Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung AS5350 des Produzenten Cisco Systems
Zur Seite of 102
Cor porat e Headqu ar ters Cisco Syst ems, I nc. 170 West Tasm an Drive San Jose, CA 9513 4-1706 USA http ://www .cisco .com Tel: 40 8 526-4000 800 55 3-NETS (6387) Fax: 40 8 526-4100 Cisco AS5350 Uni.
iii Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Instal latio n G uid e 78-10754-03 0A CONTENTS Preface v ii Docu ment Organiza tion vii Docu ment Conven tions viii Warni ng Defini tion i x Relate d Do cument ation xii New Hard ware Fe atures xiii Obta ining D ocum entation xi ii Cisc o.
Cont ents iv Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Power Sup ply Con sideratio ns 2- 6 CHAPTER 3 Inst alling the Ci sco AS5350 3-1 Sett ing Up the Cha ssis 3-2 Se.
Co ntents v Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Instal latio n G uid e 78-10754-03 0A Repla cing F l ash Mem ory SIMMs A- 9 Requ ired T ools and Equipm ent A-10 Flash M em ory SIM M Re placemen t A.
Cont ents vi Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A.
vii Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Instal latio n G uid e 78-10754-03 0A Preface This p refa ce des crib es t he o bj ect ives an d organ iza tio n o f th is d o cu men t and ex pl ai ns how to fi nd add itio nal i nfo rmati on on r elate d pr oduct s and s ervi ces.
vi ii Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Docu ment Co nven t ions Document Conventi ons This p u bl ic ati on u ses t h e f ol lowin g co nventi ons t o c onvey inst ru ct io ns and in fo r mat io n. Not e This symb ol m eans re ader t ake note .
ix Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Instal latio n G uid e 78-10754-03 0A Document Conve ntions Warning De finition Warn ing IMPO RTANT SAF ET Y I NST RU CTI ONS This warning symbol m eans danger . Y ou are in a situation that could cause bodil y injury .
x Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Docu ment Co nven t ions Atte ntion IMPO RTANTES INF OR MA TIO NS D E S É CUR IT É Ce symbole d'avertissement indique un danger . V ous v ous trouvez dans une s ituation pouvant causer des blessures ou des dommages corporels.
xi Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Instal latio n G uid e 78-10754-03 0A Document Conve ntions Advars el VI KTI GE SI KK ER HET SIN STRU KS JON E R Dette varselssymbolet betyr fare. D u befinner deg i en situasjon som kan for å rsake personskade .
xi i Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Rel ated D ocu ment ati on Re lated Document ation Thi s gui de des cribe s ho w to i ns tal l and m a in ta in the Ci s co AS535 0 uni v e rsa l g ate way cha ssis .
xiii Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Instal latio n G uid e 78-10754-03 0A New Hardware Fea tures • F or info rmat i on ab out is o lati ng prob le ms wi th t he n et work c onn ect ions to y.
xi v Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Obt aining Tech nical Assista nce Or der ing D ocum en tat i on Y ou ca n fi nd ins truc tion s for or deri ng docu menta tion at thi s URL: ht tp:/ /ww w .c isco .c om/u niver cd/cc /t d/do c/e s_in pc k/pd i.
xv Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Instal latio n G uid e 78-10754-03 0A Obtaining Techni cal Assist ance • Do wnl oad and t est s oftware pack ages • Or der Ci sco le arni ng mate rial s a.
xv i Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Obta in in g Addi tio n al Pu b lic a tio ns and Info rm a tio n Ci sco TA C Es cal ati on Ce nte r Th e C is c o T AC Es c ala ti on C en ter a ddr es se s pr io rit y leve l 1 o r pr i or it y level 2 i s s ue s.
C HAP TER 1-1 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Guide 78-10754-03 0A 1 Overview Th is c ha pt er p rov id es an over v iew of t he Ci s co A S5 35 0 un iver sa l gat eway , a ver s.
1- 2 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Chap ter 1 O vervie w Dia l Feat ure Car ds (DFCs) Figur e 1 -1 Cisco AS 5350 F ro nt Pan el Figur e 1 -2 Cisco AS5350 Rea r P anel Dial Fe ature Cards ( DFC s) The D ial Fe atu re Ca rd (DF C ) is a 5.
1-3 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Guide 78-10754-03 0A Chapt e r 1 O vervi ew Po w er Sup ply Not e For de tails on cards , instal latio n, a nd trou blesh ooti ng, s ee t he Ci sc o AS535 0 Univ er sal Ga te way Car d Ins tal lati on G uid e .
1- 4 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Chap ter 1 O vervie w Chass is Spec ifica tion s Cons ole and aux ili ar y por ts Async hrono us se rial (RJ -45) Regu .
C HAP TER 2-1 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Guide 78-10754-03 0A 2 Preparing to Install the Cisco AS5350 Chassis Thi s chap ter de scri bes the tasks you mus t perf orm befo re.
2- 2 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Chapt er 2 Preparing t o Instal l the Cisco AS5 350 Ch assis Safe ty Re comme ndatio ns F ollo w these guide lines when yo u work on equi pmen t po wered by el ect rici ty .
2-3 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Guide 78-10754-03 0A Cha p ter 2 P repa r in g to Ins ta ll th e Cisc o AS 5 350 Ch ass is Requir ed Tool s and E quip m ent sa fely ground unw ante d ESD v olta ges. T o gua rd ag ainst ESD damag e and shoc ks, the wri st st rap and cor d mus t ope rat e prop erly .
2- 4 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Chapt er 2 Preparing t o Instal l the Cisco AS5 350 Ch assis Pre paring to C onnect to a N etwo rk Warn ing The ISDN connect ion is regarded as a source of voltage that should be inaccessible to user contact.
2-5 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Guide 78-10754-03 0A Cha p ter 2 P repa r in g to Ins ta ll th e Cisc o AS 5 350 Ch ass is Prep aring to Con nect t o a N etwork Auxiliary Port The Cisco A S535 0 incl udes a n EIA/TI A-23 2 asy nchro nous seri al a uxil iary p ort (RJ -45) t hat sup po rts f low co ntrol .
2- 6 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Chapt er 2 Preparing t o Instal l the Cisco AS5 350 Ch assis Pre paring to C onnect to a N etwo rk Powe r Sup pl y C ons idera ti ons Chec k th e p owe r at yo u r s ite to e nsur e t hat y o u a re r ece i v in g “ cl ean ” power (fre e of spikes and no ise).
C HAP TER 3-1 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Guide 78-10754-03 0A 3 Installing the Cis co AS5350 Thi s c hapt er guid es you t hrough t he i ns tal lat io n of the C isco AS535 .
3- 2 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Chapte r 3 Installi ng the Cisco A S5350 Set ting Up t he C hass is Se tt ing Up t he Chas s is Y o u can se t t he ch ass i s o n a d es k to p or i nstall it i n a r ack .
3-3 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Guide 78-10754-03 0A Chapt e r 3 Inst al l ing the Ci sc o AS 5350 Setti ng Up the Cha ssis Figur e 3-1 At tachi ng the Rubber F eet Rack- M o unti ng the C has sis This sectio n describ es how to rack- mount th e chassis.
3- 4 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Chapte r 3 Installi ng the Cisco A S5350 Set ting Up t he C hass is R equ ir ed To ol s an d E qu ipm en t Y ou need t .
3-5 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Guide 78-10754-03 0A Chapt e r 3 Inst al l ing the Ci sc o AS 5350 Setti ng Up the Cha ssis Installing in a Rack Caut i on Do no t use the h and les on t he d ial f eat ur e car d s to a ssis t in li f tin g th e ch as sis.
3- 6 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Chapte r 3 Installi ng the Cisco A S5350 Conn ecti ng to th e Netw or k Figur e 3-5 Cisco A S5350 Gr ou nd Lug At tachm.
3-7 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Guide 78-10754-03 0A Chapt e r 3 Inst al l ing the Ci sc o AS 5350 Connect ing t o the Network Caut i on If the un iv ers al ga te way i s con.
3- 8 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Chapte r 3 Installi ng the Cisco A S5350 Conn ecti ng to th e Netw or k Warn ing Hazardous network voltages are present i n WAN ports reg ardless of whether power to the router is OFF or ON.
3-9 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Guide 78-10754-03 0A Chapt e r 3 Inst al l ing the Ci sc o AS 5350 Connect ing t o the Network Figur e 3-9 Connecti ng an 8-P or t DFC to a RJ-45 (T1) Ja c k Not e Us e sof tware com mand s to cho ose a spec ific port and the line term inati on o n t hat p ort.
3-1 0 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Chapte r 3 Installi ng the Cisco A S5350 Conn ecti ng to th e Netw or k Figur e 3-1 0 Connecti ng a 2-P or t or 4-P or.
3-11 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Guide 78-10754-03 0A Chapt e r 3 Inst al l ing the Ci sc o AS 5350 Connect ing to the Console and Auxi l iary Ports • Conn ect a sync hrono us s eria l port to a mode m or a CS U/DSU wit h a seri al tr ans itio n cab le.
3-1 2 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Chapte r 3 Installi ng the Cisco A S5350 Conn ecti ng to th e Co nsol e and Auxi lia r y P ort s Figur e 3-13 Conn ect.
3-13 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Guide 78-10754-03 0A Chapt e r 3 Inst al l ing the Ci sc o AS 5350 Connect ing a Si gnal Gener ator to the BITS Port Figur e 3-14 Conn ecting.
3-1 4 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Chapte r 3 Installi ng the Cisco A S5350 Conn ecti ng an A larm to the Alar m P ort Co nnecting an Al arm to the Alar .
3-15 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Guide 78-10754-03 0A Chapt e r 3 Inst al l ing the Ci sc o A S 5350 Suppl ying Power Supplyi ng Power The pow er sy stem compr ises an A C or DC po wer supp ly or a re dund ant A C or DC po wer sup pl y , with int er nal cool i ng pro vide d b y two s elf -cont aine d fa ns.
3-1 6 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Chapte r 3 Installi ng the Cisco AS5350 Supp ly in g Powe r Warn ing The plug-s ocket combination mus t be acce ssible at all times because i t serves as t he main disconnecting d evice.
3-17 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Guide 78-10754-03 0A Chapt e r 3 Inst al l ing the Ci sc o A S 5350 Suppl ying Power Warn ing The illustration shows the DC power supply terminal bl ock. Wire the DC power supply using the appropriate wire termi nations at th e w iring end, as i llustrated.
3-1 8 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Chapte r 3 Installi ng the Cisco AS5350 Supp ly in g Powe r Figur e 3-20 DC P o w er Supply Connect i ons — Redundan.
3-19 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Guide 78-10754-03 0A Chapt e r 3 Inst al l ing the Ci sc o A S 5350 Where to Go Next Warn ing After wiring the DC power supply, remove the tape from the ci rcuit breaker switch handle and reinstate power by moving the handle of the circuit breaker to the ON pos i tion.
3-2 0 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Chapte r 3 Installi ng the Cisco AS5350 Wh er e t o Go Nex t.
C HAP TER 4-1 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Guide 78-10754-03 0A 4 Troubleshooting Thi s chap ter de scri bes trou blesh oot ing t echniq ues for t he Cisc o AS5350 .
4- 2 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Chapter 4 Troub leshoot ing LEDs Fi gu r e 4 - 1 R ear Pane l LE Ds T able 4-1 Cha ssi s LEDs Func tion LED State D escription Ala rm Al ar m On An al ar m er r or i s d et ect ed.
4-3 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Guide 78-10754-03 0A Chapt e r 4 Troubl esh ooting Monitori ng Environme nt Monit oring Environ ment The Cisco A S535 0 cont ains t empera ture sen sors t o dete ct abno rmal tempe ratu re co nditi on s duri ng syst em op er at io n.
4- 4 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Chapter 4 Troub leshoot ing Mon it ori ng E n vir onme nt Di spla ying E nviro nm ent St a tus Y o u can u se t he co m m and- li ne in te rf ace ( CLI) t o c heck enviro nm ent m o n it orin g s ta tu s o f th e Cis co AS53 50.
4-5 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Guide 78-10754-03 0A Chapt e r 4 Troubl esh ooting Monitori ng Environme nt The d isp la y be low ap pe ar s o n yo u r co nso le w he n th e s y ste m r ea ch es a cr it ica l s t ate : Router# show environment Temperature: Temperature Reading: Temperature at inlet is measured as 62C/143F.
4- 6 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Chapter 4 Troub leshoot ing Tro ubles hoo ting N etwo rk Inte rfaces Environmental monitor experienced the following events: Temperature:sensor failed. Fans:monitor dropped.
4-7 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Guide 78-10754-03 0A Chapt e r 4 Troubl esh ooting Replac ing t he Fan Tr ay Step 2 Po sitio n th e chas sis wi th the front panel f acing yo u. (See Figure 4-3. ) The f ron t panel c on tain s the f an tray .
4- 8 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Chapter 4 Troub leshoot ing Repl acin g the Fan Tray Figur e 4-5 Pull ing th e Edge of t he F a n T ra y Figur e 4-6 F .
4-9 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Guide 78-10754-03 0A Chapt e r 4 Troubl esh ooting Replac ing t he Fan Tr ay Figur e 4-7 Slid e Metal T abs out of Slots 35705 3 3 T abs.
4-1 0 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Chapter 4 Troub leshoot ing Repl acin g the Fan Tray Installing the F an Tray T o in stall th e fa n tray , follow th is proc edur e: Step 1 Inser t the m eta l t ab s lo ca te d a t t he end of th e fa n tray in to the ir s l ot s .
4-11 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Guide 78-10754-03 0A Chapt e r 4 Troubl esh ooting Replac ing t he Fan Tr ay Step 2 Use your ri ght ha nd to ro tate the o ther e nd of th e f an tray t o war ds th e front pane l of the cha ssis .
4-1 2 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Chapter 4 Troub leshoot ing Getti ng H elp Step 4 T igh ten t he four scre ws to sec ure t he fa n tray to the chassi s.
-1 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Instal latio n G uid e 78-10754-03 0A APPENDI X A Replacing Memory Components Thi s appe ndix c onta ins proc edur es on ho w to re place memory chi ps in th e Cis co AS53 50 f ie ld-re place able unit s.
-2 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Appen dix Removi ng t he C hassi s Cov er NV RAM in t he un i v ersa l gateway us es an i nte rnal l ithi um batte ry t o m ainta in da ta .
-3 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Instal latio n G uid e 78-10754-03 0A Appe ndix Rem ov i ng the Chass is Cov e r Step 4 Re m ove th e five s cr ews on t he c h as s i s cove r, as s how n in F ig u re A - 1. Figur e A - 1 Remo ving the Chass is Cov er Scr ews Step 5 Gent ly pry the co ve r of f wi th a flat -bla de scre wd ri ver .
-4 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Appen dix Repl acin g the Bo ot ROM Re placing th e Boot ROM T o upgr ade t he boo t R OM sof tw are t o a new s oftw a re imag e, you mu st repl ace the e xist in g boot R OM.
-5 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Instal latio n G uid e 78-10754-03 0A Appe ndix R eplacin g the Boot R OM Step 6 Locat e t he boot R OM on the syst em board .
-6 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Appen dix Repl acin g the Bo ot ROM Step 7 Gent ly e xtr act th e o ld R OM wit h a PLCC -type R OM ext ra cti on tool and se t the old boot R OM on a nonc on duct ing surf ace .
-7 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Instal latio n G uid e 78-10754-03 0A Appe ndix Re plac ing SD RAM DIMMs Re placing SDR AM DI MMs Thi s s ection desc ri bes how to re plac e S DRAM DIMMs on th e syst em bo ard.
-8 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Appen dix Repl ac in g SDRA M DI MMs Step 6 Pul l t h e so cke t l atc hes awa y fr o m th e D IM M , a nd t he n pu ll th e DIM M o ut o f th e s o ck et. ( S ee Fi gure A- 5.
-9 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Instal latio n G uid e 78-10754-03 0A Appe ndix R eplaci ng Flash Memory S IMMs Step 8 Inse rt the new SDR AM DI MM by slid ing the end with th e met al finge rs int o the D IMM s ocket , a s sh own in Fi gur e A-6.
-10 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Appen dix Repl acin g Flash Memory SI MMs • The t hi rd F l ash m e mor y so cke t h o lds a SIM M f o r th e b oo t he lp er im ag e ( r xbo ot ) sof twar e. Th e SI MM can be 8 or 16 MB.
-1 1 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Instal latio n G uid e 78-10754-03 0A Appe ndix R eplaci ng Flash Memory S IMMs Figur e A - 7 Remo ving the Fl ash Me mor y SIMM Caut i on Som e F l ash m e m ory SI MM s have t he co m p on en t s m o un te d on t he r ea r si de .
-12 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Appen dix Repl acin g the Ch assis Co ver Step 10 Re place the gateway chass is cove r . (S ee th e in stru ctions in the fo llowing sec tion “ Re plac i ng the Cha ssis Cove r.
-1 3 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Instal latio n G uid e 78-10754-03 0A Appe ndix Repl acing the Chassis Cove r Step 3 Lower th e fr o nt of t h e to p cove r to cl ose th e ch as sis, and e.
-14 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Appen dix Repl acin g the Ch assis Co ver.
-1 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Instal latio n G uid e 78-10754-03 0A APPENDI X B Replacing the Po wer Supply Thi s appe ndix i nclu des inf ormati on on ho w to repl ace the po wer supp ly .
-2 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Appen dix Requ ire d Tools an d Equ ip ment Warn ing Before working on a s y stem that has an on/off switch, turn OFF the pow er and unplug t he power co rd.
-3 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Instal latio n G uid e 78-10754-03 0A Appe ndix Rem ov i ng the Chass is Cov e r Removing the Chassis Cover Y ou must ope n the uni v ers al gat ew a y chassi s to gain a cce ss to its i nter ior co mpon ents .
-4 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Appen dix Removi ng t he C hassi s Cov er Figur e B-2 DC Po w er Supply Connect i ons — Redundan t P o w er Supply a. Lo ose n the five lo ckin g scr ews fo r the negat i ve, retu rn, and g rou nd co nne cto rs on the DC con nec tor.
-5 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Instal latio n G uid e 78-10754-03 0A Appe ndix Rem ov i ng the Chass is Cov e r Step 4 Re m ove th e five s cr ew s on t he ch ass i s cove r . (S e e F ig u re B -3. ) Figur e B-3 Remo vi ng the Chassis Co v er Screw s Step 5 Gent ly pry the co ve r of f wi th a flat -bla de scre wd ri ver .
-6 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Appen dix Rem oving th e Ol d Po wer Sup ply Re moving the Ol d Power Supply Thi s se cti on de scrib es ho w t o remo v e t he po wer su pply .
-7 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Instal latio n G uid e 78-10754-03 0A Appe ndix R emoving the Ol d Po wer Sup ply Figur e B-5 Remo vi ng the Mounting Scr ew on the Singl e A C P o w er Suppl.
-8 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Appen dix Rem oving th e Ol d Po wer Sup ply Figur e B-7 Removi ng the Air Separ at or Note T he re ar e t wo p owe r co nnec tors on t he power su p pl y . On e c on n ect s to t he ba ck pl ane a nd t he othe r to the syst em bo ard.
-9 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Instal latio n G uid e 78-10754-03 0A Appe ndix R emoving the Ol d Po wer Sup ply Note T he s ys tem boar d co n ne cto r is locat ed o n t h e s y ste m b oa rd, below an d lef t of t he b ack p lan e con nect or .
-10 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Appen dix Inst all i ng the Po wer Su pply Inst alling t he P ower Supply T o inst all the po wer suppl y , fol lo w th is pr oced ure: Step 1 Plac e th e powe r su ppl y as shown in Figu r e B -11 , th en slid e it towa rd th e rea r pan el.
-1 1 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Instal latio n G uid e 78-10754-03 0A Appe ndix In s talli n g th e Po wer Su p ply Figur e B-12 Reconnec ting the P o w er Cables t o the Backpl ane Step 3 Re place th e air se para to r, ho ld ing all ca bl es t o th e r ig h t o f th e s ep ar ato r as you sli p i t into th e chas sis.
-12 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Appen dix Repl acin g the Ch assis Co ver Re placing th e Chassis Cover T o repl ace the ch assis cover, follow this pr oced ure: Step 1 Pl ace th e cha ssis bott om s o that the fr ont pa nel i s fa cing you .
-1 3 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Instal latio n G uid e 78-10754-03 0A Appe ndix Repl acing the Chassis Cove r Step 5 If y o u in stal le d a d iff eren t typ e o f p owe r s up pl y ( AC o.
-14 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Appen dix Repl acin g the Ch assis Co ver Caut i on Do not o ver torqu e the termin al bl ock c onta ct scr e ws.
-1 5 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Instal latio n G uid e 78-10754-03 0A Appe ndix Repl acing the Chassis Cove r b. I ns e rt the +48 VDC re t urn wires in to the DC conn ectors (+ ) and t ight en the lock ing scr ew s. Ensur e that no b ar e w ir e i s exp o sed .
-16 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Appen dix Repl acin g the Ch assis Co ver.
-1 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Instal latio n G uid e 78-10754-03 0A APPENDI X C Cabling Specifications Thi s appe ndix pr o vide s the foll owi ng cab ling and pin out in for matio n for t.
-2 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Appen dix Con sole and Au xilia ry P ort C ables and Pino uts Identifying a Rollo v er Cable Y o u can i de nt if y a r o llover cab le by co mp ar in g th e t wo mo d ul ar en d s o f th e c able.
-3 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Instal latio n G uid e 78-10754-03 0A Appe ndix C onsole a nd Auxi liary P ort Cabl es and P inouts Use the R J- 45-to -RJ-4 5 ro llover c able and RJ- 45-to -DB -25 f emale DT E ad apte r (lab eled TERM INAL ) to co nne ct th e con sole port t o a t ermin al.
-4 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Appen dix Con sole and Au xilia ry P ort C ables and Pino uts Auxiliary P ort Cables and P in outs Use t he R J -45 -t o-R J-45 r ol lover c ab le an d RJ -4 5- to - D B-2 5 m ale D C E ad ap te r (l ab el ed M ODE M ) to con nect the auxi liar y po rt to a mode m.
-5 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Instal latio n G uid e 78-10754-03 0A Appe ndix Et hernet Port P inouts Ether net Po rt P inouts T abl e C-4 l ists the pi nouts for t he Ethe rnet ports .
-6 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Ch assis Install ation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A Appen dix Bant am Ja ck Po rt P inout s.
IN-1 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Instal latio n G uid e 78-10754-03 0A INDEX Nu meri cs 10BASE-T port pin outs (ta ble) C- 5 A ACA pe rmit re quire ments wa rning 3- 9 AC ci rcuit br eake r.
Index IN-2 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway C hassis Insta llation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A chassis LEDs, de scriptions 4- 2 Cis co AS53 50, i nsta lla tio n 3- 1 Cisc o AS53 50 Chas sis (fi gure ) A-13 Ci.
Index IN-3 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Instal latio n G uid e 78-10754-03 0A F Fan Tray c autio n 4-6 dis conne cting p ower conn ecto r 4-8 ins tal ling 4-10 repl acing 4- 6 tigh teni ng s.
Index IN-4 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway C hassis Insta llation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A G gr ound c onnect ion fi rst wa rnin g 2-2 , 3- 2 gr ounde d equi pment war ning 3-1 gr oundi ng l ug 3-5 H ha n.
Index IN-5 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Instal latio n G uid e 78-10754-03 0A ne tw o rk v o lta ge s w ar n in g B-1 new ha rdwa re feat ures xiii No.
Index IN-6 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway C hassis Insta llation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A r equir ed tools , S DRA M rep lac eme nt A-7 r equir ed to ols, syst em code SIMM re pla ceme nt A-1 0 restr ic .
Index IN-7 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway Chassis Instal latio n G uid e 78-10754-03 0A W WAN conn ect ions 3-8 WAN conn ect ion to RJ-45 c ( figure ) 3-8 WA N in te rf ac e o p tion s 1-3 WAN port vo.
Index IN-8 Cisco AS5350 Universal Gateway C hassis Insta llation Gui de 78-10754-03 0A.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Cisco Systems AS5350 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Cisco Systems AS5350 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Cisco Systems AS5350 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Cisco Systems AS5350 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Cisco Systems AS5350 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Cisco Systems AS5350 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Cisco Systems AS5350 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Cisco Systems AS5350. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Cisco Systems AS5350 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.