Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung -710 des Produzenten CBM
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CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Manual CITIZEN Declaratio n o f Co n formi ty Ma nufa ct ur er ’ s N a m e : J a pa n CB M Cor por a tion Ma nufa ct ur er ’ s Addr e s s: CB M Bl dg.
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l CITIZEN IM PORT ANT SAFET Y INSTRUCT IONS • Read all o f these instruc tions and save th em for future reference . • Fol l ow all w arni ngs and instr uct ions m ar ked on the product. • Unplug this pr oduct f rom the wall out l et bef ore cleaning.
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l CITIZEN IMPORT ANT : This equipm ent generat es, uses, and can radi at e radi o f requency ener gy and if not instal l ed and used in ac cordanc e with t he instruction m anual, m ay cause int erf erence t o radio comm unic ations.
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l CITIZEN CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. ................................. 1 1. 1 Featu res ............
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l CITIZEN 9. SERIAL INTERFACE ........................................................................................................................................ 25 9.1 Spec ifications .....................
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 1 CITIZEN 1. INTRODUCTION The CBM-710, CBM-720, CBM -730 a nd CBM-750 are dot imp ac t printers which can b e utilized f or a wide r a nge of a ppl i ca tio ns , s uc h as da t a co m muni ca t io ns t e r mi na l s , E C R t er mina ls a nd ki t c he n pri nt er s .
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 2 CITIZEN 2. TYPE CLASSIFI CA TIONS Printer types ar e classified a ccording to the s y st em shown be low . CBM -710 23 28 40 O R X J F 100 11 5 230 G C B N .
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 3 CITIZEN 3. SPEC IFICA TION S 3.1 General Specifications Item CBM -710, 730 CBM -720, 750 1 Pr int M e thod Bi dir ecti ona l s er ia l dot impa ct me thod 2 Character com po sition 7 × 7 dots ( 1 ncl .
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 4 CITIZEN Item CBM -710, 730 C BM -720, 750 12 Validation Print Av aila ble only for V- Typ e (1 line p rint) 13 Auto cutte r W ithout c ut te r W it h cutte .
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 5 CITIZEN 3 . 2 P ri n t F o rma t (1 ) Ch a r a ct er Fon t 7 × 7d o t . 3.3 Paper Specifications (1) Fo rm Frictio n specification : Rol l pa per 76 - 0.5 m m (W id th ) × 8 0 mm (O ut er dia .) Pin wheel specificat ion: Fa n f old pap e r Width 7 6 m m (3 inc he s) ~ 89m m ( 3.
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 6 CITIZEN 4. BLOCK DI AGRAM.
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 7 CITIZEN 5. EXTERNAL APPEARANCE AND P ARS DESCRIPTI ONS 5.1 CBM -710 Exter nal Appear ance Fig. 1 Front View Fi g.
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 8 CITIZEN 5.2 CBM -720 Exter nal Appear ance Fig. 3 Front Vie w Fi g. 4 Rear Vi ew.
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 9 CITIZEN 5.3 CBM- 730 Exter n al Appear ance Fig. 5 Front Vie w Fi g. 6 Rear Vi ew.
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 10 CITIZEN 5.4 CBM -750 Exter nal Appear ance Fig. 7 Front Vie w Fi g. 9 Rear Vi ew.
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 11 CITIZEN 5. 5 Part Des cr iptions (1) Po wer Cord Attach th e connect or end to th e pri nter inlet, and ins ert th e plug e nd into a n electr ic ou tlet. (2 ) Inlet This is the electr ic power inlet. Attach the connector end of the pow er c ord h ere.
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 12 CITIZEN 6. OPER A TI ON 6. 1 S ett ing and Removing t he Paper and Ribbo n Covers 1) To open, g r a sp the sect i ons of t he c o ver w ith both han d s a nd lif t up ward. 2) In or de r to replace the cover, e ngag e t he hook secti on in th e middle a nd press downward in t he direction of the arro w .
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 13 CITIZEN 6.2 Opening and Closing the C utter Unit (CB M -720. CB M- 750) 1) To open the un it , g r asp two leve rs a nd lift up wa rd. 2) W he n clo sin g th e unit , p ress d own ward unti l it c omp lete ly l ock s i nto p lace.
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 14 CITIZEN 6.3 Instal ling the Cas se tte Ribbon 1) F irst remov e the ribbon cove r (CBM-710, CBM-730 ). In th e case of the CB M-720, 750 remove bo t h the ribbon and paper cove rs an d then open t he c utter u nit.
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 15 CITIZEN 6.4 I nstal l ing and Changing the Pap er (1) Inst allin g th e Pa per 1) R emove the pa per cover . 2) Pu t t he e nd o f th e pap e r off at a rig h t angle as s h o wn i n f igure 14. Fig. 14 3) Put the end of the pa per into the pa per e ntran ce of th e pr in t e r .
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 16 CITIZEN Fig. 15 Fig. 16 H ook s ome o f t he pa per ' s per f or a t io ns on t he s pr o c ke ts a n d f or wa rd t he pa per i nt o t h e pr i nt er b y t ur ni ng t he pa p er - fee d knob until the pap e r 's ti p pr otr udes 5 - 6 c m fro m th e prin ter.
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 17 CITIZEN 6) W hen us i n g the pa p e r wi n de r me c ha n is m ( AW - 2 ) , feed t he pa p er t o wa r d th e rea r of t he pr i n te r fr o m t h e ins i de of the pa per cove r , a nd s e cur e it to th e t ake -up s pool .
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 18 CITIZEN (2) C hang ing the Paper 1) Cut off the r emai ni ng pape r ne ar the e n t ra nce to t he print e r . 2) If the a lar m lam p is on , turn it of f by p ressin g the lin e swi tch. 3) Fee d th e pape r ou t of the prin ter by press in g the LF switc h or p ull it out fro m t he p aper exit.
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 19 CITIZEN 6.7 Ins tall ation of the CBM -750 1) Table -top us e Put the AC cord into the "T " ho le o f the botto m b a se .
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 20 CITIZEN 7. INPUT BUFFER BACK-UP FUNCTION 7.1 Input Buffer Back-up If the power is t urned off, or t here is a power failure during p rinting, the dat a in the i npu t buffer w ill be retained. When the powe r com es back on, the power fail ure sym bol (.
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 21 CITIZEN 8. P ARALLEL INTERF ACE 8.1 Sp ecifications a ) Da ta Input sys t em: 8 b it pa ra l l el ( D ATA 1 - 8 ) .
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 22 CITIZEN 8.3 Descr iption of Input/Output S ignals (1) Inp ut/Output Sig nals a ) Input Sig na ls ( To P rin t er ) *DAT A : 8 bit par a llel sign al. (Positive log ic) *STB : A str ob e si gna l for re ading in 8 bit data .
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 23 CITIZEN (2) E lec tri cal Chara cte ri sti cs a ) Input Si gn al L evel All input si gn als a re TTL level. "HIGH" le ve l ................ 2.0V Min. "LOW" le ve l .................. 0.8V Ma x.
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 24 CITIZEN (3) T im ing Chart a ) Da t a Input a nd Pri nt Ti m ing (4 ) D a ta Receiving Co ntrol Your pri nter is a bl e to receive data sent fr om the host side when th e BUSY signal is LOW , b ut unabl e to receive when the BUSY signa l is H I GH .
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 25 CITIZEN 9. SERIAL INTERF ACE 9.1 Sp ecifications a ) Synchr oni s m : As ynchr onous b) Ba ud rate: RS-232C typ e : 110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9.
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 26 CITIZEN 9.2 Connec tor Pi n Assignment Si gna l Pin Return Si gna l Pin Si gna l Nam e Dir ecti on Ho st/ Printer F un ction RS-232C C u rren t Loop TTL 1 .
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 27 CITIZEN 9.3 De scr iption of Input/Output S ignals (1) Input/Outp ut Sig nals a) RD : This is the ser ia l s igna l f or r ecei ve d data . W hen fr a min g, o verr un or pa r it y er ror s occur , th e da ta co ncer ne d a re ignor e d.
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 28 CITIZEN (2) D ata C om p osi ti on [1] Start bi t [2] Dat a bit s (and par i t y b it) [3] Sto p bit ( 1 b it or m ore) [1] Start bi t 1/2 bit past the line dropping fro m MARK to S PACE, a status r eading is ta ken again.
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 29 CITIZEN [4] Oth er e rro rs Whe n trouble is detected in the printe r mech anism, the ALA RM lamp go es on, the bu zzer is sound ed, the FAUL T si gnal is o utp ut, a nd th e D TR sig nal bec omes B USY .
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 30 CITIZEN (6) El ect ri cal Chara cte ri sti cs a) RS-232C Circ uit Input ( R D ) MA X 23 2 or e q uiva l ent M a r k = ( - 8 V) : S t op b it Sp ace = (-8V .
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 31 CITIZEN b) Cur r ent Loop C ir cuit Input ( R D ) Mark = Cu rren t ON Sp ace = Cu rren t OFF Ou tp u t (DT R, T D) *D TR Curr ent ON : RE AD Y Current O FF.
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 32 CITIZEN 10. F UNCTION SELECTIO N In or der t o me e t t he wi des t p oss ib l e r a n ge of nee ds , v a r i ous c on di ti ons ca n b e s e le cte d b y se tti ng t he D I P switch es a nd slid e switche s.
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 33 CITIZEN (2) D IP S wit ch DS2 (Se rial interfac e spe c if ications only) No . Fu nct io n OFF ON Fact ory Settin g l Word leng th settin g 8 bits 7 bits O.
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 34 CITIZEN (3) Sl i de Sw i tch Set ting (Ser ial inte r fac e s pe cifica t ions on ly) RS232-C or 20 mA current loop ca n be s elected b y changing sli de switch SW1 on the c ontrol b oard. The si de labeled "R S" is for R S232-C a nd the side, labeled "CL " is for 20mA curren t l oop.
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 35 CITIZEN 11. PRI NT CONTROL FUNCTIONS 11.1 Control Codes Funct i on cor d Hex . C ode Funct i ons FF + n 0C+ n " n-li ne" paper feed com mand SO 0.
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 36 CITIZEN 11.2 Input Data F or m ats (1) Pap er f eed com m and for " n" li nes D8 D1 1 s t b y t e 00001100 F F ( 0 C ) H + n D8 D1 2nd by te N7 N.
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 37 CITIZEN (3) Enlar g ed char act er cancel c om m and D8 D1 00001111 S I ( 0 F ) H This co mm a nd is used or ca nceling e enlarge char acter m ode set by SO, a nd t he f ollowing data will be printed out in the normal cha racte r mode.
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 38 CITIZEN (8) Ini ti al Set Com m and D8 D1 00010001 D C 1 ( 1 1 ) H Th e controller is initializ ed by this com m and and the follo win g c onditi ons a r e est ab li shed .
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 39 CITIZEN (11) U nder li ne Com m and D8 D1 1 s t b y t e 00011011 E S C ( 1 B ) H D8 D1 2 n d b y t e 00101101 – ( 2 D ) H D8 D1 3rd byte N1 n (Binar y digital) When n=1 , the under line mode i s set , and when n= 0, i t is can celled.
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 40 CITIZEN How ever, since "half -dots" are being u s ed, the ne xt correspond ing pin canno t print at th e same tim e. Further, the m a x im um value of n 1 a nd n2 is t he n um ber con tained in one li ne, and thi s cannot be exceeded.
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 41 CITIZEN (15 ) Pa ge Length S et Command D8 D1 1 s t b y t e 00011011 E S C ( 1 B ) H D8 D1 2 n d b y t e 01000011 C ( 4 3 ) H D8 D1 3rd byte N7 N6 N 5 N4 N 3 N2 N1 n ( Binary digital ) Th e le ng th o f o ne p a ge is se t t o "n " line s by th i s c ommand.
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 42 CITIZEN (17) Sk ip Perf orat ion C om m and D8 D1 1 s t b y t e 00011011 E S C ( 1 B ) H D8 D1 2 n d b y t e 01001110 N ( 4 E ) H D8 D1 3rd byte N7 N6 N 5 N4 N 3 N2 N1 n ( Binary digital ) T h is c o m m and fe ed s the paper (ski p s) n lin es wi t hout a ny p r intin g .
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 43 CITIZEN ( 1 8) Full C ut Comm a nd D8 D1 1 s t b y t e 00011011 E S C ( 1 B ) H D8 D1 2 n d b y t e 01010000 P ( 5 0 ) H D8 D1 3 r d b y t e 00000000 0 ( 0 0 ) H A full cut of t he pa per is perfor m ed b y this com m a nd (one conne c ting poi n t re mai ni ng).
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 44 CITIZEN 12. CHARACTER CODE TABLES Inter national C har acter Codes The f oll owi ng c ode s a r e se t a s sp a ce c h a r ac t e rs .
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 45 CITIZEN Indiv i dual Country Characte r C odes.
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 46 CITIZEN 13. M AINTENANCE 13.1 M aintenance Procedur es It i s reco mmended th at us e r s pe r fo r m p e riodic clea ning of t heir pr in ter. (1) Exte r ior : The exterio r case of the printe r can be cleaned with alcohol .
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 47 CITIZEN 14. EXTERNAL DIM ENSIONS 14.1 CBM -710.
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 48 CITIZEN 14.2 CBM -720.
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 49 CITIZEN 14.3 Paper Winder Unit AW-2.
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 50 CITIZEN 14.4 CBM -730.
CBM -710/720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nua l 51 CITIZEN 14.5 CBM -750.
Information Systems Division CBM Bldg., 5-68-10, Nakano , Nakano-ku, T okyo 164-0001, Japan Head Office T el: (+81- 3) 5345-7540 F ax: (+81- 3) 5345-7541 27-20000208-0500-0040-010.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts CBM CBM-710 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie CBM CBM-710 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für CBM CBM-710 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von CBM CBM-710 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über CBM CBM-710 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon CBM CBM-710 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von CBM CBM-710 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit CBM CBM-710. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei CBM CBM-710 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.