Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung AIRONET 1000 des Produzenten Cisco Systems
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Americas Hea dquarters Cisc o Syst ems , Inc . 170 West Ta sman Driv e San Jos e, CA 95 134-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 527-0883 Cisco Aironet 1 0 0.
iii Cisco Aironet 1000 Ser ies Lightweight Ac cess P oint Hardware Installation Gu ide OL-9403-04 CONTENTS Preface vi i Audienc e vii Pur pose vii Organi zation vi i Convent ions v iii Relat ed P ubl .
Contents iv Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Access Point Hardware Installatio n Guide OL-9403-04 FCC Safet y Complian ce Stat ement 2-2 Gene ral Sa fety Guid elines 2-2 Warnings 2-2 Unpacki ng.
v Cisco Aironet 1000 Ser ies Lightweight Ac cess P oint Hardware Installation Gu ide OL-9403-04 Conte nts APPENDI X A Transla ted Safet y Warnings A- 1 APPENDI X B Declarat ions of Confo rmity and Reg.
Contents vi Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Access Point Hardware Installatio n Guide OL-9403-04 APPENDI X C Access Po int Specificat ions C- 1 APPENDI X D Channels and Power Level s D-1 APPEN.
vii Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Acce ss Point Hard ware Insta llation Gui de OL-9403-04 Preface Audience This gu ide i s f or t he ne twor king pr ofession al wh o in stal ls a nd mana ges the Ci sco A iro net 10 00 Ser i es Lightweig ht Access Point, he reafter r eferred to as the access point .
viii Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Preface Conv ent io ns Appendix D, “ Channe ls a nd Power Levels,” indicates ho w to ac cess the docu ment that list s the access point radi o chan nels and the maximum pow er levels supporte d by the world’ s regul atory do mains.
ix Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Acce ss Point Hard ware Insta llation Gui de OL-9403-04 Pre face Convent ions War ni n g This warning symbol means danger .
x Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Preface Related Publi cations Related Publications These do cuments p rovid e comple te informati on ab o.
xi Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Acce ss Point Hard ware Insta llation Gui de OL-9403-04 Pre face Findin g the Pr oduct S erial Nu mber Finding the Produ ct Seria l Number The acc ess point serial numbe r is on the ri ght side of the hou sing (refe r to Figure 1 ).
xii Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Preface Obtainin g Docume ntation , Obtaining Sup port, and Se curity G uidelines Obtaining Do cumentat.
CH A P T E R 1-1 Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Access Point Hardware Installatio n Guide OL-9403-04 1 Overview The Cisc o Aironet 10 00 Series Li ghtwei ght Acce ss Points (her eafter ca lled acces s points ) combine mobility a nd flexibi lity w ith t he e nte rp rise- c lass feat ures re qu ire d by n etworki ng profe ssion al s.
1-2 Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Ch apter 1 Overv iew Guideli nes for Using the Access Points Guidelines for Using the Access Points Y o.
1-3 Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Access Point Hardware Installatio n Guide OL-9403-04 Chapter 1 Ov erview Hardwa re Featu res Figur e 1 -1 A ccess P oint Co nfigur ations Figure 1-2 illustrates the left side connector s on the access point.
1-4 Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Ch apter 1 Overv iew Hardwa re Feature s Figure 1-3 illustrates the right side connectors on the access point.
1-5 Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Access Point Hardware Installatio n Guide OL-9403-04 Chapter 1 Ov erview Hardwa re Featu res Ta b l e 1 - 1 li sts t he s uppo rte d exte rnal ant enna s.
1-6 Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Ch apter 1 Overv iew Hardwa re Feature s The ac c ess po in t sup por ts t he f oll owing power sour ce.
1-7 Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Access Point Hardware Installatio n Guide OL-9403-04 Chapter 1 Ov erview Networ k Confi gurati on Exam ple Network Config uration Examp le The ac c ess po in ts su ppor t L ayer 2 or Lay er 3 ne twor k ope ratio n.
1-8 Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Ch apter 1 Overv iew Netwo rk Configura tion Examp le Figure 1-5 illustrates a typical Lay er 2 netw o rk co nf igu ratio n. I n a La ye r 2 c onf iguratio n, th e c ontr oller and the access poi nts are on the same s ubnet.
CH A P T E R 2-1 Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Access Point Hardware Installatio n Guide OL-9403-04 2 Installing the Access Point This chap ter des cribes the instal lation of the ac cess po.
2-2 Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Chapter 2 Installing the Access Point Safety Inform ation Safety Information Foll o w the guid eline s in this sec tion to ensur e proper operati on and saf e use of the acc ess poin t.
2-3 Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Access Point Hardware Installatio n Guide OL-9403-04 Chapter 2 Installin g the Acces s Point Unpackin g the Acce ss Point War ni n g This product relies on the buildi ng’ s installat ion for short-ci rcuit (overcurrent) protection.
2-4 Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Chapter 2 Installing the Access Point Before Beg innin g the Installat ion • Do not m oun t the ac cess point outsi de o f buildings. • Do not m oun t t he a ccess point s on buildin g pe rime ter wa lls un less outsi de coverage is de sired.
2-5 Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Access Point Hardware Installatio n Guide OL-9403-04 Chapter 2 Installin g the Acces s Point Before Beginning the Installation Access Point Layo ut an d Conn ectors Figure 2-2 illustrates the connectors on the left side of the acce ss point.
2-6 Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Chapter 2 Installing the Access Point Controller D iscover y Process Figure 2-4 illustrates the access point LEDs on the top of the unit.
2-7 Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Access Point Hardware Installatio n Guide OL-9403-04 Chapter 2 Installin g the Acces s Point Deploying the Access Points on the Wireless Network • DHCP server discove ry—Uses DHCP Option 43 to pr ovide controller IP addresses to the access points.
2-8 Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Chapter 2 Installing the Access Point Moun ting Overvi ew e. On po wer up , ver ify that th e access po int is asso ciated to a co ntro ller and operating n ormally .
2-9 Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Access Point Hardware Installatio n Guide OL-9403-04 Chapter 2 Installin g the Acces s Point Mounti ng Overview • Metal flu sh-mount brack et (user ordera.
2-10 Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Chapter 2 Installing the Access Point Moun ting Overvi ew Mounting Access Points Using a Ceiling-Mount.
2-11 Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Access Point Hardware Installatio n Guide OL-9403-04 Chapter 2 Installin g the Acces s Point Mounti ng Overview Step 7 Attach th e cables to the ac cess point.
2-12 Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Chapter 2 Installing the Access Point Moun ting Overvi ew Step 3 Snap the ceiling-mount cl ip s onto a suspended ceiling rail (see Figure 9 ).
2-13 Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Access Point Hardware Installatio n Guide OL-9403-04 Chapter 2 Installin g the Acces s Point Mounti ng Overview Mounting th e Acce ss Point Usin g a Projec.
2-14 Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Chapter 2 Installing the Access Point Moun ting Overvi ew Figur e 2-1 1 At tac hing the A cce ss P oi nt to the Pr ojecti on-Mount Br ac k et Step 7 Attach the cabl es to the s ide s of the a cces s poi nt.
2-15 Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Access Point Hardware Installatio n Guide OL-9403-04 Chapter 2 Installin g the Acces s Point Mounti ng Overview Mounting th e Acce ss Point Usin g the Flus.
2-16 Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Chapter 2 Installing the Access Point Moun ting Overvi ew Figur e 2-1 2 At tac hing the A cce ss P oi .
2-17 Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Access Point Hardware Installatio n Guide OL-9403-04 Chapter 2 Installin g the Acces s Point Securing the Access Point Using a Security Cable Securing the .
2-18 Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Chapter 2 Installing the Access Point Connecti ng the Ethe rnet and Pow er Cables Note Som e older switc hes and patc h panels mi ght not provide enou gh power to operate th e acces s point.
2-19 Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Access Point Hardware Installatio n Guide OL-9403-04 Chapter 2 Installin g the Acces s Point Powering Up the Access Point Connectin g to an E thernet Netw ork w ith Local Po wer Note If your access point is conne cted t o in-l ine power, do not con nect t he p ower module to the ac cess point.
2-20 Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Chapter 2 Installing the Access Point Retu rnin g MA C In for matio n Returning MAC Information When y.
CH A P T E R 3-1 Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Access Point Hardware Installatio n Guide OL-9403-04 3 Troubleshooting This ch apt er provides trouble shootin g proc edures for ba sic pro blems with t he acce ss point .
3-2 Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Chapter 3 Trouble shooti ng Guideli nes for Using the Access Points Guidelines for Using the Access Poi.
3-3 Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Access Point Hardware Installatio n Guide OL-9403-04 Chapter 3 Troubleshoot ing Checking the Access P oint LEDs Checking the Access Point LEDs If your ac cess point is not working pr operly , check the acce ss point LE Ds on the t op of the unit.
3-4 Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Chapter 3 Trouble shooti ng Checking the Access Poi nt LEDs The LE D sign als ar e liste d in Ta b l e 3 - 1 . T able 3 -1 Access P oint LED S ignal s Power LED Alarm LED 2.
3-5 Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Access Point Hardware Installatio n Guide OL-9403-04 Chapter 3 Troubleshoot ing Low Power Condit ion Low Power Condit ion War ni n g This product must be connected to a Po wer over Ethernet (PoE) I EEE 802.3af compliant power source or an IEC60950 compliant li mited power source.
3-6 Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Chapter 3 Trouble shooti ng Low Powe r Condit ion.
A- 1 Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Access Poin t Hardware Insta llation Gui de OL-9403-04 APPENDIX A Translated Safety Warnings For t ra n sl a te d s a fe ty wa r n in g s, r ef e r t o t h e safet y wa rn in g do cu me nt t hat shipped with your access p oi nt or th a t i s av ailable on Cisco.
A- 2 Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Appendix A Tran slated Safety Wa rnings.
B-1 Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Access Poin t Hardware Insta llation Gui de OL-9403-04 APPENDIX B Declarations of Conf ormity and Regulatory Information This a ppend ix p rovides de cla ratio ns of co nfo rm ity and regul at ory i nf ormat ion f or the Cisc o Airone t 1000 Series Li ghtwei ght Access Points.
B-2 Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Appendix B Declarations of Conformity and Regulatory Information Manufac turers Fed eral Comm unicatio .
B-3 Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Acce ss Point Hard ware Insta llation Gui de OL-9403-04 Append ix B Declarat ions of Con formity and Regulato ry Informa tion VCCI St atem ent fo r Ja pan Cautio n W ithin the 5.
B-4 Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Appendix B Declarations of Conformity and Regulatory Information Indust ry Ca nada Industry Canada Mode.
B-5 Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Acce ss Point Hard ware Insta llation Gui de OL-9403-04 Append ix B Declarat ions of Con formity and Regulato ry Informa tion European Community, Switze rla.
B-6 Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Appendix B Declarations of Conformity and Regulatory Information European Co mmunit y, Switzerland , Norway , Iceland, and Liechten stein This device c ompl ies wit h the EM C req uireme nts ( EN 60601 -1-2) of th e Medi cal D irective 93/42 /EEC.
B-7 Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Acce ss Point Hard ware Insta llation Gui de OL-9403-04 Append ix B Declarat ions of Con formity and Regulato ry Informa tion Declar ation of C onfor mity for R F Exposu re For 54 Mbps, 5 GHz acc ess points, th e following standard s were appli ed: • Radio: EN 301.
B-8 Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Appendix B Declarations of Conformity and Regulatory Information Guidelin es for Oper ating C isco A ir.
B-9 Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Acce ss Point Hard ware Insta llation Gui de OL-9403-04 Append ix B Declarat ions of Con formity and Regulato ry Informa tion Administrative Rules for Cisco.
B-10 Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Appendix B Declarations of Conformity and Regulatory Information Admini strative Rul es for Cisc o Air.
B-11 Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Acce ss Point Hard ware Insta llation Gui de OL-9403-04 Append ix B Declarat ions of Con formity and Regulato ry Informa tion Declar ation of C onfor mity .
B-12 Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Appendix B Declarations of Conformity and Regulatory Information Declara tion o f Confor mity Stat eme.
B-13 Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Acce ss Point Hard ware Insta llation Gui de OL-9403-04 Append ix B Declarat ions of Con formity and Regulato ry Informa tion Declara tion of Confo rmity S.
B-14 Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Appendix B Declarations of Conformity and Regulatory Information Declara tion o f Confor mity Stat eme.
C-1 Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Access Poin t Hardware Insta llation Gui de OL-9403-04 APPENDIX C Access Point Specifications Ta b l e C - 1 li sts the t echni cal sp ecifications f or the Cisco Aironet 1 000 Ser ies Li ghtwei ght A ccess Poin t.
C-2 Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Appendix C Access Point Specifications Power output settings CCK OFDM OFDM 100, 50 , 12.
C-3 Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Acce ss Point Hard ware Insta llation Gui de OL-9403-04 Append ix C Access Poi nt Sp ecificatio ns EMI and Susceptibility FCC Part 15.107 a nd 15.109 ICES- 003 (Can ada) EN 55022 EN 6060 1-1-2:20 01 VCCI EN 301.
C-4 Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Appendix C Access Point Specifications.
C-2 Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Appendix C Access Point Specifications Power output settings CCK OFDM OFDM 100, 50 , 12.
C-3 Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Acce ss Point Hard ware Insta llation Gui de OL-9403-04 Append ix C Access Point Sp ecificatio ns EMI and Susceptibility FCC Part 15.107 a nd 15.109 ICES- 003 (Can ada) EN 55022 EN 6060 1-1-2:20 01 VCCI EN 301.
C-4 Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Appendix C Access Point Specifications.
D- 1 Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Access Poin t Hardware Insta llation Gui de OL-9403-04 APPENDIX D Channels and Power Le vels For channe l and maximu m power lev el setting s, refe r to th.
D- 2 Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Appendix D Ch annels a nd Power Level s.
E-1 Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Access Poin t Hardware Insta llation Gui de OL-9403-04 APPENDIX E Priming Access Points Prior to Deployment This se ctio n de scri bes an op tio nal pr oc e.
E-2 Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Appendix E P riming Access Points Prior to Deployment Before depl oying your ac cess poin ts to their f.
E-3 Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Acce ss Point Hard ware Insta llation Gui de OL-9403-04 Append ix E Priming Acce ss Points Pri or to De ployment Step 6 If the oper ating s ystem do wnload is success ful, the access point r eboots. Nor mal operatio n is indicate d when the Ala rm LED is of f, th e Po wer LED is green, and the 2.
E-4 Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Appendix E P riming Access Points Prior to Deployment.
F-1 Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Access Poin t Hardware Insta llation Gui de OL-9403-04 APPENDIX F Configuring DHCP Option 43 This appen dix descri be s the steps nee ded to configure D HCP Opti on 43 on a Wi ndows 2003 Enterpr ise DHCP server , such as a Cisco Catalyst 375 0 serie s switch, for u se with lightweigh t access points.
F-2 Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Appendi x F Config uring DHCP Op tion 43 Overv iew Overview This se cti on c onta ins a DHC P O pti on 43 c onfigurat ion exampl e o n a Wi ndows 2003 E nte rpr ise DHC P server for use with Cisc o Airo ne t li ghtwe ight a c cess points.
F-3 Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Acce ss Point Hard ware Insta llation Gui de OL-9403-04 Append ix F Configuring D HCP Opt ion 43 Configuring Option 43 for 1000 Se ries Access Points Config.
F-4 Cisco Airon et 1000 Series Lightwei ght Access Point Har dware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 Appendi x F Config uring DHCP Op tion 43 Configur ing Op tion 43 f or 1100, 11 30, 12 00, 1240 , and 13.
IN-1 Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Acce ss Point Hard ware Insta llation Gui de OL-9403-04 INDEX A acces s poi nt discovery 1-1 guidlines 1-2 types 1-4 administr ative rules, Tai wan B-9 ant.
Index IN-2 Cisco Aironet 1000 Series Lightweight Access Point Hardware Installation Guide OL-9403-04 I inline pow er 2-18 input power C-1 input volta ge C-1 installati on guidelines 2-3 K key feat ure.
Inde x IN-3 Cisco Aironet 1000 S eries Lightweig ht Acce ss Point Hard ware Insta llation Gui de OL-9403-04 T temper ature operati ng C-1 storage C-1 troublesh ooting 3-1 type-le ngth- val ue ( TLV) F.
Index IN-4 Cisco Aironet 1000 Series Lightweight Access Point Hardware Installation Guide OL-9403-04.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Cisco Systems AIRONET 1000 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Cisco Systems AIRONET 1000 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Cisco Systems AIRONET 1000 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Cisco Systems AIRONET 1000 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Cisco Systems AIRONET 1000 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Cisco Systems AIRONET 1000 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Cisco Systems AIRONET 1000 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Cisco Systems AIRONET 1000. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Cisco Systems AIRONET 1000 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.