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Americas Headquarters Cisco Systems, In c. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 951 34-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553-NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 527-0883 Cisco U CS C24 S erver Inst.
1 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 CONTENTS Preface v Related Documentation v Organization v Audience vi Documentation Feedback vi Conventi ons vi Obtaining Documentati.
Contents 2 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Cisco Integrated Manageme nt Interface (CIMC) 3-1 Server Configuration Utility 3-1 Status LEDs and Buttons 3-2 Front Panel L.
Contents 3 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Monitoring and Managing a Cisco USB Flash Drive 3-43 Internal Cisco USB Flash Drive Replacement Procedure 3- 43 Enabling or .
Contents 4 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Cisco UCS C24 Server RAID Cabling Instructions C-18 Backplane and Expander Options C-18 Small Form Factor 24-Drive Backplan .
v Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Preface This preface describes the audi ence, organi zation, and conventions o f the Cisco UCS C24 Server Installation an d Servi ce Guid e . It also pr ovi des informatio n about h ow t o obtain r elated documen tation.
vi Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Preface Audience This guide is for experien ced network administra tors who configu re and maintain Cisco servers. Documentation Feedback T o provide techni cal feedback on this document, or to report an er ror or omission, please send you r comments to ucs-docfeedback@external.
vii Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Preface V a roitus TÄRKEITÄ TURVALLISUUSOHJEIT A Tämä varoitusmerkki merkitsee vaaraa.
viii Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Preface Avis o INSTRUÇÕES IMPORT ANTES DE SEGURANÇA Este símbolo de aviso significa perigo.
ix Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Preface Avis o INSTRUÇÕES IMPORT ANTES DE SEGURANÇA Este símbolo de aviso significa perigo.
x Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Preface.
xi Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Preface Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request For information on obtai ning documentation, submi tting a service .
xii Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Preface.
CH A P T E R 1-1 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01 1 Overview This chapter provi des an overview of th e Cisco UCS C24 server features. The figures in this chapter sh ow an overview of exte rnal server features. Inte rnal server features are illustrated in Figure 3-4 on page 3-9 .
1-2 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 1 Overvi ew Figur e 1 -1 Cisco UCS C24 Server (Small For m Fact or Dr ives) Fr ont P anel Featur e s 1 USB 2.
1-3 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01 Chapter 1 Overview Figure 1-2 shows the front panel features of the Large Fo rm Factor drives version of the server . This version of the s erver has a 12-d rive backplane wi th an expander .
1-4 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 1 Overvi ew Figure 1-3 shows the rear panel features of the server (i dentical for al l versions of the server). For definitions of all LED states, see S tatus LEDs and Buttons, page 3-2 .
1-5 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01 Chapter 1 Overview PCIe I/ O Five horizontal PCIe 4 expansion slots on two risers. See PCIe Slots, page 3-34 for specifi cations of the slots. Sto ra ge Drives are installed into front-panel driv e bays that provide hot-plugg able access.
1-6 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 1 Overvi ew.
CH A P T E R 2-1 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01 2 Installing the Server This chapter d escribes ho w to instal l the server, and it includes the fo llowing se ctions.
2-2 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Server Unpacking and Inspecting the Server Unpacking and Inspecting the Server Caution When handling internal server co mponents, wear an ESD strap and handl e modules by the carr ier edges only .
2-3 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Server Preparing for Serv er Installation Preparing for Server Installation This section prov ides inform.
2-4 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Server Preparing for Server Installation Rack Requirements This section prov ides the requirem en ts for the stan dard open racks. The rack must be of the following type: • A standard 19-in.
2-5 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Server Installing the Server In a Rack Installing the Server In a Rack T o install the slide r ails and the serv er into a rack, follow these steps: Step 1 Open the front securing latch (see Figure 2-2 ).
2-6 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Server Installing the Server In a Rack Figur e 2-3 At taching a Sl ide-Rail Assem bly d. Attach the second slide-rail assemb ly to the opposite side of the rack.
2-7 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Server Installing the Server In a Rack c. Attach the CMA retaining brack et to the left sl ide rail. Slide the plastic clip on th e bracket ov er the flange on the end of the left slide rail.
2-8 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Server Initial Server Setup Initial Server Setup This section includes the following topics: • Connectin.
2-9 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Server Initial Server Setup Step 3 Set NIC mode, NIC redund ancy , and choose whether to enabl e DHCP or set static network settings: a. Press the Pow e r button to boot the server .
2-10 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Server Initial Server Setup Step 4 Connect to th e CIMC for server manage ment. Connect Ethern et cables from your LA N to the server by using the ports that you selected b y your NIC Mode setting in Step 3 .
2-11 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Server System BIOS and CI MC Firmware System BIOS and CIMC Firmware This section includes inf ormation a.
2-12 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Server System BIOS and CIMC Firmware Accessing the System BIOS T o change the BIOS settings for your server , foll ow these steps. Detailed instructions ar e also printed on the BIOS screens.
2-13 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Server Service He aders and Jump ers Service Headers and Jumpers This section includes the following top.
2-14 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Server Service Headers a nd Jumpers Using the BIOS Recovery Header CN34 Depending on which stage t he BIOS becomes corrupted, you might see dif ferent behavior .
2-15 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Server Service He aders and Jump ers Procedure 2: Use Recovery Jumper and recovery.cap File See Figure 2-5 for the location of the CN34 header . Step 1 Download the BIOS update package an d extract it to a temp orary locati on.
2-16 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Server Service Headers a nd Jumpers Using the Clear CMOS Header CN14 See Figure 2-5 for the location of this header . Y ou can jumper this header to clear the serv er’ s CMOS settings in the case of a system hang.
CH A P T E R 3-1 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01 3 Maintaining the Server This chapter describes how to diagnose server system problems using LEDs.
3-2 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 3 Mainta ining the Se rver Status LEDs an d Buttons Status LEDs and Buttons This section describes the location and meaning.
3-3 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01z Chapter 3 Maintaining the Server Status LEDs and Button s Pow er supply status • Green—All power supplies are operating normally . • Amber , steady—One or more po wer supplies are in a de graded operational st ate.
3-4 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 3 Mainta ining the Se rver Status LEDs an d Buttons Rear Panel LEDs and Buttons Figure 3-2 shows the rear panel LEDs and but tons.
3-5 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01z Chapter 3 Maintaining the Server Status LEDs and Button s 10/100/1000 Ether net dedicated management link status • Off —No link is present. • Green—Link is active. • Green, blinking—T raffic is present on the active link.
3-6 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 3 Mainta ining the Se rver Preparing for Server Co mponent Installation Preparing for Server Component Installation This se.
3-7 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01z Chapter 3 Maintaining the Server Preparing for Server Compone nt Installation Removing and Replacing the Server Top Cover T o remove or replace the top cover of the server , follow these steps: Ti p Y ou do not have to remove t he cover to replace hard drives or po wer supplies.
3-8 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 3 Mainta ining the Se rver Preparing for Server Co mponent Installation Removing and Replacing the Front Chassis Panel T o .
3-9 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01z Chapter 3 Maintaining the Server Preparing for Server Compone nt Installation Replaceable Component Locations This section shows the lo cations of the componen ts that are discussed in this ch apter .
3-10 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 3 Mainta ining the Se rver Preparing for Server Co mponent Installation Color-Coded Touch Points This server has color -coded touch points that in dicate thumbscrews and latches on replaceable and hot-swappable com ponents.
3-11 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01z Chapter 3 Maintaining the Server Installing or Replacing Server Comp onents Installing or Replacing Server Components War ni ng .
3-12 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 3 Mainta ining the Se rver Installing or Replacin g Server Components Replacing Hard Drives or Solid State Drives This sec.
3-13 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01z Chapter 3 Maintaining the Server Installing or Replacing Server Comp onents • Y ou can mix hard drives and solid state drives in the same serv er . However , Y ou cannot configure a logical volume (virtual d rive) that contains a mix o f hard drives and SSDs.
3-14 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 3 Mainta ining the Se rver Installing or Replacin g Server Components Replacing a Drive Backplane Note The Small Form-Factor (24-drive or 16-drive) a nd Lar ge Form-Factor (12- drive) backplanes are factory-configurable options.
3-15 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01z Chapter 3 Maintaining the Server Installing or Replacing Server Comp onents Step 13 Replace all drives and drives trays to the drive bays. Step 14 Replace the front chassis panel.
3-16 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 3 Mainta ining the Se rver Installing or Replacin g Server Components Replacing a SAS Expander The SAS expander is a card that p lugs directly in to the drive backplane. The SAS expander allows control of up to 24 dri ves with one RAID controller card.
3-17 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01z Chapter 3 Maintaining the Server Installing or Replacing Server Comp onents Step 8 Replace the server in the rack, replace cables, a nd then power on the server by pressing the Power button.
3-18 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 3 Mainta ining the Se rver Installing or Replacin g Server Components Replacing Fan Modules The four hot-pluggable fan modu les in the server are numbered as follows when you are facing the front of the server .
3-19 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01z Chapter 3 Maintaining the Server Installing or Replacing Server Comp onents Figur e 3-1 1 Replacing F an Modules 1 Fan tray conn.
3-20 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 3 Mainta ining the Se rver Installing or Replacin g Server Components Replacing DIMMs This section includes the following .
3-21 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01z Chapter 3 Maintaining the Server Installing or Replacing Server Comp onents Figur e 3-12 DIMM Slots and CPUs DIMM Population Rules Observe the following g uidelines when installing or rep lacing DIMMs: • Each CPU supports thr ee memory channels.
3-22 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 3 Mainta ining the Se rver Installing or Replacin g Server Components • Although 1600 MH z DIMMs can be run in Power Saving s Mode (1.
3-23 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01z Chapter 3 Maintaining the Server Installing or Replacing Server Comp onents Memory Mirroring When memory mirroring is enabled, th e memory s ubsystem simu ltaneously writes i dentical data t o two channels.
3-24 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 3 Mainta ining the Se rver Installing or Replacin g Server Components Note Before installing DIMMs, refer to the popu lation guidelines. See Memory Performance Guidelines and Population Rul es, page 3-20 .
3-25 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01z Chapter 3 Maintaining the Server Installing or Replacing Server Comp onents T o install or replace a CPU heatsink and CPU, f ollow these steps: Step 1 Remove the CPU and heatsink that you are replacing: a.
3-26 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 3 Mainta ining the Se rver Installing or Replacin g Server Components • If you are installing a new CPU to a socket that was shipped empty , the socket has a protective cap that is intended to prevent bent contact pins.
3-27 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01z Chapter 3 Maintaining the Server Installing or Replacing Server Comp onents Figur e 3-15 Rem o ving or Inserting a CPU Step 4 Insert the new CPU into the Pick- and-Place tool: a. Remove the new CP U from the packaging and p lace it on the pedestal that is included in the kit.
3-28 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 3 Mainta ining the Se rver Installing or Replacin g Server Components Figur e 3-16 CPU and Pick-and-Place T ool on Pedestal Step 5 Install a new CPU: a. Set the Pick-and-Place tool with CPU over the empty CPU socket on the motherboard.
3-29 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01z Chapter 3 Maintaining the Server Installing or Replacing Server Comp onents c. Apply thermal grease from an included syringe t o the top of the CPU.
3-30 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 3 Mainta ining the Se rver Installing or Replacin g Server Components Replacing the Motherboard RTC Battery War ni ng There is danger of explosion if the battery is replaced i ncorrectly .
3-31 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01z Chapter 3 Maintaining the Server Installing or Replacing Server Comp onents Figur e 3-18 Repla cing the Motherboard R TC Battery.
3-32 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 3 Mainta ining the Se rver Installing or Replacin g Server Components Replacing a PCIe Riser The server contains two toolle ss PCIe rise rs for hor izontal in stallation of PCIe car ds.
3-33 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01z Chapter 3 Maintaining the Server Installing or Replacing Server Comp onents Caution Make sure that the circuit board co nnector of the riser is aligned correctl y with the motherboard sock et before you push down to seat th e riser in the next step.
3-34 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 3 Mainta ining the Se rver Installing or Replacin g Server Components Replacing a PCIe Card Caution Cisco supports all PCIe cards qualified and sold by Ci sco. PCIe cards not qu alifi ed or sold by Ci sco are the responsibi lity of th e customer .
3-35 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01z Chapter 3 Maintaining the Server Installing or Replacing Server Comp onents Replacing a PCIe Card Note If you are ins talling a Cisc o UCS V irtual Interface Car d, there are pr erequisite cons iderations .
3-36 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 3 Mainta ining the Se rver Installing or Replacin g Server Components Caution Make sure that the circuit board co nnector of the riser is aligned corr ectly with the motherboar d socket before you push down to seat th e riser in the next step.
3-37 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01z Chapter 3 Maintaining the Server Installing or Replacing Server Comp onents Installing Multiple PCIe Cards and Resolving Limited.
3-38 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 3 Mainta ining the Se rver Installing or Replacin g Server Components Resolving Insufficient 16-Bit I/O Space The system has only 64 KB of legacy 16-bit I/O resour ces availab le.
3-39 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01z Chapter 3 Maintaining the Server Installing or Replacing Server Comp onents Replacing a SuperCap Power Module (RAID Backup Unit) This server supports installation of up to t wo SuperCap power modules (SCPMs).
3-40 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 3 Mainta ining the Se rver Installing or Replacin g Server Components Figur e 3-22 Repla cing an SCPM 1 Captive thumbs cre.
3-41 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01z Chapter 3 Maintaining the Server Installing or Replacing Server Comp onents Replacing a Cisco USB Flash Drive This server can be ordered with an optional 16- GB Ci sco USB flash dri ve that is pre-loaded with Cisco UCS C-Series Utilities.
3-42 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 3 Mainta ining the Se rver Installing or Replacin g Server Components Booting a Pre-Loaded Cisco US B Flash Drive Virtual Drive When you want to access the Cisco SCU or Cisco HU U software, you boo t its VD with a one-time boot option.
3-43 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01z Chapter 3 Maintaining the Server Installing or Replacing Server Comp onents Monitoring and Managing a Ci sco USB Flash Drive Y ou can monitor and manage your installed Cisco USB Flash Drive by using the CIMC GUI interface or the CLI interface.
3-44 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 3 Mainta ining the Se rver Installing or Replacin g Server Components Figur e 3-23 Cisco USB Flash Dr ive Sock et Enabling or Disabling th e Internal USB Port The factory default is for all USB ports on the server to be enabled.
3-45 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01z Chapter 3 Maintaining the Server Installing or Replacing Server Comp onents Installing a Trusted Platform Module The trusted p latform m odule (TPM) is a smal l circu it board that attaches to a motherboard socket.
3-46 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 3 Mainta ining the Se rver Installing or Replacin g Server Components Step 4 V erify that the TPM is now enabled. a. W atch during bootup for t he F2 prompt, and then press F2 to enter BIOS setup.
3-47 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01z Chapter 3 Maintaining the Server Installing or Replacing Server Comp onents Step 1 V erify that a TPM is now installed and enab led in the server: a.
3-48 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 3 Mainta ining the Se rver Installing or Replacin g Server Components Replacing a SCU Upgrade ROM Module T o remove and replace a module, use the followi ng procedure. Step 1 Prepare the server for component installation: a.
3-49 Cisco UCS C24 Server Inst allation and Service Gu ide OL-26647-01z Chapter 3 Maintaining the Server Installing or Replacing Server Comp onents Replacing a Software RAID Key Module T o remove and replace a software RAID key modu le, use the following procedure.
3-50 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Chapter 3 Mainta ining the Se rver Installing or Replacin g Server Components Replacing Power Supplies The server can have one or two power supplies. When two power sup plies are installed they are redundant as 1+1.
A-1 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-22326-01 APPENDIX A Server Specifications This appendix lists t he technical specification s for the server and includ es the following sect.
A-2 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-22326-01 Appendix A Server Sp ecifications Power Specifications Power Specifications The po wer specificatio ns for the two p ower suppl y o.
A-3 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-22326-01 Appendix A Server Spec ifications Environmen tal Specificat ions 650W Power Supply Ta b l e A-3 lists the specification s for each 650W power supply (Cisco p art number UCSC-PSU-650W).
A-4 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-22326-01 Appendix A Server Sp ecifications Environmental Specifications.
B-1 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 APPENDIX B Power Cord Specifications This appendix pro vides supported po wer cable specif ications. Supported Power Cords and Plugs Each po wer supply has a separate po wer cord. Standa rd po wer cords or jumper power cords are a vailable for connection to the server .
B-2 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Appendix B Power Cord Specifications Supported Power Cords and Plugs CAB-9K10A- IT Pow er Cord, 250 V A C 10 A CEI 23-16 Plug Italy 8.2 2.5 Figure B-7 CAB-9K10A- SW Pow er Cord, 250 V A C 10 A MP232 Plug Switzerland 8.
B-3 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Appendix B Po wer Cord Specifications Supported Power Cords and Plugs AC Power Cord Illustrations This section includes the A C po wer cord illustrations. See Figure B-1 thro ugh Figure B-15 .
B-4 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Appendix B Power Cord Specifications Supported Power Cords and Plugs Figur e B-4 CAB-9K1 0A -EU Figur e B-5 SFS-250V -1 0A- ID Figur e B-6 SFS-250V -1 0A- IS Connector : V S CC15 Cord s et rating: 10A/16 A, 250 V Length: 8 ft 2 in.
B-5 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Appendix B Po wer Cord Specifications Supported Power Cords and Plugs Figur e B-7 CAB-9K1 0A -IT Figur e B-8 CAB-9K1 0A -SW Figur e B-9 CAB-9K1 0A -UK Plug: I/ 3 G (CEI 2 3 -16) Connector C15M (EN60 3 20/C15 ) Cord s et rating: 10 A, 250 V Length: 8 ft 2 in.
B-6 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Appendix B Power Cord Specifications Supported Power Cords and Plugs Figur e B-1 0 CAB-AC-250V/13A Figur e B-1 1 CAB-N5K6A -NA Figur e B-12 CAB-9K12A -NA Cord s et rating 1 3 A, 250V (6.
B-7 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Appendix B Po wer Cord Specifications Supported Power Cords and Plugs Figur e B-13 CAB-C13-CBN, Jumper P ower Cor d (0.
B-8 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Appendix B Power Cord Specifications Supported Power Cords and Plugs.
C-1 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 APPENDIX C RAID Controller Considerations This appendix contain s the follo wing sections: • Supported RAID Cont rollers and Requ.
C-2 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Appendix C RAID Controller Considerations Supported RAID Cont rollers and Required Cab les Supported RAID Controllers and Required Cables This server sup ports the RAID controller opti ons, cables, and RAID backup units shown in Ta b l e C-1 .
C-3 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Appendix C RAID Controller Considerations Mixing Drive Types in RAID Groups Ta b l e C-2 lists the RAID options for the lar ge form factor (LFF) versi on of the server .
C-4 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Appendix C RAID Controller Considerations RAID Controller Migration RAID Controller Migration This server supports hardw are RAID (PCIe cont roller cards) and embedded software RAID.
C-5 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Appendix C RAID Controller Considerations Embedded MegaRAID Controller Embedded MegaRAID Controller Note VMware ESX/ESXi or any other virtualize d en vironm ents are not supported fo r use with the embedded MegaRAID controller .
C-6 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Appendix C RAID Controller Considerations Embedded MegaRAID Controller • Installing LSI Me gaSR Driv ers For W indo ws and Linux, page C-9 Notes on Supported Embedded MegaRAID Levels The follo wing RAID le vels are supported b y the embedded Meg aRAID controller .
C-7 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Appendix C RAID Controller Considerations Embedded MegaRAID Controller Installing a SCU Upgrade ROM Modu le For Embedded RAID SAS Support The SCU Upgrade R OM module contains a chip on a small circuit board.
C-8 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Appendix C RAID Controller Considerations Embedded MegaRAID Controller Installing a Software RAID Key Module for Embedded RAID 5 Support The software RAID key module cont ains a chip on a small c ircuit bo ard.
C-9 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Appendix C RAID Controller Considerations Embedded MegaRAID Controller Launching the LSI Embedded RA ID Configuration Utility Launch the utility b y pressing Ctrl+M when you see t he prompt during system bo ot.
C-10 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Appendix C RAID Controller Considerations Embedded MegaRAID Controller Downloading the LSI MegaSR Drivers The MegaSR dri vers are included in the C-serie s driv er ISO for your server and OS.
C-11 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Appendix C RAID Controller Considerations Embedded MegaRAID Controller Step 4 Start the W indo ws driv er installation using one o.
C-12 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Appendix C RAID Controller Considerations Embedded MegaRAID Controller Linux Driver Installation This section e xplains the steps to install the embedded Me gaRAID de vice dri ver in a Red Hat Enterp rise Linux installation o r a SuSE Linux Enterprise Serv er installation.
C-13 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Appendix C RAID Controller Considerations Embedded MegaRAID Controller Step 4 If necessary , use this command to change the file name of the dr iv er update disk to a name with fe wer than eight characters: copy dud-[ driver version ].
C-14 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Appendix C RAID Controller Considerations Embedded MegaRAID Controller Installing the Red Hat Linux Driver This section describes the fresh i nstallation of the Red Hat Enter prise Linux 5.
C-15 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Appendix C RAID Controller Considerations Embedded MegaRAID Controller Step 10 Press Enter . The prompt asks whet her you hav e a driv er disk. Step 11 Use the arrow ke y to select Ye s , and then press Enter .
C-16 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Appendix C RAID Controller Considerations Embedded MegaRAID Controller c. Select the check box in the Mapped column for the med ia that you just added, then wa it for mapping to complete .
C-17 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Appendix C RAID Controller Considerations RAID Controller Cabling RAID Controller Cabling This section includes the following topi.
C-18 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Appendix C RAID Controller Considerations RAID Controller Cabling Cisco UCS C24 Server RAID Cabling Instructions This section cont.
C-19 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Appendix C RAID Controller Considerations RAID Controller Cabling Step 1 Connect SAS cable 1 from card connector SAS 0 t o the Port0 connector on the e xpander . Step 2 Connect SAS cable 2 from card connector SAS 1 on th e card to the Port1 conn ector on the expander .
C-20 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Appendix C RAID Controller Considerations RAID Controller Cabling Second Controller (Drives 9 thr o ugh 16, Cable UCSC-CABLE-A8): The required UCSC-CABLE-A8 cable kit has two mini - SAS cables.
C-21 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Appendix C RAID Controller Considerations Restoring RAID Configuration Af ter Replacing a RAID Controller Restoring RAID Configuration After Replacing a RAID Controller When you replace a RAID controller , the RAID configuration that is stored in the control ler is lost.
C-22 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Appendix C RAID Controller Considerations For More Information.
D-1 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 APPENDIX D Installation for Cisco UCS Integration The Cisco UCS integratio n instructions ha ve been mov ed to the integ ration gui.
D-2 Cisco UCS C24 Server Insta llation and Service Guide OL-26647-01 Appendix D Installati on for Cisco UCS Integration.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Cisco Systems C24 M3 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Cisco Systems C24 M3 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Cisco Systems C24 M3 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Cisco Systems C24 M3 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Cisco Systems C24 M3 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Cisco Systems C24 M3 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Cisco Systems C24 M3 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Cisco Systems C24 M3. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Cisco Systems C24 M3 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.