nt rolle r consis ts o f co n figuration, w hich occ ur s durin g POST, and co n trol, w hich oc curs at runtime.
Chapter 5 Input/Output Interfac es 5-36 Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n – March 2000 RJ-45 Con nector Fi gu r e 5 - 15 sh ow s t h e RJ- 4 5 con n ect or us ed for t h e NIC i n t er face. T h is con n ect or in cl ud es t h e tw o s tatus L EDs as part o f the c o nn ec tor ass emb ly .
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion - Mar ch 2000 6-1 Chapter 6 GRA P HI CS SUBS YS TEM 6. Chapter 6 Gr aphics S ubsy stem 6.1 INT RODUCT ION This c hapter de sc ribe s the graphics sub sy ste m o f the Co mpaq iPA Q I nternet De v ic e.
Chapter 6 Graphics Subsystem Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion - Mar ch 2000 6-2 6.2 F UNCT IONA L DESCRIPT ION Th e Intel 810e chipset in tegra tes the equiv alen t of an Int el i740 gr aph ics co n t roller i n to the GMCH compo nen t (Figur e 6-1).
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion - Mar ch 2000 6-3 Monitor Connec tor Figu re 6-2. 82810e/DC-100 In tegra ted Graph i cs Co n tr oller Th e In t el gr ap h ics con t r ol l er i n clu d es sp eci al en h a n cemen t s for 2D oper at i on s .
Chapter 6 Graphics Subsystem Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion - Mar ch 2000 6-4 6.3 DISPLAY MODES Th e Intel gr aph i cs c o n tr oller supports th e f ollo w in g 2D display mode s: Table 6-1. Int el Graph ics Display Mo des Tab le 6- 1.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion - Mar ch 2000 6-5 6.5 PROGRA MMI NG 6.5.1 CONF IGURA T ION The graphics su b sy ste m wo r ks o ff th e A GP b us and is c o nfigu red throug h PCI c onf iguratio n space r egisters using PCI pr oto co l .
Chapter 6 Graphics Subsystem Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion - Mar ch 2000 6-6 6.6 MONI T OR POWER MANA GEME NT CONT ROL This co ntr olle r prov ides monito r po w er c o ntr o l fo r mo nitors that c onf o rm to the VES A dis play pow er m an agement sign a lin g (DPMS) proto co l.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion - Mar ch 2000 7-1 Drives 110/220 VAC 110/220 VAC Select SW Chapter 7 POW ER and SIG NA L DIS TRIBUTION 7.
Chapter 7 Pow er and Signal Distribution Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion - Mar ch 2000 7-2 7.2 .1 PO WER SUPPLY ASSEMBLY Th e po w er supply asse mbly is co n tai n ed in a singl e unit th at fe atur es a se lectab le in put vo ltage: 90-132 VAC and 180-264 VAC.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion - Mar ch 2000 7-3 7.2.2 POWER CONT ROL Th e po w er supply asse mbly is co n tr olled digitall y by t he PS On sign al (Figur e 7-1). When PS On is asserted, th e Po w er Supply Assemb ly is activated and al l vo ltage outputs are pr oduc ed.
Chapter 7 Pow er and Signal Distribution Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion - Mar ch 2000 7-4 7.3 POWER DISTRIBUT ION 7.3.1 3.3/5/12 VDC DI STRIB UT ION The po w er supply asse mbly in clude s a multi-c o nn ec tor cab le ass emb ly that r oute s +3.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion - Mar ch 2000 7-5 7.4 SIGNAL DISTRIBUT ION Fig ures 7-4 s how s ge n eral signal dis tribu tio n be tw ee n th e main sub asse mblie s o f the sy ste m un it. NOTE: [1] On legac y -light models, PS/2- ty pe connec tor .
Chapter 7 Pow er and Signal Distribution Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s F ir st E dit ion - Mar ch 2000 7-6 Fi gu re 7 – 4 . H ead er P inou ts CD Audio Header P7 1 Ground 3 Ground 4 Audi.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 8-1 Chapter 8 BIOS ROM 8. Chapter 8 BIOS ROM 8.1 INT RODUCT ION Th e Co mpaq iPAQ Int ern et Dev i ce uses Co m paq BIOS firmware loaded into th e 82802 FW H comp on en t .
Chapter 8 BIOS ROM Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 8-2 8.2 DESKT OP MANA G EMENT SUPPORT De sk to p M anageme nt deals w ith issu es o f se curity , identif ic atio n, an d sy stem manage me nt functions. Des ktop Management is pr ov i ded b y BIOS INT 15 functions listed Table 8-1.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 8-3 To suppo rt Window s NT an additional table to the B IOS 32 table has b ee n def in ed to co ntain 32- b it po inters f or the D DC and S IT lo c atio ns.
Chapter 8 BIOS ROM Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 8-4 8.2 .1 SYST EM ID Th e INT 15, AX=E800h BIO S f un ction can be us ed to ident ify th e ty pe of sy stem. Th is function w ill retu rn th e s y ste m ID in th e B X regi ste r.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 8-5 8.2 .3 EDID RET RIEVE Th e B IOS f unction INT 15, AX=E813h i s a tr i-m odal call th at r etr ieve s the VESA e xtended display ident ification data (E DID).
Chapter 8 BIOS ROM Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 8-6 8.2 .5 SYST EM MAP RETRIEVAL The B IOS fu n ctio n INT 15, AX=E820h w ill return bas e me mo ry and ISA/PCI me mo ry co ntiguo us w ith bas e me mory as normal me mo ry ranges .
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 8-7 8.2.6 F LASH ROM FUNCT IONS Th e sy stem B IOS may be upgraded b y f lash in g th e RO M using t h e INT 15, AX=E822h BIOS in t er fa ce, wh i ch i n clu d es t h e n ecessa r y subfun ct ion s.
Chapter 8 BIOS ROM Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 8-8 8.2 .8 ACCESSING CMOS Configurati on memory data can be r etrieve d w ith th e BIO S call INT 15, AX=E823h . Th is tr i- mo dal f unctio n r etriev es a spe c if ic b y te f rom the CMO S map de sc ribe d in Chapte r 4.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 8-9 Table 8-2. CMOS Feature Bits Tab le 8- 2. CMOS Fea ture Bi ts CX Function Defau lt Value Defau lt Setting CX Function Defau lt Value Defau lt Setting 0000h PCI 2.
Chapter 8 BIOS ROM Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 8-10 8.2. 10 SECURIT Y FUNCT IONS Th e INT 15 AX=E846h BIOS function is used to co nt rol various se curit y features o f the sy stem. This f unctio n may be issue d by a r emo te s y ste m (o v e r a n etw ork).
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 8-11 8.3 MEM ORY DET ECT ION AND CONFI GURATION This sy stem u se s the Se rial Pres enc e D e tec t (SPD ) me thod o f de termining th e installe d DIM M co nfigu ration.
Chapter 8 BIOS ROM Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 8-12 8.4 PNP SUPPORT Th e B IOS includes Plug ’ n Play (PnP) suppo r t fo r Pn P ve rsion 1. 0A. NOTE : Fo r fu ll PnP f unctio nality to b e realize d, all pe ripherals us e d in the sy stem mu st be des ign ed as “ PnP r ea dy .
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 8-13 8.4.1 SM BI OS Th is sy stem suppo r ts Sy stem Man agement BIOS (S MB IOS) v ersion 2.3. 1, which i s co m plia n t w ith the De skto p M anageme nt Interfac e (D MI) spe cif ic atio n.
Chapter 8 BIOS ROM Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 8-14 8.5 POWER MA NA GEMENT FUNCT IONS Th e B IOS prov ides thr ee ty pes o f po w er ma n agement support: in dependent PM suppo r t; ACPI suppo r t, a n d APM s upport.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 8-15 8.5 .2 ACPI SUPPORT Thi s s y s te m m e e ts the hardw are and f irmw are re qu ire me nts f o r b e ing AC P I c o mpl ia nt.
Chapter 8 BIOS ROM Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 8-16 Th r ee pow er states are def in ed under pow er m an agement: On - The c o mpute r is runn ing, all sub sy ste ms are o n and draw ing fu ll po w er.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 8-17 Th e AP M B IOS f or th is sy stem supports APM 1.2 as w ell a s previo us v ersions 1.1 an d 1. 0. T he AP M B IOS f unctio n s are lis ted in Table 8-3 .
Chapter 8 BIOS ROM Compaq iPAQ F amily of Internet Dev ice s First Editio n - Ma rch 2000 8-18 8.7 BIOS UPGRA DI NG The f lash RO M de vic e can be r e-w ritten with updated B IOS c o de if n ecessa r y . T h e fl a sh in g proce dur e is as f o llow s: 1.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq Pers onal Computers Changed – January 2000 A-1 A ppendix A ERR OR M ESSA GES A ND COD ES A. App endix A ERROR MESS AGES AND CODES A.1 I NT RODUCT ION This appe n dix lists the e rr o r co de s and a b r ief des criptio n of the prob able caus e o f the error .
Appendix A Error Messages and Codes Compaq Pers onal Computers Changed - Januar y 2000 A-2 A.4 POWER- ON SEL F T EST (PO ST ) MESSAGES Table A – 3. Pow er -On Sel f Test (POST ) Messa ges Table A-3 .
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq Pers onal Computers Changed – January 2000 A-3 A.5 PROCESSO R ERROR MESSAGES ( 1xx-xx) Table A – 4. Sy stem Er r or Messa ges Table A-4 .
Appendix A Error Messages and Codes Compaq Pers onal Computers Changed - Januar y 2000 A-4 A.6 MEMORY ERROR MESSA GES ( 2xx-xx) Table A – 5. Me mo ry Erro r M e s s ag e s Table A-5 .
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq Pers onal Computers Changed – January 2000 A-5 A.8 PRINT ER ERROR MESSAGES ( 4xx-xx) Table A – 7. Pri nte r Erro r Me s s ag e s Table A-7 . Print er Er ror M essages Message Probab le Cause Message Pr obabl e Cause 401-01 Printer failed or not c onnec ted 402- 11 Interr upt tes t, data/c ntr l.
Appendix A Error Messages and Codes Compaq Pers onal Computers Changed - Januar y 2000 A-6 A.10 DISKET T E DRIVE ERROR MESSA GES ( 6xx-xx) Table A – 9.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq Pers onal Computers Changed – January 2000 A-7 A.12 MODEM COMM UNICA T IONS ERROR MESSAGES ( 12xx-xx) Table A – 11.
Appendix A Error Messages and Codes Compaq Pers onal Computers Changed - Januar y 2000 A-8 A.13 SYST EM ST ATUS ERRO R MESSAGES ( 16xx-xx) Table A – 12.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq Pers onal Computers Changed – January 2000 A-9 A.15 HARD DRI VE ERROR MESSA GES ( 19xx-xx) Table A – 14. H ard D riv e E rro r Me ss ag e s Tab le A- 14.
Appendix A Error Messages and Codes Compaq Pers onal Computers Changed - Januar y 2000 A-10 A.17 AUDI O ERROR MESSAGES ( 3206-xx) Table A – 16. Au dio Erro r M e s s ag es Table A-1 6. Aud io Err or M ess ag e Message Probabl e Cause 3206-x x A udio s ub syste m in te rn al erro r A.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq Pers onal Computers Changed – January 2000 A-11 A.20 SCSI I NT ERF ACE ERROR MESSAGES ( 65xx-xx, 66xx-xx, 67xx-xx) Table A – 19.
Appendix A Error Messages and Codes Compaq Pers onal Computers Changed - Januar y 2000 A-12 A.22 CEMM PRI VILEDGED OPS ERROR MESSAGES Table A – 21. CEMM Priv ilege d Ops Err or Me ssage s Tab le A- 21.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq Pers onal Computers Ori ginal - July 1996 B-1 A ppendix B A S CI I CHA RA CTER S ET B. Appendix B ASCII CHARACTE R SET B.1 INTRODUCT ION Th is appendi x lists, i n Table B -1, th e 256-char acter ASCII co de se t in cludin g th e dec imal an d hexad ec imal value s.
Appendix B ASCII Charact er Set Compaq Pers onal Computers Ori ginal - July 1996 B-2 Table B-1 . ASCI I Code Set (Cont inued) Dec Hex Symbol Dec Hex Symbol Dec Hex Symbol Dec H ex Symbol 128 80 Ç 160.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq Pers onal Computers Changed –- M arch 2000 C-1 A ppendix C KEYBOA RD C. A ppendix C K E YBOARD C.1 INTRODUCT ION This appe n dix de sc r ib es the Co mpaq ke y b o ard th at is incl ude d as standard w ith the sy stem u nit.
Appendix C Keyboard Compaq Pers onal Computers Changed - M arch 2000 C-2 Key board Interface (Syst e m U ni t) Data / CLK C.2 KEYST ROKE PRO CESSING A f unctio nal blo ck d iagram of th e k ey strok e p roc e ss ing ele ments is s how n in Figu re C-1 .
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq Pers onal Computers Changed – - M arch 2000 C-3 C.2. 1 PS/ 2- T YPE KEYBOARD T RANSMISSI ONS The P S/2- ty pe k ey bo ar d se nds tw o main ty pe s o f data to th e s y ste m; c o mmands (o r r es ponse s to sy stem comm an d s) a n d k ey st r oke scan codes.
Appendix C Keyboard Compaq Pers onal Computers Changed - M arch 2000 C-4 C.2. 2 USB- T YPE KEYBO ARD TRANSMISSI ONS The U SB -ty pe ke y bo ar d se n ds e s se ntially the s ame info r mation to the s.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq Pers onal Computers Changed – - M arch 2000 C-5 C.2.3 KEYBOARD LAYOUT S Figures C-3 th r ough C-8 show th e ke y l ay o uts fo r key bo ar ds shi pped w i th Compaq sy stems.
Appendix C Keyboard Compaq Pers onal Computers Changed - M arch 2000 C-6 C.2.3.2 Win dows En han ced Key boards Fi gu re C – 5. U.S. English Window s (101W-Ke y ) Key bo ard Key Po sitio n s Fi gu re C – 6.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq Pers onal Computers Changed – - M arch 2000 C-7 C.2.3.3 Easy A ccess Key boards The Eas y Ac ce ss ke y b o ard, su ch as that shipp ed w ith th e C o mpaq iP aq .
Appendix C Keyboard Compaq Pers onal Computers Changed - M arch 2000 C-8 C.2.4 KEYS All key s genera te a make co de (w h en pr esse d) an d a break co de (w h en r elease d) w ith th e excep t i on of th e Pause key (pos. 16), w h ich pr oduce s a make co de only .
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq Pers onal Computers Changed – - M arch 2000 C-9 C.2.4.2 Mu lti-Key stroke Fun ctions Shift - T he Shift key (pos . 75/86), when h eld do wn, pr oduc es a shift state (upper case ) fo r key s in po sitio n s 17 -29, 3 0, 39- 51, 60 -70 , and 76-8 5 as lo n g as the C aps Lock key (pos .
Appendix C Keyboard Compaq Pers onal Computers Changed - M arch 2000 C-10 C.2.4.4 Easy A ccess Key strokes The Eas y Acc ess ke y b o ard (Figu re C- 7) inclu de s add itio nal key s (also r ef erred to as b utto ns) us e d to streamline internet navig atio n.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq Pers onal Computers Changed – - M arch 2000 C-11 C.2.5 KEYBOARD COMM ANDS Table C-1 lists the co mma nds th a t th e key bo a r d can send t o the sy stem (spe cific ally, to th e 8042- ty pe lo gic). Table C – 1.
Appendix C Keyboard Compaq Pers onal Computers Changed - M arch 2000 C-12 Table C – 2. K eyboar d S ca n C od es Table C-2 . Keyboar d Scan Codes Key Pos.
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq Pers onal Computers Changed – - M arch 2000 C-13 Table C-2 . Key board Sc an Codes (Cont inued) Key Pos Lege nd Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 41 W 11/91 1D /F0 1D 1D/F0 1D.
Appendix C Keyboard Compaq Pers onal Computers Changed - M arch 2000 C-14 Table C-2 . Key board Sc an Codes (Cont inued) Key Pos. Legend Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 81 N 31/B1 31/ F0 31 31/F0 31 82 M 32/B2 3A /F0 3A 3A/F 0 3A 83 , 33/B3 41/F0 41 41/F0 41 84 .
Techn ical Referen ce Guid e Compaq Pers onal Computers Changed – - M arch 2000 C-15 C.3 CONNECT ORS Two t y pes o f ke y bo ar d in ter fac es are used in Compaq sy stems: PS/2-ty pe an d US B-ty pe.
Appendix C Keyboard Compaq Pers onal Computers Changed - M arch 2000 C-16 This page is intentionally b lank..
INDEX I. ab b rev iations, 1- 3 AC97 lin k bus , 5-28 Accel er a t ed Gr ap h i cs Por t ( AGP) , 4 -8 ACPI, 5-34 acrony ms, 1-3 AGP, 4-8, 6-2 AOL r equirements, 5-33 APM, 5-34 APM BIOS funct ion s, 8.
key (key bo a r d) functions, C-8 ke yboar d , C - 1 ke y b o ard ( mi c ro )p ro ce s s o r, C- 2 key bo a r d lay outs, C-5 ke yboar d , USB, C - 4 key bo a r d/point in g dev ice interface, 5-15 ke.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Compaq iPAQ Internet Device (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Compaq iPAQ Internet Device noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Compaq iPAQ Internet Device - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Compaq iPAQ Internet Device reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Compaq iPAQ Internet Device erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Compaq iPAQ Internet Device besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Compaq iPAQ Internet Device verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Compaq iPAQ Internet Device. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Compaq iPAQ Internet Device gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.