Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung ATA 186 des Produzenten Cisco
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Corporate He adquarters Cisco System s, Inc . 170 West Ta sman Drive San Jos e, CA 95134 -1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 526-4100 Cisco A T A 1 86 and Cisco A T A 1 88 Analog T elephone A daptor A dministrator ’ s Guide (H.
iii Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 CONTENTS Preface xi Overvi ew xi Audienc e xi Organi zation xii Conv enti ons xii Relat ed .
Cont ent s iv Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 CHAPTER 2 Instal ling the Cis co ATA 2-1 Safety Reco mmendation s 2-1 What the Ci .
Content s v Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Setti ng the Signa ling Image to H.3 23 Mode 4-2 Setti ng Up User IDs fo r the Ci sco ATA 4-3 Using th e Cisco ATA wit h an H.32 3 Gatekeepe r 4-3 Choosi ng Cisco ATA Reg istrat ion Mode with an H.
Cont ent s vi Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 UseTFTP 5-5 TftpU RL 5-5 CfgInt erval 5- 6 Encryp tKey 5-6 Network Pa ramete rs 5-.
Content s vii Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Time Zone 5-29 NTPIP 5-30 AltNTPI P 5-30 DNS1IP 5-31 DNS2IP 5-31 UDPTOS 5-31 SigT.
Cont ent s viii Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Connect Mode 7-3 Config urin g Cisco IOS Gat eways to Ena ble Fax Pas s-thr ough.
Content s ix Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Contact ing TAC 9-7 APPENDI X A Using H.
Cont ent s x Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01.
xi Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Preface This pre face inc ludes the foll ow ing secti ons: • Overview , page xi • Audi e.
xii Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Preface Organizati on Organization Ta b l e 1 provides an ov ervi e w of the organiza tion of this guide.
xiii Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Pre face Convent ions • T ermi nal sessions and info rmation the system displays ar e in screen fo nt. Note Means r e ader t ake note . Notes contain helpf ul suggestions or reference s to material not co vered in the publica tion.
xiv Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Preface Related Documenta tion Related Documentation • RFC971 ( A Surve y of Data Represen.
xv Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Pre face Obtaining Documentation Obtaining Documentation These sec tions explain how to obtain docu mentati on from Cisco Syste ms.
xvi Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Preface Obtain ing Technical Assista nce W e ap preciat e your co mmen ts. Obtaining Tech nical Ass istance Cisco pro vides Cis as a starti ng point fo r all techn ical assi stance.
xvii Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Pre face Obtainin g Techni cal Assistan ce Cisco TAC Web Site Y ou can use the Cisco T A C W eb Site to resol ve P3 and P4 issues yourself, saving both cost and time.
xviii Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Preface Obtain ing Technical Assista nce.
C HAPTER 1-1 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 1 Cisco Analog Telephone Adaptor Overview This secti on describe s the hardwar e and software features of the Cisco Analo g T eleph one Adap tor (Cisco A T A ) and incl udes a brief overview of the H.
1-2 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 1 Cisco Analog Telephone Adaptor Ove rview H.32 3 Overv iew Figur e 1 -2 Cisco A T A 186 as Endpo int in an H.323 Networ k Figur e 1 -3 Cisco A T A 188 as E ndpoint in an H.
1-3 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 1 Cisco Analog Telephone Ada ptor Overvi ew H.
1-4 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 1 Cisco Analog Telephone Adaptor Ove rview H.32 3 Overv iew H.323 Gatek eepers Gatek eepers are p rimarily r esponsible for pre-call an d call-le v el contro l services f or H.
1-5 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 1 Cisco Analog Telephone Ada ptor Overvi ew Hard ware Overv iew Hardware Overview The Cisc o A T A 1 86 and Cisco A T A 188 ar e compa ct, easy-t o-insta ll devices.
1-6 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 1 Cisco Analog Telephone Adaptor Ove rview Hardwa re Overview • Ether net ports �.
1-7 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 1 Cisco Analog Telephone Ada ptor Overvi ew Software Features Software Features The .
1-8 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 1 Cisco Analog Telephone Adaptor Ove rview Software F eatures • Int erne t Con tro.
1-9 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 1 Cisco Analog Telephone Ada ptor Overvi ew Installati on and C onfigurat ion Overvie w Fax Service s The Cisco A T A supports two modes of fax ser vices, in which fax signals are transmitted using the G.
1-10 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 1 Cisco Analog Telephone Adaptor Ove rview Installa tion and Con figuration O verview 6.
C HAPTER 2-1 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 2 Installing the Cisco ATA This secti on provides instruc tions for instal ling the Cisco A T A 186 and Cisco A T A 188.
2-2 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 2 Insta lling the Cisco ATA What the Cisc o ATA Packa ge Includes War ni ng The plug-socket combination must be ac cessible at all times because it serves as the main disconnecting device.
2-3 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 2 Insta lling the Cisco ATA Install atio n Procedu re Figur e 2-1 Cisco A T A 1 86 R.
2-4 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 2 Insta lling the Cisco ATA Installa tion Proced ure If you ar e connec ting a t ele.
2-5 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 2 Insta lling the Cisco ATA Power-Do wn Proc edure Power-Down Procedure Cautio n If you need t o power down Cisco A T A 186 or Cis co 188 a t any tim e, use t he foll owing power -down procedu re to prevent damage to the unit.
2-6 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 2 Insta lling the Cisco ATA Power-D own Procedu re.
C HAPTER 3-1 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 3 Configuring the Cisco ATA for H.323 This se ction de scribes how to configure the Cisco A T A to operat e with the H .323 sig naling image and ho w the Cisco A T A obtains the latest signal ing image.
3-2 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 3 Configuri ng the Cisco ATA for H.
3-3 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 3 Conf iguring the Cisco AT A for H.
3-4 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 3 Configuri ng the Cisco ATA for H.
3-5 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 3 Conf iguring the Cisco AT A for H.323 Steps Nee ded to C onfigur e the Cis co ATA Note If you are using the voice co nfiguration me nu to set the para meters, y ou must con vert hexadecim al values to dec imal values.
3-6 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 3 Configuri ng the Cisco ATA for H.
3-7 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 3 Conf iguring the Cisco AT A for H.
3-8 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 3 Configuri ng the Cisco ATA for H.323 Configur ing the Cisco ATA Using a TFTP Ser ver Note Be sure to configure the UseSIP parameter to the v alue of 0 (its default) to enab le the H.
3-9 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 3 Conf iguring the Cisco AT A for H.
3-10 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 3 Configuri ng the Cisco ATA for H.323 Configur ing the Cisco ATA Using a TFTP Ser ver Exam ple cf g fm t -t pt a g. da t ata0a141e28323c.
3-11 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 3 Conf iguring the Cisco AT A for H.323 Configur ing the C isco ATA Using a TFT P Server Using the EncryptKey Parameter and cfgfmt Tool The En cryptKey parameter en crypts bi nary files being tr ansferred over TFTP .
3-12 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 3 Configuri ng the Cisco ATA for H.
3-13 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 3 Conf iguring the Cisco AT A for H.
3-14 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 3 Configuri ng the Cisco ATA for H.323 Configur ing the Cisco ATA Using a TFTP Ser ver Proc edure Step 1 Using the voice c onfiguration m enu, set the pa ramete r Tf tpURL to the I P addres s or URL of the TFTP serv er .
3-15 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 3 Conf iguring the Cisco AT A for H.
3-16 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 3 Configuri ng the Cisco ATA for H.
3-17 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 3 Conf iguring the Cisco AT A for H.
3-18 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 3 Configuri ng the Cisco ATA for H.
3-19 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 3 Conf iguring the Cisco AT A for H.
3-20 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 3 Configuri ng the Cisco ATA for H.323 Web Inter face Access -Control Configura tion Y ou ca n access the web con figuration page from any graphics- capable bro wser, such as Micros oft Inter net Explo rer or Nets cape.
3-21 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 3 Conf iguring the Cisco AT A for H.323 Upgrading th e H.323 Signaling Image Note A refresh procedure will upd ate the Cisco A T A conf igura tion fil e.
3-22 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 3 Configuri ng the Cisco ATA for H.
C HAPTER 4-1 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 4 Basic and Additional H.323 Services This section pro vides info rmation about ke y basic and additio nal H.323 services that th e Cisco A T A supports: • Import ant Basic H.
4-2 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 4 Basic and Additional H.323 Services Impor tant Basic H .323 Servi ces Setting the Signaling Image to H.323 Mode If you are usi ng the H.
4-3 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 4 Basic and Add itional H.3 23 Services Important Basic H. 323 Services Setting Up User IDs for the Cisco ATA Each Cisc o A T A can support two FX S ports.
4-4 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 4 Basic and Additional H.323 Services Impor tant Basic H .323 Servi ces If LoginI D1 and LoginI D2 are not used or are not set to identi cal values, the Ci sco A T A uses dual-registrati on mode.
4-5 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 4 Basic and Add itional H.3 23 Services Important Basic H. 323 Services Establishing Authentication with C isco H.323 Gatekeeper Y ou ca n configure the Ci sco A T A to establ ish aut hentica tion with a Ci sco H.
4-6 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 4 Basic and Additional H.323 Services Impor tant Basic H .323 Servi ces Using the Cisco ATA Without an H.323 Gatekeeper Y o u can u se the Cisco A T A without using an H.
4-7 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 4 Basic and Add itional H.3 23 Services Additional H.
4-8 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 4 Basic and Additional H.323 Services Addition al H.
4-9 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 4 Basic and Add itional H.3 23 Services Additional H.
4-10 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 4 Basic and Additional H.323 Services Addition al H.323 Servi ces Configuring On -hook delay This fea ture is a v ail able only f or the recip ient (cal lee) of a call.
4-11 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 4 Basic and Add itional H.3 23 Services Additional H.
4-12 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 4 Basic and Additional H.323 Services Complete Reference Tab le of all Cisco AT A H.323 Service s Selectin g H.323 Co nnection an d H.
4-13 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 4 Basic and Add itional H.3 23 Services Complet e Reference Ta ble of all Cisco ATA H.323 Servi ces H.323 connection me thod and H.2 45 transmission method Connect Mode, page 5-28 H.
4-14 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 4 Basic and Additional H.323 Services Complete Reference Tab le of all Cisco AT A H.
C HAPTER 5-1 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 5 Parameters and Defaults This se ction provides informat ion on the para meters and d efaults t hat you can use to cr eate yo ur own Cisco A T A configuration file.
5-2 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Configur ation T ext File Templ ate Note Th e term Cisc.
5-3 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Use r I nte rfa ce (UI) Pa ram ete r NTPIP:0 AltNTPIP:0 DNS1IP:0.
5-4 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Configu ration-Compl ete Parame ter Range Maxim um nine.
5-5 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Param eters fo r Configur ation Met hod and Encrypt ion UseTFTP Settings 1—Use the TFT P serv er for Cis co A T A configu ration.
5-6 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Parameters for Configurat ion Meth od and Encryp tion D.
5-7 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Network Param eters Note If the C isco A T A configuration file is not encr ypted, t he value must be set t o 0.
5-8 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Network Para meters Default 1 Voice Configuration Menu .
5-9 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Ac cou nt In fo rma tio n Par am ete rs Voice Configurati.
5-10 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Account Information Param eters UID0 Description This par ameter i s the Use r ID (E.1 64 phone num ber) for t he Phone 1 port.
5-11 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Ac cou nt In fo rma tio n Par am ete rs Voice Configurat.
5-12 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Account Information Param eters PWD1 Description This para meter is the password for the Phone 2 port .
5-13 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Ac cou nt In fo rma tio n Par am ete rs UseLogin ID Description 0—Use UI D0 and U ID1 as t he auth entication ID.
5-14 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Account Information Param eters LoginID 1 Description This para meter is the H.323 login ID for the Phone 2 po rt of the Cisco A T A.
5-15 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Gatekee per Pa ramet ers Voice Configuration Menu Access.
5-16 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Gateke eper Param eters AltGk Description Y o u ha ve the option of usin g this paramete r to statica lly spec ify the IP a ddress of a n alterna te H.
5-17 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Gatekee per Pa ramet ers GkTimeToLiv e Description This par ameter spec ifie s the “ti me to li v e” v alue th at is used when the Cisco A T A re gisters with the H.
5-18 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s H.32 3 Mode Pa rameter H.323 Mode Parameter This sec tion desc ribes th e UseSIP p arameter, which is used to set the Cisco A T A to H.
5-19 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Opera ting Paramet ers • DNS2IP , page 5-31 • UDPT O.
5-20 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Operating Parame ters Related Parameters • RxCodec, .
5-21 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Opera ting Paramet ers RxCodec Description Use this pa rame ter to specif y recei v ing-audi o codec pr eferen ce.
5-22 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Operating Parame ters Voice Configuration Menu Access .
5-23 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Opera ting Paramet ers NumTxFrames Description Use this parameter to select t he number o f frames per pack et that the Cisco A T A transmits: • The fr ame size for each G .
5-24 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Operating Parame ters CallFea tures Description Disable/e nable CallFea tures b y setting eac h corre sponding bit to 0 or 1 .
5-25 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Opera ting Paramet ers Pai dFea tures Description Unsubs cribe/ subscrib e to CallFeatur es by s etting each co rrespond ing bit to eithe r 0 or 1.
5-26 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Operating Parame ters CallerIdMethod Description This 32 -bit parame ter spec ifies the s ignal fo rmat to use for b oth FXS ports for ge neratin g Calle r ID format.
5-27 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Opera ting Paramet ers Exam ples The fol lo wing e xampl.
5-28 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Operating Parame ters Default 0x0000000 0 Voice Config.
5-29 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Opera ting Paramet ers Time Zone Description This pa ram.
5-30 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Operating Parame ters Related Parameters • NTP IP , page 5- 30 • AltNT PIP , page 5-30 NTPIP Description This parameter is the NTP IP address, requir ed if DHCP server does n ot provide one.
5-31 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Opera ting Paramet ers Related Parameters • NTP IP , p.
5-32 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Operating Parame ters • Bit 3: Throughp ut bit— 1=request high through put • Bit 4: Delay bit—1=re quest lo w delay • Bits 5 -7: Speci fy data gram pr ecede nce.
5-33 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Opera ting Paramet ers OpFlags Description This para meter ena bles/disa bles various opera tional feat ures.
5-34 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Operating Parame ters VLANSetting Description This pa ramete r is fo r firmware version 2.15 and 2.14ms, and above.
5-35 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Optiona l Feature Paramet ers • Bits 1 8-29—U ser-specified 802.1 Q VLAN ID. • Bits 30-31—Reserved.
5-36 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Optional Feature Paramet ers Voice Configuration Menu .
5-37 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Optiona l Feature Paramet ers Default 1 Voice Configurat.
5-38 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Optional Feature Paramet ers About Dial Plan Command s The follo wing list contains rules for Cisco A T A dial plans: • .
5-39 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Optiona l Feature Paramet ers • 0>#t811.
5-40 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Optional Feature Paramet ers For example, t o enter an.
5-41 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Optiona l Feature Paramet ers Call-Pro gress Ton e Param.
5-42 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Optional Feature Paramet ers • off-ti me controls the leng th of time between audib le tones in millisecon ds (ms) expressed as an integer from 0 to 0 xff f f sample at 8 000 samp les/second.
5-43 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Optiona l Feature Paramet ers The following setti ngs a .
5-44 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Optional Feature Paramet ers BusyTone Description The Cis co A T A plays t he b usy to ne when the ca llee is b usy .
5-45 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Optiona l Feature Paramet ers RingbackTone Description The Ci sco A T A play s the r ing-back tone when the callee is bein g aler ted by the ca lled de vice.
5-46 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Optional Feature Paramet ers AlertTone Description The.
5-47 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Optiona l Feature Paramet ers Voice Configuration Menu A.
5-48 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Optional Feature Paramet ers.
C HAPTER 6-1 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide H.323 OL-4008-01 6 Call Commands This section pro vides detaile d information on call commands for the.
6-2 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide H. 323 OL-4008-01 Chapter 6 Call Comman ds Syntax Syntax The CallCmd string has the follo wing structu re: Context- Identif ier Command .
6-3 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide H.323 OL-4008-01 Chapter 6 Call Commands Synt ax Context-Identifiers T able 6-1 Context-Iden tifiers Identifier.
6-4 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide H. 323 OL-4008-01 Chapter 6 Call Comman ds Syntax Input Sequence Identifiers Action Identifiers T able 6-2 Input.
6-5 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide H.323 OL-4008-01 Chapter 6 Call Commands Call C ommand Ex ample Call Command Example In additi on to call comm ands that you configure, the Ci sco A T A has a default lis t of call comm ands to handl e comm on cal l scenar ios.
6-6 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide H. 323 OL-4008-01 Chapter 6 Call Comman ds Call Command Example Configuring hook-flash (at any time); Release-th.
6-7 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide H.323 OL-4008-01 Chapter 6 Call Commands Call Comma nd Behavior Call Command Behavior Ta b l e 6 - 4 summariz es differing Call Command behavior based on the U.S.
6-8 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide H. 323 OL-4008-01 Chapter 6 Call Comman ds Call Command Behavio r DIALIN G: Us er is e ntering phone number , which is parsed with the gi ve n dial -pla n rul es • R—Ab ort dia ling, re start di al ton e, and rev ert t o PREDIA L stat e.
6-9 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide H.323 OL-4008-01 Chapter 6 Call Commands Call Comma nd Behavior RINGING: C isco A T A is ring ing the phone to aler t user of an incoming cal l • OFH—Stop ringing, answer t he call, a nd go t o CONNECTED state.
6-10 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide H. 323 OL-4008-01 Chapter 6 Call Comman ds Call Command Behavio r 3W A YCALLING: Ci sco A T A is conne cted to .
6-11 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide H.323 OL-4008-01 Chapter 6 Call Commands Call Comma nd Behavior CALLING_HO LDING: Cisco A T A is waiting for a se cond far end to respond while placing a c onnected call on hold • R—Cancel the call and rev ert to PREDIAL_H OLDING state.
6-12 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide H. 323 OL-4008-01 Chapter 6 Call Comman ds Call Command Behavio r.
C HAPTER 7-1 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 7 Configuring and Debug ging Fax Services The Cisco A T A provides two modes of fax ser vices that ar e capabl e of internet working with Cisco IOS ga te wa ys o v er I P netw or ks.
7-2 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapt er 7 Config uring a nd Debuggi ng Fax Ser vices Using F ax Pass -through Mode Note Th e Cisco A T A can a lso acce pt stand ard-ba sed prot ocol-level code c switch request s, but canno t send such re quests.
7-3 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 7 Configuring an d Debuggi ng Fax Services Using Fax Pass- through Mo de ConnectMode Description The Connec tMode param eter is a 3 2-bit v alue.
7-4 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapt er 7 Config uring a nd Debuggi ng Fax Ser vices Using F ax Pass -through Mode Note For detaile d informat ion on settin g up yo ur IOS gate ways and on fea ture a v ailability , ref er to th e documen t Cisco F ax Service s o ver I P .
7-5 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 7 Configuring an d Debuggi ng Fax Services Using Fax Pass- through Mo de Dial-Peer L.
7-6 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapt er 7 Config uring a nd Debuggi ng Fax Ser vices Usin g FAX Mode Using FAX Mode Use fax mode when the gate w ays in the network do not support fax pass-through mode or dial -pe er configurat ion.
7-7 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 7 Configuring an d Debuggi ng Fax Services Debugging the Cisco ATA 186/188 Fa x Services Configuring th e Cisco ATA fo r Fax Mode on a Per-C all Basis Note The per-call-basis fax mode featu re is only av ailable for t he H.
7-8 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapt er 7 Config uring a nd Debuggi ng Fax Ser vices Debuggi ng the Cisco A TA 186/188 Fax Se rvices T able 7 -1 Solving Comm on F ax Pr oblems Problem Action The far-en d gateway is not lo aded with cor rect soft ware im age.
7-9 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 7 Configuring an d Debuggi ng Fax Services Debugging the Cisco ATA 186/188 Fa x Serv.
7-10 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapt er 7 Config uring a nd Debuggi ng Fax Ser vices Debuggi ng the Cisco A TA 186/188 Fax.
7-11 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 7 Configuring an d Debuggi ng Fax Services Debugging the Cisco ATA 186/188 Fa x Ser.
7-12 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapt er 7 Config uring a nd Debuggi ng Fax Ser vices Debuggi ng the Cisco A TA 186/188 Fax Se rvices If the nu meric co des for the G.
7-13 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 7 Configuring an d Debuggi ng Fax Services Debugging the Cisco ATA 186/188 Fa x Services – <cap_file> is the N AI Snif fer capt ure file .
7-14 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapt er 7 Config uring a nd Debuggi ng Fax Ser vices Debuggi ng the Cisco A TA 186/188 Fax Se rvices Input file: faxpassthru.cap <00.723>: (G723) 2.
7-15 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 7 Configuring an d Debuggi ng Fax Services Debugging the Cisco ATA 186/188 Fa x Services • --------- --- Sum mary ---- ------- --- Input file: faxp assthr u.
7-16 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapt er 7 Config uring a nd Debuggi ng Fax Ser vices Debuggi ng the Cisco A TA 186/188 Fax.
7-17 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 7 Configuring an d Debuggi ng Fax Services Debugging the Cisco ATA 186/188 Fa x Services [ 136]<3.200=>2.53> Codec G711u/D [ 137]<3.
7-18 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapt er 7 Config uring a nd Debuggi ng Fax Ser vices Debuggi ng the Cisco A TA 186/188 Fax Se rvices Using rtpcatch to Analyze Common Causes of Failure The following example s sh ow the rtpcatch output of failed fax sessio ns.
7-19 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 7 Configuring an d Debuggi ng Fax Services Debugging the Cisco ATA 186/188 Fa x Services Possible Causes for Failure • Fax/modem pass-th rough opti on is not enabled on t he gatew ay .
7-20 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapt er 7 Config uring a nd Debuggi ng Fax Ser vices Debuggi ng the Cisco A TA 186/188 Fax Se rvices rtpcatch Limitations • rtpca tch perfor ms optim ally wh en anal yzing ca pture files con taining on ly one V o IP session.
C HAPTER 8-1 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 8 Upgrading the Cisc o ATA Signaling Image This se ction de scribes two methods for up grading t he Ci sco A T A sof tware for the H.
8-2 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapte r 8 Upgradi ng the Ci sco ATA Sign aling I mage Upgradi ng the Signali ng Image Man ually • image_i d is a uni que 32-bit in teger that dif fers wit h each upgrad e.
8-3 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 8 Upg rading the Cisco ATA Signaling Image Upgradi ng the Sign alin g Image Manu all.
8-4 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapte r 8 Upgradi ng the Ci sco ATA Sign aling I mage Upgradi ng the Signali ng Image Man u.
8-5 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 8 Upg rading the Cisco ATA Signaling Image Conf irmi ng a Su cces sful Sig nalin g I.
8-6 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapte r 8 Upgradi ng the Ci sco ATA Sign aling I mage Confirming a Su ccessful Sig naling I.
C HAPTER 9-1 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 9 Troubleshooting This se ction de scribes troubleshoot ing pr ocedures f or the Ci.
9-2 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 9 Troubl eshoot ing Symptoms and Actions Symptoms an d Actions Sympto m Pa rameters with va lues set by using the web ser ver int erface o r voic e conf iguration me nu re vert to their original settings.
9-3 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 9 Troubleshoot ing Installat ion and Up grade Is sues Sympto m Cannot pl ace ca ll. Possible Cause Equi pment f ail ure on t he netw ork .
9-4 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 9 Troubl eshoot ing Debuggi ng Sympto m V oic e prompt r eturns Upgr ade no t av aila ble message. This c an onl y occur if you are u sing the ex ecuta ble-f ile u pgrade met hod.
9-5 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 9 Troubleshoot ing Frequent ly Asked Questi ons For example, for a computer wit h the IP addre ss 172.28.7 8.90 and port numbe r 9001 (172.
9-6 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 9 Troubl eshoot ing Frequent ly Asked Q uestions The Ci sco A T A, ho wev er , is not des igned for long d istance.
9-7 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 9 Troubleshoot ing Conta cting TA C Contac ting TAC Qualif ied custom ers who need to cont act the Cisco T echnical Ass istance Center ( T A C) must prov ide the follo wing informatio n: • Product c odes.
9-8 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Chapter 9 Troubl eshoot ing Cont act ing TA C.
A- 1 Cisco ATA 186 a nd Cisco ATA 188 Anal og Telephon e Adaptor Administ rator’ s Guide H.323 OL-4008-01 APPEND IX A Using H.323 Supplementary Services H.323 supplementa ry servi ces are service s that you can use to enhance your tele phone se rvice.
A- 2 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide H. 323 OL-4008-01 Appendix A Using H.323 Supp lementary Service s Common Sup plementar y Services This section .
A-3 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog T elephone Adaptor Administrat or’s Guide H.323 OL-4008-01 Append ix A Using H.32 3 Supplemen tary Servi ces Common Su ppleme ntary Servi ces Making a C onference C all in Swed en Proc edure Step 1 Dial the f irst number .
A- 4 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide H. 323 OL-4008-01 Appendix A Using H.323 Supp lementary Service s Common Sup plementar y Services About Calling Line Identification Restriction Calling Lin e Identi fica tion Restrict ion (CLIR) hides your i dentity f rom callers with Cal ler ID.
B-1 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 APPEND IX B Voice Menu Codes This sec tion conta ins a quic k-refere nce list of the voice co nfiguration men u options f or the Cisc o A T A .
B-2 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Appendi x B Voice Menu Code s Ta b l e B - 2 lists config uration codes.
B-3 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Append ix B Voice Menu Codes Rx cod ec 3 6 Select s the audi o codec type to use to decode recei v ed data.
B-4 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Appendi x B Voice Menu Code s Ta b l e B - 3 lis ts codes used in the so ftware up grade p rocess. For inform ation a bout the se co des, see Chapter 8, “Upgr ading th e Cisc o A T A Signaling Image.
C-1 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 APPEND IX C Cisco ATA Specifications This section desc ribes Cisco A T A spe cif ications: .
C-2 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Appendi x C Cisco ATA Sp ecif ication s Electrical Specification s Electrical Specificat ion.
C-3 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Append ix C Cisco ATA Specificatio ns Physical Interfaces Physical Interfaces Ringing Chara cteristics Software Specifications T able C-4 Ph ys ical Int erf ac es Description Specification Ethern et T wo RJ-45 conne ctors, IEEE 802.
C-4 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Appendi x C Cisco ATA Sp ecif ication s Softw ar e Spe cific ation s Fax G.711 fax pass-t hrough and G.711 fax mode. Enhanc ed fax p ass-thro ugh is su pporte d on th e Cisco A T A.
C-5 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Append ix C Cisco ATA Specificatio ns Sof tware Sp ecifi cations V oice features • V oice acti vity det ection (V AD) • Comfort noise ge nerati on (CNG) • Dynamic jitte r buf fer (adapti v e) V oice-over-IP (V oIP) protocol s • H.
C-6 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Appendi x C Cisco ATA Sp ecif ication s Softw ar e Spe cific ation s.
D- 1 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 APPEND IX D H.323 Signali ng This section describes some bas ic call flo ws for the Cisco A T A: • Supported H. 323 Message s, page D-1 • H.
D- 2 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Appendix D H.323 Signaling H.323 Si gnaling Sce narios H.323 Signaling Scenarios This sectio n describes call flo ws for the fo llo wing scenarios: • H.
D-3 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Append ix D H.323 Signal ing H.323 Signal ing Scenarios T able D-2 Log Listings 1.
D- 4 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Appendix D H.323 Signaling H.323 Si gnaling Sce narios 3.
D-5 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Append ix D H.323 Signal ing H.323 Signal ing Scenarios H.
D- 6 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Appendix D H.323 Signaling H.323 Si gnaling Sce narios T able D-3 Action Des cr iptions Step Action Description 1. Local Admi ssion Request (ARQ)—L ocal H.
D-7 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Append ix D H.323 Signal ing H.323 Signal ing Scenarios 18.
D- 8 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Appendix D H.323 Signaling H.323 Si gnaling Sce narios 3.
D-9 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Append ix D H.323 Signal ing H.323 Signal ing Scenarios 5.
D-10 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Appendix D H.323 Signaling H.323 Si gnaling Sce narios 7.
D-11 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Append ix D H.323 Signal ing H.323 Signal ing Scenarios 10. value H323_UU_NonStdInfo : := { version 0 progIndParam progIndIEinfo : { progIndIE '00000002'H } } 11.
D-12 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Appendix D H.323 Signaling H.323 Si gnaling Sce narios 13.
D-13 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Append ix D H.323 Signal ing H.323 Signal ing Scenarios 14.
D-14 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Appendix D H.323 Signaling H.323 Si gnaling Sce narios H.
D-15 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Append ix D H.323 Signal ing H.323 Signal ing Scenarios Figur e D-3 H.323 Call S etup fro m H.323 Netw or k t o Cir cuit S witch ed Networ k T able D-5 Action Des cr iptions Step Action Description 1.
D-16 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Appendix D H.323 Signaling H.323 Si gnaling Sce narios 6.
D-17 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Append ix D H.323 Signal ing H.323 Signal ing Scenarios T able D-6 Log Listings 1.
D-18 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Appendix D H.323 Signaling H.323 Si gnaling Sce narios 3.
D-19 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Append ix D H.323 Signal ing H.323 Signal ing Scenarios 5.
D-20 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Appendix D H.323 Signaling H.323 Si gnaling Sce narios 7.
D-21 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Append ix D H.323 Signal ing H.323 Signal ing Scenarios 10.
D-22 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Appendix D H.323 Signaling H.323 Si gnaling Sce narios 11.
D-23 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Append ix D H.323 Signal ing H.323 Signal ing Scenarios 12. value H323_UU_NonStdInfo : := { version 0 progIndParam progIndIEinfo : { progIndIE '00000002'H } } 13.
D-24 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Appendix D H.323 Signaling H.323 Si gnaling Sce narios 14.
D-25 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Append ix D H.323 Signal ing H.323 Signal ing Scenarios { capabilityTableEntryNumber 17 ca.
D-26 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Appendix D H.323 Signaling H.323 Si gnaling Sce narios 16.
D-27 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Append ix D H.323 Signal ing H.323 Signal ing Scenarios { capabilityTableEntryNumber 32768.
D-28 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Appendix D H.323 Signaling H.323 Si gnaling Sce narios } data '02000000000080000000800005 00140000000000.
D-29 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Append ix D H.323 Signal ing H.323 Signal ing Scenarios { capabilityTableEntryNumber 14 ca.
D-30 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Appendix D H.323 Signaling H.323 Si gnaling Sce narios { 8, 7, 5, 6, 3, 2, 1, 4 }, { 13 }, .
D-31 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Append ix D H.323 Signal ing H.323 Signal ing Scenarios 17. value MultimediaSystemCont rolMessage ::= response :terminalCap abilitySetAck : { sequenceNumber 1 } 18.
D-32 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Appendix D H.323 Signaling H.323 Si gnaling Sce narios 24.
D-33 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Append ix D H.323 Signal ing H.323 Signal ing Scenarios 27.
D-34 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 Appendix D H.323 Signaling H.323 Si gnaling Sce narios 32.
GL-1 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 GLOSSAR Y Numerics 10Ba seT 10-M bps baseb and Ethe rnet s pecification using t wo pairs o f twisted -pair cabling (Categor ies 3, 4, or 5): one pair for transmitt ing data a nd the other fo r receiving data.
Glos sary GL-2 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 compr ession Th e ru nning of a data se t throug h an a lgorithm that r educes t he space required to store or th e bandwi dth requir ed to transmit the data set.
Glossary GL-3 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 FXO Foreign Ex change Of fice. An FXO int erface conne cts to the pub lic switche d telephon e network (PSTN) centr al of f ice and is the interf ace of fered on a stan dard telephone.
Glos sary GL-4 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 IP Intern et Protocol . Network layer pr otocol in the T CP/IP stack o ffering a con nectionle ss intern etwork service.
Glossary GL-5 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 P POTS Plain old telepho ne service . Basic telephon e service sup plying stan dard single-li ne telephon es, telephone lines, and a ccess to the PST N.
Glos sary GL-6 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 SIP Session Initia tion Protocol. Protocol dev eloped b y the IETF MMUSIC W orking Group as an alterna tiv e to H.32 3. SIP fea tures ar e compli ant with IETF RFC 254 3, publis hed in Ma rch 1999 .
Glossary GL-7 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 voice pa cket gateway Gateway platfor ms that enable Intern et tele phony service provider s to offer res idential and b usiness-c lass services for Internet telephony .
Glos sary GL-8 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01.
IN-1 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 INDEX Numerics 802.1Q VLAN ID 5-35 A Accoun t Informa tion Par ameters 5-10 Acti on Identi.
Index IN-2 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 in United State s A-3 permanent d efault setting 4-9 call-wai ting caller ID A- 2 ca.
Inde x IN-3 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 UseSIP 5-18 VLAN Setting 5-34 configuratio n-complete parameter 5-4 configu ration f ile atad efault.
Index IN-4 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 fax pass-thr ough mode 7-1 fax pa ss-through m ode, e nabling 7-4, 7-5 fax Pass- thr.
Inde x IN-5 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 login ID for Phone 1 port 5-13 login ID for Phone 2 port 5-14 low-bit- rate codec 4.
Index IN-6 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 R RADIUS server 4-5 receivi ng-audi o codec 5-21 refresh ing the Cisc o ATA 3-20 ref.
Inde x IN-7 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01 TftpU RL parame ter 5-5 three-wa y calling config uration 5-24, 5-25 timeout values 5-32 time-stampin g incoming calls 5-29 time-to- live value 4-4 time to liv e value for H.
Index IN-8 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide (H. 323) OL-4008-01.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Cisco ATA 186 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Cisco ATA 186 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Cisco ATA 186 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Cisco ATA 186 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Cisco ATA 186 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Cisco ATA 186 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Cisco ATA 186 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Cisco ATA 186. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Cisco ATA 186 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.