Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung FX-9750G des Produzenten Casio
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i • The contents of this user’s guide are subject to change without notice. • No part of this user’s guide may be reproduced in any form without the express written consent of the manufacturer. • The options described in Chapter 13 of this user’s guide may not be available in certain geographic areas.
ii Cont ents Getting Acquainted — Read This First! Chapter 1 Basic Operation 1. Keys ....................................................................................................................... ....... 1-1 2. Display .....................
iii Chapter 6 Statistical Graphs and Calculations 1. Before Performing Statistical Calculations .................................................................... 6-1 2. Calculating and Graphing Single-Variable Statistical Data .....................
iv Chapter 12 System Manager 1. Using the System Manager ......................................................................................... 12-1 2. System Settings ................................................................................
v G et ting A cquainte d — Read Th is First ! I About this User’s Guide S Model-specific Function and Screen Differences This User’s Guide covers multiple different calculator models. Note that some of the functions described here may not be available on all of the models covered by this User’s Guide.
vi the mode the calculator is in, and current operation assignments are indicated by function menus that appear at the bottom of the display. • This User’s Guide shows the current operation assigned to a function key in parentheses following the key cap for that key.
1-1 Chapter 1 Basic O peration 1. Keys I Key Table Not all of the functions described above are available on all models covered by this manual. Depending on calculator model, some of the above keys may not be included on your calculator.
1-2 I Key Markings Many of the calculator’s keys are used to perform more than one function. The functions marked on the keyboard are color coded to help you find the one you need quickly and easily. Function Key Operation log J 10 x J B ?J The following describes the color coding used for key markings.
1-3 3. Press U to display the initial screen of the mode whose icon you selected. Here we will enter the STAT mode. • You can also enter a mode without highlighting an icon in the Main Menu by inputting the number or letter marked in the lower right corner of the icon.
1-4 Icon Mode Name Description TVM* 1 (Financial) Use this mode to perform financial calculations and to draw cash flow and other types of graphs. E-CON2* 1 Use this mode to control the optionally available EA-200 Data Analyzer. For more information about the E-CON2 mode, download the E-CON2 manual (English version only) from: http://edu.
1-5 1.2 E –03 indicates that the result is equivalent to 1.2 s 10 –3 . This means that you should move the decimal point in 1.2 three places to the left, because the exponent is negative. This results in the value 0.0012. You can specify one of two different ranges for automatic changeover to normal display.
1-6 I Editing Calculations Use the B and C keys to move the cursor to the position you want to change, and then perform one of the operations described below. After you edit the calculation, you can execute it by pressing U . Or you can use C to move to the end of the calculation and input more.
1-7 I Using Replay Memory The last calculation performed is always stored into replay memory. You can recall the contents of the replay memory by pressing B or C . If you press C , the calculation appears with the cursor at the beginning. Pressing B causes the calculation to appear with the cursor at the end.
1-8 U Press ) . Cursor is positioned automatically at the location of the cause of the error. Make necessary changes. B @ Execute again. U I Using the Clipboard for Copy and Paste You can copy (or cut) a function, command, or other input to the clipboard, and then paste the clipboard contents at another location.
1-9 2. Use the cursor keys to move the cursor and highlight the range of text you want to cut. 3. Press 2 (CUT) to cut the highlighted text to the clipboard. Cutting causes the original characters to be deleted. u Pasting Text Move the cursor to the location where you want to paste the text, and then press ! j (PASTE).
1-10 Example To use the Catalog to input the ClrGraph command A! e (CATALOG) I (C) c ~ c w Pressing J or !J (QUIT) closes the Catalog. 4. Using the Math Input/Output Mode Important! • The fx-7400G II and fx-9750G II are not equipped with a Math input/output mode.
1-11 k Input Operations in the Math Input/Output Mode u Math Input/Output Mode Functions and Symbols The functions and symbols listed below can be used for natural input in the Math input/output mode. The “Bytes” column shows the number of bytes of memory that are used up by input in the Math input/output mode.
1-12 S Using the MATH Menu In the RUN • MAT mode, pressing (MATH) displays the MATH menu. You can use this menu for natural input of matrices, differentials, integrals, etc. •{ MAT } ... {displays the MAT submenu, for natural input of matrices} •{ 2 s 2 } .
1-13 D C V U Example 3 To input 1+ x +1 dx 0 1 @ (MATH) ( E ) ( ° dx ) T @ C ? D @ C U Example 4 To input 2 × 1 2 2 1 2 2 A (MATH) (MAT) (2×2) 6 @ A A CC V (.
1-14 C V ( ) A CC 6 @ A A U S When the calculation does not fit within the display window Arrows appear at the left, right, top, or bottom edge of the display to let you know when there is more of the calculation off the screen in the corresponding direction.
1-15 This capability can be used with the following functions. Function Key Operation Original Expression Expression After Insertion Improper Fraction 6 Power , V ( ) Cube Root ( 3 .
1-16 I Using Undoing and Redoing Operations You can use the following procedures during calculation expression input in the Math input/ output mode (up until you press the U key) to undo the last key operation and to redo the key operation you have just undone.
1-17 • Matrices are displayed in natural format, up to 6 × 6. A matrix that has more than six rows or columns will be displayed on a MatAns screen, which is the same screen used in the Linear input/output mode. • Lists are displayed in natural format for up to 20 elements.
1-18 • The value stored in the answer memory is always dependent on the result produced by the last calculation performed. If history contents include operations that use the answer memory, editing a calculation may affect the answer memory value used in subsequent calculations.
1-19 20 73 5 2 + 3 = 4 1 10 23 + 2 3 1.5 + 2.3 i = i 2 6 5 C 3 6 ( ) 1 C 4 U 1.5 2.3 ? ( i ) U , dx d ( ) x 3 +4 x 2 + x − 6 x = 3 = 52 (MATH) ( d / dx ) T , 3 C 4 TV.
1-20 The following operation is a continuation of the example calculation on the previous page. @ C @ 6 A CC BB C @B 6 C CC D C E C G U S To assign a matrix created using Math input/output mode to .
1-21 Important! • On a model whose operating system has been updated to OS 2.0 from an older OS version, Math input/output mode input and result display are not supported in any mode except the RUN • MAT mode and e • ACT mode.
1-22 Example To solve the quadratic equation x 2 + 3 x + 5 = 0 in the EQUA mode K EQUA K (SET UP) AAAA (Complex Mode) (a+b i ) ) (POLY) (2) @ U B U D UU 5. Option (OPTN) Menu The option menu gives you access to scientific functions and features that are not marked on the calculator’s keyboard.
1-23 6. Variable Data (VARS) Menu To recall variable data, press ) to display the variable data menu. { V-WIN } / { FACT } / { STAT } / { GRPH } / { DYNA } / { TABL } / { RECR } / { EQUA } / { TVM } /.
1-24 • { INPT } * ... {statistical calculation input values} • { n } / { ¯ x } / {s x } / { n 1 } / { n 2 } / { ¯ x 1 } / { ¯ x 2 } / { s x 1 } / { s x 2 } / { s p } .
1-25 S RECR* — Recalling recursion formula* 1 , table range, and table content data •{ FORM } ... {recursion formula data menu} • { a n } / { a n +1 } / { a n +2 } / { b n } / { b n +1 } / { b n +2 } / { c n } / { c n +1 } / { c n +2 } .
1-26 •{ DISP } ...... {display command menu} •{ REL } ....... {conditional jump relational operator menu} •{ I/O } ......... {I/O control/transfer command menu} •{ : } .
1-27 S Mode (calculation/binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal mode) •{ Comp } ... {arithmetic calculation mode} •{ Dec } / { Hex } / { Bin } / { Oct } ... {decimal}/{hexadecimal}/{binary}/{octal} S Frac Result (fraction result display format) •{ d/c } / { ab/c } .
1-28 S List File (list file display settings) •{ FILE } ... {settings of list file on the display} S Sub Name (list naming) •{ On } / { Off } ... {display on}/{display off} S Graph Func (function display during graph drawing and trace) •{ On } / { Off } .
1-29 u Periods/YR. * (payment interval specification) • { Annu } / { Semi } ... {annual}/{semiannual} u Ineq Type (inequality fill specification) • { AND } / { OR } .
1-30 2. Press F (CAPTURE). • This displays a memory area selection dialog box. 3. Input a value from 1 to 20 and then press U . • This will capture the screen image and save it in capture memory area named “Capt n ” ( n = the value you input).
1-31 k Restart and Reset u Restart Should the calculator start to act abnormally, you can restart it by pressing the RESTART button (P button). Note, however, that you should only use the RESTART button only as a last resort.
2-1 Chapter 2 Ma nual Calculations 1. Basic Calculations I Arithmetic Calculations • Enter arithmetic calculations as they are written, from left to r ight. • Use the ke y to input the minus sign bef ore a negative v alue. • Calculations are perf or med internally with a 15-digit mantissa.
2-2 Example 2 200 w 7 s 14 = 400 Condition Operation Display 200 7 14 U 400 3 decimal places K (SET UP) DD (Fix) B U)U 400.000 Calculation continues using displa y capacity of 10 digits 200 7 U 14 U 28.571 Ans s I 400.000 • If the same calculation is perf or med using the specified number of digits: 200 7 U 28.
2-3 tanh –1 , (–), d, h, b , o , Neg, Not, Det, T rn, Dim, Identity , Ref , Rref, Sum, Prod, Cuml, P ercent, List, Abs, Int, F rac, Intg, Arg, Conjg, ReP , ImP Abbre viated multiplication f or mat in front of T ype A functions , T ype C functions, and parenthesis.
2-4 S Calculation Result Displa y Range with Displa y of a calculation result in format is suppor ted for result with in up to tw o ter ms .
2-5 S Calculation Result Displa y Range with P A calculation results is displa yed using P f or mat in the f ollowing cases . • When the calculation result can be displa yed in the f or m n P n is an integer up to |10 6 |.
2-6 I Overflow and Err ors Exceeding a specified input or calculation range , or attempting an illegal input causes an error message to appear on the displa y . Fur ther operation of the calculator is impossible while an error message is displa yed. For details , see the “Error Message T able” on page A -1.
2-7 Example 2 T o add 456 to v ariable A and store the result in variab le B ?T (A) CDE ? ?J (B) U S T o assign the same value to more than one v ariable [v alue] ? [first v ar iab le name] ? (~) [last v ariable name] U • Y ou cannot use “ r ”o r “ Q ” as a v ariable name.
2-8 S T o store a function Example T o store the function (A+B) (A–B) as function memory number 1 ?T (A) ?J (B) ?T (A) ?J (B) * ( E ) ( E ) (FMEM)* (ST O) @ U.
2-9 u T o delete a function Example T o delete the contents of function memory number 1 A K 6 ( g ) 6 ( g ) 3 (FMEM) * 1 (STO) b w * fx-7400G II : 2 (FMEM) • Executing the store operation while the display is blank deletes the function in the function memory you specify.
2-10 I P erforming Contin uous Calculations Ans wer memor y also lets you use the result of one calculation as one of the arguments in the ne xt calculation.
2-11 S T o specify the number of significant digits (Sci) Example T o specify three significant digits (Sci) B U Press the number k ey that corresponds to the n umber of significant digits you want to specify ( n = 0 to 9). Specifying 0 makes the n umber of significant digits 10.
2-12 S Hyperbolic Calculations (HYP) [OPTN] - [HYP] • { sinh } / { cosh } / { tanh } ... hyperbolic {sine}/{cosine}/{tangent} • { sinh –1 } / { cosh –1 } / { tanh –1 } ... inv erse hyperbolic {sine}/{cosine}/{tangent} S Pr obability/Distrib ution Calculations (PR OB) [OPTN] - [PR OB] • { x! } .
2-13 S Engineering Symbol (ESYM) [OPTN] - [ESYM] • { m } / { μ } / { n } / { p } / { f } ... {milli (10 –3 )}/{micro (10 –6 )}/{nano (10 –9 )}/{pico (10 –12 )}/{femto (10 –15 )} • { k } / { M } / { G } / { T } / { P } / { E } .
2-14 I Logarithmic and Exponential Functions • Be sure to specify Comp f or Mode in the Setup screen. Example Operation log 1.23 (log 10 1.23) = 0.08990511144 J 1.23 U log 2 8=3 * (CALC)* ( E ) (log a b) 2 8 U (–3) 4 = (–3) s (–3) s (–3) s (–3) = 81 3 , 4 U 7 123 (= 123 1 7 ) = 1.
2-15 I Random Number Generation (RAND) S Random Number Generation (0 to 1) (Ran#, RanList#) Ran# and RanList# generate 10 digit random n umbers randomly or sequentially from 0 to 1. Ran# retur ns a single r andom number , while RanList# retur ns multiple random n umbers in list f or m.
2-16 RanList# Examples Example Operation RanList# (4) (Generates f our random numbers and displa ys the result on the ListAns screen.) * ( E ) (PROB)* (RAND) (List) 4 U RanList# (3, 1) (Generates from the first to the third random numbers of sequence 1 and displa ys the result on the ListAns screen.
2-17 Example Operation RanNor m# (8, 68) (Randomly produces a body length v alue obtained in accordance with the nor mal distribution of a group of inf ants less than one year old with a mean body length of 68cm and standard de viation of 8.
2-18 Example Operation Calculate r and Ƨ ° when x =1 4a n d y = 20.7 K (SET UP) AAAAAA * (Deg) ) * ( E ) (ANGL)** ( E ) (P ol() 14 20.
2-19 I Division Remainder (MOD), Remainder of Exponential Division (MOD Exp) Example Operation T o determine the remainder when 137 is divided by 7 (MOD (137, 7) = 4) * ( E ) (NUM)* ( E ) .
2-20 = 0.0009k (kilo) = 0.9 = 900m (ENG)* 1 (ENG)* 2 (ENG)* 2 * fx-7400G II : (ESYM) * 1 Conv er ts the displa y ed v alue to the ne xt higher engineer ing unit, b y shifting the decimal point three places to the right.
2-21 5. Numerical Calculations The f ollowing e xplains the numerical calculation operations included in the function menu displa yed when * (CALC) ( (CALC) on the fx-7400G II ) is pressed. The follo wing calculations can be perf or med. • { Int÷ } / { Rmdr } / { Simp } .
2-22 Under initial def ault settings, this calculator automatically simplifies fraction calculation results bef ore displaying them. Bef ore perf or ming the f ollowing e xamples, use the Setup screen to change the “Simplify” setting from “Auto” to “Manual” (page 1-29).
2-23 V ar iab le table input is used with the Solv e function in the EQU A mode. This input method is recommended f or most nor mal Solve function input. An error (Time Out) occurs when there is no conv ergence of the solution. F or information about Solve calculations , see page 4-4.
2-24 I Differential Calculations [OPTN] - [CALC] - [ d / dx ] T o perf or m diff erential calculations, first displa y the function analysis menu, and then input the v alues using the syntax below .
2-25 • Inaccurate results and errors can be caused b y the follo wing: - discontinuous points in x values - extreme changes in x v alues - inclusion of the local maximum point and local minimum poin.
2-26 • Input of the tolerance ( tol ) v alue and the closing parenthesis can be omitted. • Specify a tolerance ( tol ) v alue of 1 E –14 or greater . An error (Time Out) occurs whenev er no solution that satisfies the tolerance v alue can be obtained.
2-27 Example T o perf orm the integration calculation for the function shown below , with a tolerance of “ tol ”= 1 E –4 Input the function f ( x ). * (CALC)* ( ° dx ) A TV B T C * fx-7400G II : (CALC) Input the star t point and end point.
2-28 Integration Calculation Precautions • In the function f ( x ), only X can be used as a v ariable in e xpressions. Other variables (A through Z e xcluding X, r , Ƨ ) are treated as constants, and the value currently assigned to that v ariable is applied during the calculation.
2-29 I Maxim um/Minim um V alue Calculations [OPTN] - [CALC] - [FMin]/[FMax] After displa ying the function analysis menu, you can input maximum/minim um calculations using the f or mats below , and solve f or the maximum and minimum of a function within interval a x b .
2-30 6. Comple x Number Calculations Y ou can perf or m addition, subtr action, multiplication, division, parentheses calculations , function calculations, and memory calculations with complex n umbers just as y ou do with the manual calculations described on pages 2-1 to 2-14.
2-31 I Arithmetic Operations [OPTN] - [CPLX] - [ i ] Arithmetic operations are the same as those you use f or manual calculations. Y ou can e ven use parentheses and memor y .
2-32 * (CPLX)* (Abs) BC ( i ) U (Calculation of absolute v alue) * fx-7400G II : (CPLX) * (CPLX)* (Arg) BC ( i ) U (Calculation of argument) * fx-7400G II : (CPLX) • The result of the argument calculation diff ers in accordance with the current angle unit setting (degrees , radians , grads).
2-33 Example T o transf orm the rectangular form of complex number 1 + 3 i to its polar form K (SET UP) AAAAAA * (Deg) A ( a + b i ) ) @ V ( ) B * (CPLX)** ( i ).
2-34 Number System Binar y Octal Decimal He xadecimal Display Capacity 16 digits 11 digits 10 digits 8 digits • The alphabetic characters used in the he xadecimal number appear diff erently on the display to distinguish them from te xt characters.
2-35 S T o input values of mixed number systems Example T o input 123 10 , when the default number system is he xadecimal K (SET UP) Mov e the highlighting to “Mode”, and then press (He x) ) . (d~o) (d) @AB U I Negative V alues and Bitwise Operations Press (LOG) to displa y a menu of negation and bitwise operators.
2-36 S T o con ver t a displa yed value from one number system to another Example T o con ver t 22 10 (default n umber system) to its binary or octal value K (SET UP) Mov e the highlighting to “Mode”, and then press (Dec) ) . (d~o) (d) AA U ) (DISP) ( Bin) U ( Oct) U 8.
2-37 I Inputting and Editing Matrices Pressing ( MA T) displa ys the Matr ix Editor screen. Use the Matrix Editor to input and edit matrices. m s n … m (row) s n (column) matrix None… no matrix preset •{ DEL } / { DEL • A } ... deletes {a specific matrix}/{all matr ices} •{ DIM } .
2-38 The f ollowing operation is a continuation of the e xample calculation on the pre vious page. @ U A U B U C U D U E U (Data is input into the highlighted cell.
2-39 S Row Calculations The f ollowing menu appears whene ver y ou press (R-OP) while a recalled matr ix is on the displa y . •{ Swap } ... {row s wap} •{ s Rw } ... {product of specified row and scalar} •{ s Rw+ } ... {addition of one row and the product of a specified ro w with a scalar} •{ Rw+ } .
2-40 S T o add two ro ws tog ether Example T o add r ow 2 to ro w 3 (R-OP) (Rw+) Specify number of ro w to be added. A U Specify number of ro w to be added to . B UU S Row Operations •{ DEL } ... {delete row} •{ INS } ... {inser t row} •{ ADD } .
2-41 S Column Operations •{ DEL } ... {delete column} •{ INS } ... {inser t column} •{ ADD } ... {add column} S T o delete a column Example T o delete column 2 (COL) C (DEL) I Modifying Matrices Using Matrix Commands [OPTN] - [MA T] S T o displa y the matrix commands 1.
2-42 Example T o input the f ollowing data as Matrix A: ( [ ) ( [ ) @BD ( ] ) ( [ ) ACE ( ] ) ( ] ) ? * (MA T) (Mat) ?T (A) U Matr ix name • The maximum v alue of both m and n is 999.
2-43 S T o assign values to and recall values from an existing matrix [OPTN] - [MA T] - [Mat] Use the f ollowing f ormat with the Mat command to specify a cell for v alue assignment and recall.
2-44 • Y ou can use Matr ix Ans wer Memor y to assign the results of the abo ve matrix input and edit operations to a matrix variab le. T o do so , use the f ollowing syntax. Fill ( n , Mat A ) A ugment (Mat A , Mat B ) m Mat G In the abov e, A , B , and G are any v ar iab le names A through Z, and n is any v alue.
2-45 S Matrix Arithmetic Operations [OPTN] - [MA T] - [Mat]/[Iden] Example 1 T o add the f ollowing two matrices (Matri x A + Matrix B): * (MA T) (Mat) ?T (A) (Mat) ?J (B) U Example 2 .
2-46 * (MA T) (T rn) (Mat) ?T (A) U S Row Echelon Form [OPTN] - [MA T] - [Ref] This command uses the Gaussian elimination algorithm to find the row echelon f or m of a matrix.
2-47 • Only square matrices (same number of rows and columns) can be in ver ted. T r ying to in v er t a matrix that is not square produces an error . • A matrix with a deter minant of zero cannot be in ver ted. T r ying to in ver t a matrix with deter minant of z ero produces an error .
2-48 S Complex Number Calculations with a Matrix Example T o determine the absolute v alue of a matrix with the follo wing complex number elements: Matrix D = * ( E ) (NUM) (Abs) * (MA T) (Mat) ?Q (D) U • The f ollowing comple x number functions are suppor ted in matrices.
2-49 Y ou can conv er t from any unit in a categor y to an y other unit in the same categor y . • Attempting to conv er t from a unit in one categor y (such as “AREA”) to a unit in another categor y (such as “TIME”) results in a Conv ersion ERROR.
2-50 I Unit Con version Command List Cat. Display Name Unit Cat. Displa y Name Unit Length fm f er mi V olume cm 3 cubic centimeter Å angstrom mL milliliter M m micrometer L liter mm millimeter m 3 cubic meter cm centimeter in 3 cubic inch m meter ft 3 cubic f oot km kilometer fl_oz(UK) ounce A U astronomical unit fl_oz(US) fluid ounce (U .
2-51 Cat. Display Name Unit Cat. Displa y Name Unit T emperature °C degrees Celsius Pressure P a P ascal K K elvin kP a Kilo Pascal °F degrees F ahrenheit mmH 2 O millimeter of water °R degrees Ran.
3-1 Chapter 3 Lis t Func t io n A list is a storage place f or multiple data items. This calculator lets you store up to 26 lists in a single file , and you can store up to six files in memor y . Stored lists can be used in ar ithmetic and statistical calculations, and f or graphing.
3-2 S T o batch input a series of values 1. Use the cursor k eys to mov e the highlighting to another list. 2. Press ( { ), and then input the v alues y ou want, pressing between each one . Press ( } ) after inputting the final v alue.
3-3 S T o delete a cell 1. Use the cursor k eys to mov e the highlighting to the cell you w ant to delete. 2. Press ( E ) (DEL) to delete the selected cell and cause e ver ything belo w it to be shifted up . • The cell delete operation does not aff ect cells in other lists.
3-4 3. T ype in the name and then press U . • T o type in a name using alpha characters , press ? to enter the ALPHA-LOCK mode. Example: YEAR (Y) A (E) T (A) E (R) U • The f ollowing operation displa ys a sub name in the RUN • MA T (or RU N ) mode.
3-5 Ascending order 1. While the lists are on the screen, press ( E ) (T OOL) (SR T • A). 2. The prompt “How Many Lists?:” appears to ask how many lists y ou want to sor t. Here we will sor t one base list linked to one other list, so w e should input 2.
3-6 Example T o transfer the contents of List 1 (2, 3, 6, 5, 4) to column 1, and the contents of List 2 (11, 12, 13, 14, 15) to column 2 of Matrix Answer Memory * (LIST) (L m M) (List) @�.
3-7 S T o g enerate a sequence of number s [OPTN] - [LIST] - [Seq] * (LIST) (Seq) <e xpression> <variable name> <star t v alue> <end value> <increment> U • The result of this operation is stored in ListAns Memory .
3-8 S T o calculate the median of data items of specified frequency [OPTN] - [LIST] - [Med] This procedure uses two lists: one that contains values and one that indicates the frequency (number of occurrences) of each v alue. The frequency of the data in Cell 1 of the first list is indicated by the v alue in Cell 1 of the second list, etc.
3-9 S T o calculate the cumulative frequency of eac h data item [OPTN] - [LIST] - [Cuml] * (LIST) ( E ) ( E ) (Cuml) ( E ) (List) <list number 1 - 26> U • The result of this operation is stored in ListAns Memory .
3-10 • Y ou can specify the storage location in list memor y f or a calculation result produced by a list calculation whose result is stored in ListAns memor y . For e xample, specifying “ List 1 m List 2” will store the result of List 1 in List 2.
3-11 S T o directly input a list of values Y ou can also directly input a list of values using {, }, and . Example T o input the list: 56, 82, 64 ( { ) DEGA EC ( } ) S T o assign the contents of one list to another list Use ? to assign the contents of one list to another list.
3-12 S T o use list contents in ListAns Memor y in a calculation Example T o m ultiply the list contents in ListAns Memory b y 36 * (LIST) (List) (Ans) BE U • The operation * (LIST) (List) (Ans) recalls ListAns Memory contents.
3-13 I P erforming Scientific Function Calculations Using a List Lists can be used just as numeric values are in scientific function calculations . When the calculation produces a list as a result, the list is stored in ListAns Memor y . Example T o use List 3 41 65 22 to perform sin (List 3) Use radians as the angle unit.
4-1 Chapter 4 Equation Calculations F rom the Main Menu, enter the EQU A mode. •{ SIML } ... {linear equation with 2 to 6 unknowns} •{ POL Y } ... {degree 2 to 6 equation} •{ SOL V } ... {solve calculation} 1. Simultaneous Linear Equations You can solve simultaneous linear equations with two to six unknowns.
4-2 K EQUA (SIML) (3) C U @ U A U @ U @ U E U B U @ U D U C U @ U F U (SOLV) • Internal calculations are performed using a 15-digit mantissa, but results are displayed using a 10-digit mantissa and a 2-digit exponent.
4-3 • To change the value of a coefficient that you already stored by pressing U , move the cursor to the coefficient you want to edit. Next, input the value you want to change to. • Pressing (CLR) clears all coefficients to zero. 4. Solve the equations.
4-4 3. Solve Calculations The Solve Calculation mode lets you determine the value of any variable in a formula without having to solve the equation. 1. From the Main Menu, enter the EQUA mode. 2. Select the SOLV (Solver) mode, and input the equation as it is written.
5-1 Chapter 5 Graphing Select the icon in the Main Menu that suits the type of graph you want to draw or the type of table you want to generate. • GRAPH … General function graphing • RUN • MAT.
5-2 (CONV) ( Y=) to ( Y b ) ( E ) ( X=) to ( X b ) ... changes the function type ( E ) (Y>) to (Y b ) .... Y inequality on left side ( E ) ( E ) (X>) to (X b ) .... X inequality on left side Repeat this step as many times as required to input all of the functions you want.
5-3 S T o make V -Window settings 1. From the Main Menu, enter the GRAPH mode. 2. Press (V-WIN) to display the V-Window setting screen. Rectangular coordinate parameter Xmin/Xmax … Minimum/ma.
5-4 I V-Window Memory You can store up to six sets of V-Window settings in V-Window memory for recall when you need them. S To store V-Window settings 1. From the Main Menu, enter the GRAPH mode. 2. Press (V-WIN) to display the V-Window setting screen, and input the values you want.
5-5 I Zoom This function lets you enlarge and reduce the graph on the screen. 1. Draw the graph. 2. Specify the zoom type. (ZOOM) (BOX) ... Box zoom Draw a box around a display area, and that area is enlarged to fill the entire screen. (FACT) Specifies the x -axis and y -axis zoom factors for factor zoom.
5-6 (ZOOM) (BOX) B ~ B U B ~ B , D ~ D U • You must specify two different points for box zoom, and the two points cannot be on a straight line vertically or horizontally from each other. 3. Drawing a Graph You can store up to 20 functions in memory.
5-7 S To store a parametric function Example To store the following expressions in memory areas Xt3 and Yt3: x = 3 sinT y = 3 cosT (TYPE) (Parm) (Specifies parametric expression.) B QTU (Inputs and stores x expression.) B ATU (Inputs and stores y expression.
5-8 The above three screens are produced using the Trace function. See “Function Analysis” (page 5-29) for more information. I Editing and Deleting Functions S To edit a function in memory Example To change the expression in memory area Y1 from y = 2 x 2 – 5 to y = 2 x 2 – 3 C (Displays cursor.
5-9 3. Press (Yes) to delete the function or (No) to abort the procedure without deleting anything. • Using the above procedure to delete one line of a parametric function (such as Xt2) also will delete the applicable paired line (Yt2, in the case of Xt2).
5-10 I Graph Memory Graph memory lets you store up to 20 sets of graph function data and recall it later when you need it. A single save operation saves the following data in graph memory.
5-11 S To recall a stored graph 1. After graphing in GRAPH mode, press * (PICT) (RCL) to display the pop-up window. 2. Press a number key to specify the Picture memory for the picture you want to recall, and then press U . Pressing @ U recalls the picture function in Picture Memory 1 (Pict 1).
5-12 Pressing (SEL) while one of the function’s is highlighted would causes its “ R ” or “ B ” indicator to be cleared. A function without an indicator is drawn as the main screen graph (on the left side of the display). Example Graph y = x ( x + 1)( x – 1) in the main screen and sub-screen.
5-13 (V-WIN) D U D U A U A @? U @? U D U) (SKTCH) (Cls) U (GRPH) (Y=) A TV B T C U • Certain functions can be graphed easily using built-in function graphs. • You can draw graphs of the following built-in scientific functions.
5-14 (TYPE) (Y=) ?T (A) TV B ( [ ) ?T (A) (=) B@ @ ( ] ) U (DRAW) • The value of only one of the variables in the expression can change. • Any of the following cannot be used for the variable name: X, Y, r , Q , T.
5-15 K RUN • MAT (or RUN) ? (Y) (=) T G (CLIP) BBB (COPY) K GRAPH K (SET UP) _ AAAA * (Off) ) *fx-7400G ɉ , fx-9750G ɉ : AAA (V-WIN) D U D U A.
5-16 S To generate a table using a table range Example To generate a table as the value of variable x changes from –3 to 3, in increments of 1 K TABLE (SET) B U B U @ U The numeric table range defines the conditions under which the value of variable x changes during function calculation.
5-17 S To generate a differential number table Changing the setting of Setup screen’s Derivative item to On causes a number table that includes the derivative to be displayed whenever you generate a number table. Locating the cursor at a diff erential coefficient displa ys “ dy / dx ” in the top line, which indicates diff erential.
5-18 I Copying a Table Column to a List A simple operation lets you copy the contents of a numeric table column into a list. Use B and C to move the cursor to the column you want to copy.
5-19 (TYPE) (Y=) B TV A U TVU (SET) B U B U @ U) (TABL) (G • CON) • You can use Trace, Zoom, or Sketch after drawing a graph. I Simultaneously Displaying a Number Table and Graph Specifying T+G for Dual Screen on the Setup screen makes it possible to display a number table and graph at the same time.
5-20 8. Dynamic Graphing Important! • The fx-7400G ɉ is not equipped with the DYNA mode. I Using Dynamic Graph Dynamic Graph lets you define a range of values for the coefficients in a function, and then observe how a graph is affected by changes in the value of a coefficient.
5-21 Repeats from through . I Drawing a Dynamic Graph Locus Turning on the Dynamic Graph locus setting on the Setup screen lets you overlay a graph drawn by changing the coefficient values. 1. From the Main Menu, enter the DYNA mode. 2. Make V-Window settings.
5-22 I Graph Calculation DOT Switching Function Use this function to specify drawing of all the dots on the Dynamic Graph X-axis, or every other dot. This setting is value for Dynamic Func Y= graphic only. 1. Press K (SET UP) to display the Setup screen.
5-23 2. Specify the recursion type. (TYPE) ( a n ) ... {general term of sequence a n } ( a n +1 ) ... {linear two-term recursion} ( a n +2 ) ... {linear three-term recursion} 3. Input the recursion formula. 4. Specify the table range. Specify a start point and end point for n .
5-24 K RECUR (V-WIN) ? U E U @ U A @D U ED U D U) (TYPE) ( a n +1 ) A ( a n ) @ U (SET) ( a 1 ) @ U E U @ U) (SEL+S) D ( ) ) (TABL) (G • CON) • After drawing a graph, you can use Trace, Zoom, and Sketch.
5-25 (TABL) (PHAS) • If you enter three expressions on the RECUR mode screen and select all of them for table creation, you will need to specify which two of the three expressions you want to use to draw the phase plot. To do so, use the function menu that appears when you press (PHAS) on the table screen.
5-26 I WEB Graph (Convergence, Divergence) y = f ( x ) is graphed by presuming a n +1 = y , a n = x for linear two-term regression a n +1 = f ( a n ) composed of a n +1 , a n . Next, it can be determined whether the function is convergent or divergent.
5-27 10. Graphing a Conic Section Important! • The fx-7400G ɉ is not equipped with the CONICS mode. I Graphing a Conic Section You can use the CONICS mode to graph parabolas, circles, ellipses, and hyperbolas. You can input a rectangular coordinate function, polar coordinate function, or parametric function for graphing.
5-28 1. From the Main Menu, enter the GRAPH mode. 2. Make V-Window settings. 3. On the Setup screen, use the “Sketch Line” setting to specify the line style you want. ( ) … Normal (initial default) ( ) … Thick (twice the thickness of Normal) ( ) … Broken (thick broken) ( ) … Dot (dotted) 4.
5-29 (TYPE) (Y=) T T A T_ A U (DRAW) (SKTCH) (Tang) C ~ C U * 1 * 1 You can draw a tangent line in succession by moving the “ ” pointer and pressing U .
5-30 1. From the Main Menu, enter the GRAPH mode. 2. On the Setup screen, specify On for Derivative. 3. Draw the graph. 4. Press (TRCE), and the pointer appears at the center of the graph. The current coordinates and the derivative also appear on the display at this time.
5-31 (Y-ICPT) ... y -intercept (ISCT) ... Intersection of two graphs ( E ) (Y-CAL) ... y -coordinate for given x -coordinate ( E ) (X-CAL) ... x -coordinate for given y -coordinate ( E ) ( ° dx ) ... Integral value for a given range 4.
5-32 • You can calculate the point of intersection for rectangular coordinate graphs (Y= f ( x ) type) and inequality graphs (Y f ( x ), Y f ( x ), Y P f ( x ) or Y O f ( x )) only. • Either of the following can cause poor accuracy or even make it impossible to obtain solutions.
5-33 Example Graph the function shown below, and then determine the integral value at (–2, 0). Y1 = x ( x + 2)( x – 2) • You can also specify the lower limit and upper limit by inputting them on the 10-key pad. • When setting the range, make sure that the lower limit is less than the upper limit.
5-34 S To calculate the focus and length of latus rectum [G-SL V]-[FOCS]/[LEN] Example To determine the focus and length of latus rectum for the parabola X = (Y – 2) 2 + 3 Use the following V-Window settings.
6-1 Chapter 6 Statistical Graph s and Calculations Impor tant! This chapter contains a number of gr aph screen shots. In each case, new data v alues were input in order to highlight the par ticular characteristics of the graph being dr awn.
6-2 • List The initial def ault statistical data is List 1 for single-v ar iab le data, and List 1 and List 2 for paired-v ariable data. Y ou can specify which statistical data list you w ant to use for x -data and y -data. • Frequency Nor mally , each data item or data pair in the statistical data list is represented on a gr aph as a point.
6-3 • Display (pie graph v alue display setting) •{ % } / { Data } ... F or each data element {displa y as percentage}/{display as v alue} • % Sto Mem (Specifies storage of percenta g e v alues to a list.
6-4 2. Calculating and Graphing Single-V ariable Statistical Data Single-v ariable data is data with only a single v ar iab le. If y ou are calculating the av erage height of the members of a class f or example , there is only one v ar iab le (height).
6-5 The displa y screen appears as shown abov e before the g raph is drawn. At this point, you can change the Star t and Width values . I Med-bo x Graph This type of graph lets y ou see how a large number of data items are grouped within specific ranges .
6-6 I Normal Distrib ution Curve The nor mal distribution curve is g raphed using the normal distribution function. XList specifies the list where the data is input, while F req specifies the list where the data frequency is input. 1 is specified f or F req when frequency is not specified.
6-7 • Press (DRA W) to retur n to the original single-v ariable statistical gr aph. • When Mod has multiple solutions , the y are all displa yed. • Y ou can use the Setup screen’ s “Q1Q3 T ype” setting to select either “Std” (standard calculation) or “OnData” (F rench calculation) for the Q1 and Q3 calculation mode .
6-8 Center P oint Center P oint S OnData The Q1 and Q3 v alues f or this calculation method are descr ibed belo w . Q1 = {value of element whose cum ulative frequency ratio is g reater than 1/4 and ne.
6-9 3. Calculating and Graphing P aired-V ariab le Statistical Data I Drawing a Scatter Dia gram and xy Line Graph The f ollowing procedure plots a scatter diagram and connects the dots to produce an xy line graph. 1. F rom the Main Menu, enter the S TAT mode.
6-10 Example Input the two sets of data shown below and plot the data on a scatter diagram. Ne xt, perform logarithmic regression on the data to displa y the regression parameters, and then draw the corresponding regression graph. 0.5, 1.2, 2.4, 4.0, 5.
6-11 I Graphing Statistical Calculation Results While the parameter calculation result is on the displa y , you can graph the displa yed regression f or mula b y pressing (DRA W).
6-12 Cubic regression Model f or mula....... y = ax 3 + bx 2 + cx + d a .......... regression third coefficient b .......... regression second coefficient c .......... regression first coefficient d .......... regression constant ter m ( y -intercept) Quartic regression Model f or mula.
6-13 I P ower Regression Graph P ow er regression e xpresses y as a propor tion of the power of x . The standard pow er regression f or mula is y = a × x b , so if w e take the logarithm of both sides we get In y = In a + b × In x .
6-14 While the statistical data list is on the displa y , recall the Setup screen to specify a LIST (“List 1” through “List 26”) for “Resid List”. Calculated residual data is stored in the specified list. The v er tical distance from the plots to the regression model will be stored in the list.
6-15 4. P erf orming Statistical Calculations All of the statistical calculations up to this point were perf or med after displa ying a graph. The f ollowing procedures can be used to perf orm statistical calculations alone.
6-16 These v alues can also be directly obtained b y displa ying the statistical data list and pressing (CALC) (2V AR). After this, pressing D or A scrolls the statistical calculation result displa y so you can vie w v ariable characteristics.
6-17 • Linear Regression ( ax + b ) ............. ( a + bx )............. • Quadratic Regression..................... • Cubic Regression ........................... • Quar tic Regression ........................ • Logarithmic Regression.....
6-18 3. Pressing T or a number k ey at this time causes the x -v alue input dialog bo x to reappear so you can perf or m another estimated v alue calculation if you w ant. • The pointer does not appear if the calculated coordinates are not within the displa y range.
6-19 I Normal Probability Distrib ution Calculation Y ou can calculate nor mal probability distributions f or single-variab le statistics with the R U N•M A T (or RU N ) mode. Press * ( E ) (PROB) ( (PR OB) on the fx-7400G II ) ( E ) to display a function menu, which contains the f ollowing items.
6-20 4. Press K , select the R U N•M A T (or RU N ) mode, press * ( E ) (PR OB) ( (PROB) on the fx-7400G II ) to recall the probability calculation (PR OB) menu. (PR OB)* ( E ) ( t () @E?D U * fx-7400G II : (PROB) (Normalized v ar iate t f or 160.
6-21 1. F rom the Main Menu, enter the R UN • MA T mode. 2. Press the k eys as f ollows. * ( S TAT ) (DIST) (NORM) (NPd) ( { ) @AB ( } ) @DA U • F.
6-22 I Calculations Using the TEST Command Impor tant! • The f ollowing operations cannot be perf or med on the fx-7400G II . Y ou can use special functions in the R U N•M A T mode or PRGM mode to perform calculations that are the same as the S TAT mode Z T est, t T est, and other test calculations (page 6-22).
6-23 1-Sample Z T est tests for the unkno wn population mean when the population standard de viation is known. 2-Sample Z T est tests the equality of the means of two populations based on independent samples when both population standard de viations are known.
6-24 After setting all the parameters , use A to mov e the highlighting to “Ex ecute” and then press one of the function ke ys shown below to perf or m the calculation or dr a w the graph. • (CALC) ... P erforms the calculation. • (DRA W) .
6-25 • [Sav e Res] does not sav e the M condition in line 2. S 2-Sample Z T est This test is used when the standard de viations for two populations are kno wn to test the h ypothesis. The 2-Sample Z T est is applied to the nor mal distribution. P erf or m the f ollowing k ey operations from the statistical data list.
6-26 Calculation Result Output Example Prop x 0.5 ....... direction of test • [Sav e Res] does not sav e the Prop condition in line 2. S 2-Pr op Z T est This test is used to compare the propor tion of successes. The 2-Prop Z T est is applied to the nor mal distribution.
6-27 Pressing (P) displa ys the p -value at the bottom of the displa y without displaying the pointer . • Ex ecuting an analysis function automatically stores the t and p values in alpha v ar iab les T and P , respectively .
6-28 The f ollowing shows the parameter data specification items that are diff erent from list data specification. Calculation Result Output Example M 1 x M 2 ............ direction of test s p ................. Display ed only when P ooled: On setting.
6-29 When there is a list specified f or the [Resid List] item on the Setup screen, regression formula residual data is automatically sav ed to the specified list after the calculation is finished. • Y ou cannot dra w a graph f or LinearReg t T est.
6-30 Calculation Result Output Examples CNTRB ......... list f or output of contr ib ution values • Ƶ 2 tw o-wa y T est C 2 two-wa y T est sets up a number of independent groups and tests h ypothesis related to the propor tion of the sample included in each group .
6-31 P erf or m the f ollowing k ey operations from the statistical data list. (TEST) (F) The f ollowing shows the parameter data specification items that are diff erent from list data specification. Calculation Result Output Example S 1 x S 2 .
6-32 P erf or m the f ollowing k ey operations from the statistical data list. (TEST) (ANO V) The f ollowing is the meaning of each item in the case of list data specification. How Many ..... selects One-W ay ANO V A or T wo-W a y ANO V A (number of le v els) F actor A .
6-33 p ....................... p -v alue df ..................... degrees of freedom SS ..................... sum of squares MS ................... mean squares With T wo-W ay ANO V A, you can dra w Interaction Plot graphs . The number of gr aphs depends on F actor B, while the n umber of X-axis data depends on the F actor A.
6-34 Define List 3 (the data f or each group) as Dependent. Define List 1 and List 2 (the f actor numbers f or each data item in List 3) as F actor A and F actor B respectively . Ex ecuting the test produces the follo wing results. • Time diff erential (A) lev el of significance P = 0.
6-35 6. Confidence Interval Impor tant! • Confidence inter v al calculations cannot be performed on the fx-7400G II . A confidence inter v al is a range (inter v al) that includes a statistical value, usually the population mean.
6-36 I Z Interval S 1-Sample Z Inter v al 1-Sample Z Interval calculates the confidence interval f or an unknown population mean when the population standard de viation is known. P erf or m the f ollowing k ey operations from the statistical data list.
6-37 Data is specified using parameter specification. Calculation Result Output Example S 2-Pr op Z Interval 2-Prop Z Interv al uses the number of data items to calculate the confidence inter v al f or the deff erence between the propor tion of successes in two populations.
6-38 S 2-Sample t Inter v al 2-Sample t Interval calculates the confidence interval f or the difference betw een two population means when both population standard de viations are unknown. The t inter val is applied to t distribution. P erf or m the f ollowing k ey operations from the statistical data list.
6-39 • (DIST) (NORM) ... Normal distr ib ution (page 6-39) (t) ... Student- t distribution (page 6-41) (CHI) ... C 2 distribution (page 6-42) (F) ... F distribution (page 6-43) (BINM) ... Binomial distr ib ution (page 6-44) ( E ) (POISN) .
6-40 • Nor mal probability density is applied to standard normal distr ib ution. • Specifying Ʊ = 1 and ƫ = 0 specifies standard nor mal distribution.
6-41 T ail: Left upper boundar y of integration inter v al f ( x ) dx = p Upper f ( x ) dx = p Lower f ( x ) dx = p Upper Lower f ( x ) dx = p Upper f ( x ) dx = p.
6-42 • Graphing is suppor ted only when a v ar iab le is specified and a single x -value is entered as data. • In verse Student- t Cumulative Distrib ution (DIST) (t) (InvN) Inv erse S.
6-43 Calculation Result Output Examples When a list is specified Graph when v ar iab le ( x ) is specified • Graphing is suppor ted only when a v ar iab le is specified and a single x -value is entered as data.
6-44 • F Cum ulative Distrib ution (DIST) (F) (FCd) F Cumulativ e Distr ib ution calculates the cumulative probability of an F distribution between a lo wer bound and an upper bound.
6-45 Calculation Result Output Examples When a list is specified When v ariable ( x ) is specified • There is no graphing for Binomial Probability . • Binomial Cumulative Distribution (DIST) �.
6-46 Impor tant! When e xecuting the In verse Binomial Cumulativ e Distribution calculation, the calculator uses the specified Area v alue and the v alue that is one less than the Area value minimum n umber of significant digits ( > Area v alue) to calculate minimum n umber of trials values .
6-47 Calculation Result Output Examples When a list is specified When v ariable ( x ) is specified • There is no graphing for P oisson Cumulative Distribution.
6-48 Calculation Result Output Examples When a list is specified When v ariable ( x ) is specified • There is no graphing for Geometric Probability .
6-49 Impor tant! When e xecuting the In verse Geometric Cumulativ e Distr ib ution calculation, the calculator uses the specified Area v alue and the v alue that is one less than the Area value minimum n umber of significant digits ( > Area v alue) to calculate minimum n umber of trials values .
6-50 • In verse Hypergeometric Cumulative Distribution (DIST) ( E ) (H.GEO) (InvH) Inv erse Hypergeometric Cumulative Distribution calculates the minimum number of trials of a h ypergeometr ic cumulativ e probability distr ib ution for specified v alues.
6-51 Prop (1-Prop Z T est) ..........sample propor tion test conditions (“ x p 0 ” specifies two-tail test, “< p 0 ” specifies lower one-tail test, “> p 0 ” specifies upper one-tail test.
6-52 XList ...................................list f or x -axis data (List 1 to 6) YList ...................................list f or y -axis data (List 1 to 6) C-Le vel ...............................confidence le vel (0 C-Le vel < 1) P ooled .
6-53 9. Statistic Form ula I T est T est 1-Sample Z T est = ( o – 0 )/( / ' ) 2-Sample Z T est = ( o 1 – o 2 )/ ( / 1 ) + ( / 2 ) 2 1 2 2 1-Pro.
6-54 I Confidence Inter v al Confidence Interval Left: confidence inter val lo wer limit (left edge) Right: confidence inter v al upper limit (r ight edge) 1-Sample Z Inter v al �.
6-55 Distribution In verse Cumulative Distrib ution Nor mal Distribution p = p ( x ) dx Upper – p = p ( x ) dx Lower p = p ( x ) dx Upper Lower tail = Left tail = Right tail = Ce.
7-1 Chapter 7 Financial Calculation ( T VM ) Important! • The fx-7400G ɉ is not equipped with the TVM mode. 1. Before Performing Financial Calculations From the Main Menu, enter the TVM mode and display the Financial screen like the one shown below.
7-2 I Graphing in the TVM Mode After performing a financial calculation, you can use (GRPH) to graph the results as shown below. • Pressing (TRCE) while a graph is on the display activates Trace, which can be used to look up other financial values.
7-3 After configuring the parameters, use one of the function menus noted below to perform the corresponding calculation. • { SI } … {simple interest} • { SFV } … {simple future value} • An error (Ma ERROR) occurs if parameters are not configured correctly.
7-4 S I % i (effective interest rate) i (effective interest rate) is calculated using Newton’s Method. PV + As 307 + B s FV =0 To I % from i (effective interest rate) n ............ number of compound periods FV ......... future value I % ......... annual interest rate P/Y .
7-5 After configuring the parameters, use one of the function menus noted below to perform the corresponding calculation. • { n } … {number of compound periods} • { I% } … {annual interest rat.
7-6 Investment appraisal can be used to clearly determine whether an investment is realizing profits that were originally targeted. S NPV n : natural number up to 254 S NFV S IRR In this formula, NPV = 0, and the value of IRR is equivalent to i × 100.
7-7 • An error (Ma ERROR) occurs if parameters are not configured correctly. Use the following function menus to maneuver between calculation result screens. • { REPT } … {parameter input screen} • { GRPH } … {draws graph} After drawing a graph, you can press (TRCE) to turn on trace and read calculation results along the graph.
7-8 BAL 0 = PV ( ,17 1 = 0 and PRN 1 = 307 at beginning of installment term) S Con ver ting between the nominal interest rate and eff ective interest rate The nominal interest rate ( I % value input b.
7-9 • { 3 INT } … {total interest paid from installment PM1 to installment PM2} • { 3 PRN } … {total principal paid from installment PM1 to installment PM2} • { CMPD } … {compound interest screen} • An error (Ma ERROR) occurs if parameters are not configured correctly.
7-10 After configuring the parameters, use one of the function menus noted below to perform the corresponding calculation. • { EFF } … {converts annual percentage rate to effective interest ra.
7-11 Use the following function menu to maneuver between calculation result screens. • { REPT } … {parameter input screen} 8. Day/Date Calculations You can calculate the number of days between two dates, or you can determine what date comes a specific number of days before or after another date.
7-12 9. Depreciation Depreciation lets you calculate the amount that a business expense can be offset by income (depreciated) over a given year. • This calculator supports the following four types of depreciation calculations. straight-line ( SL ), fixed-percentage ( FP ), sum-of-the-years’-digits ( SYD ), or declining-balance ( DB ).
7-13 S Declining-Balance Method (DB) DB j : depreciation charge for the j th year RDV j : remaining depreciable value at the end of j th year I % : depreciation factor Press (DEPR) from the Financial 2 screen to display the following input screen for depreciation calculation.
7-14 An error (Ma ERROR) occurs if parameters are not configured correctly. Use the following function menu to maneuver between calculation result screens. • { REPT } … {parameter input screen} • { TABL } … {displays table} • { GRPH } … {draws graph} 10.
7-15 • For more than one coupon period to redemption S Annual Yield (YLD) YLD is calculated using Newton’s Method. Press (BOND) from the Financial 2 screen to display the following input screen for Bond calculation. ( E ) (BOND) d1 ...
7-16 MEMO Screen • The following describes the meaning of the MEMO screen display items. PRD ... number of days from d1 to d2 N ......... number of coupon payments between settlement date and maturity date A ......... accrued days B ......... number of days from settlement date until next coupon payment date (D−A) D .
8-1 Chapter 8 P rogramming 1. Basic Pr ogramming Steps Commands and calculations are e xecuted sequentially , just like man ual calculation multi- statements. 1. F rom the Main Menu, enter the PRGM mode . When you do , a program list appears on the displa y .
8-2 UU @? U S when A = 10 U V when A = 10 UU @D U S when A = 15 U * 1 V when A = 15 * 1 Pressing U while the program’ s final result is on the displa y e xits the program. • Y ou can also r un a prog ram while in the R U N•M A T (or RUN ) mode b y inputting: Prog "<file name>" U .
8-3 •{ I/O } ... {I/O control/transf er command menu} •{ : } ... {multi-statement command} •{ STR } ... {string command} See “Command Reference” on page 8-7 f or full details on each of these commands. • Pressing K (SET UP) displa ys the mode command menu shown below .
8-4 • Error messages appearing when the program is run • Results that are not within your expectations S T o eliminate bugs that cause error messages An error message, lik e the one shown to the right, appears whene ver something illegal occurs during program e x ecution.
8-5 4. Each press of U or (SRC) causes the cursor to jump to the ne xt instance of the data you specified.* 2 * 1 The message “Not Found” appears when the search data you specify cannot be f ound in the program. * 2 If there are no more instances of the data you specified, the search operation ends.
8-6 - Press ) to clear the error and retur n to the file name editing screen. - Press to clear the input file name and input a new one . I Deleting a Pr ogram S T o delete a specific program 1. While the progr am list is on the displa y , use D and A to mov e the highlighting to the name of the program y ou want to delete.
8-7 5. Command Reference I Command Index Break.................................................... 8-10 CloseCompor t38k ................................ 8-17 ClrGraph ............................................. 8-14 ClrList ........................
8-8 I Basic Op eration Commands ? (Input Command) Function: Prompts f or input of values f or assignment to variables during progr am e xecution. Syntax: ? m <v ariable name>, "<prompt&g.
8-9 I P r o g r a mC o m m a n d s( C O M ) If~Then~(Else~)IfEnd Function: The Then-statement is e xecuted only when the If-condition is true (non-zero). The Else-statement is e xecuted when the If-condition is f alse (0). The IfEnd-statement is alwa ys e xecuted f ollowing either the Then-statement or Else-statement.
8-10 Do~LpWhile Function: This command repeats specific commands as long as its condition is true (non- zero). Syntax: Do _ : ^ <statement> _ : ^ LpWhile <condition> numeric expression P arameters: e xpression Description: • This command repeats the commands contained in the loop as long as its condition is true (non-zero).
8-11 Prog Function: This command specifies e xecution of another progr am as a subroutine. In the R U N•M A T (or RUN ) mode, this command e x ecutes a new progr am.
8-12 I Jump Commands (JUMP) Dsz Function: This command is a count jump that decrements the v alue of a control v ar iab le by 1, and then jumps if the current v alue of the v ar iab le is zero .
8-13 Description: This command increments the v alue of a control v ar iab le by 1, and then tests (checks) it. If the current value is non-zero , ex ecution continues with the ne xt statement.
8-14 I C l e a rC o m m a n d s( C L R ) ClrGraph Function: This command clears the graph screen. Syntax: ClrGraph = Description: This command clears the graph screen during progr am e xecution.
8-15 DrawFTG-Con, Dra wFTG-Plt No parameters Function: This command uses v alues in a generated tab le to graph a function. Description: • This command dra ws a function graph in accordance with conditions defined within the program. • Dra wFTG-Con produces a connect type graph, while Dra wFTG-Plt produces a plot type graph.
8-16 PlotPhase (Not included on the fx-7400G II ) Function: Graphs a phase plot based on numeric sequences that correspond to the x -axis and y -axis. Syntax: PlotPhase < x -axis numeric sequence n.
8-17 Locate Function: This command displa ys alpha-numer ic char acters at a specific location on the te xt screen. Syntax: Locate <column number>, <line number>, <v alue> Locate <.
8-18 Receive38k / Send38k Function: Ex ecutes data send and receive at a data rate of 38 kbps . Syntax: Send38k <e xpression> <variable name> Receiv e38k <list name> Description: • The OpenCompor t38k command must be e xecuted bef ore this command is e xecuted.
8-19 Exp( Function: Conv er ts a string to an expression, and e xecutes the e xpression. Syntax: Exp("<string>"[)] Exp Str( Function: Conv er ts a graph e xpression to a string and assigns it to the specified variable .
8-20 StrMid( Function: Extracts from the n -th to the m -th character of a string. Syntax: StrMid("<string>", n [, m )] (0 n 9999, n is a natural number) Description: Omitting “ m ” will e xtract from the n -th character to the end of the string.
8-21 I Othe r RclCapt Function: Displa yed the contents specified by the capture memory number . Syntax: RclCapt <capture memor y number> (capture memory number : 1 to 20) 6. Using Calculator Functions in Pr ograms I Te x t D i s p l a y Y ou can include te xt in a program b y simply enclosing it between double quotation marks.
8-22 Ex ecuting this program produces the f ollowing result. S T o calculate a scalar multiplication ( > Row) Example 2 T o calculate the pr oduct of Row 2 of the matrix in Example 1 and the scalar 4 The f ollowing is the syntax to use f or this progr am.
8-23 • Graph dra w operation Dr awGr aph = * 1 Input this Y1 with ) (GRPH) (Y) @ (display ed as ). A Syntax ERROR will occur if you input “Y” with the calculator ke ys.
8-24 • Dynamic Graph range 1 m D Star t = 5 m D End = 1 m D pitch = I U s i n gT a b l e&G r a p hF u n c t i o n si naP r o g r a m T ab le & Graph functions in a program can generate n umer ic tab les and perf or m graphing operations .
8-25 • Descending order Sor tD (List 1, List 2, List 3) Lists to be sor ted (up to six can be specified) I U s i n gS t a t i s t i c a lC a l c u l a t i o n sa n dG r a p h si naP r o g r a m Including statistical calculations and graphing oper ations in a program lets you calculate and graph statistical data.
8-26 • The f ollowing is a typical graph condition specification f or a regression gr aph. S-Gph1 Dra wOn, Linear , List 1, List 2, List 3 = The same f or mat can be used f or the f ollowing types of graphs , by simply replacing “Linear” in the abov e specification with the applicable gr aph type.
8-27 • Ex ecuting DrawDistNorm performs the abov e calculation in accordance with the specified conditions and dra ws the graph. At this time the ZLow x ZUp region on the graph is filled in.
8-28 • Ex ecuting DrawDistF perf or ms the abov e calculation in accordance with the specified conditions and dra ws the graph. At this time the Lower x Upper region on the gr aph is filled in. • At the same time, calculation result p is assigned to v ar iab les p and Ans.
8-29 • Sinusoidal regression statistical calculation SinReg List 1, List 2 y -axis data (YList) x -axis data (XList) • Logistic regression statistical calculation LogisticReg List 1, List 2 y -axi.
8-30 • St ude nt- t Distribution tPD(: Retur ns the Student- t probability density ( p v alue) for the specified data. Syntax: tPD( x , df [)] • A single v alue or a list can be specified f or x . Calculation result p is assigned to variab les p and Ans (ListAns when x is a list).
8-31 In vFCD(: Retur ns the in v erse F cum ulative distribution (Lo wer v alue) for the specified data. Syntax: InvFCD( p , ndf , ddf [)] • A single v alue or a list can be specified f or p . The Lower v alue is assigned to the x Inv and Ans v ariables (ListAns when p is a list).
8-32 GeoCD(: Retur ns the geometric cumulativ e distr ib ution ( p value) f or the specified data. Syntax: GeoCD(X,P[)] • A single v alue or a list can be specified f or each X. Calculation result p is assigned to v ariables p and Ans (ListAns when X is a list).
8-33 Syntax: OneSample Z T est " ƫ condition", ƫ 0 , S , List[, F req] Output V alues: Z , p , M , s x , n are assigned respectively to v ar iab les z , p , M , s x , n and to ListAns elements 1 through 5. T woSample Z T est: Executes 2-sample Z -test calculation.
8-34 • Ƶ 2 Te s t ChiGOFT est: Executes a chi-square goodness of fit test. Syntax: ChiGOFT est List 1, List 2, df , List 3 (List 1 is the Obser v ed list, List 2 is the Expected list, and List 3 is the CNTRB list.) Output V alues: Ƶ 2 , p , df are assigned respectively to the v ar iab les with the same names and to ListAns elements 1 through 3.
8-35 I Per f orming Financial Calculations in a Program ( Not avai lab le o n the f x- 7 4 00 G II ) • Setup Commands • Date Mode Setting f or Financial Calculations DateMode365 ....... 365 da ys DateMode360 ....... 360 da ys • P ayment P eriod Setting PmtBgn.
8-36 Syntax: Cmpd_PMT( n , I %, PV , FV , P/Y , C/Y) Cmpd_FV : Retur ns the final input/output amount or total principal and interest. Syntax: Cmpd_FV( n , I %, PV , PMT , P/Y , C/Y) • Cash Flow (In vestment Appraisal) Cash_NPV : Retur ns the net present v alue.
8-37 • Day/Date Calculations Days_Pr d: Retur ns the number of da ys from a specified d1 to specified d2. Syntax: Da ys_Prd(MM1, DD1, YYYY1, MM2, DD2, YYYY2) • Bond Calculations Bond_PRC: Retur ns in list f or m bond prices based on specified conditions.
8-38 RAN G a 0 Sel_a 0 a 1 Sel_a 1 * key Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Command LIST List List _ L m M List m Mat ( Dim Dim_ Fill Fill ( Seq Seq ( Min Min ( Max Max ( Mean Mean ( Med Median ( Aug Augm ent( S.
8-39 NUM Abs Abs_ Int Int _ Fr ac Frac _ Rnd Rnd Intg Intg _ RndFi RndFix ( GCD GCD ( LCM LCM ( MOD MOD ( MOD • E MOD_ Ex p ( ANGL o o r r g g o ’’ ’ Pol ( Pol( Rec ( Rec ( DMS DMS ESY.
8-40 ) (P R GM) k e y Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Command COM If If_ Then The n_ Else Else _ I-En d IfEnd For For_ To _To_ Step _Step_ Next Nex t Whle Whi le_ WEnd Whi leEnd Do Do Lp-W LpWh ile_ CTL P.
8-41 ST YL } SketchN orma l _ — Sketch Thick _ ····· SketchBroken_ ······ SketchDot_ B ASE Program (M EN U) k e y Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Command d~o d d h h b b o o LOG N eg Neg_ Not.
8-42 8. Pr ogram Librar y • Be sure to check how many b ytes of unused memor y are remaining bef ore attempting to perf or m any progr amming. Progr am Na me Prime Factori zat ion Description This program contin ually divides a natural number by f actors until all its prime factors are produced.
8-43 Pr ogram Name Ellipse Description This program displa ys a number tab le of the follo wing values based on input of the f oci of an ellipse, the sum of the distance betw een the loci and f oci, and the pitch (step size) of X.
9-1 Chapter 9 Spreadsheet The Spreadsheet application provides y ou with powerful, tak e-along-anywhere spreadsheet capabilities. All of the operations in this section are perf or med in the S • SHT mode. Impor tant! • The fx-7400G II and fx-9750G II are not equipped with the S • SHT mode.
9-2 •{ DEL } ... Displa ys the f ollowing DEL (delete) submenu. •{ RO W } / { COL } / { ALL } •{ INS } ... Displa ys the f ollowing INS (inser t) submenu. •{ RO W } / { COL } •{ CLR } ... Clears the content from a selected range of cells. •{ GRPH } .
9-3 S T o open a file 1. Press (FILE) (OPEN). 2. On the file list that appears , use D and A to select the file you w ant and then press U . S A uto Save In the S • SHT mode, A uto Sav e sav es the currently open file automatically whenev er you edit it.
9-4 I Using the Cell Cursor The cell cursor shows the cell that is selected on a spreadsheet. The highlighted cell is the one that is currently selected by the cell cursor . Cell cursor Edit bo x When a single cell is selected by the cell cursor , the contents of that cell are displa yed in the edit bo x.
9-5 S Using the JUMP Command to Mo ve the Cell Cursor T o mo ve the cell cursor to here: Do this: A par ticular cell 1. Press (EDIT) (JUMP) (GO). 2. On the dialog bo x that appears, enter the name of the cell (A1 to Z999) to which you w ant to jump .
9-6 S T o edit cell data 1. Mo v e the cell cursor to the cell whose contents y ou want to edit. 2. Press (EDIT) (CELL). • Cell contents in the edit bo x will change from align left to align right. A te xt cursor will appear in the edit bo x so you can edit its contents .
9-7 Item Description Expr Input the function e xpression f ( x ) for generating the n umber sequence. Example: ? (X) V @ U (X 2 + 1) V ar Input the v ariable name used in the function e xpression input for Expr .
9-8 I Inputting a Form ula into a Cell F or the sake of e xample, let’ s tr y making a tab le that contains data based on the formula <PRICE> s <QU ANTITY> = <T O T AL>.
9-9 S T o input a cell reference name using direct input Mov e the cell cursor to cell B1 and then perform the f ollowing oper ation. ?T (A) @D U S T o input a cell reference name using the GRAB command Mov e the cell cursor to cell B1 and then perform the f ollowing oper ation.
9-10 I Copying and P asting Cell Contents Y ou can cop y the contents of one or more cells and paste them into another location. Once you perf or m the cop y operation, y ou can cop y the contents to multiple locations, if y ou want. S T o copy and paste spreadsheet data 1.
9-11 Cutting the B1:C1 range of cells that includes the f or mula =B1+5 and pasting it into B2:C2. The f or mula pasted into C2 is changed to =B2+5 in order to maintain the relationship with the cell to the left, which was also par t of the pasted r ange.
9-12 S T o input the same form ula into a range of cells 1. Select the range of cells into which y ou want to input the same f or mula. • In this e xample we will assume the B1:B3 is selected. See “T o select a range of cells” (page 9-5). 2 Press (EDIT) ( E ) (FILL).
9-13 1. Select one or more cells inside the ro w(s) or column(s) you w ant to delete. • If you w ant to delete lines 2 through 4, for e xample, y ou could select A2:B4, C2:C4, or any other range of cells that includes the lines to be deleted. • If you w ant to delete columns A and B, f or example , you could select A1:B1, A2:B4, etc.
9-14 3. Using Special S • SHT Mode Commands The S • SHT mode has a number of special commands lik e CellSum(, which retur ns the sum of a range of cells , and CellIf(, which specifies branching conditions . These special commands can be used inside of f or mulas.
9-15 CellProd( (Product of Cells) Retur ns the product of the data in a specified r ange of cells. Input Ke y Operation: (CEL) (Prod) Syntax: CellProd(star t cell:end cell[)] Example: =CellProd(B3:B5) Retur ns the product of the data in cell r ange B3:B5.
9-16 I Example of Statistical Graph Operations (GRPH Menu) Input the f ollowing data and dra w a statistical gr aph (scatter plot in this e xample). 0.5, 1.2, 2.4, 4.0, 5.2 ( x -axis data) –2.1, 0.3, 1.5, 2.0, 2.4 ( y -axis data) S T o input data and draw a statistical graph (scatter plot) 1.
9-17 • The number of columns y ou select in step 1 will deter mine what inf or mation is input automatically on the general gr aph settings screen. If y ou select this number of columns: This inform.
9-18 S T o perform paired-v ariable statistical calculations and regression calculations 1. Input the abo v e x -data into cells A1:A5 of the spreadsheet and the y -data into cells B2:B5, and then select the range of the cells where y ou input the data (A1: B5).
9-19 • The f ollowing describes each of the setting items for this screen. Item Description 1V ar XCell 1V ar F req The cell range data specified here is used f or variable x and F requency values when perf or ming single-v ar iab le statistical calculations.
9-20 5. S • SHT Mode Memory Y ou can use the calculator’ s diff erent types of memor y (v ar iab les, list memor y , file memor y , matrix memor y) to store data, and recall data from a memor y into the spreadsheet. I Saving Spreadsheet Data to a Memory The f ollowing table sho ws an ov er vie w of the store operations for each type of memory .
9-21 4. Input the List number (1 to 26) of the list memory where you w ant to store the data and then press U . • P erf or ming the ne xt step will ov erwrite any data currently stored under the list memor y number y ou specified here with the data in the range of cells specified by “CellRange”.
10-1 Chapter 10 eActivity Y ou can use the eActivity mode to input data into an eActivity file. Y ou can input te xt and numeric e xpressions, and also paste data (lik e graphs , tables , etc.) from the calculator’ s built- in applications as “str ips”.
10-2 The f ollowing e xplains the type of data y ou can input and edit in an eActivity file. T e xt line ................. A text line can be used to input char acters, numbers, and e xpressions as te xt. Calculation line...... Use the calculation line to enter an ex ecutable calculation f or mula.
10-3 •{ INS } ... Displa ys the f ollowing inser t submenu, f or inser ting a new line abov e the line that is currently selected or where the cursor is located. •{ TEXT } ... Inser ts a te xt line. •{ CALC } ... Inser ts a calculation line. •{ ST OP } .
10-4 S T o open a file Use D and A to highlight the file you w ant to open, and then press (OPEN) or U *. * If an error occurs, delete capture memor y and clipboard data, or tr ansf er the data to your computer . S T o delete a file 1. Use D and A to highlight the file you w ant to delete, and then press (DEL).
10-5 I Inputting into a T e xt Line Use a te xt line to input alphanumer ic char acters, e xpressions, etc. S Inputting character s and expressions as text 1. Mo v e the cursor to a te xt line. • While the cursor is in a te xt line, “TEXT” will be displa yed f or the F3 function menu item.
10-6 I Inputting into a Calculation Line Inputting a calculation e xpression into an eActivity calculation line and pressing U will display the calculation result in the f ollowing line. Such a calculation line can be used in the same wa y as the RUN • MA T mode (page 1-3).
10-7 S Matrix Calculations Using the Matrix Editor Selecting { MA T} on the function menu displa ys the Matrix Editor . Matrix Editor operations and matrix calculations in the eActivity mode are the fundamentally identical to those in the RUN • MA T mode.
10-8 Strip Data T ype T able Data T ype Strip Name RUN • MA T mode calculation data (When the RU N • MA T mode is called from an eActivity , it star ts up in the natural input mode.
10-9 2. Press (STRP). • This will displa y a dialog box with a list if inser tab le strips. For inf or mation about the displa y names and data types that appear on this dialog bo x, see the “Strip Data T ype T able” (page 10-8). 3. Use A and D to select the strip that corresponds to the type of data you want to insert.
10-10 S Notes Strips “Notes” is a special eActivity text editor that comes in handy when y ou want to write long te xt e xplanations on the wor kspace screen. Y ou can call up the Notes screen from a Notes strip on the workspace screen. Input and editing operations on the Notes screen are identical to those you use f or an eActivity te xt line.
10-11 u T o switc h from an application screen called up fr om a strip to another application screen Press ! , ( , ). On the dialog box that appears, use c and f to select the name of an application and then press w . u T o display the strip memory usage screen 1.
10-12 u T o replace the existing file with the ne w version Press 1 (FILE) 1 (SAVE) to save the currently open file. u T o save a file under a ne w name 1. On the eActivity workspace screen, press 1 (FILE) 2 (SV-AS). • This will display a file name input screen.
10-13 T o do this: Press this key: Overwrite the existing eActivity file with the edited version and return to the file list 1 (Yes) Return to the file list without saving the file you are currently e.
11-1 Chapter 11 Memory Manager fx-7400G II /fx-9750G II These models support the following data operations: data display, search, and delete. Impor tant! fx-7400G II /fx-9750G II calculators are not equipped with storage memory or an SD card slot. Because of this, the storage memory and SD card memory operations described below are not supported.
11-2 I Memory Information Screen The memor y inf or mation screen shows inf or mation about one memory at a time: the calculator’ s main memor y or storage memory , or the SD card memor y . • Since an fx-7400G II or fx-9750G II calculator has only main memor y , main memor y contents only appear on the main memor y inf or mation screen.
11-3 The f ollowing data can be check ed. Main Memory Data Name Contents ALPHA MEM Alpha letter v ariables <CAPTURE> Capture memor y group CAPT n ( n = 1 to 20) Capture memory CONICS* 1 Conics s.
11-4 Storage Memory , SD Card * 1 Data Name Contents *.g1m or .g2m file names Data items listed in the Main Memor y tab le that has been copied to storage memory or an SD card. The names of these files hav e the e xtension “.g1m” or “.g2m”. eActivity data names eActivity data stored in storage memor y or on an SD card.
11-5 3. Input up to eight characters f or the name you w ant to give to the f older . • Only the f ollowing characters are suppor ted: A through Z, {, }, ’, ~, 0 through 9 Inputting any in valid character will cause an “In v alid Name” error .
11-6 I Copying Data Impor tant! • Data cop y is not suppor ted on an fx-7400G II or fx-9750G II calculator . S T o copy from main memory to storage memory Note • The f ollowing procedure sav es the selected data into a single file. Y ou assign a name to the file, which is stored in stor age memor y .
11-7 I Err or Chec ks During Data Copy The f ollowing error checks are perf or med while a data cop y operation is being e xecuted. Low battery chec k The calculator perf or ms low battery check bef ore star ting the data copy operation. If the batter y is at Le vel 1, a lo w batter y error occurs and the copy oper ation is not performed.
11-8 I Deleting Files S T o delete a main memor y file 1. Displa y the main memor y inf or mation screen. • See “Memor y Information Screen” on page 11-2. 2. Select the file(s) y ou want to delete. Y ou can select multiple files, if y ou want. 3.
11-9 • The first file name that begins with the letter “R” appears highlighted on displa y . • Y ou can input up to eight characters f or the ke yword. S T o search f or a file in the storage memor y Example T o sear ch f or all files in the storage memor y whose names begin with the letter “S” 1.
11-10 2. Press (SA VE). This displa ys the sav e location selection screen (fx-9860G II SD only). • @ ... storage memor y • A ... SD card 3. Press @ or A (fx-9860G II SD only). This displa ys a folder selection screen. 4. Use D and A to select the f older where you want to sa ve the data.
11-11 4. Use D and A to select a f older . 5. Press U .* 1 • A message appears to confir m whether or not y ou really want to restore the bac ked up data. * 1 The message “No Data” will appear if there is no backup data stored in memory . Pressing ) will retur n the screen in step 1.
12-1 Chapter 12 System Manager Use the System Manager to view system inf or mation and mak e system settings. 1. Using the System Manager F rom the Main Menu, enter the SYSTEM mode and displa y the follo wing menu items. • ( ) ... {display contr ast adjustment} • ( ) .
12-2 S T o specify the backlight key (f or models equipped with a backlight onl y) 1. While the initial SYSTEM mode screen is displa yed, press ( ) to displa y the P ower Proper ties setting screen. 2. Use D and A to select “Backlight Setting”.
12-3 • Press (MSG) to retur n to the Message Language selection screen. 5. Press ) or ) (QUIT) to return to the initial SYSTEM mode screen. I V ersion List Use VER (v ersion) to displa y the operating system version. Y ou can also register the user name you w ant.
12-4 Pressing ( E ) on the abov e screen displays the Reset Screen 2 sho wn below . • (M&S) ... {main memor y data and storage memor y data clear}* • (ALL) ... {all memor y clear}* • (SD) ... {SD card format} (fx-9860G II SD only) * Not included on the fx-7400G II /fx-9750G II .
13-1 Chapter 13 Data Comm unications This chapter tells you everything you need to know to transfer programs between two CASIO Power Graphic calculators connected using the cable that is equipped as a standard accessory.
13-2 * 1 With the fx-9860G II SD, fx-9860G II, and fx-9860G AU PLUS, use the Program-Link Software and USB cable that comes with the calculator. For the fx-9750G II and fx-7400G II , you will need to purchase the separately available FA-124. 3. P erf orming a Data Comm unication Operation From the Main Menu, enter the LINK mode.
13-3 • (ScreenRecv) ... {mode selection for sending calculator screen images to PC using fx- 9860G Manager PLUS Screen Receiv er function} T o transf er data between a PC and calculator memory , press . Use ke ys through to select the appropr iate mode f or sending the calculator screen image to an e xter nal de vice.
13-4 Only items that contain data appear on the data item selection screen. If there are too many data items to fit on a single screen, the list scrolls when you mo ve the cursor to the bottom line of the items on the screen. S T o execute a send operation After selecting the data items to send, press (TRAN).
13-5 1. On the receiv er’ s data communication main menu, press (W AKE). This displa ys the W akeup setting screen. •{ On } ... {tur ns W akeup on} •{ Off } ... {tur ns W akeup off} 2. Press (On). This tur ns on W akeup and returns of the data communication main menu.
13-6 Data Item Contents Overwrite Chec k * 1 RECURSION* Recursion data No SETUP Setup data No ST A T Stat result data No <STRING> String memor y group STR n String memor y (1 to 20) data No SYSTEM OS and data shared by applications (clipboard, repla y , histor y , etc.
13-7 k Exchanging Data with another Model Calculator In this section, the term “OS 2.0 calculators” refers to the following models. • fx-9860G II SD, fx-9860G II , fx-9860G AU PLUS, fx-9750G II , fx-7400G II • fx-9860G SD, fx-9860G and fx-9860G AU whose operating systems have been updated to Version 2.
13-8 - Clipboard and history data (Including the “SYSTEM” data item.) - e • ACT mode data* 1 - S • SHT mode data* 1 * 1 Can be transferred from an fx-9860G II SD, fx-9860G II , fx-9860G AU PLUS, fx-9860G SD (OS 2.0), fx-9860G (OS 2.0) or fx-9860G AU (OS 2.
13-9 Complex Number in data - Matrix data includes an element containing a complex number* 1 - List data includes an element containing a complex number - EQU A mode simultaneous equation input data h.
13-10 The following data is not sent from the OS 2.0 calculator or is disregarded when received by the fx-7400G series calculator • Any alpha memory variable (A to Z, r , ) with a complex number assigned • Answer Memory • Capture memory data • Clipboard, replay, and history data (Including the “SYSTEM” data item.
13-11 • The following numeric expressions input in the Math input/output mode are converted to Linear input/output mode before being sent. - Graph expressions registered in the D YNA mode and RECUR .
13-12 • (Recv)* ... {mode selection for sending calculator screen images to PC using fx-9860G Manager PLUS Screen Receiv er function (auto screen image send tur ned on)} * Not included on the fx-7400G II .
13-13 I A uto Screen Image Send to an OHP Unit (Not av ailable on the fx-7400G II ) The f ollowing procedure sends the screen of this calculator to an OHP unit at fix ed inter v als.
13-14 S T o project calculator screen contents from a projector 1. Use the USB cab le that comes with the calculator to connect to the projector (or YP-100 unit). • Connecting the USB cable to the calculator will cause the “Select Connection Mode” dialog bo x to appear .
14-1 Chapter 14 Using SD Car ds (fx-9860G ɉ SD onl y) Y ou can use SD cards to store calculator data. Y ou can cop y main memor y and storage memory data to and from an SD card. Impor tant! • Alwa ys use an SD memor y card. Operation is not guaranteed when another type of memor y card is used.
14-2 S T o inser t an SD card 1. Orient the SD card so its back is f acing upwards (in the same direction as the calculator ke yboard). 2. Carefully inser t the SD card into the calculator’ s SD card slot. Impor tant! • Ne ver inser t anything other than SD cards into the SD card slot.
14-3 2. Formatting an SD Car d • Use the procedure under “Reset” (page 12-3) to f or mat an SD card. 3. SD Car d Precautions during Use • SD card problems can normally be corrected by ref or matting the card. Howe v er , it is alwa ys a good idea to take along more than one SD card to a void data stor age prob lems.
A -1 Appendix 1. Err or Message T able Message Meaning Countermeasure Syntax ERROR • Illegal syntax • Attempt to input an illegal command • Press ) to display the error and make necessary corrections. Ma ERROR • Calculation result exceeds the displa y range.
A -2 Message Meaning Countermeasure Argument ERROR • Incorrect argument specification f or a command that requires an argument. • Correct the argument. Dimension ERROR • Illegal dimension used dur ing matrix or list calculations. • Check the matrix or list dimension.
A -3 Message Meaning Countermeasure Can’t Solv e! Adjust initial v alue or bounds. Then tr y again • A Solve calculation could not obtain a solution within the specified range . • Change the specified range. • Correct the input expression. No V ar iab le No v ariable specified within a gr aph function being used f or Dynamic Graph.
A -4 Message Meaning Countermeasure Time Out • A Solve calculation or integ ration calculation was unab le to satisfy conv ergence conditions. • If you are perf or ming a Solv e calculation, tr y changing to the initial def ault estimated value. • If you are perf or ming an integration calculation, try changing to a larger tol v alue.
A -5 2. Input Ranges Function Input range for real number solutions Internal digits Precision Notes sin x cos x tan x (DEG) | x | < 9 s (10 9 )° (RAD) | x | < 5 s 10 7 P rad (GRA) | x | < 1 s 10 10 grad 15 digits As a rule, precision is p 1 at the 10th digit.
A -6 Function Input range for real number solutions Internal digits Precision Notes ° ’ ” k} ° ’ ” | a |, b , c < 1 s 10 100 0 b , c 15 digits As a rule, precision is p 1 at the 10th digit.
E-CON2 Application.
20051101 All of the explanations provided here assume that you are already familiar with the operating precautions, terminology , and operational procedures of the calculator and the EA-200.
20051101 1-1 E-CON2 Overview 1 E-CON2 Overview • From the Main Menu, select E-CON2 to enter the E-CON2 Mode. • The “E-CON2 Mode” provides the functions listed below for simple and more ef ficient data sampling using the CASIO EA-200. • 1 (SET) .
20051101 2 Using the Setup Wizard This section explains how to use the Setup Wizard to configure the EA-200 setup quickly and easily simply by replying to questions as they appear . If you need more control over specific sampling parameters, you should consider using the Advanced Setup procedure on page 3-1.
20051101 u T o configure an EA-200 setup using Setup W izard Before getting started... • Before starting the procedure below , make sure you first decide if you want to start sampling immediately using the setup you configure with Setup Wizard, or if you want to store the setup for later sampling.
20051101 2-3 Using the Setup Wizard • If the “Input T otal Sampling Interval” screen appears, skip to step 6. 5. Select the options for the sensor you specified in step 4. Use the f and c cursor keys to move the highlighting to the option you want to select, and then press w .
20051101 8. Use number keys b through e to specify the unit for the value you specified in step 6. • This displays a confirmation screen like the one shown below . 2-4 Using the Setup Wizard 7. After inputting total sampling time value you want, press w .
20051101 2-5 Using the Setup Wizard k Using Setup Wizard to Configure Settings for FFT (Frequency Characteristics) Data Sampling When you perform sound sampling executed the EA-200’s built-in microp.
20051101 2-6 Using the Setup Wizard k Using Setup Wizard to Configure a PhotoGate Setup Connection of a V ernier PhotoGate requires configuration of setup parameters that are slightly dif ferent from parameters for other types of sensors. u u u u u T o configure a setup for PhotoGate alone 1.
20051101 2-7 Using the Setup Wizard 5. Input an integer in the range of 1 to 255 to specify the number of samples. 6. Perform step 10 under “T o configure an EA-200 setup using Setup Wizard” on page 2-2 to finalize the procedure. u u u u u T o configure a setup for PhotoGate and Smart Pulley 1.
20051101 2-8 Using the Setup Wizard k Outputting the W aveform of a Function through the Speaker Normally , the Setup Wizard helps you configure setups for sensors connected to the EA-200.
20051101 2-9 Using the Setup Wizard 7. Press 6 (DRA W) to graph the function. • This graphs the function and displays a vertical cursor line as shown below .
20051101 2-10 Using the Setup Wizard 14. Perform one of the following operations, depending on what you want to do. T o change the output frequency and try again: Press 1 (Y es) to return to the “Output Frequency” dialog box. Next, repeat the above steps from step 10.
20051101 3 Using Advanced Setup Advanced Setup provides you with total control over a number of parameters that you can adjust to configure the EA-200 setup that suits your particular needs.
20051101 3-2 Using Advanced Setup • d (T rigger) ...... Displays a screen for configuring sampling start (trigger) conditions. See “T rigger Setup” on page 3-8 for more information. • e (Graph) ....... Displays a screen for configuring graph settings.
20051101 3-3 Using Advanced Setup k Channel Setup The Channel Setup screen shows the sensors that are currently assigned to each channel (CH1, CH2, CH3, SONIC, Mic). u u u u u T o configure Channel Setup settings 1. While the Advanced Setup menu (page 3-1) is on the display , press b (Channel).
20051101 3-4 Using Advanced Setup • From the menu that appears after you select “Photogate” as the sensor , select [Gate] or [Pulley]. [Gate] ............... Select this option when using the PhotoGate sensor alone. [Pulley] ............. Select this option when using the PhotoGate sensor along with a smart pulley .
20051101 3-5 Using Advanced Setup k Sample Setup The Sample Setup screen lets you configure a number of settings that control sampling. u u u u u T o configure Sample Setup settings 1. While the Advanced Setup menu (page 3-1) is on the display , press c (Sample).
20051101 3-6 Using Advanced Setup 4. T o change the number of samples setting, move the highlighting to “Number”. Next, press 1 to display a dialog box for specifying the number of samples. • Y ou can specify a value in the range of 10 to 30,000.
20051101 3-7 Using Advanced Setup 6. After all the settings are the way you want, press w . • This returns to the Advanced Setup menu. Note • Whenever the current Channel Setup (page 3-3) and T ri.
20051101 3-8 Using Advanced Setup The following table describes each of the six available trigger sources. Note The trigger sources you can select depends on the sampling mode selected with the Sample Setup (page 3-5).
20051101 3-9 Using Advanced Setup • The trigger source is always “[EXE] key” when the sampling mode is “Extended”, and “CH1” when the sampling mode is “Clock” or “Period”. u u u u u T o configure T rigger Setup settings 1. While the Advanced Setup menu (page 3-1) is on the display , press d (T rigger).
20051101 If this is the trigger source: Do this next: [EXE] key Press w to finalize T rigger Setup and return to the Advanced Setup menu. Count Down Specify the countdown start time. See “T o specify the countdown start time” below . CH1 Specify the trigger threshold value and trigger edge direction.
20051101 3-1 1 Using Advanced Setup u u u u u T o specify the trigger threshold value and trigger edge type Perform the following steps when “Fast”, “Normal”, or “Clock” is specified as the sampling mode (page 3-5). 1. Move the highlighting to “Threshold”.
20051101 3-12 Using Advanced Setup u u u u u T o configure PhotoGate trigger start and end settings Perform the following steps when CH1 is selected as a Photogate trigger source. 1. Move the highlighting to “Start to”. 2. Press one of the function keys described below .
20051101 3-13 Using Advanced Setup T o specify this graph source data name display setting: Press this key: Display source data name 1 (On) Hide source data name 2 (Of f) k Graph Setup Use the Graph Setup screen to configure settings for the graph produced after sampling is complete.
20051101 3-14 Using Advanced Setup T o specify this real-time scrolling setting: Pr ess this key: Real-time scrolling on 1 (On) Real-time scrolling off 2 (Of f) 5. T o change the real-time scroll setting, use the f and c cursor keys to move the highlighting to “RealScroll”.
20051101 4 Using a Custom Probe Y ou can use the procedures in this section to configure a custom probe for use with the EA- 200. The term “custom probe” means any sensor other than the CASIO or V ernier sensors specified as standard for the E-CON2 Mode.
20051101 4-2 Using a Custom Probe 6. Use the function keys described below to configure the custom probe setup. • T o change the setting of an item, first use the f and c cursor keys to move the highlighting to the item. Next, use the function keys to select the setting you want.
20051101 k Auto Calibrating a Custom Probe Auto calibration automatically corrects the slope and intercept values of a custom probe setup based on two actual samples. Important! • Before performing the procedure below , you should prepare two conditions whose measurement values are known.
20051101 4-4 Using a Custom Probe 4. After the sampled value stabilizes, hold down w for a few seconds. • This will register the first sampled value and display it on the screen. At this time the cursor will appear at the bottom of the display , ready for input of a reference value.
20051101 8. Press w , and then input a memory number from 1 to 99. • This saves the custom probe setup and returns to the custom probe list. k Zero Adjusting a Custom Probe This procedure zero adjusts a custom probe and sets its intercept value based on an actual sample using the applicable custom probe.
20051101 4. At the point your want to perform zero adjustment (the point that the displayed value is the appropriate zero adjust value), press w . • This will return to the custom probe setup screen. • The E-CON2 will set the intercept value automatically based on the sampled value.
20051101 5-1 Using the MUL TIMETER Mode 5 Using the MUL TIMETER Mode Y ou can use the Channel Setup screen (page 3-3) to configure a channel so that EA-200 MUL TIMETER Mode sampling is triggered by a calculator operation. u u u u u T o use the MUL TIMETER Mode 1.
20051101 6-1 Using Setup Memory 6 Using Setup Memory Creating EA-200 setup data using the Setup Wizard or Advanced Setup causes the data to be stored in the “current setup memory area”. The current contents of the current setup memory area are overwritten whenever you create other setup data.
20051101 2. If you are starting from the final Setup Wizard screen, press c (Save Setup-MEM). If you are starting from another screen, press 2 (SA VE). • This displays the screen for inputting the setup name. 6-2 Using Setup Memory 3. Input up to 18 characters for the setup name.
20051101 u T o recall a setup and use it for sampling Be sure to perform the following steps before starting sampling with the EA-200. 1. Connect the calculator to the EA-200. 2. Turn on EA-200 power . 3. In accordance with the setup you plan to use, connect the proper sensor to the appropriate EA-200 channel.
20051101 u T o delete setup data 1. On the E-CON2 main menu (page 1-1), press 2 (MEM) to display the setup memory list. 2. Use the f and c cursor keys to highlight the name of the setup you want. 3. Press 4 (DEL). 4. In response to the confirmation message that appears, press 1 (Y es) to delete the setup.
20051101 7 Using Program Converter Program Converter converts an EA-200 setup you configured using Setup Wizard or Advanced Setup to a program that can run on the calculator . Y ou can also use Program Converter to convert a setup to a CFX-9850 Series/fx-7400 Series-compatible program.
20051101 2. Enter up to eight characters for the program name. Note Using the program converter initial default settings will create a program like the one below .
20051101 5. If you plan to use a custom probe connected to CH1 of the Data Analyzer , specify whether calibration or zero adjust should be performed. Perform one of the following key operations to configure the desired setting. • The operation you specify will appear in line “F3:” of the program converter screen.
20051101 k Converting a CFX-9850 Series Program to a fx-9860 Series Compatible Program T o use an EA-200 control program created on the CFX-9850 Series calculator (for use on the CFX-9850) on the E-CON2, you need to convert the program to an fx-9860 program.
20051101 5. Enter up to eight characters for the program name. • If you want to password protect the program, perform steps 6 and 7 under “T o convert a setup to a program” after inputting the program name. 6. Press w to start conversion of the program.
20051101 8 Starting a Sampling Operation The section describes how to use a setup configured using the E-CON2 Mode to start an EA-200 sampling operation. k Before getting started... Be sure to perform the following steps before starting sampling with the EA-200.
20051101 u T o start sampling 1. Start the sampling operation by performing one of the function key operations described below . ✔ If the final Setup W izard screen (page 2-4) is on the display , press b (Start Setup). ✔ If the Advanced Setup menu (page 3-1) is on the display , press 1 (STR T).
20051101 8-3 Starting a Sampling Operation Mode Real-time Fast Normal Sound Extended Period Clock 1. EA-200 Setup 2. Start Standby 3. Sampling 4. Graphing Star ts Sampling • The screen shown below appears when CH1, SONIC , or Mic is used as the trigger .
20051101 9-1 Using Sample Data Memory 9 Using Sample Data Memory Performing an EA-200 sampling operation from the E-CON2 Mode causes sampled results to be stored in the “current data area” of E-CON2 memory .
20051101 4. Enter up to 18 characters for the data file name, and then press w . • This displays a dialog box for inputting a memory number . 5. Enter a memory number in the range of 1 to 99, and then press w . • This saves the sample data at the location specified by the memory number you input.
20051101 u u u u u T o rename an existing sample data file Note • Y ou cannot use this procedure to rename a current data file name. 1. On the E-CON2 main menu (page 1-1), press 5 (GRPH). • This displays the Graph Mode screen. 2. Press 2 (DA T A).
20051101 10-1 Using the Graph Analysis T ools to Graph Data 10 Using the Graph Analysis T ools to Graph Data Graph Analysis tools make it possible to analyze graphs drawn from sampled data. k Accessing Graph Analysis T ools Y ou can access Graph Analysis tools using either of the two methods described below .
20051101 k Selecting an Analysis Mode and Drawing a Graph This section contains a detailed procedure that covers all steps from selecting an analysis mode to drawing a graph. Note • Step 4 through step 6 are not essential and may be skipped, if you want.
20051101 b. Repeat step a to turn each of the graphs listed on the Graph Mode screen on or off. 6. Select the graph style you want to use. a. On the Graph Mode screen, use the f and c cursor keys to move the highlighting to the graph (Gph1, Gph2, etc.
20051101 10-4 Using the Graph Analysis T ools to Graph Data Graph Screen b. Use the function keys to specify the graph style you want. c. Repeat a and b to specify the style for each of the graphs on the Graph Mode screen. 7. On the Graph Mode screen, press 6 (DRA W) or w .
20051101 1 1-1 Graph Analysis T ool Graph Screen Operations 11 Graph Analysis T ool Graph Screen Operations This section explains the various operations you can perform on the graph screen after drawing a graph.
20051101 k Scrolling the Graph Screen Press the cursor keys while the graph screen is on the display scrolls the graph left, right, up, or down. Note • The cursor keys perform different operations besides scrolling while a trace or graph operation is in progress.
20051101 1 1-3 Graph Analysis T ool Graph Screen Operations k Using T race T race displays a crosshair pointer on the displayed graph along with the coordinates of the current cursor position. Y ou can use the cursor keys to move the pointer along the graph.
20051101 4. Press w to assign the period and periodic frequency values to Alpha-Memory variables. • This displays a dialog box for specifying variable names for [Period] and [Frequency] values. • The initial default variable name settings are “S” for the period and “H” for the periodic frequency .
20051101 3. Press w . • This causes the magnifying glass to disappear and enters the zoom mode. • The cursor keys perform the following operations in the zoom mode.
20051101 5. After everything is the way you want, press w . • This saves the lists and the message “Complete!” appears. Press w to return to the graph screen. • For details about using list data, see the manual that comes with the fx-9860G SD/fx- 9860G calculator .
20051101 4. Move the trace pointer to the end point of the range for which you want to perform Fourier series expansion, and then press w . • This displays a dialog box for specifying the start degree of the Fourier series. 5. Input a value in the range of 1 to 99, and then press w .
20051101 k Performing Regression Y ou can use the procedure below to perform regression for a range specified using the trace pointer . All of the following regression types are supported: Linear , Med-Med, Quadratic, Cubic, Quartic, Logarithmic, Exponential, Power , Sine, and Logistic.
20051101 5. Press 6 (DRA W). • This draws a quadratic regression graph and overlays it over the original graph. • T o delete the overlaid quadratic regression graph, press !4 (SKTCH) and then 1 (Cls).
20051101 4. After the graph function list settings are configured the way you want, press 6 (DRAW). • This overlays graphs of all the functions for which graphing is turned on, over the graph that was originally on the graph screen. 1 1-10 Graph Analysis T ool Graph Screen Operations 2.
20051101 1 1-1 1 Graph Analysis T ool Graph Screen Operations 3. Use the f and c cursor keys to cycle through the graphs until the one you want is displayed, and then press w . • This enters the zoom mode and causes all of the graphs to reappear , along with a magnifying glass cursor ( ) in the center of the screen.
20051101 2. Move the trace pointer to the start point of the range you want to output from the speaker , and then press w . 1 1-12 Graph Analysis T ool Graph Screen Operations / 5.
20051101 4. Input a percent value for the output frequency value you want. • The output frequency specification is a percent value. T o output the original sound as-is, specify 100%. T o raise the original sound by one octave, input a value of 200%.
20051101 1 1-14 Graph Analysis T ool Graph Screen Operations k Configuring V iew Window Parameters Pressing !3 (V -Window) while the graph screen is on the display displays a View Window function key menu along the bottom of the display . Press the function key that corresponds to the V iew Window parameter you want to configure.
20051101 12-1 Calling E-CON2 Functions from an eActivity 12 Calling E-CON2 Functions from an eActivity Y ou can call E-CON2 functions from an eActivity by including an “Econ strip” in the eActivity file. The following describes each of the four available Econ strips.
20051101 k Inserting an Econ Strip into an eActivity File The following procedure assumes that the eActivity file into which you want to insert the Econ strip is already open.
20051101 6. Press w to assign the title to the strip. • This will highlight the strip. • Y ou can execute the strip here by pressing w . For details about operations that are required when you execute a strip, see “Calling an E-CON2 Function from an Econ Strip” below .
20051101 3. Perform the procedure under “T o configure an EA-200 setup using Setup Wizard” (page 2-2) from step 3 to set up the EA-200 and execute sampling. Note • In the case of the Econ SetupWizard strip, only the “1: Start Setup” is available on the “Complete!” dialog box.
20051101 u u u u u T o execute sampling from an Econ Sampling strip 1. On the eActivity workspace screen, use the f and c keys to move the highlighting to the Econ Sampling strip.
20051101 8. Press w . • This will set up the EA-200 in accordance with the setup data registered in the Econ Sampling strip. The message “Start sampling?” appears on the screen after EA-200 set up is complete.
20051101 u u u u u Econ Strip Memory Capacity Precautions • The memory capacity of each Econ strip is 25 KB. An error will occur if you perform an operation that causes this capacity to be exceeded. Particular care is required when handling a large number of samples, which can cause memory capacity to be exceeded.
Manuf acturer : CASIO COMPUTER CO ., L TD . 6-2, Hon-machi 1-chome Shibuy a-ku, T okyo 151-8543, J apan Responsible within the European Union: CASIO EUROPE GmbH Casio-Platz 1 22848 Norderstedt, Germany This mark applies in EU countries only.
CASIO COMPUTER CO ., L TD . 6-2, Hon-machi 1-chome Shibuya-ku, T okyo 151-8543, Japan One or more of the following patents may be used in the pr oduct.
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Wenn Sie Casio FX-9750G noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Casio FX-9750G - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Casio FX-9750G reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Casio FX-9750G erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
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Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Casio FX-9750G. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Casio FX-9750G gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.